Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jul 1967, p. 14

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PEMONRERY a SAWYER HOME IN" THE OSHAWA TIMES, 14 ee TENSE, OLD Boom, | _TWILLOW SPRINGS TEXAS, | Monday, July 3, 1967 <TD DEMONSTRAT - ; May 1 MY i ster /@ oops? a m 8 INow in 4 a By B. JAY BECKER ia) et nA u (Top. Record-Holder in Masters' paiseeng. 2 3 Individual Championship Play) B » Ag 4 FAMOUS HANDS z ~ oe ) South dealer, b=4 ; North-South vulnerable, P IN DIEGO: THE USS. GETTYSBURG DOCKS, 2500. MEN BACK FROM axQs VIETNAM ARE ANXIOUS TO MEET SWEETHEARTS, WIVES AND HOME FOLKS. @AIS Sh 53 1 DASC42 THINK ' as @s104 @T642 93 m omer @AKOSTA $652 hi #10 $39 Reuther 1 SOUTH ing table Fe] AQ8T scribes a =| 9KQ108 and longe a $210 drawn up &KQ5 Workers 2 f re ones = South West WN Canada: ' god -. [s. --_ history in ase 5@ Pass GNT Pass oan ~~ Pass Dbie EH - mln 8 view it a: Opening lead -- king of dia- In addi ve monds. mands, h TL || IN YOUR Strange things happen in ers must Returning to the CONDITION THE tournanents. For example, look ing to bi i-5] US, Phil Corrigan SLIGHTEST at this deal played in the na- workers bad resumes his STRAIN MAY BE tional mixedpair championship American | regular duties... FATAL! PLEASE in 1961. erage Ca! LIE DOWN... When I held the West hand, now is ¢ a TAKE A LOOK ) y : the bidding (fortunately for me) less. =| &3 sO AT THISTELEGRAM, | ore went as shown. North bid six Reporte 4 PHIL...COULD [~ ABUM bf notrump after he learned privately ; ee TICKER'S NOTHIN, | iy through Blackwood that his side cent weel fal DOC... NOTIF THE was lacking one ace. He natu- 60 to 40 | oH THINK OF THE SYNDICATE, rally hoped that South's no- The aut wo NEWSPAPERS, DOC... SUSPECTS IM trump bid included the ace or at some « ad WHO'D BELIEVE IT IF GETTIN'FRIENDLY king of diamonds. When this of princi sci BIG JOE for WITHTHE FOI: hope failed to materialize, South have put DIED IN BEDS went down 1,400. on which é The hand was played at we a strike tables and at quite a few them the same contract was re SEE THEM ALL AT reached with the same disastr- ' se oy ous result. Other strange results Le dese " - also occured at other tables. delat THE TRADING POST" e Eas sed ta ued a es the Teath clarers played the hand at three ve igh notrump and made _ thirteen Be eis - THE 8 4 tricks when West led his fourth Lime aml best diamond! aici 2 At one table, where North mo} ie used Blackwood and learned Oe oF FIREBIRDS : Sef BEAUMONTS ]] i eeisisenre 154 that South had only one ace, he Ms SUMMER HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. € now bid' Give Hears. & sonves We' had ' tional step bid showing that the Fri. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. ace situation was bad and cau- mate in tioning South to desist from @ The U z T slam. fog dl THAT'S WHAT COMES s the ime the sult whic IM NOT AT ALL OF FAVNG A MAN IN T E L E VI S I O N L HUBERT eee Oe oor ean sales of t SURPRISED THE MOON ALL THESE had been named and, strictly she YEARS! Gs ka ; speaking, it was a nartificial in 1965. F : Channel 3--Barrie | 3-6-12--News Magazine | 9--Flying Doctor Boss, THE GENERAL, bid having nothing to do with Chinen ébotiee | Peo Run or voor Lite | Family Game MANAGER HAS hearts. But South could think of Chane) ¢--oronte =| 12-T.H.E. Cat | "pick Van Dyke Show : no better landing place and he tev Channel 7--Buttale 9--Cheaters | 3-Ed Allen Time passed, As a result, this pair Channe! 8--Rochester | S~Dragnet | 12:00 NOON stumbled into the best possible * Channel 9--Toronte | 1:00 PLM, soe" contract, their only losers being in: Channe) 1--Hamilton 3-4-6-7-11-12--News 7--Monev Movie two diamonds. Channel 12--Peterborough | 29° "News ") SPOT's | 36 Luncheon Date At another table, where West TORON MONDAY EVENING | omc | '230 PM, passed. one notrump, North Good, a 5:00 PM. ie on It's A_Match raised his partner to six. When won the \l--Family Theatre | 1--Plerre Berton } ited bade Fics West d bled North decided at Wood # Superman ois | eri Weather, and | 123--News,, Weathers | that the double was almost 20,301 fa 3-6-12--Mr. Peper | 4~Greatest Headlines a--Merv Griffin surely based on the A-K of dia- Ridden 5.30 P.M, | 230 PM, 12:45 P.M. monds. Stevie B rake aad | lave mAb i eld Accordingly, he ran to seven 1%-mile 3-612--Pan Americana 2-8--Johnny Carson 11--Marrlage: Contt- clubs, hoping to make the grand d 50 2--Of Lands and Seas | 1,35 P.M, dential % ' and 50 s 6:00 P.M. | 3--Alfred "Hitchcock 9 Movie ' slam if East failed to lead a cini-train &--How's Business | ne §--Dialing for Dollars 3 di d, East, faced with a dif $4.20 and 7--Movie 9--Nobel_ Lectures Virginia Graham ficult guess, led a heart, but : 6--Gilligan'a_tsland 11.45 P.M. 7--Fugitive ire The vic #12--Weather, | 12Movie | $4-18--Luncheed. Dat North still went down one. py mn Satari ¢ | SCIFI from, U.N.C.L.E. | "4--Meet the Millers However, he did better than the > ROE: Bee PR T fery thaatie ica declarers who went down 1,400. 1i--Plerre Berton | 2.40 A.M, | 64--As The World Turns sf Weather, | rena 1¢ Let's Make a Deal 3--Movie 8:00 A.M, Peas td | 4captan bance aboghs sr 5 ie US. Concedes 7:0 P.M, | 230 A.M. | 12--Ed Allen Time Aliana cee," | tena, te Ar | ated, Gore iet Shi 6--TBA | ¥<Dialing for Dollars, | copekoue cee viet 1p 8--True Adventure Virginia Graham | 2-8--Days of Our Lives 4--Midwestern Hayride :00 A.M. 2.90 P.M. 2 e 3--Petticoat Junction | 11--Ed Allen Time 12--Summer Scene 2-6--Basebal! | 4--Forest Rangers | 9--People in Conflict | Might Be Hit 'Sie | Hi kaya pe eilaly | ve Caer ane Dee neat bia 9--Lucille Bail | 2---Topper | aie Cry \ WASHINGTON (AP) -- The FOR FACH YEAR HE LOPS THOUSAND DOLLARS. Soatigtes alan 7 hi damen A.M, 2-8--Doctors U.S. defence department con- OFF YOUR FACE. HE AFTER ALL, GENIUS 7 S5ja-sireatons Jubliee | $-Uncle Robby ' Sueek Bie hie ceded today American bombers apts Spey esac COMES HIGH, oi Frag P.M. 8 Gloria 8-2--Another_ World | may have hit a Soviet ship , =!" Dream of Jeannie: | Sadack, Cacanne oe ta het | yon a Sas ow apa oda nes _ en 4--Mr. Terrif 10:00 A.M, we) me insi i. iJ] 3-6-12-Queen At Expo 11-Little People lee TSS eM. YOUR HEALTH 'inne . He 330 P.M. 8-2--Snap Judgment 4--News | e = 11--My Three Sons 4--Candid Camera | 2.30 PLM, The statement followed an an- o ape Alaa ce ae | Mike Douglas | nouncement from Moscow that eine 4Vacation Playhouse 9--Cartoon Playhouse | 7 sunita wae | . a "resolute protest" had been 7 Pet ee OM ign | SP eancentration "| geet Edge, of Night ugar - ade 1et lodged over such an incident. =| Y--Country Musle hel | 4--Beverly Hillbillies a ae The U.S. statement said: peat | £ ren) ae on 108 AM. 11--Super Comics e an a0 . Pili an Fong on mg i=) = : "612 1 gece Pp adnan S ] Ch ld A aiphong petroleum storage fa- i - Bees ee eM, Pema Ba ga | ae, pol S lids ppetite cilities located in the dock area 4, Ps i--Merv Griffin 7--Supermarket Sweep =| -3-6-12--Communicate in Haiphong two U.S. aircraft ' 9--Big Valley 4--Andy Griffith 2--Mike Douglas one 8 riety hi, 7--Peyton Place 3--Good Morning 4:38 PM. By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD assigned to protect the bombing . 4-Rosemary Clooney | 1:38 A.M. 1)--Zorro e 3 1 from ground air defence r 10:08 P.M, | .3-4-12--Mad_ Movies 9-Movie pints. gr vege ne in 7--Big Valley | 'Bonnie Prudden | 4-Movie | Dear Dr. Molner: Our daugh-|bulk in her diet. This will cause|attacked an air defence site { 4--Coronet Blue - 12---Romper Room 3-6-12----Vacation Time |ter, 30-months old, definitely re-|constipation. If she eats fruit, approximately 500 yards from . t |fuses to eat vegetables in any|that will make up for some of ne bering bf the bd <r t ' \form. All she wants is meat,/the bulk but cannot make up| the Soviets state was damaged. wi i ® % CROSSWORD |pudding, desserts, cake, cook-|for some of the other nutrients.| "Although pilots are under in- n z ; ies, ice cream, candy and soft) I have no doubt that you will| Sttuctions to avoid Soviet ship- s . ACROSS 2.Cartoonist 22. Lad drinks.--P. have to exercise patience, firm- ping, it is possible that certain Oo ] 1. Dull finish 3. Hobo 25. Poetic Voueand th Shak aatet d prvi of the ordnance directed at the = ; 6. Passport 4. Rose above con- ope e youngster are ness end perhays @ little stra ti-aircraft site fell on the shi Al |i endoria: rate Seay in a predicament that both of/tegy to get this child onto aj @nicairer aeea i . bean | asian ae . ion you will have to work out of|proper balanced diet,'but it can aru tah tt > pass' 6, Harem radually Ibe done--and it bed asked to examine flight paths ) 11. Mistake others room gradually. i one--and must be done. Fe i a ce 0 Th 't's wat-< such «and: ; i and post - strike photography Mm 12. French 5. Bitter 28. With- ese wont - eat - such - and-, J would omit the soft drivks to obtain all possible informa- a> river vetch drew such quirks usually start be-lentirely, substituting milk and ti th sa t."? =] 13. Chews on 6. Bigwig from cause (a) the foods aren't of-|fruit or vegetable juices. She'll gt on the ag en! th a = 14, Braid 7. Little business fered as a matter of course/doubtless put up a howl, but if He Sree ene Ere eeeen 15. About islands 29. Theater when the child is old enough to|she can't get pop, she'll drink |SUC® this month. 16.Spiritlamp 8. Puget canopy jStart eating them; or (b) be-|what she can get. (But don't ae Po Poste reget a Mag be WILBUR MAY | | | BUT HE's Quixe A \'l]] [ AND HE's ESPECIALLY GOOD AT SWEEPING ae pone pag sds : cause a child notes, and copies, et her see any pop; better yet, soviet Union said an antiper: BE SMALL LITTLE WORKER }))) | UNDERNEATH THE KITCHEN TABLE' marshal seaport 32. Not: 38. Part ofa the attitude of someone else, or/don't have it in the house.) 3S ¢ / i oy 21. Jewish 9. Ireland prefix church (c) the food, whatever it is, is) The same thing will apply 1o/S0nme! bomb damaged the So- | P month 10. Bristle 33. Perform 39. Post, not strained or chopped up fine vegetables. If is has ' A j.{Viet_merchant ship Mikhail 23. Female 18.Exclama- 36, River 41. Related enough at first. creed diet ohimtat nd vegeta, (Frunse Thursday while it was sheep tion into 42. Headland Si : lbles rig iat meat and vegeta-) moored in Haiphong harbor. 24. Card game 19. Norse god Gulf of 44 Indian ince your youngster eats)bles put before her, it won't 27. String 20. Bone: anat, Venice weight meat, that last possibility prob-/take her long to be hungry = 29.Reward 21. Inthehole 37. Billow 45. Stick ably is not involved in thisjenough to eat them. a ee ee =) 30. Aperture of" case. But keep. all desserts and|,, VANCOUVER (CP) -- Pollu- inedla ie le 1 1e 6 17 Te 19 To You are fortunate that she|sweets out of sight: if she|tion has reached such a global ee 31, Verdi eats meat since this provides|knows they are waiting for her,|Scale even Antarctic penguins heroine 7 ie protein, vital for a strong,|she'll probably do what most|@d_ Arctic snowy owls carry rr} 34. Sun god healthy body. children do in such a situation: | Pesticides on their bodies, Wil- 35. Savile B V/ZA'4 it | Stall, look pitiful, weep, and see|!iam Baily of the B.C. health Row men YA DIET IS OVERLOADED _[whose patience lasts longest, If|4¢partment says. 38. Among 15 UGG 16 Other than that, the dict is)yoy give in, you're sunk--and aes Se ees 40. Annam > MLL LL heavily overloaded with sugars|she'll suffer eventually. _|45 years. Can you tell me more le _ [J VEs..NOw THAT SCHOOL 1S coin GiGyu 18 }19 Jeo WW and carbohydrates, and woe-| The excess of starches and|about this?--Mrs. A. W. OH, HELLO, SKEETER! 1 Ve OUT, ARE YOU BY ANY CHANCE. 43. European (, fully lacking in minerals and|sweets will make 'her fat with-| I can tell you one thing more BEEN WANTING To SBE You! < capital a f2 23 / 24 [25 [26 vitamins. cut 'di t t b 4 YEabat a Vp 5 f providing strength and|about it: It isn't true. 45. Edmund y 6 4 wae Fr You did not mention fruit and) health, and you will have to be gE --, GG WY milk. Fruit would help to some! arbitrary about cutting down on| Dear Dr. Molner: My father Ea English 50 PT ¢ extent, although it can't make/these. No desserts unless shelis 68 and had a heart attack. | as Spc up for all the things she is lack-jeats her other foods first. Now about twice a week his bt ri Hetplp baal WOE 7 Y ing. She gets some milk equiva-| Jf you don't establish a bet-|nose bleeds. Could this be con- aia ae lent from puddings and ice/ter food pattern for her now,|nected?--Mrs. H. S. a 48 Sontor 36 139 YW a1 fae | jcream, but probably notishe may have a warped ap-| If he is taking an anti-coagu- pep oond I. VA Ue enough. eee : petite all her life. lant (blood - thinner) drug, it . we ul ae ay, - Milk, being rich in calcium, could cause nose bleeds if the = x Be V1: is of great value in strong bone} Dear Dr. Molner: Our son,|dosage is too high for him. Or DOWN tid Ovi and tooth formation, in addition) who is 15, takes track and runs|without the drugs, such bleed- 4 1. Alcott Ai. to its other values. nine miles a day. My aunt saidjing can occur if his blood pres- heroine and Gv Lack of vegetables not only|she read that fellows who do|sure is high. Otherwise, the mamesakes a robs her of vitamins and min-/a lot of running have enlarged|bleeding and heart attack ave - . © / #8 lerals but also means lack of hearts and usually live only to|not related. 4 a a

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