(OTHER JULY 1 Drabness, Bitterness In Ottawa By BOB BOWMAN ere is a plaque in the Leg. ve Chamber in Charlotte. that reads: n the hearts and minds he delegates who assem- i in this room on Sep- ber 1, 1864, was born Dominion of Canada. vidence heing their ide y builded better than 'y knew, cradle of Confederation d to the happy sound. of | music when the delegates 1 Charlottetown in 1864 but have been many occasions the happy sound has ed to roars of anger. the excitement and color ay's greatest of all Domin- ay celebrations, it is diffi- 0 imagine the drabness itterness of July 1, 1867. A. Macdonald loved pomp yanted a glittering cere- in Ottawa. was deeply disappointed Governor - General Lord showed up in an ordi- usiness suit. nty years later he wrote: it opportunity was lost itn vhen the Dominion was | out of the several prov- This remarkable event in toryof the British Empire almost without notice." WERE ANGRY | the first cabinet was in, Lord -Monck an- d that the Queen had Macdonald a Kight Com- ' of the Bath, but Car- alt, Tupper, McDougall owland had been made lions of the Bath, an in- order, rand Galt were so hat, they refused to re- e decorations. was better spirit in the at large, although some nts in Halifax and. Saint jung their stores with proclamations were sunrise in all the com- s from Sydney to Sarnia, gun salutes were fired r possible. In the eve- sre were fireworks dis- JULY 1 EVENTS: Father Le Caron left | to found mission at 1 Bay. ord Ochiltree, a Bar- WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Tabloid Meet Held At Brock South School WHITBY (Staff) --- A tabloid Meet was held at Brock Street South Public School under the auspices of the Home and School Association. Ribbons were awarded to the following; First prize: Leslie Rossiter, Linda Herget, Leslie Maxwell, John Parish, Keith Lee. Second prize: Mary Bottom- ley, John Herder, Janet Hou- thuys, Christ Rossiter, Jane Watson. Legion Auxiliary Gives $500 To Hospital A donation of $500 to the Whitby General Hospital Build- ing Fund was one of the final decisions of the women's aux- iliary of the Whitby Royal Canadian Legion as it held its last meeting before the fall. The next meeting will be Sept. 13. It was announced the bus WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS | Mrs. Aubrey MacNaughton acted as interloctrice for the minstrel show presented as part of the program at St. Andrek's Presbyterian Women "Old Fash- jon Box Social" at the home of} Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Anderson, | Clear Spring Road. Participating were: Mrs.) Arthur Gray, Mrs. Warren Mowat, Mrs. W. J. S. McClure,| Mrs. George Thwaites, Mrs Edward McLeish accompanied at the organ by Mrs. Joseph Baxter. The Barber Shop quar- tet consisted of: Dr. John Gil- mour, Jim Ashley, Victor Ag- new and Noel Mowat. Jim Ash- ley acted as auctioneer. The Whitby Baptist Church is holding a daily vacational Bible school, July 4 to 14, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the new church. Rev. John McLeod will teach the young teen class; Mrs. Dudley Wilson and Mrs. Allan Forbes, the Junior class; Mrs. Ruth Pickering and Mrs. Jean Jervis, the primary class; Mrs. Ross Ward and Mrs. Philip | Third prize: Bill Mondria, Stewart Houthuys, Pattie Pind- ar, Barbara Lee. An achievement. award of a silver dollar was given to Deb- bie Jeffrey of Grade 1; Susan Bonk, Grade 2; Billie Mondria, Grade 3; Cathy Gow, Grade 4 and Susan Perry, Grade 6. The president of the Home} and School Association, Mrs.| Frank Dittrick, made the pres-/ entations, Refreshments were served by the executive. trip to Buffalo, N.Y., will be} Sept. 7 rather than Sept. #. A bus will leave at 7 a.m. Those wishing to participate should call Mrs, Lil Connor at 668-4073. A pot luck supper was held following the business meeting with President Ed. Brush and the executive of Branch 112 as guests. (Dick) Adams will lead in the} opening exercises and Mrs. Jack} é Hutchinson and Mrs, Cy Rich| *5 done Employee of mea will lead the music. Several | tario County Jail, Whitby, other members of the Women's| William Pellow, 206 Euclid Society for Christian Service} Street, Whitby, was honored |will assist. Wednesday night at a testi- : monial dinner in the Whitby Mrs. E. J. Appleton, Brooklin,| oF Hall. Members of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John | --- Carman, Whitby, has returned, In his 4ist year of service Scotland, Paris, France and on the continent. In Kent, Eng-| The annual holiday week for) |men and women over 60 years | of age is being held, July 8 to) Anglican Church, Whitby, reput- 15, at Stewart House, situated| ed to be the oldest church build- on the banks of the Mississippijing in Ontario County, will cele- River at Packenham, | Carleton Place. For more in-lits erection July 2. formation Miss Ila Newton of St. Mark's United Church or/be the dedication of a new} Rev. John Smith can be con-|stained - glass window in the) tacted. | bell tower. The window is spec- Mr. and Mrs. James Wilde connection between St. John's 'on ngewe neve | PL ISTOTIC New Window near| brate the 121st Anniversary of| John's modern environs, rei Tea will be served on a, A feature of the occasion will factory buildings towering over | Allcorn the beginners; Mrs.\anq their family are spending Keith Surridge and Mrs. Whiteline holiday weekend at their the nursary; Mrs. _ Richard) cottage at Bewdley on Rice Lake. The following members of St. John's Anglican Church Ruth WA assisted with the Little Mrs, Thomas Hill, RR 2, Whit- and the surronding community| window will be seen to its full|dow was designed. from pioneer days until the present. SIX PANELS The central figure, of Christ portraying invitation: panels depicting: The Turning g ""Come| onto, the Rt. Rev. H. R. Hunt,|John McKibbin, and the church unto Me", is flanked by six!MA DD, who will preach at the| wardens, Helpers picnic at the home of|beautifully executed historical LONG SERVICE AT COUNTY JAIL RECOGNIZED jail staff, county officials and their wives attended. Mr. Pellow, who will retire July 1, was presented with an engraved, five-piece silver tea service by Jail Governor James Rae. aH _Pellow, second from left, seen receiving the congratu- lations of Magistrate H. M. Jermyn (left), Governor Rae and David Dougall, ad- ministrator of the inspec- tion and jails department, Ontario Department of Re- form Institutions --Oshawa _Times Photo land Mrs. Appleton saw her pen| pal of more than 15: years: It! was a happy occasion for both.| WHITBY (Staff) - St, John's "Pland Road', representing the|ing the dedication ceremony. arteries over which farm pro-| | Music will be supplied by the} duce was gathered from a wide|Whitby Brass Band under the| district in the early days; St.| | direction of Bandmaster S. Red-| in a montage of three 10 cal) churchyard lawns. An historical exhibition in the | a busy freeway. ichurch hall will have as its fo- Since it is meant to be view-| ca] point the original water- | hake Meats white cartoon | inside, it is expected that the| from which the new tower win- | advantage only at night. | Arrangements for Sunday's| BISHOP OFFICIATES anniversary celebrations are The window will be dedicated|under the general direction of by the Suffragan Bishop of Tor-|the rector of St. John's, Rev. | William Bond and!) 3 p.m. outdoor service preced-| Henry Perry. | ed from the outside, and iS/sketch and the "life - ze" | ially designed to illustrate the/electrically lighted from the black - and : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 30, 1967 § Rrea Police Expect | Record Car Traffic | WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby|are not expected to return home Provincial Police are prepared) latter the weekend because of] @ Wallpaper ond Murals |for the busiest weekend ever on highway fatalities. ie Cuitom Draperies |area highways. Lake Scugog will be patrolied| @ Broadloom ® e One-Stop DECORATING SHOP A combination of the Canadian|>y the Whitby detachment] @ ¢,1,1, Paints end Varnishes |Centennial, the U.S. July 4 holi-|Patrol boat while Lake Ontario|| § goiicmin Moore Paints |day and the Mosport races are| Will receive patrolling from the p ted t te the worst|Pickering Emergency Rescue) (traits cobsitions eines Highway Unit and the RCMP cruiser. | DODD & SOUTER j401 opened 13 years ago.. 3 | The Bowmanville Frovincial] DECOR CENTRE LTD. All 12 Whitby detachment|Pol!ce Detachment will use ex. PHONE 668-5862 cruisers and four motorcycles sc ggg een cant 107 Byron St. $., Whitby will be used around the clock ; ' | Saturday. from Friday afternoon to Tues- | track val Reece day morning. Police suggest local residents | use local roads to reach their) destination safely and on time. | Highways expected to receive | the brunt of the migration in- clude Highway 401, Highway 12. Highway 7, Highways 35 and 115) in this area, An expected 120 Canadians See... and Test Drive These RECOMMENDED QUALITY USED CARS Thoroughly reconditioned, with written guarantee for your complete driving enjoyment 1966 Chrysler Windsor 4 Door Hardtop Two tone white and black, automatic transmission, power steering, power brokes, custom radio, white wall tires, rear window ger, still under new cor warranty, don't miss this one for your driving comfort, Lic, No, J79668, 1965 Chrysler Windsor 2 Door Hardtop Maroon in color, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, custom radio, white wall tires, wheel covers, Lic, No, 179562, jtawa, is visiting her son-in-law/ jand daughter, Mr. and Mrs.| jJames A. Campbell, 909 Lilac! |Terrace, for a few weeks. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK STREET NORTH REV. DELOSS M. SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 AM.--"'Faith T dings" Radio Broadcast C.K.L.B. -- 1350 On Your diol 9:45 A.M.--Welcome to Our Bible School 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. THE PASTOR WILL PREACH Wednesday Eve, 8:00 p.m. MID-WEEK SERVICE OF PRAYER AND PRAISE "There's Always A Welcome At Faith' i} Mrs. Edward McDonald, | Enjoy '67 Better ! WwiTH DODD « SOUTER Nova Scotia, landed col- Cape Breton, leane Nicolet was first n to reach' Sault Ste, 1d Lake Michigan. jerre LeMoyne d'Iber- tured Fort Rupert, Hud- Will Be OPEN AllDay Saturday For Your PAINT and HOME DECORATING NEEDS by: Mrs. William, Bonk, Mrs,|0f the Sod Ceremony, circa 1845; Herman Parish, Mrs, Bud Piph-|the old Jake schooner 'Maple er, Mrs. Thomas Hill, Mrs. Dav-| Leaf" typifying the boats which id Langille, Mrs. G. F. Kent and| brought from Kingston, Ont., the | also Mrs. S. Dunlop. The child-| dressed limestone of_ which' the ren enjoyed sports games and|church was built; St. John's lunch. Church as it appeared in early days; The first recotr, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Campbell|.John Pentland, commuting on and their son, Todd, Burlington,| horseback between Port Whitby are spending the holiday week-|and the village of Oshawa end with his parents, Mr. and| where he founded what is now STAVEREN LANDSCAPING AND SPRAYING SERVICE ssembly of the Island ohn (P.E.1.) held first sunenburg, N.S. plun- Mrs. M. F. Campbell, 815 Byron|St. George's Anglican Church; Now is the time to spray your Americans. Street North, Whitby Juncti d the old Y N Y e@ ecimal_ currency was 2 ee eee evergreens, hedges and lawns. @ CLOSED ALL DA MO DA uebec City was nfade al of Quebec. rince Edward Island nada; first Union Sta- ed in Toronto. wo cent postage was mr ag a g alas 'emching Tine ae eRe STREET DANCE - COLBORNE ST. ee pee are AY: ¢ July 1st All At Discount Prices, 12.00 P.M. GIANT FIREWORKS DISPLAY ae vn vou wa rqgos To 4 as chat tty 05 ammount rot he ene w= ENS EEC -- CONFEDERATION PRICES -- SATURDAY JULY Ist f the totalitarian SUPERINTENDENT Lawrence Richard Lar- ty) Mabley, 32, who has been appointed superinten- dent of the Port Perry Hydro Electric Commis- sion. Prior to joining the Port Perry hydro staff, he had 13 years' experience as a lineman with the Weston Public Utilities Commis- sion. Mr. Mabley, his wife and two daughters reside at 398 Bigelow Street, Port Perry. PROCLAMATION In accordanee with @ Resolution of the Council of the Town of Whitby, passed on Monday, June 26th, 1967, | hereby declare MONDAY, JULY 3rd., 1967 | | | REASONABLE RATES | 410 PERRY ST., WHITBY PHONE 668-3007 CIVIC HOLIDAY In the Town of Whitby. Dated at the Town Hall, Whitby, the 29th day of June, 1967 D. G. NEWMAN, Mayer, TOWN OF WHITBY, 1 EXPO BROCK @ THURS. @ FRI, @ SAT. Evening Program Storts at 6:55 & 8:30 Last Complete Show 8:30 WHITBY Accommodation DONALD TRAVEL 102 Brock St. South AN MGM PRESENTATION: mMETROCOLOR PLUS -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION WONDERFUL TO BE YOUNG DODD & SOUTER Lid. 107 BYRON ST. S. 668-5862 WHITBY 668-5862 Shorty's Cigar Store 121 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 668-8361 JUST NORTH OF ARNOLD'S MEAT MARKET CIGARETTES § || sy¢ mK 3 LARGE vxes'l A5 HOMO 3 SMALL PKGS 1.15 my 59° Golf Balls, Fishing Tackle, Rifles WHITBY CENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 9.00 P.M. SCOUTS & GUIDES TORCH LIGHT PARADE FROM DUNDAS ST. WEST TO CENTENNIAL PARK MAMMOTH TOWN PICNIC. . 1.00 P.M. Hd conto of al WHITBY Hea Pe) OY eae Roe Go _whoe - sf ef sf se he he he; WHITBY LAKESHORE PARK rains Has * ae ST. ANDREW'S Town Band Concert . . . Races and Games for Children seen acne (7 - 403 Rossland Road West PRESBYTERIAN Bring Your Own Lunch and Folding Chairs . No Admission Charge fap las ot He ee ie lie oipacil tgs in Rev. Harold Hesselink | Rew. wee en hia: BA; | * Hosted by Knights of Columbus , poi by other Service Clubs and Whitby Drag Knights mpt, by govern- 10:30 A.M. a hs er Organist | +e. and Centennial Celebrations Committee... of the press. A English Service and 9:30 AM. iorship but also un tT ie lnscie "yom ff ewmeworsue 1 | WHITBY CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Syegalogi 525 GALLONS 7 OBMGLISH SERVICE EY owe . ® " ales yoo ations = | (|| nee vem ff | 1867 Centennial Triple Floating Ball 1967 i porting, sincere 1000 GALLONS | : 7 @ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL ere I mt be Laliccciuacah aes ® REGAL ROOM - CENTENNIAL BLDG. the public wele IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER | UNITED CHUR wiser 46 4 a: ahve @ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION free peoples ot ie ik heen bomen Wwe oni Hemts Bar Privileges - Dress Optional -- 5.00 Couple per is also the Mr. Gordon Harle, B.A., Organist 9:00 p.m. "til ? hace brooklin 'i i Gian ia a owt TICKET ADMITS ONE COUPLE TO ALL HALLS oint Summer Services | f .M. Bible oe PHONE 655337] | saacmnavenn and - MARK'S | -- ete pik am REGATIONS USING "YOUR GIFT$§ j A pro ucts LTD. J gue Prayer Wed. ot 7:30 P.M, = e x tal \ i