E OSHAWA TIMBS, iday, June 30, 1967 RIDGE B. JAY BECKER ord-Holder in Masters' 31 Championship Play) IDDING QUIZ re South, neither side e. The bidding has Pass 1 Pass Pass ? \ would you bid now with | the following four 52 4 OQ72 4K (3 YJ63 @KS2 475 84 YT4S OK9B2 46 7? 962 @Q92 A875 clubs. It is a basic that the value of a 1s or falls as the bid- sresses and new infor- 'omes to light. Thus, j, standing by itself, t be especially attrac- urtner opened the. bid- . a heart, but it gains bly in stature when opens with a club. when you respond one yu cannot be sure of a the club bid may have ed on minimum high- es and 4-3-3-3 or 4-4-3-2 on. en partner now jumps clubs, showing about nore than a minimum bid and a long club well, the hand rises ally in value and you sume that there is not ame but a reasonable or a slam. 'st way of registering ughts is by jumping to s. If the ace of spades y, the queen or jack, id bid only four clubs, ing the ace, you are © jump to five and in- y suggest a slam. . The three club bid is ig; it merely urges you gain. There are other th could make if your values were enough to a game. Since you lack s for a second bid, the g to do is pass. ¢ diamonds. Here you ery reason to think 1 game -- North is like- e 17 to 19 points, count- listribution -- but you | at this point whether contract lies in a suit 'trump. You therefore . diamonds, drawing as icture of your hand as , and hope that this ble partner to choose - contract. clubs. There is nothing about bidding the | the odds clearly favor it. There are very few orth can have which offer a good play for id quite a few where icks are certain. When an opening bid of your partner opens and then ith a strong rebid, you ie verge of a slam, The g to do in most cases and bid it. t Results er Attack JA (CP)--The results 964 Canada - United ; automobile agreement jer fire Tuesday as In- inister Drury appeared he Commons industry ie. altsman (NDP--Water- nh) said the results of 'ment to remove tariffs imports by both coun- e been "quite frankly iting." McCutcheon (PC ~ Kent) askéd how the as benefited from the ury said that since the it's inception the dife ial in manufactur- > between the countries narrowed. cCutcheon said autos by some southwestern lealers came with sug- tail prices $50 less than ers' net. These were be sold in the United hus he could sée little of a reduction of the al. "S_ SALLIES help it, doctor. Some satients who are here rive me batty." r, Molner: After réad- zazine article on rectal on with proctoscope I ne but suffered excru- in. Are these examina- ays painful? The ar- '{ indicate that it was |. Was the doctor to are nervous and mus- tense, it can bé un- le. A rélaxed patient is little if any trouble. if the doctor was to t hg should mot be done ily. : DONALD DUCK BLONDIE LI'L ABNER THE PNELIMATIC 17 NOPE. HOW ABOUT THE PARROT PLUCKERS, THE CASSOWARY GRANDMA, NO, PEPPER. A FRIEND OF YOUR YOU MEAN LOOKS VERY MUCH LIKE HER, MOTHER'S ALIVE | FATHER'S JUST | J BUT SWE SAID HER NAME WAS SHE'S IN THINKS HE SAW | # MARY BROWN...DENIED SHE SWITZERLAND? HER IN WAS CHRISTY, SWITZERLAND, BUZ SAWYER HE TALKED TO A WOMAN WHO 7 STRANGE / CHILI KNOWS, CHRISTY WELL,. HOW COULD HE BE MISTAKEN? Ae 74 WHY BO I HAVE TO GIVE YOU }} THE MONEY YOU SAVE ON A BARGAIN? THARS ® AH LL GE ONLY CHARGE / | 'SENSE-- AH'COULDN'T )/ ONE. MO! 'EM ea TALK 'EMOUTA /\ THING TO TAKE /PRA' DOUBLE! GOIN' LEFT TODO" 4 Cu N WY - \ ._ I FAW YOU Pini JANE ARDEN NOW, PEPPER, PLEASE DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP TOO. HIGH... JUST EMEMBER ALL THE IS APPOINTMENTS NOW THAT JANE 16 SAFE... T'/LL GO TELL THE MINE PEOPLE WHERE THEY CAN FIND THEIR SILVER, -e.THEN CHAMAC THEY WON'T HAVE NO USE FO' MONEN, ONCE THEY'S-sHu>pER!!- WE MIGHT NOT SHOWED UP! THE PBI WILL BE PLEASED WITHTHE PACKAGE OF WANTED N @TART TRACKIN' ABSORBED INTO TH' Se HAVE CAUGHT UP WITH ! MEN YOU'RE WOLF ISLAND iy cere ge oe ? TAKING BACK! COMM eg 1 FY DI : . poe ' z DISRUPTED THEIR OPER: eer ay" IY ss ATION, MR. CORRIGAN! i ey bi i EA / ido] sy ' 4 =m f = THINGS NY fa STILL LOOKED ne wc ROUGH UNTIL. ()~ MYONLY S YOU BOYS / WORRY IS WHAT na THEY'VE LINED UP FOR ME NEXT! B-BUT, SIGNOR FALCON, THEY ARE THE ONES WHO HAD YOU THROWN OUT OF YOUR OWN COUNTRY! SKYLARKS _ Swinging FIREBIRDS Set SEE THEM ALL AT "THE TRADING POST" THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LID. SUMMER HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Set Fri. 8 a.m, to 6 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m, to 1 p.m. The Family PONTIACS BUICKS BEAUMONTS JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER TAKE OFF YOUR MUDDY BOOTS BEFORE You COME INSIDE! TELEVISION LO Channet 3--Buftale 11:38 A.M, : 11:00 P.M. a8: 9--Wish You Were Here, 2-3-6-7-8-11-12--News, oon eee Social Security | Weather, Sports" Channel 4--Buttale 7--Discovery 67 49--News Channel 6--Toronte 3--Church = Service 5 -M. Channel 7--Buftale eb alian mea ied eh cig Channel 8--Rochester =| 2-sum and Substance | 1;_mark Saber Channel 9%--Toronto | 12:08 NOON | 7--Movie Channel 11--Hamiltes | 12--Living Word 4--Movie 8--Johnny Carson | 8--Adventures In Para- Movie Channel 12--Peterdorough | 9--Italian Arum | dise 2--Merv Griffin 1--Film Feature 11,35 P.M, SATURBAY SVE. 4--News, Weather | é--Movie 5.00 PLM. |3--News, Weather, Sports | 11.40 P.M. 6--Film Feature | 2--Lets Look at Congress | 12--Spectrum 7--Wide World of Sports | 1218 PM. --Mete 2--Horse Race 12--God is the Answer 6:30 P.M, 4--Extension 8--Doble Gillis 4--Let's Look at Congress 2--You Asked for it, Living Word MONDAY 2--Movie 8.00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. | : 1--Let's Sing Out 12: P.M. | 4--Captain Kangaree i--Father Meehan 7--ABC Scope s--Les Cailloux 4--Face the Nation 9--Thunderbirds 8--McHale's Navy 612 Eric Sykes 4--News, Weather, 8.30 A.M. | \1--Albert J. Steed 9--University of the Alr WHENEVER I SEE YOU DROWNI! YOUR: SORROWS IN A THREE- R Vey you've TONIGHT TENNY CRINGEL D ME HE... HE'S LIKES Me! SO SWEET... AND HELPLESS. HUBERT YOUR LODGE MEETING HAVE YOU LASTED TILL 2A.M.! WHAT IAM AHEM? UNACCUSTOMED AS y TO PUBLIC SPEAKING, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 30, 1967 17 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER |(Top Record-Holder in Masters' | Individual Championship Play) East dealer. oe Both sides vulnerable. NORTH @K75 WAGE o72 &KS753 4383 Q962 @KQJ10 $F; @2953 3104 #109 41642 SOUTH A104 98752 @AK86 AQ The bidding: East South West North Pass iNT Pass 3 NT Opening lead--king of hearts. The problem of entries is cru- cial in the play of many hands. That is why the declarer so often has to bludgeon his way into the dummy or into his own hand so as to cash one or more tricks he would not otherwise be able to score. Sometimes the defence can see what declarer is trying to do and prevent him from doing lit, but usually the defence is helpless if the declarer, either by sheer force or by clever ma- neuvering, makes his way into {the hand where he wants to be. Here is a case where the en- |try problem is critical. South is in three notrump and West leads the king of hearts. De- clarer ducks and West con- tinues with a heart which dum- my takes with the ace. Iet's say that South now cashes the A-Q of clubs, enters dummy with a spade, and then cashes the king of clubs. When it turns out that the clubs are divided 4-2 instead of 3-3, South has only eight tricks available and he eventually goes down one. South might possibly blame the result on bad luck, but the fact is that he should make the hand despite the 4-2 club break, If he watches closely enough, he notes that West plays the 10-9 of clubs when the ace and queen are led. Right at this point South should overtake the queen with the king and return the eight to force out the jack. This play assures him of nine tricks whether the clubs are di- vided 3-3 or 4-2, and that is a good enough reason for over- taking the queen with the king. South has to utilize the club entry to dummy to be sure of making four club tricks and the contract, but even if it pains him to play the king and queen of clubs on the same trick, he should remember that it only hurts for a minute. : OMA President Presents Brief TORONTO (CP)--Dr. James said the medical Wednesday the the People's YESTERDAY AT HOME I BAKED SOME OLD=- FASHIONED BISCUITS © King Feetores Syndicate, Inc. 1967. iglas sesereed. World © Peking Paper | -- The 5:55 A.M. IT BEHOOVES ME ON THIS Melvin esident of the O: 3--Lost in space TBA. DI , president of the One 2--Desth Valley Days 1:00 PM. VSN rane AUSPICIOUS OCCASION -- tario Medical Association, Wed- 6:30 P.M, | tle Sontinental: WAniRe .00 A.M, nesday warned the federal gov- 12--Conversation 9--Spectrum Ute renee ernment that it Is attacking the 11--Wrestling 9--Romper Room 9--Flintstones Sern ee ne ohIy 8--Biography medical care situation back alot "67 $--Showcase Pam tele Rangers wards and yore 4--Amateur Hour profession has a right not te 3--Herald of Truth 9.30 A.M. 2--NFL Action Te eA M--Sir_ Lancelot practise if it feels the law ig eoawat We ee | 12--Calvary Calis" er eafegr ee bad. 6--Captain Nice | 1:30 4-Love ot Lite "There is a tolerance beyond fron ee 9--Platform | 2--Jack LaLanne which human beings cannot be 2-News, Weather ie at epee. Age 10.00 A.M, put; there are limits beyond AND IF EARL GETS REALLY Sports 7--Issues and Answerg | Ed Allen Time which doctors will not go," he 4--Candid Camere Fes 'ace 4-Sclence . Fletion 2-8--Snap Judgement told the Ontario committee on \ NOT HAVE A CRINGEL 1--Lacrosse 3--Country Calendar RE ad yy Ss the healing arts ) OF YOUR OWN? 4-Away We Go 1:43, P.M, aceon Piavhole after presenting a brief. Peart ot [2412 -Oersenine. | $2 Concentration | The brief called for legisla- '| | se PM. '| T--Dateline: Hollywoo tion to restrict further the ac- 8:00 PLM, | 12-- '7 B is $--Academy Pertermance | homavie™ & eae APP ime CROSSWORD tivities of chiropractors and op. a isi 11,00 A.M, L apmahergige Tee Feels N--Its a Match tometrists. Y--Lawrence Welk 4--Fllm Feature ee ee ACROSS DOWN 15.Sher. RITE MSETT It said persons "not qualified 4--Mission: Impossible | 4--Soccer Faces tw 1. Beige 1.0. bet JAIRIEINIAMETIRIEIEIS| |to make a sound diagnosis" 612 Spirit of 67 3--Cathedral of Tomorrow ey atin pate | -U.8. CIEIAISIT MMAIGIAIVIE] 28--Get Smart 'ak Bk ay ah oie 5. Brilliant motto 17.Entire fGiaieleMoIRIOINe(o} |Should be prohibited from treat- 9:00 PLM. | 7~Movie m3 AM display : 2, Cordage 20. Sea [AIS MMATE IE | Lia} |ing patients unless the patient 1--Soccer S-As Time Goes By 11--Bonnie | Pridden 9. Decay, as fiber marker IAITIRISMMSIE/EIN] jhas seen a physician first. | ms nm, (eee En | go fin, Be ah Bers" EPR |The brief also called for leg % MM, v .M. o. wi juere 7--Plecadilly Palace 11--World In Color 'Dick' Van Dyke 10, Benefit 4, Rubber fo CI MMMSITIAIRMMGIe) |islation to prevent optometrists 4-Pistols 'n' Petticoats | 3-6-12--Seaway $-Ed Allen Time -- ' el a mee Ot VEE MMERL) |from prescribing contact 10:00 P.M. 3:30 P.M, ee ene. & To' fe e' es: A vi 9--Run For Your Life | 11--Spectrum scar t:0? NOON 18. Barbara 6. Elliptical DINER OMAlsir [Ole serats "eiahienl tee Ou e S-Gunsmoke 2--Meet the Press i contennlel Parade or Clara 7. Hair on 23, Cheat GAGS Sa gt : 6-12--World When We 4.00 P.M. ighlights 14, Hamlet anal! 25, Bird' Yesterday's Answer | More people" by giving mo: Were Born 11--Girl From Uncle Height atad 4 animal's ane financial assistance for 10:38 PM, 7--Riverside Grand Prix | To ive a tate neck wy training of ophthalmologists-- N--Movie 4--Canadian Open Seinen Date islands 8. What 26, Deadly 33. City in g P bd T--Movie 3-6-12--Canadian Open | YS iuncheon 416. Hesitation the 27, Earl: the Sage» physicians who are eye special- 10 PM, | PRONG: Varieties Nail sound rain does 'am brush ists. r ; 9--News | 3--Popeye and Pals 17. First-rate onthe of State 4 "It was indeed a homecoming 3-4-6-11-12--News, 12.30 P.M, ural 3 . Weather, Sports SUNDAY Eve, its A Match a ding 9 toni a or eiowvetana lag ware es 4:3 P.M. ye Guess . e . 24=News, Weather ang | Tiny Talent Time Tas News, Weathety 30. Sonunarum is bossa ; sada " eo ports me . . Co' 8 ngs le 46--Search for T 11:25 P.M, ee oe Wey Ott Mediter- rope 80.Telegraphs 38. Devour 4-Greatest Headlines 11--Movie. 12.45 P.M, ranean av, 7 1S 11:9 P.M, B= Insta en' Open | *e-Suiding Licht 2 ae ' i &Movie --U.S, . Applau ves 1.00 P.M. y it saa sexes N--Marriage Cont 36, Endow- yA? Raps Kosygin 3--Doug Leaesway ¥--Sem Sneed | 9--Movle 27. Gite A (Ey 24 Sporteman's Holt Blane tor Datars ape OF gag be Bag ei pel . rginia Graham eking People's Daily y at- 6:00 PLM, foul - ' 4 ase en Horas ik tuncieon Date vest ee . cks ta Pasa "ee "ond 1! .M. --Tom Decker 4--Meet the Millers | . : i) V//¥//\\ osygin for holding a amily r i me ® ors i TN catory urge 0 P.M 0. Dotan V4. reunion" with U.S. President ee 8:08 A.Ms e-News SE ah te id , rT} er 2s Johnson. . Ppa etc al 2--Bishop Sheen tLel's Mak Des! Yi, Th K 'op er Prouram sgh aalt bra ie KoA deel | 81, Toward A, _, The newspaper says Kosygin Factores U.S.A, Wetiey | Talent Time f--Matches and Mates 32. Root s a Ya ne idinuee Fg HE aang --! nm 8:20 A.M, ia 2.00 P.M, vegetable a 1i--pibie stories news, Weather, 7--Newlywed Game 85. Clever 26 Ga e N.J., and denounced his re- 7--Linus Sports 4--Password 37. Near: L ported remark that he had got 2--This Is The Lite a 3-6-12--Queen at Expo poet. 2 ZA YUU so used to coming there that 9:00 A.M. bert hh 2.90 P.M. 88. Artist's ML YL "it is like coming home." \i--Cathedral Chimes 9--Monkees 12--Summer Scene tand 32 33 [34 / aS [36 'artoons ras ie Secrets Staple In Contitet 30, TAKp 4 7--King K ~~ '--Dream Gir . 2-Caprain" Sallorbird 4--Lassie $--Coronation Street forward 37 GY 38 SALLY'S SALLIES aay kGe 3412-12 For, Summer A cHouse Party. 40. Copiers V4 CHAS, ' (1--Italian Journal 9--FBI 2-8---Doctors 41, Lichen 39 Y 40 KUHN- 7--Beany and Cecil 4--It's About Time i Hard V) 6--News 3-6-12--Hey, Landlord! 3.00 P.M. 42. Har y V, a V/A42 / cats a ao | oe! A U s_siintti AM licauiee : 4-To Tell The Truth heroine ay Soe, ; | 7--FBI 3-6-12--Take 30 é--Fath For To-Day | s+ 198d. Sullivan igliene'lird Dag ee | ee le SOCCER PLANNED SIGN EIGHT Schymy Book } ectate Make A Doel | big Ge me MEXICO CITY (AP) -- The} OTTAWA (CP) -- Ottawa --The Answer 2--Matches and Mates | 7 superman Jules Rimet World Cup soccer|Rough Riders announced the eon Bl ea a Ada P.M. | 11--Mike Douglas -- tournament will be held be-|signing of eight new players Sais ic thecie | screed Place BR Piraath pgs MB, tween May 31 and June 21,/ Thursday as their special rookie 4--Look Up and Live | 4-Our Place | 4:00 'P.M. 1970, in six Mexican cities, it}camp went into its second day em | 28:94612--Bonanza | x! Love Lucy was announced Thursday. Guil-|of workouts. , cee, are: End nie kk | 10:00 P.M. | 4--Seeret Storm lermo Canedo, president of the|Stewart O'Brien of Sackville, 11--Lacrosse | 11--Rat Patrol | 3-6-12--Communicate international association, said|N.B., only Canadian in the 9--Meta | %-Ws at Expo 1--Mike Douglas the schedule calls for games in|group; Jimmie Jones, Steve 8--Christopher . Pr: 4----Candid Camera 4:30 PLM, : ; + 7--Bullwikie ee | 3-6-12--Other Eye | 1--Flreball XLS" Guadalajara, Leon, Monterrey,|Kush, Bert Latimer, Charlie 6--Vive "En Le Pays | 2-8--The Saint | $--Movie Puebla and one city as yet -un-| Jones, Joe McMillan, Chester r t0 a tee cae ee eaten ee determined. Finals are to We in|Cochran and-Bernie Allen, all| 7™ going at 2-Faith for Today Movie 36-12Vacation Time Mexico City. Americans, im