shawa mothers who have a by on July 1 are in for an xpected bonus -- XI Alpha ma Chapter of Beta Sigma i will give silver dollars to babies born at Oshawa Gen- al Hospital on Dominion Day. The project is one of the pre than 60 separate events hich are included in Folk Fes- ral Week, from Sunday, June to midnight July 1. Mothers who missed out on enter their little on July 1. EVERYTHING FREE Auditorium, is free. the silver dollars can always "prides and joys" in a photographic baby contest. Winners will be select- ed from descriptions and photo- graphs submitted to Mrs. T. D. Thomas and will be announced The best thing about the Folk Festival is that everything, ex- cept the entertainment at Civic When the Folk Festival re- ceived permission, about a year ago, from: the Centennial co-or- dinating committee to hold a week - long festival, one of its main objectives was to do it at a minimum expense to the pub- lic. Biggest boost was a $5,000 grant from city council. This allowed the Festival to purch- ase public liability insurance, print programs which will be distributed free, and award pri- zes to the winners of the var- ious contests. Volunteers on the 30 commit- tees especially set up for this year's celebration have con- tributed their time and profes- sional abilities which has re- sulted in a great Festival. BIGGEST EVENTS Biggest events, the greatest contrast, may very well saving to the religious and present. MacIntyre Hood, form- erly a resident of the city, now living in Scotland, will be guest and those of speaker. be the opening at Civic Auditorium and the closing of Alexandra Park. The opening at 8 p.m. on Sunday will be a somewhat sol- emn and ceremonious occasion with a number of prominent form John da" political leaders Chorus, Folk , Festival, 100-voice choir and 34-piece or- chestra -- both composed of the best individuals and groups in the Oshawa area -- will per- Robertson's "'Cana- and selections from Han- del's Messiah. A number of so- loists will follow before the pro- gram ends with the Hallelujah The closing on July 1 will anager era mer «kk Seven years ago Tom Pattere son, founder of Stratford Shake- spearean Festival, said to Mrs. Jo Aldwinckle, "Every city must find its heart." Since that time Mrs. Ald- winckle has founded the Osh- awa Folk Festival and helped develop it from a_ one-night performance on Mother's Day in 1961 to a week-long Centen- nial Celebration starting June 25 and ending Dominion Day. meet be a gay family affair, It will include everything from a "Knobby Knees Kontest" to Maypole dances by Oshawa Girl Guides and will be prece- ded by a mammoth parade of over 50 floats which will leave Oshawa Shopping Centre and arrive at Alexandra Park about 11.45 a.m. MANY ATTRACTIONS Between these two events, tival was moved to O'Neill Col- legiate and Vocational Institute two performances given as a part of Citizenship and Week celebrations. The next year performance in 1964, the the festival returned to St. Gregory's Audi- torium. At this time Orest Sal- mers had taken over the pro- duction and direction of a gala | year of Osh- were OLK FESTIVAL WEEK TO FEATURE 60 SEPARATE EVENTS The Oshawa there will be square dancing in the streets almost every night, shows at Civic Auditor- jum -- one featuring ethnic dances and one starring singer Doug Crossley, several evening concerts at McLaughlin Band- shell, a western rodeo at Osh- awa Shopping Centre -- the list goes on with almost 20 separate festivities and over 60 individ- ual ple. In that time she has discover- ed Oshawa's heart is its peo- awa's 40th anniversary, Alex- events. EQOA HHH AP TAT Festival Has Short History But Its Proud One For City according to Mrs. Aldwinckle, were disappointed that the fes- tival lost its 'picnic and fam- ily feeling." The one-year experiment had ~ a direct effect on this year's celebrations, which are a come bination of several perform- ances at Civic Auditorium, a } parade, outdoor shows at Mc- | Laughlin Bandshell, and a day : of festivities at Alexandra "| Park, andra Park was chosen as the site of the festival and, in anti- cipation of a fine summer, day, y the date was changed to July / j i THE DING-DONG BELL- ES of the Sweet Adelines of Oshawa -- will play a prominent part in the Cen- tennial Folk Festival this year. They will sing on the same program with bar- BETTER UNDERSTANDING Her reason for starting the festival is easily explained. "On many occasions," she said, "I have been a guest of the j various ethnic groups and have seen. their talents. I felt they shouldnt go unappreciated and thésé groups should be brought together. This would lead to a better understanding of all) ethnic groups."' | For the first presentation of | the Folk Festival representa-| tives of the city's cultural and ethnic groups met and offered their support in a festival of the best song, dance and music which they could present. PERFORMERS Jan Drygala and Hans Haag- JO ALDWINCKLE e « » Festival President mans joined the committee of| Mrs. Aldwinckle, Harry Chap- man and Francis J. Francis to present 150 performers in national dress at St. Gregory's Auditorium. In 1962 the Oshawa Folk Fes- 1, Dominion Day. The activities included sports and outdoor attractions in a day long festival. The same pattern was follow- ed in 1965 but was expanded to include an AAU-sanctioned m track and field meet, displays parade events. ;About 4,000 viewed a colorful} of art, a street numerous athletic evening concert. ORIGINAL FORM Auditorium, and McINTYRE HOOD | - « « Guest Speaker showed that the performers | were happy to be able to enter-| Auditorium, at 8 p.m., Sunday, tain indoors but the spectators,| June 25. ra Fear, baritone; Junkin, bass; Laverne Rou- bershop quartettes at the bandshell in Memorial Park What are teen-age girls coming to? to Vicki Jenkinson's Summer Special ! Put yourself in our place for Vicki Jenkinson's popu- lar Summer Special. 10 weeks of superior self-de- velopment instruction by top Toronto modelling teachers. You'll learn what every young girl should know ., . about Day and Evening Make-up, Clothes, Wardrobe Planning, Etiquette, Skin Core, etc. A Vicki Jenkinson course helps you become more poised and confident. You'll be more at ease with people and make friends easier. If suddenly being more becoming won't go to your head, see about @ Vicki Jenkinson Summer Special. You'll look so much more attractive. Even your mother will agree. And you may not even have to wonder where the boys are. Classes are now forming, so call today about Vicki Jenkinson's Summer Special. 723-0311 Voki Jenkinson Modelling Agency 739 STATION PLAZA, OSHAWA | June 27 starting at 7.30 | p.m. The group, from left | to right, consists of Barba- Kathy sseau, lead; and Anna-Jane Sharrard, tenor. There will also be a display of calisthenics by the Wo- men's League of Health and SUNDAY, JUNE 25 Festivities open at Civic Aud- itorium at 8 p.m. with a presen-| Regiment Dancing will follow from 10 to Mrs. Aldwinckle, secretary of ' the Ontario Folk Arts Council as well as president of the Osh- awa Folk Festival, believes she has reached the trué meaning of centennial with the Folk Festival. "You can give away plaques, trophies, and build as many buildings and monuments as you like," she said, "but the real centennial is going to come from the people." M. Macintyre Hood, former managing editor of The Oshawa Times who is returning from Scotland to Oshawa to help Last year the Folk Festival) he result of the experiment| Celebrate Canada's centennial, reverted to its original indoor) form, on a trial basis, and held its festival in the Oshawa Civic will speak during the official opening ceremonies at Civie FESTIVAL CALENDAR featuring the 75-piece Donevan 11:30 p.m, At midnight Ontario} Collegiate Orchestra. Dancers, tanks will tation by the 100 voice Folk|volley to salute Dominion Day. Festival Choir and 34 piece} Prices for the variety show are orchestra directed by Allan Ree-| $1 for adults, 50 cents for stud- sor, McIntyre Hood, returning/ents and children are admitted to Oshawa from centennial, will be guest speak- er. A concert by the band of the Ontario Regiment will pre- cede the opening. Prices are $1 for adults, 50 cents for students and children under 12 are ad- mitted free. JUNE 26, 27, 28 A display of European arts, crafts and treasures from 3 to 9 p.m. at McLaughlin Public Library. MONDAY, JUNE 26 Variety show at the bandshell in Memorial Park with enter- tainment by the Bowmanville Legion Glee Club, Huron In- dians from Loretteville, Quebec, and the Oshawa Choral Society in its final performance before leaving for Expo. On Metcalfe Street at 9 p.m., square dancing Scotland for} free. SATURDAY, JUILY 1 9 a.m. -- The last Lion's Club/\f runner will arrive from Ottawa] | with a Centennial torch. 10 a.m. -- Oshawa Jaycees and the Folk Festival Society will launch a giant parade from the Oshawa Shopping Centre. It will move east Alexandra Park. 11:45 to 12:30 -- 'The band of| > the Ontario Regiment will play| * at Alexandra Park. 12:30 -- Opening ceremonies | : will be held and trophies pres-| ; along King] : Street and north on Simcoe to] ; fire ajmusicians, a choir and beauty queens from such nations as Scotland, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, Byelorussia will be performing. ented for best floats in the par-| | ade. During the afternoon there will be: a continental kitchen, children's rides, pie eating con- test, puppet shows, May pole and lighting of the centennial ake, TUESDAY, JUNE 27 A program ot Memorial Park | | Buying or Selling! | GUIDE REALTY | Beauty from Toronto on the same program. Don't for- get the date in Memorial Park, next Tuesday. --Oshawa Times Photo LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG; Vice-Pres. @ LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec.Treas 16 SIMCOE ST. s., OSHAWA PHONE 723-5281 PRODUCTION GOES UP The German Democratic Re- |public produced 5.9 per cent |more animal products in 1966 {than 1965. OUR CERTIFIED MASTER wr Sanitone Certified Master Drycteamer 434 Simcoe South DRYCLEANER SERVICE IS CERTAIN TO SATISFY!! ' Almrausch THESE YOUNGSTERS represent the juvenile seg- ment of the Maple Leaf Club Hull, Que., which will per- form in the Oshawa Folk Festival's special July 1 show at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium. Their appear- ance will provide one of the highlights of the show. from AN ADDRESS OF DISTI New York's Best Location! TION We're proud to serve you as your Sanitone Certified Master Drycleaner. Try us today! At last you have a sure measure of reliability in selecting your drycleaner. Certification as.a Sanitone Certified Master Drycleaner is made only to drycleaners with the reputation, experience, equipment and trained personnel necessary to maintain highest quality standards. FIFTH AVENUE AND 44th STREET NEWLY DECORATED ROOMS and SUITES THE MANSFIELD is convenient to all trans- portation and within walking distance of SHOPPING CENTRES - BROADWAY « THEATRES - UNITED NATIONS « RADIO CITY - BUS RAIL and AIR TER- MINALS - DINING ROOM and COCK- PICKWICK Cleaners & Shirt Launderers 728-5133 | TAIL LOUNGE. Special Weekly Rates To Canadian Guests 12 WEST 44th STREET JUST OFF FIFTH AVENUE starting 7:30 p.m. will include the Oshawa Horseless Carriage Men, the Sweet Adelines and a display of calisthentics by the Women's League of Health and Beauty from Toronto. Square dancing on Metcalfe Street will again follow at 9 p.m. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28 The Orono Junior Band and will perform from the bandshell at Memorial Park at 7:30 p.m. Square and round dancing to the music of the Oshawa Coun- try and Western Four will follow. THURSDAY, JUNE 29 Oshawa Shopping Centre will be the scene of a 'Modern Western Night," starring trick rope artist David Stewart, the Yeoman Trio, Kevin Kelly, Stewart Smith, and the Just Six Plus One from Donevan Colleg- iate. The evining will end with square dancing at 9 p.m. and a FRIDAY, JUNE 30 ring Oshawa's Doug Crossley, starts at Civic Auditorium at 8 p.m., Bill O'Reilly will emcee Trio, Dey Brownlee, LSD Trio and a number of local groups. the M. J. Hobbs Sr. School # Choir of Darlington Township ; giant fireworks display at 10.30 5 Centennial Variety Show star- | the show. Performers include ; the Yeoman Trio, Joe Longlade & dance, weight lifting, square dancing, baseball, sponge cake contest, knobby knees "kon- test", pretty ankles contest: Also there will be a rose show by the Oshawa Horticultural Society in the banquet room of Civic Auditorium from 3 to 9 p.m, 7:30 p.m. -- An All Nations Concert in Civic Auditorium NELLIS HOME IMPROVEMENTS @ GENERAL REPAIRS Rooms Painting Papering Remodel- ling "All Work Guaranteed" For Free Estimates Call... 728-2061 HELEN LAGODZINSKI (Seated) «--Hendryka Klaman (L DIRECTOR Orest Salmers is one of the guiding lights behind the efficient operation of this year's Oshawa Folk Festival. As a hard - work- ing executive, as choreog- rapher, director and stagee manager of the Festival's productions, he plays a de- manding role, one which callg for full use of his many talents. -- MISS POLONIA ) and Lucy Brezinski Oshawa Times Photo