aber 31, 1966. al Affairs. ition Act, the the treasurer xcept for the excess of ard was not o a special ted by the ect the un- e results of its <ins and Sells. Auditors. 1966. 0 0. 47,540 ne 3,317 812/538 9 9 0 143,918 otal $1,013,313 oT 476,154 ea cosanell ees 89,296 aa xx (508,704 $2,210,538 $265,860 13,750 0 56 6,856 ie 74 5 1 7 14,513 1,237 6,390 314 23,900 $332,894 1966 Budget 56 87,39 0 11,930 99 232,879 124 232,879 699 825 559 6,000 95 405,593 93 14,184 0 45,505 21 2,500 53 600 37 13,290 13 217,808 51 19,873" 0 5,000 -- eh lplieedsaiens, 10 $1,077,877 caemeaiiaiiediaianimesimmetieeee i 3 : Hillside Ave., pleaded guilty to ' charges of having liquor as a charge and had his sentence ' costs or 20 days for Mike 1 A "MENACE" > dren in your car' when fining him $200 and costs or 20 days + for impaired driving. , 252 6th St., Toronto, had been on his way to visit the Satan's ' Canada tour to raise funds for cause women come for help ' from all parts of Canada. ~ house, which has four perma- / nent residents and as many as / 20 who need a place to sleep nue Minister Benson told the >» Commons Tuesday. _ $50 FINE * fine of $50 and costs or. 10 At," He was also placed on a " 1965 it has provided about 400 ) women with food, clothing, shel- % ington South) said there have - been delays in refunding tax >) over-payments. . cleaned up by the end of May, BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE guilty to a charge of careless | charge. Friendly Visit Ends driving. Evidence indicated IMPAIRED that he had driven at speeds up to 80 miles an hour for a dis- impaired driving | streets, The youth was fined With Blood Flying | eas alae igo DISMISSED What began as a_ friend): visit between two couples enc ed up with the hosts lying on the floor and broken glass and spattered blood. Mladen Devich, 34, of 15 Bloor St. W., was convicted in Oshawa Magistrate's Court Monday of assault causing bod- ily harm and was remanded in custody for two weeks:to await a pre-sentence report. Magistrate Donald Dodds said he had no doubt that Devich had assaulted Mrs. Harry Lind (the Devichs were visiting the Linds) although he didn't "pretend to know all the circumstances leading up to the fight." Murray Neuman, 17, of 244 minor and being intoxicated in a public place. He was fined $50 and costs on the intoxicated suspended for a period of six months on the charge of minor having. $25 FINE Charles Johnson, RR 5, Bow- manville, pleaded guilty to a charge of having liquor in a public place and was fined $25 and costs or two days. INTOXICATED A plea of guilty to the charge of being Intoxicated in a public place led to a fine of $50 and Shabatura, 446 Simcoe St. S. Magistrate Dodds called Nathan R, Mitchell of 630 Kent St., Whitby, 'a menace not only to yourself but to the chil- IMPAIRED Pleading guilty to a charge of impaired driving also cost Steve Makarczuk, 47 Kawartha St., a fine of $200 and costs or 20 days. $200 FINE Joseph Vig, 803 Gordon St., leaded guilty to impaired driv- ig and was fined $200 and Costs or 20 days. OPEN LIQUOR The new mandatory fine of $100 and costs or 20 days for having open liquor in a car was in levied by Magistrate ds. This time Larry Mat- ews, 23, Caesarea, received the fine for having open beer in » car. XICATED plea of guilty to the arge of being intoxicated in public place resulted in a days for Arthur Babcock, 74 King St. W. ACCIDENT Robert John Yurik, 24, of hoice Motorcycle Club in hawa when he was involved an accident at Ritson Road a and Bloor Street East. le was fined $200 and costs or days for failing to remain the scene of an accident. Bi licence was also suspended for a period of six months. OR one guilty to a charge of minor consumption of alco- ho! led to a fine of $50 and costs or 10 days for Bill T. gies 17, of 1368 Oxford it., Oshawa, PROBATION Gerald V: Tompkins had Pleaded guilty to two charges Of minor consuming and ad- itted a record but was placed nm six months suspended sen- nce On each charge when he and his employer asked for a chance to "make good."" Mag- strate Dodds stated, 'You are being given an_ opportunity when all the circumstances in- dicate that you do not deserve TORONTO (CP)--Peggy Ann Walpole, a nurse who operates a half-way house here for women offenders, has started a cross- the house. Miss Walpole said she is ap- pealing to the public at large be- Annual cost of operating the at night, is $25,000. The house receives $10,000 a year from various church and welfare groups. Since the haven opened in ter and medical care. Processing Completed OTTAWA (CP) -- Processing of personal income tax returns will be completed soon, Reve- Alfred D. Hawes (PC--Well- Mr. Benson said the compu- ters are well ahead of last year. About 4,700,000 returns had' been compared with 4,200,000 a year earlier, CARELESS DRIVING Thomas C. Anderson, 19, of Edwin Mullen, 62 Bloor St.| The charge of causing a dis- 'robation involving a curfew|W., pleaded not guilty tejturbance through fighting was or the same period of time. Charges of being intoxicated |dismissed when evidence indi- jand having liquor in a public|cated that Robert House, 16, of place. He was convicted on/996 Somerville Ave., police evidence and fined $25!defending himself from an at- One beer too many at a wed- ding resulted in a charge of Fi being laid tance of two miles on Oshawa against Leonard Robert, $7, of 519 Crerar Ave. He was fined $200 and costs or.20 days. was only 25 Harmony Rd. N. pleaded|and costs or five days on each | tack by older youths on Simcoe{ing a disturbance through fight- s THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 21, 1967 : | Street North. jing at the rear of the Genosha Children Parade see : . 7 | DISTURBANCE |Hotel parking lot. 'Magistrate é , ; Seventeen - year - old Wil-|Dodds dismissed | the charge| At Park Opening other were right in sep with|held during the afternoon and liam Konkle who had been con-|Stating "There is a doubt. jcentennial costumes. evening. victed of causing a disturbance|sive you the benefit of that| Hundreds of children partici-: The parade was highlighted) The park was officially op- through fighting was bound|doubt. |pated in the opening ceremon-|by two prancing palamino pon-/¢ned by chairman of the Cen- over to keep the peace for a| $299 FINE lies of S ide Park, Saturday,|i¢s that later in the day offer-|tral Council of Neighbourhood period. of six months on a $200) Henry Samuel Lee, Town-| Jes of sunnyside Fark, Saturday.|.4 free rides to the children. Associations, Colin LaVallie. bond. Konkle resides at 775|line Road South, RR 4, Osh-| One of the highlights of the/Resides the free rides on the! Shelley Ave. awa, pleaded not guilty to the|day was a parade, put on by horses, children received free FLUORIDE STOPS DECAY BENEFIT OF DOUBT offence of drunk driving. He/children and adults. In the par-/chips, pop corn, ice cream and Dental decay in schoolchil- The benefit of the doubt was|was convicted of the lesser|ade were bicycles, wagons, tri-/pop; until the rain came. dren's teeth has dropped by 14 given to Martin G. Cannon, 21,| offence of impaired driving and cycles - all decorated and child-| Inside the club house was a per cent in Canberra, Austra: 74 Byng Ave. He had pleaded|was fined $200 and costs or 20 ren dressed in various costumes.j/bake table, sewing table and lia, since the water supply was not guilty to a charge of caus-'days. Some were clown costumes and a variety table. Bingo's were'fluoridated in 1964. is proud to be a part of Canada during this Centennial Year. For 40 years, AaP has been helping Canadians on their weekly food budget. of fact, the eash you save may be enough for an extra day atthe fair. save All threagh 1967, AaP will continue to bring you the highest quality foods at the lowest possible prices. When you see how much you save by shopping AaP, you'll really want to celebrate. As a matter RIB ROAST cross ctr BLADE STEAK '« seasnc. vw TENDER -- DELICIOUS BONELESS DELMONICA STEAKS «1-9 | BRAISING RIBS GROUND CHUCK +69 | BRAISING RIBS SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY -- CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND STEER BEEF PRIME RIB ROAST "=: CHEESE PIZZA PIE "= ~ PORK CHOPS = "rset 659 | COOKED HAM "erst" sors 5 Be CANNED HAM & > xm 339 | SIDE BACON vie reso nth oko Qe PORK SAUSAGE -.u03'ss2'2"».. «69 | BOLOGNA CHUNKS "si 143- WIENERS wu as? »53« | BURNS WIENERS abbas Qe SAUSAGE MEAT ot'? ene | CORNED BEEF wuscyescoms 17 SUPER-RIGHT BRAND SEMI-BONELESS VAC HALVES -- SKINLESS -- FFATTED SMOKED , Se «Seafood Buys! A&P BRAND BREADED WHOLE OR HALVES COD FISH CAKES | PINK SALMON * 34.3-| -65¢ Reg. Price 58e--BAVE 100 Reg. Price ib, 690--SAVE 4e mecca Frozen Foods! Faas A&P Fancy Quality Sliced Reg. Price pkg. 490--SAVE 130 8 Varieties STRAWBERRIES 2vs-rse85¢ TANG rwvou css Brin 89c CHRISTIE'S RITZ tsn053¢ (7 save parse LIBBY'S PEAS 4 :ze:rsyos75¢ CLARK STEWS = 22: 5< COHOE SALMON ind 9c iii sem | Valiéy Farm FEATURE PRICE! Bakeasy POTATOES FRENCH FRIED 9-02 pkg 10¢ SHORTENING 2 1-lb pkgs 5 % HAIR SPRAY 10-fl-oz aerosol tin BO: p i E Orange Flavoured Drink Reg. Price 2 tins 37e--SAVE 226 Quaker--Sugar Sweet Cereal Reg. Price 470--SAVE 4e Oral Antiseptic Reg. Price btl. 990--SAVE 100 AWAKE 6 storm 89e CAP'N CRUNCH oo %-0:7is43¢ MICRIN t4-lox bottle B Qe Rich's Reg. Priee etn. 27e--SAVE ibe Bayer RICH WHIP Zeorcarton39¢ ASPIRIN TABLETS § +!<10079 ACCENT 4oz carton Be 8 FINCH --«Bncimarelees-- = KEN-LRATION wirir™ Qin Qe a ke Dependable Grocery Values! IMPORTED LONG WHITE TABLE STOCK -- NO. 1 GRADE aa NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P! NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P NEW POTATOES CABBAGE 222%. 4019, LARGE FIRM HEAD CORN "rere 6 ox 4 Qe NO. 1 GRADE PE ACHES YELLOW FLESH POUND 29: ; NO. 1 GRADE JHAMS-- r eee) Baked Foods! feu Reg. Price 2 pkgs. 49e--SAVE 96 Crackers Reg. Price pkg. 570--SAVE 4e Reg. Price pkg. $30---SAVE 7o Lady Patricia (Firm or Soft Style) Reg. 99e--SAVE 100 Reg. Price btl. 89e--SAVE 106 Brings Out All the Flavour Reg. 9c -- SAVE Se --_ 49: a ee 98 _ APPLE JUICE "2327 3....400 | SOUTHERN Reg. Price tin 37e SAVE 110 GREEN BEANS ".!3:3¢:" PECAN PIE BLUE L ; FEATURE PRICE! 2 14-fl-oz tins 3 y PRUNE PLUMS 3:53: 9 CHOICE QUALITY : FEATURE PRICE! 5 19-Fl-oz tins 9 ¢ FULL LIBBY'S--DEEP BUTTERED 8 INCH ¢ VEGETABLES 2732252500", Assia Qe | 388! Reg. Price 2 Tins 53c--SAVE 17e PIE OXYDOL DETERGEN DEAL! --_--_--king size box 1 49 Reg. Price 69¢ -- SAVE 10¢ y STUART HOUSE -- 12" WIDE "~ FOIL WRAP ie oper loam alc g aint 3 5: Jane Parker Large Golden or Reg. Price 49e -- SAVE fe SWINGERS "2222 SES LNE su Be SUGARED DONUTS | 2002 43e CHEESE STICKS -- SAVE 4o sche Darker Reg. Price 390 -- SAVE 4e CHEESE SLICES "'PIMENTO OR SWISS)" 3 3 ENGLISH FRUIT CAKE 3 5« FEATURE PRICEI tor pko io ~ Rag. Price loaf 24¢ -- SAVE Te i 0% WHOLE WHEAT '} 24-0z loaves @ 5c Minute Bre kfast FLAVOURS pkg of & envelopes & 9. BREAD , Reg. Price each 79e -- SAVE 100 The nutritious meal you mix with milk -- Redeem Your 15¢ Coupon at AsP BABKA COFFEE CAKE «69 i A&P CHOICE QUALITY, RED OUR OWN =~ VISIT WITH US AT... 64-fl-oz Plastic Hea ' -fl-oz tins PITTED 3. 89. SAIL LIQUID 89. AP CXP06/ CHERRIES Detergent WE'RE SPONSORING THE "EGG GRADING FACTORY" POULTRY BUILDING -- AGRICULTURAL SECTION vs Geese PRICE 2 TINS 63e -- SAVE.6e CHECK THIS LOW, LOW PRICE! All Prices in this Ad Guaranteed through Saturday, dune 24th, 1967 -- Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville