Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jun 1967, p. 17

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® NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 17, 1967 97 Churches Plan |':te™cctnan tng 7th Boy Scout Troop Indian School cae: samme and lathe operators. 1g Machine in 3 Minutes ting preparation time. It ces the ingredients at a high ed after a vacuum pump extracted most of the air n the machine. Because re is little air present, the TORONTO -- The Anglican] It is expected that the en- e Attend f 'omm Church of Canada and the Epis-|rolnent will be divided about ] I ; copal Church in the Unite dlequally between Christians and States will share in providing}yindus: or those of other relig- st works quickly, causing This Sunda : uickl: é y morning the rt about half of the $100,000 re- Gmigh th Hee in, minaiet, Scouts. and Inaders . ca a Film Sermon British Speaker quired for the building of aj !0"s- "iy (ga) TOO a 'traini ; i. i . 9ol's baking department, thar te Condorats fal The Balsam and Mount Zion' Mrs. Margaret Reed, of Brad- Cane School and factory near} The Canadian missionary #0- | Active Service Class wil . "ager alcutta in India. ciety announced it was donat- | ss will hold ajford, Yorkshire, England, will The combination trade school] ing $25,000 from Anglican World nd small factory, to be owned] Mission funds to help establish | the machine is not widely i in Canada, Few bakers ad'sta steimpro veswiththe w of it and others were tra- malists who refused to | nge their methods, munion at St. George's Anglican eee ee Church. During the service tw shih; at 8 p.m. this Sunday at/be the speaker at the Oshawa, Religion and Life Awatds will eieriaisn | bcggecheen Hl betas Church this Sundah.'and operated by the church inthe school, The Episcopal sccven talgwiag We vattice be!D. V. Hoskins, of Newmarket, ' jets. Pete accommodate about|Church in the United States has s i ' ed 20 students each year beginning'donated $24,000 to the project. There will be a Family Serv- Nam President lS. proj ice at 11 a.m. with the children Plan Anniversary The General Synod of the Re-! of the Church School present to lermett MENG Kk Acaricn has! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH receive their awards and pro-| The congregation of Kedron motions. This niarks the end of|United Church will hold its an- ©!@ted Rev. Harold Schut, DD the Church School until Sept. 10.!nual Sunday School Anniversary |Pastor of the First Reformed HORTOP AT GLENWOOD The annual Parish ecwgtehey vehi s at the morning service Church of Scotia, New York, as ay i psi 9 gaara BA. | |be held at 2:30 p.m. at the Ked-|this Sunday. . 2 towland L. McCord -- Mus, Bac. -- Director ef Musie ron Kiwanis Camp. The day will its president. He served as vice- close with a Family Open Air | president of the synod this year. | 11:00 AM--G p ps : Servite. Padre Of Pubs IRev. Raymond Heukelom, Twp, uest Preacher Rev, Clayton Kitchen, Ph.D, The men's club of St. George's pastor of the First Reformed "THE VOICE OF GOD" Rey. Gordon Winch, who is Church of Orange City, Towa, 7:00 P.M--"Religions of §, E. Asia" is planning a gala centennial), sown as "The Padre of the AMONG THOSE TAKING Rossland and Ritson Roads, Ernest Marks, Rev. J. S. A Church; Albert V. Walker, |event in the form of a barbecue, | " ; i ¥i i ' % f . H ' , ~.'|Pubs" for his work .| was elected vice-president. Pictures of Hong K ind Bangkok part in the sod turning cere- from left were: Rev. W. W. Spearman, president of the © MPP for Oshawa Riding | followed by dancing, for paris nig area, will aslieee te eae. SO hs epee poole Peal Saw Dobie Jewell, pastor of the Central Canada Conference and the Hon. Michael Starr, a A Prorat pie ol "n° mon at the morning service this SS PICNIC. .:+++0+0+5 22+ os os Nursery pita thse 11 am. Wesleyan Methodist Church church; His Worship Mayor _ of the Wesleyan Methodist | MP for Ontario Riding. : Sunday in St, Andrew's United' The Sunday School of Kings-! g "4 Church, F | : a onewaae earn -- | |view United Church will hold its; ao | ; «a: . V ' lace tetaet tee wang) Christian Science (ys. garving smut! pene at I pm. ths es e an e Oo. 1S S people added much to the serv-| The subject of the lesson entennial Service Sunday at Camp Pretoria, east jice, both in the singing and the|sermon at the First Church of) ¢»ecial Centennial Com. 0! Columbus. |music rendered as a prelude to\Christ Scientist, Oshawa, this nueitn Meevives OPER EAL ct Ecotec the service. |Sunday will be: "Is the Uni-\9-39 and 11 a.m. this Sunday at Turn Sod For Church PP scene! Senet Snel Oe! band pei, ia man, evolved a! Westmount United Church by HARMONY | chapel - education unit has been| Atomic Force: the congregation of Westmount jawarded ys rap Marr Con- and Centre Street United UNITED CHURCH 1:00 A.M.c.WORSHIP SER f sal is inh ic- this i struction, Oshawa. is antici- : Md Chureh, Mrs. Marie Taylor, A.R.C.T. 1300 Aisa VICE Despite rather forbidding fore- pronouncement of the benedic- this foundation and according to pated construction will start a Centennial Service (Piano and Orgen) RMT. 7:00 P.M--CANADA FOR CHRIST CRUSADE casts for the weekend, the sun|tion, by the Rev. E. F. LeRoy,|this specification, proclaiming - . : Oraoniet end Choirmast beamed its brightest on the|minister of the Belleville Wes-jas found only in Jesus Christ,|™0St immediately. | The Uxbridge Ministerial As- Last Of Series el ler Reade IN. THE j crowd of approximately 200/leyan bagcggieinid Psd cing he 'stated it might be that vied sociation is holding a Centennial] 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School |! BIG TENT gathered last Sunday afternoon|seemed a special awareness of|congregation would be adding | 7 |Community Service at 7:30 p.m.. The concluding service of the ; --_Ki me j = 'for the ground-breaking cere-/God's seal upon the day. the main sanctuary, which to go} Norwegians Seek |this Sunday. at the town's ath- special preaching series 'The 11:00 en AT OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE monies of the new church being) -REETINGS VOICED |to east of this first unit, within! letic grounds. In the event of;Church and the World" will be Speaker: REV. D. CANTELON erected, at the corner of Ritson) m ' |the next two or three years, | Common Mart Role rain the service will be held in/held this Sunday at Albert 11:00 A.M Neek Nights -- Tues., Thru Sat., of 7:45 p.m. and Rossland Roads by the) His Worship Mayor Marks, % jthe arena. Street United Church. The HOLY COMMUNION oe - --=_------ Wesleyan Methodists. Lava Hee Henry Macher chair.| HALLENGE VOICED | OSLO (Reuters) -- The Nor-| speaker will be D. Robert] Rev. Dr. H. Mellow will preach || This about face in the! inisterial Asso-| Mi Spearman concluded with|Wegian government today pro- sg Blewett, of McMaster Univer-| A H Welcome to All ator. afte Wisse dave Ot el cagriabe sina -< vocal chidiedive to. tolbit their com-| Posed applying for full member. Sacrament Service ;\ Divinity School. : Mette SIMCOE STREET termittent rain, seemed almost|"!@U0", In NEIOg Stree {munity responsibility, which| § DOF Wie. SURE RE eee acvsnlibanisied ~siilanceainiapinaatianac 4 : a portent of things to come in|both remarked on the progress| wit) involve both individual) Matket- aed ek an tus . ; ' the life of this new congrega-|of the congregation in such altransformation, and an accep-|_A government statement to <0 oot oF the Lord's Supper KINGSVIEW UNITED CHURCH ENTE IAL CHURCH tion. From the prayer of invoca-|short period of time. Mayor|tance of collective social re-| Parliament said that if Norway| .: its service this Sunday. URNITURE APPLIANCES tion led by the Rev. Robert|/Marks particularly stressed the! sponsibility. |could not gain full membership 245 SIMCOE ST. S. Rev. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pastor 723-3343 Lyttle, President, Evangelical vision and vitality that must be} The service was conducted/the possibility of achieving as- CHURCH SCHOOL ond MORNING WORSHIP Fellowship of Oshawa, to thejinherent in the congregation to|throughout by the minister of|sociate status or some other et SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, 10 a.m. Sunday School arid Adult Bible Classes undertake a building program|the congregation, Rev. Walterjagreement safeguarding Norwe- GRACE 1164 KING ST, E. : ' ; at such an early period in their|W. Jewell, who was assisted by|gian interests should be ex- ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL-AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH L al G congregational life. the Salvation Army Junior! plored LUTHERAN ie ann int 3 REV. L. WESLEY HERBERT, B.A, Ministe: aul wad oc roup RYE Peers deen Sante | Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Chole Director end Organist TT A.M. The Lukewarm Church : of the mother ehurch on Am- THE AMALGAMATED CONGREGATION OF x * roth Avenue, Toronto, brought) | Lutheran Church -- Canoda | Pastor Smith concludes the series of Messages To Attend mssuirance" Of thelr continuing Westmount and Centre Street PARK R ose prorat ] 1:00 A M on the Churches in Revelation. t, Il a ds of ° OAD & HIGHWAY 401 : FV Ne conteatulatlon te the inch tee United Hi Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister a3 is - AEA EE Piece tae . regation. Included in those | TELEPHONE 728-2178 | F A ij H a R | onvention ee, IN WESTMOUNT CHURCH pills nena | present to congratulate the Bond St. W. at Rosehill Blvd, | p Heinze, Vieor ! Bianley J. Ree. ti esidi ange cr "y gd sc ee Ministers--Rev, S. 4. Minielly B A., D.D. | Solo -- Mrs. A. Thompson e e Stanley J. Kerr, the presiding/Hon. Michael Starr, an ----Rev, Ai W. Magee | " : " | minister of the Oshawa - Jeho-| Albert Walker, MPP, represent-|| _ Oroonist and Choir Director --- Mr. D. Thompson, AR.CT., LTC. || SUNDAY SERVICES Anthem -- "How Beautiful Upon The Mountains' -- Harker CANADA for CHRIST CRUSADE vah's a og en ing the area as a whole. 9:45 A.M--CHURCH SCHOOL | 9:45 A.M, 11:00 A.M.--Church School -- Baby Care th tink announced today that his con-| Before leading the congrega- CENTENNIAL COMMUNION SERVICES | SUNDAY SCHOOL | : ae | gtegation will attend _ geet tion in the Litany of Dedication, ee PaO 1) oa, | 1-00 aa JUNE 18th -- Church Family Picnie | : annual Mae bly, une/Rey, James S. A. Spearman, "THE SECRET OF GREATNESS" 0 A.M, 1:00 P.M, -- Camp Pretoria | il iu 16-18, gs Assembly wiliiPresident, Central Canada Con- Primary, Kindergarten and Nursery MORNING WORSHIP | | ; gregations. The Assembly Wwilllterence, | Wesleyan Methodist A WARM WELCOME TO ALL WEDNESDAY \-- ee el fi Church School..7 p,m. Church, reminded those present ! be held at the Sir Wilfred } Laurier Collegiate Institute, the real church will not be built Worship 7:40 p.m. \ MeTho avesions. started nt 6:45|°¢ Toot fue and brick, but of ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH | | NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH eae kt p.m. Friday. The theme of the|formed by the gospel of Jesus | LA | three-day convention is "'Supply| Christ, The foundation has been Corner of Albert St. and Olive Ave.) (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) | MINISTER: REV, HELMUTH DYC A * to your Faith Endurance." The/iaid by our Lord, in His death ORGANIST-CHOIRMASTER: HAROLD. ELti FAITH ! : MELL B.A., D.D DON . purpose of the Assembly is to/and resurrection, but we must| Dtcertise Dhitcarl MINISTERS: REV, H. A. OW, B.A., D.D. Stevenson Road -- South of Oshawa Shopping Centre make Jehovah's Witnesses more|continue according to his mas-|| SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL: 9:45 a.m. and 10:45 am. | Lutheran Church | REV. W. C. SMITH, B.A., B.D., B.Poed. i to proficient ministers so they can|ter plan, as outlined in his Word. Nursery for Infants and Toddlers at 11:00 a.m. | | Orgonist--Mr, Ronald Kellington | CAN TE LON ---- regal perice yer As the congregation builds on SPECIAL PREACHING SERIES ! (Eastern Canada Synod) | | ni ie: i | 67 tc te oe | The Church and the World ib Pec tg i 1 -@ Outstending Speaker principles of the Bible. | JUNE 18: MR. D. ROBE BL : M, i Prien passengers for Camp Friday evening's program fea- | Vi ; Ce RT BLEWETT - | peat wl tured the Theocratic Ministry H EAR McMaster University Divinity School | "\WISDOM AND FOLLY" | @ T.V. Personality : School and Service Meeting in- | A Servant of The Lord MASONIC | | Se cluding demonstrations which The. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL --s | | PLUS rv. ice jwill provide beneficial instruc- Back to the Bible | TEMPLE BLDG. | REV. W. €, SMITH will preach. TF ee tion on Biblical matters for both} Broadcast a 91 Centre St. GLEN RUTLEDGE mp Samee Church Sts, = and children who at- DAILY | ST ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH 9:45 A.M. Open Session for the . Meas to Sar, ; SUNDAY SCHOOL Beginners -- Kindergarten ONE OF CANADA'S LEADING GOSPEL MUSICIANS Saturday evening's program Leave is a special one emphasizing the :30 - 10: | SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS 11 A.M, fj ond Primary, in the : ¥eE 12108 gg ay Pome in 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. Moses TR ee Os THE Sunday School Hell WEEK NIGHTS AT 7:45 P.M. (except Monday)' i 2:30 P.M, eee to your Faith Endur- Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M, et 11:00 a.m, "SONGS IN THE NIGHT" Sunday 11:15 CKLB-1880) ' Door-to-door preaching activ- 3 SERVICE Baby-Sitting Service by the Come-Double Club Listen to ONGS INTHE NIGHT" Sunday 11:15 CKLB-1350 } : : 1:00 ity will be scheduled for Satur- © |] 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten and Primary | | -- | 1:30 Bo man dnl Departments of the Sunday Church School. -- a -- 7 n apt a: erv- | 2:00 ice, a regular fencte of Jeho- 1350 RADIO 11;00 A.M.--THE PADRE OF THE PUBS vah's Witnesses' Conventions. The climax of the convention will be Sunday at 3 p.m. when the District Supervisor, Monte Maize, will show the up-tp-date film in color entitled '"'God Can- not Lie." This film will em- phasize the privilege of being a servant to God and a regular praiser of His name. All ses- The Rev. Gordon Winch Small children and babes are cared for during service. 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 CANADA for CHRIST CRUSADE : EVANGELIST DON CANTELON SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE ST. S. AT BAGOT STREET 4:30 5:00 5:30 ~ . - oat blog Tomorrow | the church in the heart of the city, with the World on its heart. 6:00 lection will be taken. : So ae MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. 6:30 Hives: pani. wend: rene Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L:T.CM, 1: CHRIST MEMORIAL 26 j with PROPHECIES next ® years! 1H a 9:05-9:35 PM le one fai @ OUTSTANDING SPEAKER. @ MUSICIAN @ T.V, PERSONALITY 7:45 (Anglican) "On iacpais Nights : "CHANGING LIFE a Bete 8:45 Mary and Hilleroft Streets bd A i at elf UNCH ANGING CHRIST" and Sunday ' ", " 9:45 SERVICES 10:30 - 11:00 P.M. -enitagis Pee soytul -- Wood SUNDAY -- 7 P.M. Solo: "These Are They" -- Ovorak i 8:00 A.M. (Mrs. Ash) | " . Le sar on THE NEXT GREAT WORLD EVENT 45 |» -- Yout irtment rvice wey Cere -- 11:00 A.M. 1350 RADIO 11:00 A.M, -- Sahai oocntnent and Baby Cere, Aiarg = WEEK NIGHTS -- 7:45 P.M. Church Sts. aad THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA (except Monday) KNOX ST. LUKE'S | ST. PAUL'S | UKRAINIAN | GLEN RUTLEDGE SIMCOE ST. NORTH Rossland Rd. W. at Nipigon Simcoe St. South L . N. . Mm. (Four blocks from King) Minister: Wilson Rd. N. at King St. Minister Rev, J. Jacenty E: ONE OF CANADA'S LEADING GOSPEL MUSICIANS Minister Rev. G. W. €. Brett, B.A. REV. THOMAS GEMMELL Rev. Walter Jackson ' ' ae eral 9:30 A.M--Church School eS Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M. ir Di Mr. Frank Walter ' ides : ' Musie Director Man, Barkwell Musié Director 10:00 A.M.--Ukrainian Service || j : : ALL.SERVICES HELD IN THE 11:15 'A.M.--English Service 9:43 A.M. eh te 4A 'Ai @ All Welcome CHURCH SCHOOL CHURCH FAMILY PICNIC CHURCH SCHOOL HUNGARIAN on 11:00 A.M. Cars will leave Church at 1:30 11:00 AM Minister Rev, E. Seress me, heheh tied @ 1,000 -Free Seats " .m. 'antasyland Park, Whitby. : tos t hurch | 4 - . ne ae aney Socel "finished watilSep- MORNING Simeoe St, North be : 1 South of the Oshawa Shopping Centre ; ; tember, i ee : . Service Broadcast 11 AM, 3:30 P.M.--Worship Service @ Hundreds are Attending ' REFERENCE aS "Mandate WORSHIP 2nd and 4th 1 d by the P. | Churches of Oshawa, Bowmanville, Whitby, Ajax and Port Perry : nm OME AND WORSHIP WITH US for Change" SUNDAYS i ' 5 ,

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