Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jun 1967, p. 12

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"To Buy, Sel 1, Rent o t Hire. ..Read and Use Times Act ction Want wi A ds" Girl Frid. girl Fridey. Must he typing ond pleasa e ie p- ° onday to F y s bookkeeping on ass "qq 8 OSHAWA TIMES, Betcréey, done 17, ¥ , 1967 eceUNeYE TEST, . ' phn OORT 21 sed CLANCY'S ACCO maid UNTING me coo Street oeorth writ, TB fl Re ; coping sar ie 178 sim- ret Herth es. 723-7605. N ie | wa NN, 'acooun- =e aoe No no ming ond S 4 = Equipment . a owt A GORDON R. vo y Instalmen | : : ae a 2 ; ts 50 en 'ai and Rice Lake. ear, wi wi s for Sale = = S : = = yee a Decorati 2 A655, R, ag p 4 LPR ny Moye suey 1 et = nga Rerr ing 200 sq. yds. icky Blue Gi P. ng lg Jom attic, ae discard. | FIVE & Live: : nS = Se . od Ne. 1 iia' ond up 28 ross. 1 AINTING aC ee FREE! Fi 'and| 9008 KITTENS, k Sra rs le qractens in itchens and ield Sod, 2 ic del, NTERIOR, Ld Tabs 725-4910, 'cellent con Guaranteed trou cleani ie, nine a A : ag ae' 34. - Ve , EXTER R STR ee ae FINNIS: only, Tel 2 ne |: oo a 32.50 ver pa = Top yee peenannaite Zin stor, beth a HP. Joh asian 'rom: Wesiern = a yor i ISH TOY Spite, "Ame Raia for advancerr od Account iD co. Ch is tain & Est! ices, : ; : : Phon : ; ae a _ , rages Servi complete Fes main- J. IMATES one ley, Mion. Tele- ial new a repel 'ompany, | 2645. jo $100. p Bee red oe sd on quall: , | wont Black-|¥25-2647, red Tel Beadie 35075 1a Rig yg On- ewa's Q nent of . (Free esti dsco ping 576- OLE a (TeAILeR tor f and some 'a ave ie ae ea of al Bi Bader iets uality Builde: Osh- BETHANY . 1829 WANTED T aaa Teele ANTIO je for sale. Brood, T1a°Eigin B tran A ; wa Aci 30 B Comm. cher SSINGER C I. Bown LANDSCAPING ofter 3 p.m. , for week ia Auguel Phone 7 pel Teoheee tea este : oe = = eerie "= Prosi dsp ag nubs: wee 623-7594 neAINTING (hem aa be Tr Mea A ee eae 7 =e jue r Frei hs R » --_|your R =. si i : : bd atin} 728-7583 EED ond TREE ve at Erenlon earn, rare a ea tana = = : 2 : = chin. motors binets, ic sa, 28 al after 5 ENS BI Magic y s ctl v\ EST 06, hinn, s, ft 1 _ Pipl ina a ve, barre a : sheep , Ea aror pein flashi -- ad MOLE "2 saat raion carat toe. | Pine ROOM street West, °'7H5 Pde ol BOARDED, sale. Tel Minimum 3 y: wildin roughin, ings, imates. TOO } 8--Artic atching -- bi sur ons cai a ergagie 3° Ss a 3 ae =-- a EVERGREEN ; * s7este29 les for Sale ei. piggy rae? cotias onevearld male ee 'and sold. Permanent pent st, = BREE PAINTING p.m. y c PIANO, Glengrove ene une ot IT week, Excell : IR small, tes, N ICE AND 22 YeAn! PIANO, bright, 5 lc = MTORR MEL lo job toc 728-4849 we Ale Piccring and Dd cary Sin 240 moon . Belo Fob hen aig gg gag 'in st os ho = - i : eal hr MEULEMEESTER CHAIN LINK FEN ALL PrUMaINe Ane i barton pda ony fi asec raaae rica paves seam a Tae sn, T 728 ny! coa' CIN Park He ag 725-352 |ATING CBT GaN, SIX num storm Ln WINDOW, 7 "x te : to IONS [eave 4797 Sold end ted or gal G |Engineering, Plumber | TING "wp RCE G00 wife ) PEACE: § FO SERVICE fom, agree Goons win ware ek a af = : 3 3 £ : iS ' ie " : con waete SULFUR Di R FASTE BAYS Papert fai " inte fie bot. | FOR tA 6, he Te time. , full c y teed a ------ es WA AND OXIDE, R SER pes fA a Rain | Ea | i es = = ht A re AiO oe uth, So PEACE, | SULFURIC ACI WHE VICE | WEDD 5217, sk. | ee Tae nliith setter WARTZ n - 2 =| = : ne ¥: has | Mist p EL ALIGNM| bile all, ad ne 289600 aa teed Z4 SWART. and Ro oad ; : res noe ah rotes PAINTING ag ree. 723-1191, J. Fol ble fan ts, 189. Chev., Do ENT SPECIA late 1, condition, And length, si TWO PRETTY . Needles, Tele Ki Z Low Offi v ae F Wes is oar i id ' ing St. E. fic Jame pete, euareniend eet moemeenre|__No. 2 RDEN C terior and "AND PAPER fh Foley. Cul mouth, dge, Ford, Liew Pickering, ven 968s" envi a lav ie ive denne Tone = s Allen PLAST. 5841, fc 9g. ft, 17 hwy. Aj ENTRE prices. 7 rior, Free anging, | TV--R ' heal Pontiac , Ply- |te MIE ENAMEL Cortise imeat coor' ewe sd are Le and So |sid PLASTERING, com ge . Ajax 942 i eee i adio R wheel ali . We cor r, refrigerat Me. ApS ea Sk SS 725-6126 ns |s7et3. ware aaa egg NURS 1154. |Plumbi 2834, nd epairs correct ignment, ins rect |ware Ltd., 94 ea, $250. Analy Rell ar eae" st 2 ze - , oe = hee za - ad ike T 5--Trai ali castor pect and MERR d., 948 Simcoe St. ly Nell H | 668-1 jonth-old stered, 'ate Ta ye small pa! LERK capi ign toe-i and co a Y- GO PN 728- ard. | 058-4925. Spaniel ing $25. ere rose en E = ae 4 RSERY ating V SERV railers cor. e-in and mber, quarium, fish 2 ROUND, Lanse i Two | pup. Telep alse a experience rate typ! ile - Li your drivews INO and ice quality Ing Plu . ICE rect conditi ey oe 'Se ae eal: a } see Experts noleum birt 'warranty paved by crete. Get also some N Kentucky B mbing Di COLO T @ Parts e jon .... 7.9 nL i ay irene oh i a ie c = oo mi Saran Wr Dy xmas All Pick uj lo. 1 Fiel lue g Viscou R ENT T @ Torsi xtra if required. 5. (nee Pie tains es mh cea arene Bee and pupa, fop wages, Apply 120 Sime | 3 aa ri ne es eld Sod. 149 int B or RAIL sion bar ired, tHE: ruben. We: PROFE: sonable. Tele. Fy . Apply 1120 jear Ar i allaton. |S ING, CHIM a aha eliver. ve or we wi Brock S' LACK ER extra adjustm 'ol STERFIELD suIT eve- | Clipp SSIONAL ele ART-TIME Sime , ; : Ee le 8 shen . and WH FOR R , ent. (eee ryt ed SUITE Clipping, all br DOG SE able fo work DESK CLE HIMNEYS, all type ot 668-4 rs ACK ond Wee er, ' cae tar Soy car and faa | ae = = : : i = : i Noth EST CALL tr r week i ; B galvanized inger washi and -- foot: rece, | ing, and aH hae and datvertt | please. noshe Hotel pply io Car, Ti and Tie BLOCK work }, Oshawa. 2 ofter 6 rect to yo T esses, Tele) "igi ma RAKE SP. stove; six Rie) fealon machine wool Bac vst Ke a esp f se x for 24 ag ile Co. |B are LOCK work, "New CHA aad plies, Ev u, plumbing 3 ° R | 0 66 phone t- Most -- popul ECIAL eit ce. tee wen Pati dell achurst Kennels, 455: pure ae ar egg ae airs hier rere "work IN_LINK plumbing Lyiting i. We pe As 8-3794 Guelity Hoven 6 Fi aKa r elephone. 123-7569. done |12 vast : on 576-3879 YOUR LOCAL Ctl Onialner 7483786, FENCING bing line. 20% off the TELEVIS id not on Saturd oyaline, 4 wh irst {handed FOR SALE, 7 569, --Article 1 garemaion : bas. rae Seamless, res Parte es rome MNEY cle Sold a all FOR CLEA ION EAST rdays $14 wheels, | 2oles. bolt with Be see egg : : oe "_ Sar sad ane sarer| Free nd Installe 12 p ag NER, SHAR END TE .88 ONE-WH ee te other aayeetyciay See ae ovata Bh atlos, pool. vy he re rec| ctl TYPES bu epalred, lin- estimati d SATUR am 9 TIO} PER TRAILER' XACO Plus $2.01 Ich aed he TRAILER a . - 3 oe = un or Oshews Dl ach, Gen, "hae: chimneys, env liding repel 27997. | rates. es, reason ony 9 am. 5" vor 4 N Tent Trai S for SALE .00 per wh Uris Rhee CH ag aa Beet a : : soragg is gs AE aga rt money. bed Mey. Wht rs. Roofing able CLOS m.-5 p.m. wn a nad ailers for sal ne : He : swe 3 oo 2 = : = ae Vv TO Cc odels from $ le or rent, e st) Le dale oe aldwin| -- § ed furnit ed in dry weap REPAIR crt Ah fl i nytime Rug - SDAY WER 'amping Si $299 up. . WHEEL all channel a ECIAL = rames, Mili ure, pletui nai i : eae Steae, gravel, 23- Uph mod upp! F BALA take HP lela Rion" ve ne WORD = SSIFIED RATES Heng and coach. ayer ME 5377 sa Service oy 728-5143 rede, 10, 12°42 tor boot "oe wae ur ead |suvine ee ec $50. "TRIO" Televt tag silver, vill echo is ma eth -- pie hgy page fed gag RION- HA mer Bond ; ee Bigeg e iat): ae 2 a i gion gee = joc. &. Mantrangele em toes BLUE GRASS legal . RUG CLEANERS T end Division VAG ATION TR rho MUFFLERS. 95 YOUTH 880, a b fuiniture oa eee. Foe ti prices R tone! wo! ions of 24 word: 3 cor ; | Carpent: ir All SOD rofessional =, : a2 : 3 : : : = " = 7 as ie rug and fo! ILERS PARAB K at siz TO ol tad Loe Fede Tg od Pa ; tone ions of ch; 6 le en N cleanin uphol- - N Cc r REN LE PRICE e, good R, . Cold: ; 593 ranma fori G'S toa, 4e"eat| Quality C mete Gaen tame or croftce. Ca" Voi pk | alae fi UNIROYA BS irwverw Mepclion. ony $3." Tee Ane peer ah a " i ype ey Per een a 74-- s lon. » Call fo ESE! ern, ng, Wood' inter, 20, Tines "ee atin i Shes : ae 2 TOWN r A NT , etc, s, W L 20, only 38 AND WH Furniture, 66Sist, ae wanted ENERA\ ry M, ni LINE 72 ERIA EVER est- ay tw. oot ERLE WANTE 590 80F ie ts Hom L REPA orth Tai N, 5-99 L YTHIN CEN RREET Ean |arot om <o : words 7A bbc gselg mas @ Improv IRS unton Vill _ = a 2 2 | = : = ad ave: psa ement Spe @ LA lage | on LER ILERS Nh | ddl di al ive. Saar ae 2 niche Res e eBhows nt $ acallats « More MOWER R PROFESS _Horwood N. Maasey. weet New N rachiite eho," siec' ete, ee er cabinet, in 5 It rata Magee digo igo iHenest era Dace Years. strict * brah PLUGS UEPAIRS RUG C IONAL CABL ela areas arbi 942-3491 MINION TIRES of WINDOW 7 tase sede tat pet | BIRTHS <-- DEATHS 0 Ph jependoble. Servi . PA wae LEANING E TV ie yee SLENDRTTS trelier, 17 Park Roa TORES -- lenaln' hela" isan ge im e- 5" ar wm per" 725-8576 vice "6 WELDED ud Free m ray 4 Service pears. 404 Siondaie' wi ae Oi Phone 725: he poor pi csi Nester a craps es, cuten : : 1 charge If not conte r 623-3411 Osh elephoi ick-Up and OSHA' hy AILER HiT! 1 ry wR gad Ree- 6511 728- aa hess flop beds) Ur ee a iN. MEMO! rs Sk REMODELLING, awa TV ne A Delivery WA NLR WITCHES med ; MATTRES nts, boat} Un wy Se te ro : : : : ; eee eee 55 BARGAINS. Wee Sich Cowie Coffe EN 3 erie ee anon oe SE y Ltd, jot ig BLE TV jaan el WRECKING Say eat ae i ai % ma in 8 days. i charge If éc/Dentistry mates and | prom eld 90d, 6254 . se Eeppane, hydra 'uo cl = eee San a 3 Fe as pt del Free 723- » lee, 260 Cle prom ture, 2 pretty: 810 Wis na sarc arie eli|canuroor, px rr 3 Fag INTERIORS by WIN 23.5278 VOLKSWAGEN --ERUFE Sint At rasus"? se Wis oal| 460 Rivon Ras 8.7254 vase 2s 178 JOH M vards be wena rs = : 'good charge if not 28 mente ond. 2 Ra coneleoomee ae bee rd. Manure, two sand UB. 2.25 per @ Custom U DOLF T Meg Rd Meeaew " y ehitaren: ean sie i -- we : = COMING mens within 8 doys, Dressmaki msi. Oshawa, bee) sare ores: yards and up, 85 @ Re-Co pholstery OWER: FOR am. Crescent. ie and LIB NHALL we st. masse ssherstork itty ie on ora a 7 = ' -Covering S rent b -- Cabii DDING Nel-| parkir yest mt, a first 20. words en lenin) DReSsSMAK! ing mowing. Te LED or | plou ®@ Antiq "BU y the week. Te tralier, si RARY bought In GOWN, full parking. 723-7726 veg Bi, te : 2 : ; : : z em .TO\ = in Fralor, sleeps five;| All si Ta May. Teleph length, si WHEE wal Bar, Kitchens To ). 6¢ each ich ther T perienced wom rig clothing, don and PE ia 23% or ec AT OUR HAWA" --Cai 0 725-8245, sizes 1" BOAT fi one 728-15: ize 10, |ers, Soeite e . ee AUCTION reofter ar eee. mare: eee ing, done ena reneires. Pleku 39 Sirncoe Wi OWN PLAN mping lumber, 34" ond 2" d Diuiie Roe sale. Telpph a eat, sii = = $2.38 PER ince DRESSMAKING ae able. 8}/FOR T9805, 720-6079. ra anivern tee 728. N. fe give you IT ing, pl 4"' hardwo bps DINING Room Suites jone 725.5879. 'Ald: Rentotss 105" Boaftl om up al aS PER INSER eats, arenes ange oe mi FREE est ry. Tele. |RE-UP! -3651 for less a better KAM With plywood, a floor. (hutch leaves, fou -- x pron : a on eee Beaut! ae | A) satiate RE-UPHOLSTERY by ext money. tower PIN Reymond. anaes. hutch, "Like new. A halve carer ona ste z : " = oe a: aoa shed. 20 Y by @ G fram and doo tile, |onws; Teleph Dark ffet and 33 O experi ployment bee nD DAY PR INES Gardening ang 'ann Cormaianig ot old bulldings remo ad trees re etn 3. Workmenann pitts OSH AW A UN LIMITE ators, pops ag lights Nii aor = EPS = = = = " n- ' b fe = LOST AND FOU! eg Supplies Instruction 98 725-0311, se fire retinas. T V Pe ale Rd D plumbing. bi yapeedis a P Cacitar Mt RoNe treet ies wr ton fet ae = ph DAY OF es Ga CHESTERFIELDS +r an Averive, SUPPLY SEE-- Tent Tr North Everythi LIKE NEW Hydro 8 eet] Brooklin ag aren eres a ; RTs AND. DEATHS. rden Supplies Rut og Rg pet Ee fe Lrg Dil on hing on Sale for Ee 'Sent a comic aae| Pune tes eee) OF PU to ord ver! fe. See and IN RD. ere. Fi lay ony- ri phone 623 for qui jostats, cage bit = ee e & es oe acm ite ar aad Gust E . &. fro ive models pri y SALESM ice. +5668. quick sale, th 'orner lot man, ry within 10) | pH Se oa FN te iagara B ord s eet, 723-7212, covers. made| 72 'ast of Ritson) ° Ne i vn s <= = : ' 5 p.m. RAY PREviC Pom ug Kill ee S. Ing, 38 Charles 3-8131 ve SEE -- Ni . OB area, soni rotiss yo ey ES 45 PREV! ogre ers riV ales 72 Cam lew id : 576-0390. se uae t BE nin iA) er ne : S i0US en and Se 3-813 ping -- leas ean A alorege suitabl ps a : Pari o Gard in rvic 2 P J Ai in A DINT ve, Telephone wh Pig cre : a Pesturnm4 ISPLAY Cc lenall C ool od SERVICE C. i aaa a = . : 3 | : : : : ae -- pls you, Onl or ond ion, medi um Soy previ ygon 2E (Licensed AP F ONLY 2.5 y $199, Holi- M stove, tabie, h S, coffee n for fast ly $5,000 other ¢ ic ec aree 30 @m, fog Bes 2 eo-| Ant by Polic PLIA ost T.V 50 @ SEE--E @ SIDI stove, oll | burner pig cl we] Ae Pai 2 = CANCELLATIONS AN previous, and Grub ec 1 Commissi NCE .V. Service doo: Everything fo eA NG chairs, Apply 188 gt tteigerator: wba] He Ker tre, ; ie Som DA Dp Malathi 'ourteo! ion) REPA D : di r living f 9 for out- WNINGS leuaax ary St., Port tty nace Y OF Cc on us Instri:-+ E: IRS OMIN innig sh rom ten' © boo cm! : = A RS Beaty, macall hlord ed rizto pert repoi ION shelters Me % i oS : publication will 1ON D jane ual Co rs of wa: epdirs to al TEL : products. Sleepi Coleman RS Ups Alces orn wre, cf rm be Focminnd gs before DT eF ntrol Cars etc shers, drye ye _rasica remem : ag ; = = = : BOX NUMB one day's Chipmai ully Insu e ALS rs, ranges, 728-5154 N @ We also 93, 1s' BO. nth ate 'ssi a While rer enaeeye $1.00 Biazinon Rose Dust red 0 PARTS AVAILABLE Ld WERS SPI 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. a ie Na E V E N | Fe date reeling tors ees ' a» 8 oy : = : a ; z : " os ee om 'ExuPING he in the NISS ELECTRIC § S98, Telephone "ie: your up to $100 weeki RT TIN 3 = . : i 5 : ITURE oad East, just Supply. Limite Installed, ine Rd. N 15 P, ES L piifler. Rei PANISH C spare time, si ekly in sors sible, we ac-| Kj Her 14 AL | 452 Si end APPL! Supply, Limited, Taunt 4 le . North rince St TD, |Two 1 eae aint Annes, nd mac vie = = ~ = pin T imece S. --- JANCE Weldi teen Wend 8-9942 : 725 tri TRLS' bi Slephone 722080." jing ma our special ng 4 : : = | % a ie : | wae. Tri 4632 Haag RLS' 'bicycles "28° 2880. | neede chine. No polish- ENIN Msp otherwise. d whsther ty re and Di pney to Loa 23.0011 OPEN U h of King S Fi iple A Aucti skies Teens foe Hre 'a ie ee Io for replies 'unc y Deas Weed Kil ithane LJ C PiaTLa NTIL 10 P.M, t. East ree pick-u uctions ONE LARGE 3. oe 26) will, put Ge uy mes Sled aa lers buy Behan Oo CnHaae Ni usto ul VAL DAIL hold p of you $120) 6 Realistic Co ae tae a s4 "-- ai. ae Seo earns cmt et oa Re Elect m Welding Ur atte, bore mILY_| Sele gece in i tia Fras Sa Br. ara : THE Ss ra' {fidential, rst ortgages penses, rds, all , tille valle fi on ar COTTAG! : ping, hat ville, pl sbi vi ) in iy ae } : = = : re : =o ete pled rs, itches, c, Hil |v #3 and rides. .623-! ee tur- |" 0 410" $487 inator Wi new, |, 728- fi : RESPONSIBIE FOR WILL Lawn Soak: ny_time. ie ipages averebie seni engine: es, al OSHAW, , repairs, ite Late Gatun 271. Jendon' 4 by ve", a5 ae Ch Miners ve nigh TS ERRORS NOT BE ers Mi 72 con- service s. Part P ATA. » etc. ming. Boat » Good. fishin for ren 6 s Sal s $8 each nF: Yaa ae 3 Tian elena cain Lawn o Ke] Oshawe Lar, so To . SUP! aval hing' gnaw hd te ' ee Veen Sueein ig NOT OTMthwiti RX ise 3 rtgages Oshawa. gest service "4 tg A vito Pie Fat -- oF al adie tienlend Pao ea? hes cat ams " sae zs PRICE eT NO OF ANY , 20, 30 4 BARRIE 923-813 a quipme' ITY TV ie ic Gatwate): sier ot Com Gu of On _ RGE FOR BEYON 'Ap-| Everyth | 728-279 AVE. 23-8131 int evi television: ec eg | ae z "SERTION IN WHIC! Se ae Ing Fo R New, 1 or 725-4 2--P, ice and a, rodion, jaa Seat Evenings 7 Telephone vey has : "The Osho He ERROR OCC in| CO t The Gard AG pairs USED -- vi 633 ersonal 1 SPECIAL dept. ope repairs. Service eet ine aver Caen: | Short hour toh : ' : : | s te s det oer 7 days rvice on NERAL Nee eee enn Seek burs, service. Mi e out per mon clossi rtising the right mit New ra. Re minum ¢0 bl .V. tower: @ week, LECTRIC refrigerator end Box cg Si A gop vera tharht to] 723-2312 th Co. | , LOANS CoAT, EAT | ease eas mim ear te, Clack nd white t.¥, Ante wer ies Seees : Se Times display, i oni | 728-1 ranges. Fret all wi guara ond insta 4 me | thi Hous THRI sh Write eet will Ss wilngt be 'nad rexgeratl TOR ag Moneys evcilable for Soa Ea ssrree estimate.) Ts TING SERVICE MARINE "STORAGE 248 ae? ame © oat Brie one mar Ite grin' con cn rapes epiulen : : _ : ans oS z ' The ule ce alien 65 LY. 500. Al t. Call joover floor wait|!n9 reasonable off munity restaurant? F so _ fatter cule The publishers mortgages. No bo bose. (eo tagine| De oe Pe 5.3641 LTD. T work sue Pom |aeInch HEAVY Bi n Wall ratornent rate era ia of moter comect fy but assume LIBE lY meeteages, Oe nus, First Hin, ting Proce: © unique, Open to 9 RU niet lees AVY DUTY statements. show re rele nance ie = any form are t It a ony ina no liability R a De soot Service confident tee yee f on FREE EST oe. eee Aig 3 ee ase earlier oan grin 'iam wavay ve 62300, caine aa re a we ether % ge N M sole pur- {ce Pha Ti jini Mtg. in or the iat one yd -- to repair © IMATES ri a bsaepliy te Room, caewerruis Mitr oy rege Yc tonite a 4) a" pod ya oR WANT AD RSERIES pnb i a -- West, Waltby, "660-3563 riot Chesil For e Love Ag Md finding ony dis. agora your boat Pal \ hale $699, $399, - P weekly. madara, ch money down, =e + i : Ta i Pi : . " ng St. E urve g wut r_ information riage, CAI struction. : layawe mediate delis asy Hamilton, oe service, ra, fats ne Era ae 2 : = E ae =o : co ay. ivery or [BRC 'agian. , trades. Bille cKEN DE enltor, Osho lo 1. FD Dept. "O' 25¢ to: pplica- shaw RUTH RAGKMAN "bor) ee ac - Sale (@) 723- 46 Lend am AND YROLLOPE, We 4 0", 62 Ri CUPID, a Yachth 15 ERFORD' 3321, Very 1 jable. PH, mete anode. Tralnin mo outs iO. ara | : ' : f = : a as on a ae 723 aven 5 Simcoe Ss E T r toric Lyall Mf pall ty In U.S. : Street Ont it. -8186 St. Soi FOURS wo soot : INDEX Chole SES Ww and 2nd M DONEVAN ruil .| 3 : : = r) eh 1 tari AND of s CH CH atin anon te ' tee CLASSIF TO Tea, Flos 1 grade Hybri avalleble | nd 'Mortgages. |f prints Surveyor, SCHWANN Or. -- Hor sahil hair SALE see ns, Z : 7 : = : : ; : | = | : ICATIONS and "Florebunde, Grandifl id Consolide for, anid Fe funds Ontario ever Commercial bive Ett June Age be in MeVay preted SERVICE from ITES ; (elean). sta ta cansed ; nna : : Seon ; 36 Ou 4 ora loan. It Pil with hag ages. |TV--Rad beg Phone > ol and Creatine, npaieg sell vrais, "" vr ft = = : : = --Trallers Columns tstanding Varieti tee oy dea with th io Repairs ment. ese dates for nf tes rode ae a lenge rede Sarat a - : aie a : : Es = : rallers Such os M ies igh repu- T EL! ard mo vine | model rom $99. EOS "DAISY F esting, profial reflrng. Nic infer . ! S " : : fei ECTRO! OSHA tors. ee , 1967 |" Feathe RESH" Ik haat Fy Nice rs ond Sa dele yes E hie, Mon oln, Red NCH : ION -- RA LYSIS WA YACI eta 3 ater ond rollback aes oe. = : 'erp tlag We hong verbloom| tezuma IN REALTY 24 DIO 723-464 72 HTHAVEN gio7, sect chair y delivered at store. s-(fanne arenas so oe at vie 1 ee pe ge Gold ing Climbe: ond VESTM| hour Servi BRivino 1 Fie! 3-8186 ionals fro 1 hentghlag & hon) lg Wren Wiiee la iat et ag pel ge yoo and Blaze rs, Royal L ENTS rvice [dee ES Fae : motor TAGLAS taxi, Wilson' im Farmers' fon: Phone 'S224 ie Se ! ie Via cone . IMITED ver July 3. Basse ARY and stor and Geter tralee, c 's Furn., 20 ers' Coll fi CG, lo 10 Per pearl 'and Livest These 51 King S$ HO Bax Ye sad arg. wanted Vancou- 623-72 trailer, Fu yaacippe dar =. e = ze Z ready- Ost i 70698, vin t Ta O 70 ly Mrs, Mui heir St. |i ALITY , x zc : ; ae tants poor] ore testes roses in 723-1187" Ont be ELEC "ah oe eaves xi) Fine ie" wine Pe, e am culos, hod meer nae coca mabe cee Vicon "Fara Stand TODDLERS PA mat | = +7, : pruned, Ing 7.45, 108 Nee J per 'Johnsti [bes cally nothing AK ie Le = ata. i e : UcEmorment rs P. sproyed. ized 725-621 ICS UNW: Call after to Tor 725-5250. seats, top inston [erlved isarcee"' even non radtiients Cares ind 14 mi go ip mn o =f x Be omer omg 0 Chetty HAIR 1 ee STA : condition 'and (Counce off miture even ar i Roles | i. fa na ree : = * Ma peingee Help W Eoch $ oa i pow 'A-PELO. SACA vanaed cue) Wi STARCRARY, sie 91,475, |coura" at Oshi oat a ciiette, hel BEAD AND cA raat tat em f- : a ao ented u MOR 'OR Isto V RENTALS oe ee wre Bsa igg perece pants ae, ee Sie der tree ao Shower He eels Fyrone. Tereph saat. tar poeercancer Speci summa Sen : bck teal Female Help ! TGAGE | T rowth of pare hair It] Brooklin ied store seven aantte CONTINENTAL BED imeem mint i se: a sich | 355 : : : ee ne ee See 'wantes per ied We havi LOAN OWERS . Ltd, WANTED Abn r from [NAL ge and Supply, Lx, Re ay cio an ae ; Gi Age neo aati ripen Farm, iidren up t ioe si je farms for Sal ° "$10. 80 foan os H private fi s PHONE 66 ron Ly Ee © e rE gig sbod Fe CO a y Lod. onethird pig senility from $29.95, mat. cultivator 'dis S| ie = = e at 'unds 8-5679 » B.C. Granville Beer | omeine rane BUY 'actory out! headboa: Itivator d R-WHEEL m Ose tins or | Bnea Cae' wang Box Plants 45c poo sae and 2nd MORT- T.V. R |4--Motorbik St, Van. |} OREW sr epons ont tapos fre ang Lo atig el Ta Sane Ee a fs cy tt ment anal tao om. -- ces ments VICE .V. Rent 1968 es Gat Evinrude tully 307 Furni peg Phe forn-|* aa ss ; tor ose Storage 128 Libe in your own moy be y N als te FAMAHA, ving te POR hl mie ane B 1. re, 444 og onl Br iin, 6589099. edie = zs for rty St. teous home. F made New Sets ie $265, Te % ce, exceller i9 FOOT woo FURNITURE South, 728: rook!tin, standing ed oo Risse wir ce ae za tor Fl scl Bowm - N. service. 'ast cou A eiephone 723-' Og) vga evinrva CRUISER With traler a | euti t'in a Loe S, = ; g 'and Bosré anville aa LCA r gconen 06 le motor for with. tr Hane Pay onl ree rooms of ni Ni ahh lied alte ae ee ner. Sele 623-3074 Wi wear, FURNITURE and 3 BSA. 500 cc, $250. Ti ' ae a MERC saith, fralier "and bade sr ae pd File sin GPS pplices trols infection» rower Poy ve secs le = Cars. fer leekends ECIALI IANC ae te ro 5 MERCURY, elect furniture 'or 'molly nee. a " = : for Sele See Cutti F and Eveni ST 452 Si ES ition, I low qilease, Vv bt ehh ric stertl ity Trad! anythin HANGE 's Pha r bottle nO. ral ph a nt ing Now IRST ANI venings 7. Simcoe Telephor od new. Mase, ve '1966 » perfect ing, | Street Bis vier re a i Ee ae = = ee 'ond 'Pound a6 ed Field SOD Riga COND morp e562 ert il 5. -- il Se bet otter. {90 pt top seperate," aa ing FInEROLAS =. aror 488" Bienen fay, Ti se en on "aria eae = mal cellent Qu st, 723-7232, marries 3 Hits Henn ale JO é railers fevenin 'evinrote, seats, fully las, sre belle si New and IDERS from STAIN! hone 668-4: oer nd Cochrane Sts sane " = = Loaded ality. Low P. AN y 31 King Street E 5 (ee) tev 93 985-2409. Telephone ence son PB aby te itd and pile oA 14 [tee =e hy a : a : Good : " or Del rices. erties Pad SECOND morioas LOR T\ f Sha wi ENS 144 29, | Bi . 725-2162. generators, 11 s, Re-|tele oNalan, rea; ae si mean rin me - ' Visitors We ivered Tele ht and peti gk and Rad sta Trai hae A age Tibergias HOTOGRAPHIC SA\ OE Waele nan Cenee selling tank, per-|$ ian Gea a a mi = = : = ---- a at mate a ALLIS CHALME Frage ante bop boty: oral hi ee EQUIRED F 7. Guide legos 5 Or 723-5281, iy die PECIALIZING ce LES and R ARISTOC py | aller, eeaelle | 3588, oo Pat ata x = z= = = 967. ity Li eor confi. EUROP! IN ENTALS son RAFT nt | 3588. ty. For m_ events, n'g| Rube! ion -- power H avin pee pu 's , : = E ' ee ra es er 'appointment, ete, | Plow ww Tired Waeen Spreader Rake, Mectne "abon s, homes. mwa, walle STATI! (ea D SECOND mortgs r Na E NeCnuDEn he AND ichardson B er, price $505. pounds capac a [ie god Saget M54 - pee bai si 'iia = i * = evente Schetemenn Resiton Vid rock 3 Bond W PAIRS Imeoe and A. [oe XK. pacity trall-| TRAILER Telephone 728-5181 "i fs se oe ete --= = S fac lcae Le a 576-1670 Taunton Rd. ye IW Runabout lapatrake, 7 oF lboxes. a "REFRIGERATOR "a " ares tae | « : Ne & re) 'gs : ULDI els gag - 0 - : ee ary Street dente Whitby, 640-330, Geete Fer Sale, nse Jade till 9 ish INGe June 13 ge [Pomc dl eed. Miller "tralle ran te ns QUARTERET Reed Reul| You'll Find Where Rukh eae I¢FOOT ALUMINUM | bos lor eae ble prt a : SELL me 'ou Wi ateve is=FOOT FIBER utboard, $300. eld, 30 HP, ts, steering heels. owner" el | ' ant--Iin the Ti r T FIBERGLAS, 7 ar ene, tere rere ae patie vehi pre angele ieoving clr ween SELL ae Times leis heCulloch HP. motor, sat viune asvehl "ater Maine ar eee ui | wnat le excel- brushes, ef, lok all asthe . tr taining, raking wo es | sede lnc aT ae | -- -- ea ash ing strain. Apply . That's The J PLU = er 4 a. . Of Time: lob M B E F 25- Sst in A frist han aie pate a ae : 2 mestic Fr cmtagg A : sonar" sears 723-3492 se 839-7897 ter Aston, . - ral ' { Pa ¢ ; f

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