Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jun 1967, p. 6

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-* LEARS sic ceil mieten sow adel Private Bill Postponed {Ford Recalls | Mitchell Sharp's Budget |, sie « 'scars tn "athlete tienal Baseball 1 Federal Provincial Talks ya wien Bell Powers "U0 Trucks | | Draws Praise Of Economist 27222" eter OAKVILLE (CP)-- Ford Mo- Warner, 98, had = 54° tor Co. of Canada Ltd. says it . i : i , : RONTO (CP) -- Mitchell tent, he will "make economic IZZ A i and hit seven he Bring Accor d On Secur ities OTTAWA (CP)--A controver-|hearings before the transport|has asked owners of about 2,600 Pi i fe Nd Ae budget-|history.* sums on tent Fi - thei b * ie i i acer Ay hadetsanas Tas pene grok pr ygron Pareto hicks i. lds te te making as finance minister and} Mr, Firestone finds profes- Phone 723-0241 son. He is repr By JANE BECKER Meanwhile, officials will re-jarate one for each province, as powers of Bell Telephone Co. of t In-|spection and replacement of|it will never be the same again,| sional competence both in the or 728-0192 ately to the Len! TORONTO (CP)--The federal|port back to their minister on/at present. Canada has been shelved until|YOnd terms of the present In- eis Phd ie gee the front| economist O. J. Firestone writes| pre-budget white paper with its : Richmond fer's government may scrap its plan|the proposal. But some parts of securities|the fall by the Commons com-|°o'Poration Act. Sapession' and steering mech-|the current edition of the Cana-|'analytical and forward-looking EPI' s the Virginians. for a national securities com-| The original rowan -- non eg a wll ae mittee on transport and com-/AULEGE MONOPOLISTIC 'silkor dian Tax Journal. j content" and in the budget , abd mission in favor of a revised|called Ror a Sr Bape: bag pri ing Mot camuit io ol munications. : The firm has come under in-| 4 company spokesman said) He says Mr. Sharp's June 1/Speech itself. Se rs ee ee cee aes Gea G Lie i ee provincial] Lengthy public hearings arejcreasing criticism reently from/Thursday Ford Motor Co. is|budget shows the budget-mak- Adult [ Securities Commission, for ajdination and mamaria . ontrol later if provinces wished|SCheduled for after the Com-|federal, provincial and munici-|notifying owners of 25,000 simi-ling process in Canada 'has GEMENT federal-provincial body. ee ee Cole mons summer recess and the|pal politicians, who see Bell as/larly affected units in the United| reached a new high level of pro- LIMITED ENGA : ' As federal and provincial fi-|ties erat, >. _ oS fancd 'Mr. Langford said the reyi-|Conservative leadership conven-|a giant monopoly gobbling uP/states, fessional competence, public THE : Dancing Ev. oa coe Tharedi "af R. wig tg ue pion uni-| sions proposed were mainly '"'a|tion in Toronto Sept. 6-9. ° jsmall competitors and oo Field and laboratory investi-|consultation and flexible real- DIRECTLY FROM Night , Wheres. todertl Sey Ravana form provincial securities legis- oe bee ool gyre Pay aac ebony 8 = ee bn Svat several non-telephone es ieee tintin = cae ism. SPRUCE Beverly Hills Motor Hotel ' ainister, hi ie «| lati i in sic change in the|calus a n : : ! » Po i ini ily ' ' pose oar vg remeled gh ie crac oxceuitise thee ae bol woe ve tr said he would like to call offi-| New Democratic members on|road conditions and high' mile- oe ee ee in Toronto ' ( | | rg - rH broached|and provide for a securities} "Basically, it will be made|cials of the combines investiga-|the transport committee are ex-|age could cause damage to the fron: Mr. Firestone, the Univer- Fabul bared ag meee of "'co-oper-|fraud investigation unit. more workable," he said. "Ijtion branch to testify about the|pected to press for greater pub-|front axle spindle and related sity of Ottawa's vice-dean of s0- VILL A The Fabulous ' adion. with the provinces." SUGGEST JOINT BODY was pleased at its reception, but|implications of Bell's corporate a conte ph _ --_. steering components. cial sciences. : Mr. Bryce said officials dis-| The OSC plan suggests a joint/no one is committed to it." -- |growth. TOGO Ge Cnaaet ts of Seatly"vemcTS BUG LINES He says it is a serious mistake Stagemen i ctissed the OSC proposal for ajfederal - provincial commission,| He said he hoped to circulate The board of transport com- sue ewe ANRUBIY, Australian web- spinning in-|to describe the recent budget HOTEL i } Canadian Securities and Ex-|with members appointed by|the otdaon plan in two or three| missioners, which regulates) Other MPs are concerned|sects called lerps can short outlas a stand pat document. If with : fon SCUGOG change Commission -- Can-See both the federal and provincial hor A site kek yr bar org preg oa also po ho an telephone and power lines. Mr. Sharp succeeds in his in- la Tho ; i me detail. However they| governments. e cons! Ss. € n , -- - ' me ached no consensus, and H.| It would oversee provincial) yyy, Bryce said the meeting} A committee official said|including earth satellite sys- se WHITBY Vani a mas : Musie b E. Langford, OSC chairman, | securities legislation and press] aiso qiscussed new regulations |Thursday that several large or-|tems. \ A Truly Beautiful Voice ' Charlie Co had been asked to revise it for/for more uniformity in it. Com-lunder the federal Bank Act gariizations plan to submit} The bill's most controversial M RI A R H RESERVATIONS shell ; C circulation among the provinces panies would need to file only| which will require banks to dis-|briets opposing various features|section would allow the com- The Cleveland Bombshe ot aad We baie for comment. one prospectus instead of a sep-| close their real lending rates--jof the Bell legistation. They in-|pany to use any "improvement 668-3386 ' "the same kind of disclosure|clude the Canadian Federation|or invention for communica- tf Admission--3.00 Py = s other lending companies must|of Mayors and Municipalitie';| ting" that is deemed in the WITH a EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION of Expo Fireworks osion |make underprovincial laws." |the Association of Ontariojfirn.'s interest. o | Ht _The new Bank Act regula-|Mayors and Reeves, the city of Some MPs have argued that ind The BLAGK PANTHER s ss |tions should be complete within Montreal and a group of wire|this would open the door to a Harr Munro u © Sp Panics isitors Orkers |a few weeks, he said. manufacturers led by Industrial| pel} - controlled communica- y : : | 7 | This week's meeting was the|Wire and Cable Co. tions monopoly taking in micro- Moment Exotic Frolics me Geese By BORIS MISKEW had to be pulled out of the| third between federal and pro-| Bel) seeks permission to boost|wave networks, TV satellites Welk. te. : MONTREAL (CP) -- An un-/Wwater after jumping to safety. eciel Hogg officials in less| its capital stock to $1,750,000,000|and eih-speed ae agit ot and yes Back by Popular Demand ° SEA FO i is- ; 0 ii int ta wi e help o} : a aed the 'am a -- aun oamatonds Mr. Bryce said "'real pro- ane a" tg gn et rome thing M.C. COMEDIAN E i Dancing Night! : Dainhin Lake at wecios amuse-|_,E*P0 Officials first blamed a| press" has been made in the : ond ig Nightly : Frid lent aren Thursday just as a pon heagp 'tena -- ber field of deposit insurance, par- | D Saturday Matinee 4 to 6 p.m. : rigay ai ; wrecke cisplay but sald/ticularly in co-ordinating Que- French Buffet Daily 12-12:30 end 5-9 p.m. ' Live Lebstey, | group of water skiers completed | jto, they believed a couple of/hec's new provincial act with Fred McKenna lOUgG FATHER'S DAY pc rorig® a Fs ar ve gs Fotogad SP€C-| rockets set off the chain reac- the new federal Deposit Insu- tators lining the shores. tion after having failed to go off|rance Act, and in drafting a The sudden burst of explo-|the previous night. model trust and loan companies Cheose yeur ewn tis + @eeked te you Sunday Dinners 5-8:30 p.m, Romaine DINERS CARDS HONORED Trio sions sent panic-stricken visit-| The explosions came on a hot|act for amended provincial leg- er ae sbi, Now Licensed under 1.C.8.0. for Sunday bed tel Ly rte blast cial One pay te and humid afternoon when the |islation. ye ' Wadi oe wii od ors ~ te ps sia th njtemperature soared into the| Mr. Bryce said another meet- ESTABLISHED lanquets --- Weeeings GEOF Tan dove into the laken net |high 80s and South Koreans|ing would probably be held in = ee eee t '| Were celebrating their nationalla few months, although he 4 ST CHANCE TO M bs heard pip Pe al a day at the fair. didn't yet know where. or wa "Anabel LAST CHAKCE TO ) LA OTOR The display was being pre- a IN OSHAWA KING ST SEE SEE For Reservation waterfront show." mam Enjoy the Best in . . . "HOTEL LANCASTER ostiawa ALL FOR THE PRICE OF ONE peer Pi gegen | ripped up the COUNTRY and WESTERN at the : | reworks installations and sent theres K -- '4 ' eee Jean - Baptiste Girard to, the Q U E E N'S 4 OT E L f a JACK LEMMON te re WI » Expo hospital for treatment for i Shock. He was released later. : Where The Fun Is -- 9 P.M, Till 12 =, O'Toole VIRNA LISI ---- Alexandre Sabourin, an elec- 67 Simcoe St. N. -- Oshawa ] "HOW TO wwii! > ee) a ee DANCE FATHER'S DAY noni © BOB and the BLUE RIVER BOYS e ¢ + « Featuring RENA ADAMS! |e FRIDAY The Big Fun Dance ( DINNER Saturday Night! | The Sounds of the Big Beat 'o eee NASHVILLE Sun., June 18th LITTLE CHOW'S Restaurant sum tte GZ Whats Now pg 19 KING ST. WEST -- OSHAWA : " CONSULS Rudy Veltr ! Club Annrene parade Pn -- "Aisa tf) SPecial Daily Mena - . . NEW TORNADOS on SCUGOG ISLAND [J ease om wnsn ev < oven 100 mae, diag Excellent Chinese Food featuring the lovely BUFFET DINNER SERVED Saturday at 5 P.M. & 7:15 P.M. @ TOP QUALI 'Sunday Cont. from 2 P.M. 39 King St. Phone 725-5833 e SYMPHONI! HEY KIDS! A [ speciats Go where the fun is -- ODEON -- Every Sat. Afternoon at 1 P.M. Special Shows for Children only plus free pop- corn (if you have @ lucky ticket No.) plus all kinds of free prizes. This is your invitation te join eur ODEON MOVIE CLUB -- You may be the LUCKY WINNER of your ewn 2-wheel Bicycle. q This Sat. Mat.: : IL "FIRST MEN IN THE MOON" i MARIE HARRISON ' : ge anes Table accommodation for Rudy Veltri 500 people OSHAWA'S RED BARN vwerssr once Open Weekdays 8:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M, Fri. & Sat. Nights until 3:00 A.M, Sunday until Midnight from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 985-2751 or 985-7427 kkKaek Kk * _ HOMES PRODUCTIONS FREE HOME DELIVERY anal at the On Orders Over $2.00 DINNER-DANCING Whitby Arena Phone 576-2221 or 725-2543 NOW PLAYING NIGHTLY mi iyibens > htc FRI., 'ONE OF THE MOST -- -- ie cieicias JUNE 16th BEAUTIFUL 2 NIGHTS 'biiteediaieiiuiiias 4 P.M. to 12 P.M, NOTES EVER aah | ---- MNO ne : y | 7 | WALLY f AND -- 2 ) THE SHANDELLS 8 SOLID HOURS OF NON STOP ENTERTAINMENT Featuring: Live end In Person Direct From Hollywood, Cell., Singing Their No. 1 Hit Record-- Sheke A Teil Feeter. PI lus Vm Your Puppet. And Many, Many More . 7O BREAK A WEB OF ESPIONAGE AND INTRIGUE, IN ACTION...I IN THE VIRGIN CHARCOAL BAR-B-0 SPECIALS : This offer good from June 17th till July 18th. One i FLIN OF 6 | Solid Month of Good Food at DISCOUNT PRICES. James & Bobby ACADEMY | Saturday Night 8:30 to 11:30 P.M. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. 4 BAC] PURIFY 1 paying 1 : Pay ie AWARDS! I, GEORGIAN Motor Hotel §j } 8B. B.Qued Chicken 1.15} | -- act ae fi CHAMPLAIN AVE, -- AT THORNTON RD.S. -- 723-4693 eid oat SECOND ORDER FOR . Rh , SAVE 90 25° The new.., Flin METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER PLUS SIX BIG 'CANADIAN BANDS 1) Stitch In Tyme 2) Shewn & Jay Johnson and The Mojestics CIN I Uy Something New! Save! TRY OUR TRY OUR Daddy Burger LITTLE BOY 2) E. G. Smith = and the Power Double Decker BURGER ae ae Booed carer GO plein A SAUL DAD Pon .)) bin Soul Searchers, CKLB PROUDLY PRESENTS Relish and Mustard, Relish or Mustard. f Starey Sens a . 55 | 2--55* | | ~JAMES(O : ereury | : @ deck Hote Don Messer's uve LICH : FAMILY PACK FOUR BIG MC's Jubilee Show ; my ye Tag oad & The sababers Rat shee in Person F ISH and CHIP S ; JEAN pind J 2 full hours of famity variety ; CKFH'S wi pred ; Big 'G' Walters Rl MARG, CHARLIE AND a BUCHTA DANCERS DAVID LEAN 2 ORDERS FOR 1.07 SAVE 13¢ ANDREW DU CKLB'S . Total Cast of 22 PANAVISION so METROCOLOR THREE CONTINUOLS PERFORMANCES DAILY AT John Donnaughbie Advance Tickets 2.00 At The Door 3.00 FESTIVAL CANADA 1S A PROJECT OF THE CENTENNIAL COMMISSION TICKETS ON SALE AT... WHOLE CHICKENS ie cote | by DeLuxe © Auditorium Box Office BOWMANVILLE 2 75 Cinemasco, eines anise : Biker ; Pati Govt : be Lovell Travel Agency a ge sg e . pe s Se ceeall . meen 5 2. . <A 2 Sates tte sib Arm 1:30 P.M, -- 5:00 P.M. -- 8:30 P.M, ncludes B.B.Q. Sauce, 2 Rolls, Chips TODAY mane Byer CENTRE @ The Dise Shep @ The Centre Smoke Shop BUS SERVICE 7:30 -- 8:00 -- 8:30 RETURN DOWNTOWN AFTER SHOW PICKIN CHICKEN |e voor. ARENA BOX OFFICE BRYSON'S SMOKE SHOP zxkakeek kk SHORTY'S CIGAR ' TICKET PRICES LO j LF Minimum Delivery $2.00 ord , al I Deli 2:25 - 4:35 -6:50-9 earths tao SHOP @ Adults >... 250-- 2.00 & KS COLOR» . Charge. $5.00 oe 25¢ Dalivery chara page co j @ Children . A 8 SOWMANViLLE ALL SEATS RESERVE THEATRE BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 All Specials On Take Out Only iii es SHOW STARTS AT DUSK 522 Ritson Rd. S. 728-732} THORNTON RD. SOUTH

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