Po Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale pcg N Estate for Sate THE OSHAWA TIMES, AES, Thursday, June 18, 1967 93 17--Female Help Wonted |18--Male Help Wanted |20--Real Estate for Sole nt Ads' 11--Pet & Livestock -|POODLE AND TERRIER puppies for d sale, @ eight weeks only, $15. Telephone C|FINNISH TOY Spitz, American Toy ter- ,|rier, also Border collies, house trained. ind fo $100. delivered. Telephone 985- .|FIVE KITTENS, nine weeks og te good homes only, Telephone 725-1346. - |COZY-3 ee, Reg'd. German herds, pups. Show 655-4662. for hg vy Magep strain, tes eg | Broad, 114 Elgin STANDING FOR SERVICE: 1,B.N, Raf- franzah, grandson of alee 1.4 - fein conformal +|ma Contact @ A. Cantieia Libere ity fy stables, 263-2303, DOG Usd sng all breeds, ality work lowest mn prices, Call, ¢eompare "920-9609, eioHT-YE IAR-OLD BAY seadle rere with loos bred foal. "| prea Nay opal rine ei wig (covery KITTENS for sale. Telephone | after 5 p.m. 728-2776, .|PUPS FOR SALE, part poodle, six weeks told, ready to eae away. Telephone 725- 8437 after 3 p. FOUR-YEAROLE hone 576-3865. riding mare, Tele EAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, veady |for training, talking strain. Apply T. '| Broad, 114 Elgin East, | POODLE PUPPIES, miniature, for sale. Male and female. Telephone 728-3463. |TWO BAY WELCH horses and saddies |for sale, also harness and collars, wagon |wheels. Owner leaving country. Tele- |phone 723-2573 after five. be zed SALE -- Two hay Ponles, mares, Je a two-year-old teed" to saddle. "Bey arivee ply 'can after 5 p.m, 655-3982. 12--Articles Wanted $ MONEY $ For used fumiture, picture frames. Military objects, glass china, silver, gold, brass, cop- per, coins etc. Top prices paid, Toronto 282-5604. VACUUM CLEANER and vison pt contitlinn Wee tele foe RECESS SCREEN Oe aR OT GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Highest prices, Call i lag MacNell's Furniture. 668-5481, 668-6526. 13--Articles for Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S RENTALS 462 Ritson Rd, S$. 725-3338 ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- quets, parties, Vase s. Bar, kiteh Barking. 723-7726 iy ings ' ens WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk- '$s reducing machines, sick room. sup- plies, Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, 14--Business Opportunities SPARE TIME MONEY MAKER Earn up to $100 weekly in your spare time, simonizing cars with our special pollsh- ing machine. No experience needed as we train you. $25 will put you in business. Must have good credit, Tele- phone MR, JOSEPH, 728- 0291. PIZZA AND RESTAURANT on Main St., within 5 miles of Oshawa. 50 seats, take out and delivery service, m, short hours, Fully air condi- tioned. Reasonable rent. Write Box M69681, Oshawa Times. HRIVING FISH AND Lag restaurant J rea: i] atements shown to Interested parties. eplies to Box 68500, Oshawa Times. HITBY -- cleaning business, In- Hey stores, buliding, and equipment, Ala: For more particulars xX store, i J. B. McMullan and Co, Realtore 18-6201, 5--Employment Wanted TODDLERS PARADISE FROBEL -- MONTESSORI Day Nursery School Special Summer classes for children up to 8 years, Out- side activities including swim- ming. 723-0734 for appoint- ment. 11_ Brock St. E., Oshawa Lay fo te . Lawn maintenance, 'ld fobs 'done, tessonati f a JOBS, take away garbage, Id lbs to be done by truck. Reeson. si rate Telephone 725-0070 7 1% SSDUNTANT BOOKKEEPER -- fice manager seeks conte in South. n aoa Will re-l Experienced phases of othe and pur- asin. Available now. 576-3437, Osh- UNG MAN SEEKS a) to a. Teaghione tesa as LL BOARD four. or fives lid In home. eferences. 520 aro e 725-494), day ILL GIVE day-care for pre-school *n_in my home. Phone 728-3317, wid IVERSITY STUDENT would do do baby ing In her he aoe during the day. es reat = an 0 truck wi driver, "awn mali nce, odd fobs of all kinds. aan th lA Aceh halen ag CLEAN-UPS, windows, walls my Telepivane 7 725-1885, eee ULD LIKE JOB as bab or sitter for idays. Thr school be ae dune 9% Age 17. iLY oe READERS in bite Dr ee nae Copies of 8,000 re 30 oughout iven weekday. = "cost: Wust diel Saracen rencers at --Female Help Wanted STENOGRAPHER Experienced, mature person required for. Stenographic du- ties in our Engineering Dept. Must be fast and accurate typist. Telephone Ajax 942-2120 for appointment. TARK ELECTRONIC NSTRUMENTS LTD. AJAX "Registered "Nurse (1) | Required for | OPERATING ROOM Registered Nurse (1) Required for EMERGENCY OPERATING ROOM Particularly interested in per- son desiring 3-11 andor 11-7 | shift | Salaries in accordance with | experience and education. | Orientation "ae one month. Ajax and | Pickering General Hospital ___Nursing_ Personnel Office _ PROFESSIONAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES requires experienced Cleaning Ladies 3-4 hours in evenings, Mon. - Fri. in) Ajax 942-5524 WAITRESS shift. 4 pm. - 11 p.m. Apply Mr. Campbell GENOSHA HOTEL actu bel CLERK TYPIST Minimum 3 years experience. Permanent position. 5 day | week. Excellent working con- ditions. Phone 723-2233 TELEPHONE CANVASSER, steady e ployment. Apply Dumont Aluminu: 352_Wilson and Olive (corner). IF YOUR CHILDREN are grown, why not turn your spare time into money? For information call 576- 1301 evenings. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE requires ma- ture young lady with business experi- ence, accuracy and neatness essential,|. minimum grade 12, typing cl words per 50-$350, de- Reply to minute, starting salary pending upon qualifications. Box 69569, Oshawa Times. OFFICE CLERK capable of handling small payroll, accurate typist with book- keeping experience preferred. Apply Box 70584, Oshawa Times, EXPERIENCED | "dry "cleaning | presser, top wages. Apply 1120 Simcoe Street N. WHITBY -- Young 'girl, 14-16, to mind 3%-year-old boy, four hours a day, three days a week. Telephone 668-8174, ooh PART-TIME DESK CLERK, must be able to work shifts. Apply Mr. Camp- bell, Genosha Hotel. No phone calls, please. : 4 . HAIRDRESSER -- experienced "quill time employment, salary and _commis- ion. Air-conditioned galon, Telephone) 17 28-0662. TENORS St SWIM INSTRUCTOR for _ summer 'camp, live in, minimum requirements, bronze medallion and age 17. Also cook, amp age. Child welcome. Apply In per- fof Harmony Ri off Taunton Rd. = at 18--Male Help | Wanted -- 'ot Professional SALESMAN This large multi - divisional company selling internation- ally known products to auto- motive markets seeks an ex- | | Products, jcar. Apply 23 Prince Street ISERVICE STATION ion, Little Buckaroo Ranch, 'a-mile east |-------- GENERAL MANAGER for Supermarket Must be experienced, be- tween 25 and 40, neat and courteous. All benefits. Re- ferences required. Write stating age, qualitica- tions and wage expected to ~ CLASS "Ke | MECHANIC 74 SIMCOE ST. S. 725-0512 Two. PART- TIME representatives, qual \ified leads, Twelve hours weekly. Inter- jested in earning $100. weekly and up. |Over 25, with car. Experience unneces- \Sary, training available. 576-2370. FULL AND PART-TIME men _ wanted for selling and -- servicing Must be over 21 RELIABLE MARRIED man to learn | furnace work and drive-fue! oll truck in 'winter, steady position, Apply 725 Bloor ) St. West. |JANITOR REQUIRED {or for evening. | 'shift, 'six-day week. No phone calls please. | Apply Mer, Campbell, _Genosha Hotei. wanted. salesman assistant Experienced service station jrequired to avsume the responsibilities | Applicant must | of assistant manager, |have ability to perform fight repairs and assist in daily bookkeeping. are in} jperson, 767 Park, Rd. S., 725-9: EXPERIENCED PAINTER for fibergias| .|beats, Apply Whitby Boat Works, 570 Finley Avenue. Telephone 942-1010. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY: progressive Canadian firm wants a sales- man for Oshawa and area, You will be asked fo call on businessmen with out- standing lines of calendars, ball point pens, matches, business gifts, Christmas cards, etc, Top commission rates, Car jessential. Sales experience an advan. Write for further particulars to |tage, Papineau, Montreal. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. | company has opening for a local res- ident with business or sales background. Reply stating personal history, educa- tion and experience to Box 70015, Ogh- awa Times. SALESMAN -- This "may be the oppor- tunity for youl A large Canadian com- pany requires an additional salesman for Oshawa branch office. Age 23 - 35 with good work habits. Salary plus com missions with first year earnings In the Write Box 68590, $8,000 range. Oshewa Times. Call |wiring boats. Whitby Boat Works, . | 942-1010, 19--Male and Female ame Wee Applications for the position of SUPERVISOR of MAIN- TENANCE for the Whitby District Secondary Schools will be received by the Secretary till 4:00 p.m. June 26th, Duties to commence July 3rd, if possible, but not later than July 15th. Salary to be negotiated, other particulars available from the secretary, 405 Dundas St. West, Whit- ceptional salesman. 1) The man we select will prob- | ably be 25-35 with sales | experience. He will be assign- | ) ed an exclusive, established | territory now producing on | above average income, He | will represent a quality line | of consumable automotive hardware and functional parts. He will be fully train- ed at the company's expense | to achieve a high income on commission, For confidential interview call Toronto collect: MR. H. BROWN Manager for | Private | Curling Club in OSHAWA | FULL EMPLOYMENT. Written applications received until July 15, stating exper- ience and salary expected. A BOX 280 OSHAWA STOCK ROOM SUPERVISOR Electronics component manu- facturer located in Ajax re- quires responsible man_ to supervise two employees in stock room and do shipping | and receiving. Must have ex- perience. Telephone for ap- pointment 942-1540 | DUCT INSTALLERS For new Housework. | Ajax and Oshawa area. $3.50 per hour | Steady Work | Call 9-5 p.m. collect Toronto 249-7992 | | REAL ESTATE | SALESMEN age 24-40 Must have proven sales re- | cord. Apply MR. McFEETERS. | SCHOFIELD-AKER | Realtor Ltd. | 360 KING ST. W WANTED _ Experienced carpet layer with own Vehicle, willing to lay carpet on a contract basis. CONTACT BOX NO. 70831 ay B A-1 FOOD and FREEZER CLUB by, Phone 668-8411, "'W. D. THOMSON, Secretary, Whitby District High School Board, Box AG, Whitby, Ontario. STUDENTS- IN-ACCOUNTS We require students com- mencing first and fourth year courses. Preference will be given to students planning a career in public accounting. Apply in own handwriting to Burrows Selby and Company, 323 King Street West, giving complete details of educa tion and experience, requires Male and Female Canvassers Telephone 576-2990 7 A.M. to 7 P.M Oshawa Provisioners MEN, WOMEN fo sell real estate. ing available. Call Don Stradeski tor, 63 King Street West. 723- 4651 |FULLER has territories for housewives who have 10 hours can make $35 weekly or more in your spare time, 728-4922. Real, Electrolux , and have, |Postal Box 185, Delorimier Station, 4535/ Large i | | Very | |ELECTRICIAN required, experience in| | Train-| 20--Real Estate for Sale J.B. McMULLAN & Co. Realtor 1120 Dundas West WHITBY 668-6201 "APARTMENT BUILDINGS | Older brick home, consisting of 4 self contained apart- ments. Close to downtown Whitby on commercial land- scaped fot. List price $16,- 900. FOUR UNIT APARTMENTS Consisting of two -- 2 bed- room apartments two -- 1 bedroom apartments, in older part of Whitby on large land- scaped lot. Showing excellent return on inyestment. List price $20,900. HILLCREST DRIVE 2 bedroom brick bungalow, living room, kitchen, 4 piece ceramic bath, large rec room 12 x 31, laundry room, util- ity room, many other extras. On large landscaped lot 55 x 145 with, plenty of shrub- bery. List price $16,200. BROOKLIN Beautiful brick home, elec- trically heated, 3 bedrooms, bungalow style, large kitchen 12 x 18, mahogany cup boards, exhaust fan, 4 piece vanity bath, large rec room 30 x 15 with bar, double windows, screens, Kingston stone front, T.V. tower; patio po NuM- Many other extras F pice erous to mention. List $22,900. AFTER HOURS CALL: Tim Vipond 668-8562 Alvin Puckrin 668-4335 Jim Wilson 668-3172 Doug Winstanley 655-3642 '16 Simcoe St. . quality GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-5281 NORTHEAST | @ Very well built brick bung-| alow on large 300° deep lot. This beautiful home has every-| thing you need and good size} garage, 38' 'ecreation room, close to separate school, 3 large| bedrooms, colored bathroom, large living room and kitchen with many cupboards. The own-| er will hold the mortgage with} good terms. Call us to inspect) this home. | e OLIVE AVENUE 1! @ Large kitchen with eating; orea, a real family size living| room and 3 nice bedrooms,| semi-finished recreation room in| the high and dry basement. Pay- ed drive, and 642%, $11,000 mortgage at $120 including the) taxes. Just listed and we would} like to show it to you right} away | * SCOTT STREET lll @ This 4 bedroom home with aluminum siding is only 4 years old with lot 75' x 587' deep,| has an attached garage and rec-| reation room, only 1 block from public school. Approximately} $5,000 down. Dont' wait to call} later on this property. You could} be too late. OWNER ANXIOUS | 1V @ Best buy in Oshawa, 6 room brick 14% storey, contain-} ing 3 bedrooms, good size kit-| chen, separate dining room and| garage. Close to schools, shop-} ping and bus, Price? Only $13,- 400. HEAD and SHOULDERS | V @ above competition, a real} executive home on Switzer drive, large living room, separate din- ing room, 3 large bedrooms and den. Family room and garage. Large lawn, priced below re- placement cost. Builder will con- sider trade-in e MUST BE SOLD VI @ Yes, the vendor says seil. | am only 1 year old. | have been decorated and landscaped. | have a carport, paved drive- woy and am a back split on a lot 50' x 130'. My kitchen is a woman's delight. My price only $23,000. Please call my agent now. e NEEDS PAINTING Vil @ but for a six room brick home with lots of space, priced at only $12,900 with low down payment and one mortgage, its still a wonderful opportunity. New oil furnace. Close to down- town. Call us for more informa- tion. e EAST END BEAUTY VIII @ A very lovely electrically heated bungalow with attached garage _in the medium price range. The spacious kitchen fea- tures a special snack bar, 3 bed- rooms, 4 piece bath. A good down payment keeps your monthly payments down. 61%4 % N.H.A. mortgage. FOUR BEDROOM BEAUTY IX @ One block off Main Street| with 2 bathrooms, All bedrooms] good size. Close to schools, shop-| ping and churches, Exception ally large lot. This is a bfand| new home, $4,000 down e BOWMAN AVENUE, WHITBY eet X @ Magnificent 4 bedroom| home featuring separate dining area with walk-out to patio, large living room, 2 bathrooms, recreation room, attached gar- age and large 'landscaped fot | Only 4 years old and carries for} $112 PIT, ot 644%. Call°us| now for appointment to inspect. e NEAR DONEVAN HIGH X! @ You will appreciate the} in this lovely ranch| bungalow with its beautiful) Natural Birch trim, Hollywood} style kitchen provides ample eat- ing area. Extra stool and shower | in basement. Paved drive to at-| tached garage. Worth every, penny of the $19,900 asked. LAWNMOWER and OUTBOARD SERVICE X!l @ for the mechanically minded person to get into good profit making business of Sales and Service of Lawnmowers, Outboards, Cultivators, etc. Full price $35,000 includes Fran- chise; workshop fully equipped and stock valued at $13,000 Garage. Give us a cal] tonight,! we will be pleased to provide you with all information, | BLOOR STREET EAST XII @ An older home brighten- ed with new aluminum siding. Three bedrooms here, large kit- chen and separate dining room. Asking $12, 500 with $2, 500| down. FOUR BEDROOMS | XIV @ Double closets, beauti-| ful broadloom, step-saving kit- chen, are only a few of the many features .of this split-level home on Braerncre Crt, Close to} public and high school. We in-! vite your early inspection. Price $25,500. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street South | 103 KING STREET EAST SCHOFIELD-AKER, REALTOR LIMITED Servicing. Oshawa and District for over 3) years 723-2265 NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE TRIPLEX Three bedrooms, kitchen, tiv- ing ond dining room for the owner, plus two one bedroom self-contained apartments now rented with an income of $180 monthly. Finished rec- reation room, Double car gar- age. Paved driveway. Very central location, Owner will take $8,000 down payment and hold one open mortgage for the balance. BERNHARD CRESCENT EXCELLENT VALUE Attractive two . storey brick home with garage. Consisting of L-shaped living and dining room, modern kitchen, 3 spacious bedrooms with am- ple closets, large family room with glass sliding doors to pa- tio, extra 2 pc. bath. This de- lightful home can be pur- chased for $25,500 with rea- sonable down payment. 61%4% mortgage. Give us a call tonight and arrange your inspection. NORTHWEST $23,500 Spacious six room brick bung alow with attached garage in a choice location. Featuring sunken living room with wall to wall broadloom, huge kit- chen with loads of cupboards, two bathrooms, recreation room -- just to mention some of the excellent features of this home. Priced to sell with a low down payment. Call now for an appointment to inspect NEAR McLAUGHLIN SCHOOL $4,000 DOWN Four bedroom 2 storey brick home with attached garage. Two bathrooms, large kitchen, expensive broadioom in the spacious living room, hall and stairways. lot. Priced to sell at just $23, 500. Call for details. NORTHWEST $14,900 Two bedroom bungalow in a very desirable location, Par- tially finished recreation room, large living and dining room combined, Hedged lot 65' x' 101' with garage, Monthly payments just $70 including principal and interest, Hurry, call and arrange your inspec- tion, COLLEGE HILL REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT Five room bungalow very close to Bilingual School, Large family size kitchen, finished rec room, extra 2 pc. bath in basement. Priced to sell at just $13,900 and one open mortgage with reason- able monthly payments. Call now. For full particulars call 723-2265 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Mike Belmonte 576-1908 George Twaites 723-2008 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Marg Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Mel Dale 623-5638 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Members of O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED | 360 King St. West, Oshawa | KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD., 728-7328 REALTOR REGENT DRIVE -- Harmony north ared, extra bathroom off master bedroom, A good home in fine residential area, 3 bedrooms, nicely landscap- ed, Call Morley Burgess 723- 0049 5 ACRES with seven room house about 20 minutes from Oshawa. Asking only $9,500. For more information and ap- pointment contact Joe Craw- ford 723-1021. COLBORNE WEST CLOSE TO CHURCH ST. -- 2 storey 6 room home in nice clean con- dition plus garage. Only $11, 500, Will consider $1, 500 down, immediate possession. Cali Bob Johnson 728-2548. WHITBY -- Electrically heat- ed brick bungalow with car- port, asphalt drive, nicely landscaped lot, built-in stove and oven, 'bow window, drapes with indirect lighting in valance, broadloom. A good resale is your best. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. 10 ACRES CREEK --- Worth area, very attractive. This suburban property must be seen, this is a small creek but runs the year round, Also 10 acres available without creek, Phone Bil! 'Ratcliffe 655-4457. HARLOW COURT $115 for pri al, irrterest and taxes caries this spacious and spotless brick and sione bungalow on a 644% mort- gage. Many extras and the lot is unusual with 179 ft. in depth. Moving. to Toronto and must be sold, Coll 728- CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 19 Simcoe St. North REAL ESTATE DEPT. | Ralph Schofield | Manager L inncee als Asking $21,000 -- Northwest Oshawa Most attractive 3 bedroom bungalow on quiet residential street neor all separate and public schools -- Some of the fine features included in this prestige bungalow are, attached garage, covered pa- tio, and lovely stone front, By appointment only Possibilities Large double lot 120' 6" x 333' 7" with two homes pre- sently rented, no leases. This desirable property is located opposite a new apartment building and has excellent possibilities. Asking $45,000. Duplex -- $15,900 Completely seporate apart- ments, 3 bedroom and 1 bed- room --- Located steps away from bus and shopping -- Many features including, pav- | ed drive garage and separate | entrances. | Park Road South | and .Gibb Street | Completely remodelled 2 bed | room bungalow with lovely "Rec room, Very nicely de- corated and in excellent con- dition. Priced to sell quick- ly. Phone at once for ap- pointment. Northwest Ronch Style $4,000 down, Custom built 3 bedroom home of excellent quality. 4 large finished rooms in basement, attached garage, deep fot, corlon flooring, beautiful cut stone fireplace. This home has to be inspect- ed to appreciate the quality. | For complete information call | at once. Nicely landscaped | OUR FINANCIAL | ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 -- 9:00 to 5:30 NO TOLL' CHARGE FOR THESE PHONES 655-3663 668-4416 Harvey Hogan Tom Houston Allan Thompson COROCM Osborne REAL ESTATE LTD. 218 DUNDAS ST, E. WHITBY No. 2 Highway Dial 668-8826 WHITBY -- LYNDVIEW $25,000 A better Whitby street is the setting for this 6 room brick bungalow nestled on a high elevation on a wide frontage lot. Landscaping complete with lush grass, high hedge and flowering shrubs. Better known Whitby builder built this home about 8 years ago with care with 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, recrea- tion room, cozy open fire- place and other extras. 5 SUITE APT. All apartments _ presently rented. Income $535 per month. Stoves and fridges, washer and dryer included. Hot water heated. Priced to sell at $48,500 with terms. 5 BEDROOMS with living room, separate dining room and kitchen on No, 12 Highway are yours for $14,500. SOUTHWOOD PARK, AJAX Commute from here and live in a home with all the extra work completed, landscaped, , built-i id oven. Call to inspect. "\_| BUILDING LOT 80' x 140' on Byron St. | Whitby. Make an offer. | 97 ACRES Manvers Township have your own ranch for only $7,500, BUILDING LOTS For executive style homes, N.H.A. approved only 2 left. Call tonite. $10,900 -- OSHAWA OXFORD STREET A special buy here with a 66' by 165' lot and a 11% storey { insul brick home. Presently rented, Call tonite. George Sullivan 668- 6226 Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 Marlow Hancock 723-0288 George Abramoff 723-4871 N. Van den Broek 668-2675 | Clare Shank 723-5145 Gordon White 668-6337 Vivion Halligan 942-0293 | 2,250 Square Feet of MODERN LUXURY Flowing siream at your back yard, four bedrooms, with wall to wall broadioom, Your choice of music in every room, 400 sq. feet. of family roorn with stone fireplace. Yours for $4,000 down. Only ons nr Millar 725- 2557, 725-1186. 728-2870 | | H. KEITH PHOTO nibs REALTOR 303 HILLSIDE 725-484] HIGHWAY FARM 125 acres clay loam soil, large stream, excellent buildings, painted barn, 10 room brick house with all conveniences For information coll !dso Wiersma 728-5683. ELECTRIC HEATING alow, attached garage, holly- wood kitchen, built-in book- case in living room, recrea tion room. Asking only $20, 900. Call Idso Wiersma 728- 5683 STOP LOOKING! Have inflatéd prices got you down? Hove a look at this substantial 5 room older bungalow on huge 500 ft. lot Only $11,800. Call Doug Carmichae! 723-7463 EXCEPTIONAL BEAUTY This exquisite executive home has every convenience . and feature imaginable, 7 large sunny rooms, situated in Mary - Connaught area. Only $37,500. Call Doug 'Car | michael 723-7463 PRESTIGE AREA Large 4 bedroom home with carport, in north end of city | 2 fireplaces, finished recre ation room, fully landscaped yard. For appointment. Call Gord Charlton 728-8569 | | ALL BLECTRIC | 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage, holly- wood kitchen, located in east end of town. Only $19,900 with small down payment. Call Gord Chariton 728-8569. LAKE BREEZES Long low brick rancher, with large 4 room basement apart ment, separate entrances, walk - out basement, paved drive, full price $17,900 low down payment. Try an offer on this one. Call Frank Smith 723-3533. PUT "VARIETY" IN YOUR LIFE Ideal location on this thriving hardware variety business, modern store with large 5 room apartment above. |IIlness forces sale, Cali Frank Smith 723-3533. AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL | | i finished | \ | 7328, LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. | | Lot 105 x 527, double gar- Metcalf REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. CUSTOM BUILT In 1964 --- on a 100 x 150 ft. lot. Just north of the City himits, double garage, covered patio, huge rec room with fireplace. Built in stove and oven, completely broadioom in exquisite ol Unreplaceable today at $26,950. Shown by appoint- ment. COLUMBUS Country living at it's best} 11 room, 2 storey home, 8 rooms for owner plus 3 room self contained apartment rent- ed to excellent tenants. Lot age, home in excellent condi- tion. DON'T MISS THIS 3 bedroom brick with paved drive, top location for shop ping, transportation, and school, Owner transferred and will sacrifice at $15,200. 5 BEDROOMS Older family brick home with paved drive, extra 3 piece washroom, Must be sold to settle estate. Will suit large family or one wanting income. Could not be replaced today at listed price of $16,900 WHITBY 6 room brick bungalow with double attached garage, everything neat as 'a pin in- side and out. Location excel- lent, vendor most anxious to get moved out of town. S MILES OUT of Oshawa --- 1114 acres, frame house, barn, spring creek, paved road. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 Mark Tomina 668-2121 Roy Yeo 725-2217 MEMBER. O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive and M.L.S. FULL PRICE $12,400. Seven room two storey brick home on Bruce street. New oil furnace. Hardwood up and down. Immediate possession, Phone Bill Millar 725-1186, 725-2557. ATTRACTIVE HOME FIELD STONE FRONT , $2,500 DOWN Stone fireplace. Broadloom throughout, two bathrooms, large family room. Close to all schools. Sacrifice for $25,900. Call Bfl Millar 725-1186, 725-2557. FLORELL DRIVE SPLIT LEVEL ASKING $25,900 Four bedroom home with built in tappan range, broadloom, inier com system, two bath- rooms, $3,000 down, Phone Bil! Millar 725-2557. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE 67 King St. E Ronch style 4 bedroom bung-' | \ at 728-1653 | | | RICARD |20--Reol Estate ter Sale ! FRANK | REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawo and District Real Estate Board 200 Acres, Kendal Area Close to Conservation Park. 35 acres bush. 9 room frame house, barn. Only $25,000. 100 Acres, Oshawa 9 Miles Good 2 storey 9 room brick | home. Painted barns. Stream, | 1,320' paved road frontage. | $40,000 -- terms 50 Acre Corner Highway Farm On No. 2 Hwy. west of Port Hope. 7. room solid brick home; covered patio, bath, oil furnace, Painted barn, beautiful pond, 100' x 300' x 10' deep. Excellent for trout. Painted ranch fences. Terrific value ot $32,000 -- half down 58 Acre Highway Farm Stately 10 room brick home | Painted barns. Stream. This | showplace near Newcastle, is. | priced at only $49,000 - | $10,000 down Call 623-3393, 728-7518 or Toronto 923-9174 | AFTER 9 P.M H Pat Yeo 623-3077 |; Ken Hockin 623-5055 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 | Clare McCullough 723-7843 | Rod Kruger 723-7900 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 Bob Johnston 725-6788 Roy Foster, Orono 983-5801 Weston Banister, Garden Hill 102)12 Howard Forder, Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton, Port Perry 985-2987 GUARANTY TRUST CO. PRESENTS OSHAWA"S BEST HOME BUY, See To Believe ! Don't miss your lifetime op: portunity of becoming the proud owner of @ new home. ACT NOW .. Call our man of the hour, JACK SHEPHARD | Or BRIGHT RED SIGNS at CEDAR RIDGE One block west of Simcoe St. One block north of Taunton Rd. West. Go Direct to The SE MARIANO DEVELOPMENTS Has Built YOUR FAMILY A HOME. OPEN FOR INSPECTION Saturday and Sunday from 1 P.M. LTD., REALTOR 623-2503 576-1050 Near South G.M, --- Nice 3 bedroom bungalow close to schools and handy to G.M. Asking $15,900 Resort Business ---' Seven cot- tages, small marina with boats, motors and machinery and snack bar, Separate win- terized 6 room home for own- er. Right in the heart of the resort area near Minden. $30,000 Lake Scugog --- Excellent for large family or guests, Large completely furnished cottage ond. extra cabin sleeps four, includes boat, dock, etc Hurry! Leskard --- Comfortable two bedroom home on large half- acre lot, 3 pc. bath; forced air furnace. Only $7,000. 22 Acres ~~ Wooded lot with stream just a few minutes oway for only $8,500. 147 Acres -- Excellent farm just north of Port Perry. Good level land, barns, etc, in scenic setting. Call now! $2,000°' Down Vendor leaving country and very flex ible on terms, 3 bedroom brick with attached garage, rec room, balance on 7% open mortgage. Harold Peck Dorothy Vivien Mac McDonald 'ob Johnston ilf Hawke 263-2138 623-3911 725-9365 983-5274 986-4252 | 20--Real |} Estate for Sale B. J. TAYLOR Real Estate Broker 28 Division St. BOWMANVILLE 623-334] HERE'S 24 U2 C - 18 suite apartment building, oll leased, nearly new. Intercom system, incinerator, balcon- ies, paved parking. About $10,700 per suite. Informa tion by appointment only. HOTEL --- Long established business in nearby town. About 21 renting rooms, din- ing room, lunch counter. Fur- nished and equipped through- out. Owner retiring. Priced $38,000 --~ terms. GENERAL. STORE Garden Hill area, Old established bus iness with good turnover. Store contains living quarters with modern conveniences. $10,000 down; stock includ: ed NEWCASTLE --- Downtown, 12 storey 7 room home sit uated on huge treed lot. Im- mediate --_ possession Only $10,500 --- terms COURTICE General store and attached. dwelling, leased $75 monthly. Only $3,500; stock and equipment LITTLE BRITAIN -- 2 acres ond 6 room home, all con veniences, steel barn 76 x 30'. Asking $12,500 terms Lewrence White 623-2158 Audrey Plain 623-3563 Patricia Wind 987-4836 RAE R: JONES Realtor 668-8841 OSHAWA $2,500 DOWN 5'4 rooms of charm in this spotless home, Ample closet space, good basement, fenc- ed back yard, three bedrooms; large living room with dining area and a fine, bright kit- chen. Priced to sell at only $14,800. Won't you give me an offer? Call Rae R. Jones at 668-8841 or 668-4003. 10 ACRES YES. SIR ONLY $5,000 Bight ---- ten acre parcels all good 'high dry lots, some with trees, located on good roads. If you have looked, then you know that these ore priced to sell. Call to-night. RAE R. JONES REALTOR Office 668-8841 Residence 668-4003 Seorge Blyleven REALTOR PHONE 623-5300 Here is.a property with sev eral possibilities. Located on Highway 2 between Ajax and Whitby. 10 room frame house divided in two self contain- ed apartments, small barn, garage on 412 acre good gar- den land. Present owner op erating Garden Centre. House certified for boarders of Whit by Hospital. New owner may carry on if approved by Dept. of Health. Give us an offer. Three miles north of Bow manville: 6 room frame house, sunroom, extra. wash room, fireplace, garage small barn on 2 acre lot. Suitable for V.L.A. Asking price $15, 500. NEWCASTLE: Two bedroom home with sunroom, set in quiet locotion on well land- scaped lot. Priced at $10, 500. Give us an offer ORONO AREA: Half year old 3 bedroom brick veneer bung alow on well landscaped lot. N.H.A. mortgage at 634%. Priced at $16,000 HAMPTON AREA: 10 ocre lot. Priced at $4,500 with $1,500 down. ORONO: Rovine building lot with large creek. Priced at $2,900. Give us an offer. Fine Business Property Located. in WESTERN ONTARIO'S FINEST TOWN Hanover, Ont Consists of excellent Hard ware and electric store and five apartments all in excep tional condition and oll rent- ed, Also parking space for tenants Full 3,000, good tenms be arranged, This property is a. good invest ment ond has a good in- come, Write: MR. P. S. CONLIN .O. BOX 494 Henover, Ont. Call. 364-1953 | | | 20-----Real Estate for Sale CHOOSE YOUR NEW HOMESITE IN BEAU VALLEY NOW - A limited number of fully serviced lots are now available in Oshawa"s finest location, LOTS -- $7,500. Nowhere in Oshawa can you buy better lots for less money. If you are planning on building this spring, NOW is the time to choose the plan you like best Over 100 different plone available, Or bring your own plan and have it priced for you -- no obligation -- free valuation on your present home --- Trades accepted --- Mortgages arranged. BUY the BEST ---- BUY « KASSINGER built home, Call 723-2265 for fast courteous service. SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. JB. McMullan & Co. 323 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3557 NEW HOME --- Northend, 3 bedrooms, Carport, under- ground wiring, good lot. Well landscaped in a prestige area. Priced at only $19,990 and a down payment of $2,461, if you qualify. TRADE --- We have other homes 'in this desirable loca- tion, and our Builders will take your older home in on c Trade, on @ new one. Call Now. GRENFELL STREET 2 family home, 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, large lot. Close te school and shopping, and e down payment of only $2,- 800 Vendor will hold the bal- ance, 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW ---- Good area on « 45 foot lot. Nice kitchen, and dining room. 4 piece bath and van- ity. Call now to inspect. Les Hall 728-5513 Loyd Stire 723-6772. Dick Barriage 725-6243 DON STRADESKI 63 King St. Oshawa, Ontario. GLENWOOD CRESCENT -- 3 bedroom bungalow, 2 fire places, dining room, rec room, broadloom, 2 car gor age, wooded area, Ainsley Estate, LAKEVIEW done, decorating, landscap ing. Broadloom. Rec room with bar, large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, paved drive. $16, 700. It's cool by the lake. WAKEFIELD CRESCENT ---- 4 bedroom, split level, custom built to rigid specifications ond quality material, dining room, fireplace, garage, @x- tra large lot. OPEN HOUSE ----- New 3 hed room bungolow, 324 College Ave. $16,700, Come, inspect and make an offer, Open 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. daily. Everythings DON STRADESKI Real Estate 63 King St. W. device 723+ 4651 TWO FAMILY DUPLEX Separate entrance to a 4 room basement apart- ment. Upstairs has 6 rooms. Corlon and hard- wood floors through en- tire house. Paved drive, garage, storms, screens, TV tower, exhaust hood and fans. Many more ex- tras. J. B. McMullan & Co. Realtor 125-3557 ALMOST NEW TRIPLEX Three bedrooms, kitchen, liv~ ing and dining room for the owner, plus two one bedroom self contained apartments now rented with an income of $180 monthly. Finished recreation room, Paved drive- way to the double car gar- age. Very. central location. Owner will take $8,000 down payment and hold one open mortgage for balance. To in- spect call Irwin Cruikshanks now at 728-5205 -- SCHO- | FIELD-AK ER LTD. $8,500 Vacant, four room bungaiovA on Currie Avenue, Qil fur-» nace, full basement, toxes $195. Immediate possession. Call now. Jack gard 723- 3398, evenings. Bolahood Bros, Ltd, 728-5123,