Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jun 1967, p. 3

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orms early iin late to- but sunny during the arly after- nny with showers or e evening. unny with and Thurs- nderstorms evening on er. Light ENT TIN R et South ounce ANN ager n. nim many experience ing In ap- |} Real Es- ot he lb Preparation Unnecessary In Present World Affairs By DAVID DAVIDSON OTTAWA (CP)--The current # international situation does not warrant keeping the public viv- idly aware of the problem of surviving a nuclear war, De- fence Production Minister Drury said Tuesday night. Speaking during Commons ideration of spending esti- mates for defence production, Mr. Drury, who also holds the industry portfolio, said the coun- try's capacity to survive such an attack is increasing. He described the En-ergency p Measures Organization as "very © useful" despite claims by for- mer Conservative defence min- ister, Douglas Harkness, that EMO activities are not receiv- ing much energy or drive. "IT do not believe that it is necessary, or even desirable, in the present state of international tension to keep vivid in the minds of the public the im- portance of survival prepara- tions," Mr. Harkness had criticized the government for the lack of national EMO exercises. clear attack exists -- I think| everyone will admit that the; threat does still exist--I think] it is essential for the protection! TORONTO (CP) -- Members | of the two opposition parties; partment reduce the number of disagreed in the legislature} Tuesday on whether Ontario's social family services depart- ment should increase day nurs- ery services. Stephen Lewis (NDP -- Scar- borough West) urged that the department accede to the wishes of the labor department which has recommended the formation of more day nurs- eries. Elmer Sopha (L -- Sudbury) disagreed with Mr. Lewis and N.Z. Premier Not Consulted LONDON (CP) --_ Deputy Prime Minister Jack Marshall of New Zealand said Tuesday his government was not con- sulted before Britain decided to triple its cable toll on news sent to Commonwealth coun- tries. "As far as I know, we knew nothing about it," Marshall said in answer to a question during a press conference. The British government has insisted consultations did pre- cede the April 18 announcement that the current rate of one penny e word would be in- creased to threepence next Sept. 1, "The British government, of course, consulted through diplo- matic channels all other Com- monwealth governments before we came to our decision," Com- monwealth Secretary Herbert Bowden said in a speech before the Commonwealth Press Union Monday. "All relevant Commonwealth considerations were given full weight and all. Commonwealth governments were informed of our intention to increase the rates and the reasons for doing so." The CPU has protested the increase, saying it would weaken Commonwealth bonds. Chairman Gavin Astor reques- ted a Commonwealth conference of government, press, radio and television representatives be convened before the increase goes into effect. Prime Minister Wilson has maintained no use- ful purpose would be served by such a gathering but the CPU, at its annual conference, adop- ted a motion Tuesday strongly urging Wilson to reconsider his Opposition Disagrees On Need Of Day Nurseries HON. C. M. DRURY . . . Survival possible of the population of Canada that an efficient Emergency Meas-, ures Organization is kept in operation." Mr. Drury said the govern- ment could spend substantial suggested the family service de- nurseries in an effort to keep women at home. In other business: --Ken Bryden (NDP -- Tor- onto Woodbine) said an au- ditor's report on the operation of the suburban Etobicoke Warrendale treatment centre showed "no wrong-doing what soever" and that is why the government has taken no ac- tion against John Brown, the} centre's former director. --Horace Racine (L--Ottawa East) suggested the govern: ment consider "special in- centives to families who adopt children with special prob- lems," but was told by Muni- cipal Affairs Minister Spooner that the government did not intend to provide any such grants. --Rene Brunelle, minister of lands and forests, said he could give no assurance that recent field studies would lead to the public being given ac- cess to Great Lakes beaches that have been considered pri- vately-owned. --Provincial Secretary Robert Welch reported that an On- tario Appeal Court decision that rubber-stamp signatures by justices of the peace on traffic charges are illegal will be appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada. --Education Minister Davis tabled a report from the On- tario Council for the Arts which called for the creation of an institute to foster de- velopment of new arts curri- culums. --The house completed its consideration of government spending estimates for the the expenditure of $3,084,115,- 000. In his criticism of the au- ditor's report of Warrendale operations, Mr. Bryden said the sums in the general field of emergency planning. But he be- lieved that in the long run rela- tively modest amounts could produce the desired level of preparedness. The estimates approved be- fore Tuesday's adjournment provide $10,659,500 for EMO, about $400,000 less than last year's appropriation. Over - all estimates for the defence pro- duction department in the 1967- 68 fiscal year are $25,869,000. In the Senate Tuesday, Allis- ter Grosart (PC--Ontario) said postponing a federal-provincial conference on the constitution could harden present attitudes and postures. The former national director of the Progressive Conservative party said Canada could be bi- cultural or multiculutral, but it must remain one nationality "if we are to achieve our full des- tiny on this continent and in the world." Senator C. W. Carter (L-- Newfoundland) said in a maiden speech the Senate must take action to reform itself "or it |may not survive as part of Can- ada's parliamentary system." Pearson, Cowan Tangle Again OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Minister Pearson traded shafts with maverick Liberal Ralph Cowan Tuesday to the delight of the Commons. Mr. Cowan, in his usual angry tone, said a Greek shepherd has been denied ad- mission to Canada by the im- migration department. He asked whether the govern- ment would have similarly excluded Moses, who had "40 years' experience" as a shep- herd. When the laughter subsided, Speaker Lucien Lamoureux said he doubted the prime minister wanted to reply to such a hypothetical question. Mr. Cowan said the case of the Greek. shepherd is not hypothetical. Mr. Pearson got slowly to his feet and said: 'The hon- orable member will never get into the promised land by ask- ing that kind of question." Opposition Leader Dief- enbaker asked whether the government will send Mr. Cowan '"'to the other place" --the Senate--to get rid of him. The York-Humber MP had the last word, as usual, when he shot back: "The cabinet is not going to the same place I'm going to in the future." PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE TUESDAY, June 13, 1967 Prime Minister Pearson | told the Commons Canada will not support any UN resolution to declare Israe| the aggres-- sor in the Middle East war. CBC plans to televise the J Ontario Government Asks By THE CANADIAN PRESS For Tax Report Conferences "4. The. impact of the. total|® THe Need for, co-ardination|sions and the use of an income 4 of federal, provincial! ments among the provinces 46 Considerati TORONTO (CP) -- The On-| "F is ' i jevo and municipal taxation on theo aes 43 . Consideration of the effect ! Ri (CP) n-| or this reason we believe igi vidual taxpayer. | 9 Examination of some of one or more provinces decid- tario government called Tues-|that in our case the Carter re-| day for a full exchange of views port and the Smi sth. ' ; B He ge of views/port and the Smith report must! iio. arrangements to ensure|@nd corporation taxes in prov-|duties field. between federal and provincial/pe considered as a package." i; hich ' representatives . -"|that the demonstrated needs of|inces which choose to continue) 12, A study of whether a Car- commits itself publicly |ties" of the three levels of gov-; THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 14, 1967 3 ernment. ---- ------_--__--_-------- - 3. The need for greater co- Ordination of fiscal policies by fluctuations in the business cy-jsion recommendations as tax cle jdeferments, averaging prov i- 4, burden 5. The need to adjust equaliza-;™eans of integrating personal/ing to remain in the succession before Ottawa) "i He recalled that studies done|the wealthier provinces are met.|t0 occupy part of the corpora-|ter proposal on taxing disposi- on IM 'for the tax structure committee! 6. The question of the extent|tion tax field. jrectors and major shareholders |tion of property '"'could well be Commons for a public affairs series were placed in doubt by protests from some MPs. Visiting President Heinrich Luebke of West Germany had a 40-minute meeting with Mr, Pearson, Defence Production Minister Drury defended staff in- plementation of the Carter com- saat Went inqicaiad : ! | mission report on taxation, atthe ar indicated revenue re-|to which lost revenue sources| 10. A study of the long-termjthe effective confiscation of quirements of the provinces are under some Carter recommen-jeffects of such Carter commis-ifamily - owned business." Provincial Treasurer Charles) growing more quickly than those dations would be offset for each ~-- ka oe ce told eigen Of of the federal government. level of government by other re- ne dear Wah ecg {am commento i nn ; *', particularly disturbed to note| 7. The effects of averaging tion is complicated by the fact!tne suggestion of the Carter| wide fluctuations in income for| the Ontario committee on taxa-),, to : tion has not yet reported on its | Commission that the provinces|tax purposes, as recommended more efficient supply system. | "Obviously, we are not going 4 kee ; hould lean more heavily on|by the Cart P creases in the department, (study of provincial and munici- < digg rigdehbe PRs Ds arter report, on the| U tl N re | saying. they. would. bring @ |pal financing. se taser gover io mot aity of teen ponerionmmuee! Urgently Needed! B taxes do not have the buoyancy The minister faced criticism |to be in a position to take a . of climbing administra- |definite cq on many oF the os hee a evident in recent | CALL OR SEE y tive costs as the Commons |recommendations of the Carterjccr |" 'Ne Personal income ! discussed the department's |commission until we are able to), i : DIXON g H. KEITE Lid., Realtor estimates. compare them with the recom-|, Mr. MacNaughton said_ that mendations of the Smith com-|Defore the Carter report is im FOR those plemented there should be fed eral-provincial talks on at leas 14 problem areas: 1. The danger of higher taxe: WEDNESDAY, June 14 mittee, particularly in The Commons meets at |areas where the reports overlap| 2:30 p.m. to resume debate lor fail to be complementary." on departmental estimates. Mr. MacNaughton said Phone 725-4841 For Fast Confidential Information Call: OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS that! The Senate sits at 3 p.m. since the terms of refe re produced by increased govern- eee ee Ane: "Carter commission ment services hindering growth 24-HOUR SERVICE pres Sere eae 723-7463 I id rs File |study to the federal govern-|0f the economy. 313 ALBERT ST. D CHARLTON .. .... 726-8569 nsiae ment's tax structure, the re-| 2. The need for a "proper FRANK SMITH . seeee 723-3533 Ss kh ldi 'port "provides only partial an-|matching of revenue sources 723-4663 IDSO WIERSMA ......... 728-5683 toc. 0 Ings swers to our problems." and expenditure _ responsibili- | TORONTO (CP)--An Ontario) Securities Commission official said Tuesday that about 15,000 corporate insiders have filed re- ports of their stockholdings with the commission. Under recently - enacted sec-! urities legislation, the ' reports | are mandatory for officers, eal BUY NOW! SAVE 10.00 ON SERTA HOLLYWOOD BED ENSEMBLES and will be published in a tabu-| lar summary this summer. The reports are available to! the public for a fee of $1 paid to the OSC for a file search. CAN'T BE DRUNK Utah's Great Salt Lake is the largest body of water in the United States west of the Mis- Bed Ensembles . . . & different headboards sissippi River. 3 quality sleep sets Serta "Smooth Master" Smooth Top in Print Cover Resilient, 220 coil construction with heavy duty sisal pods ond layer on layer of fluffy white felted cotton for real comfort. No buttons or tufts anywhere. Beoutiful print ticking with prebuilt borders with tapered edges, vented plastic turning handles, A complete outfit -- et @ special SERTA price. THE HEINTZMAN | PIANO RENTAL PLAN | Here's a novel plan for parents | who wish to test their children's | musical ability before purchas- INCLUDES MATTRESS, BOX SPRING, HEADBOARD Fast Action HOUSE SALES! Call « Member of the OSHAWA and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD and List Photo MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE aoe} ing a piano. Heintzman will rent you an attractive, new small piano for 6 months--if you de- | cide to purchase it, the six | month's rent and cartage will be | allowed on the purchase price. | Serta "Kent" - Fine Scroll Quilt in Damask There's extra comfort in this firm, 252 coil mattress ond it's beautifully covered in blue and gold ime ported rayon damask with a luxurious scroll quilt- ing that adds extra comfort and good looks. It has heavy-duty prebuilt borders, vents and plastic turn- ing handles. A complete outfit. SERTA built and backed. The balance on Heintzman's Own Budget Terms. 79 SIMCOE ST. N. | 728-2921 report tried, by do, to smear Mr. Brown, former di- rector of the treatment centre for emotionally - disturbed chil- dren. BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEONS DINNER . 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Good Food Reasonable Prices Parking Rear of Hotel HOTEL. LANCASTER 27 KING ST. W. refusal. 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS LEAN MEATY -- SPARERIBS NOT FROZEN DX Boneless -- Rolled Beef POT ROAST Cc Lean -- Fresh -- Pork i | BUTT ROAST BE WISE. . . ECONOMIZE! SAVE DOLLARS ! Save on Premium Quality FUEL OIL FUEL OIL PH. .668-3341 |SERVING OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- AJAX and DISTRICT WATERMELON 2 79 INCLUDES MATTRESS, BOX SPRING, HEADBOARD AND LEGS vd Serta "Perfect Contour" Deluxe Quilt with Foam Beautiful all-over continuous quilt with cloud-like foam over 405 resilient, electrically tempered Serta innersprings. Special levelizing layer for firm health- ful support. Beoutiful gold on beige ticking, tapered edge, rope handles. Our top-of-the-line best at @ wonderful SERTA saving. $ That Suits You! INCLUDES MATTRESS, BOX SPRING, HEADBOARD AND LEGS ") TWIN SIZE TOP QUALITY BEQDING BUYS? By a maker of the tamous 779.50 Serta"Pertect Sleeper' Mattress RED RIPE . Innerspring arfoamlatex® = Twin ortull size AT NO EXTRA COST! Snuggle down on a Perfect Siée; refreshing firmness you never dee os SLEEPER MATTRESS hy Boneless -- Rolled Beef Shoulder Roast LEAN -- PORK LOIN CHOPS 6 end 7 Rib -- Quolity Beef PRIME RIB BEEF WRAP: Lean -- Blade Bone Out BLADE ROAST FRONT QUARTER 9 9 ") © FREEZER SPECIAL . BUTTERMATE -- 24-0Z. LOAF Bread 2 « 39° thanks to its patented Sertaliner co connected by ribbons of steel--: support you longer: You sleep on *Foam latex matiress sold only wi MARGARINE 100% VEGETABLE OIL 4.1.00 MAIL ORDERS PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED

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