Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jun 1967, p. 2

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2 THE CSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 14, 1967 GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE -Underdeveloped Nations Need Professional Help TORONTO (CP)--New Demo- , ' cratic Party leader T. C. Doug. las Tuesday urged young Ca- | men to nadian professional 'spend some time. in underde veloped countries to help those countries improve their technol ogy. : Mr. Douglas told a meeting of the Toronto Junior Board of 5 Trade that Canada has a great [ future in its second century only if Canadians set new goals and unite in an effort to help the less fortunate people of the world. Mr. Douglas also warned Ca- nadians to be on guard against economic absorption and cul- tural assimilation from with- out. In an interview before the meeting, Mr. Douglas con- firmed that at the NDP national convention here next month he will again seek the party lead- ership which he assumed in 1961. To Supply Homes OTTAWA (CP)--A_ $1,197,000 contract to supply 234 pre-fab- ricated houses to the northern development department was awarded Tuesday to Halliday 'Homes Ltd., Burlington, Ont. « The houses are the second of *m series of shipments to north- eern communities as part of a 'program to provide Eskimos with 1,600 rental houses. = Of the 234 houses, 214 will go eto 18 communities in the Baf- {fin and Keewatin regions of the "Northwest Territories. The re- 'maining 20 will serve as wel- efare houses in areas not imme- "tliately served by the rental pro- gram. ©. The first 194 homes built un- eder the program were completed *in 1966 and provide housing for sabout half the Eskimo popula- stion of Baffin Island. ° Books On Canada enadian publishing firm, an- nounced Tuesday it has started! ago agreed to the project, were to meet today. However, a Ae OTTAWA (CP)--The Supreme source of opposition appeared to|Court of Canada reserved judg- be the Liberal back-bencher. ea new division to produce and 'distribute illustrated books sabout Canadian life. : Skyway * TORONTO (CP) -- Highways *Minister Gomme told the legis- not giving enough to the world's ' ca ie ae ecue ae starving countries, delegates tothe price Carnation must pay - the Canadian Dietetic Associa-|for raw milk delivered to its a tion annual meeting were told|Sherbrooke and Waterloo plants 'Wednesday. lying to a question from|2uesday. fOpposition Leader Nixon, he tsaid the contractor, King Pav-|former official with United Na- : tions food advisory services, fa Dagedl seipiee Bergh ey ay said Canada was among the top -work on the project April 8. | Fulfills Wish told the House Tuesday the cameras had been withdrawn s TORONTO (CP)-- McClelland |pending a meeting of the five ~and Stewart Ltd., a leading Ca- party House Leaders. | og "att Plant Shuts Down WINDSOR, Ont. } |by the International Ornamental Iron Workers has resulted in the shutdown of a Windsor plant. Mechanical Handling Systems tion of conveyor belts Monday. The plant has a staff of 60. Salary Increases men, the 93rd _ Presbyterian General Assembly introduced Salary increments for years of minimum stipend Tuesday. As funds became' available, ministers will receive $100 a . cad T. C. DOUGLAS «+. urges young men up to five years. The effective date is to be worked out. This proposal will cost about $113,000 a year, the comptroller, Rev. B. E. Howell, of Toronto said. It.will raise the assem- bly's deficit for 1968 to over $250,000. The assembly has OTTAWA (CP)--A request of the late Gen. A. G. L. McNaugh- ton was fulfilled Tuesday when his widow presented his trophies and decorations to the National Research Council. Gen. Mc- Naughton, NRC president from 1935 to 1944, had asked in his last will that his awards be passed on to NRC within two years after his wife's death. Mrs. McNaughton decided dif- ferently and turned over the! historic items Tuesday. Plans Scrapped OTTAWA (CP)--CBC plans to| OTTAWA (CP) -- Canadian televise the Commons in action|Spending on research is only for a public affairs series ap-|one-tenth per capita that of the parently will be scrapped as a| United States and falls far short result of an angry reaction from|0f the goal of two per cent of surprised MPs. gross national product, P. B. The reaction developed when|Rynard (PC -- Simcoe East) they saw TV cameras in the|Said in the Commons Tuesday. Commons galleries Monday. He also blamed lack of re- Speaker Lucien Lamoureux| search spending for the drain of technicians to the United States, which he said totalled 4,000 people last year. Remove Shares cluding travel by $200 to $4,800 a year. A proposal that elders be elected for a term of seven life that at present was turned lown. The House leaders, who weeks} ment Tuesday on an appeal by the Carnation Milk Co. seeking to have certain powers of the Quebec agricultural marketing board declared unconstitutional. The board has been setting Not Enough OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada Is jby about 2,000 Quebec dairy a| farmers. Back Diefenbaker Margaret Harrington, * He told the hous ril 2¢)four contributors per capita to jc mete 9 UN aid programs. the project was expected to be 'finished by the end of May. Reorganize lees, tive leadership seandidate, urged the party Tues- May night to launch annual fund - drives and to pinched us: Compared with our potential and the world need, ps our efforts must be described as «= TORONTO (CP) -- George|inadequate." Conservat TORONTO (CP)--Two young oon by semen ps pa + uesday the formation of a Can- Bull woat we have done not ada-wide Youth for Diefenbaker movement. Keith Martin and William Hatton, both 25, told a press conference the movement is aimed at destroying what they described as the myth that young Conservatives are anti- Diefenbaker. Contact Lenses TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's years or less rather than for By DONALD PHILLIPSON STRATFORD, Ont. (CP)--Mi- chael Langham has a real hit in The Inspector General, his last- but-one play as artistic director of the Stratford Shakespearean Festival. Adapted by Peter Raby from the Russian classic by Nikolai (CP) -- AjGogol, the play stars William month-old province-wide strike/Hutt and Tony van Bridge as ) Associa-|the protagonists in a satirical tion of Bridge, Structural and|comedy of graft and mistaken identity. The audience roared all the way through Tuesday's opening night. The story concerns a penniless (Canada) Ltd. stopped produc-|city clerk mistaken for an in- specting official by the corrupt rulers of a provincial town. An- xious to protect their jobs and profits, they fill his pockets with bribes and wave a happy good- OTTAWA (CP)--Led by lay-|by half an hour before the real inspector turns up. Hutt, one of Stratford's first actors in 1953, plays Khlestakov, | service for all ministers on the|the stranger, and van Bridge plays the mayor. Both earned the critics' highest praise. Nathan Cohen of the Toronto year for every year of service|Star judged the production "a fun show" but said Mr. Lang- ham achieved humor "'at the cost of the profundity and illu- mination" in Gogol's play and the few tableaux of suffering p ts did not dasa contrast. Martial Dassylva of Montreal : " s already|iLa Presse noted this too but raised minimum stipends in-jsaiq it did not matter: The play is a comedy, brilliantly Play 'The Inspector General' A Hit For Retiring Director presented, and everyone en- joyed it wholeheartedly. ---- For the main issues, the crit- ics spoke with one voice-- "blockbuster . . . outrag brilliance' (Ron Evans. T or- onto Telegram), "'Hillari- ous" (Peter Bellamy, Cleveland Plain Dealer), "undoubted hit" (Frank Daley, nal)." Herbert Whittaker, Toronto Globe and Mail, said the play is "perhaps the longest sustained piece of comedy" in the festi- val's 15 years and found it "only appropriate that it will finest exhibits at Expo" in Oc- tober. Besides William Hutt--"like a hairdresser in an egg basket," as James Barber described him in the Vancouver Province--and Tony van Bridge--a "'lovable old) scoundrel" who reveals himse!f to be a "'brutal tyrant of the helpless'? Haarve Talyor, Det- roit Free Press) -- the main roles are filled by seasoned Stratford regulars. Bernard Behrens, Ameila Hall and Colin Fox were singled out but every reviewer said it was teamwork and Mr. Langham's direction that won what Rich- ard Coe of the Washington Post called "enormous audience re- sponse." "Anyone who likes farce will love The Inspector General," wrote Gordon Jocelyn in the Montreal Gazette. "But' plan to. leave your pruderies behind.'"' 4 Ottawa Jour- I be shown among the world's} SIU Asks Companies Respect Law MONTREAL (CP)-- Leonard McLaughlin, president of the Seafarers' International Union of Canada, said Tuesday the only thing his sailors will ac- cept "is an agreement that the shipping companies respect the law." Mr. McLaughlin was com- government reply to SIU charges that Canada Steamship Lines is endangering crew mem- bers by reducing the ber of day. ture throughout the lower Great i high-pressure system near New menting in a statement on a England. Warr, humid and mostly sunny weather is ex- few localities on Lake Ontario, TORONTO (CP) -- Official forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m, to- Synopsis: The weather pic- Lakes is being influenced by a pected for the next two days. A men on watch when its vessels are under way. He said he received a tele- acting minister of labor, inform- ernment 'conciliator has been "in touch" with Canada Steam- ship Lines about the problem. in a contract dispute with the company which, the union says, is threatening to trigger a strike nadian sailors. In another move Tuesday, the Canadian Marine Officers Union fects of breezes. gram from Richard D, Hayes variable but steadily mounting ing him that W. P. Kelly, a gov-|200ve the upper lakes. The SIU currently is involved|Lake Ontario regions: Mostly and Thursday. Slight chance of which would involve 15,000 Ca- this evening. Winds light. Georgian Bay, Haliburton re- and the Canadian Merchant|Wa@rm today and Thursday. A wever, will feel the cooling ef- A series of week disturbances will bring a WEATHER FORECAST East's High Pressure Areajiss. "32." s,s: Influencing Lower Lakes few scattered showers or thun- dershowers both days, southerly 10 to 15. Timagami, White River, Coch- rane, western James Bay 'e- | -qqassaeeeneemmmeny gions: Variable cloudiness with a few scattered showers or thundershowers today. Mostly cloudy with occasional rain and scattered thunderstorms tonight and Thursday. Cooler Thursday. Winds light becoming easterly 10 to 15 Thursday. Montreal region: Cloudy with Winds showers or thunderstorms early this morning and again late to- day and this evening but sunny with cloudy periods during the late morning and early after- cloudy perieds. Showers or thunderstorms in the evening. Warmer, Light winds. Ottawa region: Sunny with cloudy periods today and Thurs- day. Showers or thunderstorms late in the day and evening on both days. Warmer. Light winds, APPOINTMENT SR W. 0, MARTIN REALTOR rainfall pattern to localities Toronto, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake Huron, sunny, warm and humid today a thunderstorm late today or Sudbury, North Bay, Algoma, gions: Variable cloudiness and Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? Don't be em! teeth slipping, 'when sprinkle a little F. a Security by holding plates more firmly. No x poy, pasty taate t ¥ it acid). Get rasfaere et any drug countes, 767 Simcoe Street South wishes to announce the appointment of Service Guild sent a telegram to the minister of labor about the dispute with Canada Steam- ships. WILL NOT WORK "In view of the dangerous nature and implications of this dispute, this will advise you that we have today notified our bership that during the pe- By ROSEMARY SPEIRS MONTREAL (CP) -- Seventy- five business students from Fon- tainebleau, France, got their wish Tuesday night and gradu- ated with full ceremonies on the Expo site. The 75, including three Cana- dians, picked up their diplomas from Fontainebleau's European Institute of Buginess Administ- tration at the Du Pont Auditor- ium on St. Helen's Island, after arriving here by chartered plane Thursday. | French Students Graduate | Research Short | In Special Expo Ceremony West German President Hein- rich Luebke, who arrived in Montreal from Ottawa for a civic dinner Tuesday night, will preside as his nation's black, yellow and red flag rises over Place des Nations to begin the lay. Today is also Port of Mont- real Day with a party of harbor officials, businessmen and city Officials expected to set out in the vessel Madelon II for a trip of the St. Lawrence River. riod of this dispute they are not under any account to perform work normally performed aboard the ships of Canada Steamship Lines by unlicensed personell,"" the telegram said, in part. Argus Model Instant Load, Auto exp. w. case and cube 35MM, Mnioltine ALS Auto exp. r.f., 35MM. Minolta Hi-Matie 7s R.F. CdS Meter w. case .. Polaroid Swinger ... 7 x 35 Extra Wide Angle w. case 7 x 50 Marine with cose .... "It was their own idea,"' an institute spokesman said. "They| organized everything them. selves because they wanted Ad see Expo." Tuesday night's proud gradu- ates represent only half their class--the others could not make the trip and will have their diplomas mailed to their homes. After visiting the fair at their leisure the Expo-goers will re- turn in separate groups to their homes in 2 different countries. Today a few of them will have a special interest in a full round of celebrations, including Estimates, Reasoneble Retes, Repair Speciclist. Service Installed Fast Dependable Radio Dispatched Plumbing Service, SERVICE MADE US. Coll 723-1191 rt ; With a number of years in selling residential, commercial and properties. Mr. Crawf joining the staff of farm 'ord is now Keith Peters | 28 KING EAST ~ 723-4621 Open Evenings till 9 P.M. 7 x 35 Navigator w. case .5........ KARN'S PHOTO SALE PERFECT FOR EXPO SHOTS Argus Carefree instant Load Outfit with case Minolta Auto Pak "500" 2.8 lens with flesh cube 1.9 lens w. case 99.95 Argus Super 8 Automatic Zoom 1.8 lens w. grip.. Minolte 8K5 Automatic Zoom 1.8 lens w. case 7 POWER CARL WETZLAR BINOCULARS IAVART Mie eZ Comp et Sale 24.95 19.67 63.85 36.67 59.95 49.67 79.67 99.67 18.67 CENTENNIAL SAVINGS ON MOVIE CAMERAS 94,50 235.85 67.67 167.67 47.30 34.67 39.95 24.67 31.50 19.67 [\ & is Ab MR. KEN HANN Sales Manager to his firm. Ken brings with him many years of practical experience plus advanced training in ap- praisal, and general Real Es- tate practice. Call Ken at 123-7963 or 728-5103 anytime, for assistance in pur- chasing or selling your home. ealty Ltd. Mr. Crawford is fully qualified to assist oll parties in the choice of Real Estate either buying or selling. KEITH PETERS Realty Limited 728-7238 a performance by the Schuh- \ Keith Peters Realty Ltd. announces | the appointment ef i Mr. Joseph Crawford } plattler dancers of Bavaria thal. will mark West Germany's na. tional day at Expo. Four Seasons Travel Are exclusive agents fer CANA- CITY OF OSHAWA PROCLAMATION 'hire professional organizers, re-|optometrists Tuesday asked the searchers and publicists. provincial committee on the = vane party must be organized|healing arts to recommend leg-' servative riding associations. The brief, presented by the to bottom" to attractlislation restricting the fitting of g : the growing number of unde-|contact lenses be done by opto-, Gel eas Wad ante va elded voters, he told a joint/metrists and ophthalmologists | when his car struck a tree near iting of several Toronto Con-|only. here. iy DIANA Village, ONLY eccommo- F atality datien---Annex 'te EXPO grounds STRATFORD, Ont. (CP)-- $6.25 per person based on of 4. Alse Inquire about eur Bus Tours. Phone 576-3131 » Communications and organi-|Optometrical Association of On- ation were as important injtario, also asked that they be arty politics as ideas and|included under the Ontario Med- policies. ical Services Insarance Plan. » He proposed a national drive| The committee was appointed seach year to solicit contributions|by the legislature to study all Yrom great numbers of people.!aspects of health in Ontario. DR. ROSS A. LANGMAID @nnounces his association fer the prectice of GENERAL DENTISTRY with DR. DOUGLAS G. LANGMAID and DR. NORMAN A. FREW 167 Simcoe St. N. 725-3221 | SPRING Galdeninc CENTRE Take . Drive ' 0 VAN BELLE GARDENS L For The... i DO-IT-YOURSELF @ FERTILIZER @ SPREADERS @ TOOLS @ TOPSOILS ® SEEDS, ETC. @ Advice on your Garden Problems | Van Belle Gardens i "Your Friendly Garden Centre" 5 Minutes Eest of Oshewa : On Highway No. 2... 623-5757 @ Weekend Specials @ MEAT DEPT. BEEF ROASTS BLADE ROASTS _ i. 5% SHORT RIB ROASTS .. 61° CROSS CUT ROASTS ... 65° bacon, tbe... OOF courte". TOF GROCERY DEPT. TOMATOES vise in 34° ac oF MARGARINE wr OXYDOL ¢ xine size 1.49 PUDDING 'cn tarioca "hins 45° TINS 1.00 TIN BREAD sid 89° INSTANT DRINKS swerrexto 4 ror 89° DRINKS eueis 48-02. Produce Dept, WATERMELONS, each .. 198 ie Size 19* FREEZER SPECIALS CELERY, oth... ¢ ananas.. 21a. 29 HINDS OF BEEP 61 We FES as Coen enemies Drugette Dept. FRONTS OF BEEF ai SURE-TAN By Noxreme a a asters Tan in 3 to 5 hours. 1 10 Reg. 1.25. for ... .. Oe CAREFREE By Modess air Reg. S3c for ......... 1.10 GLECOFF'S SUPERMARKET Shampoe Reg. 1.29 for 174 Ritson Rd. $. -- Oshawa Cut and Wrapped Free! Pure Pork Fresh 9 SAUSAGE, 6 Ib. box .... &! Senior Citizens' Week - June 18-24 WHEREAS, Senior Citizens' Week is being observed throughout Ontario during the week of June 18-24 and WHEREAS, the purpose of this observance is to encourage (e) the recognition ef eontributions made over the years by aged men end women to the life ef their communities, (b) the appreciation of past and present services rendered by out- standing aged persons, either indivndually or in association; {c) the development of special programmes and projects by end for the aged; and (d) the stimulation ef general interest In end knowledge of eging end the aged, end WHEREAS, the Saturday culminating Senior Citizens' Week is designated Senior Citizens' Centennial Day, 1867-1967, NOW THEREFORE, |, Ernest Marks, Q.C., Mayer of the City ef Oshawa, pursuant to @ resolution ef City Council passed on the 6th day ef Merch, 1967, do hereby prociaim the week of June 18-24 as SENIOR CITIZENS' WEEK 'and June 24, 1967 as SENIOR CITIZENS' CENTENNIAL DAY, 1867 - 1967 in Oshawa, ond urge the people of this City to observe this week and day, fully awore of the vital and important contributions made by our senior citizens, ERNEST MARKS, Q.C. MAYOR Dated June 17, 1967 Oshewa, Ontarie, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Senior Citizens' Week Program JUNE 19 Evening of cards and entertainment, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 43 Simcoe St. South, 7 p.m. JUNE 20 OPEN HOUSE . . . Gorden Party Hillsdale Manor 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. JUNE 21 Visit to Parkwood . , , Residence of Col R. $. McLaughlin 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. JUNE 22 Memorial Park... 8 p.m, Ontario Regiment Band, Guest artist . . . Golden Age Club Band. JUNE 23 Halliday Manor . . . Shuffle Board Contest 2 to 6 p.m. All senior Citizens of Oshawa ere inwited to ettend these | functions, FREE ADMISSION. Special bus passes are ovailable for these events and may be picked up ot the office of Mr. Cheseborough, Socio! Services Department, City SX BUEHLER'S CENTENNIAL SALE! oN FRESH PORK ~- 43 C Stuffed BEEF HEARTS 39 Polish Sausage 39 C "Grade "A Medium Carton 2\/2: 89° PEAMEAL BACON END CUTS SLICED SIDE BACON. 79: -- Lo STUFFED BONELESS PORK ROAST 49 PORK STEAKS 2-1.00 4 lbs. 3 lbs. ANY ONE ITEM ' $1.00 SAUSAGE 3 Ibs. Bologna COUNTRY Beef Paities By the Piece MINCED BEEF 2,.$].00 of Oshawa, 90 Centre St. BUEHLER'S {2 King St. E. 723-3633 ' A, Prepar In Pres By DAVID DAVIDSO OTTAWA (CP)--The c international situation do warrant keeping the publi idly aware of the probl surviving a nuclear war fence Production Mini Drury said Tuesday nig! Speaking during Con ideration of di, mates for defence prod Mr. Drury, who also hol industry portfolio, said the try's capacity to survive an attack is increasing. He described the En-er Measures Organization as useful" despite claims b: mer Conservative defence ister, Douglas Harkness, EMO activities are not r ing much energy or drive "T do not believe that necessary, or even desirat the present state of interna tension to keep vivid i minds of the public the portance of survival pre tions," Mr. Harkness had crit the government for the la national EMO exercises. clear attack exists -- I everyone will admit tha threat does still exist--I it is essential for the prot A .: tL Opposition On Need 0 TORONTO (CP) -- Mer of the two opposition p disagreed in the legisl Tuesday on whether Ont social family services de ment should increase day ery services. Stephen Lewis (NDP -- borough West) urged tha department accede to wishes of the labor depart which has recommended formation of more day eries. Elmer Sopha (L -- Sudt disagreed with Mr. Lewis N.Z. Premier Not Consulte LONDON (CP) -- De Prime Minister Jack Mai of New Zealand said Tue his government was not sulted before Britain decid triple its cable toll on sent to Commonwealth + tries. "As far as I know, we | nothing about it," Marshall in answer to a question dt a press conference. The British government insisted consultations did cede the April 18 announce that the current rate of penny e& word would be creased to threepence next 1 "The British governmen course, consulted through ¢ matic channels all other ' monwealth governments b we came to our decision," | monwealth Secretary He: Bowden said in a speech bi the Commonwealth Press lL Monday. "All relevant Commonw: considerations were given weight and all. Commonw governments were informe our intention to increase rates and the reasons for ¢ so." The CPU has protested increase, saying it w weaken Commonwealth bc Chairman Gavin Astor rec ted a Commonwealth confer of government, press, radio television representatives convened before the incr goes into effect. Prime Min Wilson has maintained no ful purpose would be serve such a gathering but the ( at its annual conference, ¢ ted a motion Tuesday stro urging Wilson to reconside refusal. LEAN MEATY SPARI Boneless -- Rolled Beef POT ROAST Boneless -- Rolled Beef Shoulder Roast 6 end 7 Rib -- Quality Beef PRIME RIB Lean -- Blade Bone Out BLADE ROAST

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