Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jun 1967, p. 27

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ewevuweere ese Fer YU Se SAW hw « it Ads' --Articles Wanted CUUM CLEANER and portable tie. cn Sk condition "Teepbens 'a OD USED FURNITURE wanted, sic. ote, hest prices. Call an oooh, sisi, ytime., MacNell's --Articles for Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S RENTALS 462 Ritson Rd, S, 725-3338 ple? Oshawe, Tannls eise' eee ts, parties, weddl: Bi kings 7 ari ings. Bar, kitchen, BEL CHAIRS, i) reducing, machines tick notin a ee 2. Ald Rentals, 105 1 Beatrice, 738 728-164, -- Business Opportunities SPARE TIME MONEY MAKER Earn up to $100 weekly in your spare time, simonizing cars with our special polish- ing machine, No experience needed as we train you. $25 will put you in business, Must have good credit. Tele- ae MR, JOSEPH, 728- RIVING FISH AND CHIP resteurent fast growing community In Oshawa. reasonable offers considered. Fali- health reason for sale. Financial ements shown to Interested parties. Nes to Box 68500, Oshawa Times, ITBY -- Dry cleaning business, In- ling stores, lolidings ana ee pe ; ) bert store. For more pcb al J. B. McMullan and Co. Realtor, --Employment Wanted TODDLERS PARADISE FROBEL --- MONTESSORI Day Nursery School Special Summer classes for children up to 8 years, Oute side activities including swim- ming. 723-0734 for appoint- ment, 11 Brock St. E., sews -L BOARD four- or five-year-old d in my home, Reterences lay and night. Phope 725 on saad Lt GIVE day-care f 3 1 in my Phone rte a = vary a would do baby In her home, during ¢i phone 78-4581, ion sk ig oede -- careful mover, Insured, truck with driver, lawn meinte- ce, odd jobs of all kinds. 728-2882. ed tlie nal hadnt AMER CLEAN-UPS, windows, walle floors, offices, homes, Free Estl- es. Telephone 725-1885, ULD LIKE JOB as babysitter for oe ee ee wvaages eh Age 1%. --Female Help Wanted tegistered Nurse (1) Required for OPERATING. ROOM tegistered Nurse (1) Required for GRRE SP emATING articularly Interested in pere on desiring 3-11 and or 11-7 shi ft, salaries in accordance with xperience and education. Jrientation period one month, e Apply Ajax and Pickering General Hospital Nursing Personnel Office » TENOGRAPHER Experienced, mature person equired for stenographic du- ies in our Engineering Dept. Must be fast and accurate ypist. Telephone Ajax 942-2120 for appointment. TARK ELECTRONIC NSTRUMENTS LTD. AJAX PROFESSIONAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES requires experienced Cleaning Ladies 3-4 hours in evenings, Mon. - Fri. in Ajax 942-5524 WAITRESS 4 p.m. - 11 p.m. shift. Apply Mr. Campbell GENOSHA HOTEL OSHAWA CASHIER art-time, Grade 10 or 11 tudent for summer months. PLY MR. CAMPBELL, GENOSHA HOTEL SEWIVES lieing In Oshawa - Bows yee Ati (Si Bead a selveriog $35 weekly Write 7 Marshall St. Barrie ont =PHONE CANVASSER, steady em- nent. Apply purer Aluminum, Nilson and Olive (corner). tlic dMa hb UAE aM ab. SS fOUR CHILDREN are grown, why lurn your spare time Into information call 576-1301 evenings. FESSIONAL OFFICE requires me young ledy with business exper!- accuracy and neatness essential, num grade 12, typing 60 words per te, starting salary $250-$350, de ng upon aunt iicationé: Reply te 69569, Oshawa Times. CE CLERK capable of Lingle | payroll, accurate typist with wills eo ng experience preferred. Apply 8 , Oshawa Times. ERIENCED dry cleaning presser: vages. Apply 1120 Simcoe Street N. OR ESULTS MES -TION CLASSIFIED DS Sy 723-3492 eww eee ve 18--Mele Help Wented i }18--Mele Help Wonted Terry seve evs es ee re 20---Real Estate for Sele = = Cy vywerevperwr rere reer wer ety '20---Real Estate for Sale ca a > '20---Real Estate for Sele 120--Real Estate for Sale verre wer ew errr TT ow eee rT CRT Te TOT Tet eT eT eS '20---Real Estate for Sale A a avs ew @ * Terr ft , 4 "Ot Meio THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 14, 1967 27 REPRESENTATIVE AGED 25 TO 50 AVERAGE EARNING OF PRESENT EMPLOYEES BARBER REQUIRED for Hi Shop. Telephone 623-2696, 's Bar. wman- # SALESMAN -- This may be the oppor- tunity for you! A tai Canadian com- pany requires an itlonal aioe | for Oshawa branch office. Age 23 - with Langlb br heey Se Salary Lng com missions with first -year earnings In the tad range. Write Box 48590, Oshawe arctica required, experience | Fig boats. Call Whitby Bost Works, BODYMAN, first class, fully experi- enced, top wages, URA benefits, Hilltop Resy on Fender, Uxbridge. 852-3803. 19--Male and Female Help Wanted $8,000 to $15,000 ANNUALLY To represent practical train- ing school, operating for over half @ century. Dignified and prestige employment, Sales experience on asset but not necessary. Must be soles minded, as we train you. Must own good car and be prepared to work from Mon- day to Friday, covering ter- ritory within 100 miles. ra- dius of Oshowa. Must be aveilable to stort immediate- ty. Our employees ore cover- ed by pension, medical, etc., and other company benefits such os insurance. M.70755 STOCK ROOM SUPERVISOR Electronics component manu- facturer located in Ajax re- quires responsible man to supervise two employees in Applications for the position of SUPERVISOR of MAIN- TENANCE for the Whitby District Secondary Schools will be received by the Secretary till 4:00 p.m. June 26th. Duties to commence July 3rd, if possible, but not later than July 15th. Salary to be negotiated, other particulars available from the secretary, 405 Dundos St. West, Whit- by, Phone 668-8411. W. D. THOMSON, Secretary, Whitby District High School Board, Box 86, Whitby, Ontario. STUDENTS- IN-ACCOUNTS We require students com- mencing tirst ond fourth year courses. Preference will be given to students planning a coreer in public accounting. Apply in own handwriting to Burrows Selby and Company, 323 King Street West, giving complete details of educa- tion and experience. stock room and do shipping and receiving. Must have ex- perience. Telephone for ap- pointment 942-1540 REAL ESTATE CAREER Wanted, g full time Real Estate Agent for Bowmanville area. Selling experience pre- ferred. Join one of Canada's largest realtors. Experienced Manager to help you. Strong promotional assistance. Con- tact Lloyd G. Lee, F.R.I., Vice President, H. Keith Ltd., 181 Eglinton Ave. E., Tor- onto 12, 487-3333. DUCT INSTALLERS For new Housework. Ajex ond Oshawa crea, $3.50 per hour Steady Work Call 9-5 p.m. collect Toronto 249-7992 Professional SALESMAN This large Fc gists or I selling ally "known products to auto- motive markets seeks on ex- ceptional salesman. The man we select will prob- ably be 25-35 with sales experience. He will be assign- ed on exclusive, established territory now producing an above average income. He will represent @ quality line of consumable automotive hardware and functional parts. He will be fully train- ed at the company's expense to achieve a high income on commission, For confidential interview call Toronto collect: MR. H. BROWN 221-1863 12-9 p.m. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN age 24-40 Must have proven sales re- cord. Apply MR. McFEETERS. SCHOFIELD-AKER Realtor Ltd. 360 KING ST. W. CONTACT BOX NO. 70831 WANTED Experienced carpet layer with own vehicle, willing to lay carpet on a contract basis. RELIABLE MARRIED man furnace work and drive fuel oll kery in i Geifel steady position. Apply 725 Bloor have ability fo perform light repairs and essist In dail: LA person. 767 P: EXPERIENCED PAINTER for beats. Apply Whi Boat Works, 570 Finley Avenue. Telephone 942-1010. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY: Very progressive Canadian firm wants a sales- man for Oshawa and area. You will be asked to call on businessmen with out- standing lines of calendars, ards, etc. Top commission rates. Car tege. ja ite rl Postel Box Pepineeu, Montreal. jneateagree OPPORTUNITY. Large Sent awith business or sales beckground. gay CLASS "A" MECHANIC 74 ge ie Ss. pi AR ER oe Lae eevee JANITOR REQUIRED for evening shift, six-day week, No i Apply Mr, Campbell, Genosha Hi SERVICE STATION assistant wanted. Experienced service required to assume the responsibilities phone calls Cag station salesman assistant manager. Applicant must bookkeeping. arly In Rd. S., 725-9; A-1 FOOD and FREEZER CLUB requires Male and Female Canvassers Telephone 576-2990 7 A.M, to 7 P.M. Oshawa Provisioners EXPERIENCED COOK wanted, $85. weekly, Six-day week. Dan's Restaurant, ere Village, No. 2 Highway, 94 FULLER has territories for housewives who. have 10 hours can make $35 weekly or more in your spare time, 726-4922. 20--Real Estate for Sale H. KEITH PHOTO MLS REALTOR 725-4841 (PUT VARIETY) IN YOUR LIFE Ideal location for this thriv- ing hardware variety busi- ness. Modern store with large, five room, opartment above. Iliness forces sale. Call Frank Smith 723-3533. LAKE BREEZES Long, low, brick rancher with large four room basement oportment, separate en- trance, walk-out basement. Double paved drive. Full price $17,900, low down pay- ment. Try your offer on this one, Call Frank Smith 723- 3533. 4 BEDROOMS Large, 4 bedroom home with carport in north end of Osh- awa. 2 fireplaces, finished recreation room, fully land- scaped yard, For appointment call Gord Chariton 728- 8569. ALL ELECTRIC 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage. Holly- wood kitchen. Located in east section of town. Only $19,- 900. with small down pay- ment, Call Gord Chariton 728-8569. OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH 2 storey beautiful 4 bedroom brick home with garage, in excellent condition. Two washrooms, recreation room, broadloom throughout. Paved drive and many extros. Call Idso Wiersma 728-5683. 100 ACRE FARM Blackstock crea -- 7 room bungalow with modern con- veniences, $27,000 with terms, Call Idso Wiersma 728-5683. 4 BATHROOMS This exquisite executive home has every convenience and feature imaginable. Se- ven large sunny rooms situat- ed in Mary ond Connaught area. Only $37,500, Call Doug Carmichael 723-7463. $1,200 DOWN If you are tired ond looked at inflated 'prices, have a look- see at this substantial 5 room older bungalow on huge 500' lot. Only $11,800. Call Doug Carmichael. Private Sale Vendor Moving One year old, two storey brick home, Three large bedrooms, 1% coloured bath with van- ities, attached garage. Fult price $21,000. 614% N.H.A. mortgage. Carries for $146 per month, P.I.T. Telephone 723-1225 or 537 Pinewood Street ball point matches, business gifts, Christmas lal. Sales experience an advan- for further particulars to 185, Delorimler Stetion, 4535 has opening for @ local res- steting personal history, educa- experience fe Box 70015, Osh- $8,500 Vacant, four room bungalow on Currie Avenue. Oil fur- nace, full basement, taxes $195. Immediate possession. Call now. Jack Appleby 723- 3398, evenings. Bolahood Bros. Ltd. 728-5123. TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS! GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 $1,500 DOWN 1 @ There isc great demand for reasonably priced income property. Here is a 14 storey home with good Income possibi- lities close to. downtown. A little paint could go a long way. Own- er will hold mortgage. Call us now. e OWNER GOING WEST 1! @ Newly decorated twin bungalow. Everything has been done here from landscaping, fencing, T.V. tower, to new paint inside, Move in and enjoy It. The down poyment is low, price Is right. Call now. 2¥%2 STOREY INCOME HOME I!] @ Southeast arec on quiet street, close to bus service. This home has good income, present- ly divided in 3 apartments, con- sisting of 3 kitchens equipped with cupboards, Listed at $17, 200 -- owner will accept very reasonable down payment. An outstanding opportunity. Please 'phone for details. 41 FOOT SIMCOE COMMERCIAL 1V @ Commercial zoned pro- perty has solid brick, eleyen roomed house with new copper plumbing, wiring, furnace, also large new heated garage. Ideal building to remodel for office use plus other income. ONLY $15,900 V @ Very reasonable price for this 3 bedroom bungalow with hollywood kitchen. Coloured fixtures In bathroom, Large liv- ing room with stippled ceiling. Close to schools and bus. Stone front. Fenced yard. Call today for more information. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY VI @ Simcoe Street North, 37' x 24' lot with seven room brick home and garage. Call now for full particulars, WIDE OPEN SPACES Vil @ Ideal home for anyone with gardening interest. 80' x 340' lot. Well looked ofter, 2 bedroom bungalow priced to sell at $14,700. Vendor will hold hig own mortgage, Call us now for further details. THORNCLIFFE STREET Vill @ This 4 bedroom bunge- low, with attached gorage Is only 1% years old, so you have the advantage of a 6%4% mort- gage, and many extras taken care of such as landscaping, T.V. aerial and two finished rooms in basement. Priced to sell at_ $19,900 with ao most reasonable down payment. Call us now for more information, CUSTOM BUILT 1X @ Beautiful' tri-level plan, sunken living room 1642' x 23' with 121%' field stone fire- place. Fir beam ceiling. Dining room with stone barbeque. AM/ FM _ intercom throughout. 3 large bedrooms. Outside living areas. if you are looking for something out of the ordinary with quality on 75' x 200' lot then call us tonight. e NORTHWEST AREA X @ Five room brick.bungalow less than one yeor old, Located close to schools and shopping. In rapidly 'developing Simcoe ond Taunton area. Broadloom in living room and master bed- room, vanity In bathroom, fin- ished cellar and cupboards ga- lore. Reasonabfé down payment. Please coll us for more details. $2,500 DOWN XI! @ Brick~ bungalow located close to all schools, ° Public, Junior, Senior, Separate or High. Nicely fenced and good marble- stone patio. Listed at $17,500. 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath, very large kitchen and carport. Your offer invited. Good mortgaging possibilities. COUNTRY RETREAT XI! @ 215 acres of rolling land. 75 workable. Brand new house with 3 bedrooms and mod- ern kitchen. Situated in ideal hunting country northwest of Peterborough. 2 miles to good fishing lakes. Excellent camp location, Phone us for more in- formation and directions. e Kathryn Armstrong 723-1884 Geofge Nymeyer 728-4241 Allon Bertrand 985-7251 Vietor Taylor 728-5740 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Italo Bortoluss! 723-6329 Jack Graham 728-2634 Eleanor Thompson 728-4731 Walter Mittler 576-2345 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Evelyn Cassel 725-3710 Leonard Bissell 725-2070 Vernon B, Corson 723-9785 Steve Englert 728-5581 Marilyn Fitzgerald 668-5313 Morris Fogel 723-2563 Leon Moanitius 728-2754 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE LTD. (REALTOR) 515 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-5853 NEIGHBORS DO COUNT This unusual ottractive brick bungalow is built in a quiet community of better closs homes in Whitby, newly dec- orated with excellent taste, teakwood wall panelling on one wall adds to the beauty of the living room, There are 3 bedrooms, and a family breakfast sized kitchen, full dining room, as well as at- tached garage. The roofed veronda is surrounded by shrubs and beautifully land- scaped lot. Call to-day for Inspections, 668-5853. LOVELY TREED SETTING Come and see this quaint 2 bedroom bungclow, featuring large sunken living room with log burning fireplace and an extra large dining room with fireplace. Compact kitchen, This'home must be seen, Call for inspection ot 668-5853, LARGE LOT This huge older home situct- ed on a quiet street in Whit- by must be seen to be appre- ciated. The lovely 27' liv- ing room features o large notural stone fireplace and the entire home is finished In a traditional type of styl- ing. Other extras. Call Els- peth Hilts 668-5853 or 668- 5017. CENTRALLY LOCATED Moke an offer on this older bungalow situated on High- way No. 2 in Whitby. Car- ries for $100 P.I.T. For fur- ther particulars call Elspeth Hilts at 668-5853 or 668- 5017, NESTLED on LOVELY Y ACRE LOT in The HEART of The CITY A wealth of living is in store for you in this gracious 1% storey home, featuring 22' living room with natural fire- place, separate dining room, perky modern kitchen with is- land breakfast bar, and 2 complete bathrooms. Asking $18,500. Take the first step to better living by calling Audrey Moore at 668-4088 or 668-5853. COME and SEE This solid brick ranch bung- alow featuring huge holly- wood kitchen, 4 pec. tiled bathroom. Asking only $16,- 200. For further information call Marie Wilson at 668- 5853 or 728-3937. INVEST -$3,500 and be the owner of three two bedroom bungalows, pre- aenily rented at $100 month- Conveniently located in oe R4 Zoning, for fur- ther information call Audrey _-- 668-5853 or 668- ACREAGE 48% acres, partially wooded with sparkling creek in East Whitby Township. Very close to Oshawe. For further de- tails call Audrey Moore at 668-5853 or 668- 4088. Osborne BURCHAR ROAD--AJAX GORDON REAL ESTATE LTD. ASSISTANCE MAY HELP CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 19 Simcoe St. North REAL ESTATE DEPT. Ralph Schofield Manager O'MALLEY HOMES Cayuga Street Cedar Ridge See O/MALLEY HOMES . First for Top Value 634% N.H.A, mortgages; Landscaped; Broadloomed; Free Cable T.V. for 2 years. Priced from. $21,495 to $22,500, Turn west on Cayuga Street from Simcoe Street (one block north of Taunton Road). LOOK for CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST SIGNS OPEN Saturday and Sunday 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. For inspection at any time phone: Central Ontario Trust -- 723-5221. Family-Living-Plus In exclusive location -- northwest Oshawo. This 3 bedroom side-split affords you an angel stone front with stone planters -- paved drive -- garage -- beautiful land- scaping ---- rec room -- fire- place -- family room -- Hollywood kitchen -- and more. Call at once for more details, Only $11,900 -- King and Westmount -- One Block to Oshawa Shopping Centre Two bedroom bungalow with third bedroom and rec room in basement -- Excellent fu- ture commercial value. Whitby $17,900 -- Large 3 bedroom brick bungalow in S/W Whit- by with large dining area and nicely finished _ recreation room -- by appointment only. Asking $14,900 -- South Oshawa Newly decorated 3 bedroom brick bungalow with 4th bed- room and finished "Rec" room in the basement. Large kitchen and - specious living room ---- ceramic tiled bath- room -- Lovely backyard. Phone for appointment. OUR FINANCIAL YOU age OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 -- 9:00 to 5:30 NO TOLL CHARGE FOR THESE PHONES AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Tom Houston 668-4416 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Harvey Hogan 655-3663 218 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY No, 2 Highway Dial 668-8826 This three year old five room brick bungalow with three large bedrooms, spacious liv- Ing room, family size kit- chen and a finished gsiona tion room can be your today for ig 800 with wee 000 down. - NEW HOMES $18,650 Three bedroom brick homes on large lots. 614% mort- gages, fully divided base- ments. Ready for rec room. Possession arranged to suit purchaser, LUPIN DRIVE A twin home with 3 bed- rooms and enough extra space for two more, close to schools and shopping. Make an offer. ENJOY the PEACE and COMFORT That belongs here in this 6 room home with rec room and fireplace. The L-shap- ed living and dining area is 348 sq. ft. and the fenced- In yard ts 66' x 132'. Only $21,900. SMALL STORE on WHITBY MAIN STREET NEXT DOOR to Bell Tele- phone, be independent and operate your own business, Make an offer. 5 ROOM BRICK This lovely 8 yr. old home Is @ buy, with broadloom in- cluded and a rec room. Pric- ed to sell at $15,700. 5 SUITE APT. BLOCK ---- and fridges included. Income $560 per month. Priced to sell $8, 500. All epartments presently rented. Call for appointment to in- Spect. Vivian Halligan 942-0293 Marlow Hancock 723-0288 N. Van den Broek 668-2675 Clare Shank 723-5145 George Abramoff 723-4871 Gordon White 668-6337 Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 George Sullivan 668-6226 JOHN F. DeWith REALTOR 14 Frank Street Bowmanville Phone 623-3950 3 BEDROOM i iol SCHOFIELD-AKER MORTGAGES ARRANGED REALTOR LIMITED Servicing Oshawa and District for over 31 years 723-2265 ONLY $9,500 Compact cozy two bedroom bungalow in S. W. area can be yours with a low down payment. Nice lot with trees for shade. Early possession. $15,300 Spotless 2% storey brick home on Oshowa Bivd, N. Eight rooms -- just right for the large family. Garage, nice lot, low taxes. Down payment just reduced to $3,500, Call to-night. JUST REDUCED Now Is the time to buy this cozy two bedroom bungalow with only $1,500 down and located in the S.W. area, Now only $9,900. Hurry on this one, the owner wants a buy- er NOW. NORTHWEST A real family home here and located close to schools, shop- ping, and transportation. Seven rooms In oll plus a Ree Room with imitation fireplace, big garage, lovely back yard with lawn, flowers and hedge. Listed only $18,900 and Ven- dor will give early possession. FOUR BEDROOMS One year old two storey home with attached garage, just new on the market. 614% N.H.A. mortgage. Home loca- ted in N. E. area. JUST LISTED Lovely three bedroom bunga- low with attached garage and walk-out basement, Family room features knotty pine panelling, fireplace, and slid- METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. 4 BEDROOMS 7 room tri-level home in spot- less condition, features built- in stove and oven, broadioom in living room and dining room, 4 bedrooms, 4 pc. and 2 pe. bath, paved drive, land- scaped grounds, monthly pay- ments with taxes $136, N.H.A: 6%% mortgage, early possession. "SPECIAL" Look only $2,368 down, $17, 750 full price new 3 bedroom brick bungalow, one block from Eastdale Collegiate, N.H.A. mortgage, immedicte possession. TRI-PLEX Modern tri-plex, 2 -- 2 bed- room, 1 -- 1 bedroom opart- ments, 3 stoves, 3 fridges, washer and dryer, separate meters, oi! heat, paved park- ing, good rental location. "BRAEMOR GARDENS" New 7 room, 2 storey brick with attached garage, com- 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale RAE R: JONES Realtor 668-8841 OSHAWA $2,500 DOWN 5% rooms ef charm in this spotless home, Ample closet space, good basement, fenc- ed back yard, three bedrooms, large living room with dining area and a fine, bright kit- chen. Priced to sell at only $14,800. Won't you give me an offer? Call Roe R. Jones at 668-8841 er 668-4003. pletely decorated, four bed- rooms, and two bathrooms, pg sg oil heat, choice northwes?™~+-- location, only $23,995. ONLY $5,000 N.H.A, 634% mortgage. Eight -- ten acre parcels all COTTAGE good high dry lots, some with $2,750 clean 3 room cottage trees, located on good roads. on Stone St. Sondy beach, If you have looked, then you nice view of Loke Ontario. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Roy Yeo 725-2217 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jock Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 Mark Tomina 668-2121 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive and M.L.S. know that these are priced to sell. Call to-night. RAE R. JONES REALTOR Office 668-8841 Residence 668-4003 Ing glass doors to patio on ravine lot, This home is only one year old and offers you new broadioom and corion floors, special light fixtures throughout, and two baths. Do call early. BEAU VALLEY RESALE Nice bungalow with attached gorage located on a ravine lot with living room, dining room, and master bedroom at the rear overlooking the ra- vine. Nice walk-out bease- ment offers you a Rec Room ready for finishing, the stone fireplace Is already In. Listed $26,900 and located in N. E. area. For full particulars call 7 65 Malble Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Irwin Cruikshanks. 728-5205 George Twaltes 723-2008 Mike Belmonte 576-1908 Marg Hall 723-1358 lrene Brown 725-3867 Mel roe 623-5638 Reg Al 725-0201 Bill OS 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Members of 0.D.R.E.B. WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. 360 King St. West, Oshawa REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST KEITH PETERS DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED REALTOR 333 King Street West 723-1168 "RETIREMENT" This two bedroom brick bung- alow in Northwest Oshawa for the asking price of only $13,900, with a reasonable down payment makes it a good buy. This home situat- ed on a beautifully landscap- ed lot complete with vege- table garden, and many ex- tras, some including a natural fireplace, aluminum awnings ond a large garage. "4 BEDROOMS" This beautiful almost new home is situated in one of Oshawa's finest north areas, It is in immaculate condition with it's spacious bedrooms and large dining room to ac- comodate the growing family. "PARK RD, NORTH" This six room two. storey home is beautifully situated on a shady treed lot facing the golf course. As well as having a modern rec room, this dwelling has. been mod- ernized and refinished intern- ally, "NORTHWEST" This home, in Oshawa's most desirable area, is a three bed- room bungalow with attached garage. Situated close to schools and shopping on a quiet residential street. R, MARTIN REAL ESTATE 100 King St. E., Oshawa Tel. 576-1200 $115 monthly for lovely 5 room bungalow on Orchard View Dr, Owner moving, try your best offer, low down payment, Central Park Blvd. choice lo- cation, 6 room modern bung- alow, finished rec room with bar, 'Hollywood kitchen, a extras, Well land d OPEN TO OFFERS If transportation and shopping convenience are a must, then check this 7 room brick home on Nassau Street. Older brick home with solid foundation, paved drive and garage. Paint and handymon's repairs will make this Into « comfortable home. Financing can be arranged. Try your down payment on , this one. For information and Inspection, contact JACK SHEPHARD, Guaranty Trust Company tt ow 32 King S$! OSHAWA, ONTARIO, 728-1653 J, 8, McMullan & Co. REALTOR PINEWOOD STREET One year old, two storey brick home with attached gorage, 1% bathrooms with vanity ond three large bedrooms. Must be sold, vendor moving out of town. Telephone now for appointment to inspect. Call Dick Barrioge et J. B, McMullan ond Co, Realtor, 725-3551 or 725-6234. SCENIC VIEW New 3-bedroom home with at» tached garage on large com- pletely landscaped lot In the North Oshawa - Simeoe St. area. This home is heated electrically and has a nao- tural fireplace. Rear yard hos complete privacy with lovely ravine view, Substantial down payment required. Will take over mortgage on balance of poyments with good terms. Call 723-6664, ALMOST NEW TRIPLEX Three bedrooms, kitchen, liv. Ing and dining room for the owner, plus two one bedroom self contained apartments now rented with an income of $180 monthly. Finished recreation room. Paved drive- way to the double cor gare age. Very central focation. Owner will take $8,000 down payment and hold one open mortgage for balance. To ine spect call Irwin Cruikshanks now at 728-5205 --- SCHO- FIELD-AKER LTD. tn immaculate condition, oi tifice. $15,900 for 2 storey home on Cadillac Ave. Close to schools and bus route, Ex- cellent family home. $13,900 full price for 6 room home on William $t., close to downtown area. $3,000 down buys lovely bungalow with 3 bedrooms, REALTOR FURNISHED COTTAGES -- Williams Point $7,000 and $9,600 $11,500 -- 6 room home, garage, walking distance to downtown. Will consider. $1,- 500 DOWN. $13,500 -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow, gorage, lot 132 ft. deep. $13,500 -- 134 storey home with 3 bedrooms, dining room, low taxes. $13,900 -- Zoned C-2 com- mercial, 4 rooms and one In Iking distance HY, on 2 acre lot near t Double garage, breeevay: Paved circle driveway. Lovely location, HAMPTON; 5 roomed home, oil furnace and 4-pc, bath, Good size lot. Call George VanDyk 623-7437. INCOME PROPERTY: Duplex with 3 bedroom apartment on each side. All modern con- veniences. Asking only $13, 500 terms. Call George Van- Dyk 623-7437. INCOME HOME: Oshawa with separate apartment, rented for $75 monthly. Very well kept home, Nicely decorated. Priced to sell. Call Harry Coutts 725-2649, ORONO: 5 roomed, 7 year old bungalow, 4-pe. bath and oil heated. Taxes only $145. Large lot. Asking $13,200. Call George VanDyk 623- 7437. COURTICE, NASH ROAD: 5 roomed bungalow, oil heated with 4-pc, bath. Clean and well kept. Close to schools, Asking $13,800. Terms. Call George VanDyk 623-7437. LOVELY, 5 ROOMED, new brick bungalow with attach- ed garoge. Beautiful kitchen and living room. Located 15 minutes from Oshawa. Call George VanDyk 623-7437. PORT PERRY: 5 roomed bungalow. Oil heated with 4-pc. bathroom. Price $11, 000. Terms, Call Tom Don- nelly 985-7264. Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay! to down' town, HANDYMAN SPECIAL! -- Ranch bungalow, 3 bedrooms, large lot. $14,900 -- Close to north G.M., 8 room 2 storey brick home. One open mortgage. $17,400 -- Attractive 3 room brick bungalow, ma- hogany cupboards, beautiful back yard and patio. JUST LISTED -- 2 family home in Bowmanville, 8 rooms 2 bathrooms, two fur- naces and nicely landscaped. Dougan Realtor 1363 Simcoe St. N. 725-1109 MUST BE SOLD Bruce Street, 7 rooms, spot- lessly clean. Older style home with large rooms, excellent for renting, treed lot with good garage. First time of- fered and priced to sell at only $13,900. Many extras. GRANDVIEW. SOUTH One year old split entrance brick bungalow with walk-out basement ideal for family or recreation room. Owners going back to Ireland and will sell completely furnished for $20,300, What an op- | portunity. KEEWATIN NORTH 3 or 4 bedroom brick bunga- low 'with attached garage, finished recreation room in- cluding 2 pc. washroom is available for July 1 posses- sion, Let us show you one of these fine homes tonight. plus 3 room apartment. in basement, must seen to be oppreciat For information call R. MARTIN REAL ESTATE Tel. Oshowa 576-1200 LB, Beach Ave. -- Owner must sell at once due to other Interests, Stately, 12-room brick home, three rooms, two marble fireplaces. Lot 94 192', Very central. Open fo any reasone able offer. Call Pat Yeo, 623-3393, W. Frank Real Estete Ltd. PRIVATE. $1,500 DOWN. One meth for balance, Applewood Crescent-Thick- son Rd. area, large, new three brick bungalow, oll mediate possession. 723-654 heated, big ae Ime DUPLEX, walking Theres to down town, two 3-room apartments with reg isle Asking $13, "ya ada nod will take low down payment all Joseph Bosca, Realtor, 728-; 7, pga rd AVENUE -- Stucco, twee storey ree rooms, garay paved drive, excel cellent ep 'et electric aut so Frigidaire, and dryer, television tower, vene= tien 'blinds, aluminum storms, etc, Prie vate sale, By appointment only. 728-1476, SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 ATTRACTIVE ? YES Two year old stone and brick bungalow featuring a sunken living room, all large rooms and a well landscaped dsep lot. Find warmth and charm in this, lovely home, Priced right at $19,900. LOOK HERE! For $9,900 you could buy this 5 room home close to Central Collegiate, complete with 3 pce, bath, new. furnace and cooking stove. Fenced back yard. ROOMING HOME Asking $3,000 down for this 10 room 2 storey home and double garage. Completely furnished and fully rented for $378 monthly. APPLE ORCHARD Hampton; young orchard just started to produce on a large road frontage. Good value for this 10 acre parcel. Inspect these fine properties now by aoe Steve Lehan at 728-7576 SUBURBAN --~ Ranch bung- alow with 3 bedrooms, large lot, recreation room also ex- tra room In basement and laundry room. NORTHEAST -- 514 room brick bungalow, attached:gar- _ age, patio, close to school, Interest only 614%. BASEMENT APARTMENT-- Try an offer on this attrac- tive 5 room bungalow, broad- loom in living room, double driveway. NORTHEAST -- Brick bung- alow, dining room, 3 bed- rooms, 4 piece bath and ex- tra 2 piece bath in master bedroom, $19,900 -- 6 room brick bungalow with attached gar- age, large lot. ATTENTION INVESTORS -- COMMUTE to OSHAWA Solid brick 9 room house, new roof on bam, garage, imple- ment shed and house, water pressure in barn, no furnace, very productive. 96 acres roll- Ing land. $27,500. WILDERNESS RETREAT $2,000 down. 85 acres well treed grounds, 2 _ trout Streams, 3 beaver ponds, beautiful evergreens, in Kin- mount area, $7,500. Contact Jim Steele, 46 Howard Ave- nue, Lindsay, 'phone Lindsay, 324-4558. H. KEITH LTD., REALTOR. H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR 181 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto 12, Ontario FULL PRICE $12,400 Seven room two storey brick home on Bruce street. New oil furnace. Hardwood up and down. Immediate possession. Phone Bill Millar 725-1186, 725-2557 ATTRACTIVE HOME FIELD STONE FRONT $2,500 DOWN $69,000, Bill EXECUTIVE LUXURY country home, | view, privacy, acreage, elght years old, Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985-7160 EDGE OF TOWN -- forons split level home, four large bedroom: fwo baths, built-in large family home for only right now to Ken Hann, 723-7963. Martin Realtor, 728-5103. FOUR-BEDROOM compact stucco bunge: low, one mile north of No. 2 iver > ven ie pee In good repair, 14 acres an ae be exceptionally $23,700. We SMALL FAETORY for light machi: with five-rcom apartment above. Pri size lot, close to 401 and lige 5. diate possession. Just listed. hapiek coe by's Real Estate Li ATHOL STREET wait -- Asking only storey home, good newlyweds with downstairs epartmen? for self and income for rental of up» stalrs apartment. Must be sold Qik Call Elmer Fredin, 7252753. W. O. Mare tin Realtor, 728-5103. vate drive and double garage re Hwa by calling Steve ae at nba Sie $14,900, for this well kept older 1s Starter home for SOUTH CENTRAL erea, brick home, seven rooms, close gchools and work, nearly new Esso olf furnace, garage, nice lot with garden. Only $14,900 with $2,000 down to easy mortgage, with the vendor. See this one today. Call John Sandy, 725-8010, W. G. Martin Realtor, 728-5103. CHOICE INCOME HOME In east 'ond, Lay for urea couple, one i@ 4-room and one bachelor apartment. rig self - contained, attached gara: large lot, 9 Pins? old, Piet bef ss ere with good terms. Call oy 725-0303. Joseph Bosco, Realtors sid COUNTRY SPECIAL -- Only $13,500 tor tor this nice roomy, three-bedroom tow, just 15 minutes from 'owntow Oshawa, two bathrooms, one garden soll. Ideal for VLA. call Bessie Soler 723-2925, W. ©. Martin Realtor, $17,200--ALUMINUM and brick, all elec tric, two-storey semi, four bedrooms, 0 baths, rec-room, close to schools, churches, shopping. Immediate posses sion, Good terms, private. 725-2839, four-bedroor THREE-YEAR-OLD split level country home, city conveniences, 2 mile from No. 2 Highway and % mile from new Thickson's Road. Attached garage, three bedrooms, walk-out basement, large bal- cony, lot 75' x 258'. Must be seen to be appreciated. Owner transferred $23,950 with termg, Clare McCullough 723-7843 or Bowmanville 623-3393, W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. PIGEON RIVER, 90 acres suitable for camp site, ccttages, choice fishing. hunt: ing. Don Stradeski Realtor, 723-4651 723-465). THREE BEDROOMS, altached brick bungalow, [ust west of 'Oshawa Shop ping Centre. Price $14,900. immediate Tt 728-5483. Stone fireplace. Broadl throughout, two bathrooms, large family room. Close to all schools. Sacrifice for $25,900. Call BT! Millar 725-1186, 725-2557 FLORELL DRIVE SPLIT LEVEL ASKING $25,900 Four bedroom home with built in tappan range, broadloom, inter com system, two bath- rooms, $3,000 down. Phone Bill Milldr 725-2557. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE of 67 King St. E. Formerly used by transport compony, well constructed cement block building 26 x 60 with loading ramps on Ye of an acre, Asking $19,- 500. Call 728-7328. LOT --~ 2 acres with creek DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS An average 300 million copies of 8,000) dally newspapers are sold throughout the world on any jiven weekday. That's why ifs smart business to ad: vertise In The Times' Classified Section it's so popular: It's the one place poopie look for your ad. To get your $2,950, jou costs ust a bette subscriber-readers at ial 733-3492, 2,250 Square Feet of MODERN LUXURY Flowing stream at your back yord, four bedrooms, with wall to wall broadloom, Your choice of music in every room, 400 sq. feet. of family room with stone fireplace. Yours for $4,000 down. Only one left: Call Bill Millar 725- 2557, 725-1186, LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. TWO APARTMENTS in a@ small clean home on Albert Street. Two-bedi apartment for owner and one-bedroom apartment rented for $75. Month te cover ail expenses, ek desi terms-- vendor take back open at per cent. Call Leon santos, 2754 oF 723-5281, Guide Realty L NORTH-EAST six-room i brick home with new kitchen cupboards, new oak floors and Saree redecorated. Asking $2,500 down move right in, Immediate possession. "Ca Il Steve Lehan at 728-7576, Sibby's Real Estate Ltd. FOR QUICK SALE! Good five-room two-storey house, off Simcoe North $16,500. or best offer, $2,500. down, $140. monthly Includes taxes. 576-3623, CENTRAL PARK Bivd. N. Look . Why suffer from dust allergy, when we have the snswer In eur rad lant heated four bedroom home. Featur- Ing two washrooms and walkout Fes garden. Call Jack Zurba 728-6264. Goh Realty Ltd. SAE RN Reese tale een BOWMANVILLE, Beach Ave. -- Owner must sell at once 'due to other Interests. Stately, 12-room brick home, three bathrocms, two marble fireplaces, Lot 94' x 132'. Very central, $31,500. Ope: for offers, Call Pat Yeo, 623-3393, W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. CLOSE to J. F. Kennedy school, spotless S-room brick bungalow, fenced yard, paved drive. Many more features. Yi Inspect call Sally Wallace 725-6297. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. BRICK 5-room, 1¥2-storey, close to Gene eral. Motors north plant, finished room In basement, In good repair, $11,800 _ with' terms. Contact Boyle 723-4270, Jose; Bosco, 72-7377, " bagi lurray

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