Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jun 1967, p. 23

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i to the need for funds "te sed for relief and rehabili- n in that area, as rapidly rrangements to do so can vade."" The federation gov- nearly 55,000,000 of the 75,-" 00 members of the denomi- n in the world. : report at the meeting said federation's Augusta Vic- Hospital on the Mount of s was heavily damaged in « fighting but remains in ition. ING THE LITTLE WOMAN... YBE SHE'LL DIE LAUGHING! ot NTERTAINMEN LAST DAY TODAY David McCallum In 'Three Bites Of The Apple" 'our Best Show Velue" DES DAILY . -- 8:30 P.M. 'ATRE eee \RANCE AENTS: 795,00 .. 695.00 . 395.00 395.00 VC er Se TT SEY SG A iy ee a i THE BOYS ARE eT- WATCHING Tene BET! 1S ON ALITOMAT: OT! DONALD DUCK «et Cre BUZ SAWYER * ie ie ee ee ee i ee wy « 7 7-wrrrrwerreer weve T eT rwe ' wwe eee? eee SPE EM S " 4 fi Se fe A Akt hd CPUS VC rCeCy eS WHAT A LUCKY WIFE SHE'D BE,' HOW KIND OF YOU, $0? AX DEAR MITZI, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 14, 1967 o«/ evi" © BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. ae quae que a gg Trapinc Post YOU GOTTA KNOW HOW TO TALK TO A DONKEY / While at the house, Adrienne Widdoe regains consciousness... THAT JEALOUS IDIOT DRUM! HE MIGHT ! HAVE KILLED ME! NO ONE'S EVER TREATED ME 0) /\ SEE THE TRADER .... THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. Channet Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Pat is nd Petrol 5:0 P.M, 12---It's About Time b--McHales Navy 7--News Channel 11--Hamiltes: Channel 12--Peterborough WEDNESDAY EVENING 8---Woody Woodpecker 9:30 P.M. 4--Gomer Pyle 3-6-12--Stravinsky et 85 10:00 P.M, Ni--Merv Griffin 4--Steve Allen 4--Danny Kaye 1 Spy 10:38 P.M. 9--Sports Hot Seat. 3-6-12--Filmmakers 10:45 P.M, 7--Summer Olympics 9--Sports Hot Seat M. 11:08 P. W-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-3 Weather, 2 P.M, \i--Plerre Berton -- News, Sports TELEVISION LOG 1:98 A. 9--Magistrates Court 7--One In A Million 4--Dick 2-4--Hollywood Squares 12:08 NOON %--Toronto Today ¥--Meney Movie é--Luncheon Date 4-12--News, Weather and Sports 3--Popeye and Pals 2-4--Jeopardy 12:30 P.M. It's A_Match &--Eve Guess 46--Searcn tor Te mort bas mori Weather, 3 , News, Weather, Sports| Merv Grittin 4--Movie nee P.M, 1-8--Johnny . Carson 12:45 P.M. 4-6--Guiding Light 1:00 PLM. 9--Marriage Confident [a 1--Theatre It's About Time T--Movie 5-04" Lands' and' Sens 11.35 P.M. e Virginie Grebere 4:00 Pe. eS 7--Fugitive $--How's Business 9--Movie pyc yel sg lag 7--Twiligw, restre 11,48 PM, et the ers 6--Green Hornet 12--Movie 3--Movie 412--News, Sports, $--Frost Report 1:90 P.M. oy A 12:00 A.M. Per pees nS li--Mystery: Theatre Ce ve tatu - os o:98 P.M. 2--Matches and Mates f PERS ern la ae a Lewes mot : --| len aNd rai a a wissiingld out Ruoees /--Newlywed Game PN sare tincan| 4--News $20 A.M. PvE eel Our Lives 2-8--Huntley-Brinkley Ni--Albert J. Steed ied SM. 9--University of the Air PP hed P.M, DON'T SAY A WORD 1--Fugitiv dag hay™ $--People in Conflict EVE! I CAN EXPLAIN o--Balman, #--Dialing For Dollars --| 92° The Dactors EVERYTH' s--Lowel Thomas hae i rae i 7--Dream Girl a H 5 6 [) 4--Lowell Themas I1--Little People Stale bar 8--Daktarl 9---Romper Room 3:00 P.M. 2--News, Weather, 8--Pastor's Study $--Words and Musle Sports 4--Forest Rangers 7~General Hospital 730 0M. ah ae 4-To Tell The Truth ther 30 A.M, 3-6-12--Take 30 : Sir Lancelot ¢-2--Another World 7:30 P.M. 12--Peter Nero pine Bobby 2.25 P.M. 9--Andy Williams loria e 4-News 8-2--Virginian Hany ar le 30 PM. 7--Batman sag @ Lanne 1--Marriage Confl- é--Peggy Neville 10:08 A.M. dential 4--Lost in Space 1i--Bd Allen Time $--It's Your Move 7:45 P.M. 8-2--Snap Judgment 7--Superman Show 6--NFB Showcase esr ate la cea BE day vivian --Merning Time 4:00 PLM, 7--Monroes 9--Cartoon Playhouse 9--1 Love Lucy 3-6-12--Green Acres yea edly) Hirst Area ety elites 8:30 P.M. Se-coraiition pin iol tebig O1%7 j SY Diartiovted by Hing Pesteres Srnticte Shes uinltites 11:00 ALM. 3-6-12--Communicate e@-|4 MOLES! ~ " 2 9:0 PLM, 7--Supermarket Sweep 1i--Munsters : : 7--Movie 4-Andy Griffith 9--Movie 4--Green Acres 3--Ed Allen Time 4--Movie 2-8--Bob Hope 2-8--Pat Boone 3-6-12--Zorre Be CROSSWORD a ACROSS 8. Medicinal. 22. Compl 1, Antiquated herb cent 6. Gang 4, Droop 23, Highe 10. Regions 5. Plural land 11, Hawaiian ending VIPs 2 dances 6. Butter 24, Repeat = 13. Warble maker per- 14. Yield 7. Deep red forme 15. Barnyard 8. Shade tree ances fowl 9. Beach of 25. Mild 16. Crooked il across ex- 17. Fight term 12, Pilfered pletive 18, Owner of 14, Cheaters 26. Wrige amagic 16, Jewish gling lamp month 30. Beaks 20. Trouble 19. Hauled 31. Type 38, Open: poet, Flowed 20. Motoring of 39. Wing-like 22, Behalf organizar architects part 23, Sleight of ization: ture 41. Hesitant hand abbr. 32, Join remark 27.Once more ' e 28. Monetary 213 j4 {5 o [7 {8 unit of by Z Lt) Rumania !0 WY Z i e 29. Frost wal 30, NATO iS Y4'* 84, Recto: 1S ZA'¢ Y 17 abbr. *35. Swampy 6 "9 Y 20 ° 36. Biblical 7; . i Woo je 37. Slavers Fry 4 ee les 4 aq 39, Cuckoos 40, Calyx % bn H ae Z| | VA, n 41, Pic! 9 42. Places ¥ Y 30 st [32 133 43, Moves at z wer Lie ee 3T ry V/7/139 3 tide 5 > Li & 2. Shake- Gia spearian r SS = spirit in iis Yi . hie an at the PONTIAC Action Centre King St. at Park Rd. BUY IT, SON-IN-LAW? all TWELL, I COULD START CHARGING YOU FOR COOKING MEALS ANP MAKING YOUR BED, SHORTY! YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: I have heard from two reliable sources that colds are caused by a vi- rus, and there is no relation- ship between cold temperatures and getting a cold; weather, wet feet, drafts, etc., don't even make a person more susceptible to a cold virus if he should be exposed to it. If this is true, why hasn't this information been widely pub- licized to replace the ageless myth we have been operating under for generations?--G. B. You must have missed some of my columns. There has been every effort to publicze the fact that viruses cause colds, but it is the nature of the human crit- ter in countless instances to re- fuse to see what is placed in front of him. Colds aren't from just one vi- rus. They are from many vi- ruses, possibly as many as a couple of hundred. Hence we can have one variety of cold, recover, acquire some tempo- rary immunity -- but promptly catch another cold of a differ- ent kind. I'm not convinced that there is no relationship between colds and weather, wet feet, drafts, etc. In fact, I have a suspicion that such things may tempora- rily reduce one's general resist- ance, and possibly contribute to catching cold--but these factors do not cause a cold all by them- selves. One of the viruses must be present, For one example, men iso- lated in polar camps have colds when they first arrive. Then, evidently after they have swapped their viruses around and everybody has been ex- posed, nobody gets a cold, even in the sub-zero cold. But the Virus Real Culprit When You Catch Cold By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD that|feel miserable. But when they -ltold by a chiropractor other round of colds. New vi- ruses, you see. Same thing happens in army camps. A new group of men ar- rives. They sniffle and blow and have run through the varieties of viruses they brought with them, these same men can live under the most miserable of training conditions -- cold, wet, tired--and not catch colds. Dear Dr. Molner: | have been that bleaching the hair can cause severe nervous-system damage. He says women have nervous breakdowns caused by the bleach solution soaking into their scalps and damaging brain tissues. This sounds strange to me but he claims it has been proved, I can't think of one woman I know who bleaches her hair and has had a nervous breakdown. If he is right, shouldn't this stuff be taken off the market?--Mrs. R. K. Proved, my foot! No doubt women who have had their hair bleached have had nervous breakdowns -- but not because of the bleach. This is a decrepit rumor that has been going around for some time. One thing the rumor-mon- gers conveniently overlook is that even if the bleach soaked through the scalp -- which it doesn't--it could hardly soak through the skull, too. Forget this nonsense. Dear Dr. Molner: I have vari- cose veins and have had sev- eral injections for them. During both my pregnancies the veins became worse. We want an- other child. Do you think that next time a mail or supply plane arrives, they all bave an- 5 wearing elastic stockings faith- @ NORTH © 9642 92 T JUST MIGHT NOT BE HERE/ You L GET SCARED AT NIGHT... ALL Sires THINK I LIKE IT Hone ALL ALONE OUT IN THIS DESERT... WEST NYS 53 431087 YKQ108T4 YAINGSS o2 $643 f &AKQ10 pe ' -- @AKQ9 vw eAQsT = HIO5LE at The bidding: => South West North Hast : 1m 29 8h 389 3@ 49 SHIN SY \ 6& Dble Salt =. Opening lead--king of hearts. This deal illustrates a type of disaster that one time or an- other befalls all of us. Most such catastrophes are not at- tributable to bad luck, but are more likely to be the result of partner's mental aberration or our own. The hand occurred many years ago in a rubber bridge game. South bid a club and North freely raised to three clubs after West's strong two heart overcall. North's values for this bid were rather doubt- ful, considering the few high cards he had. East bid three hearts and South, properly enough, tried three spades. After North bid five clubs over West's four hearts, South could not really be blamed for carrying on to six. Why North bid five clubs is hard to understand. He may have felt that his previous club raise had not expressed all his values, or else that five clubs would be a_ good sacrifice against four hearts, which he was convinced West would make. But, whatever the reae son, the result was disastrous. West led a heart and South ruffed. Faced with certain de- feat, South tried to minimize the loss by leading a club, hop- ing to eliminate the adverse trumps in two leads and thus hold himself to down one. But West won the club with the ten and proceeded to cash the A-K-Q, running both de- clarer trumps. eight tricks. the total loss to 4,500 points! (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) and dummy out of He then cashed five hearts to defeat the contract This amounted to a penalty of 4,400 points because in those days (1934) the first undertrick was 200 points, the second one 300, the third one 400, and se on, And, to add insult to injury, West scored 100 honors to bring Trial Spins At Mosport TORONTO (CP)--A. J. Foyt of Houston, Tex., and 29 other drivers from the: United States are due to take their first prac- tice spins around the Mosport track Wednesday in prepara- tion for Saturday's running of the: Indy 200 trophy race. For the first time, the drive lers will be leaving. the ovl- shaped U.S. tracks to compete in a road race on the twisting 2.5-mile circuit of Mosport, 45 miles east of here. The winner in the two-heat, 200-mile race will receive $20,- 000 of the $85,000 purse. Foyt, winner this year of the Indianapolis 500 and the gruel- ling Le Mans, will be joined ag Mosport by his racing partner, Dan Gurney of California, Guw ney holds the lap record at Mose port of 1:23.1. Mario Andretti, the U.S. club champion, will also be on hand with his Brawner - Brabham Ford, as well as Joe Leonard of San Jose, Calif., who fine ished third at Indianapolis. Qualifying trials will be staged Thursday and Friday. SALLY'S SALLIES oo Sit se wet "This seems like a lot of to be called just a "brief'® | from becoming worse? Where can I be fitted for them?-- Mrs. L. L. They won't prevent or elimi- nate the varicose veins, but they will make you more com» fortable and protect the veins to some extent. Hosiery counters have sup. portive hose. The stronger elas- tic ones can be fitted at a med- ical supply house featuring sup- portive garments. Note to Elsie: No reason why push - ups should harm you. Somebody has given you some fully would prevent the veins false notions about cancer,

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