Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jun 1967, p. 8

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§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 18, 1967 » mane can Steve Lane, 12, of Strat- ford has the best seat out- side the house for watching first - nighters arrive at the opening production of the Stratford Shakespear- 3 BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF STRATFORD OPENING ean Festival Monday night. He is perched on the fire escape of the Stratford Teachers College. (CP Wirephoto) KITIMAT, B.C. (CP)--It's a dream that lasted 13 years and cost almost $500,000,000. And this year it looks as if come true. The good news was an- nounced in this coastal com- munity without fuss or fanfare. "If all goes well, by the end of this year, the Alcan Alumi- num smelter will be using all the power that the generators at Kemano can produce--which has been the object of the exer- cise all along." The speaker was Duncan C. Campbell, public relations offi- cer of Alcan and director and vice-president of the Aluminium Secretariat, a division of Alcan. He had flown here from head office in Montreal to speak to about 80 members of the British Columbia Bond Dealers' Asso- ciation, The group, from Van- couver and Victoria, were visit- ing the smelter for a day. "It's taken 13 years to reach the full, initially - planned ca- pacity," said Mr. Campbell. "For the first time, all the assets will be employed." DEMAND OUTSTRIPPED Kitimat was born in 1954 as the result of "the largest indus- BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Man Acquitted On Charge : Of Assault On Officer A charge of assaulting an)munication with the complain-|involved liquor in a car and re- ant woman at any time". |sulted in a fine of $100 and Oshawa police officer was dis- missed in Oshawa Magistrate's| Court on Monday. Kenneth R. McDonald, 32, of 778 Tennyson Ave., PLEADS GUILTY Donald L. Barta, 19, of 90 had been| Meadow Cres., pleaded guilty} y| days. : | Hilaire J. Godin, 328 3rd line, | | $100 and costs or 20 days. | William Denny Martin of Prince Albert pleaded guilty to charge of having which in- |volved open liquor in a car. He jwas fined $100 and costs or 20 Oakville, pleaded guilty to a charge of having. This case also) |costs or 20 days. \TWO CONVICTED Fifty dollars and costs or 20 New Rocket-Astronomy Feat Gives Knowledge Of Milky Way WASHINGTON (AP)--A novel rocket-astronomy feat has up- set a theory that our milky way galaxy is a comparative youn- ster of the universe, still capa- ble of siring numerous new stars. Scientists at the Naval Re- search Laboratory said a new type of rocket-borne interstellar space along the milky way. Molecular hydrogen is, to stars are made. Radio astronomy measure- ments have appeared to indi-- cate the molecular gas may be really bountiful, suggesting the milky way is capable of pro- ducing numerous new stars. the dream is finally going to large degree, the stuff of which) New Aluminum Smelter Operates At Capacity Peak 2", c=", trial, financial and engineering project (more than $450,000,000) ever undertaken in Canada by private enterprise."" Ke mano was built to supply 1,200,000 horsepower for the mill. But Kitimat's climb to suc- cess was cut short in 1957, when world aluminum production shot far ahead of demand. The town's only industry was hard hit, and the population dropped from 15,000 to 7,000. "Kitimat was maybe a little ahead of its time," Mr. Camp- bell said. Population since has risen} slowly to 10,000, and today the last of the aluminum-producing | equipment is being installed in facilities built for it 13 years ago. "Last year, Kitimat's capacity | was 256,000 tons a year out of| Alcan's total capacity of 856,000) tons," Mr. Campbell said. | "By the end of this year, it should reach 290,000 tons. With modernization of our eastern plants, Alcan's total should reach 970,000 tons in a year. "The growing Japanese mar- ket has been particularly help- ful. It is especially important \for Kitimat, which is well! |placed for shipping to Japan." | He said it appears Japan will become Alcan's fourth biggest customer, after the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. DENTIST IS TARGET BLANCHFORD, England} |(CP)--Citizens of this Northum- } | berland village satisfied a deep-| \felt urge when they pelted the local dentist with rotten fruit while he was locked helplessly in the village pillory. It was one of the fund-raising projects at a charity fair. | Gasoline Starts Practice Fire HALIFAX (CP) -- In one Atlantic region set fire to enough gasoline to drive a car from Halifax to Vancouver and back seven times. And they used enough foam in extinguishing it to lather the beards of all the men in Hali- fax for a year. The firemen, new recruits. used the gas and foam during practical fire - fighting demon- strations in a 10-day school at Halifax International Airport to train them in modern methods of combating aircraft fires. The course, sponsored by the department of transport, in- volved extensive study, lectures, films and practical demonstra- tions. The trainees used a 72-foot- HALIFAX (CP)--Dr. Horace Beach, a professor of psychol- ogy: and director of the student counselling and psychological services centre at Dalhousie University, is conducting re- search into punishment as a means of modifying human be- havior. Dr. Beach said the result of the investigation could be use- ful in the treatn.ent of emotional and behavior disorders. He said there are two prob- lems in human behavior: how to learn certain habits and skills, and how to get rid of certain habits and skills. Applying an unpleasant stimu- lus for the purpose of eliminat- Dalhousie University Plans -- Behavior Punishment Study be useful in dealing with the second problem. ? The study, being made under a $7,385 National Mental Health grant, will examine different variables that enter the punish- ment procedure, He will re- search the number of punish- ments needed, the timing of the punishment, the effectiveness of punishing the symbolic repre- sentation of a response, The experiment involves auto- mated apparatus in which a sit- uation is presented to the sub- ject in a systematic manner and the responses are recorded. Dr. Beach, a specialist on be- havior therapy and human learning, has published a paper on management of human be- havior in disaster. long mock-up of a fi zg about the size of an Air Canada Viscount. During the exercise, 900 gal- lons of gasoline was poured the fuselage. Four fire engines stood about 300 yards to one side and a group of firemen clad in asbestos suits clustered nearby. BETTER BY HAND DORCHESTER, England (CP)--Automation lost a battle in the streets of this Dorset! community. A mechanical | street-sweep which replaced a} gang of street cleaners was scrapped because it proved less efficient than old - fashioned manpower. The eight men were given their $33 - a - week jobs ing undesirable behavior may (HELP atts. | Go to EXPO 67 by donating .. . : A MILE OF QUARTERS | and HEAR | The Eastdale Collegiate Band back. Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S arrested and charged following|t0 @ charge of minor consump-|days was the fine levied against tion of alcohol and was fined|)Ray Kenneth Wallace when he an incident on Tennyson at|-° Harmony Rd. on the evening of|$>? and costs or 10 days. May 19. According to the testi-| new POLICY mony of the two police con-| Magistrate Dodds began his stables involved, McDonald had pew policy with respect to the become belligerent when asked) jaye] of fines imposed for hav-| to submit to a safety check of | ing open liquor in a car an his motorcycle. When one of the| william R. Cassie. 168 Elliot officers attempted to search his] Ave, was the first but certain- d/c. Skea and Glen Skea, both of pleaded guilty to a charge of minor consuming. Two Oshawa brothers were convicted of causing a disturb- ance when they appeared be- fore Magistrate Dodds. Ronald 380 Gibb St., had the passing of their sentences suspended for jsnooper has produced evidence that: --The milky way, with its bil- lions of visible and invisible stars -- including our sun-- is actually an old-timer whose star-producing days are pretty much gone. --The milky way, which in- cludes visible stars many tril- lions of miles from the earth-- But the electronic star-gazer, |eapable of picking up ultravio- let radiations from significant an.ounts of molecular hydro- gen, has found no evidence of jany. | Ambulance saddlebags for liquor he be- came violent and pushed the officer, according to Constable Dean Westbrook. A_ struggle then followed in which hand- cuffs were placed on McDonald and he was taken into custody. McDonald's counsel produced witnesses who testified that it was the police who first be- came aggressive and who used unnecessary force in taking him into custody, . including banging his head on the wind- shield of the cruiser. When the Crown asked Mc- Donald whether he was a mem- ber of the Gatan's Choice Motorcycle Gang, which has its headquarters in the area, he denied it and added "as far as I'm concerned it should be run off the road", When Magistrate D. B. Dodds dismissed the charge Monday fhe stated that he believed the testimony of an eleven-year-old witness for the defence whom he called "'an honest, alert little boy'. He went on to say that the testimony of the boy had raised 'a rather substantial doubt" and added that he 2 with the counsel for the defence who had called the case "a tempest in a teapot'. PLEADS GUILTY When the Crown reduced a charge of drunk driving to one of impaired driving, Catherine Prybick, 493 Lakeview Ave., pleaded guilty and was fined $200 and costs or 40 days. Garth Jas. Linton, 4 Scugog St., Bowmanville, pleaded guil- ty to a charge of causing a dis- turbance. Linton admitted mak- ing obscene and suggestive re- marks from his car to two ladies on a porch. He was fined $50 and costs or 10 days. He ly not the Jast to come under the new policy. He was convict- ed of having open beer in a car at a Drive-in Restaurant. He was fined $100 and costs or 20 days. Magistrate Dodds stated that "people like you represent a hazard to people travelling the streets of Oshawa. It must stop". He went on to state that fines of $100 and costs will be) standard for people who appear| before him on charges equiva-| lent to Cassie's. PLEADS GUILTY Brian Cruse, 19, 32 Beach St., Ajax, pleaded guilty to a charge of minor consuming. He was fined $100 and costs or 20 days. John Holley, 38, 712 Dundas St., Whitby, pleaded guilty to a charge of being intoxicated in a public place. When his coun- 'sel informed the court that Hol- ley had joined Alcoholics Anonyn.ous and was attempting to reform, Magistrate Dodds decided to adjourn the case until August 25 to give Holley a chance to show that he really does intent to reform. Paul James Humphries, 19, 147 Nassau St., pleaded guilty to a charge of minor consuming and was fined $100 and costs or 20 days. $50 FINE A fine of $50 and costs or 10 days was paid by Robert Mc- Kay of 88 Admiral Rd., Ajax, when he pleaded guilty to a charge of minor consuming of alcohol. Barrie Edward Sytnyk, 19, of 191 Meadow Cres., was fined $50 and costs or ten days for minor consuming. He pleaded guilty. Lyle N. Woodcock, 20, of 74 Gibbon St., pleaded guilty to was also required to sign a bond|minor consuming while a pas-| to keep the peace for a period|senger in an auto and was fined of one year. $100 and costs or 20 days. a period of one year. Both were required to sign bonds to keep |the peace for one year. Arthur K. Rozell, 79 Queen St., pleaded not guilty to a charge of failing to remain at the scene of an accident. Rozell testified that he did not know he had collided with another car on King St. W. on April 1. Magis- trate Dodds stated that he did not believe Rozell him $75 and costs or 15 days. requiring thousands of years|- Study Planned to reach as a manned space-| TORONTO (CP)--Health Min-| MARTIN MELCHER Production The navy's new experiment was performed March 16, when the electronic star-gazer was lofted more than 100 miles high.|ture to NDP Leader Donald Mission of the device was to|MacDonald, who asked what try to get the first definite and fined} measurements of the amount of|improving ambulance service in invisible, gaseous, molecu- lar hydrogen in interstellar | craft flies--is only one ofjister Matthew Dymond said) thousands of galaxies in cos-|Monday a task force studying nie space. ' ambulance services in Ontario} probably will recommend a con- solidation of the services. He was replying in the legisla- plans the government had for areas not subject to provisions| Cinernascone COLOR by Lely "Ath Century-Fox presents 5 Captags } TODAY! FEATURE AT: 2:40 - 4:50 - 7:05 - 9:15 AIR-COOLED Fumo Ft Payor of the Ambulance Act. | ROM To Display Vinland Map TORONTO (CP) -- The Vin- land Map, considered by many scholars to be the most import- ant cartographic discovery of the century, goes on public dis- play at the Royal Ontario Mu- seum today. The 500-year-old waterlogged document, which has provoked international controversy since Yale University announced its discovery 20 months ago, was unveiled to members of the press Monday night. Yale experts maintain the map, which dates from about 1440 AD, proves that Norseman explored parts of North Amer- ica long before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Bahamas in 1492. The eight - by - 11 - inch docu- ment, drawn on parchment, de- picts the world as it was known in the 15th century, with Eu- rope outlined fairly accurately but with considerable distortion in Africa and Asia. On the left is a large island called Vinlandia, which experts IS O D say is the portion of North America explored by Norsemen who did not realize they had} discovered a continent. | The map will be at the mu-| seum for three days. Being intoxicated in a public} DRAWS SENTENCE |place was the charge to which) James Patrick Dunphy, 74| Joseph A. Calderone, 701 Dun- King St. W., was sentenced Monday ffor assaulting a woman _ acquaintance and breaking her jaw. He had been convicted of this'on Friday and was remanded in custody over the weekend. Magistrate Dodds stated that "the injury inflicted on the woman was most serious, but went.on to add that there were several mitigating factors, in- eluding the fact that the ac- cused had no record, also that the woman had shared a close personal relationship with Dun- phy, marked by heated quar- Tels over an extended period of time. Magistrate Dodds added that one or both of the involved parties may have been drink- ing at the time. He decided tc pend ing of e for period of two years. He placed Dunphy on probation with the restriction that therc be no "relationship or com- das St. W., Whitby, pleaded guilty. He was fined $25 and {costs or five days. | | Jack Reid, 230 Celina -- St.,) |pleaded guilty to a charge of|topsy-turvy--cats being intoxicated and was fined $50 and costs or 30 days. | A plea of guilty to the charge of being intoxicated cost John A. Bassett, 1096 Dundas St. W.,| Toronto, a fine of $50 and costs|leaves the house. jor 30 days in jail. John D. Rukaruk, 360 Sharon 'St., pleaded guilty to being in- toxicated in a public place and was fined $25 and costs or five days. Claude Marsden, King St., Toronto, pleaded guilty to be- ing intoxicated in a_ public place. It was his 4th liquor of- fence since January. He was fined $50 and costs or 30 days. June E. Huider, RR 2, Nestle- ton, pleaded guilty to a charge of having which involved open beer in a car. She was fined NEWS IN BRIEF IT'S A DOG'S LIFE | PRESTON, Ont. (CP) -- Na- ture, says Police Chief Arthur Woods, seems to have gone are chasing dogs here. A woman com- plained to the police that she is forced to keep her poodle in- doors because dozens of cats chase the dog every time it CHERRY EXPORT DRIVE _ KELOWNA, B.C. (CP)--Brit- ish Columbia fruit growers are planning a drive to capture a larger share of the United King- dom and other overseas mar- kets for cherries. Estimates are the 1967 cherry crop will exceed 14,000,000 pounds. UNSEASONAL CRIME LOS ANGELES (AP)--On a day with 84 - degree tempera-| tures burglars forced a door to| the Pelta Fur Co. store here| and made off with 20 coats valued at $40,000. Resounding taste...ata quiet price DISTILLED SCHE JRED NLEY D LERIES .TD., VALLE AND BOTTLED BY YFIELD, CANADA r | before we p 10n 00 ur K FEATURE TIMES 1:40 - 4:10 6:40 - 9:20 NOW PLAYING M-G-Mertsewrs AN ALVIN GANZER PRODUCTION s | play on THURSDAY, JUNE 15 6 to 9 P.M. at the Oshawa Shopping Centre CKLB PROUDLY PRESENTS Don Messer's Jubilee Show SAT., JUNE 17th ($700,000.00 Tie biecest aut in IN COLOR isting, ore Please tell us now, | OSHAWA Directory on July 17th. Look up your listing in the current Directory. If | you wish to have it changed, call your Telephone Business Office at 723-4601 rintthe new | Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Today at 7 P.M. & 9 P.M. 39 KING EAST PHONE 725-5833 The Nation's No. 1 TV Show in Person 2 full hours of family variety with MARG, CHARLIE AND THE BUCHTA DANCERS Total Cast of 22 if FESTIVAL CANADA ; 18 A PROJECT OF THE CENTENNIAL COMMISSION TICKETS ON SALE AT... i BOWMANVILLE ponieip erlprores e@ Jury & Lovell Travel Agency Bolahoods Sportshaven S Whitby Arene Marty's Record Ber AJAX The Dise Shop @ The Centre Smoke Shop BUS SERVICE 7:30 -- 8:00 -- 8:30 RETURN DOWNTOWN AFTER SHOW TICKET PRICES @ Adults . 2.50 -- 2.00 @ Children . 1,00 ALL SEATS RESERVED THORNTON RD. SOUTH Osuawa DRIVE-IN PHONE 723-4972 THEATRE THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401 %y 4, TOMORROW FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS (] 7SH TRAIN FOR YOUR ADDED ENTERTAINMENT _ Between them they held the strangest gun in the west! OPEN AT 8:00 crime annals! YOUR CAR/S YOUR RESERVEDSEAT« AN EYE FOR AN EYE ;: AN EMBASSY PICTURES RELEASE w COLOR = LAST TIME TONIGHT--"HARUM SCARUM" AND "HOT RODS TO HELL" CHILDREN under 12 FREE! PLAN to attend the OSHAWA FUN FESTIVAL JUNE 25 fo JULY 1 FUN FOR YOUNG * BABY CON Bell Canada * STREET DANCING * CENTENNIAL CONCERTS * MONSTER PARADE Sponsored by the Oshawe Folk Festival Committee NOW AND OLD ALIKE! = * TEST Grand Ol' Opry GRANDPA "JONES and Ramona --Plus the * GILLES ROY SUNDAY, 8:30 Adults 2.00 HAPPY WANDERERS and theit CENTENNIAL SHOW Featuring * GRAHAM TOWNSEND Canada Fiddle Playing Champion 1962-3-5 Canadian Step-dancing Champion * WANDA and BARRY BROWN TINY AND MANY MORE RED BARN ADVANCE TICKETS--WILSON and LEE, RED BARN LTD. JUNE 18 P.M. Children 1.00 pa i Fanfare trumpe the Band of the Regiment _rehea! night for the open season's summer certs at Memor Thursday at 8:30 opening of the b IN PICKER! Rate For PICKERING (Sti four major Pickerir ratepayer associatic ed township counc night, to get a reg of the area under \ West Rouge President John Kr council to request Boarc Archi Oshawa Board o' passed a motion la: ask the Ontario De Education for pel hire an architect to vestigate a new mi training centre. pecmnavscise, aicerhane le NaS Townsh To Buy PICKERING (Sta ering Township Co meeting Monday ni ly passed a motio $4,225 to purchase the Pickering Eme: cue Unit. The motion to money, plus tradi existing police boa' $2,000, was passed | three margin wil Reeve Mrs. Jean and Councillors R and John Williams ¢ move. Reeve Clifford | that after a meetil town solicitor last v been advised that \ iJlegal for the tow! up a water rescue wu ship could purchase the safety of the to dents. The reeve said would be under the trol of the township that the PERU g operate the boat a council. He adde township lawyer f him it would likely for a bill or amen bill to be passed hk lature. : Reeve Laycox sai unit had verbally a pay the township any funds and con would collect Deputy Reeve said that the town: ready contributed wards the PERU lice boat) and sug, cil wait until the g least some of this | Two Scl For Ret Most Oshawa '5 close for the sumn 29, but two high continue to be ce tivity. > Mr. G. L. Robe tendent of city schools, announced Eastdale Collegiate McLaughlin Collegi be open for at leas He said retraining the unemployed wo ed at both schools. school will also be 1 mer programs for of apprentices. In addition, Sit school will be us teaching of acade! to students in the district area who up subjects in or their year. The number of

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