Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jun 1967, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 13,1967 ANN LANDERS Girls Not Always In Wrong On Date Dear Ann Landers: You have Often stated that the girl is re- sponsible for whatever happens to her on a date. I am sure you know what you are talking about most of the time, but there are exceptions to every rule. Please print my letter as an example of an exception. Sixteen years ago I was a lusty swinger. (In those days we called them "'hot shots.") I had a yén for a girl who was barely 15, three years my junior. She was an innocent, fresh-faced, luscious country bumpkin--and stacked. I asked her for a date and she was thrilled. After the movie we parked on a lonely road. I gave her a ridiculous line about how I had fallen for her months before and had been dreaming of her ever since. In almost no time at all I had my way. I realized promptly that it was her first sex experience and she didn't know what in the world it was all about. Her only question when I saw her to the door was, 'Does this mean we are going steady" I replied, '"'No, it doesn't." She} broke down and wept and slammed the door with me on the outside. I never asked her for a date after that because I was too guilt-ridden. When we met in the halls at school I couldn't even look at her. Dozens of times I wanted to go to her and say, "I'm sorry,"' but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Sixteen years have passed and I still can't erase the mem- ory of that girl's frightened, tear-stained face. I am writing in the hope that this letter will prove that it isn't always the girl who decides. Sometimes a smooth-talking, older fellow can take advantage of an innocent Dear One Who Did: Thank you for your letter, but my statement still stands. You did not chloroform the girl. She should have had the sense to say no. I feel sorry for the poor thing but she was stupid and weak and she paid a big price. Dear Ann Landers: My brother and his wife have two adorable daughters, five and seven years of age. I love my little nieces as if they were my own children. They love me, too. Last year my brother and his wife were divorced. He is very resentful and has been trying to get even with his wife by not paying her the support money she desperately needs. Because of this she will not let me see my nieces, Her reasoning is that if I get lonesome enough I will give her the support money myself or put pressure on my brother so-he will come through with it. I have told my sister-in-law This ruffled doily is ex- travagant in appearance, only; is easily fashioned in chains and double and treble DOILY OR DRESS crochet. For a perky edging tiny picots peek from the ruffles and if you agree it is pretty enough to be worn, this is unfair. She says she has to try everything she can think of because she needs the money to live on and "anything goes." Your opinion is wanted.--| Dear Alma: The poor wom- an's thinking is frightfully kinky. If she wants to have her ex-husband put in jail for fail- ing to support his children she can do it. But she should not penalize you. I hope she will see this and reconsider. Not will be 11 worthwhile goals and for mak- ing long - range plans. should have no trouble in deal- ing with business associates, and you may be surprised at the/ THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA ALMA FOR WEDNESDAY This day's stellar influences amount of help and co-opera- tion you receive. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horscope indicates splen- t for ad st You only is your sister-in-law being unfair to you, but to her chil- dren as well. Confidential to What Do I Say Now: How about "Good- bye" This woman is taking you for all you're worth, and so far you've been worth about 20 always harder when the younger of two children seems to outrun an older brother or sister. Read aloud to that older child every day. Induce her to read to the baby brother. There is young thing. ONE WHO DID ' grand, sucker. no better way for her to im- prove at reading. Have her be- CHILD GUIDANCE Young Child's Cleverness gin her homework earlier in the evening. Try to be very calm and patient when you help her, never letting your voice rise. Next time she asks you to spell a word for her, spell it gladly. At some later time you might give her some practice at May Upset Older Child By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD When a younger child in the family overtakes an older brother or sister at school and in ordinary skills at work or play the elder one may suffer severely. Whereas we parents don't wish to curb excellence in the younger one, his excellence may discourage the elder child. In the first place, the younger may by nature have superior ability, though this may not al- ways be so. In any event, the problem is difficult for all per- sons concerned. A mother from the State of Washington with three children from 5 to 9 writes of the older two, who are 9 and 6%: "The elder, Pam, in the third grade, is having great difficulty in school, especially in reading. Her younger sister, Marie, in the first grade, can read more rapidly, with more expression and attacks new words with zeal. She is the top reader of her class. "T am worried that Pam will give up trying when her sister can do better than she. She hates to try new things: bike riding, roller skating, anything that requires skill to develop. Her younger sister, about the same height and size, will try saving and excels. Most of Pam's friends swim and when we went to the pool Pam was left out. She was doing quite well by the time the season was over, but not as well as her younger sister. HAS FEW FRIENDS "So far Pam hasn't been able , ito excel in any area over Marie except in deportment. Pam is BIRKS New(. | Beauty and Sparkle for All Your Jewellery Hagerty Jewel Clean Preserves and cleans your precious posses- sions...quickly, easily, safely. 6-o7zs, 1.00 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE reliable, conscientious, and ex- tremely shy. She still will not talk to people she doesn't know, like the store clerk. She has very few friends and only wants to watch TV and play with small dolls alone. She con- stantly says no one likes her at school. "It's a dreadful battle to get her to do her homework. She often puts it off until 8 p.m. and then when she can't finish it I make her go to bed. She fears school the next day be- cause she doesn't have her homework completed. In the morning, however, she goes off to school without any fuss. "I can see many things in her life that might take her self- confidence, I would like to know in what areas I can help her|. acquire self-confidence. I do get impatient with her at times. For instance, she will ask me to spell a word for her--like cre- ative. I will tell her to sound it out and I will help. She starts to cry and says she can't. Her younger sister will come in and, hearing what is going on, will promptly sound it out and spell it for her. I have tried to keep Marie occupied. elsewhere when Pam and I are working on homework but it is difficult to do," My reply in part: Your problem is not easy. It's sounding out a word, At almost any cost in effort I hope you don't have this younger child present when you help. the older one. guess that you parents would be very smart to employ a tutor for this older child and have the child go to the tutor's home hour a day or so. CONSIDER CAMP It's my for instruction half an I'm wondering if Pam might not profit from some experi- ence in a summer camp or in some other group activity, in which her sister does not par- ticipate. Anything you can do to help the older one gain pleasure from success at something should be helpful. Do try to play up her good traits. I'm enclos- ing some bulletins, Let me emphasize the im- Portance of not having another child present when you are help- ing a child with his or her les- sons, regardless of the relative ages of the children. ANSWERING QUESTIONS Q.--Do you have faith in pun- ishment to cure a child of lying? A.--No; usually I could not get at the facts without ques- tioning and cross questioning him and thus tempt him to lie more, A better way to cultivate truth telling is to provide the child with love and security and understanding. did prospects in the year ahead. If you will try to con- quer a typically Geminian ten- dency toward impatience, often losing interest in projects be- fore their completion, you should be able to make fine oc- cupational an! financial strides between now and the end of De- cember, From the monetary standpoint, it would be advisa- ble to consolidate all assets dur- ing January and February and to re-evaluate career possibili- ties, with a view to still further expansion along these lines be- ginning with the Ist of March, when you will enter an excel- lent 4-month period for making still greater gains on all fronts. STIMULATING PERIOD The period between now and mid - September should prove stimulating where both travel and social activities are con- cerned; also, late December, next January and April. Most auspicious cycles for romance: Between now and late Septem- ber (a generally felicitious pe- riod for all Geminians); also, omit the shell center and work in a bodice the size of your doll. For instructions, send a stamped, self - ad- dressed envelope, plus ten cents for handling to the Needlework Dept., The Osh- awa Times, Oshawa, Ont., requesting Leaflet No. C.A. 123. By ELEANOR ROSS The kend visiting is upon us and it should be a pleasant one for host as well as guests if everything has been well planned. For example, sleeping ar- rangements should be geared to your space and the maximum number of guests you generally expect to accommodate. A studio couch or a sleeper- sofa should be part of the living room furniture and a hi-riser in a child's room can hide a bed for a young visitor. Lightweight aluminum fold- ing cots with foam mattresses are ideal extra beds. Avoid using regular sofas as beds. If you keep a crib on hand for visiting infants, supply a plastic-covered mattress; then give it a good sudsing after the little visitor leaves. Camp cots topped with air mattresses take little storage space and set up quickly. These are especially good for small fry since any "accidénts'" can be swabbed off with hot suds. Worn sheets from larger beds can be cut to fit narrow beds. which should also provided with clean pads. Mark a corner of each sheet size and mattress pad with colored thread to help sorting and stacking after laun- dering. ALLOT SPACE Try to allot sufficient drawer space to visitors to help keep Prepare For Summer Guests By Checking Sleeping Facilities! established and should be \gory. Much depends on how |many there are in the combined jhost and guest families, and on their ages. House rules must rooms tidy and make the guests comfortable. Bathrooms come in for extra use when there are house guests. There should be a good supply of clean towels and washcloths available -- an eno} towel racks for them. Extra standing racks may be set-up quickly, if needed. If ere is not enough space in the bathroom, let guests use a free standing towel rack set up in the bathroom. Small decorative hooks are inexpensive and pro- vide additional hanging space. See to it that there are plenty posted on a bulletin board. without being dictatorial. Just say that this is how things are done in this house. everything well should be possible to greet com- pany with a sincerely hospitable welcome--even on short notice. Explain things to the children Since one cannot exactly count on the weather for out- didoor doings, it is wise to WIFE PRESERVER have alternate activity planned. Fathers can be counted upon to escort youngsters to local points of interest or to play chauffeur to and from a suitable movie. Storing woolens? Wrap con- venient - size bundles in alum- inum foil, labelling with mask- ing tape. Keeps out light, mois- With your home ready and|ture, insects; takes little space. planned, it Deaf, recently opened here, is the first of its kind in Saskatcn- ewan and the second in Western of small cakes of soap. A large beribboned apothecary jar filled with vari-colored cakes of soap is a pretty bathroom ac- cessory. hem Lutheran Church: for the Canada. Above the pulpit is a MOVIES IN CHURCH screen on which the pastor can SASKATOON (CP) -- Bethle- project motion pictures and slides as he preaches. Visiting mothers are usually happy to help with meal prep- aration and dishwashing. So de- cide what help you will need-- and want. This can generally be determined by looking at the guest list. Shredding a salad and setting the table in advance cut down! on mealtime rush. The often- time hostess learns to - accept help graciously, to assemble all her serving needs head of time, and always to take the time necessary to wash every- thing as soon as possible after] use. Items for the. next meal| should be kept close at hand, | other pieces put away against later use. | Children are in a special cate-! FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shades and ROMTICR oe og VOOR ws ME&C Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 74 CELINA STREET 723-7827 "Free Customer Parking While Shopping at Our Store" late October and next April. A sudden "romance" in mid-De- cember should not be taken too seriously, however. With the possible exception of a brief period of stress in early No- vember, family concerns should prosper happily. A child born on this day will be idealistic and unusually ar- tistic, but so sympathetic to- ward his fellowmen that he may permit them to take ad- vantage of him. ENJOY THE BEST OF EVERYTHING rgeDe ing e Summer Theatre * Sports Director and 1 Hostess + Free naerons lostess ° Special family and golf- week rates. Kingsway P.0., Lake of Bays Tel. 705-635-2221 Available at . JURY and LOVELL Whitby Pharmacies In Oshawa Bowmanville BAIN de SOLEIL SUNTAN CREME FOR SMART i : LARGE TUBE 89 VALUE GROOMING... nal e BRYLCREE HAIR DRESSING 69° SAVINGS -FOR THE FAMILY! it... here in FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY JUNE 18th Does he like an after-shave bold and brisk? A cologne robust ... refresh- ing as dusk at sea? Or so subtle, he'll hardly be aware it's there. Find of men's C TAMBLYN Canoe » Da Temblyn Standard High Velocity GOLF BALLS NEW I Attrective Pockege KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUES ye Toste the difference -- Feel the difference ! MACLEANS Soothing -- Cooling -- Refreshes tired Feet DESENEX SPECIAL! REDEEM YOUR 15¢ COUPON SCOPE MOUTHWASH | 91° TOOTH PASTE 91° TOOTH | Giont tube PASTE 73c Value Asrorol 2.85 Value 12 OZ, BTL. 1.19 VALUE Family Tube 1,19 VALUE 6 King St. East 's superb the most distinctive blends from here and abroad. "Pop is Tops" in your house Father's Day with s gift for his pleasure from Tamblyn. The Scintillating Scent ! Cologne for Dad 53¢ 2.49 | Oshawa Shopping Centre 7 5.00 Model NS6 21.50 Volue = For the man whe knows his way around... Seve FTER SHAVING LOTION = Comfort Curved Head -- SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER ELECTRIC SHAVER The Finest Grooming Aids Spite b AFTER London Look Lipstick and Slicker on @ Swinging Key Choin aioe" 1.50 36.275 723-3143 728-5101 ALTH 1S OUR FIRST CONCERN YOUR FAMILY SH ey Black Label COLOGNE FOR MEN Finishing Touch Fo @ Shave and 2.25. 6le YARDLEY ORIGINAL 2.00 Volue BODY FILM OFFER Leave your next roll of film 'at your Tomblyn Drug Store ond receive free, a roll af film of the some size es your prints, 'This offer epplies to BLACK AND WHITE 120 - 620 - 127 end 126 KODACOLOR 120 - 620 - 127.126 & 135 20 Exposure y SHULTON S ROLL-ON NEW! 15 MINUTE FORMULA 2.25 VALUE NEW DAWN 1 79 HAIR COLOURING ® GENTLE -- OILY 5% VALUE CUTEX POLISH... '7y TAMBLY YOUR FAMILY S HEALTH IS OUR FIRST CONCER i ep ee ji gem ne Mrs. Joht diate past p Jaycettes, pi new preside (Andy) Lyon Jaycee Pres cently. Outs of the J Brooks, pa: WI MAR One of tl ing receive number of ° larity conte Miss. Ukra! next Saturd and dance t Dnipro Hal by the Can SOCIAL ENG/ Mr. and M ciar, Windsc nounce the er daughter, Al Joseph Ouell Lionel Ouell and the late wedding wil day, iy ~_ the | Trinity "eran Church, FORTHCOM Mr. and ! man Hall, Os nounce the riage of thei Ellen, to Ron of Mr. and } Bell, Peterbe ding will tak July 15, 1967 mount United FORTHCOM Mr, and ] wish to annot ing marriage Linda Ann } Walter John: and Mrs. All Oshawa. The place Saturd: at 2 p.m. United Chure FORTHCOM Mr. and Mi Oakville, wis forthcoming daughter, Col Roger Hooisn Mrs. Martin The wedding Oakville, Fri 30, 1967. RE Mr. and M will receive friends at | Hall on Sa 1967 from 7 on the occa wedding wishes only STORIN Spinach is dinner. Since teriorates ra used very s Here are Ss will help to value from s ner table: Trim: off i before storin immersing it lifting out le Store in a | EXPERT On all Types Polishing - Re Oshawa | 7. nents

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