Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jun 1967, p. 13

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--E OSHAWA TIMES, y, June 12, 1967 it RIDGE H oF B. JAY BECKER 'ord-Holder in Masters' al Championship Play) Lia ERERRGACRCARAORASAAHARS RA ei U1 ---d =< "~d | v--_ FP, | HO WE RG eH ko a= mm Millwork & Building STOCKS | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ! 00 nAND TODAY'S . dealer. : . 10:40 A.M, STOCKS Sales High Lew a.m. Ch'ge Open: Dail Your ©: des vulnerable, TORONTMatribured by CP | sax Mi Ne a ee ' a La jsf wr See Step Torento Stock Bxchange--Juce a Bank ns Me $1 WM Wer * a.m, te 6 p.m. @ building Supply uotation# in cen! iéss marked $. jecker B p -" A é NORTH on ioe Xd--Ex-dividend, XrEX.| Bell Phne" 714 $505 $0% SO%-- %| our nsurance O I I l al 11eS Friday till 9 p.m, Centre... rights, xw--~Ex-warbants, Net change is ow Valy 7100 $ | 4K1053 is) Bi jt ies | agar | from previous board-lot closing sale. | Bow Viy w 500 750 725 750 +25 | aie iva Bramaien 300 $10% 10% 10% --~ Ve ee i zilia 100 $12% 12% 12%4-- Ve ere Parkin Shyer MES | ms gas sal 1279 SIMCOE ST. N. """" 728-6291 BA Oil 885 $35% 352 2S¥2-- iT EAST 10:40 Net BC Forest 135 $184 19% 19% + er uty ac e (@) 1c1eS No Problem é wre Br Int in 190 - 186 Ca aa et he on B 4 9AQIETS Agena Mg $00 114 11% 14--\% CAE Ind 100 S9% 9% 9h-- Ve 86 * er ee ey at Ne og a win 2 yw TORONTO (CP)--Life insur-,miums equal to a fixed partici-|his policy for its paid-up value 42 483 amr $00 17 + WW --~1) Can Cem p 255 $24 24 24 jance policies backed partly by|pation, ordinary life policy, but!at the time. : SOUTH Bankfield -- 1000 tia Bla Bla Can Perm 200 $12% 12% 128+ Yicommon stock earnings are the|invests half the reserves in com-| In Norwich Union's endow- @AQTS Sahay ton Te a Ta | Carew Ap Wan se 4 giay uinewest insurance company|mon stocks, rather than the|ment policy 35. per cent of the 9K2 Hawk a a cr ae Ce AWM A as dt a yaaa ";weapon to deflect the mutual) mortgages and bonds which first year's premiums and 70 o52 pe HE dat CB ALA w 400 155 150 17 2 |funds' charge for the investor's! back other policies. per cent of subsequent years' is $Q9765 Grou feet ee aie an 6 + $| Cae Equty 200 2) Im om +5 aanat. No fixed dollar return is gua-|invested in common stocks, An Bunker H 1000 18 18 18 --2 | CG Invest 500 $60% 5? 5? I's Four Canadian insurance com- ranteed, but an annual dividend investor is guaranteed a set bidding: "94 , ! om-/ 1 : nd) s -- South West Fle vgs 7000 Pt 330 333 hy ¢ ine bre a" a on o + panies now are offering equity- is calculated based on the in-|amount of protection for each - it Camp Chib 250 700 700 700 C Ind Gas 26 $10%4 10% 10% backed policies, Most have been| crease in earnings of equity pol- "unit" bought plus the n.arket ae 4 a, Ce en ee | Si inarcond 5 $2 2 + win effect only a few months, but/icy funds over the company's value of his equity investment. ~~ ~~ Candore 200 274 27 yes | CP _ ae aon ot ag '% the companies say already they|general earnings. The dividend' Seaboard, which begen its Can-f 170 9 95 95 +5) CPR 1000 S84 84 834 ; ; sta sca. ; : : Ceutae 200 5 as TE! CPR or 1} ign tse. 1g 4 we (account for about five per cent/is used to buy more life insur-| equity plan May 15, says it tells g lead--king of clubs. Chesirvile 1000 2a Va 234+ Ya Can Tire A 725 $16K Iie 10 of their total life insurance -- ve : ; one only oe ve 'al occurred in the 1964 Chimo da as = 3 lemcel ¥ bg mo oblast, If equity fund earnings de- their money cou per cen ridge Olympiad in the Pee imo ih # Cavite A 20 eas as: ° The guaranteed dollar return cline the dividend is negative or more. It invests 85 per cent tween Switzerland and Sag ae 7 7 soe a in : : + y tanges from nothing to a fixed) and the policyholder's insurance of premiums in equities and ad States. When the € Vail" 700 684s Cominco © 267 $32 314 31% amount of insurance plus the|decreases for that year. jputs the rest into a mortality eld the North-South C Mogul 402 300 295 Compra 100 305 305 305 --S|value of the policy - holder's| The pglicyholder may cash in'fund. 30" x 30" x 72". Comput 1800 18 120 1257 1s [Share of the equity investment. | | Henry Jackman, chairman of| \Empire Life Insurance Co. of ¢ Nerisn 400 520 $20 520 Con Negus 4000 33 33 34 Con Nichol 1500 13% 13!' 13'2-- 2) Con Paper 40 $38 38 OB C Red Pop 4000 29 282 28'2--1¥a| Con Pap w 430 710 710 70 --5 Craigmt 160 $11% 11% 11% Cone Gas 2635 S18% 18¥e 14 + 4 he bidding went as nd West (Arthur Rob- iired with Robert Jor- ONLY 48.95 Market Reacts Violently the king of clubs. reg ws i 190 7 +4 Coronet 199 18 155, 155 |Kingston, Ont., says equity poli- enison 4 «4 + { rai i rt a a i i j po and was played on Dome 112. $4312 Alva 4844 M5! Crush Intl 210 $1246 1256 12% cies are devised to give "the Rama, and the audi- Benelde 2500 14' 14% 14¥a--14| Debhid Bp 50 $97% 97% yu --1u | best hy edgy rene against a ke our kitchen a ; F 23/5 470 460 465 --15 | Distl Sea 550 $38%% 38% --%| 5 asing power . wt could i a ie 52 Gri masct 300 190 130 120 +2 | Dome Pele 300 $552 58 S5i2 4 hae anae .? In N Y Only Momentaril ce MOKE Y : : the gi electronic Glenn 169500 23 22 23 +3) D Electro 200 $14 14% 1d¥a-+ Vu a d ne hether the Grarey 25500 43. 42.=«43 «+ 3| Dofasco. ©-- 110 $24 4% 2H--%! But he admits a "great deal mae dream the inexpensive mania out © id find Head 0. 2 Be Tle) Dom. Glas) ae ee iy (et money" 16 going into mutual 1 alr Wi in Hi 6 16 6 D Store 475 $18 18 - met 4 * , >, ohigernt apg Rabiorse) to ata ei 900 900 900 Santar 830 $6 16 16 funds, and life insurance com-. NEW YORK (AP)--War in)progise of lifting the threat of way: stint Holinee, #8 $i6, "Bw" + te BUevile MD HO 20% Zu \panies want to offer investors' the Middle Fast sent trenors an oil shortage for Western commentators were i Y yoo 138138138 Falcon 1077 $87 86% 86% + %|SOmething comparable. notype of gas and finan- sig 3 A ga Australia and cere Jee 1000 26 26 26 +1) Fam Play 100 $35 35 35 ds hav rown cial wo) ast week. New Zealand. t bra igge about ne doit an 4 an 7 ey eae err 4 ¥ e sy hapooueraiiey ih the "a 17) First to be affected were the The Middle East furnishes 6 d Sto Sh d ania 1 srauNnie 7 Jowsey 1000-74 7474 Ford Cnda 27 $147 '143.«*147. «+ 4 |years. Their assets have in- stock markets, then airlines and roughly one-third of the world's SPECIAL arden rage one nat tere ae ee Renae BS ee ee 4 ee ee at ae 'ereased 50 times and now shipping and the oil industry. oil supply. Western Europe im- Kerr Add 6600 $léve 16 16 G Dynam 165 $75 «(7S 75 +4 Kid Coper 2200 63 63 63 | Globe Env 100 $9 9 9 + Y% amount to $2,100,000,000--equal Lab Min 100 $292 24 22+ 4 Metal. Will solve your storage problems, No maintenance, Size rdan got the defense e right foot by playing Prices tumbled Monday onjporis more than 80 per cent of Goayes! pe eS to about 16 per cent of total life|stock exchanges in New York,|its needs for 9,000,000 barrels ouraging three on tim io io" on or 415 sort carb Pr Hs 1M 14% ljinsurance assets in Canada. London, Paris, Tokyo, Montreal | daily from the Middle East and ASPENITE 5' x 6' green and white. Knocked ing of clubs instead of Louviert_ $00 14a Isla Wa + Va) Hawker, $100 375, a75 a7, -- 8 Although they do not promise and Toronto after hostilities} North Africa. Vx 4 x 8 Panels down. Reg. 99.50. to show a hee Man Bar 1000 Fie wo +10 | Home bit 440 380 345 as, --5 |@ fixed-dollar return to the in-jerupted between Israel and the (oop. cn NOT LIKELY Reg. 2.99, GNLY. io ia wedsbeys 2.69 on obediently shifted to Mattgmi 25 Side 14 det Ye H Bay Co 250 $184 18% 184+ % vestor, as conventional insur-|Arab nations. . Remansayg'y SA aii, 5/16 x 4 x 8 Paneis SPECIAL 89 00 which went to the ace. ME intyre 225 $90VA $08 Sos, | HB Ol Gas 2s See Me (ance does, must funds pay divi-| The New York Stock Ex- There was little likelihood the Reg. 3.35. ONLY 2.99 . ae setae the eight Pirie oo 9 9) 9 al Heeky Cpe as S22 62 (dends and their shares can be | change was rocked by one of its plage ne rye ease iain ne , whic! obinson won Midri 14500 57 $5 57 +2] Husky Dw 285 700 700 700 + cashed in any time. Some have most severe losses in early trad- vit hie ace. Mt Weight Tt ota ta 2 | {mere ante sup sae o> 4 a | Goubled in value during the last|ing and then came back some-|mesii¢ cng -- pe SOUTHERN PECAN KITCHEN CLEARANCE Robinson now led an- Nat Expl 1000 13 13. 13 + '| Imp Tob 100 $14 14% 144+ "el five years, what. Imports from sources otner than Hardboord Wall Panelling, Ideal for finish- CABINETS New Bid 1000 4 4 Ind Accept 500 $24 24 24 ' ; Newconx 1745 590 $80 $80 ~10| Ind Adhes 100 $7% 7% Tie+ | J- A. Tuck, 'managing director, ] N Hosco | 900 239 233-233 ~-- 5 | Ind Wire $00 863% é4-- lof the Canadian Life Insurance icky investors, stock analysts Bier 200 985 a St nails 150 $12% 12% 12%-- "| association, says equity - based|pointed out the market usually Newiund 1000 17% 17% W'a-- 2) Inland Gas 110 $11 oo : robber aby | H N o3en 27100 a 7 2 ve 1BM 118515 51S 515 jinsurance is "'obviously a grow-| reacts Magy et but rp mo- Nick Rim a 13¥a 13¥a+ Ya! Int Nickel 3566 $1061 105% 10614 +114 | j * y increas-| mentarily, to crises and calami- Noroaska 3000 54 50) S2 +2) Int Util 150 $30% 30% 30% + y,| NB thhing," sparked by in fe In- an effort to reassure pan- the Middle East, would have been sufficient. There were preliminary dis- |cussions in the United States 'about boosting its production to help meet the needs of other ib, even though his had not signaled high- wildly enthusiastic au- ould not contain them- | they realized that only OLD STOCK FRAMES AND SASH 25% OFF GALORE All types. All Sizes. All ing the cottage. 4 x 8 Ponel | Ba ieee j iipcnacs SURFACE UNIT equence of plays could Norgod Intpr Pipe 1345. $22% 22% 2/4 4 %4\ing competition with all forms ties. eth 4 Burner Electric, $109.00 Value ' ' ' Po ea # tus 90 be 00 108 | i countries. : : 00 styles! Here's ract be defeated. De ab RS Ge PL rt a wee Weel 00 4-40 a0 SB ot Seyah LOSS RECOVERED The U.S. commerce depart- While They Last. ONLY . 59, ty Inquire et Window Shop id his best by ruffing the easy way N Coldstm 2150 64 64 64 inv Grp A 475 $10¥e 10% 10% Canadian companies offering This proved true. On Tuesday ment reported this week that i Northgat 150 490 490 490 ITL 1 230 $3. Be Y4--% fh ici 'm- s A * return eh a pod Soomees S23 99 950 950 --10| Jetternon =a eS 3s equity-based policies are Em- .5q wednesday the market|/American business outlays for SCREEN DOORS to beautify an overruifed wi i Pce Exp 203790 100 92 95 --I0 Jockey C 180 350 350 350 pire Life, National Life Assur-| more than recovered its Monday expansion and modernization inflict a one-trick de- Pacer Ts ul peckey AP 200 ie fe 8+ M/ance Co, of Canada, Norwich] ings are not rising as fast as pre- Made from select Red Wood, 2-6x6-6, 2-8 x and mod- = C : vICN | loss. ' s fas ; : Proce M 1000.82 BA Bla Labatt 203 $26% 2 2% --%/Union Life Insurance Society) [5 investors were encour- viously projected. 6-8, 2-10 x 6-10. 10 Oh ernize your yrdan signaled with the Purdex 1000 7 7 --1| Cont com 125 40 40 40 +5 land Seaboard Life Insurance| ,ceq by reports of Israeli vic-| A new survey indicated that BAGH es A trick one, declarer Qmi 2900 245 MS 24S +11 Lau Fin 250 475 47S 475 : ged by reports sraeli vic-| / survey indicated tha kitchen. Talk Lau F 2.00 100 $19% 19% 19%--%\~O tories which, they felt, lessened|for all of 1967 outlays are ex- que Ssturg 1 we 2 mR +4 Levy 275 $19% 19% 19%4--%| Empire offers a return of $50- the chances of United States in- pected to rise to a record $62,- 1000-50 x" Do +2 u A 100 S114 11% 1% + %) a. i j j Rio Algom 1842 $454 30% J5'2+1'9| Lite' Inv wt 250 100, 100 100, a-month insurance for each $600 yoivement. 400,000,000 but the gain from the 00 : ; Rio 580 Pr 10$102 102-102 Lob Co A 100 $7 14 74+ % investment for protection to age! Brokers said most of the early|previous high of $60,630,000,000 ave made four spades -- ace of clubs continua- rick two. Another club POPLAR PLYWOOD UNDERLAY Albi ooh 1.19 West would then have Rae a aye gf te eR oe NTN Gh AS that Une, the policy-| selling was by small investors|set in 1966 would be 2.9 per cent \ apy. ffective because declar- Satellite | 4500 26 2525 Loeb M 2150 $1294 12% 12% holder may use his equity in-| while the big institutions stood|instead of 3.9 per cent projected discard the heart loser fd - 4 = 42 MB Lid 810 $185 ms mi vestment for a paid-up life pol- pat and then moved in to pick|earlier. UTILITY BOARD mmy. f Slivefids 400 430 425 425 Mit Gard 180 $27\4 26% 27M icy equal to about 1% times its} 4) bargains, | Auto production this week was Ves VRB cheat Rea 190 ely enough, the hand ae ee aes el oe ea OB market value. | The oil industry took the hard-|estimated at' 175,000 passenger ONLY Pied nes 1.35 ut to be an exact tie sing ee es tt | Mente te Se By! tthe dies before then, his ben' est biows trom. the hostilities cars, up 32 per cent from the he e he American North- Siscoe 200 540 $40 540 10} MPG Iny 250 S19% 194 19% jeficiary can take the insurance/ which engulfed its most produc-|holiday-curtailed output of the ee. ir at the other table a th a ae me Molion A 275 $23%% ie 23% | and equity investment in a lump) tive area. previous week but off seven per to four spades and Tombill 1000 105 105 105 Mont Loco 225 $1514 15'& 15' sum or use the insurance to con-| Production was closed down|cent from 188,419 a year earlier. RESILACRETE SINKS Easy Tribi soo 114 14 114 Mi 725 $28% 28¥2 282% \tinue the equity fund, payable! ; ime j ta | f shh Uraswestos 210 325 325 325 +10! Mephy Pr 100 $27% 270 2+ 4 bc ie be hs tk 6." Payable'in iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia} American steel output the et T 26% : Budget Terms Stainless steel single 18" x 20', er, the defense was not id Pore 1000 Ha Ba B4-- Va] Nat Groc 210 $2604 2484 26 Ratiail Tie chicees one and the Arabian Gulf sheikh-| week ended June 3 was the low- Discontinued Links N iffi Whit Ma 32'a-- Ya) Nii $1919 aife - | ; j : came declarer at {hi wind 7a RR y | own, te ile He Had Goer heidel lees at Giles wat'y tat in torah Well wlate, Rao, 1.95 SPECIAL 10.95 ects ri lM uk ioe pte ¢ ,000, s ) ap Prefinished in C finish tead of South. East led | Qalvie aa $4 1a Tt me a7: daily. /out 2,310,000 tons, down 3.1 per Clearance 10.15 |... iy si ba EOniplota wiIN past ter counter toh Te 4 at 4 of hearts and made a OILS, GAS Cia A ew 9 tates sts A ceasefire agreement|cent from 2,384,000 tons the pre~ Floorplate, Reg. 12.95 SPE pet 4 Beg 31.15. From 168. 15 EAGH 55 SA 2 shift to the eight of Aiminex A310 65 4) ass 5 | PAC Pete MME S14 Tete let + Ye reached late in the week gave'vious week. Clear 10.99 CIAL 29,95 a Tx 4x 4, 1/n6 j 3 Pac Pete w 350 375, 375 375 --20 see ance . h qT ° trick two. West played Am Ledue 1000 17 17° 17 +1] pe jwi pe "298100 100 100 \ 1, Slight Imperfections ° 273 00 AGH iis 2 and another club, and Asamera 200 445 445, 445, + S| Bow Corp. 250 $11% 11% 11% Taw rotests ) 1d to go down one Sant a eS ed 13% tiated 7 | QN Gas 164 39% 9% 9% B.C. CEDAR F . CS Pe --4} ;: ts Btn ta sens Ci ree et es as | GN Oreow ioe m0 am am 8 C. ENCING -- 20 DESIGNS TO CHOOSE FROM C Ex Gas 3950 410 390 410 +25 | Reichnold 220 $2914 29% 2914 € Homestd 1100 223 215 223 +5 | Royal Bnk 155 $7634 76% 76% : Television ys Complaint INGTON (AP)--The fed- mmunications Commis- onsidering a complaint President Johnson's television interests in ex., papers on file at showed Friday. est Republic Corp., wns KHFI-TV and of a rest in a community an- levision system, are at- "to undercut any de- effective competition in in television market." is owned by the Texas sting Corp., which is cent owned. by Lady nson. Each of the presi- aughters has a 15.4 per rest in it. Post Given irchbishop 'AN CITY (Reuters)-- ul today named arch- Sergio Pignedoli, 57, delegate to Canada, as y of the Vatican Con- 1 for the Propogation of h which runs mission- : abroad. laces Rt. Rev. Pietro di who died recently. 'S SALLIES SO time, don't let your mins run so low." ent one and obviously i by many accidental 10t just through inter- It might be inadver- countered in a_bath- } a towel. . . . Trying it exactly is as diffi- ying to figure out from ju caught a cold, \ Cdn Sup O 1242 $37 37) 97 + 8) Cdn Tricnt 210 $10 10 10 | Cent Del 650 $12 11% 12 Charter © 2000 350 340 350 +25 C West P 3900 150 150 150 | Dynamic wo 115 15 115 | Fargo 400 435 435 435 +10 French Pt 700 450 440 450 +15 Gr Plains 150 $114 11% 14 Int Helium 600 305 300 300 +5 Mill. City 00 115 «1S ss -- S$ 290 Nat Pete 100 +30 NC Oils 200 425 425 425 --5 'Numac 400 390 385 390 Numac wt 2060 87 87 87 --T Place G 700 205 205 205 "x S$ 3 Ponder 2000 _4 Provo Gas 725 620 615 415 * Ranger WO 235 235 235 +5 Scurry Rn 1700 $25%4 25'4 25% + % pooner 00 S57 SSH Triad Olt 1000 189 189 189 +3 U_ Canso 2600 35) 345 350 +10 U Canso w 700 135 (135 «(135 500 17 7 7 +1 W Decaite 1500 252 250 250 --S§ W Decit w 500 117 «11-1 INDUSTRIALS $10% 10% 10% 00 $82 B42 84 37a + Abitibi Acklands 1 Alta Gas T 400 $37e 37 Algo Cent 46 $8 7 'Algoma St 115 $25% 25% 25% -- %4| Secur Cap 240 280 280 280 ; é Shell Inv p $0 $292 4 2'a2-- %) complaints from persons getting e Shell Inv W 325 $10% 10¥e 10%-- Ve ; Shell Can 230 $2734 27¥4 27%--%{letters from a United States Shop Save 325 $12% he lag firm telling them of the estates Shopper Ct 725 315 31 | Cree nS $2797 OF of persons of the same name Slater Stl 235 $93¢ 9% 9%--% Who have died. seta aoe Awe oe The letters, from Legal Re- St Pavi $8 ST Radio. 100 $3214 32% 326 search and Index of Newport ley ge i = Kia : Beach, Calif., offer legal docu- einbo pr oz ' ; 4 Suptest od 150 $22¥4 22' 222+ ¥%,|ments showing who is entitled Tor Dm Bk 2200 $13% 13% 13% ne to a share in the dead person's Traders A 100 Ste 8M 8+ % Tecan Pl 54 $30 30-30 +, jeState for a fee of $4. Trans Mt 3155 $19 18% 19 The bureau says the scheme Un Carbid 325 $20% 20% 20% + "lis legal. York County's Crown 124 12% 12%-- : 2 rie eet EI A 2% 4! attorney, Henry Bull, says he Un Whurn 7133 410 410 410 y Antes Bd ane Frigg Pade Yaican see no way to stop it. ersatile al 2 Vulcan "0 35 925 325 +425 | The death of a Frank Young Walk GW 510 oe ers on + lin Los Angeles County last Au- Weldwod 300 $ a | i ini Westc'st 100 $25% 2a 2% -- v,|SUSt is bringing 10 calls a day Westee! 60 $25%4 25% 25%+ %\to the bureau from persons We <y et ied BL Hg % questioning letters suggesting White Pas 225 $15 1515 they might be eligible for a Weodwd A 380 % 29%--% share in the $17,556.88 estate. $29% 29 York Lam A 500 180 180 180 +30 : . York Lam B 100 190 19 19 5 | The 'letters offer copies of legal docun.ents which list the 'Alcan M15 $81" 31% 314) Sales to 11:00 am, 102,00 [names ae MUIR Talatived Ot Wr $19M% a --- - A ances ff NS sane ase 20% a cane suTOREIGN TRADING ie oan oarete, in soins for the 100 $44% 44% 44% --%) Lang Silv : v advis ini ek % 10% | Madison RL 200 165 165 145 +4 jfee. They advise the recipient Argus C pr 400 $10%4 10% 150 $10%e 10¥e 10¥e-- ve Britons Travel For 'Thousand-Dollar Cure © OTTAWA (CP) -- Of 195,383 | immigrants to Canada from "5 |to consult a lawyer if he be- ------ j|lieves himself to be a relative, since Legal Research does noth- |ing more than provide the docy- ments, Yellow Bear 2500 270 265 265 To Canada He told the Canadian Associa- tion of Sociologists and Anthro- Britain between 1956 and 1966,|pologists meeting Saturday at more than 36,500 returned. to|Carleton University that most Britain, |people who return to Britain The returned migrants arejand then come back to Canada said to be taking the "thousand-| are young with few family re- dollar cure." sponsibilities and easily trans- The cure, so named because|ferable skills who don't feel of the cost of moving between! they want to settle in any com- countries, has two definitions,| munity or country at this stage. depending on whether the view-) A. study of Pees die gar fs Fr | A study of return immigrants ye oo British ».(between July, 1962, and June, ¥ ty ai m4 sioned by| 1963, Showed they fell into three immigrant" is disillus ; ae categories: those who had only -- Rae ig oy will. ting|Planned to spend a couple of omeland--wh dod as he| ears in Canada; those who had ne ey SE reetira ba planned to settle but were son-e- thought--and w 'how dissatisfied; those who! wthe Briton says the reimmi-| Weren't ready to settle any-| grant was fed up at home, |" ais came to Canada where he be- came disillusioned,' and re-| BUSINESS BRIEFS | turned home. . via Anthony Richmond, a York} University sociologist, says the PRICES RISE | whole idea is a myth created by} The wholesale price index in- undue British publicity given)creased 1.2 points to 263.2 in the small minority of perma-|May, the Dominion Bureau of| nent repatriates who were dis-|statistics reported in Ottawa/ satisfied with Canadian life and,|Friday. The index, based on) in Canada, by the small num-/ 1935-39 prices equalling 100.) GARY NESBITT Representative SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada Oshawa Shopping Centre SINGLE VISION COMPLETE WITH FRAME LENSES AND CASE BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR SAME LOW PRICES, OPTICIANS -- OVER 30000) | 17 BOND ST. | EAST 2nd Floor bers of reimie-pnts who even- stood at 258.9 in May, 1966, and tually return to Canada. jat 262 in April, 1967, y TORONTO (CP)--The Better | Business Bureau warned Friday| OW uc our that it has received dozens of Sea Glasses Cost ? BIFOCALS, IF REQUIRED (KRYPTOK, ULTEX OR FLAT-TOPS) 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT 00 SATISFIED C Hours: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Daily--CLOSED he DAY WEDNESDA Phone: 728-1261 Phone 725-4563 | Pieris oF Many inapal Chit Cinodo onl US Yount 1908} THE "V" LINE 42" x 8' Panel THE "LOUVRE" 42" x 8' Panel .... THE PICKET 42" x 8' Panel 8.15 THE BASKETWEAVE 42" x B' Panel .... 8.38 PICNIC TABLE Made from B.C. Cedar fonly 28.95 Delivered GARDEN HOSE CAwn"prince ...... 2080 thw Queen ..... 3100 thwn KING ....... 420 1/2 x 50° 1.98 Arborite Post Formed COUNTER TOPS 8 and 10 #. Jengths. Reg. 4.50. SPECIAL, Wer VO lise tia es ff] Quality Paint only 1.39 qt. only 4.69 gal. for ablev .... R. H. W. 19" GAS DMUKE Ren o> DAVIS LAWN MOWERS ee COO nian... ON Soa 6.05 § istrnc ne |. 48,60 ae 67.49 kei 62,70 Kaiser Aluminum DOORS 2'8" x 6B" x 1%". 2°10" x 6'10" x 1%" ONLY $2 65 He Self Storing, double diamond glass. ALUMICOLOR Self Storing White, brown and. red. 2'8" x 68" x 1%". 2'10" x 6'10" x 1%" ONLY $39°5 SELF STORING with s.d. gloss 2'8" x 6B" x 1%". 2'10" x 6'10" x 1%". Reg. 24.95. SPECIAL $2 3.9 SOLIGNUN Use SOLIGNUM to bring out the best in all out- door wood. A long-lasting, beautiful wood stain, neither blisters nor peels. mildew and insects. Avail colors. ag tS ae 4,15 GREEN Pet Gol, oi. cccesecccess G. 25 Ceo 25 ne ea 6.25 3 ee 6.25 Protects from weather, able in a wide range of ROE erase 8.25 CEDAR' , Per Gol. .... Per Gal csesseeeseee One STRAW Per Gel.

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