Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jun 1967, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, AND 1S THIS BIG BEAUTIFUL YACHT y| I< SIMPLY ADORE YACHTS. AND § Mead 12,1 AND THIS ALL YOURS, MR, RITCH? CIV WELLS. oe THEY REMIND NE lendey, June 12, 1967 MA, i] has re : mit ours M IMR. RITCH, TOO? WELL, WELL! B R ID G E =) : : ; WHAT A LOT WE 5 RITCH, HAVE IN COMMON, | By B. JAY BECKER 8 a (Top Record-Holder in Masters' r= Individual Championship Play) & Ss FAMOUS HANDS TOD! 3 ioed North dealer. ; Both sides vulnerable, Midaagal TO Py Torento Stock Gxchar NORTH scout ioe dead 4K1053 rights, xw--~Ex-warbants, @3 from previous board-lot @AK10754 4310 MINES HOW LONG W: WEST EAST THis TIME, FRED? 492 $386 eee ae 910964 9AQIETS Agena Mg 500 114 Fe] $293 86 Ane Ruyn Ps) "3 1 hAK42 $83 nail TR # SOUTH Barina 10 mi HAQTS Blech key ton. K2 y 4 $32 Breit 30 1 Q9765 roul ee = Nt Se ee " - Stic 8 a is is ia tee ging coe ee ung 2@ Pass 2NT Pass Can Niste 500 22 '6 a i Opening lead--king of clubs chestrvie hoo ait F iT LOT O' TRA 7 This deal occurred in the 196 ltd be i oer. hed er is eile World Bridge Olympiad in the dita io di I5%-YAR-OLE BABY'? HELL match between Switzerland and eee Mae ae NEVAH SEE 16 ow & the United States. When the € Halli 700 65 ihe Swiss held the North - South cle ee 7 ; pm cards, the bidding went as Con Negus 4000 33 shown and West (Arthur Rob- Con Nichol 1500 13/2 inson, paired with Robert Jor- Esima tee 411% o dan) led the king of clubs. D'Eloona = 9366-154. = COME OUT : , ; ; The hand was played on eet fa b~ OF THERE, . ! Fim |Bridge-O-Rama, and the audi- Donaida 2500142 fy BURKE! YOURE ; | Ente: a ence, which could see all 52 hay NEVER GOING TO ' u cards on the giant electronic Glenn 169500 23 Hc COME BETWEEN 4 "P . screen, wondered whether the So ee a nn ADRIENNE AND i oe = » al ys ™ jyoung American pair would find wf Headway 200016 : : the perfect defense needed to ities: Wwe: y E j / ; beat the contract. Huds Bay 135 $62% ' - | J : Rae The commentators were bd io eres Se [eee ee" aggre somewhat skeptical about the Joliet 3000 40: eat aa American pair's chances, but seeenie gee . they were not left long in doubt Kam Kotia 200 200% is when Jordan got the defense Beate, Se: M8. | ie off on the right foot by playing ra in: ee a od e e e the discouraging three on L Outauit -- $45 $10%6 West's king of clubs instead of pt ED Lee Py e j the eight to show a doubleton. Man Bar 1000 2 7 at the PONTIAC Action Centre nage tegen hy a iia, 3 a heart, which went to the ace. Mcintyre 225 $90' 9 Jordan now returned the eight ae ee of clubs, which Robinson won Midri 14500 57 § King St. at with the ace Mt Wright 2000 30!" 3 Pf Multi-Mi 1200 143 14 Py Park Rd. When Robinson now led an- Nat Expl 1000 13} other club, even though his } feet Oe gh ah . NE : partner had not signaled high- N Hoseo 900 23923 oct. na, stl. nl. aml, NOIR, et, aR tS. OTE N,_aRe pb gli ge ge ornare Rewind go "ha dience could not a them- N 3en 27/00 42 4 selves as they realized that only Wick Rim 1000 13' } Now, You Be quiet // ane Ce AS A MATTER OF ¥ E 1. E V I S I O N L O G HUBERT by this sequence of plays could Mie. ek £ DON'T WANT ANY OF Your ARE YOU eaCT LAM: oo ; the contract be defeated. De- Noreen 3) GMART-ALECKY REMARKB/_/| | 7RY/NG TO START } Chane) 3--Buttae 4-Chite Rivera 9--Flying Doctor THIS IS AN IMPOSSIBLE SNAP ITUP, | |clarer did his best by ruffing a th es SOMETHING 2/ taal aca 10:00 P.M. 7--One In a Million SHOT! I CAN'T FIGURE HUBERT! the club return with the ten, eke) ae ge ary Channel 4--Buttale Leet ei "Lie Var Oats tee OUT WHAT CLUB WERE ALL but Jordan overruffed with the Pre Exp 203750 100 9 < Channe) 6--Toronte 3-6-12--Front Page 3--Luncheon Date jack to inflict a one-trick de- Placer 645 $373 & A oe Channel) 7--Buttale PPA ill geen 12:00 NOON feat. ; frees ho 6a KX Channet @--Rochester -- dae ja Prbhst ed sey Had Jordan signaled with the Purdex 1000-7 & | eee : Channel $--Toronte 12-T.H.E. Cat Janey Movie eight at trick one, declarer pag RN nen i | Solel a H Channel 1--Hamiitee 9--Cheaters é--Luncheon Date would have made four spades Que Sturg 10 2 4 ' Channel 12---Petardorough | $--Dragnet a" with the ace of clubs continua- ee ee 5:00 PM. 11:80 P.M. 3--Popeye and Pals tion at trick two. Another club Rio 580 Pr 1010210 12--Three St 34.67.11 12-News ee lead by West ld then have Roman 2624 $21' 2 ---Three Stooges -4-6-7-11-12---News vee B M. ea iy West wou io ' Ast aa ag a Eeye cues been ineffective because declar- Se anton mm 2 2 ; J--Highway Patrot 20 P.M. ne ee er would discard the heart loser Sherritt ; 3--Tralimaster 6--Viewpoint a from dummy. f Siivrrids aie, mM. earl Roa peace cult Strangely Pye the a Sil Miller jan's isian ef «M, . i atctales' Navy |e, Weathers end | 6a uicng Cian when the American' North: Tg é=hunie tee patel eras NcaMabrlage' Oohfle South pair at the other table eg Posi 2--Of vn and Seas cee ' _dential also got to four spades and Tombili s:00 FM. Goths Véois went down one. Mile 8 ; 8--Dialing for Doll ree eile FV Z Virginia Graham However, the defense was not tin hoes Wore. Wenihes enetts 2-Alfred Hitchcock Guten 'Date nearly as difficult because Wits ster 2m 3k 3--Petticoat Junction ibie 4--Meet the Millers North became declarer at this Yk Bear 200 23523 be 1combat nas PM rn ae hi table instead of South. East led \--Plerre Berton ---Movie Nowe the ace of hearts and made a OILS, GAS +4--News Weather, 6--Girl from U.N.C.L.E. eas The World Torna normal shift to the eight of Per gegen fe 'i 12,00 A.M. --Let's Make a Deal ; s +N S, ' clubs at trick two. West played Am Ledue 1000 17. 13 dachen l--Mystery Theatre oii oe the A-K and another club, and Arner 2 oe, M N--ittigan's vaihna TUESDAY 12--Ed Allen Time North had to go down one. Cs Pete 300 210 200 seam Affair 6:00 A.M, Pelle br Game aay é ar Ges 2 ae Hs paatlaet adisaties mesa ioctl 2-8--Days of Our Lives LB 7 ] ss C Homestd 1100 223 21! 4--Midwestern Hayride 'Albert Steed 2.30 P.M. ée evision Cdn Sup O Ue sate 7 News, Weather, Se Molvecdy oti air "People in Conti . Cent Del as) $121 war 7-pialing For Botan, | ZrPreem GI Draws Complaint Charter" zon 10 FIGHTING, EVE. YOU v : --pakt iH ites i) Hy My vals 4--House Party WASHINGTON (AP)--' i Dynamic Yoo 15 1: ee HER ATHER rcile Ball --uintie" rae aba Pid eral C i ae pind Freach Pt ne rt} yr srgitigat's Island iy hd hf ba SaWords and lausie. sion is considering a complaint a ee ie as $413-Don Messer &--Crossfire bsnl ai der t YOUR HEALTH against President Johnson's Mill. City = 1100 11511 Sy ok blag SS 'To Tell The Truth family television interests in Net pore. ee 9 Bewitched N-Sir Lanealot game - nga br ae get Ped file at sumac. 400 390 38! 8-1 Dream of Jeannie re ol tS I Numac wt 2060 87 8) 4--Love of i a ' e show y. 2 Se1 The' Seint tack UaLarne yee Acetone Breath Southwest Re public Corp., ma 25 2--Movie oad ue he 1--Marrlage which owns KHFI-TV and of a prove One 2: ool iil PM 8-2--Snap Judgment Per Ako ila rea half interest in a community an- say. Rn 1100 sate zt N--Oceasional Wite Begsbe ks teeth 7--Superman Shove . tenna television system, are at- Spoener 2500 37 8 S--Andy_ Griffith 11--Morning Time £ iO --Faoe of Night mp 1cate ase tempting "'to undercut any de- Oot Seas oa 7--Rat Patrol 9--Cartoon Playhouse 24--You Don't Say gree of effective competition in U Canso w 700 135 13! vee ea €2-Concentration {osu Camis the Austin television market." Wespac en LAL V--Petticoat Junction anet Hiniiee. 9--1 Love Lucy By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD KTBC is owned by the Texas W Dany \S00 it i rains 11:00 A.M, Giatch Geme Broadcasting Corp., which is andy orth Wowie Dovgtag Peri sat lb. Dear Dr. Molner: In a recent|(This often occurs when young-|52.8 per cent owned. by Lady INDUSTRIA om 3412 Show of the 2-8--Pat Boone 4--Mike Douglas column you mentioned "'acido-|sters are drowsy.) Bird Johnson. Each of the presi- Abitibi 330 $10%¢ 10 AMUSE gadis bR- estore IT'S Ta hia {auroras Ae tortie Pee sis" in connection with illness.| Acidosis should be corrected|dent's daughters has a 15.4 per Acklands _ 100 stv MUSEUM P, seu : HATCHING ! N--Merv Grittin 300 "atten Time ee Both my children have ace-\a. quickly as possible, but for-|cent interest in it, Ste car ee ee Frehistoric rehistoric %-Big valley ee 1:38 A.M. 4--Movie : tone breath whien ill and I'veltunately this usually can be ac- Algoma St 115 $25%4 25 x] Gallery i Na Beg bias hol ern Serie Movies never been able to elicit an ex-|.gmplished readily, the treat- ' Alcan M5 $34 9 na | r DR i, 7 planation from my doctor. He/ment being water and sugar. New Post Given fnthes Avs $20 2 bs fe , CROSSWORD seems to think I have a good-/This can be a little candy and ; eee eo tee i So = sized od a gs Would) water to drink, or fruit juice To Archbishop Al Sugar 150 $10% 1 = ACROSS 4.French 24. Cycling ENESMIREMT) [YOU xPiain'-- ills. ©. which provides both sugar and Coe 1. Harem pronoun 25.Girl's JAMEINITENEIR[O[De] | Have a heart. People are al-/ fluid. VATICAN CITY (Reuters)-- . Es . = en poche 5. Coals: name Hel eben be Ri |ways accusing their doctors of} Unless children are ex- Pope Paul today named arch- Britons Tr S Rese re ' STN, dda 5. Decorative 2 was. 26. Little f mam [not explaining things. The an-|tremely ill, they usually perk|bishop Sergio Pignedoli, 57, QO BL ( c #3 pin 6. Rascal girl swer is simple. The averagejup remarkably fast and the| apostolic delegate to Canada, as if << 4 | | 11. Speed 7.Possessive 29. Tribe doctor is so busy that if he ex-!fruity odor disappears. secretary of the Vatican Con- For Thous See 12. Paris . pronoun, 32, Hesita- plained everything, nip cog gregation for the Propogation of ee. museum . Across tion get through work until after it : fe .|the Faith which ission- bint kia Yano ess 13.Partsof 9. American sound Toi Gos Ue. bol a) MA le a a ie we a eee OTTAWA (CP) -- | circles Indian "34. Fish wy next day, ag? Roig as hen x 7 "Ne rertkeaa Hi feb. Pinto immigrants to Cane " : [TIOVIE (OMMSILIt PIS} : ; lueath my Y| pos ; ge : itain between 1956 BI ee ed eal Neteller! ¢ RL CONT, : 14, er 10. La ea ie, gage kee So I feel that I'm performing|to medical science after death, Sigismondi who died recently. = og 36,500 re oo" bias ites Paat some sort of public service both| but have not located the proper ' 15.Monetary 16.Organsof 87. Cityin 42. Wicked Hants andnhyaicl b tae ? " Britain, é unit of hearing Oklahoma, 43.Comfort --_|for_patien of thi ysic in Ylinstitution for this, SALLY'S SALLIES The returned migi Rumania 19. Tantalum: andtown 45. Wayside doing some oj s_explaining.| I would also like to know that}. said to be taking the ' 16. Shiela sym. in Ohio stopping In the newspaper, I can say it}my\ body will be respectfully f a dollar cure." 17. Matter: 20. Perform $8.Ridgeon ~ place once and a lot of people can|treated, and know what the pro- 4 ons The cure, so namec Law 21, Flowed skin 46,---- Paulo, jread it, but when any doctor,/cedure\would be for disposing brad of the cost of moving 18,Fastened, 22. Self 39. Continent Braz. including me, tries: to explainjof it. Would a priest officiate? countries, has two d asanimals {| ya 1s 14 Y le |i io something to each individual--/I would ptefer. that the insti- depending on whether 21. Delay well, there just isn't enough! tution - be tholic.--H.J.G. ' -- point is Canadian or 28. F i ZG time. Respect fot the human body ; VITAMINS The Canadian says 27. Past , The acetone--or "'fruity'--|after death as well as before] |: oa incaiarant" ie intl 28. Thus B YA4'* odor is more commonly asso-|is an integral aspect of medical Canada and returns 30, Fencer's LL ciated with diabetic acidosis,|training, so you need have no homeland--where he 31 City in Ss Te Y 17 but can hp cys in children|qualms on that score. things weren't as gé * without diabetes -- I assume! Legal papers, which should thought--and will retu 33. pc WGie ' ig Y YO, yours do not have diabetes. {be drawn up in advance, may ada. 35. Did over BE Pes [24 hes lee Anyway, acidosis is a con+|Vary somewhat from state to The Briton says the 37. Milkfish plicated phenomenon in which/Sstate, but the medical school grant was fed up | 40. Put on 27 7728 29 Ev certain acids are increased in/nearest you can give you all the came to Canada whe' 41, Sheltered Y Ys the blood. It may be severe/details. Use of bodies is an es-| les se Sota came disillusioned, : side si 32. Ex} 34 enough to cause the acetone/sentia. for medical training,| "Next time, don't let your turned home. 44, Intention 17) odor when a youngster has|and most schools welcome in- vitamins run so low." Anthony Richmond, 46. Hindu Y Y Y EQ YU quite a fever and is dehy-|quiries like yours. University sociologist, deity YZ /) Lag drated. @ In your case, I should inquire whole idea is a myth ¢ 47. Placed in 7 fe fs? 7 46 a ae [43 In brief, it occurs because the|at the nearest Catholic univer-/ prevalent one and obviously undue British public aTrow 4 YA increased rate of metabolism|sity which has a medical school.|; db j 1 the small minority ¢ 48. Cuckoos az a WAKE a t is spread by many accidenta ; 49. Booths Y associated with the fever de- means, not just through inter- nent repatriates who 50. Eve ro pletes the starch (glycogen)| Dear Dr. Molner: How could|course. It might be inadver- satisfied with Canadiai "DOWN od Vy) supply stored in the liver, andjone who has never had sexual|tently encountered in a bath: in Canada, by the sr 4. spoken = the body then begins drawing|intercourse become infected|room, on a towel... . Trying bers: of reim "ie-nnts 2. Venture Z on fat in the tissues for en-|with trichomonas vaginalis?--|to trace it exactly is as diffi- tually return to Cana 3. Familiarize 'ca (| o8Y Thus the chemistry of the|E.M.M. : cult as trying to figure out from ' body is altered for a time.' he trichomonas organism is'whom you caught a cold, 1

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