Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jun 1967, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 12, 1967 Ruins Dear Ann Landers: I read re- cently in your column that you did not think it was in good taste for a person to hang notes on new furniture asking guests to keep their feet off the up- holstery and their wet glasses off the teakwood tables. What would you do about a 300-pound sister-in-law with stil- etto heels who comes to visit and punches. holes in your brand new hardwood floors? This happened to .us during Christmas and I was sick about it. We had the floors ded in ANN LANDERS High-Heeled In-law Hard Floors When they arrived at Ruthie's house her mother said, "Let's give Dee $5. After all, it was Ruthie's rope and meat that caught the cat so she should have most of the money." Dee felt this was unfair and left empty-handed. She did not say anything, she just started to cry and came home and told me the story. A few minutes later Rutnie's mother called and asked me to send Dee back for the $5. I replied, "Let's just forget it." January and refinished in Feb- ruary. You guessed it~Two Ton Tessie came for Easter and our floors are ruined again. I know hardwood grows on trees, but money doesn't. would 'like your opinion on how to deal with this problem.-- ONE MAD RELATIVE Dear Mad: If your 300-pound sister-in-law ruined your floors because she was doing Spanish dances you'd be justified in ask- ing her to cut it out. But floors are for walking on and if all she does is walk on them you can't ask her to stop. Put down throw rugs when Tessie comes to visit and tell her about the problem. If she's a good egg, she'll offer to remove her shoes. Dear Ann Landers: Our 11- year-old daughter Dee saw an ad offering a $25 reward for the return of a pet cat. Dee tele- phoned her friend Ruthie who had also seen the ad. They decided to look for the cat together. Dee went to Ruth- ie's house. They got a rope and a piece of meat and off they went. , After some hunting they spotted the cat in the hedges near the woman's home. When the cat ran under the porch they notified the woman that her pet has been cornered. The 'woman was very happy and re- trieved her cat with no trouble. She handed Ruthie the reward money--$25, My husband says I should have insisted on a fair deal-- a 50-50 split. He claims that children should learn early in life not to let people take ad- vantage of them. What do you say? -- ONE WHO HATES FIGHTS Dear One: The girls should have shared equally in the re- ward money. Ruthie's mother ought to be told that it's too late for the split now, but, in the interest of fairness, she should write a check to your state organization for retarded children and present it in your daughter's name. Dear Ann Landers: Our next door neighbor has been di- vorced for five years. She has two children, I had heard a ru- mor that she is pregnant but I refused to believe it. I saw her today and she is indeed very pregnant. What shall I say to our 14- year-old daughter when she no- tices? She is sure to ask how this can be. I need your help.-- SPEECHLESS Dear Speechless: If your 14- year+ old daughter does not The National Council of Jewish Women honored 11 "Women of the Century," during a presentation in the Natural Gas Hospitality Pavilion at Expo 67. Mrs. Lucien Lamoureux, wife of the Speaker of the House of Commons; is shown at left presenting the awards to: Mme. Therese Casgrain, OBE, Montreal, Dr. Alice Vibert Douglas, MBE, King- ston, Ont. The recipients were Mrs, Frank MacKen- zie Ross, CBE, Vancouver, NAMED AMONG WOMEN OF THE CENTURY B.C.; Mrs. Agnes Semmler, Inuvik, N.W.T.; Dr. Nina Cohen, Sydney, N.S.; Dr. Hilda Neatby, Saskatoon, Sask.; Dr. Irene Uchida, Winnipeg, Man.; Dr. Ruth Gorman, Calgary, Alta.; Mrs. A. B. Perlin, St. John's, Nfld.; Miss Mona know how this 'can be," it's high time you explained it to her. CHILD GUIDANCE Steer clear of moral judg- ments for the sake of the wom- an's children, This is your op- portunity to demonstrate true compassion, re " Underpinnings contribute greatly to a smooth-looking, trim, overall outer picture and, consequently, should be chosen with the utmost care: One type garment rarely, if ever, does for more than one type of silhouette. For special slim line purposes and to give women freedom without bulk and, also, to keep under clothing to a minin.um, is this panti-slip with the -patented divided leg construction. The lace- trimmed panti-slip is made of a marvelous new fabric, a combination of imported silk and dacron with the look and feel of pure silk. y|lovely, soft and low. The better jjwhen he feels calm, relaxed, jjunthwarted, comfortable, loved /junwanted. So his voice may '|child to obey his parents and \|co-operate with them, he is sure '|to feel vexed and his voice 'itends to rise in pitch and grow ijmay be the voice of children '|when they are fighting or quar- Ugly Voice Of Means Same For Child By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD A parent's voice when uglied vexed by the youngster is when when he is not understood as Anything we parents can do to manage our emotions better and understand the child better will help us keep our voices we controlled our own voices the lovelier voices our children will acquire. As a rule, the 'voice of the child, 2 9 or 14, is most lovely and wanted. His voice is ugliest when he feels excited, tense, angry, frustdated, unloved or vary in loveliness as his feelings toward his parents and other children vary. ' When it s not easy for a in loudness. So may his voice rise in height and volume when he feels angry at a brother, "sister or playmate. It may rise '|when he feels out of sorts in any way. How shrill and loud EGINNINGS Topping the slip is a pretty, new bra with side straps and a soft shell cup--Mar- velous for low necklines. By Tracy Adrian A BABY GIRL IS A FRAIL GRAFT LIFE'S SEA . %, but the older she gets the craftier she becomes. Have you heard about the two ce- ment mixers who AN APPLE A DAY.. Ontario apples are graded ac- «cording to color, maturity, size,|around the house. 'and freedom from disease. To qualify for the top 'Fancy Grade" the apples must have a certain percentage of the red color characteristic of that var- "ety. Have a juicy red apple yfor a snack tonight. got ied? Soon, they had a little sidewalk running No man ever told a woman she talks too much when she was tell- ing him how won- derful he was. The Western World uses walls for the opposite reason the Red BOB EAKINS WORLD OF AWAITS YOU HERE! Remove superfluous hair per- | manently from face,'arms, legs }/ with ELECTROLYSIS i Kree Imperial Deluxe, gentle, fast by Electrolysis. MARIE | MURDUFF | Will be in Oshawa at the Gen- esha Hotel June 12th, 13th, end 14th. PHONE 723-4641 Chinese use them. Here, they re- cord who's in LOVE with whom. Inflation is a lot like overeat- ing: you feel good while it's going on and when you realize you should stop it's too late, Have you noticed thet only suc- cessful men admit they're self- made. Looking for a good cleaner with prompt service at reasonable prices? We would like a chance to serve you with our years of exper- ience in fabric and stain problems --experience that will protect your most precious garments. Gillard CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. DRY CLEANING, SHIRT LAUNDERING! 725-3555 SPECIALS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE PRESCRIPTION PERM FROSTING & STREAKING ony °10,00 Cut, Shampoo & Set 3.50 @ HAIR PIECE RENTALS @ NOW 3 HAIR- STYLISTS to choose from. Specials Effective from Mon. te Thurs. inclusive only. KEAN' BEAUTY SALON 247 KING ST. WEST KING PARK PLAZA--OSHAWA 723-0022 _--, a Parent relling. In contrast how nearly and to speak very softly and quietly, even almost whispering. Suppose you have visited in several classrooms and ob- served the teacher's voices. Those who speak most quietly have the quietes t children; those who speak most noisily have the noisiest children. G. Wilson, OBE, Charlotte- town, P.E.I. and Dr. Louise Manny, Newcastle, N.B. SUMMER SCHOOL Registration for the ~ SUMMER SCHOOL areas in which the parent is/ionably. he does not obey promptly or WHEN EXCITED when "helped" at his lessons. dren when they are excited always good to have the physi- normal is their tone of speech|PHYSICAL NEEDS PROGRAM by his or her anger may rise/when playing or working to-| Of course, an occasional child in pitch and volume. A few/gether agreeably and compan-|who speaks too loudly at home of the does so because of some physi- cal reason. He may be hard of ug . |hearing. He may have some How about the voices of chil-|throat or nose obstruction. It is OSHAWA BUSINESS scream with sheer delight and rapture while watching TV, roughhousing, or engaging in games of chase or other physi- cal contest. Highly excited pleasantly in any situation, chil- dren may be inclined to speak in far too high and loud voices. Moreover, some children are prone to be keyed up most of the time and often to speak loudly and shrilly when there is no apparent present reason why they do so. Sometimes a mother writes me of a child who speaks very loud and shrilly most of the time, and she wants to know what to do to get him or her "to pipe down." As I always reply, there's no sense in shout- ing then, "Not so loud!" To do so would only cause the child to be worse. Then is the time for the parents to be very serene H\In each area the parent is in-|Without any show of anger or|cian check on the child who clined to raise the voice and|itritation? They may shout and : shout at the youngster. often speaks loudly and in a highly pitched voice. All persons in the family may cultivate more lovely voices in a family atmosphere of relative quiet, calmness and serenity. Who is likely to speak softly against a raucous radio or TV set or while either is going most of the time? EARN UP TO $100. A WEEK OR MORE BIG PAY JOBS WAITING for MARVEL GRADUATES Marvel Hairdressing Schools in principal cities offer ex- clsuive "MARVEL TOUCH" training. Complete course DAY or. EVENINGS. For free brochure, write or visit MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS Established over 40 years Dept. OT. 219 Bloor St. W. TORONT'! COLLEGE Will be accepted up to July 15 Start as soon as the regular school term ends. ACT NOW! Enrollment. Is Very Limited. Open to Public School pupils from grades Six, Seven and Eight--All High School Stud- ents, University and other in- terested Adults. Choice of subjects and class students. Get your copy of PREE. broucher outlining com- plete details. Just dial 725-3375, write or visit the College today. 10 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-3375 Tyrone Woman Wins New Refrigerator Mrs. John Cavers of Tyrone who bought @ Beatty Coppertone refrigerator from Paddy's Market on Taunton Rood a few weeks ago, won another one last week. Her ticket wos drawn by three-year-old Timothy McKeen, who is standing ot right with his father Norm McKeen, owner of the popular establishment. Next month, just for visiting Paddy's Marke t. some lucky person will win a_ stove, ) MONEY-SAVING OPEGIALS ab "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" -- DOMINO - Save 10¢ Powdered _ OG: Detergent Save 15¢ LYNN VALLEY --- STANDARD Cream Style "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND"-RICHMELLO-Save 8e Corn 13 Luncheon ' Meat 39: KRAFT--WHITE OR MULTI-COLORED Save 4c Jet Puff 29: Marshmallows ""DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" -- DOMINO SODA WATER or " 4 g: bottles plus deposit 14-oz. 'tins OFFEE ..... Your BEANS ~~ AMBASSADOR 12-oz. tins pkg. ALE EVERYTHING GUARANTEED K-MART PLAZA -- Open Every Night until 10 P.M. WHITBY PLAZA -- Open Every Night until 9 P.M. MIDTOWN PLAZA -- Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. until 9:30 P.M. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ond BOWMANVILLE -- Open Thurs. and Fri. until 9 P.M. AMPLE FREE PARKING We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities VALUES EFFECTIVE MON., TUES., JUNE 12th and 13th, Dominion ,DOMINION STORES LIMITED | Mains : MRS. DONALD F¢ ond from left, retiris sional commissioner Girl Guides in Osha new commissioners Oshawa Gu By Three D; By TONI MAHE Girl Guides in Osh benefit from a propose change in the ass structure which becom tive June 30, says Mr: E. Fox, divisional com in Oshawa. "The girls will ha leaders to guide them | on because there will adult supervisors," s: Fox. 'We have grown a size, we need to fo divisions to take car Oshawa area," she sa work load is too heav; divisional commissione Up to now, Oshawa seven district comm but two new appointm increase the working n nine. Two district con ers will move up the become divisional con ers. Mrs, Fox will re Mrs. William Gardner Street North, Mrs. John Fernhill Boulevard, a Frederick §. Wotton Street, will have ju ever the north, cent south divisions of Os! spectively. RETIRING divisiona missioner, Mrs. Do Fox, right, welcome Shortage Of Overcrowde TORONTO (CP)--Th tor of the Mental Ret Centre in Toronto sa} are hundreds of childre tario. hospital schools retarded "who could turned to the communi could appropriate hor them and more adequé ices such as communi dences and day care < Dr. John Fotheringha "Many of these kids ji a home." If they were living | they would be considere telligent to send to co: schools for the retarc are in the educable cl IQs ranging mostly fro 85. Some even have not of 100. Until a few months ¢ checking was done on t ties of children being p the hospital schools. was necessary to put a the waiting list was the two physicians that tl was retarded. Provincial officials 1 that many of the childr dumped there by pare exerted political through members of tI lature, t Nae

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