Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jun 1967, p. 16

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ee WELL,L HAD A CHOICES -OR A BIS WELL ,1 JUST RAN" IT WAS BITHER HIT BLACK LIMOUSINE. INTO A'TREE > E TRE PURPOSE !, DONALD DUCK I FIGURED THE TREE wiDOw? 'YOu SAY SHE'S LONELY? BUZ SAWYER BLONDIE LI'L ABNER Trapinc Post SALE ag RRR am pe '( COM,THE PRIDE OF BUT A DEFENSELESS GIRL) THESE EMERGING) NEEDS PROTECTION" NATIONS 7) WOULD YOU RELISH SOME AMERICAN ESCORTS? eA) IN TIME TO GET A SCOLDING FROM YOUR EVE JONES, DARLING. 4 MICKEY MOUSE ©1967 sues sugar \ Wats lektcs N' SPICE AND 6-04 EVERYTHING NICE! HIT MY FINGER WITH THIS HAMMER GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER selene meth ee nor Ea inden + seme Sle V...THAT IDEE 1S > So"SIMPLE".. HITS DOWNRIGHT -- | EX,A PRETTY \ ON, SHE HAS PLENTY OF ADMIRERS, BUT SHE'S CHOOSY. CAN YOU JOIN US FOR DINNER TOMORROW? \ BUT YOU'RE TO BE MY GUESTS ABOARD WY YACHT... L INSIST SPLENDID! BUT I MAY HAVE TO LEAVE A BIT EARLY, MY SHIP SAILS AROUND MIDNIGHT. BY GEORGE, WHAT A BIT OF LUCK! HE'S INTRODUCING ME TO A LONELY WIDOW HE'S BEEN DATING AND HE'S LEAVING TOWN. ) ANP 30 Fo 4 JANE ARDEN THEN YOU KNOW THE HORSE 16... OF THE NSCS HAT CRO: NN HORSE Madness L OLD. THE TRACK OF THATS RIGHT....BUT YOU NEED TO WATCH THE SKY, wa 7 HAWKS, THE CR VOLTUREF :reve Ows, TH strugg Adrienne who slips and.4. SECRET AGENT X9 " ADRIENNE! IDION'T WANT GANGSTER, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED! 4 & a EEE EEE CREE" ERE RRS gg SEE THE TRADER .... at the PONTIAC Action Centre THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. TELEVISION LOG 10:08 A.M, 2--Buttale 3--Barrie --Buftale 6--Toronte 7--Buttale Channel! &--Rochester Channel %Toronto Channe) 1i--Hamiites Channel 12--Peternerough FRIDAY 5:00 PLM, 12----Three Stooges Ni--Family Theatre &-Superman . 7--Highway Patrol é--Adventure Time jovle 3:30 PLM, 12--F Troop §--McHale's Navy 7--News é--Let's Sing Out 2--Of Lands and Seas 6:00 P.M, 12-4--News, Weather Channe) Channel Channed Channe! Channe! jorts 9--Seaspray &--How"s Business? 7--Movie ¢--It's About Time 6:90 PLM. a--Iron Horse Vi--Pierre Berton 9-6-3--News, Weather Sports 4--News #6--Huntley-Brinkiey News 7:00 P.M. \1--My Favorite Martian 9--Phyllis Diller &--Wonderful Werld 6--TBA 4--People Are Funny 3--Road West 2--News, Weather Sports ~ 1:20 P.M, 7--News, Weather, Sport: 7:30 P.M, 12--Rat Patrol 1--Time Tunnel 9--Pistols 'n' Petticoats 8:30 P.M. 4--Hogan's Heroes 3-6-12--Tommy Hunter 2-8-11--Man_ From Le. 9:00 P.M. 12--Movie 7--News 6--Movie 4--Movie Movie Special 9.30 P.M, Rat Patrol 28--T.H.E. Cat 10,00 P.M, VW--Merv Griffin 9--Mission Impossible 7--Avengers 2-8--Laredo 11.00 PLM, 2-9--News 3-6-7-8-11-12--News, Weather, Sports 11.20 P.M, 6-Viewpoint 11.25 P.M. VN--Plerre Burton 'News, Weather, Sports 4--Movie 4--Las Vegas 2-8Johnny Carson 11.35 P.M. Movie 114 P.M, 9--Movle 1.45 P.M, 12--Movie Movie SS 11:88 PM, Ni--Movie SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. M--Outdoors Unlimited &--Devey and Goliath 4--Captain Kangaroo 2--Clutch Cargo 8:30 A.M. 1--Somnitzel House %--Cartoon Playhouse 6--Three Stooges 7--Rocketship 7 ft Ne' 2-8-- 3-6-1: 1--Camera 9--Beatles 7--Milton the Monster &--Skipper Sam 6--Cousin Bilt 4--Lone Ranger 2--Jetsons 9--~Stingray &--Flintstones 7--Popeye, Gumby 4--Frankenstein Jr, 2-Sinbad Jr. 10:38 A.M. N--Hobby Time 9-4--Space 8-2--Space Kicettes 7--Beatles 3--Popeye and Pals 1:08 A.M, Ghost 9--Lone Ranger &-2--Secret Squirrel 7--Casper 4--Superman 3--Movie nn: AM. 12 NOON 1l--Hawkeye 9--Movie J--Bugs Bunny 4--Roadrunner ws Cool McCool 12:38 P.M. 11--Sir Lancelot &--Movie 7--Negilla Gorille 6--On Safari 4--Beagles 3--Western Jamboree 2--Wells Fargo 1:00 P.M, 9--Soccer iovie 2--CBC Sports 4--Movie 2-8--Baseball on Canada 11---Outdoors Unlimited 7--Champlonship Bowling 4--Rural Review 3-6-12--Focus- 2--Upbeat 1:30 --Peter Gunn 4--Bat Masterson 3-6-12--On The Scene. 3:30 P.M, 7--Theater Seven 4:00 PLM, HUBERT King St. at Park Rd. mam || ae THAT WAS MY MOTHER- IN-LAWS WINDOW, BILL YOUR HEALTH Big Red Mea Dear Dr.. Molner: Please ex- plain to some of us mothers who "what is German the big red measles? Some doctors say it is roseola three-day measles. What are the dangers and after-effects? What can be done to protect little ones who have these diseases? Is a child who has had the big red measles likely to have the little ones later if the child doesn't have the shot for them?--M.M. Let's get this straightened out for you, 1 First, roseola is a term that can apply to quite a collection of ailments involving red spots, so let's discard that term and the important Measles, or big red measles, or rubeola, call it what you will, is the common type of measles that so many children have. COMPLICATIONS LIKELY There's been too much ten- tendy to say, 'Oh, he just has measles,"' and forget about aria 0 if. Actually, a large proportion of children can have complica- tions, including heart and other the number of deaths from measles each year --several hundred--is evidence that | isn't necessarily such a simple, harmless dis- There isn't much you can do to cure measles. It has to run its course. But you CAN keep the sick child in bed, and call the doctor to watch out for com- plications -- and treat them at Of course we now have effec- tive vaccine to prevent measles, fgg eg 2-Hercules Green Hornet 9:00 A.M. 11--Mark Saber 6--Rat Patrol 4--Let's Go 9--After Four 4--Wild Wild Wast 2-Mr. Magoo 3-6-12--Snooker ROP oh gay iene ylang eg -- ins jy ni 7-Time. Tunnel 4--Paper Capers 9--Wide World of Sport 3-6-12--Get Smart 2--Stingray 7--Sam Snead have asked measles?" Is it ACROSS DOWN 19. Cutsor [iM 1, Remain 1, Top kick, pork ae 5. Bark for short 20. Old INIE] 9. Talk: 2. Attempted meas- [DIR archaic 3, Hale or ures 10. Prize Ladd of teiatal 12, Assam 4. Short length ag silkworms time ago 22. Hardy [MIE] 13, Measure 5. Sweet novel of length potato heroine 14. Deputies 6. Female . 23. Over- 16, Mexican sheep head Yesterday's Answer rubber 7. Monetary train 32. Pitfall tree units in 24.Darwinian 33. American 17. Man's Latvia teacher patriot nickname 8. Church of 1925 34. Celt 18. Comfort dignitary 25.---- 36. Peruvian 21, Like 9. Vegetable Newburg chieftain 22. Three of fuel 26. Biblical 38. Ovate get down to a kind 11. Stylish city 40, Behave ones. 24, Turned 15. Cebine 29, Writing 41, Distress about monkey fluid signal 27. Bowling Fe | SB C3 Cae CR lane ' 28. Pirates Ld V/ VA, 30. Siberian 9 WY 10 wy gulf 31. "Auld 2 y® Z " iad 14 is // Y/ to 32. Haggard ra LALLA be novel i] YG 18 19 |20 Gia 35. Greek letter GG Wi 22 23 damage, and 37, Danish coins 24 |25 lee Oe 39, Spirit 4 lamps 2 29 42, "The ease. Great" and 'ad Y, ba "The a Terrible" 3s 36 GG My bad 43. Paintingof h- ae an 4 i plaster 39 Y 44, City in as 4 4 4 V//\a> 45, Rhye W once if they develop. pita " 45 46 GY 46, Weaver's Y /7) reed _e9 and many children are pro- Often Under - By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD sles rated The U.S. Public Health Service recently announced that there were 202,886 cases of measles reported last year, nearly 60,000 lower than the year before, so the vaccine is starting to show results. But the figures also show that too many children haven't been vaccinated. So some still die, some are crip- pled, some are chronically sickly. There are at least three or four lesser diseases which bring spots and fever but are not nearly as severe as. "red measles." The one which concerns us most is German measles, also known at the "three - day measles," or, technically, ru- bella. DEFECTS. POSSIBLE The German, or three - day measles, doesn't amount to much as a disease except for one horrible thing about it. If a pregnant woman gets that sim- ple little disease early in preg- nancy (the first three months) it can cause many defects in the baby, both physical and mental. Thus a woman who has Ger- man measles before becoming pregnant is lucky. That is, her future babies are lucky, escap- ing the risk of eye, heart or other defects which often occur when the mother-to-be does get the disease, Progress is being made to- ward a German measles vac- cine, but some technical prob- lems, such as raising enough vi- rus to make the vaccine in quantity, remain. Once you've had German measles,- you ordinarily can't 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 9, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) BIDDING QUIZ You are the dealer, neither side vulnerable, and have open- ed the bidding with Spade. Partner responds Three Spades. What would you bid now with each of the following five hands? 1. @AQT2 YAKIS $92 4863 2. @KQ63 YQI5 @QI7 HAs 3. @KQH2 YAQ 75 HAQSL 4. @A98752 Y4 @AQI3 HA 10 5. @KQI6 YKQH $KQI2 47 1, Four spades. There should be no reluctance about con- tracting for game. Partner in- dicates a hand worth 13 to 15 points in support of spades. It would be wrong to bid four hearts in an effort to find a bet- ter trump suit because partner might interpret this as express- ing interest in a slam. We can- not afford to do this with a minimum opening bid. 2. Three notrump. This bid gives partner a choice between playing the hand in spades or notrump. Nine tricks might prove easier to make than ten if partner's hand is also the notrump type. Partner will usually return to spades because of distributional features he has which make the play for game in a suit more attractive, but he may pass with a balanced hand. 3. Four clubs. Here we should announce at least a mild inter- est in a slam. If partner has the right hand, the slam may be laydown. The chief danger spot lies in diamonds. The 9p- ponents may have the A-K of diamonds even with partner having a maximum three spade bid. The four club bid gives part- ner the opportunity to cuebid diamonds. This method of pin- pointing strength is superior in the present deal to the use of Blackwood to learn how many aces partner has. He may eas- ily have a hand with one ace that provides twelve sure tricks, or a hand with two aces but no possibility of twelve tricks. 4, Six spades, Whatever val- jues partner has, whether in the jform of high. cards, distribu- tion, or a combination of both, it is highiy unlikely that two tricks will be lost. No cere- monies are necessary. You bid what you think you can make. 5. Four notrump. With all the powerful intermediate cards we have in three suits, it seems highly possible that partner may have three aces for his jump to three spades. This pos- sibility should be investigated. If partner's response to the Blackwood bid is five spades, showing three aces, we carry on willingly to six. If the re- sponse is five hearts, showiag two aces, we stop at five spades. Some people insisr that a player with no aces cannot ini- tiate the Blackwood convention. There is very little merit to such a theory..A slam is a slam -- even if one player has no aces, Greater Support Asked For Arts KINGSTON (CP) -- Claude Bissell, president of the Univer- sity of Toronto, Wednesday urged Canadian universities to increase their patronage of the arts. Addressing more than 300 representatives from 45 univer- sities attending the first confer- ence on the university and the arts, Dr. Bissell said the fine arts should be studied and analysed in universities, but stressed that the roots of these should remain in independent schools, artists' workshops and technical institutions. SALLY'S SALLIES on) Ld "I didn't want you to have a sudden change from the Army messhall, so I made everything & mess." having it several times prob- ably stem from the fact that they had some of these other similar diseases and mistook them for German measles. To get back to plain measles, vaccination protects against that; it does NOT protect against German measles, That is why so much hard work is being done now to perfect a German measles vaccine. Dear Dr. Molner: I heard it was dangerous to pull a hair from a mole. Is it? I am past 70 and have a mole on my face. I have been cutting the hairs off. Can I pull them instead? -- MRS. B. L. G Pulling can irritate the tissues and can Ionve an opening for infection tting them, as you 'tected. A lot of others aren't. get it again. Reports of people| have been doing, is the right way. TOD. TORONTO 10:40 A, Distributed b) Stock Exche Quotations in cents u1 2z---Odd lot, xd--Ex-dir rights, xw---Ex-warrants. from previous board-lot MINES Stock Sales High Accra 2000 (94 Advocate 100 285 Agnico 750 160 Ang U Dev 500 68 Ansil 1500 7a Argosy 1500 95 Armore 1500 18 BL Hawk 2200 (27 Brou! Reef 3000 3) Brunswk 200 615 Calmor 18 1000 4 Cam Mine 4500 26 Camflo 1000 335 Camp Chib 180 710 Tung 900 186 Cdn Keely 2000 7 C Lencourt 3000 11 Cdn Nisto 1250 22 Comb Met 1666 17 Coniagas 1000 50 Conigo 3000 274 Cc Halll 1500 66 C Mogul 200 296 Cc Morisn 2600 510 Con Negus 4600 35 Con Nichol 1000 14 Cc Red P 21300 30/2 Conwest 400 $60 Cop Man 2000 23 Craigmt 235 $11% Cstland . 1166 (242 D'Eldona 1000 150 Denison 1200 $74 Dicknsn 200 330 Discovry 300 120 jome 140 $47% Endake 600 $104 F Mar 100 185 Frobex 700 470 Giant Yk 750 860 Glenn Exp 2000 18 Goldrim 1500 33 Gradore 7000 22 Grandroy 1500 38 Granduc 150 470 Granisle 100 565 Headway 2000 16 High-BI 500 950 Hollinger 1070 $25% Huds Bay 110 $634 Int Bibis T 1000 50 Joutel 1100 «70 Jowsey 500 70 Kam Kotia 100 5 Kerr Add 1432 $16 Kid Coper 500 59 Lab Min 100 t Dufavit 875 $10% Leitch 1100 655 LL Lac 400 149 Macassa 300 150 Malartic 2200 48 Mattgmi 525 $144 Mc Adam 2000 43 Mc Intyre -- 100 $89 Midri 25800 Multi-MI 5800 137 Nealon 2000 New Bid 8000 4 New Cal 500 29 Newconx 1100 560 | N Hosco 2200 239 N Impri 17945 335 Newlund 2000 16 N Mylama 2000 18% N Senator 3500 35 Norbaska 720 90 Norgold soo 67 Normetal 200 390 | Norpax 2500 6 Norcal 16800 (25 North E 2000 23 Northgat 2325 490 | N Rank 1000 27 N Rock 4000 34 Opemske 70 975 | Orchan 100 225 : Pamour 500 204 Pce Exp 36166 89 Pine Point 510 $46'% Placer 645 $36 Preston W75 $21 Purdex 500 Pyramid 200 37! Q Matta 10550 161 Quonto 4 Rayrock 2300 135 | Rio Algom 1835 $344 Rio 580 Pr 00$102 -- Rig Alg ¢ w 150 $2) Roman 4032 $20% Ryanor 1000 «11 Sherritt 300 430 Sil Eureka 7280 135 Slivrfids 3900 435 Silvmq 1000 27% Siscoe 950 550 Stanrck 100 330 Sud Cont 2000 21% Sullivan 300 370 Territor 1000 (12 Texmont 1500 79 Tex-Sol 2000 204 Tribag 1000 110 U Mining 500 Un Keno 310 59S West Mine 1300 335 White Star 5000 274 Wilco 500 36% Windfall 3200 24 Yale Lead 2000 22 Yk Bear : Yukon © 2800 103 Zenmec 500 24 Zulapa 2000 16 OILS, GI Alminex 100 460 Am Leduc 2500 17% Banff 845 $134 CS Pete 1900 221 | C Ex Gas 2200 390 Cc Gridoll 2000 630 | Cdn Sup Q 1350 $36 Dynamic 1138 115 Fargo 2810 445 French Pt 600 450 Gt COilsds 275 $13% Int Helium 900 310 | Mill City 1900 123, N Cont 1000 32 NC Oils 4760 435 Numac 1100 375 Petrol 2000 58 Place @ 200 210 Provo Gas 4400 620 | Ranger 740 248 Scurry Rn 1075, $25 er 2000 57 Triad Oil 3820 195 U Canso 1000 345 U Canso w 600 130 W Decaita 600 259 WEE! TORONTO (CP) was active at stron prices for all classes of slaughter cattle tario public stock week. Replacement in broad demand a supply. Veal calf prices e hog prices were une\ erally unchanged prices were lower. Slaughter cattle 1 fer this week 10,800 11,264; to date 1967 date 1966 233,602; th year 10,699; choice with sales to 29.90; mediums 24-26.50; c 23.50; choice heifer: sales to 28.20; good diums 23-25; comm«c choice fed yearlings , 800d 25-27; good c with sales to 23.5¢ 20-21; canners and 19.50; good heavy bi 24-25; commons an 21-23.50. Replacement cat stockers 28-21; good calves 29-33; good | calves 26-28; comm dium stockers 22-27. Calves 1,653: On week 1,700; last we date 1967 37,962; tc 44,994; this week last , Choice vealers 39-42 to 45.50; good 36-38 31-36; commons 28-; 24-27, Hogs 9,435: On offe 8,700; last week 8,7

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