PARK y Study Schools dosed -Uusually when a appointed to study Queen's Park, one reservations. ccasions commit- valuable jobs. But 's you know from y are not going to ularly applies te 'tment has more n the go, it seems, ve has bees. some of them un- valuable work, you ling that a lot of 'main positive re- | to add to the com: n affairs. [ISSION most noted cam- ave had here illu- ifficulty that they he Hope commis- tion which George ed shortly after he ' premiership in ssion became al- | it was so large etings apparently donnybrook' ses- something like 20 i most apparently fferent position. this the commit- , took years to re- hough its findings shensive in size, urn out to be of Minister William appointing another | this case a royal the first reaction amount to much-- here actually does some hope for it. ttee is to study all y education, which ce such a big sub- defeat any conr DR FAITH here are two laving some faith it is being given ds of reference. is that it will es- ade up of laymen t be coniposed of ng an academie tion. urse, It is to be all. juestion that there his committee can : lot of untangling the field of post- ucation. Study is perhaps this com- ctually be able to S AGO ARS AGO, 2 8, 1952. ° Club of General entertained at the et with over 1,200 sent. : Mackay, Oshawa's er of Health, re- t one case of TB ong the 3,105 food ice and ° factory were recently X- ARS AGO, e 8, 1937 r. T. K. Creighton ointed City Solici- | Col. J, F. Grier- dsen, president of fotors Corporation 'a this week and ) officials here this BLE ve therefore re- Jesus the Lord, so 1." Colossians 2:6 lant to keep Him | it is to keep Him p. A sermon in ut. mr CANA 3.C. M gf Is CALGARY ON SUCH A 'A BET-- HRQUE: wom o/ PICTURED AT THE ban- quet held at the Carousel Inn, Oshawa, honoring the parents of Ontario Hospital, Whitby, graduating class are left: Mrs. Irene Clements, toast mistress for the evening, the Hon. Dr. M. B. Dymond, Ontario Minister of Health, the speaker and Mrs. Marie Potorski, valedictorian. WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY UCW Members Advised About World Fair Visit WHITBY (Staff) - At the gen- eral meeting of St. United Church Women Miss An- ne Burwell, of the Bell Tele- phone Co. showed interesting pictures and spoke on Expo 67. Mrs. A. C. Price presided. Miss Burwell advised: "Plan ahead what you want to see; wear comfortable shoes: your sun glasses and a sweat- er and the use the express- way to get around. The speaker said that for Expo Bell telephone installed 58 thousand miles of wire under- ground and 70 thousand tele- phones. There are also 25 clos- ed circuit TV stations and if a child is lost the picture is Mark's} take) | way facilitate the search for the child Mrs. Floyd Smith the speaker. It was announced that the Garden Tea will be held at the manse, June 21. There will be a showing of antiques by the members and a h bake sale convened by Mrs. R. Mac- Carl. The devotional period was tak- en by Mrs. A. MacLean and Mrs. Stanley Osborne. MacLean spoke on '"love". She said "We can each drop a contribution of love into our home, Church and community, and it enriches both the giver and the receiver'. Mrs. Osborne gave the Bible reading. Lunch was served by Unit thanked flashed on the screen and this 10. WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS The Whitby Garden Club ts holding its spring flower show this evening at King Street Pub- lic School auditorium John F. Clark will show his slides en- titled "Here and There with the Camera'. The Whitby Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, has been invited to attend the Blue Ray Chapter birthday meeting in Port Perry this evening. St. John's Anglican Church Parish Helpers will hold its monthly meeting this evening at the home of Mrs. Harold Mace, 1717 Brock Street South at 7 p.m. There will be a hat demonstration by Mrs. Joseph Bland. Lunch hostesses will be Mrs. Henry Perry, Mrs. Alf Vaughan and Mrs. Harold Mace. Mr. and Mrs. Richand Bon- sall, 414 Doverdale Drive, are celebfating their 42nd. wedding anniversary June 9. To cele- brate the occasion a family din- ner has been arranged by their daughters and their families: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schivindt and children Paula and Richard Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Bince and family, Diane, Gordon and Glenn, Unionville. Mr. and Mrs. Erle Bond, 544) Mary Street East, spent the! weekend in Cleveland, Ohio, as} guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goodwin. They also visited in Niagara Falls. | Miss Gill Chapman, London, Ont. visited her mother and G. Bolton, Avon Court. A: piano recital will be held) Friday at St. Mark's United Church assembly hall by pupils of Miss Margaret Webber. Almonds United Church..Wo- men sponsored a "Confederat- jon Tea" and antiques at the church hall. Welcoming the guests were the president of UCW, Mrs. Carl Pascoe, assist- ed by Mrs. Loyal Pogue who officially opened the event.*The tea convener was Mrs. Ear! Ward who was assisted by Mrs. Harvey Guy, Mrs. Ray Armi- tage, Mrs, H. Phayer, Mrs. C. Barchard. The homebake con- veners were Mrs. R. Weather- all, Mrs. J. Reed, Miss Linda Huxter and Miss Carol Atkin- son were in charge of the can- dy table. Mr. and Mrs. Mal Femia at- tended the Youghusband - Sha- mala wedding in St. Paul's Ro- man Catholic Church, Toronto and were guests at the recep- tion which followed at St. Pat- rick's Parish Hall, Markham. In charge of the well patron- izing display were: Mrs. Lorne Atkinson, Mrs. Ivan Barrett aud Mrs. N. Gibson. All taking part in period costumes and some of the guests also wore centen- nial gowns. They were from Columbus, Pickering, Audley, Whitby, Peterborough. Sincere thanks are expressed to aN those who loaned articles for the antique display, also for all other donations and those who attended and this way made the event successful. For Your Wedding Party We are agents for SILVER FORMALS Ltd. drop guide on wedding customs and etiquette, see our selection of lish wool venetion cloth. MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE WHITBY PLAZA 19, thet unless noxious weeds the Municipality of Derlington 30, 1967, and throughout the tharging the costs against the | Act. The peration of all citi TOWNSHIP son cbawiacle NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, in eccordance with the Weed Control Act, 1960, Sec. 3, 13 end growing on their lands within are destroyed by date of June season, the Municipolity may enter upon the said lands and hove the weeds destroyed, land in taxes, os set out in the ls earnestly solicited.' WEED INSPECTOR Orval Grills Township of Darlington a | Formal Rentals | SYD |! in now and receive your FREE |) WHITBY -- AJAX THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 8, 1947 § May Busy Time! : Y lcare, 1; pre-natal instruction,|den¢ from Windsor University post-natal instruction, 3;|spent three weeks gaining field Importance Of Ideas Stressed By Minister "Mankind progresses keep the world moving pro- gressively but, in many cases, a single idea has revolution- ating class of the Ontario Hos- pital told-by the Hon. Dr. M. B./creature comforts, the rais jalways so close to, so much alalong the same way. You ' sae ; Dymond, Ontario Minister of| of our standards st living, ae | part of life. should be constantly seeking 2 et ean oe 7 Ce ae Health, at a banquet honoring|/we need ideas, and men with| 'Your philosophy has a gen-jnew paths that will help @ School Supplies @ Party poperettes their parents...Seventy-four at-|ideas and faith. eral application so it is to be}humanity over the hill to aj} @ Artists supplies @ Photo and wedding albums tended the event at the shared, a_ stimulating power|new age, an age of understand- | Carousel Inn, Oshawa. . |PECULIAR PHILOSOPHY that should,' among otherjing, usefulness, brotherhood siclleeek cord © font The evening's program in-| '1 only ask that you look/things, give birth to ideas --|and service," Dr. Dy mond} @ Hallmark: cards codices cluded Miss Georgette Des-|2%0und you and come to your ideas which will grow and de- said. @ Gomes @ Over 2,000 Books roches asking the blessing; the toast to the Queen made by Mrs. J. D. Clements and a tribute to the parents by Miss | Karen Trivett, which acknowledged by her Douglas Trivett. Introductions ! were made by Mrs. J. D.| Clements. minister congratulated | the new graduates and encour- } aged the girls to strive for ad- | vancement in their chosen field. | IMPORTANT ROLE Dr. Dymond said ideas play an important role in every walk | of life, revitalizing and giving| new life. He said such ideas | exist all around us but, in| order to discover them, we| must cultivate an alertness for) them. He said that by ideas men} lead, nations prosper and do-| minions are established. By| ideas dynasties are overthrown, | nations convulsed and peoples |i scattered. By then the tyranny | HONOR GRADUATE David Lehman, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Haley, 125 Pine Street, Whitby, was an Honor Graduate, May 390, FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Locel Service Contractors SAWDON'S | FUELS | FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 from the University of To- ronto, with a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Civil Engineering. He is do- ing post graduate work at the University of Toronto, on his Master's Degree. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Lear, 216 Burns Street West, were: Mrs. Margaret Adams, Miss Jean McAdam, St. Cath- arines, Jean Molino, Niagara Falls, and David McMaster Wel- lend. They also called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleton, 318 Gilbert Street West where a family gathering was held and joined the fol- lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dodd. Alliston, Mr; and Mrs.Marvin Appleton and chil- dren, Richard, Melodie, Monita and Rvan, Sugog Island, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard and fam- ily, Brenda, Heather, Lori-Ann and Karen, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. James Yong, Wendy and Tracy, Thickson Road. VICTORIA »» GREY | TRUST 261st CONSECUTIVE COMMON STOCK DIVIDEND Notice is hereby given that 4 quarterly dividend of Fourteen Cents (14¢) per share has been declared on the issued common shores of VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Company, payable on ond after June 15th, 1967 to | shareholdere of record May |) 31st, 1967. | By Order ef the Board | R. G. Thomas, @.€., Secretary. Lindsay, Onterle, May 29, 1967. WHITBY Last C COLUMBIA PICTURES presents le 'gon PICTURE INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION: Color by DeLuxe? GC, wedding suits in luxurious Eng- [/ "THE TEXICAN" in Starring --A Broderick SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS 1:30 BROCK Evening Programs Start 6:55 & 8:30 Also -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION omplete Show at 8:30 EGINS 6:55 - 10 P.M, Color at 8:30 Only udie Murphy Crawford SUMMER Summer driving ahead. Are q : your brakes safe for the miles ahead, planned holi- days? If in doubt, have a brake inspection per- formed on all 4 wheels, $4. Complete brake service specialists Modern up to date screen resurfacing equipment 918 BROCK < 7o BE ON i NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER DODGE es 99 NA?T be andjof custom and the dogmas of advances through the medium|schools are broken down. and use of ideas. They not only|them we and prophesy. "All progress is a succession Every nurse, by the nature of|those ideas which should force! r of ideas put into effect by peo-| her | ized it," members of the gradu-| ple of faith. Not only in the;than a scientist or-an artist.| knowledge that will help you) interpret, we realm of the necessities of life,|She develops a peculiar philoso-|improve and be useful so that, School of Nursing were) the things that contribute to our|Phy of life because she isjin turn, you may help others VACATION CAMPERS' SPECIALS BEAT THE RUSH "LECKIE TENTS" For Whitby VON}: or Whit y V ol on instruction, 10 andjexperience in the branch dur- WHITBY (Staff) -- A total of|two on behalf of the patient. ling the month. 111 visits were made by the) The new cases included five|~ Victorian Order Nurse during|to provide adult nursing care,|, SPOTTED FROM AFAR May. The branch undertook/one for child nursing care and| yfodern water echo-sounding the care of 12 new cases. two for pre-natal instruction, ; t a single fish The visits included: adult|post-natal instruction and new.|¢duipment can spot a single nursing care, 90; child nursing|born instruction. 600 feet below the surface of A public health nursing stu- the sea. EE, ABNER'S BOOK SHOP 113, DUNDAS ST. W. - 668-2492 jvelop into great new discover- own conclusion. I will say tojies in the field of human and By|you, however, in the profession| personal relationships. work; you have chosen, there is| 'As nurses you will be chal- {something besides ~ science.|Jenged to encourage and foster calling, becomes more|you to seek and grasp for new | | MAGAZINE & POCKET BOOKS @ Special This Week @ CIGARETTES =--carron 3.70 3 PKGS. oy 1.45 9x9 Deluxe "Tourist" Tent 9x12 Deluxe "Tourist" Tent REG. $42.00 OUR PRICE REG. $74.50 OUR PRICE 34.95 485 1 Mi RED WING ORCHARDS CLOSED UNTIL FALL FOR FRESH APPLES COME TO OUR COLD STORAGE 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M, WEEKDAYS CLOSED SATURDAY AT NOON CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY Located 24% Miles West of Whitby On No. 2 Highway at the "BIG RED APPLES" PHONE 668-3311 "DELUXE" "OUTSIDE POLE" "TOURIST TENT REG. $56.30 9x9 Reg. 92.25 .... 9x12 Reg. 109.03 ... 'HI-WALL' TENTS 75.00 88.50 YOU ARE 9x 15 Outside Pole TOURIST TENT IN A HURRY YOU GET #1 oun price... 16,95 DINING SHELTERS 7x9 With 9x9 Without Flaps 9x9 WITH FLAPS ...... ON ORDER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY REG. $68.25 OUR PRICE REG. $65.00 OUR PRICE 95.35 52.75 Storm Flaps TO CLEAR ! (14 Only) (Our Last Shipment) UNASSEMBLED -- COMPLETE WITH TWO MATTRESSES $595.00 TENT TRAILER LECKIE "DELUX" SLIDES OUT TO 14 FEET REGULAR PRICE ... coeece> 695.00 WITH 3" MATS 45.00 740.06 CHEVELLES OLDS-CUTLASS AND MOST ee SLEEPING BAGS ci": 72, AIR MATTRESSES 'CHEVROLETS © e SINGLES 6.25 DOUBLE 19.95 CHEVROLET WILDE SERVICE and 1415 DUNDAS ST. E. OLDSMOBILE 300 DUNDAS ST. W. RENTAL LES WHITBY WHITBY