tments for Rent DM unfurnished apartment, ated, private _ entrance. Available now. Apply 178 division. | furnished apartment, TV lly located, private en onthly. 725-7279. (OOM apartment, self-con- inute walk downtown or re, two minutes fo bus jilding. Telephone 726-1176, det ARR nth ncaa one - bedroom apartment ern building, living rooms erator, steve, drapes, bal- Sshawa Shopping Centre. 1, 723-2570. MM apartments, Includes balcony. Laundry, floor. Bus at door, adja- Free services. Child wel- , 725-9872. IM basement unfurnished Private entrance, bath, preferred. Near bus stop. aree. 728-6423 between 3-9 Papen eeipecelene sence are et NONE » - room furnished base- ent. Private bath, Adults | space. Apply 276 Park eet eee bedroom apartment, une ted, water, recently deco- e. Large fawn, Baby con- nonthly. immediate posse evenings. é IM apartment, 161 "King ales 723-2355 between 4 apartment, In apart. , ground floor, $105 month- July 1. Telephone 728-8876, stairs apartment In Oshe le now, Telephone Whitby fella ne bedroom, three room ivate bath, entrance. Stove tor. Modern kitchen and ies. 290 Pacific Street 725- M apartment, clean, cen- tor and stove, self-contain- entrance, reasonable rent. lone 728-2767. Apply 162 Rit- MS for rent, immediate pos- onveniences, stove, refrig- to bus, shopping, heat, j. Adults only. 723-3266, 725 GE ROOMS, self contain- gerator and stove, $23 week- Pine Street, Whitby. and store for rent, corner | Street East. For informa- J. Melotek, WAverly 1-4232 Yonge Street North, To- age apartment, heat and d. Near hospital, sultable es. Telephone 723-2043. A upstairs apartment, part- one infant child accepted, ym north GM, $60 monthly, 5-3474, 9M apartment, private en- able now. Young couple Road ply 112 Stevenson m for gentleman. Close eral Motors. Telephone 576- 1 155 Mill Street. OMS, living room, kitchen is, private bath. Apply 411 ast. 723-2549. LY, two - bedroom apart- n buliding, close to shop- ransportation. Refrigerator he parking. Adults only. = 'ONES apartment, ightplex, near south ns) basse 655-3574, IM apartment in 4plex, orth. Immediate possession, nd frig, all facilities ine it, Must see to appreciate. 93, 2M apartment, separate wly decorated, Immediate elephone even evenings 723-2043, aM 2 'apartment, ; heat and ied, near hospital, suitable Telephone 723-2043, 723- } = room downstairs apart+ e washroom with shower, other furniture. TV outlet, nie garage, near to hos- or girls. Vacant June 15, four, 725-4388. DROOM apartment, Lake stove and fridge. Available child weleaes $125 month- am , two-room apartment, near By os Albert Street. po Accommodation to Expo in Montreal? > member offers love- 5 minutes from sub- wntown area, better west end Montreal. ns are from $5-7 per Jaily. Also beautiful township reliable re- s. 20% down, | hour ) route to Montreal, se wishing to be es- well treated need ap- ve are aware this is s birthday _ party. ne, come all, Make ons now. Please write V. WINFORD, Foster or phone 514-539- | ACCOMMODATION motel Montreal, $22.50 per days July 1, 2. Deposit has been ted In taking this at cost? 6. | TO EXPO, furnished cote | conveniences, Stove, vimming, good fishing. For families. Telephone 725-0803, | TO EXPO, near 401 Hwy. ms, board included, private 19 In Montreal. Couple $125 Baczewski, St. Justine de . 764-4191, INS taken now for large in modern private home $10 per couple, $15 for twe i family of four. 723-1355. ms for Rent TRACTIVELY NISHED ROOM e in private home. tween 5 and 7 pm. RD. N. 28-867 1 (E STREET WEST -- Fur- omg, kitchen privileges ar- ng businessmen preferred, 3-49.35. M available for two gentle , in private home. Must be 'lephone 668-6383. JE STREET WEST -- Fur- oms, kitchen privileges are 1g businessmen preferred. 3-49.35. ting room, newly decorated, eping. Free eli Suite person. Telephone hitbye ished room, close to shop available now, parking. Ine Avenue and Grenfell or = furnished rooms, private wly decorated, suitable for le, or two ladies, 214 Cad- south or 723-3541. RENT, $10 and $12 weekly. » restaurant on premises. s Hotel, 67 Simcoe St. N. ADIES only, two furnished ne lady, or one single for cooking facilities. Location + 728-8780 after 4, = bedsitting room, pri- ®, parking, sun porch, klich- tor. Very central, ladies or. 19 Brock East. furnished apartment, all dry facilities, suitable for Located King - Division, w. Telephone 728-2805. ished bedroom, kitchen and seatee parking space. 574 RENT, sult lady or gentle- : and bath. Close to down- 'Y FURNISHED _house- 1 with sink, refrigerator and le for ene gentleman. Cen- § have facilities to do all gen- * per week, radio, one owner.' Wellman's, ) 17--Rooms for Rent | RAT ae < fwWO furnished rooms, ibuple or single giri. SNe ROOM for rent, Telephone 728.6387 wrnished for gentleman or lady, use of @tchen and living room. Apply 1284 fal ley Dr, 728-7777. fENTRAL. Furnished ¢ room and kitchen, irigerator and stove, newly decorated. Clean house. Suit lady, (as Ovi sion Street. ONE BASEMENT ro room, with all utilities. foor. Telephone. 723-7468. HOLLYWOOD MOTEL now open nightly 800 Brock | Or weekly, rates reagonable. North, Whitby. 668-5201 WHITBY -- Large airy rooms for rent. Tele- Very central, clean, comfortable. hone 668-4363. suc: LARGE furnished room, leges, close to hospital quit girl, Telephone 728-7983. ONE furnished bed-sitting and one un furnished room. North end. Call 8 + 9 @.m. or evenings, 576-3301. suitable _ for furnished or un- $11 weekly. Aoply 'furnished housekeep- Apply side "kitchen privi- and downtown, 130---Automobil aii USED CARS 1965 CHEV IMPALA -- 2 | door hard top, V-8 automa- ELGIN STREET EAST. Furnished room.| tic, radio, white walls. One refrigerator, parking, private entrance, : ntleman preferred, $12 weekly, Art) Owner cag. Sharp. Lic. a OAA, 725-1497. 285863. OVAL HOTEL, Whitby. 171 Brock St, lorth. Rooms nightly or $12 weekly, Hot r? Cold water In each room. 668-5012. 1965 PARISIENNE ~~ 2 Z2--Room and Board door hard top, V-8 automa- sul tic, radio, power steering, power brokes. Diplomat blue, 'SINGLE ROOMS light blue interior. Lic. 55252E. and BOARD Apply: 1965 IMPALA -- 4 door sedan, V-8 automatic, radio, 125 Division St. white walls, power steering ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen| 9d brakes, Clean car, Lic, 'cod meals. Parking. Close to bus. Also| 82124€E. Housekeeping room available. 728-4845. | SINGLE ROOM and board or just rocm Hear south GM and bus stop, 863 Ritson Ro. S. Telephone 723-8364. 29--Wanted to Rent WIDOWED LADY desires two or three Unfurnished rooms, between Oshawa and Fort Perry. Abstainer. Write 285 St. tario. 30--Automobiles for Sale HACKNEY MOTORS CARS WANTED GOOD PRICES TRADE UP OR DOWN FINANCING AVAILABLE Reasonable rent. Andrew's St., Galt, On- ] '67 CHEVROLET 327 Super Sport hoard top, Lic. J82443, duals, four barrel, tac, two way power, radio, wires, red | lined tires, buckets, console, } 4,000 miles,. warranty, Re- § duced to $3,600 '67 CAMARO two door hard top, 327, Lic. J87770, four on floor, radic. A beauty! '64 FORD Galaxie 500, Lic. 126388, four door hard top, full power, automatic, radio, air conditioned. A beauty! '63 CHEVROLET Convertible Super Sport, Lic. J88935, two way power, radio, Sharp 1,595 '63 PONTIAC Sedan, Lic. K3338, two way power, radio, one owner ....... 1,595 '62 TR Sports, Lic. 58974E, - four on floor, radio, A red beauty! '62 DODGE DART Sedan, Lic. 17940J5, V-8, automatic, radio, one owner ..... $895 '61 VOLVO, four door, Lic. 40667E, radio, four on floor, Sharp! '59 MERCURY HALF TON pick up, Lie, 88420B, sharp. TRAILERS for RENT Open 7 A.M, -- 7 P.M. SAT. 7 A.M, -- 6 P.M. 1180 Simcoe St. North | 728-0031 OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE New Convenient Location 116 Bond St. W Transmissions are. still our f specialty, but we do now 7 eral repairs 576-2610 All work guoranteed. MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH 723- PAN GUS BROWN | MOTORS LIMITED RR No. 3 Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid. TERMS. Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 1963 CHEV sedan. Pure white with red trim, Automatic, radio, Perfect car, Lic. 475679. Evenings 942-5693. SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used cars, '55's and up. rades accepted. | Terms arranged. R. B. Motor Sales, 509) Bloor East. "65 EPIC coach, licence J-45547, $895. Bill Haynes Specials, '63 Acadian coach, licence J-84048, $995, Ted Campin Motors 723-4494. 1957 MONARCH convertible, needs minor repairs. Goed condition, $175. Telephone 655-3090. 1961 WOLESLEY, 699 series, automatic $400 or nearest offer. Reconditioned motor. In excellent condition. Telephone! 668-4685. 3 %3 RAMBLER, no down payment, $10 72B- 7351. 1957 CHEVROLET "Station 'wagon. '64 MG. Best offers. Telephone 728- 9567. 1966 COMET, Caliente, convertible, 4 speed, 289 cubic inch, dark green, white top. 13,000 miles. Excellent condition. 725-6216 after 5 p.m aie 1962 CHEVY II convertible, six cylinder, automatic, radio, white walls, good run- ning condition, Best cash offer. Tele- phone 942-6695. ESTATE SALE -- "2 Chev. | impais, 4 door, 6, automatic, new condition. '63 Meteor Mercury, 4 door, V-8 sutomat- ic, 34,000 miles, '67 Ford '4 ton pick up, brand new, no miles, These vehicies must be sold this week to the best offer, Trade terms arranged. Bill Ham- liten, Raglan 1-985-7160. 1956 PONTIAC, feir condition. "Telephone 576-3855 1957, BUICK, hardtop, in 'good ~ running order, Ajax 942-1515. 1964 METEOR sedan, 2,000 miles. Apply Ferguson's BA, east of Taunton, 263- 2351 PRIVATE SALE -- 1963 Olds. excellent shape, One owner Radio, whitewalls, power steering, extra snow tires, | must sell this car and will accept $8, in 1964 CHEVELLE MALIBU-- Sedan, V-8 automatic, radio. White with red interior " arp car, Lic, J63512. 1964 IMPALA - 4 sedon, V-8 automatic, steerings power brakes, One owner. Sharp car, 4376887, door power radio, Lic. 1964 CHEV BISCAYNE -- 2 door, six cylinder standard, radio, 4 new tires. Economy car. Lic. 55261E. 1964 F85 OLDS --- 2 door, V-8 automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes. Yel- low with black interior. Buck- et seats. Sharp car, Lic, 586318, 1964 IMPALA -~ conver- tible, V-8 automatic, radio, white walls. One owner car. Lic. 56498E 1964 VAUXHALL VIVA -- economy car. Lic. J87240. 1963 CHEV -- 2 door stan- dord, radio. Lic, 5649 1E, 1963 CHEV IMPALA -- 2 door hard top, automatic, radio, 4 new white boots. Lic. 56643. 1962 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF -- automatic, radio, also 4 new white boots, One owner car, Lic. 56856E, 1961 CHEV BEL AIR -- 4 door hard: top, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio. Good clean car, Lic. K4816, 1961 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF -- 6 cylinder automa- tic, radio, good tires. Clean car. Lic, 568536, No od Reasonable Offer Refused On The Above Cars SPECIAL 1965 CHEV BISCAYNE 2 door, automatic 6 eylin- der. Lic. 432525. | $1,549 1960 PONTIAC -- 6 cylin- der standard, radio, white walls. Maroon with matching interior, Good clean one own- er car, Lic. J74754. $579 1962 STUDEBAKER -- wagon, 6 cylinder $389 1958 PONTIAC"S -- 3 choose from at . eee mich 1959 VOLKSWAGEN -- re |, eS ts DAN a aia $159 1957 CHEV -- V-8 automa- tic, radio. One owner, sharp car 97 ee ie ey and Sons ETD. No. 7 Highway 4 miles West of Brooklin 695-481] best offer, 668-2713, | 623-2309, ower e condition, 725-7046 aie 5 p.m. 1962 FORD Galaxie, two - inder, automatic, white walls, or best offer. 725-8168 67 PONTIAC Laurentian, hare 723-6318. '60 OLDSMOBILE. "A '58 PONTIAC, six cylinder, mechanically. Body completely over. |good fires. $325. 576-1983. 1959 PONTIAC sedan, power steering, radio. MALIBU "65, four - steering, radio, Call after 5 p.m., - door sedan, 725-1823. radio, Excellent condition. $300 down, Telephone 668-4003. sedan, Good mechanical condition, Telephone 728-0604 1964 METEOR, V-8, electric rear window. automatic, little rough, but eight, automatic, | Body and engine! in food: condition, $300. Telephone 723-/ 5596. radio, Turquoise-white, 31,000 miles, one Telephone door, six cyl radio, } Telephone 728-8874. '62 PONTIAC Laurentian wagon, #3 automatic, radio, white walls and whi discs. Mileage $3,000. A-] condition. $1, 150 automatic, power steering, radio, white walls, wheel discs, 7,000 miles. Like new. $2,800. 723-/ 124 i 1962 "V4 FORD Galaxie, automatic, | Gio, one owner, very clean, $950. Tele New paint job. Radio, discs. Very | paid. power six cylinder, automatic. No charge for towing. Best prices Telephone 728-4549 anytime, Rob- jert et ee eae ee 34--Automobile Repair AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 1966 MUSTANG, 6 cylinder, automatic, 11,000 miles. | 1963 RAMBLER Ciassic, standard, te $600, |good condition. $1,350 or best offer. Tele- phone 263-2094, |1962 PLYMOUTH Belvedere sedan, auto-| lmatic, power steering, radio. Good me- |chanical condition. 723-1260. |'62 WOLSELEY 6-110, automatic, |drive. power brakes, leather jlow mileage, '61 Studebaker, jgine, new fires and brakes, body good condition, standard with over drive, jatter 6 phone 942-1437 over interior, rebuilt en: |FIBREGLAS hard-top, plus side frames and Tonneav cover for Sprite or mg LOST -- Male siamese, Connaught-Mas type enarts car. Half '0 track rack, Ted son area, blue collar, Senior citizen's pet. Campin Motors Telephone 723-7973. 11963 ACADIAN, station wagon, automat- ic, power steering, radio, 34,000 miles 36--Legal jTel lephone 728-2955. |STOP! Need cheap transportation? 1955 Ichevrolet good delving cenditien, 1497 Park Road 'South after 6 p.m | 1960 PONTIAC convertible, also '57 Olds-| |mobile, 98. Telephone 725-2085. Apply | 57 METEOR Niagara 303, V-8,*four-door | |sedan, private, one owner, new, Call Newcastle, 987-4511 {i963 ACADIAN Beaumont convertible, | ibucket seats, floor console, Looks like) | automatic, | | radio, power ' steering and top. Excellent) condition, $1,300. 668-2270. |WILL ACCEPT old car as trade on '65 Vatiant, automatic, six, 22,000. Good con- \dition, Warranty remaining. 728-8934. }1959 BUICK four-door hardtop. Very good |condition, $350 or best offer. Apply 104/ jCelina Street, back door | |1959 CHRYSLER for sale. Telephone| 576-2919. 1956 CHEVROLET, ard, needs rocker panels, offer. Telephone 728-7894 ed VOLKSWAGEN, in good Condition, | radio, Best offer. Telephone 725-2314. ix cylinder, stand- | $75 or best "65 RAMBLER Classic $50, 9,000 miles,| |immaculate condition. Telephone | 3858, 655-| | |66 CORVAIR Corsa, two-door hardpan, | |140 four-speed, loaded with extras, 15,000! |mile warranty, 728-2205 \%66 CHEVROLET impala, Convertible, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, mileage eighteen thousand, Lic. 1398068. See Honest Bill Haynes. Ted "/Campin Motors 723-4494. oo OL E, linside and out, V-8, brakes, radio, Telephone 728-5724 automatic, A-1 throughout. V-8, radio, power steering, Motors, 137 King Street West 1961 VALIANT V-200 automatic. good condition, $95, Telephone 728-0592. good top, radio, Very nice, $895. 655-4401, Bob. 1955 PONTIAC ~ station wagon. North. 1962 PONTIAC six cylinder auto. good condition, Make 723-0056 for inspection, after 6.30 p.m. 1962 ACADIAN Beaumont, six 000 miles. Very good condition. phone 728-2527. $150. West. 1961 Top Stalker Motors, phone 725-2214. Telephone 576-2212. power peti and '6 PONTIAC Laurentian, four - door, brakes, Licence 819736. No down payment, $48 monthly. Stalker Very fake over terms. 1960 CHEVROLET impala, convertible, white V-8, power steering, power brakes, Brooklin co Apply 63 Thickson Reed Very point to phone cylinder, automatic with radio. Telephone 728-6755. 1963 MERCURY four door hardtop. 27 ele '89 FORD 6 cylinder, standard, radio, four new tires, Licence J79277. Full price} 137 King Street SUNBEAM Aipine with two tops. shape. Licence 34283H. Ne down payment, $34 monthly. Stalker Motors, 137 King Street West. 1964 OLDS Starfire convertible, bucket seats, fully power equipped plus auto cruise control, tilt steering wheel, back- up and cornering lights, radio, with rear seat speaker and reverb. $2,595, Tele-| 1958 PONTIAC, d-door, 6, standard, $100. 3 1--Compact Cars for | Sale The Rambler Kings Bowmanville & Peterborough MAY SALE Lower than. Toronto Prices, Bank Rate Financing. 60 Day 3,000 Mile Warranty. Up To 60 Months To Pay, OVER 40 SELECT CARS TO CHOOSE FROM, TRENT... AUTO SALES LTD, King St. E., Bowmanville 623-3305 l* VOLVO and PEUGOT it MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South' Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 1960 VAUXHALL, station wagon, $200 best offer. Telephone 623-5398 or 8963. '62 ENVOY Special, in good condition. Telephone 725-0791. 00 or 1. |64 MGB, red, with black interior, radio, |good tires, excellent condition through- |out, $250 plus take over payments. Tele phone 728-9567, 32--Tracks for Sale 1965 FORD, 1 ton, model 350, heavy duty equipped Maa $1,175. Telephone Port Perry, 985-71: 1947 CHEGROLET. radio, good shape, 2094 "Vaton, ¢ , $75. Telephone 263- FOUR van trucks suitable for campers, All car parts, Courtice Auto Wreckers, 723-5238. '55 INTERNATIONAL 14 Ton ~ pickup, in excellent condition; $250. Telephone 728-0567 after 4. p.m. 1950 FORD truck for sale, 88 Queen Street, Bowmanville, PRIVATE SALE. 1963 GMC pic! aluminum box. Many extras, A-1 condi- tion. Telephone 728-7417. TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS SELL co. send SELL 2«.. ond SELL... custom cab, | WANTED Good clean local cars cash MORLEY STALKER MOTORS 137 King West 723-8311 __ 723-6322 _ CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to "Ted Talk "Cash" to the Car Dealer and "Save" for Transmissions are Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed FRED STONE Brooklin --- 655-365 REBUILT ENGINES 6 CYL. Exconge Price as low as $165.00 8 CYL. Exchange Price as low as $200 90 35--Lost and Found Land Titles Act IN THE MATTER OF part of Lot 1, Gamble's Plon for the City of Oshawa, being a par- cel of land 101 feet more or less by 250 feet more or less, bounded on the north by Plan 606, on the south by Switzer Drive on Plan 809 and being 66 feet west from the west limit of Plan 777° for the City of Oshawa, as shown on a plan of survey on file In the Office of Lond Titles at Whitby; NOTICE IS HERE- BY GIVEN that ROBERT J. ARMSTRONG and JAMES ALEXANDER ARMSTRONG, have made an applicotion to the Local Master of Titles at Whitby for a certificate of title to this land of which they claim to be the owner in fee simple free from all encumbrances, except a mort- gage at present registered on title. Wherefore any other person having or claiming any title to or interest in the land or any part thereof is requir- ed on or before the 19th day of JUNE, 1967 to file a state- ment of his claim in my office at the Town of Whitby, and to. serve a copy on the Appli- cant. The address of the Applicant for service is: PARKHILL and YANCH Barristers and Solicitors, 8 Simcoe Street, South, Oshawa, Ontario. DATED at Whitby, this 2nd day of June, 1967, W. H. MOORHOUSE, DEPUTY MASTER OF TITLES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ETHEL MAY REESON, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Ethel May Reeson, lote of the Cjty of Oshawa, in the County Jof Ontario, widow, deceased, who died on or about /the 19th day of December, 1966, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Per- sonal Representatives of the said deceased on or before the 23rd day of June, 1967, full. particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the Personal Rep- resentatives will distribute the assets of the said de- ceased haying regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 19th day of May, 1967 KENNETH LYLE REESON and EDWARD MYRLE REESON, Executors, By their solicitors, McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers and Solicitors, 32 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario. NOTICE the ; telephone oer ig! v2i940. lic. nard's Garage, p with is not claimed in 30 days from June 6, jbe TENDERS STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE Tenders will be received in the office of the Business Ad- ministrator up to 4:00 P.M. Friday, June 30, 1967, for Student Accident Insurance Coverage for the school year of 1967-68. Specifications may be obtain- ed from the Office: of the Business Administrator, 555 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, J. R. Backus, Business Administrator, Board of Education, 555 Rossland Road West, OSHAWA, Ontario. 1S hereby given that unless Nash Ambassador Custem, 1965, 25273 at May 9 Baldwin St. Brooklin, 1956 1967, the above mentioned car will sold for money owing. sR. _ Maynard: "GET 'CASH FAST "ane SELL WITH TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS os for Sale '30--Automobiles For Sale |33--Automobiles Wanted |38---Coming Events ~ 1962 CHEVROLET, good running condition, Custom radio.| $95. Telephone 668-5071. TED CAMPIN MOTO! 1964 PONTIAC Laurentian, four - "door |__ 723-4 4494 Res. 725- 3574 sedan, 6 cylinder engine, autometic| SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars. transmission, 37,000 miles, Good t.res, |bought, parts for sale. tron and metals Excellent family car. Telephone 668-2421, bevett, a9 | Bloor Street East, 725-2311. very gon!) WANTED: Cars and trucks for wreck- done ina. BINGO ~ JAYCEES JUNE : SPECIAL "= /TWO JACKPOTS BOTH MUST GO $500 IN 50 NOS, OR LESS $200 IN 51 NOS, OR MORE $10 PER LINE BOTH GAMES $175 jackpot game $20 per line plus $75 first full card, alse IN 50 NOS. or LESS 20 regular $20 games pay double in 17 Nos. or less Five $30 Games Early Bird Game 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 $100 in DOOR PRIZES " Thurs., June 8th at the Jubilee Pavilion BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 and 7:15 P.M. and returning after Bingo Children Under 16 Not Admitted =| Charles All- dred (Jean) of Oshawa and two The pallbearers were Peter|grandchildren, Mrs. Barbara J. Gignac. Interment wasla daughter, Mrs. BIRTHS OBITUARIES i Resurrection Cemetery. of th: st the oz {ni br th dai happy to announce the Centennial birth weighing 10 Ibs., 1967, at Oshawa Genera! Hospital. Paddie) wish to announce the arrival i Oshawa General Hospital. rival of their son, Paul Richard, an Dr. Beckett and fourth floor Oshawa General Hospital. fine, Sister for Denise. 1967, at the Oshawa General Hospital mate for Jeffrey. Special thanks fo Drs. Beckett floor staff. |Schnaider, Louie Rousseau, Am-|Ann Porter of Toronto and FUNERAL OF brose Ferren, Joseph Pace, Har-'Brian Alldred of Oshawa. She an Roy Corby.) The memorial service for/ry Irwin and John Garrand, |was predeceased by a brother, Many; ceorge Cehan, who died June} |Herbert Allin of Lacombe, Alta. anks to Dr. Beckett and fourth tloor/3, at the Toronto General Hos-| The funeral service was held att |pital, in his 79th year, was held lat the Morris Funeral Chapel, LAWSON -- Peter and Karyn (neelat 2 p.m., June 7, at the Arms- 'Bowmanville, at 4:30 p.m., May trong Funeral Home. | The funeral service for Mrs.'30, followed by interment in The service was conducted by Harriett Eliza Richards who Bowmanville Cemetery. Rev. E. Rev. P. F. Fiess, pastor 0 fidied June 4, in her 94tti year,'C. Woodland, minister of New- ee ich se anene oe eran! Grace Lutheran Church, Inter-| at Fairview Lodge, Whitby, was!castle United Church, conducted ¢ tbs.|ment was in Oshawa Union held at the Earle Elliott Fun- jthe service yer, og | Cemetery. eral Home, Dovercourt Road, a pF A °s,| The pallbearers were Steve! |Toronto, at 2 p.m., June 6. |Kuezik, Martin Lacko, George' The service was conducted) Paul Visnair, Andrew|by Rev. W. W. Jumper, min and Martin Pohanka. | ister of Ossington Avenue Bap-| KUMMU -- Roy and Margaret are! thelr first baby, 9 o7s., Ryan Roy oe FUNERAL OF HARRIET ELIZA RICHARDS MRS. Michael William, 7 Ibs. June 4, 1967; at the! eir son, S., on Sunday, on Tuesday, June Many than! o7zs., 'other for Janis. ' Hibernians TAYLOR -- Doug and Dorothy "(nee /Gdovec, Clarke) are happy to announce ua birth Ponicki ors. Sues Wed oF tbe, Ganaire Or General | FUNERAL. OF jtist Church, Toronto, Interment Add Pla er Hospital, A sister for Sheri. Thanks to NE 'lence s was in Prospect Cemeiery | y Dr. Doherty and nurses and steff on the) MRS, MARY KATHLEEN The: halibenrers were Mey | fourth floor, | SCHNAIDER Dr, 0. £. Daniel, Elmer Dan.| TORONTO (CP) --Toronto deta Ae PDE te mee he ee Requiem High Mass was sung jiel, Ormond Robbins, T. D |City, represented by Hibernians rival of a daughter, Brenda Marie, 9 at 10 a.m,, June 7, in St. 'Thomas, . Arthur Bonser ani|°! Edinburgh in the United Soc- 1967, at the Ajax Hospital. Both doing i Catholic Church, for Mrs. Mary) power Wednesday with arrival MRS. AMY HOTSON from Scotland of Colin Stein. The death occurred, May 28,|_ Stein was unable to come to jat the Oshawa General Hospital,| Toronto with the remainder of following a sickness of three|the club last month because he jweeks, of Mrs, Amy Hotson, for-| 85 suffering from chicken pox, | merly of Newcastle. The de-| Stein, who plays centre for- pounds, & ounces, on Sunday, June 4,|Mary's of the People Roman) jack Forrester, [pee Association, added scoring WALKER -- Carl and Allie (nee Lilly) | Kathleen Schnaider who died ank God for the safe arrival of their June 4 at the Oshawa General) uphter, Diana Alison, born May 31. Hospital, The mass was sung by Rev. 30 a.m., weighing 7 ibs, 12 ozs. A play-! and Halam-Andres and fourth DEATHS BRANT, Helena jceased was in her 91st year. tward or his regular inside left The former Amy Allin, the, Position, is expected to make his first appearance Saturday when Entered into rest in the Oshawa General deceased was a daughter of the DEATHS In Ju wi of Bell of Oshawa and Delbert Bell of Cour- {Ki BELL, Matilda Elizabeth Hospital on. Wednesday, June" 7, t9e7.\late Mr, and Mrs, William Allin,| Loronto City meets Los Angeles Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, Helena Laughlin, beloved wife of Harold |Born at Bowmanville, she re |Wolves, represented by Wolver- ne 6, 1967, Matilda Elizabeth Black, Eugene Brant, mother of Mrs. Ivan Bor-| eit oa. ducat t St} {hampton Wanderers of the Eng idow of Thomas Bell and dear mother den (Barbara) of Toronto, sister of Mrs.|Ceived her education at Shaw's lish League, Mrs. Kenneth Durno (Mary), George|N. F. Ward of Toronto and Norman/School, east of Bowmanville and John Murphy, 17, Laughi fs aughlin of Winnipeg, In her ath year.! woe married in Alberta. who came Htice in her 93rd year. Restin at Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, . » . A i [MclnteshcAndarsch Mureral. Homer. 182 Oshawa, with "funeral" service inthe Mrs _Hotson lived in Alberta '9 Canada "i Reet Stein, will ng Street East, service in the chapel chapel, Friday, June 9 at 2 p.m. Inter- fay ber , 'e re- temain with the clu on Thursday, Jone 8 at 3 orclock. Inter--men! Erskine Cemetery, Dunbarton, fOr & Number of years before re ny ment Union Cemetery. turning to Newcastle in 1938. In Bee leatered nie ret a Hillsdale Manor, recent years she had lived with FIRST FOR EXPO LOCKE'S FLORISTS Oshawa, on Wednesday, June 7, 1967,,her daughter in Oshawa, The Yugoslavian folk dancing F 1 - d where Cilen woa: play th widow ar Predeceased by her husband,'ensemble, Lado, will perform " i r r : Hol MPotcaecoa. for at Resting at the Armstrong Funerai| Paul Hotson, at Acme, Alta., in/for the first time in North Amer- ' 9 Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in| 1935, Mrs. Hotson is surv 'ived by ica at Expo in ) September. occasions, the chapel Friday, June 9, at 1] a.m insane OSHAWA SHOPPING Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. | CENTRE TINK, Rev, Edmund W, 728-6: 6555. On Wednesday, June 7, 1967, at Traverse | wee City, Mich., Rev. Edmund W. Tink, in} his 92nd year, beloved husband of Grace Kindebs beyond Price' yet [Richards and dear father of Rev Walter W. (predeceased), Albert Bever- within reach of all \y, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Rev, R. Fletcher of Belmont, Mass, Funeral Central Council of Neighborhood Association BINGO AT ac OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM Friday, June 9th Over $5,000.00 PRIZES $1,500 Jackpot $500 Snowball $150 Special Game $1,000 Escalator 20 Regular Games $50 each 9 Early Bird Games 5 Late Games $50 Each Admission $1.00 (receive ene card for regular games), All games 25¢ double cord except jackpot. $100 in Door Prizes All games will be played on double cards. Share the wealth--7:15 p.m, Regular Games -- Start im- mediately after Share the Wealth, BUSES Leaving Bond and Simcoe St. 6:30 p.m., 7:00. p.m., 7:30 and 8:00 p.m. Available After Bingo. *"Public School An Invitation to all former Teachers and Students of Albert Street to attend OPEN HOUSE REUNION Saturday, June 17th 2 P.M, to 9 P.M, (Books on. the history of Albert. St. School available at $1.50) HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY SPRING RECITAL Friday, June 9, 1967 7:30 P.M, at the Y.W.C.A. NEW WING (Corner of McGregor and Simcoe St. S. Adults $1.00 Children 50¢€ Everyone Welcome ST. PETERS ANGLICAN CHURCH THOMAS-CEDAR STREETS Strawberry Buffet Supper Saturday, June 10th., 5-7 P.M, Adults $1.50 Children 75c Want-Ads Don't oil. Cost-They Payl | FUNERAL CHAPEL Ivers City. ___Telephone 728-6226 38--Coming_ Events Regular Jackpot -- $200. 39--Notices CLEMENTS service ition. nearly completed. Open now for gas 8473. GERROW jservice at Columbus United Church on Saturday, June 10 on arrival from Tra Interment Groveside Ceme- tery, Brooklin, CARD OF THANKS CHIZEN -- We wish to express our) sincere thanks and appreciation to our | relatives, friends and neighbors for their | [numerous acts of kindness and consider- | | ation, floral tributes, mass donations and lexpressions of sympathy, at the time! of our bereavement on the passing of Mike Chizen, husband, Hstdais and 390 KING STREET WEST STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS ~ 318 Dundas St. E, 668-3552 Whitby, Ont. | thank eh al and | IFigel cholr and altar boys and t » C.] | Funeral Chapel for thelr Kin. as |sistance and service. --Lovise Chizen and Family. | IN MEMORIAM LOCKE'S FLORISTS HOLY CROSS BINGO Funere! arrongements ond 8 THIS WEEK ae for all VIRG $ coo rep '0 . INIA I Y LE KED OSHAWA SHOPPING FRIDAY 758.685 at 6:00 P.M. A LASTING TRIBUTE --FREE- te oro tia and dignity AD MISSION MOUNT LAWN FIRST QUALITY LEAN & FRESH MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office, 723-2633 Tributes. To Departed Fathers and Grandfathers CUT AS YOU LIKE IT, ~- --FREE- 20 Reg. Games--Total $300 SNOWBALL -- $120 in 56 Nos. Plus $10 each horizontal line. In 57 Nos. $20. Con. Share The Wealth Early Bird Game 7:45 Reg. games 8:00 Good Parking No Children Please OLD CANADIAN CHEDDAR CHEESE 73° SUNNYSIDE. BINGO TO-NIGHT $2,300.00 IN PRIZES JACKPOT NOS. will be published in The Oshawa Times SAT., JUNE 17 'To ensure publicetion in this Special Edition FEARMAN'S 55 ~ 57 TELEPHONE SA: Polish Coil RED BARN Ming Cason nee s 7 --7:30 P.M. Before EXTRA BUSES 12, NOON . 2, BETWEEN Thurs., June 15 LOCATED ON HWY. 2 OSHAWA AND WHITBY Come in and watch our progress. | | | | 723-3492 | | "THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY" "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" DOMINO COFFEE BEANS "FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY" "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" RICHMELLO ICE CREAM (svc FLAVORS BRICK "SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY" "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" RICHMELLO SAVE 9e HAMBURG ROLLS 2... : 49° KMART PLAZA -- Open Every Night until 10 P.M. WHITBY PLAZA -- Open Every Night until 9 P.M. MIDTOWN PLAZA -- Open Wed.; Thurs. & Fri, ~ until 9:30 P.M, BOWNTOWN OSHAWA & BOWMANVILLE -- Open Thurs, end Fri. until 9 P.M @ AMPLE FREE PARKING @ We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. OMINION DOMINION STORES LIMITED SAVE 16¢ 1-LB. 99° BAG SAVE 8c wale OPENING PKGS. OF 8 SPECIAL {p.m till closin