their Viet Cong adver. the pacification teams black pyjama - type uni-. in their work. Yet the ong has picked them out ) far this year 240 paci- n workers, including . have been killed. An- 300 have been wounded. JOUSEHOLD HINT ) filing your nails, file in rection only--toward the --instead of sawing back th. DE DRAPES \OM ERING OR DECORATING N SERVICE H'S 725-3012 ALE shawa, is now get FREE... / CHAIR and TRE 332 aaa --- YWIWHD AL -- 3aui , departmental heads at city hall| The city has decided not to THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 8, 1967 47 CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS City council has approved; A go-ahead has been given establishment of a systems and/for an expenditure of $6,795 -- procedure officer's position. Ad-|the cost of a paving job for Osh- vertisements for the job willlawa Airport. start immediately. The officer would, among other things, be! Council has approved pay- responsible to City Treasurer|ment of $16,500 to Saveryn and Frank Markson for the design|Amiela Konarowski in full set- and implementation of more|tlement for expropriation of efficient systems and proce-|property at 87 Queen St. City dures at city hall. hall will also pay interest of five per cent retroactive to date Board of Control will be get-lof possession, in April this year. ting a full-time secretary, coun-| cil has decided. The secretary; Oshawa Folk Festival has would take a heavy work loadbeen granted permission to off the shoulders of R. L. Bar-|close Metcalfe Street between rand, city clerk. Council was/Centre Street and Simcoe Street told at a regular meeting Mon-|June 26, 27 and 28 between 9 day that Mr. Barrand's usual/p.m. and 11 p.m. The city has work is suffering because of also agreed to pay the cost of his new secretarial work withcleaning Metcalfe Street after 'board of control. j\dances_ staged in pretong) | . with folk festival celebration Final approval has been is given Board of Education's ap-| Council has approved a sub- plication for financing the con- division plan for the area north struction of an addition tojof Thomas Street and Valley Grandview Public School at an|Drive. 'It also endorsed a plan estimated cost of $235,000. covering an area north of Park Lane Avenue and land east of Council has endorsed,,board|Harmony Road North. Another of control recommendations de-|plan, for an area on the north signed to keep the city's bus|side of Switzer Drive, east of system running. One recom-|Mohawk Street, was also car- mendation was that city treas-|ried. urer Frank Markson be direct-| ed to deposit in a special bank' Con. Margaret Shaw has lost account from time to time her bid to have four Oshawa monies levied in 1967 for the students hired in the public anticipated 1967 deficit of the works department for the sum- bus system. mertime. Council approved a board of control recommenda- A second recommendation tion to stand pat on hirings earl- was that the Public Utilitiesjier this year of three Toronto Commission, which runs the'students, another from Cour- bus system, would be author- tice and one from Oshawa. ized to borrow from the same,They will do outside work. Con. bank where the special account/Shaw feels only Oshawa stu- is to meet the expenses of the/dents should have been hired operating of the bus system. A|by the department. third resolution was carried to| allow city application to the On-| tario government for a private} Council cleared a recommen- act to amend the City of Osh-/dation that land required for awa Act to authorize payment | phase one of the construction of of the operational deficit of the|a 61-unit Senior Citizens' hous- system on a monthly basis as it jing project on Dean Avenue be occurs. |conveyed to the Oshawa Hous- ing Company' Limited for Council has carried a board $34,530, of control recommendation that cannot hire sons, daughters,|participate in an Ontario Hu- sons-in-law or daughters-in-law.|mane Society proposal for a However, relatives could work|county animal shelter and coun- in other departments. ity-wide animal control services. Uganda Tribesmen Rustle Cattle To Purchase Wives KAMPALA, Uganda (AP)--| To this day, the men of the In the barren Karamoja district|}Karamojong take a_ special of northern Uganda, the price|pride in wearing absolutely no of a girl is 75 cows. clothes, not even a loin cloth. There has been a long/The women wear a_ small drought and cattle = scarce,|leather patch. o the men of the Karamojong tribe have taken to raiding) MUST PROVE MANHOOD neighbors' herds to get together} By tradition, a: boy has to the cows they need to buy ajprove his manhood by killing a wife. lion, a leopard, an elephant-- The raids have created a ma-jor an enemy. The enemy usu- jor security problem for Ugan-|ally is the easiest to get. But da's president, Milton Obote.|the killer's relatives have to More than 1,000 police anl spe-|pay "blood money" by surrend- cial security forces equipped|ering one of their girls--or the with helicopters are trying t0|equivalent in cows--to the vic-) maintain order in Karamajo|tim's family. and stop the bloody feuds over; The Karamojong raise cattle cattle between rival clans of the|as a status symbol and never Karamojong and with neighbor-|slaughter their cows -- though ing tribes in Kenya and Sudan.|they drink the cows' milk and Karamoja was never. brought|blood. They live on corn, wild fully under control during the|/plants and a pink milkshake period of British rule, ending in)made with raw, fresh blood 1962. The desolate area 200\tapped from a cow's veins. miles northeast of Kampala; The drought has created covers more than 10,000 square|near-famine conditions and has miles but has only 130,000 in-|led to bloody tribal battles in habitants. They are a_ with-)which many have died. drawn, nomadic people who re-| As the Karamojong are more sisted the civilizing efforts of|primitive than neighboring missionaries and the British|tribes, they often get the worst administration for decades. of inter-tribal fighting. & How much can you lose by not the Big Difference in insurance? Hundreds of dollars? Thou- agent is there again to see you sands? : get paid promptly and fairly. You can buy dwelling, car,or The big difference in insur- business insurance in two ways: 1. directly from an insurance company 2. through an independent in- surance agent = An independent agent repre- sents many companies. 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There is a beau- tiful range of colours and fabrics to choose from, We suggest you shop early for best selection and quickest delivery. Your Choice of | SOFAS «, 229.50 wu PHONE 725-3514 MATCHING CHAIR 'LOUISA' 84" Italian Provincial, Hand tufted back. os 'SYMPHONY' 92" ES Leose pillow back Contemporary styling. VIG OUR OWN e BUDGET TERMS