vailable joor Swim- ly Heated, OLLED a for shower newly wed T FLOORS rcluded nt (ICE by premises N ROAD . 8] LE :NTS droom AT al] electric ted neor ing and ce at door, n Rd. 5 32 : your | -- Visit LISA -NTS monthly pol, sauna acres of . parking, frigerators, very, fam- will enjoy isa Apart- on Rood, 22 34 m. - 8 TING | Oshawo's enjoying the YAZMTAD>Y VY B-9724 2-bedroom tment to ling suites \N NS om suites, rent. apts. ase. Swim- ite south 'ome. Two and three TREET 2 i NANA » bedroom ally loca- 9, reason- ren under 5-0657 $s irge apart- ed EXPENSES Road 6 and HED om aparte entrance, swimming 17 OURT COME a suites, 4 ister bed- oom. New le rates. 657 Classified Ads Jock, Dial 72% partments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 29---Wanted to Rent 31--Compact Cars for Sale 38--Coming Events CAVALIER APARTMENTS ie and two bedrooms odern and Convenient eautiful T.V. reception 'or Color and Black and hite quipped with stove, frig, rapes and F.M. lose to shopping centre ind schools. for information CALL 728-4283 er see us at 40 Marland Ave. Apt. 111 WE KNOW THE at PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS an be yours in our spacious indoor pool, Sauna lot, individual moderate cost at 1221 SIMCOE ST. 725-9934 ode! suite furnished by lison Furniture, broad- m by Angus-Graydon. MODELS OPEN DAILY 2 P.M. till 9 P.M. 11 AM. till 7 P.M. LAXING ATMOSPHERE incess Anne Apts.|s TURDAY and SUNDAY LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige building. Centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook TWO- AND THREE-BEDROOM apart- ments, furnished if necessary, reason- able rent, convenient to Bowmanville Cement Factory, ten minute drive from Oshawa. Telephone 623-2675, FOUR - ROOM apartment, near south General Motors, Telephone 576-3729. WANT TO RENT single or double car garage to store @ boat and miscellaneous eae bg at least 12 months. Telephone WA --~ Cottage, 3 bedrooms, Lake Scugog area, for July and August. Re- JULY 1. $110 monthly, 2-bedroom apart: ment, frig, stove, TV outlet, TWO-ROOM apartment, one or two chil- dren welcome. $60 month, includes heat, hydro and private entrance. Telephone 723-1927. THREE-ROOM apariment, heavy duty stove, refrigerator, private bath and en- trance. Working couple. 492 Front Street. 725-8363. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, pri- vate entrance, parking space. Apply 256 Athol Street East. ONE- AND TWO-bedroom apartments, in apartment building, july 1. . Quiet adults only. ,_ Telephone 668-3591, 668-8755. BASEMENT apartment including stove, refrigerator, kitchen set, chesterfield set, heat and hydro. Close to south GM and bus. Gentlem preferred. 726-6967. MODERN two bedraom apartment, com- plete privacy, free use of garage, fridge |' and stove supplied, located in east end of Whitby. Telephone 728-1396. * ' parking and and kitchen. Tennis court |i leundiev. Neat Aobtn Ganerat. Moiors. ond barbeque. One child wel after 4 p.m. NEWCASTLE, twe - bedroom. apart-|BROOKLIN. Five-room partment, re- ment, $60 monthly. Telephone "987- 4777, frigerator and stove supplied, private en- inue, _Apply_ Apt. liable ae is. Telephone Port Perry. TRANSFERRED EXECUTIVE with one child requires two- or three ~ bedroom home In Whitby. Rantat $125 to $150 per Heth Telephone 668- 8954, THREE- OR FOUR-bedroom house want- APARTMENTS for rent, 3 or 4 rooms, ridge and stove. Close to bus. Tele- Phone 725-3938. WHITBY. | Fully ¢ furnished, ¢ three ri room basement apartment, private bath and entrance, hydro included. Responsible adults only, $120 monthly, Telephone 668- ONE- AND TWO-vedroom apartments. Immediate possession, 291 Marland Ave- 107, Telephone 723-6134. ONE - | BEDROOM M apartments, Modern buildi le now. ee 5282. FIVE-ROOM 2 oe u nth in: cluding hydro. and heat. Nvallapie April 1, Telephone 723-2024 after 5 p.m. FOUR - ROOM apartment, private bath and entrance, centrally located. Avail- able June 1. Parking space. Telephone 723-4797, satr > CONTAINED bachelor apart- SUB-LET three bedroom apartment, stove, fridge and drapes. Available now. Marland Ave. 723-6134 or 576-3479. THREE - ROOM apartment on main floor, private bath, entrance and base-) ment, fenced-in backyard, close to hos-| pital and north GM monthly in-| cluding hydro. Telephone 728-4120. FURNISHED basement apartment. One bed-sitting room, kitchen, new bath. Enniskillen, 263-2966 between 12 - 1 p.m. and after 6.30. SIMCOE SOUTH, 790 -- Three large rooms, ground floor, self Contained |" apartment, $80 includes heat, hydro, | fridge, stove. 725-5363. THREE Ia ment building, stove, refrigerator, pri- vate entrance and bathroom, near shop- ping centre. Available July 1.° No chil- dren. Apply 108 Westmount, 725-8267. THREE - ROOM unfurnished apartment, pha clean and quiet, close to bus stop, also one room and kitchen, furnished. 202 Clarke Street or phone 723-9921. YOUR CHANCE fo save -- three rooms, stove, frig, $8.50 weekly and care for ten- year-old boy. Phone 623- 7330 2 after 6. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, immediate | occupancy, all utilities paid. Apply 359 | Wilson Rd. South. | ONE-BEDROOM apartment in triplex, available July 1. Parking, laundry facili- ties. Stove and refrigerator, north east section, Near Wilson Road, 725-0278. NEWLY DECORATED 3-room _ apart- ment in Oshawa, with heat, hydro and stove included in reasonable rent. Park- ing. Available July 1. Telephone 668-818: LARGE furnished housekeeping _ shared bath with one, preferred, men close to south plant. Apply 253 Sinclair room, Avenue. MODERN one and two bedrooms, re- frigerator, stove, washer, dryer, heat, parking, $110 monthly, Adults. Available July 1, Rossland. 725-1310, 728-5034. WHITBY. 2-bedroom apartment with Brpadioony, drapes, frig, stove, ati ser- vices paid. $145 per month. Call McMullan Co. Realtor, 668-6201. NEW BUILDING, sound proof, now rent- ing 1 and 2 bedrooms, extra large suite at most economical rates, rent inciydes free hydro, free parking, etc. Call 284- 6813 West Hill. e room apartment "in ~apart- | sll *|welcome. Telephone Gord Charlton. ent, on bus line. Also cottage, forty- sign miles from Oshawa. 728- ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 STATION WAGON, 1961 Comet, 2 door Standard, one owner. Also 1952 Ford, Ya ton. Make an offer for cash. Phone} 1963 RED MG MIDGET sporisc TRANSMISSION SERVICE New Convenient Locotion 116 Bond St. W. Transmissions ore still our specialty, but we do now have facilities to do all gen- eral. repairs. 576-2610 All work guaranteed. MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH 723-942] aa E - ROOM a entra Stove and refrigerator. Ont baby welcome, Day care available on \premises. Apply 164 Grenfell Stre: CENTRAL three room self-contained ap- artment, refrigerator and stove, private home. Available June 1. Adults, Tele- Phone _ 728-2767, 162 Ritson Road S. ONE BEDROOM apartment, all facili- riment, se ties paid, parking, laundry, one child welcome, centrally located. Available June 1. Telephone 723-2050 or 728-6319. ntained apartment. $90 monthly, includ- 723-0553. Electric heat, stove refrigerator, laund- services paid. children 728- ry room. All SUB-LET, three bedroom apartment, stove, fridge and drapes, Available June 1, Marland Avenue, 723-6134. After five p.m., 576-3479. ATTRACTIVE one - bedr partment in clean modern building, living room, dinette, refrigerator, stove, drapes, 'bal-| cony, near Available July 1. TWO-BEDROOM drapes, appliances, storace every floor. cent "shopping. Free services. come. 723-5035, 725-9872. THREE-ROOM apartment, _abstainers. Adults, Heat and water supplied. 68 Mc- Millan Drive, side door. ywo bedroom apartment, igerator and drapes. One child welcome. No damage deposit. Immediate Oshawa Shopping Centre. ! 723-2570. } - apartments, includes | balceny. Laundry, | Bus at door, adja- Child wel- ex: 20,000 miles, lady own- Bo Phone E-ROOM unfurnished a ,|trance, Available immediately. Tele-|ed by July 1. Telephone 725-5680. private bath. On second floor, Phone 655-3677. -- ee Brooklin, 655-3503. 5 p.m. Absiainers, 728-2372. MODERN apariment, ;|30--., for Sale ia THREE - | - Rogie fi a kitchen, dining room, aren living room. nm vitable M. Jornihes location.|Close to shopping, north end. Telephone OSHAWA be 3 tops, ie Available 'r ri Telephone 7; 7 728-1953. : ' 728-556) tonneau. est okey "i FALCON, one owner, no ment, $8 per week. Lic. rl Well. man's 728-7351. 62 RAMBLER Amelican, no down ment, $9 per week. Lic. J73452. Welt. man's 728-735). 1%S ENVOY Epic Deluxe. One owner, used as second car, 13,300 miles. Custom rie. mow tires on rims, other extras, 1960 VALIANT, suburba I. tion, good tires. Tsrephene rea 3117 even- ings after 6 p.m. 1964 CHEVELLE Malibu, 2door hard- top, 283 V-8 motor, automatic, 4 wheel discs, radio, excellent condition inside and out. 723-0844, 32--Trucks for Sale 1963 'a iy snavreley pick up, $1,095. Telephone 721 pose in sa ITRRNATIGAAL Tandem dump, rind cubic inch motor, five and three T GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED RR No, 3 Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid. TERMS. Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 1958 OLDSMOBILE 98, tion, $700 or best offer. 4293 after 6 p.m. 1959 OLDSMOBILE, runs well, good body and tires, very clean, Lady driven, Ask- ing $350, Will take older car as part), payment. 668-5071. 1963 CHEV sedan. Pure white with red excellent condi Telephone 728- TWO - BEDROOM apartment in apart-|856%, H. Keith Ltd., Realtor. __|trim. Automatic, radio. Perfect car. Lic. ment building, stove, refrigerator in-\ONE - BEDROOM apartment in new |/75679. Evenings | 942-5693. cluded, Baby welcome. Lease required. | building, electric heating, stove, refrig-|19§¢ METEOR, needs plates, $65. 1958 y. 728-\erator and drapes. Available June 25.|qustin, lic. K16513, $125. R. B. Motor 2949. ACE Elgin Court. Telephone 723-1282. 'Sales. 509 Bloor Street East. '37 PLYMOUTH, standard, needs plates, . '54 Buick, lic, K66861, B. Motor Sales, 509 Bloor Street East 1957 MERCURY, needs plates. 1955 Chevrolet. Lic. K9061, $100. R. B. Motor |Sales, 509 Bloor East. 668: 3509. "a1 ke Saige im tag axle, A-1 bod 57-292 Will accept th gl angle - in tr Trade _Telephone 440 CHEV, one ton stal in very acs Navitions $675. Telephone' port Per- ry, $ 985-7191, 's7 MERCURY pick-up, six cylinder, A- Al mechanically, green with standard box. $225 or nearest offer. Telephone 655-3461. FOUR van trucks su' le for campers. All car parts. Courtice Auto Wreckers, 723-5238. 1958 CHEVROLET half-ton pick-up truck, new tires, In perfect running condition. Also '53 Chevrolet, '57 Oldsmobile. 728- '9781. 33---Automobiles Wanted WANTED Good clean local cars cash. MORLEY STALKER MOTORS 137 King West 723-8311 723-6322 for 1954 FORD, needs plates, $50. 1953 Chev- rolet, lic. K26507, $75. R. B. Motor Sales, 509 Bloor Street East. 1964 OLDSMOBILE Starfire convertible, Al condition. Telephone 725- 2214. SAVE DOLLARS! Several good | used cars, '55's and up, Trades accepted Terms arranged. R. B. Motor Sales, 509 Bloor East. '87 CHEVROLET A-1 mechanically. No down payment. $4 per week. Lic. J72183. Wellman's 728-7351. 465 MUSTANG hard top, eight cylinder, four speed shift, radio and white walls, possession. 170 Park Rd. S. or telephone 723-8844. WHITBY. One-bedroom apartment, un-| furnished, heated, water, recently deco-/ rated, fireplace. Large lawn. Baby con- | sidered, $80 monthly. Immediate posses-| sion. 668-2900 evenings. THREE ROOM unfurnished apartment, B. id + contained. Apply 137 Pine Street, Whitb YY. COMPLETELY PRIVATE, upper fiat, three large rooms, plus three-piece bath, unfurnished, hardwood floors, newly. dec- orated, immediate possession, reason- able rent. Apply 589 Albert Street. SPECIAL bachelor apartment, in apart- ment building, bedsitting room, kitchen OSHAWA'S._ BEST RENTAL VALUE SEE TOWER on the GREEN erlooking the park located Mary St. North, imming pool, sauna bath, room and rec room, Dur model suite is furnished by WILSON'S FURNITURE, 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apt. FREE UNDERGROUND PARKING TO THE FIRST 65 TENANTS OPEN DAILY FROM 1 P.M. -- 9 P.M. or by appointment. 576-2280 or 725-9750 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. 21 King St. W., Bowmanville and throom, refrigerator and stove. Parking. Ideal for couple. $85 monthly. Telephone 728-9672. TWO-ROOM apartments, one furnished, one unfurnished. Central, Telephone 723- 3201 Two DROOM apartment, two chil- dren only. $95 monthly. Refrigerator and stove suelltg, Apply 777 Rowena Street. Ti 723-7480. FURNISHED a conte with TV, South two a' ion Asking $2,195. No reasonable offer re- fused. 725-3744, |63 AMBASSADOR, V-8 automatic, radio like new. Ne down payment, $14 per week, 490009. Wellman's 728-7351. 1961 CHEV. Biscayne, 6 cylinder, auto- matic, for sale. Mechanically sound. $600 cash or nearest offer. Phone 576-2313 before 2.30 p.m. 1957 MONARCH convertible, needs minor repairs. Good condition. $175. Telephone 655-3090. 1960 OLDSMOBILE, very good condition. Best offer, will accept trade. Telephone 26A--Expo A di 4 MINUTES TO EXPO, near 401 Hwy. Ist. class rooms, board included, private home. Parking in Montreal. Couple $125 weekly. A. Baczewski, St. Newton, Que, 764-4191. RESERVATIONS taken now for large double room in modern private home in Montreal. $10 per couple, $15 for two couples, $10 for family of four. 723-1355. 27--Rooms for Rent East area. Suitable for Parking available, 728-0243 after 6 p.m. TARGE CLEAN, 3 room apartment, self contained, fridge, stove, aerial, par- king, South General Motors -- Shoppiag Centre area $85. suit couple Telephone 728-0480. TWO BED! iM rtment on country pore road, 17 miles North-East of Osh- separate entrance. Garden space le, $50 monthly. Blackstock, 986- 4856. MUST SUBLET One bedroom apartment at reduced rent of $110 monthly. Am entering hospital for operation. Heat, hydro, stove, fridge, parking and swim- ming: poo! included. Near GM _ south plant. Children welcome. Contact P. Goemans 8 to 5 p.m. 942-4980; 6-10 p.m. 723-0811. TWO BEDROOM apartment, main floor, central location, television outlet, laun- dry facilities, stove, refrigerator. Prefer elderly couple. immediate possession. $90 monthly, 728-1203. SPACIOUS, two-bedroom apartment, $110 monthly. Excellent location. Apply 871 Simcoe gtreet north, apartment 2. APARTMENT and st rent, corner Ritson - King Street East. For informa- tion call Mr, J. Melotek, WAverly 1-4232 or write 1465 Yonge Street North, To- ronto, Ontario. two-room apartment, near | downtown. Apply "195 Albert Street. "La Contessa Apartments" A Distinguished Address Two hydro segeaposel Near heat apartment, and suitable | -2043. hospital, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | 24 COLBORNE STREET WEST -- Fur- nished bedrooms, kitchen privileges ar- ranged, young businessmen preferred. Telephone 723-4935. ROOMS FOR RENT, for two working young ladies, kitchen and bathroom. Clese. to downtown, Telephone 728-5026. DOUBLE ROOM, furnished, main floor, close to down town, free parking, Cook-- ing facilities, Telephone 728-7130. TWO furnished bedrooms with kitchen and laundry facilities, sitting room with TV. Hydro included. Very central. Ladies |, only. Telephone 728-3719. 24 COLBORNE STREET WEST -- Fur- nished bedrooms, kitchen privileges ar- ranged, young businessmen preferred. Telephone 723-4935. WHITBY -- Furnished sleeping rooms. Single or double Cen: Justine de}, INTIAC, four = door sedan, good mechanical condition. Almost new tires. Offers, 668-8382. CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to 'Ted'. Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, paris for sale. Iron and metals bough it, 89 725-23 WANTEI s ks for wreck- ing. No charge for towing. Best prices paid. Telephone 728-4549 anytime, Rob- ert Nichols. 34--Automobile Repair AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 Transmissions are Our Only Business --- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed. MUST SELL! 1962 Chevrolet converti- le, V-8, power steering, power brakes. Telephone 942-2803. i 1966 METEOR, S33, 2-door hardtop, viny! 390, power accessories. Must sell! 94' > ONT! Laurentian sedan 283, auto- matic -- transmiszion, power' steering, power brakes, AM-FM radio, with rev- erberation, other extras, new tires, one owner. 725-1035. %6 FORD convertible, power - steering, power brakes, 13,000 miles, $2,395. Tele-|-- phone 723-8218. 1961 WOLESLEY, 699 series, automatic. FRED STONE Brooklin -- 655-3653 REBUILT ENGINES 6 CYL. Excange Price as low as $165.00 8 CYL. Exchange Price as low as $200.00 35--Lost and Found HOMES NEEDED. for one all while cat, male, found Athol Street, Whitby and three small kittens, two gray, one black. $400 or nearest offer. Reconditioned |tTejephone 723-4251. arctels: In Ti teas 36--Legal pe a '63 RAMBLER, no down $10 per week, radio, one owner. Wellman's, 728-7351. 1, KENNETH WILLIAM HASS, 435 Howard Street, Oshawa, will not be re- 1962 VOLVO Canadian, radio, condition. Telephone 668-2556. 1957 MGA good condition, has remov- able hard top. Telephone 728-6906. 759 BUICK Le Sabre, power steering, power brakes, four new tires, new shocks and radio. Telephone 723-6834. '59 PONTIAC Parisienne, four-door hard- top, eight Sees 283 automatic. Tele- phone § 942-6826. did CHEVROLET St Also 4 MG. Best offers. Telephone 728-9567. '62. FALCON "Station wagon, 60 Pontiac both in good condition. Telephone 728- 71. 1963 ACADIAN Beaumont convertible, bucket seats, floor console, automatic, *|radio, saat steering and top. Excellent trally located. Pensioners or elderly brid only need apply. Telephone 668. light room, All conveniences. Telephone after 4 p.m. -6365. Jps iment, part- ly furnished, one infant child accepted. ene block from north GM. $60 monthly. 725-3474, Choice luxury suites, electric- ally heated, and tastefully de- corated throughout. Parking, | swimmihg pool. Sauna and recreation rooms, See on your own television screen who is rniging your doorbell, before you give them entry. Suites available for adults only, Ideal for a quiet and com- fortable living. Rental office on the premises, 140 Nonquon Road, Oshawa Call 725-1481 or WINKLER-ZENKOVICH Real Estate Ltd. TORONTO 363-2631 Whitby, 668 BACHELOR private, two fat die 1 furnished apartment, all laundry facilities, suitable for oats King and Division. 728-2805. ne > ROOM apartment, private en- trance. Available now. Young couple preferred. Ap2ly 112 Stevenson Road North. CENTRAL. King East. Upper duplex, five rooms, fully equipped. Parking. Adults, $85 monthly includes heat, Tele- phone 725-5761. - SINGLE rcom for gentleman. Close to South General Motors. Telephone 576- 2369 or apply 155 Mill Street. ol BEDROOM large apartment, stove, refrigerator, parking, private. Possession June or r_July. . Telephone 728-3781. €LEAN, three rooms, private fg tele- vision outlet, hardwood -- floot Stove, parking. $90 monthly. Adults A Tele- phone 725-4266. Two gga Satine Apply_ 242 Grooms Avenue. days 728-2031; evenings 7 728-7814. NICE 'bed-sitting | room, , newly - decorated, light housekeeping. Free parking. Suit- rity for one person. Telephone Whitby, -6207. caneh furnished room, close to shop- ping centre, available now, parking. Apply 368 Pine Avenue and Grenfell or 723-5522, LARGE furnished bedroom, kitchen and pods l 4 privileges, parking space, 574 Ms | RENT, $10 and $12 weekly. Maid service, restaurant on premises, Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe St. N. ,|licence J-84048, $1,300. 668-2270. 1959 RAMBLER 'tation wagon, new paint, good tires and motor. Telephone -3950. . Convertible, power Lic. "CHEVROLET Impala. V-8, automatic, power steering, brakes, mileage eighteen thousand, 068. See Honest Bill Haynes. Campin Motors 723-4494. %5 EPIC coach, licence J-45547, $895. Bill Haynes Specials, '63 Acadian coach, $995, Ted Campin Motors 723-4494, FIBREGLAS hard-top, plus side frames and Tonneau cover for Sprite or mg type sports car. Half-ton truck rack. Ted Campin Motors. MAKE AN OFFER! '65 pala, two - door hardtep, fully equipped. Real Sharp. $2,125 or best offer. Tele phone 723-0516. 1959 PONTIAC Strato Chief, six cylinder . Good ition, T 668- 75 Chevrolet im- 6649, 1962 CHEVROLET, Impala, convertible. Licence 410363, A-1 condition, V-8, 327, standard transmission. Marijan's ,Gar- age. T HOLLYWOOD MOTEL now "a nightly Un URSHED ee alata geet" meme. Br ean Nh" pl Ot ec pital, suitable for 2 nurses. Telephone 723-|North, Whitby. (154439. Marijan's Saas Telephone 5327. ao in suit-| 725-5101, FOUR - ROOM apartment, electrically heated for middle-aged couple, no small children. Lady to help light housekeeping in Manilla. Telephone 63. MODERN one - bedroom apartment with refrigerator and able for one gentleman, parking facili- 'y 187 Wilson Road S. 56 6 CADILLAC, oeidorad. convertible, K9059. Marijan's RKING pigs atd only, two furnished rooms for one ly, or one single for lady, with Mote facilities. Location |, Bond-Fernhill. 728-8780 after 4 stove. July 1. Apply. 101 Craydon Road or tele-/$8 phone 668-8130. TWO - BEDROOM apartment in apart- ment building, built-in oven and refrig- erator. Carpeting in living room. Free washer and dryer. Balcony. Telephone 723-1362. ie ROPE URE TWO BEDROOMS, living room, kitchen APARTMENT TWO BEDROOMS Aberdeen at Simcoe $100. Adults 725-3302 with cupboards, private bath. Apply 411 King Street East. 723-2549. $115 MONTHLY, two - bedroom apart- ment, modern building, close to shop- ping and transportation. Refrigerator id stove. Paved parking. Adults only. 728-4500. WEEKLY, room with television, vl pes privileges, free parking. S$! North area. Telephone 723-6508. aioe jiakesy 25. 5101. LEAVING ; COUNTRY. Sell for best offer. 9 Dodge Custom Royal, good tires and for any debts contracted in my name, by anyone, on or after this date, June 2, 1967, without my written consent, -- (signed) Kenneth W. Hass. NOTICE is hereby given, that unless the household effect, in this case a television, at 200 King Street West, is not claimed by 30 days from May 31, 1967, the above mentioned household effect will be sold for r money o owing. Te Telephone 723-0307, Central Council of Neighborhood Association BINGO ES Soe OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM Friday, June 9th Over $5,000.00 PRIZES $1,500 Jackpot $500 Snowball $150 Special Game $1,000 Escalator 20 Regular Games $50 each---- 9 Early Bird Games 5 Late Games $50 Each Admission $1.00 (receive one card for regular games). | | All games 25c double card except jackpot. $100 in Door Prizes All games will be played on double cards Share the wealth--7:15 p.m. Regular Games -- Start im- mediately after Share the Wealth BUSES Leaving. Bond and Simcoe 'St. 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 7:30 and 8:00 p.m. Available After Bingo. KINSMEN BINGO 2--$200 JACKPOTS 52-50 One Must Go PLUS $10 per line Both Games $25 Consolation $150 Jackpot Game 20 REGULAR GAMES AT $20. Last 5 Games $30 per game Early Bird 7:45 Sharp $25 full card Guaranteed $5 a line TUESDAY Admission 50c SUNDAY SCHOOL atti 11 a.m,, on "ne 4, 1967 Zion United Church Zion United Church IN MEMORIAM BROCK -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Dorothy Brock, who passed away June 4, 19%. The world changes from year to year, And friends from day to day, But never will the one | loved From memory "pass away. |~Always remembered by son Bob. | BUTLER -- In cherished memory of @ beloved husband and father, Gordon Owen, who passed away four years ago, June 3, 1963. They say time heals all sorrow, And helps us to forget. But time so far has ey ree How much we miss you God gave us strength te "tight 1, And courage to bear the blow, THE OSHAWA TIM ES, Scturday, June 3, 1967 75 _ By C Canadian he Batt Writer Rumbles of discontent again are being heard in Spain, which for more than 28 years has been ruled by the shrewd, rock-hard Francisco Franco. But what It meant to lose you No one will ever know. --Too dearly loved ever to be" forgotten! by his wife Betty and daughters Anne,| Pek Lynne, Bonnie, Jackie and! jeathe CHESEBROUGH -- In loving memory of a dear husband, Blake Chesebrough, | |who passed away June 3, 1963. | Four years since the sad day | The one we loved was called a | way. k him home, it. was His will, our hearts he liveth still. --Ever 'remembered and vit missed | |b. his wife Mabel and family. HILL -- In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Her- LH Roy Hill, who passed away June 3, There is no parting from those we love No distance can divide, For to-day in memory's garden, We still walk side by side. Each dawning day a thought of him, Al eventide a prayer, In the hearts that loved him He always will be near. --Lovingly remembered by wife Bessie and family. KNOWLES -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Gladys Knowles, who pass+ ed away June 4, 1952. Within our hearts we'll always keep A special place for you, And try to do cur best to live As you would want us to. As we loved you, so we miss you, In our memory you are near, Loved, remembered, Had dpe always With the passing of each yea Lovingly remembered by Ver, "children Beverley, George, Lorraine and tneir families. NORRIE--in loving memory of @ dear brother and uncle, John, who Bo away June 3, 1966. Days of aa still come o'er us, | Tears in silence often flow, | For memory keeps you ever near us, Though you died one year ago. --Lovingly remembered by Jim, Jimmy, Louise and Joanne. Ruth, NORRIE -- In loving memory of a dear son, brother and uncle, John Wat- son Norrie, (London Life employee kill- ed near Parry Sound on June 3, 1966). We were not there to see you die, To hold your hand, or kiss good-bye, But we'll remember our whole lives through, The fast visit and talk We had with you. Three little words, "Forget-Me-Not", Don't seem much but mean a lot, Just a memory fond and true, aS eer dear John, we all remember enn remembered by Mom, Isabel, Bill and Billy, LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements floral arrangements for occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-6555 A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office, 723-2633 ond all CARD OF THANKS ANONICHUK -- We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friends, and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, floral trib- utes, expressions of sympathy, donations to the Cancer Society at the time of our the death of William ZION UCW BAZAAR, Zion United Church (Darlington Township), June 7, 7:30 p.m, Bake table, tea room, etc. 39--Notices 38--Coming 1g Events WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO EVERY MONDAY Admission ticket gives you free chance on door prize. TWO JACKPOTS 52 - 54 $500. IN 52 NOS. OR LESS $200. In announced Nos, $50 Consolation Prize $10 per line in both games $150 JACKPOT $20 A HORIZONTAL LINE $50 FULL CARD CLEMENTS service station. Station nearly compieted. Open now for gas and oil. Come in and watch our progress. 728- 8473, BIRTHS EDWAKDS -- Grant and Gail. are pleased to announce the birth of their Son, Dean, on May 31, 1967 at the Osh- awa General Hospital. A brother for Kelly. OMELANCHUK -- George and Dianne (nee Oley) are pleased to announce the arrival. of their third son, Marc George, 4 nds 92 ounces, on Wednesday, May 31, 1967 at the Oshawa General Hospital. A wee brother for Danny and David. A Special thanks to the doctors and staff. DEATHS $200 in 52 Nos. or less 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 $45 in 17 Nos. or less 20 GAMES AT $20 Regulafgames pay double in 17 Nos. or less EARLY BIRD GAME 7:45 $100 Door Prize EXTRA BUSES RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Children Under 16 Not Admitted Seay tires, V-8 automatic, radio, power steering. Telephone 728-6807. "*/31--Compact Cars for Sale TWO = furnished Healt or single girl. suitable for 'elephone 728-6387. OOM for rent, furnished or un- furnished for gentleman or lady, use of kitchen and living room. Apply 1284 Valley Dr. 728-7777. COSY. bed-sitting room, north end of Oshawa. Kitchen privileges if desired. Suit working lady. Telephone 576-1301. 28--Room and Board i TWO-. AND ONE-bedroom. apartment, $110 and $95. In eightplex, near south GM. July 1. 725-7846, 655-3574. FOUR - ROOM apartment in large farm @ FOR.RENT @ Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Mon. to Fri: 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m, to 5 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 23 Athol West 728-1070 house. Private bath. Four miles north of Oshawa city limits. Telephone 263- 8835. SELF - CONTAINED upstairs apart- ment, Thickson and Highway 12. Tele phone 655-4731. THREE-BEDROOM unfurnished apart- ment for sub-lease, to November or longer. Telephone 576-3966 Sunday and afters six. SUBLET two - bedroom apartment, two WHITBY LARGE MODERN APTS. 1724 DUFFERIN ST. 2-bedrooms, electric het, stove and fridge supplied, laundry facilities. To inspect. 668-6737 baths. Frig, stove, balcony, swimming pool. Opposite south GM. Five months left on lease. Available July 1. Phone 728-0025. WHITBY. One-bedroom furnished apart- ment on main floor. sere included. $125 per month. Telephone 668-8727. ONE-BEDROOM apartment; in 4-plex, Simeze St. North. Immediate possession, new stove and 'frig, all facilities in- Adults, 725-8393, SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. COLBORNE EAST, 57 Room and board, gentleman to share, close to north GM. TV privileges, parking. ROOM AND BOARD for lunches packed. Telephone 725-9843. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen. Good meals. Parking. Close to bus. Also room 728-4845. gentlemen, * The Rambler Kings Bowmanville & Peterborough MAY SALE Lower than Toronto Prices, Bank Rate Financing. 60 Day 3,000 Mile Warranty. Up To 60 Months To Pay. OVER 40 SELECT CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. TRENT AUTO SALES King St. e" omnis 623-3305 VOLVO and PEUGOT te MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service ROOM AND BOARD for lady, in private oe In good locality. Telephone 725- Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd, South ROOM or rocm and board for gentie- men. Near North GM Plant. Lunches Oshawa 728-0921 packed 6 days a week. Phone 725-7755 FILL SPARE ROOMS writer to help you phrase your ad. with paying cluded in rent. Must see to appreciate. i koe articies. Phone 723-; 3492 | guest. Phone 723-3492 now for an ad- BINGO St. Gertrude's PARISH HALL 690 KING ST. E. Every Monday ot 8:00 P.M. CLARK, John Mrs. Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, June 3, 1967, Bertha McGee beloved wife of John Clark and mother of Mrs. D. J. Leach (Evelyn) and Mrs. M.- W. Mitchell (June) both of Oshawa, in her 66th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with Requiem High Mase: in St. Gregory's Catholic Church on Monday, June 5 at 10 a.m. Interment Resurrec- tion Cemetery. MILLER, Adelaide 'At Hillsdale Manor on Friday, June 2, 1967, Adelaide Wellwood widow of Wil- liam J. Miller and dear mother of Mrs. Karl Stafford (Mae) of Oshawa, Mrs. Jack Moore (Bernice) of Toronto, dear grandmother of Joseph Miller Stafford of Oshawa, in her 92nd year. Private funeral services were héld at Mcintosh- Anderson -Funeral Home on Saturday, June 3 at 9 a.m. Interment Riverside Cemetery, Weston. LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all occasions. ackald < Nil 728. 4555 20 games--Jackpot -- Snowball and Share The Wealth Free Admission No Children under 16 ATTENTION HARMAN PARK GENERAL MEETING On Sunday, June 4th at 7:30 p.m. -- regarding park opening. Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St. E. 668-3552 Whitby, Ont. Anonichuk, husband and father. Special thanks to Drs, Stanley, Richmond and Cherewaty, and nurses of the Oshawa General Hospital and to Reverend Pan- czenko, the Armstrong Funeral Home for their kind services. Also special: thanks go out to Local 1817 and the St. John's Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Ladies' Aid. --Mrs. Mary Anonichuk and family. WALKER -- We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends, relatives and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, cards, floral tributes and ex- pressions of sympathy, during the iliness and at the time of the recent death of Frances Walker, beloved wife and mother. The thoughtfuiness of Rev. G. A. Mundy and the herbie Funeral Home was truly appreciated. --Herman Walker and family. OBITUARIES MRS, WILLIAM J. MILLER The funeral service was held at the MclIntosh-Anderson Fu- neral Home at 9 a.m. today for Mrs. William J. Miller, who died, June 2, at Hillsdale Manor, in her 92nd year, Mrs. Miller had been sick for the past eight years. The service was conducted by Rev. Dr. H. A. Mellow of North- minster United Church. Inter- ment was in Riverside Ceme- tery, Weston, Born at Dunfalk, Ont., the de- ceased was a daughter of the late Joseph and Margaret Well- wood. She was educated at Dun- dalk and was married in 1904 in Elora. A resident of Toronto for 50 years, before coming to Oshawa 14 years ago, Mrs. Miller was an adherent of Northminster United Church. Predeceased by her husband in 1951, she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Karl Stafford (Mae) of Oshawa and Mrs. Jack Moore (Bernice) of Toronto and a grandson, Joseph Miller Staf- ford, of Oshawa. She was pre- deceased by 20 brothers and sis- ters. FUNERAL OF URIAH JONES The funeral service of Uriah Jones, who died May 30 at the Oshawa General Hospital, in his 91st year, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 3 p.m., June 2. The service was conducted by Rev. J. K. Moffat of Simcoe Street United Church. Inter- ment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Donald Neff, Thomas Greer, Earl Allen, Thomas Ross, Allen Ban- field and Clarence McCul- lough. ae | "acts of repression With a number of students staging illegal demonstrations and one. group of Roman Catholic clergy attributing ee Franco's government, an as- sociate professor of history at the University of California, Los Angeles--UCLA--has pro- duced a 142-page paperback summing up the blood-spat- tered events of Spain's past, analysing the present scene and peering into the future. Stanley Payne says the Spanish are confronted with an "impending political di- lemma" now that General Franco is 74 and they them- selves, long numbed by the ferocious civil war of 1936-39, are showing renewed interest in politics. Payne is an authority on the Spanish army and the Fascist official party known as the Falange. In his new_ paperback, Franco's Spain, he says Span- ish society has been spared gross disorders in the last 25 years and has enjoyed rela- tive economic well-being, All this has, to some: ex- tent, undermined the factors that made feasible '"Franco's system of divide and rule." ."Though all key elements of the regime . . . remain more Rumbles Of Discontent In Spain, Analysed In Book . 'or less faithful to Franco, 4 there is increasing reluctance to go all out in upholding the government, or to display vio- . lent hostility toward the oppoe.. sition." For a pioneer study of the Falange published in 1961 by-- Stanford. University Press, Payne spent years interview- ing veterans of that Log | and: " of opposition groups inside ©" and outside Spain. . The resulting book bubbled with bizarre details of events that formed part of the war drama -- including a crucial party executive meeting which numbered among its participants the embalmed corpse of a Falange man gunned down 72 hours before. ~ The California professor's new work, published by the Thomas Y. Crowell Co. of New York, has the enigmatic personality of Franco as its focus. Franco made his name in Morocco where he displayed. a "fatalistic" courage in pre- - serving the Spanish protec- torate there against rebellious tribesmen. Life to Franco was "hard and serious,' and he rose steadily in Spain's officer corps. : He showed a_ consistent "prudence" during political upheavals prior to the civil war. His shrewdness and de- termination helped him to supremacy among the sol-- diers who rebelled in 1936 | against the republican gov- ernment. FRIDAY, JUNE 2 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim ing. Maiden two-year-olds, foaled in Can- ada. 5 Furlongs. 2-Dialogue, Ferraro 11-Balperion, Waigh 12-Mister O'Shannon, Fitz'ns Also Ran in Order: Bent Parrott, Irish Jive, Just A Glance, Mike's Express,| 6.30 3.20 2.60) 2.60 a4 ik, - Ontario Princess. SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- ing Three- and four-year-olds. One and one-sixteenth Miles. 6-Gambari, Brownell Ensign. and Sparkle} 11.70 6.50 3.60 Enlyn Sun, Gray Band, A-Was Rejected, Sandeen and Risky Attack. oer te Farm, P J Enright GE 'ong Entry. eae 'pouBLe, 2 kno 6, PAID $38.80. ACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- ja. Newer two-year-olds, foaled In Can- ada, 5 Furlongs and Also Ran in Order: Krakanita, Come To Hand, Nobleton Hills, Nush Kvon, Little Odds, Gremlin, -Piper's Bacon Benny and Oriental Era. FOURTH RA About 5 Furlongs on turf course. 1-Sailor Take Care, 4-Pyrochlore, Ferraro 3-Canada's Answer, Dittfach Also Ran in Order: Mizzen, Kiss, and Leaside Rules. EXACTOR, 1 AND 4, PAID $20.10, Hickory Nick, Count McKenzie, Winning | Ta 4-Those Who Wait, McComb 11.90 5.10 2-Face Maker, Grubb 2.60 Also Ran in Order: My David, A-) RACE -- Purse $2,200. Maid-|lowances. Three- and en two-year-old fillies, foaled in Canada. Fins 3.20 2.60 2.50|4-Blenheim Park, 7.00 5.40|3-Canadian Market, 3.60|_ Also Ran in Order: cudale| WOODBINE RESULTS FIFTH RACE ~~ Purse $2,400. Clalme ng. Three-year-olds. 6 Furlongs. 5 -Vicinity, Kelly 12.30 4.10 2.50 |1A-In The Tub, Walsh 2.70 2.10 6 -Wormwood Scrubs, Grubb 2.30 |_ Also Ran in Order: Open Page, Garcon 90|D'Or, Aberfoyle, Princess Selket and A> Reichstadt. |A--Lanson Farms Entry. | SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,600. Claim ling. Four-year-olds and up, One and one sixteenth Miles, 4 -Bengal, Grubb 15.10 ite 4,20 3. -Sirius 2nd, Ferraro 10.20 4 1A-Hugonote, Kelly Also Ran in Order: Tricky ice ay B, Good, A-Vintage Port and Mary e A---E Lieberman and Dane Hill Atres Entry. EXACTOR, 4 AND 3, PAID $156.00, SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,800. "Ale lowances, Three- and four - year + oldg, About 1 Mile on turf. 8-Come by Ch'ce, Fitz'ns 14.70 5.40 4.40 6-Last Wheel, Kelly 10.10 4.50 it 2-Victorian Ivy, Dittfach 3.70 2.80 9-Hi Duke, Gordon 4.70 4.10|4-Redirect, Grubb 3.50 8-Chinese Mist, Walsh 7.60, Also Ran in Order: My Maura, Mack- lerel Sky, Sun Stopper, Koura and Salute The Queen. EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,800. Pride, Al- four - year - olds, 6.90 4.30 2.70 Dittfach 4.10 co McComb 250 Lava Hill, Anita's Chance Encounter and Wad Fare, Attendance 5,877, Total Handle $459,665. About 1 Mile on turf. 1-Gentry, Kelly Grand, Piedall, WOODBINE ENTRIES MONDAY, JUNE § Clear and Fast Also Eligible: Jet Invader, No Boy 116 Pretty Wise, No Boy 108 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000, claiming! Steel Leader, Grubb xi (5,000), maiden two year old fillies, foaled in Cda, 5 Furs, Chinese Mist, Fitzsimmons 117 Contessa Di Guerra, Bell X112 Wincuba, No Boy 117 Miss Tiger, Hinojosa 117 Bry Jan, Bell X}12 Second Star, Grubb X112 Preciosa, Kelly X112 Chalciope, No Boy 117 SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000, claim- Ing (3,000), four year olds and up, 6 turs. Paulie, No Boy 119 Vedas, Coombs X111 Pioneer Polly, Ann's Reply. Forever Pilot, Navy Grand, Bell X108 Flight Path, Hinojosa 108 Strong Willed, Fitzsimmons 113 Branchport, No Boy 116 Count O' War, Inouye 113 Gay Pageant, Gordon 119 Production, Grubb X111 Sweet Polly, Fitzsimmons 108 Grand Manitour, Gordon 113 Also Eligible: Teny's Count, Righteous, No Boy 108 Nearactic Myth, Platts XXX103 Moonlight Mambo, Inouye 108 Golden Game, Jr., Bell X11] Grubb X11 Werry 116 foaled in Cda, (Divn of Ist), 5 furs. Red Rick, Ferraro 117 Lucky Nosey, Dittfach 117 Look Out World, Walsh 11 Serenity Sal, Bell X112 Henry's Queen, Fitzsimmons 117 Whirling On, No Boy Rangy Realtor, Gomez 117 Restful Thought, Kelly X112 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000, ciaim- ing (3/ ae ead year olds and up (Divn of 2nd), 6 Merry pein Michaud XXX101 Brillie, No Boy 116 Kerry's Imp, No Boy 113 Arctic. Troops, No Boy 111 Cover Night, No Boy 113 Broth Of A Boy, Brownell X108 Zerotasto, No Boy 11) Dream Plan, Bell X114 Roman Harold, Coombs X108 Supreme Chief, Bell X111 Berno Miss, Turcotte 108 Sail Along, Hale 113 Future Time, No Boy 111 Aged Dust, Kelly X108 FRIDAY, JUNE 2 Weather Clear -- Track Fast FIRST RACE -- Mile pace, purse $900, conditioned 6-Nora Herbert, 3-Non Stop, Arthur 4Sing Out, Hilliard Time 2:07 4-5 Also Started: Double ©. Seven, Lady Petunia, Jagla, Captain McWin and Dip- lomat Mir Herbert 5.50 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.20 3.20 SECOND RACE -- Mile. pace, purse $800, claiming 2-Miss T. Sp'cer, Wap's 3.50 3.10 2.40 8-Timber Hal, Feagan 6.20 3.30 5-Hold The Phone, Megens 4.00 Time 2:08 4-5 Also Started: Tarragon,' Lenawee ee bonis Ellis McKinney and Adiom: Daily 'Double, (6) and (2), paid $8.70 THIRD RACE -- mile pace, purse $1,000 claiming 2-Lynden Chief, Davies 5.18 4.00 2.40 6-Globes Birthday, Archdekin 7.10 3.40 1-Mindy M., Hayes 2.40 Time 2:05 4-5 Also Started: Margaret Forbes C., Marabelle, Meadow Wave, . Timber Prince and Lincoln's Champ \Select Sin, No Boy 108 Autumn Souvenir, McComb 113 Nacuba, No Boy 113 id FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400, claims ing (oom four year olds and up, 6" Lykke Til, Kelly Xx108 Am Battle, Hale 116 Chopolis, No Boy 113 Cretaceous, Grubb X108 Silver Moonlight, ae us Ocean Pearl, No Boy Har-Dan, No, Boy 113 (Exactor Wagering) ae SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,600, allow- ances, three and four year olds, 6¥a Furs, Orange Soda Kid, Kelly X99 Tammy's Ringo, Barroby 115 Arctic Flash, Dittfach 106 Land Office, Gomez 115 Pappy Parker, No Boy 108 Marron Glace, Kelly X96 Kirby Street, Bell X114 Dauphin Bleu, No Boy A-104 Lady Taj, Fitzsimmons A-103 Black Ringo, Barroby 115 King Alpha, Grubb X108 Glenlyvar, McComb 120 Star Tudor, Dittfach Ne Victory Triip, No Boy Av. Gardiner Farms oe Golden West Provocateur, Hale 116 farms eniry THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000, claiming|') SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,200, al- (5,000), maiden two year old fillies,|lowances, three year olds and up, ene mile on turf course Belfort, Hale 114 Bye and Near, Dittfach 114 Orbiter, Gomez A-114 Canadel, McComb A-117 Mr. Mascot, Barroby 111 Cambuslang, Walsh Dr Attention Hero, Bell ten -- Hillcrest stable Poth I Gardiner farms tevnetor Wagering) EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,200, claime ing (3,000), three year olds, 1 mile on Marshall Turf course Gai Anita Lea, Bell X106 % Baby Dill, Thomas XXX107 M, J.'s Boy, Grubb X109 Crafty Bozzetto, Barroby 111 Suzy Jon, Hale 111 Wally Rondon, No Boy .117 Yumka, Grubb X109 Rossi, Dittfach 116 Vinny's Redhead, Fitzsimmons X-5 Ibs. AAC: XX-7 Ibs, AAC: Rxx-10 Ibs. AAC: Post Time 3 p.m. GARDEN CITY RACEWAY FIFTH RACE -- Mile pace, claiming purse $1,500 Lani Ray C., veo aalald aed ve ae 4-Royal Alex, Crowe 4.70 2-Chief Widower, Coke ai 90 Time 2:06 1-5 Also Started: Doctor Kirk, Amber | Chief B. Silver Ronnie and Dennis Gene SIXTH RACE -- Mile Trot, "The Sim- coe Futurity" Purse $6,213.75 1A-Kinnel Lodge, Finley 4.00 +2 2-Armbro Harold Silliphant 1-Sponsor, White 4.00 io Time 2:1) 2-5 Also Started: Fiemington's Earl and Kawartha Butch Nos 1} and 1A (Kinnel Lodge and Sponsor) »|coupled Findley Stable entry Exactor, (1A) and (2), paid $12.00 EIGHTH RACE -- Mile trot, Invitation purse $3,500 7-Sing Along, Robil'rd 8.50 4.20 3.60 1-Betsy Herbert, Herbert 4.40 3.60 3-Pretector Donledo, Holmes 5.50 Time 2:05 1-5 Also Started: Silver Nib Lee, Nancy Brook B., Ozark Peter, Armbro Gazelle and. Kintoo Colby. NINTH RACE -- Mile pace, claiming FOURTH RACE -- Mile Pace, Cond.,|purse $1,500 purse $1,300 4-Missile Dares, Ellicott 13.60 4.40 3.68 }-Kawartha Star, Feagan 3.40 3.10 2.40/2-Prima Pick, 2 3.50 3.00 2-Belmont Ernie, Holmes 6.40 3.70)3-Donna's Champ, Waddell $.20 8-Jamie Barker, Gemmill 2.60}Time 2:05 4 Time 2:05 2-5 |, Also Started: Mertz Western, Gracie Also Started: Mr. Chief C., Echo 0.|Lochinver, Blaze Sree: Walnut Her- Valley, Mountain Rebel, and Ma Brown, Meadow Thor|bert and Ambrose Attendance, 3,590, Handles $181,464