Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Jun 1967, p. 2

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'@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 2, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Newfoundland PM Reasons On L.B. Pearson's Successor REGINA (CP)-- Premier Emaliwood of Newfound- land said Thursday he would be porn personally" between Rob- 'ért Winters, trade and com merce minister, and Registrar- General John Turner if a suc- cessor was to be chosen to Prime Minister Pearson as na- tional Liberal leader. "Both are clean cut, person- able and well-spoken" and both would make good,prime minis- ters, he said in an interview. Asked about a possible new Progressive Conservative leader, he said Premier Roblin of Manitoba probably would be the best choice even "'if not an imaginative leader." Donald Fleming, former fi- nance minister, would be the second choice but re-election of John Diefenbaker as leader would be a "calamity,"' he said. Three Die In Fire NIPIGON, Ont. (CP)-- Three persons died Thursday in a fire that swept through a three- room house in this community, 70 miles northwest of Fort Will- iam. One other person was res- cued and another escaped. Names of the dead have not been released. Physicist's Award HAMILTON (CP) -- The Ca- nadian Association of Physicists has awarded its 1967 medal to research scientist Bertram Ne- ville Brockhouse of McMaster University for his work in un- derstanding the physical nature of solids and liquids. Drought Worst NEW DELHI (Reuters)--India is suffering from an unprece- dented drought and the worst famine conditions for a century, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi said in an interview published Friday. But she told a group of newspaper editors that relief PREMIER SMALLWOOD «oe Speculates | Gets NRC Grant | FORT WILLIAM (CP)--A to- tal of $56,100 has been awarded to Lakehead University by the National Research Council] for studies in the fields of biology, chemistry, geology, physics and computer science. Adopts Sales Tax ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP)--Min- nesota Thursday became the 44th state to adopt a sales tax when its legislature mustered the necessary two-thirds major- ity to overturn a veto of Repub- lican Governor Harold Levan- der. The controversial three per cent selective sales tax will take effect Aug. 1 in Minnesota. It will apply to most retail pur- chases except groceries, cloth- ing, drugs, gasoline and serv- ices. Liquor and beer will be taxed. Ship Burns CAPE TORMENTINE, N.B. (CP)--The 65-foot tug Cap Me- chins caught fire in the North- umberland Strait off here Wed- nesday and sank several hours after the crew escaped to a work saved millions of people from dying. Lutherans Meet 'KITCHENER (CP) -- Luth- eran Church leaders from around the world will attend the meeting of the executive committee of the World Luth- eran Federation June 11-17 at Waterloo Lutheran University. Dr. Fredrik A. Schiotz, head of the American lutheran Church, will preside at the meeting, being held in Canada By THE CANADIAN PRESS come tax rates unchanged. cent federal sales tax, effec- tive Sept. 1. duced to 15 per cent from 20, effective immediately; dumping rules narrowed. sales tax on production ma- chinery removed immediately, 10 months ahead of schedule. in unemployment for 1967, declining next year. 000 forecast for 1967-68 fiscal year, highest since $791,000,- 000 in 1961-62. BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Expenditures estimated at $9,700,000,000; revenues $8,- 960,000,000. No change in taxes on to- bacco, liquor, beer or wine. Personal and corporation in- All drugs freed of 12-per- Gross national product to rise 6% to seven per cent this year, about three per cent through price increases. Sales tax of 11 per cent re- moved immediately on build- ing materials used by provin- cial Crown corporations for university student residences. Old age security fund sur- Plus to increase by $109,000,- 000, to $538,600,000, Import ban on margarine to be lifted for certain allergy victims. Import duty on drugs re-. anti- Remaining six - per - cent Modest temporary increase predicted Budget deficit of $740,000,- for the first time. Import duties removed im- mediately on antiquities over 100 years old excluding spir- its. Formerly limited to pre- 1847 items. Sales tax removed immedi- ately on artificial breathing apparatus for medical pur- poses; also boots, shoes and appliances for deformed feet. Import duty rates reduced immediately on yeast, tequila, parts for church vestments, prayer shawls, other minor items. Duty drawback of 99 per cent on automotive manufac- turing equipment extended to equipment for an parts manu- facturers. WEATHER FORECAST Light Winds Bring te ee 80 Warm, Sunny Weather | fae -'e= To Britain A RD Synopsis: Light winds circling|and warm today and Saturday. TRAVEL BUREAU LTD. a high pressure area are bring-|Winds light to northwesterly |§ ajex shopping Pleze 942-6690 ing warm 80-degree weather|near 15. from Manitoba and Northern Ontario to southern Ontario. During the past several days high high pressure area has drifted slowly southward through northwestern Ontario to its present position centred over upper Michigan and northern Wisconsin. Lake Ontario, Haliburton, Kil- laloe, Georgian Bay, Algoma, Timagami, Cochrane, White River, western James Bay re- gions, Toronto, North Bay, Sud- SPRING Gardeninc bury, Sault Ste. Marie: Sunny Take A Drive T Reports on discussions with the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Church will be heard by the delegates. Pope Sees Fighter VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -- World middleweight champion boxer Nino Benvenuti was pre- sented to Pope Paul during a group audience here Friday. Friends said the pontiff told him not to let "'such a violent sport" as boxing weaken his compli- ance with religion. | Missionaries Out PARIS (Reuters) -- Seventy- six missionaries -- including priests, monks and nuns -- ar- rived here Thursday night after being expelled from Guinea un- der President Sekou Toure's plan to Africanize the clergy. They were mainly French, but included some Swiss and Dutch. Thermal Project KABUL, Afghanistan (Reut- ers) -- Soviet President Nikolai Podgorny and King Mohammed Zahir Shah of Afghanistan Fri- day jointly opened the Naghlu hydroelectric power project, 75 miles east of here. The plant, Afghanistan's biggest, 'was built with Russian aid, Pioneer Dies dredge the vessel was towing. No one was injured. Mid-East Crisis Could Prod U.S. To Vietnam Slowdown y ARCH MacKENZIE WASHINGTON (CP) -- The Middle East crisis may be the turning point in American ef- forts to continue a hard-nosed military effort in Vietnam while pursuing better relations with the Soviet Union. . In short, back to the cold war er worse, barring some flexibil- ---- Middle East are directly: ity on either side. It depends partly on how deeply committed McCarthy of Minnesota said Thursday after a briefing from|him in Vietnam, including such Gtate Secretary Rusk the Soviet/influential senators as Richard role remains unclear here. Pd ee - Pas coin is st what the U.S. response would be to any Soviet pres- sure, exerted through the Mid- die East crisis, for scaling down its Vietnamese military effort or adopting a more flex- ible attitude to negotiations with North Vietnam. The official U.S. line since the Vietnam war buildup began in earnest in early 1965 has been that that war and efforts toward a thaw in the cold war are mu- tually exclusive. Yet, expectations of a tougher Soviet attitude have developed since the last: peace efforts foundered. i The U.S. has been anxious in recent weeks to discount such things as the bumping of Soviet and U.S. destroyers, tougher talk from Soviet leaders and the/ern allies." prolonged absence from the U.S. of the Soviet ambassador. HERE AND THERE equally-strong critic of Vietnam, MORTGAGE BURNING Very Rev. William N. Olynyk, | Nasser's latest threat. BA, BD, DD, of Youg: n, the Soviet|son, who appears to have solid Union proves to be to the Arab) backing to aid Israel against the challenge to Israel and how|Arabs, is the much it contributed to the cri-|has from domestic critics of the els. Democrat omeiped Eugene| Vietnam war. The U.S. has been as tight- lipped publicly about the Middle East as the Soviet Union itself, and cautious privately in at- NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)-- Mrs. Margaret Rudkin, 69, founder of Pepperidge Farm Inc., and a pioneer in the bread industry, died Thursday of can- cer. Mrs. Rudkin started what was to become the famous U.6. bakery in the kitchen of her ed in Fairfield, Conn., in eeotieg to analyse Soviet mo- ives, Canadian and other diplomats say the U.S. declines to enter- tain the possibility that Vietnam An irony for President John- support he now €XP06/7 Four Seasons Travel Are exclusive agents for CANA- DIANA Village. ONLY aecommo- dation--Annex te EXPO grounds. (250_yerds) $6.25 per person based on LIGHTWEIGHT SUITS For Spring '67 these Garnelene-Lightweight suits reflect the new trend fo Lighter and Brighter shadings. Pearl Grey -- Interprets this trend with the spark and zest of Spring itself. For eppearance and performance... go Garnelene. $108. Progress Brand ) In The OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 0 VAN BELLE ; GARDENS For The... DO-IT-YOURSELF @ FERTILIZER @ SPREADERS @ TOOLS @ TOPSOILS ® SEEDS, ETC. © Advice on your Garden Probleme Van Belle Gardens "Your Friendly Garden Centre" Minutes East of Oshawa On Highway No. 2... 623-5757 Is the time to switch .. . It's thet time of the yeer when interest is peid on savings accounts... THE PERFECT TIME TO SWITCH UP...» 44% on SAVINGS 4% on CHEQUING 6% % on 1 to 10 yeer G.I.C.'s ™" % yada por annum on 10 year ACCUMULATING G.I.C.'s Longer CONVENIENT HOURS @ 9 A.M. te 5:30 P.M. Mon. to Thurs, @ 9 AM. te 6 P.M. Fri. @ 9 A.M, to 4 P.M. Set, SWITCH UP...» Central Ontario Trust AND YOU'RE & Savings Corporation WELCOME Heed Office: 19 Simeoe St. Ne oh - 7a. CHARGE IT party of 4. Alse inquire about eur Bus Tours, Phone 576-3131 The men who have supported Russell of Georgia and John Stennis of Mississippi, are more --. nen, ely the ao to Up al su which is lacking in Vietnam, before de- cl to become embroiled in any Middle East second front. Where might the U.S. give somewhat in Vietnam if Soviet pressure develops for such a step? One possibility appears to be reducing the bombing of the North. Conservative columnist David Lawrence, a strong backer of the U.S. role in Vietnam, writes that the Soviet Union has "stirred up a new crisis in the world in an effort either to bluff the U.S. into getting out of Asia or to assert Communist suprem- acy in Europe by taking advan- tage of the disarray of the West- SEES CAUSE-EFFECT Civil-rights leader Martin Lu- ther King, at the other end of the political spectrum and an sees a simple cause and effect between that war and President IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE Why Net Call TOM FARQUHARSON SUN LIFE Assurance Company Of Canada RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: 668-4371 725-4563 Ohio, will be the guest speaker at St. John's Ukrainian, Ortho- dox Church dinner, this Satur- day. The dinner will be high- lighted by the burning of the mortgage. Rev. Olynyk was pa- rish priest from Dec. 1941, to Nov. 1950. The church was con- structed in 1949 -- 50. The din- ner will be preceeded by a Thanksgiving service at 5 p.m., in the church, followed by a dance in the hall. PARK ASSISTED Fernhill Park Association last night provided its facilities for the Valleyview Park Associa- tion's hockey banquet. The Valleyview clubhouse was da- maged in a fire earlier this week Fernhill and Sunnyside Park associations have offered the use of their facilities to Valleyview. FREE --Estimetes, ALUMINUM OSHAWA FREE PARKING Windows-Doors Prime Windows C.M.H.A. Accepted Sliding Glees Patie Deors ir Specialist. Jalousies | 20° Aluminum Siding Reglazing Rescreeni Colorful KeolVents keep rooms up te te furnishings... give your home new beeuty and all-weather protection. LIFETIME KOOL VENT AWNINGS 7 / 3 e@ooler . . . prevent sun demege ENQUIRE NOW! Cell 723-1191 Aluminum Doers end Windows Plumbing Service. SERVICE MADE US. Baked Enamel Finishes Optionel SHOWROOM AND FACTORY 95 ATHOL ST. E. PHONE 728-1633 © OSHAWA ww AT ATKINS GARDEN CENTRE .. . We take pride in growing garden plants of the first quality from carefully selected seeds. ALL. PLANTS. IN. BOXES READY TO BE TRANSPLANTED INTO YOUR GARDEN and GROW © 40 Varieties of Petunias © Vegetable Plants ® Rose Bushes ® Peat Moss ® Fertilizer, etc. HERE'S HOW TO FIND US: TAUNTON RD. ©. =F a: « KING ST. AST KARN'S PHOTO SALE PERFECT FOR EXPO SHOTS Comp et Sele Argus Carefree instant Load Outfit with case 24.95 19.67 guarentee ole 63.85 36.67 Minolta Auto Pok 500" 2.8 lens with flesh cube 59.93 49.67 35MM. Mnioitine ALS Aute exp. r.f., 1.9 lens w. case 99.95 79.67 35MM. Minolta Hi-Matic 7s R.F. CdS Meter w. case ...... 119.95 99.67 Poleroid Swinger .... ; 24.95 18.67 CENTENNIAL SAVINGS ON MOVIE CAMERAS Argus Super 8 Automate Zoom 1.8 lens w. grip.. 94.50 67.67 Minolte SKS Automatic Zoom 1.8 lens w. case .. 235.85 167.67 7 POWER CARL WETZLAR BINOCULARS 7 x 35 Extra Wide Angle w. case 47.50 34.67 7 x 50 Marine with case ....... 39.95 24.67 7 x 35 Nevigeter w. case 31,50 19.67 28 KING EAST 723-4621 Open Evenings till 9 P.M. Lander-Stark is the Answer! | ««. The Question? Which leading Fue! Oil Company in downtewn Oshewe hes its own Heating Service Steff + keeps contro! of your service job from start to finish . . + OPEN MONDAY te SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. unconditionally guercntees its . workmenship? Call 725-3381 for Home FOR A WIDE SELECTION OF FIRST QUALITY PLANTS TKINS FLORIST HARMONY RD NORTH JUST SOUTH OF TAUNTON RD. E. Air-Conditioning or thet new Oll Furnace you promised your heme for next winter. LANDER- STARK OIL LIMITED 43 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA Oppo To Ge OTTAWA (CP)--Fi: ister Sharp's budget, decision not to rocl nomic boat, ran into shelling immediately was launched in the Thursday. J. Waldo Monteith, tive financial critic, "ho-hum budget" wit really significant poi ernment spending wa 20 per cent. "Is there no levell the spending of thi ment?" The MP for Pertt only opposition speal play after Mr. Sha the. 12,000 words of |} an 80-minute Commo The budget debate next Tuesday after had a chance to speech. Business With Fe By THE CANADIAN Bland . . . Stand ¢ headache. These are some re Canadian businessme nance Minister Shart Thursday night. "All in all, a singul budget with only a f redeeming features so dustry is concerned," Engholm, president of dian Manufacturers tion. 'Apart from the ea planned scrapping of t cent sales tax on | machinery, there is h relief for manufactur' try, which continues one of the heaviest borne by any indust1 Western world." A. J. McKichen, gen ager of the Retail Assc Canada, described tl as "stand pat' and council had expected. He doubted whethe nance minister had m for changes in corps personal income tax b "the economic situatio cause we are on the e sideration of the C port." CALLS BUDGET HE! C. A. Pollock, pre Dominion Electrohon tries Ltd., Kitchener, | it was "a real hes budget." He invited t ter and his colleagues hind the manufactur and attempt to meet tory payroll. The finance minister suggestions that he rei cial excise taxes on sets, radios, phonogra elry and similar pop sumer goods. Mr. Pollock said to a war-time luxury t provides your primary tors--the United State continuing 35-per-cent vantage in the develo strong domestic mark culous."' Representatives of industry were pleased Sharp's proposal to the 12-per-cent federal on all drugs, effective However, they had m ings on the reduction « port duty on drugs t cent from 20 and a n of the anti-dumping 1 Dr. W. W. Wigle, pre the Pharmaceutical turers Association of said in Ottawa the bud; to help the opportunist: tators at the expense drug-makers. WARNS CONSUMERS S. G. Turner, direc! Ontario Pharmacists tion, said consumers : look for a 12-per-cent in the total retail pric scription drugs. The plies at the manuf level, not on the selli A. Olaff Wolff, vice- of the executive coun Canadian Chamber: merce, said in Mont chamber welcomes Mr A. E. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRI: 1414 King St. 723-2721 En at nr Swimming | gym, colour 5 acres of | ample parki MOI

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