Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1967, p. 30

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te a ae ae te te od 6-- 30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Moy 31, 1967 PP ENS 37--Auction Sale 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent COTTAGES -- Sturgeon River, Pigeon River areas. Going for a sacrifice price. hem over and make an offer. Call Lloyd Lafoy of W. L. Dougan Realtor at 725-1109 or 655-4479. LAKE $T. PETER. Deluxe three-bed- reom cottage. Ali inside conveniences, ooo ig boat. $65 weekly, Tele phone 668- ora for Sale 26--Apartments for Rent GRENFELL SQUARE™ ONE and TWO BEDROOMS KAWARTHA LAKE District, 99 acres, seven-room farm house, partly turnish- ed, garage, hydro, telephone. $68,000, half cash. Terms. Telephone 'Sr M, Kinmount, evenings. 22--Lots for Sale Commercial - Downtown PROPERTY 35 x 82 foot only $21,500. Call JACK APPLEBY now 723-3398 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 728-5123 lax t00 PARTLY Wooded lot on paved road, Zion, Telephene 725-1778. VINE LOT. Overicoking the city of Sahees. 56' x 247', buildier's terms or will consider trade, anxious to sell, call Harold Sega! at 725-3557 or 725-1772, J B. McMullan and Co. $500 WN buys this well treed building lot Vy lls 66 ft. by about 120 ft., right on No. 12 highway Owner wants/ ag! action. Call' Gord Chariton, 728-8569, ith Ltd., Realtor 5a "PERRY &% © 180 lol on Cochrane $+. beautiful natura! maples. close to! schools, $3,400. ephone 985-7066. go--Reol E Estate Wonted | WANTED Land, Farms, Homes in Osh- awa ond District. We hove | the Buyers if you want to sell. | | DON STRADESK! Realtor 63 King St. West, phone 723-4651 Oshawa, Ont RGE or double 'house In country | panween Oshawa Pickering. Must not be too old. Write stating information, location to: Box 62834, Oshawa Times. CASH FOR YOUR HOME. Yes, | have two cash buyers plus several other buyers with reasonable down payments. 1f you want your home sold and not lust OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUITES No Reasonable Application Refused FREE @ HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA ROOM SWIMMING POOL PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS Con be yours in our spacious suites, room, indoor pool, Sauna treed lot, individual mail delivery, ample parking and extr this is just a few of the 'as for luxury living with moderate cost ot . \Princess Anne Apts. 1221 SIMCOE ST. N Model suite furnished by Wlison Furniture, broad- loom by Angus-Graydon. - 725-9934 ° Fri Provincial Kitchens MODELS OPEN DAILY @ Indoor Parking 2 P.M. till 9 P.M. F Hydri & a Sons SATURDAY and SUNDAY 2 | 11 AM, till 7 P.M. @ Broadioom Corridors | ~ Walking D f * shaw' Shopping Centra OSHAWA'S BEST @ Children's Playground RENTAL VALUE @ Close to Public and S EE Separate Schools @ Elevators FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED RENTAL INFORMATION 123-511] AFTER HOURS 576-2826 380 GIBB STREET listed call Willard Johnston, 728-1066. | Schofield-Aker Ltd. T HAVE A principal interested in an) apartment at gh - Pes 3 Whitby | area. Please call . Norris Ltd. Ask for Mr. vondette, ae 3364, residence 942-4717. WANTED -- Two storey home or bung- alow with three or four bedrooms by July 15 for teacher wishing to locate In good residential Oshawa area. Sood The best value in apartment living can be seen at @ REGENCY TOWERS @ R. Martin, Real Estate awa 576-1200. Members Toronto Real Estate Board. 24--Stores, Offices, Storage MODERN OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 1550 sq. ft. convenient downtown location main thoroughfare immediate possession air-conditioned and heated Inquiries and information contact JACK SHEPHARD: 349 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 725-2227 TOWER on- t Over! he GREEN looking the park located on Mary St. North. Swimming pool, gym sauna bath, room and rec room. Our model suite is furnished by WILSON'S FURNITURE, 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apt. FREE UNDERGROUND PARKING TOT HE FIRST 65 TENANTS OPEN DAILY FROM 1 P.M..-- 9 P.M. or by appointment. 576- 2280 or 725-9750 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. 21 King St. W., Bowmanville Now available two 2-bedroom suites. For appointment to view these outstanding suites 309 ADELAIDE W. Two bedroom apart-|1 ment in apartment buliding, refriger- ator, stove, broadioom, one small child welcome, Telephone 725-6851. 28--Room and Board 1965 Panne Parisienne sedan, automatic, radio, midnight bive, Tele, phone 728-0558 or 942-6322. CENTRAL three room self-contained ap- artment, riche' teas and stove, ratte SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: please coll home, Available 1, Adults. Tele- phone 728-2767. 6. "Ritson Road 5. 723-1712 ONE BEDROOM apartment, all bei ties paid, parking, laundry, one or welcome, centrally located. Availabe June "1. Telephone 723-2050 or 728-6319. | 728-2911 FOUR "ROOM selt-contained apartment. vailal ie x | SHELDIAN ra fete tee ist. $90 erenty inctud. COLBORNE EAST, LYNDON APARTMENTS 941 Simcoe MANSIONS St.N. 2-bedroom apartment, fridge, | om: tv prvleges rata Stove, parking. Conia 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites. |LARGE two bedroom newly decorated. |iunches packed, 1 Sublet -- reduced rent apts. available without lease. Swim- ming pool, opposite south G.M. Children welcome. Two baths in all. two ond three bedroom suites. 885 OXFORD STREET 728-7942 25 Division St. $7 -- Room and Electric heat, stove refrigerator, laund- ry room, All services ee children welcome. Telephone Charlton. 728- 8569, H. Keith Ltd., Realtor. lo share, close to north | ggg. ROOM AND BOARD for one gentleman, home meals, Fy ere epee | S60 ROOM AND BOARD for one gentleman re to share Use By S and Park Road area, Telephone 728-54 ONE 5 BEDROGM "Fennec Ip-new poll electric heating, stove, refrig- era ROOM AND BOARD for canteen: lunches packed. Telephone 725-9843. 1965 CHEVROLET Impala, four Teer V-8, Telephone 668-4360 or ah 6322. 1962 IMPALA, four-door hardtop, one owner, body and motor perfect, power steering and brakes, be Sigal eee ready for towing, Delco shocks, 723-1795. 1957 MGA good condition, able hard top, Telephone 1959 RAMBLER station wa: paint, good tires and motor. 668-3950. haz remov- 728-6906. yon, new Telephone 1961 NASH Rambler, A-1 condition. Bar- Pelg 1956 Pontiac, $65. Telephone 725- '61 MONARCH, good cone rey equipped. Will trade for ton or three quarters ton truck pa "rele. phone 942-2226, 1965 CHEVELLE, four-door sedan, six cylinder, wer steering, and drapes. June 25. Elgin Court. Telephone 723-1282. SUB-LET, three - bedroom apartment stove, fridge and drapes, 'Available June BONUS 1 and 2 bedroom, large apart- ments, fully equipped. WE PAY MOVING EXPENSES 190 Nonquon Road 728-9726 FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- ments. Controlled entrance, Twin elevators, swimming pool, fenced playground. 723-2347 MALA GLEN COURT CHILDREN WELCOME 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites. 4 piece bath off master bed- room plus powder room. New building--Reasonable rates. PHONE 725-0657 LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige -- building. Centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook and kitchen. Tennis court and barbeque. @ FOR RENT @ ae building, 1, Marland * shia 723-6134. After five p.m, 576-3479, ATTRACTIVE. one - bedroom apartment in clean modern building, ie room, pay "saat Oona stove, drapes, bal- ROOM AND BOARD for por radio. Telephone 725-1823 after 5 p.m. Good meals. Parking. Close fo ys Also 128-4845. "65 CHEV impala two-door hardtop, fully room ROOM AND BOARD. Very ane Ap- Ee oe Celina Street between 5.30 room or room and board for gentle- Near North GM Plant. Lunches packed 6 days a week. Phone 725-7755. Oshaw. Centre. Avaliable. uly 1. 723-2570. CENTRAL, furnished, private entrance, living room, bedroom, bathroam and kit- nomen, parking. hn uggen laundry facilities, par! le iy is only. Appl Apt. 1, 254 Athol ee ONE - BEDROO oom Sean in triplex, available now, parking, laundry facil- ities, stove, refrigerator, near bus on Wentworth. Telephone 725-3383 after 4 p.m, TWO- BEDROOM apartment, upper: Available now. Also basement apart- ment. Apply 91 Celina Street, Apt. 3. TWO - BEDROOM apartment in apart- stove, refrigerator in- luded. Baby etl ag ee required. ROOM AND BOARD for lady, in private home, in good locality. Telephone 725- 6195. 29--Wanted to Rent DESPERATION: Family needs house immediately for rent. Contact Auto Wor- kers Credit tga 728-5187 between 8.30 am. -- 5 p.m, THREE-BEDROOM house wanted by couple with three children by July Reasonable rent. Telephone 728-1578. FOUR OR FIVE room house wanted in Whitby or Oshawa. Reasonable rent. Adults. Reply by telephone between 5 and 7 p.m. 725-9292. WANTED -- Cottage, 3 bedrooms, Lake 668-4973 after 5 p.m. ONE - BEDROOM apartment, self con- tained, private entrance and bath, Trull's Road South. votre couple preferred. Telephone 576-25 TWO, one re apartments. Heat and hydro inciuded, $110 monthly. go ults. Off Simcoe Street North. Bus isth. 2949, 728-|Scugog area, for July and August. Re- a liable tenants, Telephone Port Perry. HEATED, upstairs apartment, In Osh-| 985-2245. awa. Available now. Telephone Whitby, infant re- RELIABLE COUPLE with qi regal bungalow {by Jui .|Wellman's 728-7351. very good $1,995 or best offer. Telephone 723-0516. '62 OLDSMOBILE convertible, power steering, power brakes, good tires, radio, $850 or best offer, Telephone 725-4292 atter 5 p.m. '59 BUICK Le Sabre, power steering: Power brakes, four new tires, new shocks and radio. Telephone 723-6834. '39 PONTIAC Parisienne, four-door hard- top, Sian cylinder, 283 automatic, Tele- phone 942-6826. i 1960 OLDSMOBILE in excellent condi- tion, with new paint and body job, $700 or nearest cash offer. Telephone 725-0649, '57 CHEVROLET A-1 mechanically. No down payment. $4 per week. Lic. J72183. '65 MUSTANG hard top, top, eight ci cylinder, four speed shift, radio and white walls. Asking $2,195. No reasonable offer re- fused. 725-3744, "63 AMBASSADOR, V-8 automatic, radio like new. No down payment, $14 per week. Lic. J90009. Weilman's 728-7351. RENT THAT VACANCY through Rent Ads -- Call 723-3492 today for action! 31--Compact Cars for Sale Stove and fridge peaeres. 725-9213. BANK MANAGER requires three-bed- room house. References supplied. North East area preferred. Telephone 728-3582. t!/30--Automobiles for Sale Bi door. bale June Ist and June 25-839. ~ SELFCONTAINED three - room apart- ment, private bath, private entrance, fridge, stove. Adults only mone. Avail- able June 1. Telephone 725-988' TWO FURNISHED SRT Central. Parking. Suitable. for working couple or two girls, Telephone 723-5408. THREE LARGE room apartment, pri- vate bath and entrance, stove and re- frigerator, nice i kitchen 290 Pa- cific Avenue, 725-9308, Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room ond Board, Office Hours: Mon, to Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 23 Athol West 728-1070 Two. TRANSMISSION. SERVICE New Convenient Location 116 Bond St. W. Transmissions are -still our specialty, but we do now have facilities to do all gen- eral repairs. 576-2610 ROOM apartments, Includes drapes, appliances, balcony. storeze every floor. Bus at door, adia- Cer shopping. Free services. Child wel- come. 723-5035, 725-9872. THREE two-bedrocm apartments, avall- able June 1. $110. Two children welcome. Near south piant. 219 Cordova Rd., Apt. 2. Days 728-1070, nights 723-5482. AND @ PREMIER @ 321 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 728-6722 MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES NEWLY DECORATED STOVE AND FRIDGE BALCONIES FABRIC DRAPES LAUNDRY FACILITIES FREE HYDRO BROADLOOM IN HALLS ELEVATOR LOCKERS CONTROLLED ENTRANCE AMPLE PARKING CLOSE TO SCHOOL AND CHURCHES CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE ABOVE NUMBERS GUARANTY TRUST CO. 32 King Street E. 728-1653 OFFICES FOR RENT Simcoe St, North about 2,000 sq. ft. good parking. 728-8441 FOUR ROOMS heated downtown office, suit any professional purpese. $60 month- ly. Immediate possession 725-8640. es WANT TO RENT single or double car garage to store a boat and miscellaneous ae for at least 12 months. Tel ne 9478. SunDING, suitable bee eee, Simcoe treet North area. Approximately 1,600 feet, $60 monthly. Teleprone 725-0793. 25--Houses for. #cnt CENTENNIAL ACRES 1304 Cedar St., Oshawa FOR RENT Two and three bedroom homes $115 -- $125 Broadloom in living room Fully landscaped. Call 723-7711 or 725-9991 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. SEVEN ROOM house, suitable for rely family, on 440 Centre oe Availab June 15th. Telephone 728-225 $60 MONTHLY. 91 and ae Taos Street. Vacant. Six-room No furnace. Telephone 725-0332 or 7235210 after 6. TWO - BEDROOM duplex near Harmony and King East. Fireplace, carpeting, sundeck and carport. No children. Five minutes from bUs. $135 monthly Includes heat, light and water. Available June 1. Reply fo Box 68728, Oshawa Times. FOUR ROOM semi-detached house, no p iphg fo one or two children. Call Cove? CLEAN eight room house, monthly. bh. lephone 576-0117" from : a to i 'p.m. WHITBY, three paaroomh bungalow with garage, available now. Telephone 723-8962. AVAILABLE JUNE 1. Unfurnished three bedroom house, $110 monthly in' Whitby. Telephone 668-3233. HOUSE FOR RENT or sale, two-bi room bungalow, close to hospital, ones rif ae deep. Telephone 728-3914 after ou + BEDROOM, electric heat, TV tower, Bowmanville. Ideal for bachelor or middie aged couple. Telephone Osh- twa 723-4941, WANT-ADS DON'T |, watch roomers come running! A "La Contessa Apartments" Distinguished Address Choice luxury suites, electric- ally heated, and tastefully de- corated throughout. Parking, swimming pool, Sauna and recreation rooms. WHITBY. 2-bedroom apartment with broadioom, drapes, frig, stove, a ser- vices paid. $145 per month, Call J. McMullan Co. Realtor, 668-6201. | NEW BUILDING, sound proof, now rent- | ing | and 2 bedrooms, extra large suite at most economical rates, rent includes free hydro, free parking, etc. Call 284 0813 West Hill. B,| Millan Drive, side doo THREE-ROOM apartment, abstainers. Adults. Heat and by ed supplied. 68 Mc- TWO - BEDROOM ag in @ five- plex building, heated, fridge and range, available June 15. Near General Motors south plant. Children welcome. 728-2036. FURNISHED, two-room apartment, near downtown. Apply 195 Albert Street. CENTRAL. Three rooms unfurnished up- stairs apartment. Newly -- decorated. Available now Telephone 725-4477. MODERN, two bedroom apartment, stove refrigerator and drapes. One child welcome, No damage deposit. Immediate SPECIAL bachelor apartment, In apart- ment building, bedsitting rogm, kitchen and bathroom, refrigerator and stove. See on your own television Paring. Ideal for couple. $85 monthly. screen who is rniging your| | Telephone 728-9672. doorbell, before you give TWO-ROOM apartments, one furnished, them entry. bi unfurnished. Central. Telephone 723- * i211. one - BEDROOM apariment, private n ; bath and entrance. forage re Suites available for adults basement. Laundry _ facilities. only. and garage for small car. Ideal for @ quiet and com- |723-4651. fortable living. Rental office on the premises. 140 Nonquon Road, Oshawa Call 725-1481 or WINKLER-ZENKOVICH Real Estate Ltd. TORONTO 363-2631 CAVALIER APARTMENTS One and two bedrooms Modern and Convenient Beautiful T.V. reception for Color and Black and White Equipped with stove, frig, drapes and F.M. Close to shopping centre and schools. for information NOW RENTING More nices' and more of Oshawa's it people are enjoying reasonable rents at the ZZ<r-vvV0n A R M S M4AZMSAD>vV> PHONE 728-9724 170 Park Rd. S, or telephone 72-8844 , WHITBY. One-bedroom apariment, un- deco- All work guaranteed. RAMBLER SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT New and Used Cars Easy to Finance at NICOLS MOTORS LTD. WHITBY -- 668-3331 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH 723-9421 furnished, heated, water, recently rated, fireplace. Large lawn. Baby con- sidered. $80 monthly. Immediate posses Sion. 668-2900 evenings. FURNISHED one bedroom apartment, private entrance and private bath, suit- able for couple or gentleman, Close to "oom Parking SPACIOUS one and a hal 728-3478 or Pebsiecl in erate Adelaide Wilson area. . Tele GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED RR No. 3 Oshawa bus. Telephone 728-6563, if bedroom ap- Available June phone 728-0989. THREE ROOMS for rent, available June| TWO wah geaeey ee broadioom 1, all conveniences, stove, refrigerator. |throughout, Close to bus, shopping. Heat, water sup- pcg plied. Adults only. 723-3266, 725-2059. and refrigerator, 'Apply. 'he "adelaide W., Apart- ment 4, FOUR-ROOM apartment, central, adults 'only. Telephone 725-2173. MODERN one bedroom apartment, stove and refrigerator. Private entrance. $110 monthly includes heat. Ample parking. Adults only. Telephone 728-3781. TWO - BEDROOM apartment, two chil- dren only. $95 monthly. Refrigerator and stove supplied. Apply 777 Rowena Street. Telephone 723-7480. MODERN three room apartment, pri- vate entrance, three piece bath, refrig- erator, stove, hydro Included, $75 month- ly. Apply 623 Olive Ave. ones room for gentleman. to South General Motors. Telephone 2369 or apply 155 Mill Street. MODERN TWO bedrooms, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, heat, parking, $110. monthly. Adults. Available July st. Close 576- MUST SUBLET One bedroom apartment at reduced rent. of $110 monthly. Am entering hospital for operation. Heat, hydro, stove, fridge, parking and swim- ming: pool included, Leo om ed plant. Children welcom Con' sens 8 to 5 p.m. 942. "4980; ti0 p.m. 723-0811. P-lta area, stove and Road East. 725-1310, 728-5424, nue REnDAA SOE | Ms see itt lieve it. Be ff bol BRORDOM tarot 'vate es awe Telephone 728-: 5223, be ab seid waliady efrigera a vi Sone tf oh Wales TT iss? PLYMOUTH "sfafion "wagon. Good|2 16 TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid. TERMS. Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 1958 BUICK CONVERTIBLE Power steering and brakes. Excellent condition! PRIVATE 723-2619 1959 CHEVROLET, CONSTRUCTION SEALED 'Tenders, plainly marked as to contents, will be received by the Township Clerk until: 4:00 P.M., D.S.T. Monday, June 19, 1967 for the construction of storm sewers and appurtenances lo- cated in Lot 19, Concession 2, South of Rossland Road. Approximate quantities concrete sewer pipe are: 27 inch diameter -- 410 feet of 33 inch diameter -- 40 feet . 36 inch diameter -- 590 feet Plans and tender forms will be available at the offices of the Consulting Engineers on or after May 31st, upon pay- ment of a $10 non-refundable fee. Tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of the total bid and a 100% Performance Bond will be required with the executed contract. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Totten, Sims, Hubicki and Assoc. Ltd., Consulting Engineers, 519 Dundas Street E., Whitby, Ontario. W. H. WALLACE, Clerk, Township of Whitby, Municipal Buildings, Brooklin, Ontario. The Rambler Kings Bowmanville & Peterborough MAY SALE Lower than Toronto Prices. Bank Rate Financing. 60 Day 3,000 Mile Warranty. Up To 60 Months To Pay. OVER 40 SELECT CARS TO CHOOSE FROM, TRENT AUTO $ALES LTD. King St. E., Bowmanville 623-3305 %& VOLVO and PEUGOT te MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized. Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South TENDERS bai SALE REMOVAL BUILDINGS Tenders will be received by the business administrator of the Oshawa Board of Educa- tion up to 4 p.m. Tuesday, June 6, 1867 at the Administration Build- ing 555 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa, Ont. For sale and removal from the site of the buildings, consist- ing of a dwelling ond garage located at 165 Gibb Street. Tender form and specifica- tions available at the office of the business administrator. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. R. BACKUS, Business Administrator, Oshawa Board of Education, 555 Rossland Rd. W, Oshawa, Ont. 728-0051 1962 MARK Il MGA. Must be seen ft; appreciated. reconditioned Completely Telephone 728-8849, 1966 FIAT sedan, standard transmission. Good condition. Owner leaving for navy. Telephone 655-4797. '61 FALCON, one. owner, y~ ment, $8 per week, Lic. "bu. Well: man's 728-7351. '62 RAMBLER Amelican, no down pay- ment, $9 per week. Lic. J73452. Well- man's 728-7351. 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, requires work, new battery, five tires and wheels, $45. Tele- phone 728-7677 after 6 p.m. 1965 ENVOY Epic Deluxe. One owne used as second car, 13,300 miles, custom radio, snow tires on rims, other extras. 723-9245, 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, body man's special. Asking $700. Private sale. Tele- phone 725-0278. TWO BEDROOM pean ry Vis- fridge. Avaliable! = age Ist. One ad moa $125. mon- ly. MAIN FLOOR in triplex, large two bed- room apartment, laundry, parking: faci- lities free. Baby welcome. B East-- sareny area. Available June Ist. 728- 537. TWO BEDROOM apartment, main floor, central location, television outlet, laun- dry facilities, 'stove, refrigerator. Preter elderly couple. running tween 6 - 7:15 nen hel ec Sale ne 1959 CHEVROLET Impala, convertible, 6 we age Power top, very good con- dition. T 723-5705. CLEAN, three rooms, private bath, tele- vision outlet, hardwood floors. Stove, parking. $90 penny: 'adults only. Tele- phone 725-4266. MUST SUBLET 2 bedroom apartment, 2 baths, swimming pool, opposite south GM, Five months left on lease. Avail- able, July Ist. 728-8289 after 5. $90 monthly. 728-1203. THREE ROOM unfurnished apartment, rig contained. Apply 137 Pine Street, YY. ONE BEDROOM apartment ment building, closed in All conveniences. Central. welcome. Telephone 728-3344. BACHELOR APARTMENT in apartment jbuilding, all conveniences. Central. au In pent ACARLMERY TO SUBLET-- 2 bed- room. Broadioom throughout. Balcony, fridge, stove, drapes, hydro and laundry ee $121. monthly. Telephone 723- 68 PONTIAC Custom Sport Convertible, 327. motor, automatic transmission, power brakes, power steering, radio, many other extras. oe 723-0474 before 5, 723-1303 after 5. heey OLDSMOBILE 92, '67 CAMARO, sport coupe, equipped with most options, low mileage, balance of new eng warranty. $3,500. 728-9373 after 5 p. 32--Trucks for Sale FOUR van trucks suitable for camp- ers. All car parts. Courtice Auto Wreck- ers, 723-5238. '57 VOLKSWAGEN Van, a ae | condl- tion, $250. Telephone 725-2 "1 INTERNATIONAL a dump, 345 cubic inch motor, five and three tion, $700 or best offer. Telephone rH 4293 after 6 p.m. "63 PONTIAC Parisienne, two door hard- V-8 automatic, radio, white walls, tinted windshield, washers, wheel err backup damn Ss, one owner, excel- UNFURNISHED two apart- j;|ment, heat and hydro supplied, near hos- poe suitable for 2 nurses. Telephone 723- 26A--Expo Accommodation working or retired lady. Ti 3344, 4 MINUTES TO EXPO, near 41 Hwy. NOTICE is hereby given, that unless the household effect, in this case a television, at 200 King Street West, is not claimed by 30 days from May 31, 1967, the above mentioned heusehold effect will be sold for "money owing. 'Telephone 723-0307. CALL 728-4283 or see us at 340 Marland Ave. Apt. 111 ROYALE APARTMENTS Spacious land 2 Bedroom Suites STARTING AT Let us solve your rent problem -- Visit ~MONA LISA APARTMENTS We rents room, feature low monthly » swimming pool, sauna gym, three acres of playground, omple porking, color indiv stoves and refrigerators, idual mail delivery, fam- ily size suites. You will enjoy your stay at Mona Lisa Apart- ments, 191 Nonquon Road. 723-6022 725-9934 Suite open daily 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. LARGE three - bedroom apartment to sublet, stove, refrigerator, reed el home. Parking In Montreal. Couple $125 weekly, A. ed St. Justine de Newton, Que. 764-419 prbat ive haar =a now for large double ve si In modern private home |. $10 per couple, $15 for two couples, fo "for family of four. 723-1355. 728-3389 afier 4. war METEOR V8 automatic 20,000 or- ae miles, Private. Full price $1650. 1959 OLDSMOBILE, runs well, good body te tires, very clean. Lady driven. Ask- ing $350, Will take older car as part payment. 668-5071. 1963 CHEV sedan. Pure white with red trim, Automatic, radio. Perfect car. Lic. 575679. Evenings 942-5693. 1956 METEOR, needs plates, ee 1958 Austin, lic, K16513, $125. R. Motor Sales. 509 Bloor Street East. tr good 668-3509. 4 '51 FORD three ton, tag axie, A-1 body, NOTICE to CREDITORS Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Eugenia Fetterly sometimes known as Jean Fetterly and Mildred Eugenia Fetterly, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of January, 1967, A.D. are hereby notified to send their fully certified statements to the Executor on or before the 7th day of June, 1967, after which date the Executor will distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which it then shall have had notice. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY Executor, 308 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario, by their solicitors ALFRED M. WOOTTON and WOOTTON, 304 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments tor Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |27---Rooms for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale |36--Legal ! ONE. AND Two. partments, {LARGE furnished room, kitchen privi-| 1961 pebiag atl 699 series, automatic ANVILLE WE KNOW THE GOVERNOR ne. "Aen yee rie Sane none 728 a. nent meta. Dealeat glee age Telecine TOWNSHIP" OF WHITBY peg CLUB RELAXING ATMOSPHERE | MANSIONS Sing Meet eae SESan MMT crverences "appt Set Abe! res) RAMBLER: down_poymen_fo TENDER UE ADULT PRESTIGE FIVE-ROOM apsriment, $125, month, Tm | CmwisHED KOON ih widow tame |'EO. FOR - ANTIQ RESIDENCE {Telephone 'Tisa000 ater 'sn hori oe ne Vane, tee ee eee | COD AN SEWER 1832. AUCTION SALE Sat., June 3 12 NOON SOPER CREEK PARK Bowmanville, Ont. south on Simpson Ave., from Hwy. 2. In case of rain auc- tion will be held at Brook- dale-Kingsway Nursery. Preview 10-12 a.m, Terms -- CASH Buggies, Cutter, Sleigh Bells, Oil Lamps, Butter Churns, Moustache Cups, Pressed Glass, Old Silver, Crockery, Cut Glass, Cups and numer- ous other items. Write for catalogue to: E. Samuel 104 King St. E., Bowmanville Auctioneers: Jack Reld and® Cliff Pethick 38--Coming Events JAYCEES Monster BINGO Admission 50c Two Jackpots 53 and 58 ONE MUST GO $500. IN 50 NOS. OR LESS $200. In anrcunced Nos, $9. Consolation Prize $10. per line both games $175. Jackpot $20. per line. $75. cr card 20 Regular $20. Games pay double in 17. Nos. or less Five $30. Games Early Bird Game 7:45 P.M. EXTRA PRIZES Every Thursday at the Jubilee Pavilion BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 and 7:15 P.M ond Returning After Bingo Children under 16 not Admitted SUNNYSIDE Monster BINGO TWO JACKPOTS 57-292 engine. Will scr a ad single axle in trade. Telephone 668-8' FOUR half-ton trucks and se farm tractors. Telephone Mr. Hoskin, Black stock 986-4971, 33--Automobiles Wanted WANTED Good clean local cars for cash. MORLEY STALKER MOTORS 137 King West 723-8311 723-6322 1959 PONTIAC Station Wagon, cylin- de $400. Telgonone 725 oy children welcome. 27--Rooms for Rent ROGER apartment, two bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, large living room. ri! to shopping, north end. Telephone 18-1953. ati "= ROOM unfurnished apartment, large, clean and quiet, close to bus stop, also one room and bible seer 202 Clarke Street or phone 723-9921. APARTMENT and store for a corner Ritson . King Street East. For informa- tion call Mr. J. Melotek, WAverly 1-4232 or write 1465 Yonge Street North, To- ronto, Ontario. MODERN one - bedroom apartment with refrigerator and stove. Available July 1, Apply 101 Craydon Road or tele- phone 668-8130. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | 24 COLBORNE STREET WEST -- Fur- ee bedrooms, kitchen privileges ar- 'anged, young businessmen preferred. Telephone 723-4935. ae bed-sitting room, newly decorated, Free ments, furnished if necessary, able rent, reason- TWO. AND THREE-BEDROOM apart.|!'9h parking. Suit- able for one person. Telephone 'Whitby, Cement Factory, ten minute drive from Oshawa. Telephone 623-2675. FOUR - ROOM apartment, near south General Motors. Telephone 576-3729. LARGE furnished .room, close to Shop-| ¢ ping centre, available now, parking. Apply 368 Pine Avenue and Grenfell or 723-5522. JULY 1, $110 monthly, 2-bedroom apart- ment, frig, stove, TV outlet, parking and free laundry. Near South General Motors. One child welcome. 728-6803 after 4 p.m. LARGE furnished bedroom, kitchen and laundry vb ltiaceaed parking space. 574 Crerar Avenue. a 8853. 1957 PLYMOUTH in good condition, $125 or best offer. 1959 Chevrolet station wagon, standard, $199. 725-6971. 1956 BUICK Special, V-8 automatic, two- door hardtop. Good tires. New brakes, new shocks. Telephone 723-5719 after 5. "57 PLYMOUTH, Standard, needs plates, $65. '54 Bu K66861, $100. R. B. lic, Motor Sales, 509 Bloor Street East. 1957 MERCURY, a: pee Chevrolet, Lic. K9061, $100. Sales, 509 Bloor East. 1955 » Motor CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell. your used car to "Ted". Talk "'Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "'Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metal¢ bought, 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. 1954 FORD, needs plates, $50. 1953 Chev- rolet, lic. K26507, $75. R. B. Motor Sales, 509 Bloor Street East. WANTED: Cars and trucks for wreck- ing. No charge for towing. Best prices paid. Telephone 728-4549 anytime. R ert Nichols. TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE TENDERS FOR TRACTOR Tenders will be received un- til 12 o'clock noon Monday, June 12, 1967 for the supply of one rubber tired Tractor with sidemounted mower. Further information and spec- Hications may be had from the undersigned. Tenders must be on Township tender forms. Any tender received after above specified time will be returned to tenderer unopen- ed. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. M. L, ROSS, Road Superintendent, Township of Clarke, ROOMS FOR REN' RENT, $10 and $12 weekly. BROOKLIN. Five-room partment, $120 This outstanding all: electric building is located near schools, shopping and churches, Bus service at door. Extra large closets. 119 Nonquon Rd. REGENT ARMS One ment GRENFELL STREET and Two bedroom apart- s. Free hydro, water, heat and parking. Starting at $109 monthly. Adults only. 723-6944 or 723-6455 between 6 and 9:30 p.m. frigerator and stove supplied: private en- trance. Available immediately. Tele- phone 3677. Fel Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe St. Maid service, restaurant on Prem sige ROOM AND BOARD for see meals, large r y "a SPACIOUS, two-bedroom spartment, (S110 ey. Excellent location. home cooked 'oom, central ote lggl 4 Mestad 725-2938. Brock Street East. 723-6' La CONTESSA, ground floor apartment, 'one or two children welcome. Sublet-- 9 months left on lease. Immediate oc- 'cupancy. Telephone 576-2642. SPACIOUS two bedroom apartment in|-- =~ = yen bedi jie by -- shopping APT. 105 728-5282 Advertise Your Vacancy n the Times Classified Section . . . COST--THEY PAY Phone 723-3492 Casa Manana One, apart two and three bedroom ments. Centrally loca- ted, prestige building, reason- able 12. 230 Nipi Tel 725- rates. no children under gon St. ephone FRED C COOPER 657 or 723-0873 f ove, refrigerator, anaes facilities. tea parking. Avail- able July 1. 723-4932. LARGE furnished housekeeping shared bath with one, men_ preferred, close to south plant. oral 253 Sinclair Avenue between 12 - THREE - ROOM | cota apartment, with fridge and stove, or without. Tele- phone 728-1894. WHITBY. One-bedroom furnished: apart- ment on main floor. yee included, $125 per month, Telephone 668-8727, room, ,jable for gentleman. pipet og MOTEL Now open nignty weekly, rates reasonable. 800 Brock North, Whitby. LARGE furnished 1957 PONTIAC, good maine conaitione $75. Fi ot. 668-5989 between 5.30 p.m. oom jen for gentleman. Good parking. Apel, mt King Street West. 'automatic, power jod condition, $575, 1961 CHEVROLET, Bright, COME, SEE IT. You'll ig it, Bal igi fen al- sunny and roomy. Balcon\ lowed. Block berth of hospital deen. 728-3928. $975 for quick sale. T brakes, radio. Very go 723-5596. REBUILT ENGINES 6 CYL. Exconge Price as low as $165.00 8 CYL. Exchange Price as low as $200.00 SHARP condition, deluxe Interior, 1965 Studebaker station wagon, Commandor, 35--Lost and Found 985-7191 FURNISHED housekeeping room. Suit- Port Perry. Close to Shopping Centre, Apply 102 Westmount Street. TWO furnished room apartment, suitable ior arses girl or couple, Telephone. 3: CLEAN furnished room with parking, very central. Also landlady would like 198 PONTIAC Coupe origina! upholstery, offer. 72: cars, Bloor original mileage. A-1 condition, Best Telephone 576-1664. SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used '55's and 8 Trades accepted. |, Terms oe . B. Motor Sales, 509 |" East. LOST. Pair girl's glasses, In red aged case, between Cadillac South and St. Frances school. Telephone 705.3780. LOST -- Vicinity of Dairy Queen-Mec- Gregor Street, lady's Gruen white gold wrist watch with black cord bracelet, ted Finder please telephone 728- CITY-WIDE COVERAGE at low cost is to share ground floor lady, Abstainers. 31 Charles Street, with business (SELL unwanted articies. Phone 723-3492 for Action, what you get with Clatied Ads. Phone 723-3492 now for an ad- ed PONTIAC "rakes convertible, Orono, Ontario. automatic, hasiy te ral 2891 "eit ing, sea' + H and top, body good. 725: 34--Automobile Repair 1, HAROLD ©, LATTA of 300 Montrave 1959 CHEVROLET, new tires, good AUTOMATIC Pornsibie tor any seb cont rected 10 ry pate average body. Telephone 728- TRANSMISSI ON name "BY anyone or ane ihe sae pervade ge ae iiss raion Tole CENTRE ke : aa ani phone 72888740 TF) 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 194 OLOSMOBILE Starfire convertible,| Transmissions are Our Only A-1 condition, Telephone 725-2214. Business -- Repairs, Adjust- '5? PONTIAC Parisienne, V-8, auto-| ments, Exchanges. All Work matic, two-door hardtop, radio, eg Guaranteed. Someone speaker, two extra tires oe spare: Rea- i FRED STONE | Wants TIBLE, 1962 Pontiac Parisi- rs lenne, new tires,- excellent motor, tur- Brooklin -- 655-3653 quoise, 723-746: Your "Don't Wants" A Courteous Ad-visor will be happy to help: you 54 and 56 $500 in 52 Nos. or less $200 In anounced Nos. $25. Consolation Prize $10. per both games $150. Jackpot $20. PER LINE $50. FULL CARD $800. REGULAR GAMES $20. PER GAME IN 17° NOS. or LESS $150. SPECIAL GAMES $50. DOOR PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAME at 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 Every Thursday RED BARN BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS AT 7:00 and 7:30 P.M. Children under 16 Not Admitted $40. HADASSAH RUMMAGE SALE 144 King Street East Thursday, June Ist 9:30 A.M. Final Spring Clearance, ter- rific bargains on every article. Also beautiful, new, uphols- tery remnants. peepee SALESMAN. Se ga Ml Ads sell for you around elock. Dial 72 . 2492 today, bug KIN Cl of / IN 20 REGUL RLY BIRI $250. J, FREE $106 SPE $500. J, SNOV $80 (in 57 No hursday ANNA GOLF PICKE THE AL and DUTCH CRE (Oshawa in co-oper KL ROYAL DUTC present | ALLE/ by BERT F YW: 199 Ce entronce Parki Simcoe and M Satur June 3, 8 P Everyone ' ADMISSION: 4 Adults Student LIONS | TO-NI i Early Bird ¢ JACK 52 an ONE ML Bus leaving Kin Sts. 7 and | Every We Jubilee | All. proceeds See Tues AUCTION § RUMMAGI ' Saturday, 10 a.m, - to be he CHURCH of JE: of LATTER D/ 'or. Rossland - T BIRT BUNKOWSKI -- Ker announce the arr weighing 8 pounds, 4 o May 29, 1967, at the Hespital. A brother fe thanks to Dr. Glazier and fourth floor nurse! bag ction = Law (nee Brow are ve neunce the aerial of ter, Bre Tuesday, General. 'Hospital. BELLS -- Dovg and @ son, Todd Douglas, | urday, May 27, 1967, a! Hospital. HOLMES -- Harold Carswell) wish o anno Barbara Ruth, / Ibs. 9 May 28, 1967, * the . A sister for . Many thar and fourth floor staff. DEAT CATHCART, Charles Mi . Buchanan Sioson (Jean), John, Bruce and Povalae. an cutt a, Smith ner service Be Ny "Frid terment Orono Cemeter CORNISH, Frederick At Oshawa General Hos May 30, 1967, Frederick 1§ Southway Drive, Bi 80 years. Husband of Lucy Cornish, dear fa (Mrs, Lincoln Gregor), at the Morris Funeral ville., Service in the cha p.m. Interment Bov tery. JONES, Uriah Entered into rest in 1 eral Hospital on Tuesde Uriah Jones, beloved h Myrtle Stewart, father Firner (Lilliam) and | Lewlor (Myrtle Lesile), ick Ross Jones and Ralp Oshawa in his 91st year Armstrong Funeral Horm funeral service in the c June 2 at 3 p.m. int Union Cemetery. in tiev ations to the Retarded clation would be eppi t

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