Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 May 1967, p. 23

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LE 'SAILS' ) MILES A a Bk js CE ae Om PO EH ee ee A ke we me BE ua 44 Auto Rust Protection Firm | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Moy 24, 1967 23 ' m= 1 , Fla. (AP)--Golfer a + a ' with the product -- in fact, we| ' ssreghg ees Locates Business In Cit ater a sh.om mie or tvevear| Three RCN Ships links at Biltmore pee ge with every job -- pro- | : viding the car js not too old in r se for lost golf ae | An auto rust protection com-}1953, has yet to show signs of|the first place. To Sail Today saw a badly weath- ' | Pany is locating in Oshawa. rust or corrosion although it has} "We consider any car that is ; sky bottle. : O S I O KS BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT "It's not an undercoating, its| been in constant operation under|already rusted a risk and cannot OTTAWA (CP)--Three Royal inside offered a £20 C a rust proofing," says the presi-jall weather conditions," he said.|guarantee that the compound|©@%adian Navy vessels will sail vard to the finder ff TOROHED ite AM. STOCKS oa ge ee oe dent of the firm, G. E. Curie. | The process is called Ziebart|will do the job. |from Halifax today for the east- f Toronto Stock Exchange--May 24 | Jelex ppl rae e e e e Rusted out rocker panels,|"ustproofing and was developed) 'The compound has a special|©™ Atlantic ,, 28 @ precaution- 11d notify ceano- Quotations in cents unless marked ¢] Jonsmith $00 174 17% Wie + Me wheel housings, headlight en.|by Kurt Ziebart, a German im-|attraction to metal and literally |@TY Measure" should they be in Perth, Austra- tat aan Waa be er ae a eS, a T 1O 18m I l Trl a 10] closures or areas that are nor-|migtant autobody repair man|attaches itself to it. It will ex-|'equired in the Middle East. note said the bottle from previous board-iof elosing sale. | Pce Exp 11700 79 78 78 mally attacked by rust and|Who settled in Detroit. tinguish itself when on fire and) 4 defence department spokes- n released by. the Texore 1000 20 20-20 e e corrosion are a thing of the past.| "It's not like asphalt under-|is good for temperatures way| yon said Tuesday night the op- ns June 20, 1962. MINES INDUSTRIA'S urs 1rPm (@) | te "After over 13 years of ex-|Coating but is a non-drying|below zero and over 200 degrees | enki i 4 i sts at the Tropical wie Ney tensive field testing with some|material of self - healing qual-|above," he said. [SERHGOS!, SERDOFE LID Eteyicee, Biological Labora- oe ge Nia lay ie cade Fe vk oe aE i ll dete of North. Atnerica's largest|ity," said Mr. Curie. ~_ construction of a new)the destroyer escort Kootenay imated fy ee 1] Ale Ges T 10S $i7H 37% S By JANE BECKER "We're also looking closely atjfoundiand Outport Nursing and |'rucks and automobile fleets, the) 'It has a creeping action and ay sida Git Gate the destroyer Saguenay * a M4 -- Vi " ; lati i i i j 3 ' Fp Mey ee 900 188 183 153 --8| Algo Cent' 100 $77 J T%--%! TORONTO (CP)--In busine: estern (Canada, he says.|Industrial Association, which rustproofing is being offered to|will recover any area that has St. Oshawa aM! were ordered to sea as "'part of Ing th C P $f Or a ae ae above st ye Bie gol ane + yin Newfoundland for nearly 1. You can't operate at the peri-|provides income for fishermen's|the public," said Mr. Curie. been scratched, by itself. ----____________________|the contingency plan' for the ag OF the WaPG 7 70 70 Alcan pr 100 $40. «40.40 years, Bowring Bros. Lt | ¢ter forever." wives in the island's isolated] 'It proved its worth in hun-| The compound is sprayed FOOD FROM GAS 800-man Canadian contingent in ne. See, list pelow. er -- ah Pg on "thought travellers passin The shops lean toward hand. | Ports. |dreds of thousands of dollars in|through high pressure and spe- like Waited Netlons femereene 300 103 103 103 --1| Ang CT 25 50 $45 45 45 --y|through Gander's internatione rade Canna code 3 . | Mr. Ayre says it usually takes savings to operators of these|cial nozzles into any area that; Food made from petroleum is af s hergency ING PAYS OFF ooo 17 17 17 =A] Ang CT 315 $0 $54 s4 4 --1'|airport should not be confronte 'ade Canadian goods, including about a year for a shop to start! fleets. is given to rusting rapidly. on show at the Man the Pro-| Force which is being withdrawn OD, England (CP)-- = pd Rd a aie ™ erty] ae 24-- 4 with foreign - made Canadiai | 'rticles knitted by the New-'making money. "The first vehicle tested in! 'We are more than confident!ducer pavilion at Expo. from the Gaza Strip. months to design an FH 2 3 +1 Argus 8 pr ee 45¥s 45¥4 -- "a souvenirs. - a to fit the vending roe Pe: pedis | sehualtue) ie ioti ' 453 635 630 30 Asbest 50 $271 21 2 0, spurred by patriotism and at an automobile a S. Me ae " Ail "ugar "6s $10¥4 Nom 10% -- Ys lirritation, the pls opened a gift Liverpool. The Amer- ank Mt 44 $66 654 65A-- V4) oo in th ilding ri 100 192 192 192 Bank N S 1890 $i5¥2 15 15 -- ¥4|Shop in the new airport buildin ade eperyt -- 200, 6868 +0 Beil Phne 17 $504 50M wy = Me 10 years ago. i ; re low. jowater z 7% . : || U.S.-baked pies an 200 695 605 Brazilian 8613 $12% 12% 12%-- ve Among. other things, Bowring 1 ran out, Engineers 250 130 130130 BA Oil 2109 $3514 34% 35% -- |decided Canadian items would ers spent six months See list below. BC Forest 100 $1914 19% 1914 -- Ve : See list below. BC Pack B 750 $19 19 19 |be made in Canada or not a recipe so_ they 27 262 e--'e| BC Sugar 125 $3254 32% 32% + % stocked, | their own home- list below. | BC Sugar p 132 $17% 17% 173%4-- ; : 700 13¥4, 13% ret BC Hone & ih 66% 66%--% "It was against our seared 200 S168 16¥) lee + Ys) Br intl Fin oe 20 instincts to take on this sort of 300 190 150 150 8 Fds 100 $15% 15% 15% -- V4! ' 2000 2A 25 254+ Ya CAE Ind 1005 $102 10% io -- | shop," says ia Ayre, 1 8 a! os if \e' ¥ Br Phat +1 | Simicem ° wal tam du '= ts| tnd development director, de-| jee fis jow. 'an tron x * : a See list below C Packrs B 23 $83¥2 83¥2 8372 |scribing how the firm got into} Sa eb se ae td es wee ee e_ [the gift shop business. | Con Gillies 1000 5 5 --1| Cdn Brew 2890 $7% 72 74 "But to our amazement the +4| CB ALA 300 9 85 85 --5 € Marben "2640. 290 265 98 410| € Chem'w. 200 418 410 M10 410 jstore made money. This en- C Mogul 1100 320 315 320 +5| CC Manag 75 $80 80 80 + %/couraged us to branch further Ein a, bas "| con me ateld" € Red Pop See list below C"Goldale 710 $912 9% 99% Ve | Conwest 150 620 620 620 Cie el eh |PLANS MORE i Sieans.' ym en Pe ite -- Vh| Cine Ges. S31 SIM 10% Whe v4| Today there are nine such Baer, 3 Ee ET! Mam ata ae Be= (tons seven in Ontario and + arcon _- . ee eee Ee ee ume en i Pac py eg oy. CPR 2895 $6B% 67% 67% --~ V2 ' Deni: 550 360% 68% 66% + 1% pa F Benen tae a eth) Se oe, 7e ae te me") They are a radical departure Endako " ms 210%, 10H 10% € Utilities 50 $424 42% 42a jfrom tradition for a firm which we CUI 6 pr | 52$102%4 02 1024 +1%4| became known for its interests Frobe 400 405 465 465 + i we} : Gn Masct 300 128 178 128 --2| &,\vesting 1000 $21% 21% 21% lin ocean freighting, sealing and REPLA E J 3 Ronson Giant Yk 100 850 650 50 --25| Columbia 200 475 475.475 insurance: Sou we es Sue so ering began when ail Bx | i Ir is Selarim EE ER LE i Singur Hd 'rie A te " eter watchmaker, Benjamin | EN T POLES f h FIRE S AR ER Green Prt 1000. 26% 264 26 1| Gon pits It te Ov "aoa - 4 |BOwring, moved his business to 'or the ' p F hi h I h Guleh 000 % 27 7 --I'4| Con Pap w 100 82 20 20 610 |St. John's f England in 181 ' ' a or the camper or charcoal starter wit t. John's from England in 1811. e 6' U ht 7' Uprigh ; Gunner 200 145 145 145 +2) Cons Gas 3688 $16% 16% 16% prig e pright Squeeze spout. 16-oz. size fey ee eae eee 4 Corby vt 1200 $29 He was soon in the transat- Adjustable fa Adjustable &e ot ial : ! Ve 27a 97 4 ; i, eis i AS Pectin Ae ihe che ea ve lantic freighting business. In| FOR PRICE Hollinger 200 $24%4 24% 24+ | Crain RL 225 $45'4 45% 45% time the firm's head office, C. @ 66" Upright : 7'x7' Touri [4 Huds Bay 200 $57%4 57% 57%4-- Ys] BaleRoss 100 $12 12 12 T. Bowring and Co., moved to @ 9' Ridge @ Life Jackets @ 7x? Tourist Hydre Ex 1040 18% 18% I8%4--I%! Histi Seng 125 $384 38% 38%4-- ly. a2 Adjust- 3 88 f ; Tents Ld SAKE Int Bibis T 1100 0 © 6 Dome Pete 14 $53 83. 53 London, although Bowring Bros. bi Poles ... Us TOM 2 eee ese s ents .... Iron Bay T 150 50 350 390 D Bridge x20 $2) 22h continued in Newfoundland as ems oe dels See, lst below Fooly py FE a A run subsidiary. PATIO DISPLAY @ Terpaulins, all 1 3 @ Boet 99° PATIO DISPLAY 3 = 7 : Jonsmith See list below Dom Glass 100, $134 134 14--%) Today Bowring sells insurance sizes, sq. ft. ... Bumpers ...... y 62 42 --11 D Magnes 200 $6% 6% %--lover much of the world, owns Kerr Add 8425 $14% 14 14 --'4] Dom Store 910 $18% 18 1 seven ocean-going vessels, is . . i @ Swim Fins 20" OUTDOOR K Anacon 2133 74-7474 Domtar 1970 $16%e 16M 1614 : @ Foam Sleeping ' as: el hole bled 770 sieve 164 164 | drilling for oil in Alberta, buys uminum Froidin from .... pr. fae sik we oe u 4 4 | BD. Textile 255 $21 20% 21 coffee in Brazil and nuts in In- from ....... ® --1 1] Dupont 216 $344 lh M-- Mi 595 82%» 29 Its assets are estimated at =)" tL Duleut a Ie IMM Ml po! | Se as" at" gs" el dia © 4-Position @ Swimming Le Luz 100 $14% 14% 14+! £eq Grain 400 $6 6% bVe i Masks from a : Langls 1000 44 4k 4a Fleet 14900 135 125 --15| Its assets are estimated at Chair Beds .. Us Heavy. gauge steel; sturdy construction; rolled edges; gg bef tf fa rs ai aoa y ig eid ee bof Lang about $122,000,000 and annual @ Double Folding heavy duty plated legs; solid chrome adjustable rack... torads sD GL Paper 100 $2604 644 26% profits at $17,000,000. @ Sleeping Bags 5 55 Bunk Maca 'ower ty -- Man B 0 19 9 > from ....... ® / Man eee ee 41] Swit, 0 os -- W/EXPANSION LIKELY FOR PRICE Beds ..... La FOR PRICE flattens wa $13 iH 9 +%! G }00 $26% 26% 26%-- | Mr. Ayre says the success of SAKE & Boat S Lif Air M Mayorun 10 2 FF aul Sum Trt 20 $6 9% Ml the little shops has started @ Boat Seat Life- 4 4d @ Air Mattresses 7 77 SAKE @ MecWat wooo St 51 Si =--31 Hind Dave 35.355 55 55 Bowring Bros. thinking of ex- saver Cushions "We from ....... 8 ern 700 o att 7 Home a pe a ae 19 al? ii 1\panding its department stores-- PATIO DISPLAY PATIO DISPLAY Werwtlon | go ae ac 3 CBS 'ces "aes ae 4 it has five in Newfoundland--to MI 300 1% 27 127 --8] Huron Eri 200 $9% 9% 9%%---~ | the Maritime provinces. Net Exp) 300 12 10% 1 Husky Ol| 242 $15% 1544 15% -- Ve - Nealon 000 5 5 §$ --k) Husky C pr 55 $62 62 62 New Ath 607 19% 19% 19% Husky DW 7. $50 10:40 Net New Bid 1500 4 4 4 Imp Life 25$165 165 165 Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge New Cal 1000 33% 33% 33%4--%) Imp oil 372 $592 59 5H» Fi Newconx 545 SO ine. ob 25 $144 14% 1d Revelstk 200 39% %% 9% N Harri 1000 14 14 14 Ind Accept 280 $24% 23% 23% ae Ide S N Hosco 900 235. 931 235 --1 | Ing Adhes 180 87% 7% + ie| Royal Ys ame 81 a =) N_imperal 5800 905 300 00 --B | ind Minerl 842 $13. 12% 13 Oi ack: wae hens eat New asen 1000 M4 34 A-- MA! Ind Wire L St Com A HS S20 Bh De N Kel Ve 124 = - Newiund" 1000 16 16 16 + M4] Inbnd Gan HOST 1 tT t| Salad®, | 00, $1096 1036 100 N Ges Regt 950. 4300 430 nM fae ed Sakis A. a situ ae 14 N - ay a gente ae 8 wel ie nel OE el sell vie Wn a et Igloo Master Model 200 4-Foot Foldin 2-foot x 5-foot Norbaska 2200 S4 S454 Intpr Pipe 1458 $2114 21% 21% Shell Inv w 100 9465 965 965 --10 GRASS 4 Norbask ¢ 700 %% 2% Int Pipe w 3775 620-815 8204 5 | Shell Can 377 $26% 2646 26% -- Ve ; Normetal 115 385 385 385 intr Stee! 400 $5 5 § -- vp! Shop Save 201 $12% 12% 12% Foldin Cam | 4500-27 2526 +1) Inv Grp A 1875 $11% 114 11%--V| Siiverwd B 730 $16 16 16 ; 9 P WN Goldin 2400 Bi a 2 ITL Ind. 1185 $344 33 334 -- % Whig ; geo cin A Hil TRIMMER * Nani no 2% eo he nee Siater St 218 $10. 9% 10 ' or Picnic 3 Qpemaca 18 95 me ono --10 | Janeen agoasne ag Mag St) Sate AT att ads Mag) an™ tl! SHEARS Orchan 100 2 229 2 --1| Jockey Cc 370 365 365 --5| Southam 100 $4514 ASIA 451A + % Osisko 500 66 66 66 Kelly DA 100 485 485 485 --10| ST Radio 25 $29% 2% Wh+ Ve | palo m4 ry = Laat 2 Ne at in Stas} Can 914 $23 23 23 = fe ; 1 ee Pax Int 423 10 10 10 Ton 'Com 317 WO oe 10 Themen P ua ee " Aluminum for light weight; Pce Expl See list below, Laura See 260 $13% 134 13% Tor Dm Bk 1195 $704 70% 70%--% I hendle stand-up type. Peerless 2008 68 68 +9] Lau Fin 20 $5) OS T he 8% V Heat output 17 gr. 2 ; i i iy Piet ae ake sou are -- | EAU 200 a9 S24 214 2% Transotr » 100" ssa" su she + | 2 ee ie oh ace for ice cold goodies on Compere et 13.00 Prenon Bim we . \ i a eee Tr Can PL 1163 $2H6 204 28V4-- 14MM uses losol er equivalent fuel, Compare et 21.95 picnics. Compere at 7.50 set. for the home owner. Curdex, VO ayo ame mnt | Life dovest 100 Suv om ot al Ty Con Py. 500 060" 60 ben mie ram ry ~ ny ave Chip 26002 12 12 Pee: ea ee wey Teta se ene de a FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE Guemont:'.. 00 7S 70 7 -- 8 | OM Re sre SK KT ie] un Caria x10 $21 20m 21 ' Radiore = 1400 BB ne El 735 $20% 20 20 -- % ae LY Nd Rayrock 1000 122 122 122 +2 Maritime 28 $22% 227% 22% Te RT oh nt ie th al Reeves 100 185 185 185 Mas For tos GEE ae ee Corp B 100 $124 124 124-- Va ee ee | Merce en me oe wm Ucn 8 e From lo Algom - ersatd 200 Se be 6he--! Roman 525: 918th TVs leve--,tal Mat Seren 7S Site MA OO) versatile 505 $360 36° 364 -- 38 e ad e Epa Rae Pd Ea aaa | Mon Fond 300 54 OM OE ECW 1088 00 Se n - a an V Sherritt 10 ee ee oe ee aul Weste'st ih he tar owe LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL PATIO DISPLAY PATIO DISPLAY LOWER LEVEL Sil, Eureka 200 130 130 120 +19 | Moore 695 $284 27% 28 --a| West Ind 180 230 230 230 --10 vi Similar" Tha tae an--14| Hoes § San" "4 | Weel, AE HK Bae 28 -- Siscoe =) | Mrphy Pr 80 $2784 27% 27% Weston A 100 $195 195 19% -- Stanrck 1000 330 330 --10/ Wis Wire 100 $19 19 (19 Weston oe Bi M nt: @] 4 T k Steep R 125 560 560 560 eston B 250 $20% 20% 20% u y 4 wners an =i rac Tock oro sn ago me aw -- 8 | Norte g Min, Ne ag] Womtea AB 900 Site am Golden Lawn Food Tere 0g cele. Sallve Ose ach: gle M4] Bales to 11:00 a.m. 614,000 = . Osha' 532 837% vy ---v ova av serra Tor wire Pac Pete. 1765 Sid'e 14 14 -- tel C Petrot m4 ou +h @ 35-lb. for up to 5,000 sq. ft. Vie, 8 6 et ee: ey! ee, ee Se al | Uy roe ere | Be) ae eT | feet, ae Tg Im Moke your selection now from 500 Fak eee ane ° 0 12 12 12 --w ie mM different label eee sey eee | tee Be eS ce Be cifferent lobes oreuan" sae pe ee Rank Org 525 $e Sie Se--Val Un Keno H 700650 640 650 +10 FOR PRICE SAKE from @ 60-Ib. for up to 8500 sq. ft. Yi Bear igo yma amy + 3 Ad FOR PRICE SAKE " on - enmae 1000 24 24h +2 | MAIN FLOOR OILS, GAS Alminex 400 All. Varieties lron Horse Engine : : Ledue 7200 15 1: Jiffy Dry Mix Min ve ed ak D X0-foot Length fy Dry Bren Bi BA one "ID. Dag x - E Homes too mt cH Box Plants GARDEN CONCRETE Gent Bel 400, $12, 11% 11% -- Need money v Ge 5 : : amie 110 110 110 --2 for raniums bere 5 or business Flowers and French Pt $00 425 425 425 expansion? or bom, aoe Oe i Vv © 10-lb 36 u = Int Helium, 1100 330300 390 -- § egetables Dozens of eolers; beoutiful : "a wilt sy Ne ee = | big bloome . I dig a Complete with fittings and Net Pe 100 200 80 20 +6 @ 25-lb, 67c NC Oils 1s 3 4 7 FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE washers. Compere ot 3.98. Numac wt 1800 88 87 87 SOR PRICE FOR PRICE SAKE 730013 13 18 SAKE = mses Look into the , 4 4 99 are see: wf z Provo Gas 2700 580 S75 575 100 22 22 222 +9 i ie ¢ e C ad © 80-lb. 1.66 U Congo w 1200 100 100 100 Ib @ 20" Cut 49,99 Un Reet P20 18 IS FOR PRICE SAKE .... &On & W Decalta 100 240 240 240 aca Distribution = PATIO DISPLAY PATIO DISPLAY PATIO DISPLAY PATIO DISPLAY PATIO DISPLAY LOWER LEVEL Ti Shares SYSTEM OF FINANCING The T to Stock Exchange has been advised fiat ihe 'following "companies $25,000 to $1,000,000 -- or more -- for any business fon' agreements: which may result. In or industrial purpose. Terms up to 15 years. See Le ae current NOOO RoyNat Ltd. at Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, the teaiies of tthe Exchange, a Regina, Calgary or Vancouver. m Ansil mn 8 8 Or enquire through any branch of 14000 26%) 2% 26e-- Ve € Laneourt oo a i THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Stie we Yo BANQUE CANADIENNE NATIONALE --_-- "ess THE CROPS TRUST Cement We Reserve The Right Adult Ont C'RedP 11000 was =| GENERAL TRUST OF CANADA To Limit Quantities © al ® Allowed Speciels Stl. Same iat we =) MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY 125 4 14h Sienn yen) ie Ow md

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