Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 May 1967, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Mey 20, 1967 Dear Ann Landers: I teach sociology in a Connecticut col- ANN LANDERS Males Of All Species Boast Of Conquests I was proud of myself, but my weight loss didn't accom- lege. I made a recent travel|plish what I had hoped for. My study around the nation, talking husband was still more inter- to college students on sex. Theirjested in watching sports events reports indicate that a good- on TV or going out alone. His looking male student of 21, iflidea of celebrating our wedding he has a smooth tongue, can seduce nine out of 10 of the pretty girls he takes out, re- gardless of her age, religion, social or economic background. Are these young boys brag- ging or dreaming?--No Name Please Dear No Name: The percent- age sounds wildly inflated to me. Moreover, I suspect males who make such claims are not only bragging and dreaming--| hy they are also selling. The idea that everybody is doing it has great sales appeal. The young men hoped to get this notion across to you as well as the girls whose resistance they are attempting to break down. Get it? Dear Ann Landers: I was a heavy woman when my hus- band married me 17-years ago. I tried every imaginable kind of diet, and I did lose weight but I always gained it back. Five years ago, I put myself under a doctor's care. He found I had a thyroid condition and gave me medication and a strict diet. I lost 80 pounds. My husband kept saying, 'You'll probably gain it all back. anniversary was to go to sleep early. Within one year, I gained back the 80 pounds plus another 20. I've never been so de- pressed. I don't even feel like a human being, let alone a woman. If it weren't for our four children, I'd get a divorce. I see a social worker every week, and he tells me that no progress can be made until my and comes in for talks. My husband refuses--says I'm the tell me what to do.--Lorain Dear L: If you've been seeing a social worker every week, you don't need me to tell you that your problem originates in your head. You are using food as a substitute for companionship and blaming your husband for your obesity. You need intensive therapy and I hope you get it soon. Dear Ann Landers: I know this letter stands a one-in-a-mil- lion chance of getting printed because so many people write about serious problems, but I'm going to take a chance any- way. I work in the mail department Crocheted Toys Are Cuddly Soft By ELEANOR ROSS It's fun to make something for a baby. And any woman who likes to crochet can provide lots of fun for a favorite baby. Yarns come in such delectable' tolors. There isn't a baby that doesn't delight in soft, cuddly animals, And these are easy to crochet, For example, rabbits, ducks, elephants and kitty cats can be made in single crochet stitches of a large organization. Every day we receive hundreds of let- ters to employes. The envelopes often read: Mary Smith, Macy's Department Store, New York. 'ary could be a corset buyer, a cleaning woman, or the secre- tary to the president. It takes a lot of time to hunt up Mary Smith, and the hundreds of other employes whose mail is gone | addressed. Please tell people to write the name of the department on the envelope, and the person's title, if he has one.--Frustrated Dear Frus: Here's your let- ter, and based on my own mail, which runs about 1,000 letters worked out in loops for a soft,|/a day, your chances for getting furry effect--using professional/a letter in print were not one or an improvised pattern. Thejin a million, but approximately finished piece can be plumped one in 333, since I usually print up with cotton fill to make itithree letters a day. Thank es ook fat, sassy, and realistic./for writing about a problem I' Baby's mother will be able tojnever heard of it in sudsy before. Who water as often|says there is nothing new under as necessary to keep it sanitary./the sun? A non-crocheter who likes to Symantec ao tad out of with sloth which costs ttle and washab) le. A reminder: it is always safest to stich or crochet eyes, noses and mouths into the faces of toy animals, rather than at- taching buttons or other hard trim -- because that can be torn or chewed off pre- sents ines b hazards to baby. REQ S LESS WORK backs are made to over frames. This 14 @ fine Ten for plastic - covered chairs, espe- cially in summer. Either towels or yardage can be used to make slipcovers, au- tomobile cushions and bed- spreads that are ---- enough to last through years repeated machine washings, | 1a lowed by fluffing up in a dryer. Mention of terrycloth remindsimng meticulous needlewoman us that apart from its role in toys or clothes for baby, it can be used about the house, adding colorful touches that are easily|), laundered. Terry yardage is economical for many things, but it requires less work to use ba towel for some items. tchen and bathroom cur- tains need only a_ heading through which to run a curtain Tod. ed hand towels are 'The right size for table or tray Mats. Clothes will not stick to will bind or overcast seams to it the raveling that some- ~ a" in machine "or sew on for fun and ac- complishment. OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS EDGAR'S DECOR CENTRE 34 KING ST. W. © Color Unlimited @ Decoretion to Fit YOUR BUDGET See Us For Paint & Walipeper Phone 7237351 offers Summer Training for BUSINESS -- _it_makes good sense ! Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King 9. £., Oshewe 5x 7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount o n Orders of 5 of More Pictures ness College Make your Summer count for Get a head start on 10 Simcoe Street North Acquire Useful Skills and Knowledge Make yourself more employable for the future. Prepare for higher Learning -- LEARN TYPEWRITING AND SHORTHAND Start es soon es possible after your reguler school term closes, Registrations accepted up te July 15, 1967. Choice of subjects and schedules. Open te students from Grades Six, Seven, Eight, High School and University. Get your FREE copy of "Summer School Makes Summer Sense" FALL TERM -- Tuesday, September 5, 1967 Get The Facts -- Then Act -- Register Now 'ohet hwhite f very on Office Career. Dial 725-3375 THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR SUNDAY Friday's planetary influences afflicting personal relationships lift now, so Sunday should prove a most congenial day. Get-to- gethers with family and friends should be stimulating and heart-warming. Also favored: Sports, travel and romance. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Sunday is your birthday, stars influencing the Gemini- Taurus cuspal (one born at the change of Signs) for the next year will be excellent on prac- tically every score. To be spe- cific: The months of June, Sep- tember, December and next March should be outstanding for some pleasing and, even un- expected, recognition for past efforts. But you'll have to con- tinue doing your best, of course. Nothing will be handed to you one who is nuts, not him. Please' on the proverbial silver platter. Look, too, for opporiunities to advance your financial status between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31; also during the three-month pe- riod beginning on the next Feb. 1. Do avoid extravagance and speculation during early August and throughout November and December, however. Personal relationships will also be governed by good influ- ences, with travel and social in- terests promising to be highly stimulating between now and Sept. 1; also in December, next January and April. Best periods for romance: Between now and Aug. 15, late October and next April. A child born on this day will be extremely sensitive, artistic- ally inclined and endowed with lofty ideals, Somewhat mild planetary in- fluences should make Monday a more or less routine day. derta long-range plans. Some surpris- most heartening. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that vancing your financial status. being. pet off the launching ot| Melting Pot ing news in the p.m. could prove Not Answer To Racial Strife {azy. MONTREAL (CP)--People do within 3% months you will enter|Mt have to be melted down and a fine four-month cycle for ad-|Moulded into "the exact rep- licas of our neighbors in order This, providing, of course, that|to achieve world unity," Harry you manage conservatively and June, September, December and next march. Don't engage in unfamiliar un- CHAIRS Assorted colors; assorted patterns CASH AND CHROME SAMY 2.99 HOLIDAY SPECIAL, Just in time fer Father's Dey SWIVEL ROCKERS 19.95 do not go overboard in spend-|Signs), ing. It will be especially impor-| will also be governed by gener- tant that you do not speculate) ous stellar influences during the at all during the first half of| coming year, but do try to avoid August, or in November and/friction in close circles early in December. Consolidate all mon-|November and in late January. etary gains during January,|Best periods for sentimental in- 1968, and you can look forward/terests: Between now and Aug. to a fine three-month period for/15, late October and next April; expansion on the fiscal front|/for travel: beginning on Feb. 1. Best pe-|Sept. 1; also, in December, Jan- riods for job advancement:|uary and April. A child born on this day will be highly ingenious, self-reliant For the Gemini-Taurus cuspaljand talented along literary (one born at the change ofjlines. personal Between now and Golden, executive director of |minori! the Young Men's and Young/self to Women's Hebrew Associations|verse environment, "Both the Jew and non-Jew|Women's Federation of Allied conference at Expo 67 Wednes-|have developed culturally and|Jewish Community Services of economically as a result of liv-|Montreal dealing with the theme "This is a popular misconcep-|ing together without losing their/The Uneasy City. tion which most minorities seem to have," said Mr. Golden. "It's -like all African countriés trying to be i. er, Pad poy it can't work an re is frustra- relationships|tion and resentment between races or religions." Mr. Golden said the Jew in Quebec is a good example of a of Montreal, told a women's ve in harmony in a di- which has adapted it-jindividual identities," he said. He spoke in @ panel at a con- ference sponsored the smaller BIRKS recommen HAGERTY 74 CELINA STREET "Free Customer Parking While Shopping ot Our Store" FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest fobrics < . ..00e >. MéEC Dry Goods & Draperies Bnd INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 WILSON'S ARE OPEN . : 4-PIECE DINETTE SUITE ya 19.94 REGULAR 4.95 EACH HASSOCKS and FOOT STOOLS WITH FRAMES om = 199 || 'nen 7.99 GENUINE OIL PAINTINGS each THIS IS THE ONLY HOLIDAY IN THE YEAR THAT COME ON DOWN! OPEN MONDAY -- VICTORIA DAY -- 10am. to 5 p.m 7-HOUR SALE 10.A.M. DOOR BUSTER 10 A.M. DOOR BUSTER 10 A.M. DOOR BUSTER 10.A.M. DOOR BUSTER 10 A.M. DOOR BUSTER 10 A.M. DOOR BUSTER LARGE 6' x 9' Borderless Linoleum Rugs CASH AND omy 3.99 Heavy besketweave VICTORIA DAY SPECIAL ... 2-PIECE eottege or ree. room Complete with a 2-PIECE cottage. The "Barly Bird" gets @ VINYL ewive, CHAIRS vinyl covers; washable. eee @ LARGE SIZE CRIB From © Spring Filled CRIB MATTRESSES 99 from ..... te teree 1 @ GENDRON 19.96 FREE GIFTS WITH CHESTERFIELD CLEAROUTS seansy srt _OHESTERFIELD SUITE Red and black cover; foam cushions, black iron frames. VICTORIA DAY SPECIAL ... ssam__ SUITE hy MONARGH over; foam cushions; ene only. DAVENPORT SUITE By "Exclusive"; new 1967 model with florel print beck; ideal for room .VICTORIA DAY SPECIAL ............ wopenn scandia QHESTERFIELD SUITE Wooden arme; foam cushions, sect and back. VICTORIA DAY CLEAROUT . eee teneeee ee besersseres aeuce_ SECTIONAL SUITE table; sleeps two; foam beck rberite corner cushions. VICTORIA DAY SPI GPUGIAL icici cect enies Victoria Day Special CHESTERFIELD SUITE Modern styling; solid foam zippered cushions. Ideal for the this one, BRAND NEW. ni Ry ion with vi compbin: D ny ere yy v A di tal elt SPECIAL .... @ Hi-Back SWIVEL ROCKER See oe ed BABY BARGAINS @ NEW CARRIAGES STROLLERS ...... @ Hi CHAIRS, largest essortment in Oshawe 69.95 CHAIRS FOR FATHER EVERY PURCHASE -- MONDAY ONLY 177.00 SPECIAL! 166,00 each @ PLAYPENS as is CARPETS CLEAROUT for beds @ MAGAZINE @ BUFFETS 39,95 12.88 5,99 THIS SALE ONLY! seeebersoos @ LARGE 9' x 12' @ ODDS 'n ENDS PICTURES & PLAQUES each from .. @ HEADBOARDS for 39" BEDS @ pa FOAM PILLOWS Ce eee ee eo) eoeeesoes 98 RACKS Smooth Top Mattresses S22 Clearout Depariment One-Of-A-Kind SAMPLES; Some Slightly Soiled or Display Damaged @ POLE LAMPS seve 189 oe, 4,99 38.88 @ AIR FILLED HASSOCKS with flowers; . 19.95 to 29.95 value. vues es s @ BOOK CASES ® KINDERGARTEN "errs ALL SLASHED FOR QUICK SALE. FACTORY CLEARANCE OF DINETTE SUITES Large size 36' x 60" tables; some with self edge; vinyl bumpers, inlays; some r der (Sr For The Discriminating Buyer BETTER QUALITY SMOOTH TOP 308 om construction; Queranteed for 4-SEATER Chesterfield Suite Lovely decorator fabrie; foam eushion: peng baskey wooden arm trim, Don't VIGTORIA DAY $ cum" $139 The Savings Are Amazing FREE DELIVERY SONS 20 Church Street - Downtown Oshawa Full 39" size; heavy; rayon damask tieh- ing, complete with headboard and legs. haynes DAY VICTORIA DAY 48.00 fe: 59.95 MATTRESSES Complete with springs and mattresses. trish demesk ftleking; it nate ole vents; firm construction; '®@ yeers. Mere is real quality. VIGTORIA DAY uu. §8.00 ONLY AT WILSON'S Bedroom SMOOTH TOP co Continental Beds BUNK BEDS 64.88 3-PIECE ALL SLASHED FOR THIS SALE nn 98.00 -ieseana end The flame of in the past, | more brightly t! Sunday afternoo bers of the form United Church assembly gather of the new chur United Church, | sod - turning c dedication of t In the presenc or, federal an members of par ministers. of mc tions, members Metcalfe Street F assisted in turni six key location How different must have bee site was chosen tist Church; wh dividing denomi hard and bitter 'the prayer of in offered by the M. Markle, assis Signor Paul Dwy St. Gregory the ' Catholic Church M. Kutziner of B brew Congregati the Word of Gi Old Testament. Never would | congregation hav such a thing ha without their fait their own church, never have been | United Church an fire that levelle would never hav a@ ceremony as w on Sunday. Accent on you the key-note of Pupils of Oshavy Schools first pres ing and colorfu pageant in the Ci jum. and Wed Thursday the Pt children had thei It was obvious children were av important part playing and each ¢ ed faultlessly. Pt and congratulatio to the teachers v taught and finalls ed these producti magnitude. The musical ai for the Public § voice choir by the | man E. Wallace chairman Marga! injected interest into the national at a brisk tempo. ional" anthem, ' Leaf Forever" h to it that "O Car and it now comp new flag doesn't The displays p picture of healthy ; Canada's ri ure. May their g blossom into adult! that all the child world were as wel and care-free, Proudly our Se Cadets. went thr paces in their se nual inspections 1: Explore . To Find By ROBERTA Diana Henley, ' job in New York a department of hu tion for the Ame! for the Preventior to Animals, refer rather lightly as trades who found in the job where sl! self, Diana comb: tangents that made lier life. "TI grew up lovil she said. "As a m I once owned 70 s1 time. On another dragged along a va on a family vacati "But all the w growing up, I neve working with ani career," she said. "In college, I tc courses and stuc Later when I becan in writing, I sig courses in that. WI from California to. began my working ing jobs as an acti TIPPED BY FRIE After Diana _ trie while, a friend who interest in animal: an opening for a educational depart: ASPCA. "I looked into t was fortunate eno it," Diana said, 'a years that I've hel used all of the te made up my life in "Naturally my | mals is a prime r this work," she dec my other interests second. THE 1967 STY SPORTSW @ 'Sabre' SI @ 'Sabre' SI @ 'Cole' Swii Now on Diss WARD Simcoe St. at J Quality Since 725-1151

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