J THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 19, 1967 COUNTY LINES Centenary Celebration DAMAGE AWARD OF $1,500,000 SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP)--A 34 - year - old former |Rerospace Future Plotted Determinedly By Ottawa shows the dynamism of the;ahead. aerospace industry in Canada, its demonstrated capacity, s80- phistication, and range of facili- ties from aviation medicine to fine instrumentation. David Golden, The Canadian market is lim- ited, but with lower tariffs promised in the Kennedy round of negotiations Canada's aero- space industry has a good op- president of|portunity to grow overseas if it pronounced it excellent. ing to do with preparation of|cilities in manufacturing supply the film, but after seeing it he|and research. After showing it. jindividual companies can put It is to be a soft-sell descrip-jon the hard-sell for specific cus- tion of Canada's aerospace fa-'tomers. NO HELP f LOS ANGELES (. eoons made such Mrs. Sarajo Lord's she moved her bed room. That was al! ago and she still | from the animal re mortgage company executive | OTTAWA (CP)--The govern-;man lands on the moon--on Ca-|Air Industries Association of|shows the initiative. | Nba WRYE Lt / ' has une po Pyeng ment is determined Canada will|nadian feet. -- Le the neers, em- , More than a score of compan- partment in getting ; s for injuries suffered when a The film will be shown at the|Ploying 44, people and pro-jies and government agencies animals. "You ba i Plans Made At Brooklin tree fell on his car, leaving |°® ® country to 6 Paris ais chew opening May 26,|ducing $600,000,000 worth of|will participate in Canada's ex- LS The Reon lOOR we'll come and g ; him paralysed from the neck |With in the aerospace future.|i)° was previewed Wedneaday goods and services in 1966, must/hibit at the Paris air show. = ---------------- down, For that reason it has spentinight for Industry Minister|expand abroad in the years! Mr. Golden said he had noth- ee wv | BROOKLIN (TC) - Plans for a centennial celebration for fesidents of the Brooklin Area, June 10, have been completed. The program will open with @ parade from the senior school to the community park where ging will take place. Follow- ing the opening ceremony, races a field day and a tug - of - war the Home and School Associa- tion meeting in Meadowcrest school. Mrs. R. Humphreys was presented with a past presi- dent's pin. The unit system was explain- ed by Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Bird, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. Coates, princi- pal of the school, chaired' the The judgment for Timothy M. Bleak, a bachelor who had been assistant vice-president of Pacific Western Mortgage Co., was believed to be the highest ever awarded in the United States in a personal in- jury suit. Bleak wht lives now with his aunt, Lady Sylvia Ashley, first promotional movie film. non-commercial survey of the current accomplishments of Ca- nadian industry in the aviation, electronics and space field. It features bush-pilot and tilt-wing aircraft, sophisticated naviga- tion equipment, and even ends $30,000-plus on the department's|Drury and industry All Systems Go is a quick,|* résenta- @ trade ow, The film, Mr. Drury sald, FREE FILM tives taking part in DRIVE-IN THEATRE FRIDAY--9 Z Liea | @ DANCE e .m. to 3 a.m. SATURDAY--8 a.m. to 12 p.m. to the exciting sounds of Z "Aven Thomas & the Intruders < Marrenernrvminnttwr rf f firefight- ; Rotman Sr gcc rein pane, eon, tart the former ret Douay Iwi pen tar ho oy wre tenements || TONIGHT = on at ate ting bee and other attract-|1, 2 and 3. Gable, had asked for $1,000,- O08 end Printings + + and COLUMBIA PICTURES, Where The Fun Is -- 9 P.M, Till 12 s will be held in the arena. 000 in general damages' and dpa le Tuk iy " A variety concert will be pre- Three B aptised $60,300 medical expenses. A WHER @ FASTEST SERVICE DANC Th sented in the township hall in jury returned with the higher THE INS' PROFESSIONALS the evening featuring a two -| BROOKLIN (TC) - Richard] verdict. @ FINEST QUALITY A COLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE | hour program by the 44 - voice|james Mulligan, son of Mr.| Defendants were the city of GO OUT |" BANAVISION® TECHNICOLOR® : s apes! centennial school choir. The/and Mrs. Frank Mulligan; Jan-| Beverly Hills and builder Her- ' Saturda Ni ht J 0.C women of St. Thomas Anglican/et Lisa Fairman, daughter of| bert J. Kronish and his wife Danel ADULT ENTERTAINMENT p 4 gy jt Church and Myrtle United Chuch|Mr, and Mrs. T. Fairman and| Hazel. City Attorney Allen ng ue a PON eeteensaasnnsae SAT., M will serve light lunches foriteanne Fer Puffer daughter of| Grimes said he will recom- Mm *& SATURDAYS x PLAN NOW TO ATTEND OUR SPECIAL e vs on those wishing to remain for/Mr, and Mrs. J. Puffer were d that the cit: 1 th : SUNDAY, MAY 22 hee pst! DRESS-- Gs evening concert. Mr. and Mrs, J, Putter were} mend that the city appeal the P| .. "| PHOTO SERVICE , nd $e NASHVILLE Gordon Hurst and Robert/service in the United Church.|--------. § JERRY REIDT $ @ PRE-HOLIDAY SHOW " SOUND Lindsay are co - chairmen of ; nd hi heat |} 251 King $e. &. 728.1619 SEE OUR REGULAR PROGRAM Mice Andrew isvactng as sec-| 1 WO Baptised SEALS RES A nae oe wniesem 120-260. | _ PLUS -- 3 SPOOK SHOW FEATURES : eee a retary. MAPLE GROVE (TC) - John Ad It D 0X) DANCING Kodecolor--sizes 120 » 620» 127 « ALL FOR THE ONE ADMISSION PRICE : Rudy Veltri I ; ' William Mutton, son of Mrs. and u ance 1 CEA EO Spring Fair aig quem and Mart y j end his SE A FO 2 yn : » son of Mr./6Dancing Every Sat. Night : is in readiness for. the Brook. (84, Mts. Norman Wood, were aot dey | NEW TORNADOS pcre tied lin Spring Fair to be held June|®Ptised by Rev. Mr. Romeril AT ' : $. In addition to the judging at the Christian Family Day i featuring the lovely Friday al 6f live stock there will be square Service in the United Church, CLUB OSHAWA fal MARIE HARRISON Live Lobster, ( dancing in the arena in the . m. oi cas Alaske Ki afternoon. A, dog show -utide Variety Concert ! TALIA CLUB Rudy Veltri Toble ages igal for Choose your own th * re - . . . ESA Onee! werent ANNRENE {| sone=-= M. com] ct see ugh in the evening. iety concert presented ee AND CANT FORGET IT! "OSHAWA'S EVENING 6 5 ae s group of school choirs in the D @ SUPERVIS! Be: RED BARN ! t iy Mission Gifts Christian Education Hall. Jack |g ON SCUGOG ISLAND ance PROGRAMME oe ee GEO] 4 i urrie was master of é issionary ond Maintenance) ones. elt. <= MUSIC BY -- i @ CHECK ROOM MOTO » presented at the Dedica-| The program also included DNIPRO HALL " | Son Bo beige a, Posen -- and instrumental selec. The Sat., May 20th e et For Reservatio Canadian Indians included 168 ROYAL 8:00 TiN 12:00 ' DANCE TO weetul articles Bible School My * RENT. 4 AMBASSADORS LOS BOLEROS RENTALS Plan Anniversary | MATL GRovE (ro) - Eshoy *Tiemestrs, ve t® % te BROOKLIN (TC) - Miss M Nee lon Bible School will be|$Admission--$3.00 Per Couple BAR PRIVILEGES fon Billinger will be the speak eser United yo at Eben-|2 | Spot Dances Door - Prizes LIVE ; ™ c er at the 110th anniversary of ° Smee Sn et & : the --T School, May 28. DANCING At The HEY KIDS ! MATINEES ONLY ORGAN sendin A yrs ty ci A has Officers Installed Colonial Au New! an MUSIC Show Times--Weekdays: 6:50 & 9:30. Sat. From 1 p.m. Sun. From 2 p.m. THE a e os batey ha pete BROOKLIN (TC) - Mrs. D. King St. East at Townline Fon The AN AARON ROSENBERG rropuction by ) ah av iid ase] bay Sarum hres | Ue ae ree) i ODEON THEATRE . - le t eveni vice + president and Mrs. S./L__/"u* "0 | Coxon TREDWELL- 29 KING ST. E, -- PHONE 725-5833 Nolan as program convenor at HATCH ; ADMISSION UNLESS YOU'RE TIRED OF ! Security Risk | VISIT || Peno= rs te fro Ca hy od Ts a tema iii WEsT- BURT WaRd 2° Join The ODEON MOVIE CLUB wv . by . . ne eplier anh ain OSHAWA Enroll now and get your FREE membership certificate and elub KNOX STANDING AK ROSENBER ML TON SUBOTSRY In Confession? | Canadian Automotive PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- Museum Some Presbyterians in classified 9 jovernment jobs are fearfull) °% Simcoe $t. $. -- Oshawe it their church's proposed new confession of faith might @) Pp E N jeopardize their security status, Mon. te Fri. 9 o.m. to 5 p.m, Sundey 12 p.m. te 6 p.m. Seturdey 10 @.m. te 6 p.m. button, By attending our Saturday meetings you could be the lucky winner of your own two wheel bicycle. TEGHNICOLOR TECHNISCOPE G CIVIC AUDITORIUM INDOOR- it was learned today. OUTDOOR Involved was a section of the document urging efforts in be- half of peace 'even at risk to fational security," Rev. Floyd W. Ewalt, moder- @tor in the church's Washington, D.C., area, said that some members "'are concerned about whether security clearances would be affected." In some instances, individuals fn classified work are reported to have been advised by lower- echelon military or defence plant lawyers that the proposed credo might becloud their "They've been told they might get in trouble," Mr. Ewalt said, adding that he him- self knew first hand of only one specific case of this kind. Other sources said there have been some similar instances around the country. The concern became known as United Presbyterian repre- sentatives met here for their 179th annual general assembly, with final action scheduled on THEATRE CASINO ROYALE IS TOO MUCH FOR ONE JAMES BOND! DAVID NIVEN WOODY ALLEN JOANNA PETTET ORSON WELLES DALIAH LAV! IH KERR WILLIAM HOLDER P ROYAL HOTEL WHITBY NEWLY RENOVATED Sing Along With YUKON EILEEN et the Honky Tonk Piano Dine in eur Lounge featuring @ Full Course Dinner 1.25 STARTING TODAY First Run All Color Program "HOTEL" ROD TAYLOR -- CATHERINE SPAAK ALSO "MURIETA" JEFF HUNTER -- ARTHUR KENNEDY BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON ious PALL VIEW Eee DOORS OPEN 11:30 p.m. FOR ADVANCE TICKET HOLDERS SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY ! % FRIDAY « The Big Fun Dance The Sounds ef the Big Beat The Place te Meet This Sundey SPECIAL HOLIDAY ALL NIGHT SHOW. Come early and see four feotures for the long-discussed "confession Geile the one admission price. of. 1967." $ EDDY SPENCER CHI $s 6 " RETURN ENGA wet mare ok | IAN ANDERSON ane CASTLE of EVIL" and ss oe oe On THE MISSION Dra by CORES K FEL and ERY BRESLE Diced yA MTN, HUGHES GUEST ROBERT PARE NcROH-Smeptyby WOLF KARO, 'THE BEAST from OUTER SPAG : 7 fn UU AUEL SERS Sunes yn lig nv = Me Cpe and Crd by UR BACHRACH PVG TEDL" COLMA PCTS RELEME i Countr IZZA Dencing 9 te 12:20 FEATURE TIMES {ow on paren Fre tat CONTINOUS ere . a Phone 722-6241 6 FROM ies 1:40 -- 4:15 ein tai EPI'S falc 1:30 P.M. ints Wc mt 7:00 -- 9:45 ee ¢ ; TH E iy U LD » ADULT Warner Bros. unlocks all the doors of the sensation-filled best Soe AL EDISON HELD OV SHOCKING i FEATURES PATRICIA OWENS VINCENT PRICE' « RERBERT MARSHALL = KURT NEUMANN» JAMES CLAVELL RUSH LOUNGE \\ UL AY Musical MON TWO PLUS TWO With Our Own Local Home Town Gal Entertainment Nightly -- Soturday Matinee JAN POWEI -- CO) RAY Y iS = - --_-- - z starring ROD TAYLOR TECHNICOLOR®: FROM WARNER BROS. CATHERINE SPAAK:KARL MALDEN: MELVYN DOUGLAS-RICHARD CONTE -MICHAEL RENNIE KEVIN McCARTHY ena MERLE OBERON ee"The Duchess" ANEL # » aT al we KIRK MORRIS / HELENE CH [ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK ALBUM ON WARNER BROS.RECORDS' | . : ! REGERT ADULT kino st | FAMOUS Now Licen FEATURE DAILY AT... ENTERTAIN SHAW: Bo Siti ery! 2:00- 4:30 - 6:55 - 9:20 Btu sul Bets cae bnla ON SALE! THEATRE PI A) ( M