Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 May 1967, p. 2

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Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 19, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE 'Percival Says He Gave Pills On Instructions Of Doctor » TORONTO (CP)--Lioyd Perci- val, former director and head eoach of the Don Mills Track Club, said in court Thursday he gave 10 Dexedrine pills to shot-| |, putter Nancy McCredie in 1964) y --on a doctor's instructions. 'He said that was the only in- alance in which he ever gave Dexedrine, a stimulant, to an athlete. » Percival is suing for libel five); thembers of the Amateur Ath-|/ Jetic Union of Canada who have gleged that he gave simulants |; and sedatives to five of his ath-|; letes to improve their perform- ance. The defend ants, who form the registration committee for On- tario in the Amateur Athletic Union, are Fred Foot, George Denniston, Jack Bradfield, Do- reen Davies and Jesse Light- good. a . . . = Nine Die In Fire "DACCA, East Pakistan (AP) A mother and her eight children Burned to death Thursday when| a fire broke out in a warehouse | low their apartment. Another | persons were burned and} 'eight of them required hospital treatment. jentry | JEANETTE RANKIN . +. call to women War On War ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -- Jean- nette Rankin, the only member lof Congress to oppose U.S. | into both world wars, says American women should HERE AND THERE paha together to halt the war VIET RESOLUTION "Bay of Quinte Conference yes- terday, adopted a resolution on the Vietnam war intiated by Oshawa Prebytery, represent- ing 33 charges of the United rch in the area. The reso- lution asks the federal govern- ment to; -- stop sales of arms to the United States: -- bring before the U.S. government the necessity for the cessation of bombing North Vietnam and to 'begin talks with those who they are actually fighting:--bring the Viet Cong and North Vietna- mese to reduce the scale of their activities and to begin talks with U.S. and South Viet- 'nam. CLARKE WINS MEET Clarke District High School piled up 350 points to win the| annual inter - school track and field meet. Bowmanville, with 276 points was second; Courtice, with 180 points, was third and Millbrook, with 115 points, was fourth. TB EXECUTIVES E. R. Loveskin, of Newcastle, has been elected first vice-pre- sident of the Northumberland- Durham Tuberculosis and| Health Association. Members of the executive for the Durham County area include: R. Lawton, E. L. Ewart, Rev. K. J. Framp- 'ton and Mrs. Frampton, Bow- manville; Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, 'Maple Grove; Mrs. Frank Reid 'and Mrs. K. E. Courtice, Cour- 'tice; Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Newt- ville; Mrs. W. M. Ruddell, lewcastle; Mrs. A. L. Blanch- and Mrs. H. A. Peeling, in Vietnam. "If we had 10,000 women will- ing to go to prison if necessary, that would end it," she says. "You cannot have wars without the women," Miss Rankin, the first woman ever to serve in the House of Representatives, said in an in- terview: 'We've had 10,000 women sit back and let their sons be killed in Vietnam. To me, that is worse than the old Hebrew sacrifices," Now 86, she is still battling her old enemy--war. Huks Strike MANILA (AP)--Four Philip- pine policemen and three Com- munist Huk terrorists were killed Thursday after the Huks opened fire on a patrol that was searching for them in a Bataan village, constabulary headquar- ters said. letes, including three former National Hockey League greats, will. be elected to Saskatche- wan's Sports Hall of Fame May 22, it was announced today. The former NHL stars in the lineup are brothers Doug and Max Bentley of Delisle, Sask., and Elmer Lach, formerly of: Nokomis, Sask. Others named are the late Phyllis Dewar, a swimmer, formerly of Moose Jaw; Gas Eichel, a boxer from Indian Head; W. A. (Rover) Forsyth of Caron, a track and field star; and Norman Sheldon of Prince Albert, a soccer great. Hockey Greats | REGINA wi} -- seven ath John A. Home Health Bills TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario legislature's health committee ' approved three bills Thursday ' which will set up a health in- ;surance registry board to inte- grate the government's hospital and medical insurance plans. The legislation also provides a framework under which a full medical care program could operate in the province. Health Minister Matthew Dy- mond told the committee the board initially will handle regis- Q tration, premium collection, eli- '| gibility certification and general '\inquiries for the Ontario Medi- cal Services Insurance Plan. Bert's Blues LONDON (AP)--Bert Martin j}and made a playful lunge at se- jcurity guards unloading £15,000 | ($45,000) in cash at the London \factory where he works. One |guard whipped out a squirt gun \filled with blue dye and sprayed | |him from head to foot. | ARDA Criticized PORT ELGIN, Ont. (CP)-- John Mackenzie, chairman of Bruce County's Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Act committee, has criticized ARDA as the most frustrating thing he has ever encountered. | In a speech Wednesday to the Georgian Bay Regional Develp- ment Council, he said the only w the regional councils could get any action from the committee was to force issues and raise a lot of noise. $5,000 Bail WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- EI- jmer Talbot, 29, of Windsor was charged Thursday with posses- sion of an offensive weapon fol- lowing a shooting incident at a downtown intersection Wednes- day. He was remanded on $5,000 bail until May 25 for plea. He was charged after James Stott, 36, of Colchester, Ont., was wounded in the thigh while reading a newspaper on a street, OTTAWA (CP) --- Revenue Minister Benson will officially open the Kingston home of Sir ANDY CLYDE e « » funnyman of west Cowboy Comic | Clyde Dies, 75 HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Andy Clyde, a little comic with a big moistache whose 68 - year ca- jreer started on the London \stage, is dead at 75. Clyde was best known as a jfunnyman of westerns, the side- kick of William Boyd in early Hopalong Cassidy. motion pic- tures. But he also was a serious cowboy actor and starred as Whip Wilson in old Monogram Pictures. His widow, Elsie Maud Tar- ron, was a Mack Sennett bath- ing beauty who played opposite Tom Mix and others on the silent screen. The couple had a json, John, | A funeral for Clyde, who died Thursday at his home in Los Angeles, will be held Saturday. Report Urged On Purchasing | TORONTO (CP) -- Kenneth Bryden (NDP -- Toronto Wood- bine) demanded Thursday that a group of senior civil servants studying the feasibility of a government purchasing agency report to the legislature's pub- lic accounts committee at the current session. He made the demand after the committee chairman, Rus- sell Rowe, (PC -- Northumber- land) said the treasury board had reported that the feasibility study had not yet been com- pleted, Mr. Bryden asked whether John A. Macdonald, known as Bellevue House, May 24, it was announced Thursday. Restoration of the house to the period of 1845-1850 has been carried out by the Canadian historic sites division of the northern development depart- ment. The Italian - style villa was built after Kingston. was chosen capital of united Canada in 1841. Sir John became the ten- ant in 1848, plans had been made to have the group report its findings to the committee, Chairman Rowe replied that it was doubtful the study would be finished this session. Money To Invest ! earn 'Hampton and Mrs. Gladys "Gamsby, Orono. . * EXECUTIVE ELECTED *. William Wallis has been elec- 'ted president of the Bowman- 'yille Liberal Association. Other *officers elected for the coming 'year were: vice president T. R. Wideman, and. secretary-treas- 'nrer, Mrs. C. G. Anderson. Har- 'ry Wade, President of the Dur- 'ham County Liberal Associa- , presided during the elec- ion of officers. Past president 'fan Nest was appointed public 'felations 'chairman. LAWN AND HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313: ALBERT ST. 4 24HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 (EARS ye MISS CAN et $2.00. Reg. price $2.9: 1275 KING ST. EAST Chesen by the Canodian Nursery Trade Association, Canedian Rose Society end the Horticulture! Soe RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE OPEN 8 A.M. te 9 P.M. ADA ROSE 2.75 each $2.50 each with purchese of 5 $2.25 each with purchase of 10 Also featuring Miss Genet Rose Playing Cerds with purchese of 3. reses 725-6551 614% per ennum for five years by investing in Guerenteed Investment Certificotes which are Gueranteed--os te Principe! and Interest, Flexible--may be used @s Cel- lateral for loans, Redeemable--by Executers in the event of death, Authorized--es Trustee Act In- vestments, CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUS} & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simeos St. N., Oshewe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmenville 623-2527 ' OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS and SATURDAYS WEATHER REPORT TORONTO (CP) -- Official] forecasts issued at 5 a.m. to- day. Synopsis: Unsettled weather prevails across all of Ontario, As the storm moves eastward northerly winds will bring cooler air to Ontario. Rain in the north will become light and intermittent today and Saturday and the showers over the rest of Ontario will end later today, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake Ontario, southern Geor- giant Bay, southern Haliburton regions: Mostly cloudy windy and turning cooler today with scattered showers, A few thun- derstorms this morning. Vari- able cloudiness and cool Satur- day, Winds southwest 20 to 30 and gusty in thunderstorms be- coming northwest 20 to 30 this morning. Sudbury, North Bay, northern Georgian Bay, northern Halibur- ton regions: Rain and a few thundershowers this morning. Becoming mostly cloudy with scattered showers and cooler this afternoon. Variable cloudi- ness and cool on Saturday with a few light showers. Winds easterly 15 becoming northwest 20 to 30 this morning. Algoma, White River regions: Mostly cloudy windy and turn- ing cooler with scattered show- ers today. Saturday variable cloudiness and cool. Winds northwest °" 'o 35 decreasin to 20 Saturday. { St. London .. Kitchener ... Mount Forest ,.... 40 d Unsettled Weather In Ont., Cool, Cloudy Saturday occasional rain and cooler today. ng Saturday mostly cloudy and cool with a few periods of light rain or drizzle, Winds easterly 20 shifting to northwest 20 today. Montreal and Ottawa regions: Cloudy with showers or th Wingham oss... Toront Peterborough 45 Kingston - 6 Trenton - 6 Killaloe . - 5 Muskoka . 4" North Bay bury .... EarltOn ..sscccees 40 Sault Ste. « & Kapuskasing ..... White River ...... 32 'Moosonee .,..-... 35 sasza ss aussesesse Forecast temperatures Thomas . Low overnight, high Saturday Windsor .. - 6 65 60 60 60 55 showers today ending tonight. Saturday mainly cloudy, Milder today cooler Saturday, Winds easterly 15 swinging to north- westerly 15 overnight. €xp067 Four Seasons Travel Are exclusive agents fer CANA- DIANA Village. ONLY eccomme- ion--Annex to EX! dati PO 9 (250 yards). $6.23 per yee gages on ef 4. Also inquire about eur Bus Tours. Phone 576-3131 NEED NEW TONGUES BIRMINGHAM, England (CP)--The huge City Hospital plans to set up an interpreter bureau to cope with foreign] RUSSIANS EARN MORE patients who don't understand| Real per-capita income in the English. Foreign visitors and|Soviet Union increased by more Asian immigrants have beenithan six per cent in 1066. City Of Oshawa | CLEANUP WEEK The week of May 29th to June 2nd inclusive, has been designated as Clecnup Week in the City of Oshawa and arrangements have been made for the collection from private residences, on their usual gatbage day of all discarded household accumula- tions of furniture, clothing, rubbish resulting from the cleaning up of grounds or from minor house- admitted in the past without the staff's being able to ques tion them about symptoms. hold repairs, and domestic waste material such as } j } t t eosee = Timagam., Wochrane, western James Bay regions: Cloudy with [Ge! S-S-# tone 0-G-9 0-S-0 0-S-0 0 Sno Het Collection. t EVERYONE WELCOME 9] Ontario County Unit; Canadian Cancer Society Oe Y= Sie aie SY SY oie ne Sie oT od M MOLSON CANADIAN Sage Bece a bonest brew makes its own hricads MOLSON Saf a. Zz: ZASANS s. GOLDEN ALE Pea a4. <<< X of the other Six Molson Canadian lager and six Molson Golden ale together in the same pack. Pick up the six of one, half dozen SoEae sagen eons OSs Free Film Display McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY JUNE Ist - 8:00 P.M. Selection of films on latest Research end Diagnestic Methods of Cancer Detection end Cure; along with explanation of where your concer contributions ge and whet they de. yr re (<a paper, rags, cartons, packing cases and bottles. MATERIALS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS COLLECTION All materials to be collected should be put out during the above mentioned week only, and at the same time and in the same place as the garbage for the regular collection. Large quantities of waste building material and waste food products (in excess of the normal amount handled in regular rhage collections) ore not included in this collection. His specie! collection applies only to private households and not to apartments, stores, businesses or industries. Department of Public Works City of Oshawa KARN'S PHOTO SALE PERFECT FOR EXPO SHOTS bale Argue Carefree instent Loed Outfit with case 19.67 Argus Model Instant Lead, Aute exp. w. euse and cube .................5.. 36.67 Minoite Aute Pak "500" 2.8 lens with flesh cube 49.47 35MM. Maieltine ALS Aute @ f., 1.9 lens w. cose 99.95 79,67 35MM. Minolte Hi-Metic Yo R.F., 1.8 lens CdS Mi w, case .. Aetsashandl ales. . CREO TT ern 18.67 CENTENNIAL SAVINGS ON MOVIE CAMERAS Argus Super 8 Automatic Zoom 1.8 lens w. grip.. 94,50 67,67 Minelte 8KS Automatic Zoom 1.8 lens w. cose .. 235.85 167.67 7 POWER CARL WETZLAR BINOCULARS 7 x 33 Extra Wide Angle w. case .........45 +. «47.50 34,67 7 x 30 Marine with case 39.95 24.67 47.50 34.67 28 KING EAST 723-4621 Open Evenings till 9 P.M, NOW... Is the time to switch... It's that time of the yeer when interest is poid i paneer vad ny on savings eccounts... THE SWITCH UP...» 44% on SAVINGS 4% on CHEQUING 6'%4% on 1 to 10 year G.1.C.'s 7% yield per annum on 10 year ACCUMULATING G.1.C.'s Longer CONVENIENT HOURS © 9 AM. te 5:30 P.M. Mon, STAM OCPM ML SS RUS TM bm SWITCH UP... Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation Heed Office: 19 Simcoe S$, OSHAWA, 723-5221 " 23 King St. W. Bow; 423- seymenvine ALUMINUM OSHAWA FREE PARKING GENUINE, LIFETIME HooLVENT C.M.H.A. Accepted AWN IN : Sliding Glass Patie Deors Shelters for --Bus Stops --Parking Lots --Ges Pump Islands Jelousies : : Colorful KoolVents keep rooms up to 20° cooler . . . prevent sun damage te furnishings . . . give your home new becuty end all-weather protection. Aluminum Siding " OPEN THIS SUNDAY 4:30 TO 8:00 P.M. With bor focilities, Moke your reservetions NOW. Phone 723-4641. From Molson's of the other pak for your next party. Independent Brewers Since 17864. Reglezing en ENQUIRE NOW! Inserts for Aluminum Doors and Windows SHOWROOM AND FACTORY 95 ATHOL ST. E. OSHAWA Baked Enamel PHONE 728-1633 Finishes Optional = TODA AUSTIN BENNET WHAT DO YC the new GO trans service which sta and do you plan travelling to Toro: or pleasure? Six people were question during a street survey in V said: David Waite St.: "I think it's 5 I will use it wher ideal for travellin to. I'd like to see Julia Nove. MONTREAL (C! Dutch had their big ada's world's fair 1 said their thanks way. After the red, wh Netherlands flag w Place des Nations, ana moved to the ion where she dedi Praise | In Big F MONTREAL (CP) Expo 67 has been p the press of Franc by a lavish 26-pag the current issue o circulation pictt zine Paris-Match. The latest Match hi in Montreal Thursd mail delivery from Statistics abou' more impressive those generated t world's fairs, says zine in introducing i of the exhibition. "But statistics wo veye the fair's esser for the first time i fair it is mot the tec! is predominant but happiness the tech: serve." The cover is give close-up photo of States pavilion. E: has taken the cover a leading French 1 Sharp P: To Top | KINGSTON, Ont. | nance Minister Mit Thursday predicted | cial and municipal will exceed the rate of Canada's gross na uct in the next four The minister told agement conference University that fec will rise six or seve a year, on a par wi growth, while prov municipal taxes mz as much as eight cent a year. Mr. Sharp predict the same four-year share of Canada's gr product collected in 1 governments will in or three per cent. However, Mr. Shat will not mean tax] have less to spend b will find their incot crease in similar proj A. M. Thorsteinss Vancouver law firm steinsson, Mitchell told the seminar tha gains tax at less th come tax rates will ¢ introduced by the fe ernment. He said a list of which Mr. Sharp has briefs indicates the ; is preparing the wa aaa SPRING Take A Dr To VAN BE GARDE For The .. DO-IT-YOURS| @ FERTILIZER @ TOOLS ( ® SEEDS, ETC. Van £ "Yor 5 On High:

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