hole full of Diane Bradd Bride - Elect NE Feted At Showers dia Miss Diane Jean Bradd whose COLLINGV marriage to Dennis Norman n Ontario Whalley is taking place tomor- oard hear' row at Grace Lutheran Church served decisi has been feted at many showers. Confederation Mrs. Jack Anderson, sister of Unions' bid t the bride-elect and matron of lingwood Sh honor, held a _ miscellaneous loyees. Pres shower at her home on Dover or the men, street at which relatives and United Steel friends of the bride-to-be at- ica, is trying tended. Mrs. Ronald | SO SOCT Ph over. Mrs. Allan Canfield an rs. a Jack "Taylor. assisted the 1966 PHILCC NORSEM A N a hwan hostess. A miscellaneous shower was 9 ! an NM held by Mrs. Lorne Crowells at) ~ ravery by | her home on Madison avenue,at Y Sigua Wineed which relatives and friends of y three - year - the prospective bridegroom at- Naten died 'ir tended. Misses Penny and MRS. R, H. DONALD Wendy Crowells helped serve. LIGHTED CHANNEL $ MRS, C. M. ELLIOTT water last y COMPLETE i (Retiring) Miss Sandra Whalley, the future 2 1g: aur eos? i Atapomine) bridegroom's sister, was the co- H ae Ceceedamaaa) YOUTH e . hostess. MONTREA New President Takes Office Mrs. Dennis Coker held a} Harvey Davi kitchen shower at the home of ilton was acq a charge of from the Ma $75,000 statue pavilion at th fair. In dis: Judge Pasc. municipal cc her mother, Mrs. John Cook, Nonquon road, where friends and relatives attended. Miss Sandra Cook and Mrs, John) Cook assisted. Mrs. George Allan held a mis- In University Women's Club Mrs. C. M. Elliott was elect- Foote ig secretary, Mrs. » ed president of the University] Ore alin etioce Women's Club of Oshawa and lbers of the board of directors cellaneous shower at her home P. ..6. mem- , p: br ; > district at the annual meeting/are- Program and_ hospitality, 2 oe pg oe, by I inn tae * last week. She succeeds Mrs.|Mrs. W. L. Gilchrist; ways and saanine ahd Mie Aclete Re | i > R. H. Donald who has com- poem Pg Se Wilson | calla. Viienis and relations at + Ki t CHEN JUD pleted a successful term of of- srecdauats:" Peppy ne cory tended ' RIVIERE fi Mrs, Fred Smith of Talon ' 23" Picture Tubé (CP)--Leo Bi ice. | Mrs. A. D. White; study group F ie tool Chates 6 spksionn On Other members of the execu-|co-ordinator, Mrs. J. A. Milne;|Court, held a pot-luck supper f Tighng channel nae died in host tive who were elected are: 1st/scholarship, Mrs. A, M. Dixon;|8"4 a pantry shower. Miss Gail t all portse Free Home ser. vice-president, Mrs. N. H. Ed- federation representative, Mrs. mondson, Whitby; 2nd_ vice-|N. H: Edmondson. Smith assisted. Relatives at- tended. pons pled agg eel Ane pert sn hablo ples saihes taki holstery MAY BE BouenT's SEPARATELY vice @ New slim design lowing a bri ber of the Qu sembly from .|_ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whalle president, Mrs, W. H. Harris;| The retiring president sum-| y, treasurer, Mrs. W. G. McLean, | med up the year's activities Ge tidal party 'eae ohare fuore tas. 4 Pickering; corresponding secre-|and wished the incoming execu- rly wing the : : tary, Mrs. William Stirling; re-|tive every success. rehearsal tonight. MODERN 2-PIECE be Se ceo fo tA Ae tree 46 oe Consi _ SOCIAL & PERSONAL Penile LIVING ROOM SUITES *5 DOWN Frankford Wedding tage" Not ( Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Of 0 h I AMRAIDAIL 10¢ OWRO Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department shawa Interest | I OOWN ONY * - +> OTTAWA ( Several parties were given tor| | dian governr * .Momsignor Paul Dwyer has) Mrs. Jack Taylor, Glengrove|the bridal pair prior to the| sidered build * returned from a month's vaca-|street, opened her home for a|Redknap -- McCumber wedding) prime Mini: : ' luncheon meeting of the After-|!ast Saturday. A luncheon at| «tion spent in Rome, "visiting! oon Auxiliary of Knox Presby-|Benvenuto Place, Toronto, with old friends and familiar plac-|terian Church Women's Mission-|@ Presentation, was given by tes". His visit enabled him|ary Society, Tuesday afternoon,|Brandon Rowe - Sleeman. Mr. ; E and Mrs. A. G, Redknap, - to attend the funeral of Card-) wiry Clayton Lee, president ofjents of the Rte yagi + {nal Dante who had been one|the Albert Street United Church tained at a family dinner party! > of the Monsignor's professors in} Women will introduce Mrs./and their friends arranged a, Ernest Marks, who will offi-|neighborhood shower at the formed the C Steelw Reject ° ier da Jpeiom aes ail cially open the Victoria day|home of Mrs. Nelson Vaillan-| enki Mr. Ralph Burton, Simcoe/tazaar and tea being held/court, assisted by Mrs. Gordon| can poles * street south, is touring England y oon next week. |'Willson. day rejected : and sends a post card of Stoke| Miss Aileen Parker, Park The girls of the Ontario Hyd- ro office at Belleville where the * Poges churchyard, the scone |rthe Titre Ce ~~ bride was employed, entertain- ehat inspired Gray's Elegy. "'Alll University Women's Club to hec|¢d. 8t ® supper party and kit- { very beautiful," writes the tra-\home last evening when the dis-\°"e" shower and Miss McCum- ¢ veller, "and Windsor Castle 15| cussion revolved on the work of ber attended a dinner party, wonderful." Aldous Huxley. held in Bloomfield, in honor of several brides - to - be, all) Mr. and Mrs, William Burch-| Mrs. T. D. Thomas, Harris\employees of the Ontario Hydro| ome. 4 i ' qll of Zambia, North Africa; |street, promotion chairman, and|&t Belleville. : ' no need t Comfortable DOUBLE BED : e a Sudbury loc dorsement of position in Vi A substitute proved which ditional negot parties involv and protested inate bombin, Tony Sodde % Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hamp,|/Mrs. G3. Minielly, Switzer| Friends of the bride held a) . Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs./drive, general chairman, have/Cup and saucer shower and a 16,000 - mem! Eugene Semchesyn of Orillia, registration forms for United|Community shower was held in Local 6500, : * with Oshawa friends will be the|Church Women wishing to at-| Frankford for the affianced pair, pire which guests of Mr. and Mrs, Michael|tend the 3rd regional conference|Ruth McCumber and Douglas] with hs py Mwwen f Oleksiuk, Mitchell avenue, on|for women of the United Church| Redknap. | faint mi ftits Sunday. A graduate nurse of|to be held at Kemptville Agri-| Leslie Bates, Rossland road) 'adn of total St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto,| cultural College, June 16, 17 and| West. was host at a stag party ceptable bum * Mrs. Burchall is a sister of Mrs./18. The regional conference will|for the prospective bridegroom. side in the v Oleksiuk. Mr. and Mrs, Burchall will be returning soon to Zam- » bia in missionary service, Mrs. Ernest Marks has con- sented to open Albert Street include representatives from the Bay of Quinte Conference and the Quebec Conference and ac- commodation is limited to 190. Pre-Nuptial Events Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Redknap, Colborne street east, grandpar- ents of the bridegroom, enter- tained at a supper party hon- oring the bridal pair and the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and 39" Continental BEDS COMPLETE WITH HEADBOARD, LEGS, BRACKETS, FREE DELIVERY United Natior itiative in a ¢ sequent peat chinery. 3 United Church Women's bazaar, | bear gael yarn enter- ° next Thursday afternoon and ained at a buffet supper at The Mrs. Clayton Lee and Mrs. Sam- Honor Bride El if Cave, near Trenton, following .200 TO 280 COIL. 5 YEAR GUARANTEE ® wel Gibbs will receive. | -LLeC the rehearsal, Thursday evening. An 5 "11° p Mrs. George Beerthuizen and) Darla Phillips HOUSEHOLD HINT for y Mrs. H. M. Moffatt are making For thawing ease, place a PRICED $5 DOWN > hig age pe for Begg Prior to her marriage tomor- anes bod plastic wrap between BEAUTIFUL Mel Medan » for the Lyceum Club's garden , each chop or hamburger patt! pag age i change ong = tea at Parkwood. Mrs. A. S. -slige® ae a tae be ne before storing in treneer ore. | pellag Fs godt & ergy ond FROM Delivers Brush # Ross will supervise an antique|'®U! omanc iss Darla) mis way you can freeze al senting hundreds - dalors rejoice. } display; Mrs. S. V. Barlow an Phillips was entertained at | week's supply in one package. ee a ane vse = exhibit of paintings and Mrs.|several showers and pr Beckers bed and reemy 4- ab : " M. K. Stephenson, the sale ofl tions. -- ee te * treasures. Mrs. Larcas Peacock | ~ and Mrs. R. Leo Gray will sell| Mrs. Joseph Bosco, Southlawn erin admission tickets at the ent-)avenue, opened her home for a Climatic ;. Tance. miscellaneous shower. The host- fia ah ess was assisted by Mrs. Peter Whatev FPN ig a ag cag hm ag pa aaa 4-BURNER © ELECTRIC BRAND NEW © FAMOUS MAKE BRAND NEW @ FAMOUS MAKE BRAND NEW @ FAMOUS MAKE need p Hortop street, was baptized by| Miss Beverlee Marks held a WRINGER anyway Reverend Walter Rackham, as-|miscellaneous shower at her : RANGE FULLY AUTOMATIC CHEST sisted by S. G. Saywell at St.|home attended by co-workers of x ki ERS the bride-elect from the Board) == Stephen's United Church on Mo- ther's Day. Godparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rundle, Detroit, were present and also friends and relatives from Toronto, 7a Whitby and Oshawa, Luncheon! was served at Mr. and Mrs. Ferries' home after the service. Mrs. Lawrence Stewart and Mrs. Peter Bolenchuk were the hostesses at the May meeting of the Lakeview Handcraft Guild held at Simcoe Hall. Mrs. Gordon Leddy, president of the 9th Oshawa Scout Group Auxiliary officially opened its dessert supper and card party held at St. Gregory's Audi- torium. Mrs. Clifford Harper was the general convener, Mrs, John Dalby, in charge of prizes; tht tadaw + of Education office. Mrs. Kenneth Fitzgerald held a kitchen shower at her home on Olive avenue. shower at her home. Phillips with a plant and a bed-) room lamp. J. Ross Rackus| made the presentation. Mr, and Mrs. Southlawn avenue. Pope's Message iy hh 2S Oe8 P88 tt be tables. | Mrs. Leddy, tickets; Mrs.| * 97 WITH $ H 88 Samuel Cayer, favors; , Mrs. Women Needed ba Walter Atherfold, refresh- , ° ' ments; Mrs. George peeing In Social Action candy; Mrs. Thomas Simmons,| and Mrs. George Simmons,| SUDBURY (CP) -- The na- tional president of the Roman Miss Georgia Kerry, the maid| place for un-matched socks. of honor held a miscellaneous] The office staff of the Board' of Education presented Miss| Following the rehearsal this evening the bridal party will be entertained at the home of Joseph Bosco, WIFE PRESERVER A towel bar or short clothes- \line near the dryer is a handy LIGHTING UNLIMITED FULLY AUTOMATIC @ CLOCK CONTROLLED AUTOMATIC WRINGER © LOVELL ROLLERS © FULL SKIRT '94: ramous mane o=WAY COMBINATION 23" TELEVISION @RADIO © RECORD PLAYER BRAND NEW @ FAMOUS MAKE FULLY AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC DRYERS BRAND NEW @ ADMIRAL GIANT 21" PORTABLE Hope BRAND NEW 3" FAMOUS MAKE TELEVISIONS 88 168: 299 3 seus |Catholic Women's League of | * ose ng part in the com-|Canada said Wednesday Pope R FAMOUS , bined meeting of the United | | Paul told her women have a PORTABLE TELEVISIONS me *95 GAS DRYERS onese $158 :** Church Women of Centre Street|particular mission to perform in Swacs FOR = bef ed ming were |the field of social action. rs. John Colley; Mrs. Frank| Mrs. H. T. Donihee, who had| » Owen, Mrs. H. R. DeMille, Mrs.|a private audience with the| P HOME OR COTTAGE soe te Nae e iguana Tai TRADES WANTED «Hab daa ieaareatan Manatee | Hunde of ses OPEN HOLIDAY | BAD BOY STORE =| "i: rye y. Mrs. C3 :|the two-day annual convention MAJOR tons : * Mrs. William Dearborn, Mrs.lof the league's Sault Ste. Marie| el from in these APPLIANCES If within 90 days of making your i hehe Neal and rs. George diocesan council. Ai nts that di phate MONDAY 200 YDS. EAST purchase you find a lower price of the fall kareer comtie| Mrs. Donthee, of Cornwall,| the alin abot ed KING ST E. OF TOWNLINE @ anywhere, the "Bad Boy" guar- °€- said the Pope urged her to tell| 8; Plug in antees to rebate you the differ- ' Sins oe trom ALL APPLIANCES y' ° Oshawa guests attending the|Canadian women they are) 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. CARRY FACTORY ence in full. sesame 25th wedding anniversary cele-|needed. | - SERVICE brations held in Toronto for Mr.| 'The Pope closed his mes-| Ws LIGHTING UNLIMITED TONIGHT FRI. TILL 9 P.M. tactony DOWN ONLY PLUS 10% IN OSHA and. Mrs. Cecil Knox were: Mr.|sage by saying there is hidden = - emeniennin qUARANTEE and Mrs. John A. Knox, Sr.,/in women a bit of divine truth a Seven Stores : 'Jack Knox, Mr. and Mrs. John|and goodness and beauty needed | TOROHTO_ HAMILTON _ OSHAWA NO PAYMENTS TIL AUGUST WITH NO ADDITIONAL FINANCE CHARGES ® Pock, Mrs. Potter Knox andjby the world,' Mrs. Donihee '| Mrs. Ruby Somerville, said, 1157 WA