10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 19, 1967 | SPORTS MENU | By Geo. H. Campbell | Associate Sports Editor SUMMER IS HERE! Ac- tually, with lacrosse under- way now for several weeks, due to the advantage of "'in- door" facilities these days and with softball and base- ball teams in action, along with track and field enthusi- asts, not to mention the avid golf filberts, some of whom can hardly wait for the snow to leave the ground -- one could say that summer has been' here now for several weeks. However, around these parts, the '"'Queen's Birthday holiday' -- always observed in yesteryears on the 24th of May, was tradi- tionally considered the start of the summer season. That was the day that things be- gan to move, man -- really move, that is! WE RECALL trying to sell the odd extra paper for the two-week period, prior to the holiday -- so that we could afford at least one extra- large "sky rocket" or per- haps a special 10-shot Roman candle. Remember counting the three- or four - color Roman candle balls, as they exploded into the air, with a great big "ooh". or "aah" after each pop-up and that pang of disappointment when last one only blooped about two feet and the top of the casing started to burn? You always knew when a Roman candle was finished. It was a real status symbol for "the boy up the street" when word went out that his father had bought him one of those "'two bit" sky rockets, which you had admired with envy, in the store window, at either Henderson's or Harris' music store. For those big Jobs, you had to construct a special launching trough, either two boards nailed to form a V or a piece of old Eave trough, set at just the right angle. Today they have to seh a "pad" and a count- , ete. BUT WE ARE getting ahead of ourselves. After all, you mever set off your fire- crackers until it was starting to get dark, because lawn Nights, snow storms, the burn- {ng school house, spin-wheels, etc., didn't show up well, until it started to get dark. We re- call the consternation created the first time they moved daylight saving up ahead of June -- it created a problem fn the matter of necessary darkness for fireworks and the parental deadline for bed. You could launch an old jam can into the air, in daylight, via a "dragon salute" or even ealcium carbide, but you just had to wait until after twi- light, for a fireworks display. THAT WAS USUALLY the end of a perfect day! Seems it hardly ever rained on the 24th of May. That was the day for the first official "thike" to a nearby woods, or up to "The Pines". Boy Scout troops invariably held a hike on that holiday and if you and your chums each had a bicycle, your destination would be just a little farther away, perhaps to Port Perry and Lake Scugog, or the pond at Hampton. If the sun was bright, that was the day the more venturesome lads took their first "dip" in the swim- ming hole. When the hard- boiled eggs, jam sandwiches and banana lunch was all gone -- you might even come home a little early -- in time to catch the ball game at Alexandra Park. Oshawa's COBL opening game was al- ways on the 24th of May. And that was the day, for the adult citizens, when they could start wearing a straw hat. Yep -- summer really started on the 24th of May holiday -- even if the Dr. Chase almanac didn't show it starting until June 21. AND THINGS haven't changed very much, either. The cottage has eliminated a lot of the holiday hikes and the family car has replaced a lot of bicycle jaunts, while most of the popular country "woodlands" with their make- believe Indian trails and dens, have been transformed into palatial residential areas, due to urban expansion, but sum- mer still gets into full swing with the May holiday. This weekend finds Brooklin's opening "home" game tomor- row night and the Green Gaels are in Hastings, while Minor Lacrosse lads have a schedule ion. In baseball | FUTURE FIVE-PIN STARS TAKE TIME OUT FOR LUNCH Oshawa Lanes concluded their "Junior Five - Pin League" with a party-type session with winning teams, high average bowlers, those ,who rolled the top single and high triple, all receiv- ing trophies. This minor group operates competition at three age-limit levels. Sandwiches and soft drinks rounded out the wind-up. Shown above are three of the trophy winners -- but the trophies are pushed aside (right) while they en- joy their lunch. Left to right, is Doug Creamer, who bowled the top single score of the season, 401, in the "senior" division and with Doug are "Tim" Nichols and Susan Ander- sen, high average bowlers in the Bantam league. --Oshawa Times Photo By CLIFF GORDON BROOKLIN -- Brooklin Red- men will make their second start of the 1967 season Satur- day night, and this time it will be at home in Brooklin Arena Brampton Excelsiors. Brooklin opened the 1967 cam- paign with a 13-10 win in over- time over Toronto Maple Leafs at Maple Leaf Gardens Wednes- day night. It was a sparkling there are games booked for Saturday afternoon here, as well as on Sunday and Mon- day. Gale Lumber have an exhibition softball game on Sunday afternoon and local lawn bowlers have their sea- son's first tournament on Monday. The COSSA track and field championships are being held tomorrow at Mc- Laughlin Collegiate and Voca- tional School campus, with the first event going at 9:00 a.m. Oshawa Tennis Club courts will be busy this weekend too, while the city's golf courses will all be the scene of much activity. For sure, another summer season gets into full- stride this holiday weekend-- let's hope the weatherman ex- tends his full co-operation to all the sports enthusiasts. United States Trounced English Lacrosse Squad Seah sass FERGUS, Ont. (CP) --The United States team dealt Eng- land a 15-3 defeat in world field lacrosse championship play here Thursday--England's sec- ond loss in two starts. George Boynton paced the balanced American attack with two goals and five assists. Australia defeated England 11-9 in the first match of the six-game, four - nation round- robin tournament in Toronto Wednesday. The U.S. win put the Amer- fcan team in a first-place tie with Australia. The decisive- ness of their victory left them co-favorites with Canada for the championship. Canada meets England in the third game of the series, the first international field lacrosse championship since 1932, Peterborough tonight. The U.S. took a 3-1 lead in the first quarter, increased it to 6-2 by halftime, led 11-3 at the end of three quarters and SPORTSCOPE TODAY BASEBALL Leaside Junior League: Oshawa Legionnaires vs People's Credit Jewellers; at Talbot Park, 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY LACROSSE OLA Senior 'A' League: Brampton Excelsiors vs Brooklin Redmen; at Brooklin Arena, 8:30 p.m. OLA Junior 'A' League: Oshawa Green Gaels vs Hast- ings Legionnaires; at Hastings Arena, 8:30 p.m. BASEBALL Leaside Junior League: High Park vs Oshawa Legion- naires: at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium, 2:00 p.m. Eastern Ontario Assoc. Sen- for League: Little Britain at Kendal, 2:00 p.m. EOBA Ban- tam League: Port Hope vs Oshawa Legionnaires; at Alexandra Park, 2:00 p.m. TRACK AND FIELD COSSA Championships: at McLaughlin (Collegiate and oa Institute; starting scored four unanswered in the final quarter. Buzzy Krongard, Hy Lavas- seur, Bob Niser and Ab Tiede- mann each scored two goals for the winners. Bob Silverwood, Gene Fusting, Tom Biddison, Pat Hamilton and John Beatson netted the others. England's scorers were Keith Brooks, John Hall and Roy Higson. Despite rain, about 1,000 per- sons attended the match in this me Ontario -commu- nity. goals Head For Expo Five members of the Oshawa five - pin bowling fraternity, are headed for Montreal and Expo '67 along with the partner of their choice, as a result of their trip - winning prowess in the recent "Expo Bowling Tour- nament", conducted by Motor City Lanes and Oshawa Lanes. More than 600 bowlers. parti- cipated in the big tournament, a six - game event, with the top 15 bowlers sharing in "'the loot". Murray Lagden, who rolls in the Tool and Die League, took top honors with his 1,752 total and he will have a five-day trip to Expo '67, with all ex- penses paid, for himself and companion. up in the competition with a 1,718 total for her six games. 'Mrs. Redpath bowls in the Lad- ies' Major 'A' League. She wins a four - day trip to Expo. Loretta Nosal, close behind with a 1,716 total, won a three- day trip. She bowls in the Ma- gill Mixed League. Eileen Anderson, a member of the Ladies' Major 'B' League and Marion Hutchins, from the "Mixed Major League', with 1,713 and 1,712 respectively, won the fourth and fifth prizes, both two - day trips to Expo '67. Bill Gooding, with 1,703 was in sixth place. He and the next nine highest, in the list of six- game totals, each receive a prize. Oshawa Bowlers Evelyn Redpath was runner-|z test that had the well over 3,000 fans sitting on the edge of their seats for most of the evening. Brooklin will show a new look in Senior 'A' lacrosse tomorrow night. They have developed into what we think is the fastest running Senior 'A' team in the. east, if not all of Canada. Much of the credit for the change in style can be placed] on their new manager - coach, Fred Whalley. This young fel- low, who holds the duel role, is one of the smarter men in the game today. He is not only a good manager, but he knows the game inside out and is an excellent coach. He stands for nothing but 100 per cent per- formance all the time, from what we have seen to date he will get it. Many player changes have taken place. A couple of fellows who are no strangers to the fans in this area who will be in action to- morrow night are Dave Lough McCready a rough one. Lough is well remembered by the fans in this area as a stal- wart with the Oshawa Green Gaels in 1963. He is medical student, interning in Hamilton Gerneral Hospital and is a graduate of Queen's Medical school. Lough, at 24-years-old is five- foot, 11 and hits the beam at a neat 175 pounds. He will be a crowd pleaser from what we have seen. Grandy, a native Brooklin player, is making a return home after three years in Australia, Lady Lawn Bowlers Hold Tea Meeting The Ladies Lawn Bowling Club members held their spring tea meeting at the club house on Wednesday. President Mrs. Clinton Baxter welcomed the members and in- troduced the new bowlers. Plans were made for the coming sea- son, including Sunday bowling, starting at 2 p.m. Mrs. Mamie Taylor gave the secretary's report and Mrs. Reg Norris spoke of the Provincial meeting held in Toronto. Mrs. Arthur Brown announ- ced the dates of ladies' tourn- aments to be held at the Osh- awa greens. The Hayden Mac- donald tournament will be a local draw and will be played on May .22, at 10 a.m. Redmen Face Brampton In Home Opener Saturday at 8.30 against their arch rivals, 3 and 205 pounds. He too should be a popular fellow with the Brooklin fans. ; Manager Whalley informed us that he has traded the rights = to John Dale, a graduate of Mimico who was on the Brook- lin protected list, for the rights + to Doug Favell, who was pro- tected by Toronto Maple Leafs. Whalley also added that Grant Heffernan had not sign- ed and that the big College lad was in Peterborough and had expressed desire to line up with the Liftlock City team. When asked if trade winds were in the air, Whalley added "yes" but nothing definite, In the meantime, all roads tomorrow night will lead to s. Brooklin Arena for the "Ne w CHARLIE GRANDY toe: in Sr. A lacrosse as Red- ; |Minor By CLIFF GORDON WHITBY -- Whitby Minor Hockey Association held its an- nual 'Trophy Night' at Whitby Arena last night, when the vari- ous trophies were presented for the 1966-67 season. Some 400 cheering hockey players, along with several parents and guests, took in the gathering. Guest speaker was popular Jim Pappin of the Stan- ley Cup champion Toronto Maple Leafs. He drew a tremen- dous round of applause as he was introduced to the gathering. Fred Ing acted as chairman vener of the bantams, took over. He too passed along his vote of thanks to various hard workers. He presented the North Brock Texaco Trophy to coach Everett Quantrill and manager Harold O'Brien of the North Brock team. The Whitby Minor Hockey trophy was presented to Terry Halton of North Brock Texaco. The playoff championship was won by Rotary, with the Ban- tam All Stars, who played in the Lakeshore Bantam 'A" Minor League, also picking up a title with the presentation being made to coach Brian Fletcher and Harold for the evening. He introduced Tod Lintner, president of the WMHA, who passed along sev- eral words of thanks to the various conveners, coaches, managers and all who helped to make the season a huge success. He called on past president Harold Brown, who introduced the executive of Tod Lintner, Alex Brown, -Murray Beadle, Hart Giffin, Ron Teel, Jim Cor- ner, Fred Ing, Ron Moore, Pete Etmanski, Murray Lynn, Den- nis Arseneau, Vern McCarl, Ernie Rowland and. Tom Nor- wood. Ron Moore, convener of the Novice League, thanked all the coaches, managers and referees who helped to make the season a fine one. It was the first year of operation for Novice in the Whitby league for some time. Moore called on Cliff Gordon, representing the donors, to pre- sent the Sunnybrook Food Mar- ket Trophy to Mike Humphries, captain of the champion Corner Pizza team. Fred Waddell presented the Earl Waddell Memorial Trophy to the Corner Pizza team, which also won the league. champion- ship, emerging unbeaten. Mike Taylor was the coach of the champs. Ing, convener of the Pee Wee League, presented the. Whitby Hockey championship trophy to Ron Hawe, coach of the champion Dodd and Souter | |jteam. The Fred Ing Trophy was presented to Dave Godfrey of the championship team. The Mercantile Trophy for winning the league title was presented by Mr. Smith to Os- = |wald Moore, manager of the a WINS FEATURE Sister Matt, with John Dodd and Souter team. Frank Lavelle was the winner of the Carr Memorial trophy as the. most valuable player in the Pee Wee League. The trophy was pr ted by Albert Carr, Hayes (above) of Columt at the reins, won the feat- ured sixth race at Green- wood Raceway Thursday. It was Sister Matt's third win men play host to Brampton + + . Back Home with game time called for 3.30. Bob Baun, popular defenceman with Toronto Maple Leafs hock- ey club will be on hand to make the official face joff. where he played with the Na- tional team from Caulfield. Grandy is a big fellow, six feet Garrard Road Minor Loop The Garrard Road Minor La- crosse Association, operating four different age-limit leagues, at the Bantam, Pee Wee, Novice and Tyke Levels, has an ambitious program underway for the 1967 season. Wet grounds at their own la- crosse box, . "Willow Park," forced them to rent the Brook- lin Arena for workouts this week. The 'Tykes' are going out to Brooklin tomorrow after- noon, for a two-hour practice session, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Garrard Road Associa- tion caters to the boys who live in the westerly boundary area of the city of Oshawa and all those in Whitby Township. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS Their active plans require some adult assisting and right now, Vic Sheffield and his fellow executive members are looking for adult volunteers, fathers or area residents, willing to lend a hand in coaching, managing, refereeing -- or. just simply 'lending a hand." They have four teams in the Pee Wee division; Gus Brown Motors, Dearborn Shell, Oshawa Discount House and D-X Oil Kings. : There are also four teams in the Novice section: North American Steel, Hambly Con- crete Products, Lasco Steel and Oshawa Discount House. The, Tyke League will be even sored by: Kendalwood Marine, Cardinal Cleaners, Garrard Road Firefighters, Red Wings, Blue Jays and Green Hornets. Any boy who has not yet registered is invited to do so, then he will be assigned to one of the teams in his particular age-group. ' The ladies games start June The men operating the Gar- busier, with six teams, spon-|2 Plans Ambitious Program rard Road Minor Lacrosse Asso- ciation have arranged for a clinic, for coaches, managers, referees and all other interested adults, who wish to improve their knowledge of the game. This clinic is being held at the Georgian Motor Hotel, on Satur- day, May 27, at nine o'clock in the morning. There is no charge and anyone interested is cordial- ly invited to attend. Further information can be received by contacting Jim Brady, 728-5926 or Grant Mc- Intyre, 728-0669, any evening. These two men will also accept player registrations. J. S. Heymans, of the Ontario Lacrosse Association, will be organizing the clinic, in con- junction with the Garrard Road Association officers. Two outstanding lacrosse authorities have been secured to conduct the clinic, in the per- sons of Bobby Allen, playing- coach of the Peterborough Sen- iors, Canadian Mann Cup cham- pions, and Roy Wood, another outstanding lacrosse personality. 'This clinic presents an ex- cellent opportunity for any per- son interested in Canada's Na- tional Game, to become ac- quainted with some of the finer points of the sport, its operation and purpose. It is expected and _ sincerely hoped, that the clinic will be favored with a banner atten- gine, Saturday morning, May in 10 starts this season. High School Meet Saturday Lake Ontario, Kawartha and Bay of Quinte track and field champions will compete Satur- day at McLaughlin Collegiate and Vocational Institute in the annual Central Ontario Secon- dary Schools Athletic Associa- tion track and field meet. The one-day event will get under way at 9 a.m., take one hour break at noon, and run until 5.30 p.m. Only finals slated for the morning, following heats, are the girls' 440 yard finals and the boy's mile runs. son of the laté Mr. Carr. The WMHA trophy for the most valuable player went to Doug Wood. The Bob Attersley Trophy for the most improved player in pee wee went to Brian McBride of the Mercs. At this time, Etmanski, con- Whitby Champions Hold Closing Night Godfrey. The trophy for the most valuable player, donated by the Whitby Legion, was won by Danny Fertile of Abner's Esso, Pappin made this presen- tation. McCarl and Bill Baker pre- sented crests to the Pee Wee All Stars at this stage of the evening. Special thank you gifts were presented to Larry Moore and David Winter, who refereed the pee wee games. Murray Lynn, convener of the midget League, presented the Dunnies trophy for the most valuable player in the league to Peter Pillman. The most valu- Quality Fuels Tops Body Shop Quality Fuels, defending champions of the UAW Softball League, launched their 1967 cam- paign on a winning note Thurs- day afternoon, when they turn- ed back Wayne Auto Body 8-6. The pitchers are not yet in top form, at this early season point, evidenced by the fact that each team collected nine hits, but the action was lively. Wayne's picked up two runs on three hits in the second, ad- ded three runs in their fourth frame and got one more in the sixth, with Wright, Jones, Breau, Knight and Kornylo all showing well at the plate, along with Morden and Maxwell. Quality Fuels picked up two runs in the second, three in the third, one in the fourth and were never headed. They got their winning margin with: two in the fifth, when Legree and Barker hit back-to-back doubles, after Bartsch got on via an er- ror. The latter, along with the two mentioned, Terwilliger and Hoar were the best at the plate for the Fuelmen. Hoar pitched the win and got in via fine support, especially three outfielders. Gardner Sparks Hurons' Attack . Mike Gardner fired three goals as Hurons trimmed Sene- cas 6-1 in an Oshawa Minor Lacrosse League tyke game. Iroquois tied Mohawks 1-1 in the other game. Other goals by Hurons were Greg Finney, Chris Barteaux and Randy Robertson. Stephen Junkin scored for Senecas. Kevin Beaton tallied for Iro- quois and Steve Driscoll. for Mohawks. able player award in the Midget All-Stars went to Greg McCon- nell and is known as the Murray Lynn Trophy. The Jake Bryant Trophy for the league championship was won by Lions Club, and was presented to Gary Hart by Den- nis Arseneua. Playoff winners were the Bandsmen, and Curt Brown presented the WMHA trophy to John England of the champs. The Whitby Band also presented small trophies to their "champs." Following the presentations, the fellows raided the down- Stairs of the Arena for "dogs and pop." The end to another fine season of hockey in Whitby. from shortstop, Palmer and his| - EXPORT PLAIN Or FILTER TIP CIGARETTES | REGULAR and KINGS | Post Time 2 p.m. daily Special bus leaves Oshawe Terminal 1 Holiday racing Saturday, $10,000 Added Jacques Cartier Stakes Monday $10,000 Added Marine Stakes Tuesday, May 23 dark, Racing resumes Wednesday. General Parking 50c -- Preferred 1.00 -- Valet 1.50 WoOODBINE uy Canadian. Smooth and mellow Canadian Club is the world's lightest whisky, And "The Best In The House" in 87 lands, stasis THUNDERBIRD PRO SHOP WHERE THE GOLFER SHOPS ! MEN'S GOLF SHOES -- Size 7-12, Width B- FEATHER-LITE -- TOP-FLITE -- ETONIC. From LADIES' GOLF SHOES -- Sizes 16.25 1 57.50 54-9, Widths AA-C. LECKIE -- BREVITT -- ETONIC. 15.95 10 39.95 LATEST STYLES & COLOURS. With complete stock on hand "WE CAN FIT YOUR FOOT AND BUDGET iN ONE STOP!" OPEN EVERY DAY . - PHONE 655-4952 LOCATED 2% Miles West ef Myrtle Hwy. No. 12 POST TIME: 7:45 NIGHTLY THROUGH MAY 27th HEAD STAND -- | more Orioles catcher Etchebarren does a stand as he is bowled after making puto Knud: In Co FORT WORTH, Tex. fter a smashing victory eek's New Orleans Ope! to's George Knudson layed himself out of the hursday in the first ro' e Colonial national invit olf tournament, The 28 - year - old Ca red rounds of 41-37-- trokes off the pace bei ly Dave Stockton in the 00 tournament. Stocketon put together d - tying round of 33 er the 7,132-yard course yo stroke lead over ve en Hogan, Bobby Nicho Wiason Rudolph. nudson will need one erlative efforts in t se 'ond round if he is to s ie half-way cutoff. RURPRISE ROUND The. five-under-par effoi Stockton's first comp round here and surprised | BASEBAL By THE CANADIAN P! National League WLP .303 Thursday's Results incinnati 1 Philadelphia ittsburgh 5 Atlanta 3 an Francisco 2 Houston Only games scheduled Probable Pitehers Toc St. Louis (Gibson 4-3) a York (Fisher 3-2) N Cincinnati (Nolan 3-1) a adelphia (L. Jackson 2-3 Los Angeles (Drysdale 4 Chicago (Nye 2-1) Pittsburgh (Ribant 1-1) lanta (Lemaster 2-1) N San Francisco (Bolin 2 Houston (Wilson 1-2) N Saturday's Games St. Louis at New York ! Cincinnati at Philadelphic Los Angeles at Chicago Pittsburgh at Atlanta San Francisco at Houston American League Ww Pet .704 -64: 506 ~48) -48) -46' 448 448 Chicago Detroit Kansas City New York Cleveland Washington Baltimore Boston Minnesota 428 California 14 19 .42 Thursday's Results Baltimore 0 Washington Only game scheduled , For The Largest Selectior TROPHIES For all Sporting Events end in Eastern Ontario. THE G. B. Compa Open Daily from 8 A.M. to 5 Open Thursday Evening | Appointment Only, 723-3961 356 DEAN AVE.