Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 May 1967, p. 27

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peace within the World of Churches and the Council of Churches. ENT TO EARN spent £756,600,000 on research in 1965. AENT HARD CONTE- MICHAEL RENNIE. Original Music, by Johnny Keating d Produced by WENDELL MAYES: M WARNER BROS. (7) . "ENT YERS THEATRE olor (Restricted) NBERG HL TON SUBOTSKY R TECHNISCOPE rion 7 PPIMOINT PETIRE ISS | " A FAMOUS ARTISTS PRODUCTION, LTO, \NDRESS N RR S BOYER tA BOUCHET RACEY CRISP ina SCOULAR yer saw! ted by JOHN HUSTON, penplay by WOLF MANKOWITZ, vel - Music Composed and COLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE TANA BRASS | -k Album, -- TIMES -- 1:40--4:15 7:00---9:45 DONALD DUCK JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE « MUGGS AND SKEETER AND GIVES US A COLLEGE EDUCATION, IT'S THAT NAVY FLYER! SHE'S TRYING TO GET HIM TO PROPOSE. WELL, IT'S NOT THE FIRST ONE. PITY HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT REALLY GOES ON, WHAT DOES SHE CARE ABOUT AN EDUCATION FOR HER CHILDREN ? IT'S GETTING OUT OF WORK SHE WANTS, RE YOU ING ¥ IN THE STREET IN YOUR | CAN'T \'YES, AND I'VE BEEN GOOD CLOTHESP © King Fenteras Spmdionte, Ine. 1967, World rights reserved. SARGENTO....1 HAVE NEVER HOW COMe BEFORE SHOT A WOMAN wos res ; PICKPOCKETS . WE GO . IN YouR | i ss ' ¥ ~ Ss 7 APTER EIGHT YEARS | [mates AH COME TO LOOK AT YORE, TV SET' MINE DEVELOPED INTO A LI'L LIAR SHOWED BY, DICK AND RONALD AGREEIN WIF LBU // IN LEAVENWORTH IT'S | | 'WHEN I'M THROUGH _ NOT LIKELY I'D FORGET ( WITHHIM/S = / nN Wy yn mee tdi ; ABOUT THAT? THIS MUG IS REALLY AN CORRIGAN, ALLRIGHT... SECRET AGENT X93 The Trading Post Offers Soon... Another Brand New Car!! THE The Great Compact Built SWINGING VIVA for 1967 For Ruggedness and Value! vena Mie. THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 2 == 'Youd saab TELEVISION LOG HUBERT Are Men of Action! Now y' ¥ AEE. A RIE. IRR FOR ITEMIZIN' Channe: 1--Buttare 8-2--Dean Martin YOU CAN COME 17.28 A.M. THE BILL / Barrie 7--Stage '67 3-6--Bonnie Prudden uftal *" 1:90 AM, 9-TH.E. Cat 9--Magistrate's Court Natu? Fhipet $-2--Hollywood Sque 7--One Ih A Million Channel 9~Toronto | 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News 4--Dick 3" Hee Siow Channel Hamilton | Weather, Sports | 12:08 NOON Channel 12--Peterdorough | 11.20 P.M. 12--Cartoons | 6Viewpoint 9--Toronte Today THURSDAY EVE, 11.25 P.M, 2-4--Jeopardy 5:00 P.M 11--Plerre Berton 7--Movie 6--News, Weather, Sports| ¢--Luncheon Date if To and Weather; $1.28 ror PING KY aR Fi tits OUTRAGEOUs! ITEMIZE THIG BILL // Y-Throe Stooges li--Family Theatre D King Poem en Sv vfienta Fan MF Waekd igite one eed &--Superman 7--Highway Patrol 'assport Mister Ea. 5:30 P.M. 8--McHale's Navy News 3-4-12--Music Hop Of Lenas int Seas vaiesg and Pais 2:10 PLM, \a--News, Weather, rts 12:88 Pa, 12--Movie it's A Match 12-Movie_ ports #--Merv. Griffin THE OSHAWA TIMRS, Thursday, May 18, 1967 27 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) East dealer. East-West vulnerable. NORTE 43954 *-- 97 Si kse0cs WEST EAST 4A3 4O72 @K10652 8 =yAdTS @2108643 8 @AI52 -- 4107 SOUTH 4K1086 :"" ¢ 49852 The bidding: Fast South West Pass Dble Pass Pass Opening lead -- three of dia» * |monds. Good defense rests largely on partnership communication which helps to guide both dée- fenders to their very best meth= od of attack, By signaling their precise holdings in key suits, both as to length and strength, they can indirectly uncover de- clarer's exact hand and thus: achieve the maximum result: possible. : Whenever a defender makes a play which cannot mean what it gies to say, the other de- ferder must always attempt te unscramble the real meaning of the message being sent. Here is a sample of the prin- ciple at work. The hand 6¢- curred in the 1964 women's team of four championship. De- fendmg against five spades doubled were Mrs. Helen Por- tugal of Los Angeles and Mrs. Dorothy Hayden of Hastings-on- Hudson, N.Y, : Mrs. Portugal led the three of diamonds, her sixth best dia- mond, instead of making normal lead of her fourth best, the six. She was hoping by this play to tell partner that she wanted a club return if and when her partner got on lead with a diamond or a heart. Mrs, Hayden woh the dia- mond with the ace, on which declarer played the king. The. appearance of the king, in cone junction with Mrs. Portugal's bidding, made it clear to Mrs. Hayden that her partner's lead could not have been from four - card diamond suit, and. that a special message was be- ing sent by the deliberate choice. of the sixth best diamond. It did not take Mrs. Hayden long to figure out that the lead called for a club return, and ac- cordingly she led a ¢lub at trick tao, which Mrs. Portugal ruff- ed. The only other trick the de- fenders could get was the ace 6--Time Ma Al 6--Klahanie ne * 6-4--Search For 412--News, Weather --_ | !!~-Mystery Theatre Tomotrow Sports 12:45 P.M. 3--My Three Sons FRIDAY 64--Guiding ae 6:38 PLM. 8:00 A.M. 1:08 PLM. 12--Lost In Space 9--University of the Air 11--Theatre li--Plerre Berton 4--Captain Kangaroo 9--Movie @pialing For Dollars, Weather, THAT DARN SPARK PLUG SALESMAN WILL TALK YOUR EAR OFF! of des, since East's queen was finessable, so the result -of the enterprising defense was that South went down one in a hand where casual defense would have allowed her to make the contract. ' vd schttcaaet | paugine SO omper Room Fugitive 2-4--Huntley-Brinkley 255 A.M. é--Luncheon Date News 7--Dialing for Dollars, | 4--Meet The Millers 7:00 PLM. Virginia Graham Movie Tl--My Three Sons 9:00 A.M. 1:38 P.M. 9--Batman 4-4--As The World Turns oy" World 8--Pastor's Study 4--Littlest_ Hobe 4-You ahd Your 8--Let's Make A Deal 3--Time Tunnel Family 2--Matches and Mates ao) led PM. --New me 2--News, Weather 3--Ed Allen Messword 7.20 P.M. 2--Topper 4-6-12--Password $-2--Days of Our Lives | 9:30 A.M, 2.30 P.M. 12--Ed Allen Time 12--Calendar 11--White Hunter 9--People in Conflict &8--Glorla 7--Dream Girl 6--Meta 6--Coronation Street 4--Love of Life 4--House Party 3--Mademoiselle de Paris |2-6--Doctors 2--Jack La Lanne | 3:00 P.M. fl A.M. \1--Little People 9--Uncle Bobby 7--News, Weather, 7:30 P.M. 12--Bewitched 11--Candid Camera 9--Movie 2-4--Daniel Boone 7--Batman é--Occasional Wife 4--Coliseum 8:00 P. YOUR HEALTH Typical Problem For Teen-agers By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD 9--Words and Musie 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 2-6--Another World 3:30 P.M. 11--Marriage Confidential 9--It's Your Move 7--Superman 3-6-12-4--Edge of Night 24--You Don't Say 4:00 P.M, 11--Super Comics 9--1 Love Lucy 8&--Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6-12---Communicate 11--€d Allen 'ime 9--Cartoon Playhouse 8-2--Snap Judgment U.N.C.L.E. 8:20 P.M, 2-4--Star Trek 7--Bewitched 4--My Three Sone 9:00 P.M. 9--I1's Happening 7--That Girl 4--Drama Special 34-12--Telescope 9:30 PLM, 9--Dean Martin t 2-8--Dragnet 12--Romper Room 2--Mike Douglas 7--Lave on a Rooftop 1l--Mike Dougias 4:30 P.M, 3--Hogan's Heroes 9--Mr. and Mrs, Vi-Mack and Myer 10:00 PLM. 2-8--Pat Boone 9--Movie 11--The Merv Griffin Show | 7--Supermarxet Sweep Huckleberry Hound 3--Girl from U.N.C.L.E. | 4--Andy Griffith 4--Movie 6--Cine Club ir, Dressup CROSSWORD ACROSS 4, Public 1. Girl's notices name 5, Girl of 5. Variety of stuttering cabbage song 9. Group of 6, Correct three 7, Sheltered 10. Catkin side 12, Warms 8, Go aboard 13, Grind a train organs 9. Norse HOW DID YOU GET é tg Ahead LITTLE LEROY To 16, Sun god INTHE ROCKING CHAIR/ 1T, Disclosed 21, Part of "40 be" 22. 3-banded armadillo 28, Fib 24. poor 8: 2 wads. 9 YAn eta 4--Candid Camera beatin Ty alt Schools 0:: 10:30 A. Morning Time 9--Fractured Phrases 8-2--Concentration 7--Dateline: Hollywood 4--Beverly Hillbillies waetnese fk Giant 3,6,12--Chez Helene 11:00, AM. NOW, SINCE I'M NOT ONLY A GUEST IN THiS HOUSE -- BUT A PATIENT... +s HELLO/! D King Fenturee Spmdicate, tan, 1967. World dghee smerved. out complexion. It has been|be removing bacteria with ordi- improving a little, and I hope|nary soap and water. this is because of the special ov' 3-6-12--Forest Rangers a medicated soap. Is she right? In the last few/tg do to recover fully?--Mrs. months my face has become an|y, yr, ugly flaming red.--B. Z. | Infectious hepatitis is caused Both you and your mother py a virus; toxic hepatitis by a could be right. poison of some kind. The term weight [URBAN '|The improvement could be/hepatitis" means inflamma- for IRJE|N[T Mi? IE} |due to the frequent washing, tion of the liver. SRRPEMAMASs |which is an essential part of) Important rules in recovering Yesterday's Answer {controlling acne. But yourltrom toxic hepatitis are: Stay- mother may also be right, noting away from whatever poi- because of the amount of wash: sonous material caused the at- ing but because of the constant/tack_--and staying away from use of medicated soap. god . English = pre 34, French Fibe: river a ol La $9. Color 18, Enact 33. Bowling 40. Resort 41, Owned harvests alleys oe OPeE ee skin oils. These clog the pores|of rest. NEWS BRIEFS. STAMPS PAY OFF HERTFORD, England (CP)-- Hertfordshire boy scouts col- lected more than 1,500,000 trad- ing stamps for a mini-bus for: crippled scouts, : THE EXECUTIVE TOUCH BRISTOL, England (CP) -- Edwin Hopper's customers get service his competitors can't match: newspaper delivery to 'the door in a Rolls-Royce. Ed-. win, 18, was given the 1929 car by his father. MOUSE KING FOUND .. WALSALL, England (CP) --- Britain's 500 mouse - fanciers met in this Staffordshire town: to enter 724 mice for the Cham- pion of Champions trophy. After examining eyes, coat color and: angle of whiskers the judges. Dear Dr. Molner: I am ajirritating for some people) And/chose three-month-old Yorkie-as, typical teen-ager with a broken-|keep in mind that you will still|Britain's finest mouse. LIGHT MARKS WALKER THORNTON CLEVERLEYS, Dear Dr. Molner: My son is|England (CP) -- A Lancashire care I give it. My mother says| petting over a bout with toxic|traffic warden has patented an' I wash my face too often, how-| hepatitis. What is the differenelilluminated walking stick fot' ever, and irritate it. I wash it/hetween it and infectious hepa-|blind pedestrians. It is battery- three or four times a day with) titis, and how does one get it? powered and shows a light for What are the important things|motorists to see in the dark. ~ FAMILY MOVES NORTH ABERDARE, Wales (CP) -- Rev. Dennis Parry, 28, is learn- ing Eskimo so that he will be able to understand his new parishioners when he leaves this Glamorgan town for Povungnitu Que. His wife and sons are travelling with him. LOOKING BACK : KEMBLE, England (CP) any other substance which puts/The RAF is presenting a Spit Adolescent acne results be-/a strain on the liver, includingjfire fighter to the French air cause of excessive secretion of| alcohol; a balanced diet; plenty|force in memory of the Free Abs ig hd ae world ------ which become swollen, irritated) The possible poisons which|British soil in the Second Wo Y3\ e gs YW i \ and infected. Thus washing) attack the liver are too numer-|War. Overhauled at this Glou- * Z Mn away excess skin oils is an|ous to list, but for practical pur-|cestershire base, it will be dise « essential part of controlling|poses, stay away from concen-|Played at Tours. r] 28, ---- and Y 4 7 acne. Rattaleed ia Wy) However, it is also pretty) which carries a warning that it trated fumes from anything SALLY'S SALLIES es ia 14 Y io much a fixed rule that over-|should be used only where vent- . YY, treatment can be a threat in/ilation is ample: airplane glues, 31. Hastily 7 1® care of many skin disorders,|dry-cleaning fluids and spot re- 85. Verso: and this is true of acne. movers, or other volatile sol- abbr. 22 Y Three or four washings a day) vents. 36. Half ems is not too much in such cases,| Dear Dr. Molner: I have AML «ON SOMEONE ELSES ee ESCALATOR! i) ee 7 j 37. Like followed by copious rinsing with|heard that you shouldn't take a Pia UK ANY ) | 38, Ruinous fresh water. Medicated: soaps|bath during your periods. I | | insect are helpful in many instances,|have known of women going c r 40, Glistened but using some of them all the/swimming. Is this bad?--M. B. IE 43. Drench time can cause irritation. _ Neither baths nor swimming it r 44. 8t Therefore, I would suggest|is harmful. 4 Ho ged that you use the medicated soap} Note to Mrs. J. H.: I wouldn't bade perhaps once a day or once/recommend any latent medi- every other day (a little trial|/cine that is "supposed to re- and error should disclose the! lieve you of that tired feeling." proper frequency for vyour|The first question is what is skin). For the rest of the wash-jcausing that fatigue. Once you ings use a bland, unscented|know that, you can make an » soap. (Constant use of per-jinformed choice of what needs fumed or scented soaps may be to be done, . ns We 2 Be MO BO. 4M..8 oe Gr Am 1s,

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