Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 May 1967, p. 15

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RESERVER irs easily from @ bottle if a drink- rst pushed all the, ttom to admit air: J. 16. 31st IGISTRY hal for your iver holloware, enter these in LERS shawa WARREN AVE. COUPLE CELEBRATE Soth ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mosier, Warren Avenue, in celebrated their 55th wed- mer Lily Codling, was born England. Mr, Mosier was born at Kaledar, On- ding anniversary Tuesday, tario. They were married quietly at their home with in Belleville, May 16, 1912 close friends and relatives and came to Oshawa dropping in to congratulate around 1927. Mr. Mosier Motors them. Mrs. Mosier, the for- worked in General A banquet at Knox Presby- terian Church closed the sea- son for the members of the Humoresque Club _ Bowling League for the blind. The Reverend Gordon Brett said grace. Miss Vera Siblock thanked the women who cater- ed. Miss Ada McDonough thanked the drivers and coach- es, to which Victor Jenkinson replied. Miss Pat McConnell thanked the scorekeepers. Miss Siblock presented gifts to Miss McConnell, Mrs, James McConnell and Mrs. Thomas McDonough, All _ bowlers, drivers and guests were pre-| sented with gifts from Miss McConnell and Mrs. McConnell.| Mrs. McConnell presented the) McConnell trophy for the high-| scorekeepers, with a score of 3157. Mrs. Arthur Wakely presented the Lambert trophy for ladies' high single for partially blind to Miss McConnell who had a score of 220. Miss McConnell presented another Lambert tro- phy to Scott McColeman for men's: high single for partially blind, with a score of 263. Miss Siblock and Roland Cousins each received a trophy for per- |' |fect attendance from Mrs. Mc-| | Connell. Draws for the floral center- | pieces were won by Mrs. Wake- Mrs. Pike, Miss Siblock, | (William | Suddard, William} for 13 years prior to going into ~business for himself. They have four children, Walter, Harold and Albert, all of Oshawa, and a daugh- ter Muriel, Mrs. Samuel | Mann, Maple Grove. They have 10 grandchildren and |ly, two great-grandchildren. 'Mrs. MR. AND MRS. EARL McLEAN Object Relation Therapy Helps People Undestand Themselves TORONTO (CP) -- A 30-year- old woman who hadn't spoken al word in 15 years began to talk) and became a worker in the|ing a_ patient "Sometimes, to get a patient to toss a ball or join a circle is the first contact point in reach- who has _ not Golden Wedding Reception Held For Former Oshawa Pair Mr. and Mrs. Earl McLean,|sister of the bride, Mrs. George! R.R. 4, Courtice, were honored | Parfitt and a sister-in-law, Mrs./gram by playing Mozart's Son-|daughter, at a reception held at the home} |Elgin McLean, poured tea, and of the bride's sister, Mrs. Ellen|nieces, Mrs. Robert Pierson, Pierson, Buckingham avenue, |Mrs. James Alpine, Mrs. John Oshawa, to mark their golden! |Wotton, Miss Janice wedding anniversary. \Miss Sandra Wotton and Miss) Mrs. McLean is the former| Karen Pierson, served. Miss) Alice Wotton, born in London, |Brenda Pierson kept the guest est number of pins for the total-| ly blind, to Mrs, Reginald Pike) Humoresque Club Bowlers Close! Season With Annual Banquet Brown and Scott McColeman, for the blind and by Mrs. Frank Cooper and Mr. Jenkinson, for the sighted. Mrs. Calvin Norton, John Steele and Lloyd Pigden assist- ed in the distribution of gifts. Miss McConnell was elected the bowling captain for the next season. The Boys' Quartet from First Baptist Church sang several numbers accompanied by John McQuick and a girls' choral group from the Salvation Army led by Kenneth Bryant, present- ed several selections accom- panied by Miss M. Coull. Special guests from Oshawa Advisory Board to the CNIB, jwere Mrs. A. J. Parkhill and \Mrs. H. S. Myers. Festival Singers Warmly Received In Pupils' Program A voice and piano recital was given on Tuesday, in the Mc- |Laughlin Library Auditorium, iby the students of Elsie F. Drygala A.R.C.T, R.M.T. an in- teresting and varied program was presented, which included 'The Oshawa Festival Sing- ers," a choral group which |has recently come into being! and promises to be a choir | worthy of note in the future. | | They presented three selections: | Gi They All Call it Canada," by} Grant; "Butterfly", from Achu-| -- mann's 'Papillons' No. 8 ar- ranged by Maurice ig SOCIAL NOTICES | and lastly a med songs. from. the Sound| ENGAGEMENT of Music'. Accompanist for the| Mr, and Mrs. James W. choir was Miss Susan Entwistle | Smith, Oshawa wish to an- |who was also guest artiste. Miss Entwistle contributed to the pro-| ata in F Major ment). Students taking part in the (Ist Move- Ellen Coe, Paula Seed, Mark |Nawrot, Beverly Blakely, Sus- an Barclay, Cora Mazar, Lee England, and Mr. McLean was|)90k. Assisting the hostess were| Morrison, Erna Marie Reid, Su-| Mrs. Melvin Wotton and Mrs. George Wotton. Greetings were received from the Right born at Columbus Ontario. They were united in marriage in St. George's Memorial Church, Osh- awa, on April 26 1917 by the|the Prime Minister, late Canon De Pencier. Follow-|Honourable Lester Pearson, the ing their marriage they lived|Leader of the Opposition the in Oshawa until moving. to|Right Honorable John Diefen- Courtice in 1937 where, they|baker; the Honorable Michael still reside. Starr; the Prime Minister of Mr. McLean was an employee Ontario, the Honorable John P. of General tors _|Robarts; Alex Carruthers, M. ney Motors Kor 45 years L.A. for Durham County and ri is ire in 19 prior to his retirement in 1962. Russell Honey M.P. san Graper, Barbara Kimmerly, | Lilian Hayward, Dawn Wilson, | Gail McWilliams, Cheryll Crei- ghton, Sharon Prindle, Linda Audley, Carol Stewart, Irene Johnston, Rosalind Coe, Bever-| ley Henderson, Lynn Barclay, Sandra Bonk, Eleanor Burrows, Janice Drygala, Mildren Mac- Donald, Dorothy Miles. The evening ended with aw-| ards being given to students nounce the engagement of their Sandra Maureen, to Geoffery Allen Owen, son of Mr. and Mrs, Albert J. Owen, Fairport Beach, Ontario. The Parfitt, recital were Megan Kimmerly,|Wedding will take place Satur- day, July 8, 1967 at 7.00 p.m in St. George's Memorial Church, Anglican, Oshawa. RECEPTION Mr, and Mrs. James Garfield |Riggs will be happy to receive |their relatives and friends and neighbors at Storie Park Club- house on Sunday, June 4, 1967, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the occasion of their 50th wed- ding | anniversary. AROUND AND AROUND LONDON (CP) -- A Cardiff MR. AND) MRS. HARRY PEL ESHOK © Both Mr. and Mrs. McLean attend Courtice United Church. Mrs. McLean received wear- Among the many gifts receiv- ed were a set of teflon ware ing a blue boucle and lace en- semble accented by a corsage from. relatives and friends; a crystal chandelier from Court- who had done outstanding work) woman who has seen the movie during the year, namely Cora|The Sound of Music 862 times Mozar, Paula Seet, Beverley|was guest of honor at a cele- Henderson and Eleanor Burr-|pration of the film's second an- ows. Miss Entwistle also receiv- jniversary on show in London. | of yellow roses and gold rib-|ice neighbors and a pair ofjed a gift from the choir in ap-|Also present were a Glasgow | bon. Receiving with Mr. Mrs. McLean were their attend- ants of 50 years ago, Mrs. Pierson, and Harold Sleeman. The table was graced by a lace cloth, centered by an an- niversary cake decorated with gold leaves and wedding bells and flanked by gold candles. The floral arrangement was of yellow roses, gold chrysanthe- mums, carnations and _ snap-| dragons, Pouring tea in the afternoon Mrs. Leo McCabe and Mrs. Roy Dnnn. Those serving were nieces of the couple: Mrs. Don- ald Wotton, and Mrs, Raymond Parfitt. In the evening, another Prof. Anzima, a mother of two, was in Toronto for a three- day course in her methods at the Clarke Institute of Psychi- atry. She said the method is useful where psychiatrists are scarce because it can be used by para- medical personnel such as oc- cupational therapists rather and brother-in-law rangements, ry and Courtice. Out - of - town guests were from Toronto, Whitby, Port Per-| by Eleanor Burrows. and| Woolen blankets from a sister|preciation of her work with) woman seeing it for the 19Ist! in British|them. Columbia and several floral ar- Finally, on behalf of all the students, a bouquet.of red roses) = \wite and a Birmingham house-| wife who has seen it 100 times. \ HOUSEHOLD HINT A thin coat of furniture wax on painted furniture protects it from minor scratches, keeps| colors from fading and makes cleaning easier. THE OSHAWA A TIME, Thursday, May 18, 1967 15 tie Dance Marks Anniversary, For Oshawa Pair A reception, dinner and dance at the Ukrainian National Hall Bloor street marked the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peleshok, Winona avenue, The former Audrey Wilson, daughter of Mrs. Herbert Wil- son, Oshawa and the late Mr. Wilson, and Harry Peleshok, SON | or of Mrs. Paul Tancoes, Oshawa, and the late John Peleshok, were united in marriage in Sim- coe Street United Church, May 23 1942. They have three child- ren, Harry Jr., Luanne,. and Colleen, Mrs. John Skelton, and one grandchi d, Formerly with Ontario Mot- or Sales, Oshawa, Mr. Peleshok now has his own business in Ajax. Allan Davies was master of ceremonies for the evening and the Honorable Michael Starr, a former business partner of Mr. Peleshok, proposed the toast to the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Pele- shok were presented with a sum of money and other smal- ler gifts. Out-of-town guests were pre- sent from St. Catharines, Wel- land, Whitby, Ajax and Wind- HOUSEHOLD HINT Those pretty wooden and 'bone buttons on garments can be kept from drying out and eracing with an occasional light application of baby oil. and still eat three You can eat meat, need--you'll just want less! HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST good meals a day! Do it this sensible way--with the PASTILS/808 Reducing Plan. fish, cheese and vegetables . . . and still lose pounds, Because with the PASTILS/808 Plan you eat what you This new weight control system is already used by thousands throughout North America and Europe! Just take one or two PASTILS/808 before each meal and follow the clever points system. You'll eat less so you'll lose excess weight! Prove it for yourself! With the PASTILS/808 Reducing Plan in the long lasting economy pack, from your druggist today. You'll like it. Reducing Plan A near-effortless | way to lose weight, . you'll like yourself too when the pounds start rolling off! Pastils/808 hy Bleanor Burrows. EXPERT RE-FINISHING KEEPS HIM GOING | | chess WIFE PRESERVER as shelf linings. sound, absorb moisture. than only by psychiatrists. Guy Williams, co-star of Lost in Space, used to compete in tournaments with some of America's top-ranking play- were a sister of the bridegroom, | ©' Cut large desk blotters to fit| They deaden| mental hospital to which she! talked or fed himself for years." had been confined. i 2 TSIEN nee A small boy who had screamed his way through) nights of terror for months, poured out his nightmares in| drawings of witches, and three) weeks later the dreams stopped. | Prof. Fern Anzima of McGill| University attributes these and) other successes to her "object | relations" therapy technique. | A method worked out with her | late husband Hassan 12 years ago, it is used with two types of patients--neurotics and se-| verely regressed psychotic per-/| sons who have lost touch with the world. For the first group, two acs) apists work with five or six pa- tients, providing paints and plasticine and encouraging them | to create. | Then the therapists lead the, group in evaluation of what the | creations are saying. Patients | who are unable to express them- selves are taught self - under- standing, Prof. Anzima says. "With words, a patient can protest 'That's not what I said | or what I meant.' But visible. Objects can't be denied." | For psychotic patients, ther- apists offer such objects as cookies, balls or apples, re- creating early childhood with a permissive motherly approach. ... it's here @ PLUS OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS || Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. E., 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x7 -- 1.25 each | 20% Discount o n Orders | @ No Carrying ® No Interest . Oshawa iN 2 Locations Ue DUNN'S Famous Semi-Annual DOLLAR-SALE SUITS FOR THE PRICE OF OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT @ No Down Payment again 100 @ Charges \ = Oshawa Downtown - 36 King E. 'til 9 p.m. Friday Shopping Centre On all Types of Furniture French Polishing - Restoration of Antiques Oshawa Upholstering Co, 725-0311 HOUSEHOLD HINT Make place mats from the still-good portions of an old table oiloloth. Cut with pioking | shears for a fancy edge. your own Caretree liberty print cotton sailcloth co-ordinates. 8-18 Pop top 6.00 Jamaicas 5.00 Jacket 11.00 A-line Skirt 7.00 p Y Fashions since 1867 Open 'til 9 p.m. Thurs. and Fri. Both Stores Close Wed. et 1 p.m. of 5 or More Pictures | _ eager OSHAWA SHOP PING CENTRE Sciacca EEE L A. Sleeveless sailcloth topper with square neckline and button- up back in Tan and Green. Sizes S. M, L. Each 6.00, B. Jamaica Shorts in leden shirt with to 20. Each 7.00. E. The Zip Jacket hiding front seams. green or ton. C. Primitive print easy-care cotton roll-up sleeves, in loden green or tan in sizes 10 Sizes S. M, L. Each 11.00, BLACK green er tan cotton sail- eloth, Sizes 10 to 20. Each 7.00, pockets in its in loden Each 7.00. R. Side-zippered pant White Stay SPORTSWEAR reshly created In cotton sailcloth. Loden green or tan in sizes 10 to 18 regular, 12 to 18 tall. Each 9.00. F. Bermuda Golfer with fly-front closing in loden green or tan, Sizes 10 to. 18, LADIES' WEAR LID. F 72 SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ra

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