Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 May 1967, p. 24

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~V SOU Ss ews 0 SS OV TP PS P v .. e 7 @ 3 IS ea es see eae Oe TF EFI FF OE EP IOS EOD yay Ae CO yNMN@E TTC SCC Ce See "4 severe yy tT eee , bs - THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Wednesday, May 17, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Todlvideat Championship Play) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. = ere DONALD DUCK [ Now... IF L CAN IST. GET TO LAREDO....FAST/ £ KNOW HE HEARD THAT SHOT/ es 8 $310942 GATE SK0743 | 2008 A743 @AKII098 O85 $2 The bidding: Gouth West North Kast 19 Pass 2NT Pass Sy Pas <9 Opening lead -- jack of dia- ds onds. When there is a sure way of making a contract, it stands to reason that declarer should not play in any manner that jeop- ardizes his chances. Certainly the principle is sound, but how and when to apply it is an en- tirely different matter. West led a diamond and East won the queen with the ace and returned a diamond. Declarer won in dummy and led a heart to the ace, He then cashed the king of hearts, in line with the general principle that it is mathematically better to play for the queen to drop than to finesse. This did not turn out well be- cause, when South now led the A-K and another spade, East won with the jack and then cashed the queen of hearts and queen of spades to defeat the contract one trick. However, South should have made the hand. A better line of play, after cashing the ace of hearts, is to enter dummy with a club and return a heart, When East follows low, South should finesse the nine as a 100 per cent safety play for the contract. If the finesse wins, declarer draws the last trump and at most two spades. If the finesse 1os es, which may easily happen, the contract is still entirely safe because South then has a third trump in dummy to take care of the fourth spade in his hand. The only tricks he loses in such case ans spade, a heart and a dia- B LEROY BURKE, EH... YOU LOOK f ) - COPE Eee The Trading Post Offers Soon ... Another Brand New Car!! THE The Great Compact Built swincine WIVA to 1967 For Ruggedness and Value! THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. «ws "a Where Your Mills Men ST. WEST 723-4634 Ce Are Men of Action! Now TELEVISION LOG 141 hoe P.M. elit ef A se hoa 2--Flimmakers 'an Channel utes 10:48 PM, 2e-Hollywoed Squares, +~Toronte 7--Summer Rl Gy ro 12:08 NOOR 7--Buttate 9--Sports 12--Cartoons --Rochester T1100 PM, 9--Toronto Today Channel %-Torento ne te -- News, | +Money Movie It is true that if avoiding a Gana Ti-Hamitien Weather, Sports é--Luncheon Date trump loser were his one and aia * eviewpaint Top, rar, tome only concern, declarer would be WHONESBAY EVENING |) a0 Benen 24--Jeopardy better off in the long run to s100 Pom. News, Weather, Sports 12.10 P.M. lead out the A-K of hearts. But Eten Woodpecker Ne mart laa since it is far more important S-Superman " ---~Joh Ub Ab she 2. e~ to make the contract than to alee Bays sok § 'atrol 4-tas egas 12--Movie worry about a possible trump 3 Woody, Waeogpecker on eb Kak, oe loser, he should take the finesse 5:28 P, 11.38 46--Searcn for Te that absolutely insures ten | 1211's About Time Thriller morrow trick , -McHales Navy 11:40 P.M. a--News; Weather) oa map 9--Wild, Wild, West ei Making the contract is always \ f 'dl v in 4 t Siits About Time Maa vik vot ee a the first consideration. cay a ee aa 46--Gviding Light - OPPOR' i Scone soainoe --|iy_ayatry thane | 0 Pa \ / THE THING To LEAGUE LEADERS i 6--Green Hornet THURSDAY 11--Theatre REMEMBER ABOUT By THE CANADIAN PRESS z ei A al $--University of the Air | &--yalng For Dollars, + National League 4 3-Provinclal Attire 4+-Ceptain Kangaroo T-Fuoltive F é AB * ys el ' 1--albert J. Steed we beacolgIN Yh e Clemente Pgh 100 2 E ; { Topierte: Berton homo Re Meee a CANT ba Staub Hin 68 5 5 : 3-6-9--News, Weather, Dialing For Dollars -- 190 PM, Cepeda StL 4 4 ' | RG sg *Viteife Graham." | teks ake, 2 Deel STRETCHED | | williams Chi | 10417 37 356 fy 2-4--Huntley-Brinkley oe 14 bong 2--Matches and Mates Alley Pgh 99 8 34 343 r N--Fogitive %--Uncle Bobby 1_Newnywed 'aie Runs--Clemente and Aaron, 9--Batman ee, 4-6-12--Password Atlanta, 24; Harper and Rose, &--Lowell Thomas ed Alon Tine 24--Days of Our Lives Cincinnati, 22. Sowa! Thome | 2TomPH y tecatenan Runs batted in--Clemente, 24; 2--Daktar! %-People in Aaron, 23. 11--white Hunter ' i oy ene lorie een on Hits--Brock, St. Louis, 40; 7.0 P. Regre mye e 6--Coronation Clemente, 39. Poona ,Wonther Jack La Lanne shite Ean' Doubles--Alley, Cepeda, and 3 f 2:00 P.M. 12Peopie and Their 10:08 A.M. 9--Words and Musi¢ ; Helms, Preblani cartoon Piayhouve | General" Hospital Gincinnatl and Allan, Philadel: | teViPointon t2stnap ieagmen = | sais-tae'® " ~=| YOUR HEALTH phia, 8 7--Batman 4--Candid Camera #-2--Another World Triples -- Williams, 4; three 6--Peggy Neville +6-12-Canadian Schools 3.25 P.M. tied: with 3 od hee sic Wy 2p. Morning. tine me P.M. ¢ li gg Pi runs--Aaron and Torre, mrgner . 4 Gust ry o-previndal Mie. | Soraceret Corse | marriage Cont ure Out ined Atlanta, 8; Johnson, Cincinnati, Movie : Pg de tS a) 9--It's Your Move i $o12--Green_ Acres 24---Concentration eee a aan 8 Py American 4 yy . s-movie S41b-char Helene | 7#-You Don't Say or @1lloSsiS i tae WITH AN} 4--Beverly Hillbitlies 11100 AM. 4:00 P.M, Kaline, Det 99 21 36 .364 3612--Bob Hope 14--Romper | Room be ag crt . nigger Bit % 20 A = or CLEANID 9:00 P. i @ Douglas eh Gib arew, Min 87 11 j fo--Bob Hope. Tstpormarket Sweep | 4-8¢cret Storm By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD | Casanova, Win 78 9 25 391 E 4--Andy Griffith paddl recgltlon Seca Petrocelli, Btn 10017 32 .320 eee 4--Gomer Pyle 24--Pat Boone 2--Mike Douglas Dear Dr. Molner: I would|son have cancer on the: tongue Runs--Tovar,: Minnesota, "92: be lateatio, Years ame ge POE cb ety like a cure for cheilosis. It is ajor in the mouth? The rough|frechan, Detroit, 21 Ye esd i--Merv Griffin 34--Bonnie Prudden 9--Movie most disfiguring thing! -- Ms./part is gone from two spots on] Runs 'batted in--Kaline 22: hake Kdleckivaes cont a eirozorre J. M. : my tongue and one spot is get-|rreehan, 21. Cheilosis, a cracking at the|ting bigger, but it doesn't hurt. Hits--Kaline, $6; Fregosi, Cal» CROSSWORD corners of the mouth, is a sign|We have no family doctor tolitornia 34. ° i! Ma of Vitamin B deficiency as aljask--Mrs. B. K. Doubles -- Campaneris, Kan- ACROSS 40.Hourglass 10. Raise rule, particularly of riboflavin! Cancer is possible in the|sas City 9: three tied with 7. 4 1, Weighing matter 14, Close or Vitamin B-2. mouth or on the tongue. Your] Triples -- Versalles, Minne- device 41, Accum- 16, Aus- It is usually accompanied byjdescription could indicate can-|sota, 4; Knoop, California, 3. 6, Ether ulate tralia, a sore, red tongue and eyejcer, or could mean something} Home runs--Freehan and Ka- > compound DOWN Ant- Changes, as blurring or tearing.|quite simple, and nothing short|line 7; four tied with 6. 11, Of sound 1, Part of a arctica, i It is also seen in pellagra (ajof tests by a physician will tell 12, Frighten 'passenger Africa, Vitamin B deficiency), which Ijfor sure. Have the spots exam-| SALLY'S SALLIES = 13, Send forth ship ete. discussed recently, but in that|ined at once. 14, Dross ° 7 SIGREMEIVElTE |case with the emphasis on lack : 15. Prussian proton f oot IORI MIGIAIOISM® jof niacin. Dear Dr. Molner: During 16 Sire ¢ Gaanoes 20. Civil Yesterday's An The cure is to get more of the ovulation of my left ovary, my | sr) | ei, See, TE pee (aut alam otitis acre com- 4 3 : > 8 s?--Mrs. BROGRARAMED 10 MIX AND nian mor mander be snes es. milk, eggs and nae N. a NICE! 21. Greek 34. 'a ve es. 0. Some women experience Ps. IN = hi --, & Gi train 22. Infuses name Must point out, however,|this pain when the egg, or Greece 6. Moving 23. Spires . that cracking and other symp-jovum, is being extruded. It 19. * gtaircases 26. Insect 37. Male toms. involving the lips are notimay even cause some bleed- Stine 7. Tally 29. Flower she necessarily from this cause. Ajing, and tenderness can persist Offer ( Peach 8 Sour 30. Booth $9. Pa's dermatologist (skin specialist)|until the area heals. It is called State @.Troquoian 32. Places con] can identify other conditions |mittelschmerz. een 21, Matter: ' 5 Te Tt which, from a mere description law in words, may soufid the same; Dear Dr. Molner: I hope you a 4. Alluvial WB but in actuality are somewhat|can answer as a statement in Al deposit /) different. One of these is per-|your column is upsetting me so. a = 25. Con- Y leche. This is a fungus or strep|! had such a fear of choking] "He said to wake him up Y infection occurring at the cor-|that for six months I was under| When his skin got as dark 37. Before ie ners of the lips. Treatment|the care of my family physician as his trunks." groom ig Y often includes antibiotics and aljand a psychiatrist. le . Pine on sunion 4 -- La vitamin supplement. Both assured me that it wasjliving on milk, puddings and / N AES Wet AUST 80, Breathe Principal among causes are|impossible to choke on any pill|juices.--Mrs. R. N. NEEDED, MORE WEKHT speed iL c) Vs4el jee |2 sensitivities -- to the sun, to|they gave me, or on food that] You do have a neurotic feat | } Av THe TAIL! 21, Musle 4 hemicals, not infrequently to|was chewed properly, and that/of choking. ; Wy, " note 24 2 lipstick or other cosmetics, oc-|anything small enough to be| Small children have a muct q 32. Sara ionally to toothpaste, mouthjinhaled would not cut off|smaller windpipe than an adult, un . Teasdale, a7 2 wash or some such thing which|breathing. so we have to be careful not to ? for one ra is used regularly. Now I read in your columnjlet them get such small things ' i 85. Bottletop If altering the diet to insure|that baby aspirin taken by alin their mouths as peanuts, pop No Lir A Ahora, 36, Suave cy Y adequate Vitamin B does not/three-year-old might have been|corn, buttons, etc. { 37. Make 32 help, and if omitting cosmetics) 'swallowed the wrong way and| But, Mrs. R. N., you aren't Pleats E turbid Se ST for a time doesn't, the shortest,|shut off breathing until the pill|three, you know enough to be J wW 38, Site of /, surest road to ending the trou-|dissolved." I hate to go back to|careful of 'things which don't en ry 39 ble is to have a skin specialist}my doctor for fear of being|dissolve, and you'll note that in | ecumenical Bhar diagnose. laughed at and told to stop|the case I mentioned, the child = Meee eg 90. French 40 4 worrying. came out of its experience un- shee YZ --lor Dear Dr. Moluer: Can a per- Please answer as I am nowlharmed. q .

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