Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 May 1967, p. 22

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26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent ]26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |28--Room and Board '31--Compoct Cars for Sale (37--Auction Sale TWO - BEDROOM upstairs apartment. 22 "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, May 15, 1967 DEATI 20--Real Estate for Sale Aba--eminee ereores The best volue in apartment Refrigerator, stove, parking. Front and! SINIGLE ROOMS The Rambler Kings Auction Sale STREET -- with or sale or Ken living can be seen at V LIE expense. One child welcome. Whitby, Bowmanville & Peterborough LOCKE'S FLC recreation room. Paved drive and 98-|MAIJAC COTTAGES for rent, good 668-5958. and BOARD. MON., MAY 15 rage. Close to shopping, schools -- housekeeping, all facilities. Swimming, . WHITBY -- Modern two-bedroom apart- MAY SALE Funeral a@rrangem bus route. Three lovely bedrooms. Real skiing, fishing. 725-2909 or 723-8487. REGENCY THIS YE AR ment in modern building. Refrigerator, Apply: Lower thon: Toronto 'Prices. 8:00 P.M. St. Mary's of the floral arrangemen' of approximetely $2,500 will get you this * sroye a Neat. Also. 0 summing ag sat E ote Fiore : People Parish Hall, Stevenson casions home for Under $17,000. Plesse call me|21----Farms for Sale APARTMENTS e-| D5 Division St. Bank Rate Financing. R Sea " oc 4 n i in Fomels 729-2508 | Sn a4. 60 Day 3,000 Mile Warranty. toad and Marion Ave. Auc- OSHAWA SHO for particulars. Mor! 'oge 114 ACRES, good clay loam, good build- & By ® Led t Cliff Pethick, or 723-5281, Guide Realty Limited. ing, creek." Asking $20,000 with terms. MAIN FLOOR duplex, one bedroom air|ROOM or room and board tor ladies or) Up To 60 Months To Pay, oneer Cliff Pethick. CENTRE PORT PERRY -- Brand new three-bed- Near Lindsay. Call John Sandy, 725-4010. ' conditioned apartment, refrigerator sand gentlemen. Telephone 72 a OVER 40 SELECT CARS 3 joming Events 728-655. 4 Room ai 8--C. r cheney eagt] 57 |. O. Martin Realtor. Teor Brck. bongdlow,ateched"gerage |W Moving To One and two bedrooms _|{elephone Maesisor Suh OM TO CHOOSE FROM, heat, and ; 5 49 MA ND AVENUE share, close to north trim, "separate aning room. mtmany bed ata FORM ees eee Les ae) Ons Modern and Convenient |MODERN apartment, two bedrooms, om. iW privileges, parking. sa eehe Kindness beyond -- as. 7 906-4771 good wells, orchard. Mr. Markland, RR PHONE 725-2227 i ; bela 'ciose te sh kai tree. bh ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, TRENT Y.W.C.A within reach « THREE-BEDROOM _ bungalow |4, Lindsay. G R F N F F | 4 Beautiful T.V. reception |7p9m. Clots, to, shopping, end. |liunches packed. Telephone 725-9843. AUTO SALES YV.U.A\, , peste AY caer om eaters for Sale. he ° for Color and Black and SMALL a ice ad jor aay. wiling to. share room." close cenenan fy (new building) GERRO awa. Tere eee -- end of cy Al services prepaid. Foal RE i S Q J A R F White 9 ot ie eee ee eee King St. E., Bowmanville Ehibits of art, crafts, millin- FUNERAL C UG0G ai loners 7 TWO-BEDROOM jartment, Privat 5 SGARDS Or can Chin er. Box mae wie river S308 scaieclans we dekvicee lots, ae approved, ® P M ER * NE 4 TW Equipped with stove frig pe in de uctee 'treet, ish ig gente nar nh 'uP "Linch 23-3305 a7, dreemaleng sh fs Telectons ptt a sence ft Aes * tot inet tL p.m, es pac « FRACS Per ks" a ROSSLAND - SIMCOE AREA. Sixcroom|ertTeleonone. vials ON i OBEDROOMS ~ d dF.M. ____|FIVE-ROOM apariment, $125 month In. Tr eget age Made % VOLVO and PEUGOT afternoon, 7-9 at Right. The seererocned tar serey: ea ee ou. eX a RANELY ease oo 321 MARLAND AVENUE rapes and F.M. cluding hydro, and hea Avaliable April ROOM AND BOARD, gentleman pre. tk MERCEDES BENZ gym isang nay oe 4 STAFFOR 5 . Pri- |. Telephone f Fi : approximately 2: d 7: vate, Telephone 723-3760. Paved road, Zion, Telephone 725-1778. PHONE 728-6722 hears ne : SWORBORGOM asar me a = ferred, Teva oe seven, davis private arse Hy A ng BROTHERS PRIVATE--six-room, two-storey _house,|FOUR BUILDERS' LOTS from which os LARG Close to shopping centre General Repair and served. ; rage: poe, driveway. Immediate |to choose. Telephone 725-2159. SUITES ose to pPping dune}. includes rapes, appliances, D3! ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen. Auto-Electric Service Authorized De i sion, 206 Gibb Street. T. @ MODERN 1 and 2 and schools be Voce' SaIRcAAN chopetngs hres eng Good meals. Parking. Close to bus. Also ADMISSION FREE ROCK OF AC rae. Br ae tan atincheor" teaches a ee 'i : Mics. Chia welcome, 7235085, 725-9872, Se ae ee eveteble m0 _| Jake and Bill's Garage EVERYONE WELCOME FAMILY MONU pk lggrssthey Fgh down, three-bed-|7736 or 728-3192. : STOVE and FRIDGE ° 'ane au lunches acinar' on 449 Ritson Rd. South 318 Dundas St. E, iifehen, Spotless condition. Near schools 23--Real Estate Wanted @ BALCONIES Reasonable for information france ana batheeiment private ¢n-| Telephone: 725-6070 Oshawa 728-0921 TUESDAY, MAY 14 Whitby, Or . al acl " . . ran as omen Realty Limited. Ceres @ FABRIC DRAPES Application after 3 pum. 725-8968, 29--Wanted to Rent ZOLTAN. and NICK'S DOWN, three-bedroom ONE - BEDROOM a fi - i Ring, large, Winreom ana cher| Land, Farms, Homes in Osh- | @ FREE HYDRO on CALL Parl, Met gsr, pina gata Ane sclsSnee Wi "aee| You Authorized Datn" | 4, WOODVIEW IN MEMO} room, paved drive, carport, on large) awa and District. We have @ BROADLOOM in HALLS tino Garin: te oe Bs Tn Wonkite M7602, Oshawa Times. nd Fiat Deal panera atin landscaped lot, 66 x 136, Carries for ss the Buyers if you want to sell. @ ELEVATOR FREE couple preferred. 725-1959 after 5 p.m. |TWO- OR THREE - BEDROOM house Specializing in Volkswagen BARROW -- in loving per month, Open to offers. Call "ss DON STRADESK! Realtor @ LOCKERS ms TWO-BEDROOM apartment, broadioom wanted' by couple with one small child. Repair and Service B | N dear husband ai McMullan and Co. Realtor, 668-6201. 63 King St. West @ CONTROLLED Sarsuannit sia " frig. Adult: preety Possession June 1, Telephone 728-3024, $2,900. DOWN, six-room brick bungalow, 4 ! @ HEALTH CLUB er at aie ee en " 160 Simcoe South three. bedrooms, living-» dining rooms, phone 723-4651 ENTRANCE 319 Adelaide West, Apt. 4. 30--Automobiles For Sale Nea. 58 and is? ay GH ene tornily. large, modern ikitenen. barge ball tee. Oshawa, Ont. ; Cee ge 2 a & Sanu STEAM or see us at TROSEDROOM Soerimeme nctuaes 728-0051 TONI on COURTNEY -- In lovi Oi A pee rag) ry i hi to 4 , 1961 SUNBEAM, ition. di ther, Hel mo, Carries, for $75. per month. AVES bunpslow or twestorey rome] end CHURCHES Ser Chan. te Beis eas acl CART ROBINSON wo tops. Felephone GHT 8 P.M. Sway on' May 15; 1968. Cali J. B. MoMullend and Co. Reeltor. 668-6201. BOWMANVILLE, Beach Ave, -- Owne must sell at once due to other interests. . |. Open for offers. Call Pat Yeo, 623-3393: W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. JUST LISTED -- Connaught Street, huge six-room home, large dining room, waik-out balcony, huge finished recrea- tion room, beautiful fireplace. Only $21,- 900. Call H. Keith Ltd. Realtor. 725-4841. WHITBY OUTSKIRTS, private, $2,500 down 'or trade. Balance one open mort- pene. 1,200 square feet, three bedrooms, living cher: * between King and Adelaide, Simcoe and ir) W.°O. Martin Realtor. Wilson Road area. Please call 728-5103, St [between Oshawa Pickeriny be too old. Write stating location to: Box 62834, Oshawa Times. ee|A LARGE or double house In country ig. Must not information, nies Bly eee down payments. uy ir home sold and not just listed. ny Willard Johnston, 728-1066. Schofield-Aker Ltd. recom, dining room and a kit- 723-6541, SHOPPING CENTRE, nicely decorated bungalow with four bedrooms, two wash- rooms, finished recreation room in ex- cellent condition. Paved driveway, fenced. rear yard. Call Frank Smith at 723-3533 or at J. B, McMullan and Co. Realtors, 725-3557. $3,700. DOWN will buy beautiful new NHA Kassinger built home in north with reasonable monthly pay- her three- or red arage. Will show these homes Bointment only. So please call Wittara Johristort," 728-1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd. PRIVATE -- wanted, duplex or bunga- lew with basement apartment, in good area, Reasonable down payment. Please call 576-1904. sac CASH FOR YOUR HOME. Yes, | have two cash buyers plus several other 24--Stores, Offices, Storage WANTED TO LEASE URGENT Large American Co. wishes to lease about 2500 to 5000 sq. ft., one level floor space with large service doors and suitable for hoist facilities with parking for 10 cars. Will give back 10-15 year lease, top rental. King and Simcoe ROXBOROUGH AVE. -- Only minutes ree-bedroom area preferred or close to from. GM's north office, thi modern. home, four-piece bath, stool in basement, stone fireplace, tower, storms, etc, Many extras. Asking $17,500 with terms. Carries for Mate ~~ month. Owner leaving for in U.S.A. also Cait Rod ada 623-3393, W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. $3,000 DOWN, $100 per month, downtown. Contact Harry Klintworth c/o Bowes & Cocks Ltd. Realtors, Toronto 364-7471 or 333 Charlotte St., Peterborouh 742-4234, open fnortgage will buy this Tittle Pescoed fated on. Grierson Street, has atest ed garage and | recreation room, lar patiéd with privacy. Call Willard John: Ston, 728-1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd. pea di WHITBY -- Near Anderson Collegiate, oom? level brick home, large lot, three bedrooms, two washrooms, den, walk- out, -to. eovered patio, attached garage. 668-8317. NORTH-EAST six-room 1% storey brick home. with new kitchen cupboards, new oak floors and completely redecorated. -- $2,500 down and move right in. immediate possession. Call Steve Lehan/E. z 728-7576, FSibby's Real Estate Ltd. PRIVATE -- nine-room, 1s-storey In- brick Separate entrance, two beths, two kitchens, fireplace. Fiber- gias covered ope paved drive, lerge OFFICES FOR RENT On Simcoe St. North obout 2,000 sq. ft. good parking. 728-844] GARAGE FOR RENT, 45' x 26', suit- able 'for storage or any kind of shop, ead parking space. 728-8817. 357 Bloor STORE FOR chil also suitable for Sees hod Square feet. 205 Simooe Street SaReaeNT FOR RENT, ie ly 1,000 square feet. Ideal plumb- r Plywood rec room. Many extras. |; i Tl offers considered. 723-2335, b> Bhan Reng oy Pg igs sont apy lust listed, lovely DUPLEX, six rooms upstairs, five rooms Server: o brick eho ra vovion €arpor! /downstairs, Harmony-#0, 'Electric heat. Zail_ Elmer Fredin, 7285103, W. ©. Mar. | Telephone 267-0141, Toronto. 95. Houses for Rent CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE APPLY or TELEPHONE THE ABOVE NUMBERS "La Contessa Apartments" A Distinguished Address Choice luxury suites, electric- ally heated, and tastefully de- corated. throughout. Parking, swimming pool, Sauna and recreation rooms. See on your own television screen who is ringing your doorbell, before you give them entry. Suites available for adults only, Ideal for a quiet and com- fortable living. Rental office on the premises. 140 Nonquon Road, Oshawa Call 725-1481 or WINKLER-ZENKOVICH Real Estate Ltd. TORONTO 363-2631 OSHAWA'S BEST RENTAL VALUE SEE TOWER on the GREEN @ SWIMMING POOL (in season) @ French Provincial Kitchens @ Indoor Parking @ Free Hydro @ Fabric Draperies @ Balconies @ Broadloom Corridors @ Walking Distance of Oshawa Shopping Centre @ Children's Playground @ Close to Public and Separate Schools @ Elevator FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED RENTAL INFORMATION 723-5111 AFTER HOURS 576-2826 380 GIBB STREET FURNISHED APARTMENTS FROM 4 Oo" Weekly or Monthly -- RATES -- tin Realtor. $344 PER Pactal ped 64 acres, Oshawa ten miles, rgess 723-0049 Keith Peters Peters. Realty tlmited d° Realtor. EXTRA LARGE three - bedroom brick bungalow, Hollywood kitchen, colored bath, lot Rg ogg d fenced plus paved dri to shopping centre. Only $17,900. Call ata siaeston, 728-1066. Schofield-Aker Li ESTATE SALE -- two-bedroom bunga- low with good sized kitchen and living room, four-piece bath, new furnace, large lot, 52' x 208', low taxes. Priced at just $10,700, Call Irwin Cruikshanks roe 728-5205, $chofield-Aker Ltd; Real- tor: Sava Brick bungalow, three-bed-| room apartment on main floor and $95 @ month apartment in basement, close to en se south GM. Reasonable. $1,200 DOWN carries for $85. monthly, ful price $12,995, five-room pusoelow« session. Call Shirley, Moskal, Ta-4134, Griffin Real Estate Ltd. 5¥2 PER CENT NHA resale carries for $57.42 monthly, 10-year-old brick, three- bedroom bungalow, family size kitchen, 17" x 10%', gy oles Bh in living room, finished recreation. Lot size 58' x 128', To inspect property call Shirley Laas 723-4134, Griffin Real Estate Ltd RETIREMENT or Foy ang $10,900, $3,500 down. One mile Port Perry, pa' road, 2% acres overlooking lake. Pawo storey, clean, six-rcom house, oil_ fur- nace, septic tank, toilet, all new. Taxes $135. Could divide lot. Less for cash. 985-2870. $15,900 FULL PRICE for this beautiful clean, brick bungalow on Highland Ave- nue, large modern recreation room, patio with privacy plus hedged lot front and rear. Drive by, then al ve John- ston, 728-1066. Schofield- INCOME ied Ta a = con- tained. apartments, good investment, pole $155 monthly, Asking $11,000 with Sionw Central, Call John Sandy, 725- 8010. W. O. Martin Realtor. a" FULL De a abe 'Modern, phy orcad col per cent mortgage, terms. Call Elmer Fre- bs 728-5103. W. 0. Ma Martin Realtor. STEVENSON ROAD NORTH -- Five- room brick bungalow with basement apartment and two bathrooms. Excel- lent area, home only eight years old. Inspect this good buy now by calling Jerry Coady | at 728- 7576. S.J. PHILLIPS -- Save taxes in this FOR RENT 1% storey, six room, insul brick, frame house, with a 2 car frame garage, known as No, 66 Burton Street, Oshawa. Residence will be open for in- spection between the hours of: 10:00 A.M, and 3:00 P.M. Local Time TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1967 Offer to Lease Forms may be obtained from the Depart- ment's representative, who will be on the property on the aforementioned date. Offers to Lease will be ac- cepted by the Department up until: 12:30 P.M. Local Time WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1967 For further information please contact: Department of Highways, Ontario, Right-of- 'Way Division, Central Regional Office, Downsview, Ontario, TELEPHONE: 248-3445, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO clean home in older area off Simcoe Street North. Close to hospital and all schools. Vendor will hold one mortgage. Phone today. oo J. M. Bullied, Realtor, 723-11 20a---Summer Properties For Sale or Rent FOR SALE Three bedroom cottage on Eels Lake, near Apsley, high- way 28. Mahogany panelling, tiled floors and ceiling. Two piece bathroom, large living room, kitchen with sink unit, pressure system, hot and cold water, refrigerator and other furniture included. Lot size 175' x 366' deep. General store and docks, cottage on mainland. Accessible by boat (5 min.) $5,500. Cash, 723- 9050. after 7 p.m. THREE-ROOM cottage for sale, six miles north of hen gy on Highway 35. |. Telephone 7: HOUSEKEEPING nT on Stur- Beton Lake, two and three bed Overlooking the park located on Mary St. North. Swimming pool, sauna bath, gym room and rec room. Our model suite is furnished by WILSON'S FURNITURE, 1, 2, and 3. Bedroom Apt. FREE New Furniture New Building 723-5111 After Hours 576-2826 UNDERGROUND PARKING TO THE FIRST 65 TENANTS OPEN DAILY FROM 1 P.M. - 9 P.M. or by appointment. 576-2280 or 725-9750 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. 21 King St. W., Bowmanville Comfort PRESTIGE IN OSHAWA"S MOST OUTSTANDING APARTMENT (It's Worth the Extra) A few 1 and 2 Bedroom Suites available from $150. for appointment 723-1712 GEORGIAN MANSIONS Enjoy the Modern Trend To Luxury Living Princess Anne Apartments you will enjoy our indoor pool, sauna room, large bal- conies, spacious suites, ample parking, mail delivery, per- sonalized service, PLUS the moderate monthly rental at PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. Our model suite is furnished by WILSON'S FURNITURE and broadloom by ANGUS GRAYDON open daily 2 p.m. till 9 p.m. Sat. and Sun. 11 a.m, till 7 p.m. PHONE 725-9934 -- 576-3864 340 Marland Ave. Apt. 111 NOW RENTING More and more of Oshawa's nicest people are enjoying reasonable rents at the ZZ<CFYNNODW NETD> YAZMSAAYV>Y PHONE 728-9724 come. 723-5035, 725-9872. THREE two-bedrocm apartments, avail- able June 1. $110. Two children welcome. lear south plant. 219 Cordova Rd., Apt. 2, Days 728-1070, nights 723-5482. CARS WANTED Best cash prices in town. Scrap or wrecking purposes. linen, in private home, King Street East. Telephone after 5 p.m. for appointment, 728-7643. piner i three - bedroom apartments, fully Telephone 728-9726. MODERN five - room apartment, un- GENTLEMAN to share fully furnished A Ours. use with three other young men. Pre- ferably office worker. T 723-1840, | __7 29-3176 52 Wayne St. apartment, co with MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH 9672. THREE-ROOM = apartment, _abstainers. Adults. Heat and water supplied. 68 Mc- Millan Drive, side door. TWO-, THREE-, or five-room apart- ments. Heat, hydro, water supplied. Separate entrance, schools close. Tele- Phone 723-7088 days, 728-7288 evenings. TWO- AND THREE - BEDROOM apart- ments, now available at lowest rent. Heated, immediate possession, $75-$85 la Two children welcome. }- 1675, GOVERNOR MANSIONS ADULT PRESTIGE RESIDENCE Now available two 2-bedroom suites. For appointment to view these outstanding suites please call 723-1712 or 728-2911 THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, if. adult home (refrigerator, stove supplied). Street level, (private entrance). Central. Adults only, No drinking, smoking. 725-5676 evenings. BACHELOR apartment. Centrally lo- cated, Private entrance. Laundry, park- ing, frig, stove, four-piece bath, $80. monthly. Telephone 668-3207. SELF-CONTAINED apartment, suitable for retired or working lady, stove, re- frigerator, laundry facilities. Telephone 728-3344, 309 ADELAIDE WEST -- Two-bedrocm apartment in baciides-f building, refrig- erator, stove, idioom. Available June, One small voniid welcome. Tele- phone 725-6851. TWO-ROOM apartments, one furnished, vic unfurnished. Central, Telephone 723- 1, untur- bath- apartment WHITBY. Bachelor I} kitchen, nished bedsitting room, room. Ti 668-3577, ind TWO BEDROOM "APARTMENTS Stove and refrigerator. Hydro included. New building on Gibb St. Telephone 576-0360 LUSANNE VILLA : 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige -- building. Centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook end kitchen. Tennis court and barbeque. BONUS 1 and 2 bedroom, large apart- ments, fully equipped. WE PAY MOVING EXPENSES 190 Nonquon Road 2 728-9 @ FOR RENT @ Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Mon, to Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m, Sat. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 23 Athol West 728-1070 REGENT ARMS GRENFELL STREET One and Two bedroom apart- ments. Free hydro, water, heat and parking. Starting at $109 monthly. Adults only. 723-6944 or 723-6455 between 6 and 9:30. p.m. SELF-CONTAINED furnished basement apartment for two men. Central. Apply 37 Elgin West. Ti THREE - ROOM apartment, nice resi- dential area, refrigerator and stove, private entrance, nicely decorated. Working couple preferred. Abstainers. Telephone 725-1754. THREE - ROOM apartment large residence, separate entrance, garden. in ADULT apartment residence BRICK FARM HOUSE near B ville, two bathrooms, $100 monthly. Call Walter Frank Real Estate, Realtor, 623-3393. SPACIOUS -- two-bedroom house and garage on one-acre lot, north Regi ich Close to er and on bus route. Tele- Phone 723-2977, FIVE-ROOM hose and garage. Close to south General Motors, shopping and Schools. $75 monthly. Immediate posses sion, Telephone 728-0079 after 5 p.m. peta hershen bt itcnd cdace GENTLEMAN would like fo share three- pee gh bungalow, partly furnished with ouple or one or tg bachelors. 1284 Valley Drive. 728-7777. THREE-BEDROOM | are jalow. Close to ae General Motors ane 401. Telephone SIX-ROOM house for rent. Park Road South and Frontenac Avenue. Possession June 1. Telephone 725-2642. TWO - BEDROOM duplex near Harmony and King East. Fireplace, carpeting, Sundeck and carport. No children. Five minutes from bus, $135 monthly includes heat, light and water. Available June 1. Reply to Box 66728, Oshawa Times. Someone Wants pov' aoa conveniences, Tele- ome ee South Hampton. Three- bedroom cottage for rent or wilt rent fooms separately. Hot and cold water. Good sandy beach. After 4, 668,4870. Your "Don't Wants" rate ge $8,500, furnished lined cottage, x 36', pine siding, new boathouse, is lake frontage eer Va-acre lot, on Paudash Lake. 7; LAKEFRONT aries, Haliburton district, new, modern, with all conveni- ences, boat included, sandy beach. $60. per week. Telephone Whitby 668-5447. ping sg Pra og Rosedale, Bal- housekeeping cot- weekend, re- PHONE 723-3492 A Courteous d-visor will, be happy Be a ae nese june. eveni Posen, Hg ROYALE APARTMENTS Spacious 1 and 2 Bedioom Suites STARTING AT $120 This outstanding all electric building is located near schools, shopping and churches. Bus service at door. Loads of closet space. 119 Nonquon Rd. APT. 105 Don't Wait Investigate, the new MONA LISA APARTMENTS 191 Nonquon Road where your rental dollar goes further. Featuring, swimming pool, sauna room and gym, playground, 5 acres of park- land, spacious suites with col- ored stoves and fridges, ample parking, individual mail deliv- ery, PLUS many other extras, Model suite open daily 1 P.M, till 8 P.M, MONA LISA APARTMENTS Phone 723-6022 728-5282 SHELDIAN MANSIONS 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites. Sublet -- reduced rent apts. available without lease. Swim- MALA GLEN COURT CHILDREN WELCOME 2 and 3 bedroom suites, 4 piece bath off: master bed- room plus powder room. New building -- Reasonable rates, PHONE 725-0657 $110 monthly. Telephone 725-3450 after 6. TWO-BEDROOM unfurnished apartment Simcoe North, containing refrigerator and stove. Adults only, $103 monthly. Telephone 725-3388. DREW STREET 74, three or two rooms |furnished, central, adults, or working Couple or three individuals. No children. Abstainers. Available now. ROOM furnished apartment, Private. Couple Telephone 725- Two - heated, frig and stove. preferred. $80 monthly. 2539. feraletec, pocale Priel ay ch 723-9 1 quiet. Adults preferred. monthly. - Wi eygeata off No. 2 Hwy. 42 ville, 623-2215, bilder is ga ol le a RAMBLER ment building, sitting room, chen and bathroom. Ideal for couple: Fur- SALES -- SERVICE nished $95, unfurnished $85. Parking. 728- and PAINT New and Used Cars Easy to Finance at NICOLS MOTORS LTD. WHITBY -- 668-3331 OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE Specializing in rebuilt auto- matic and standard transmis- sions. GUARANTEED WORK 576-2610 WANTED Good local cash. MORLEY STALKER MOTORS clean cars for 137 King West 723-8311 723-6322 with black top. 725-7829. %2 VOLKSWAGEN, one owner. No down en $9 per week. Wellman's, 728- 1956 VOLKSWAGEN. Best offer, Tele. phone 728-5883 or apply 511 Bond Street West. 1964 ILLMAN Super Minx -- deluxe, mileage 11,500, excellent condition. Call Ajax 942-5453 after 5 p.m. 32--Trucks for Sale RED BARN EXTRA BUSES 39--Notices WATCH our new station grow, Clements* aneriests Ralls t of sie coe and Wit jam Streets. Open for oA age a rebuilding. Telephone 728-847: Gachid FOUR van trucks suitable for camp- ers, All car parts. Courticé Auto Wreck- ers, 723-5238. BIRTHS 1964 GMC pick-up, Fleetside, A-1 condi- tion. $1,100. Telephone 728-8841. 104 Atha- basca Street. 1961 CORVAIR panel truck, suitable for camper. Telephone 725-5132. 33--Automobiles Wanted ARE YOUR MONTHLY CAR PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? Consolidate your bills. We trade up or down. BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 1250 Dundas E., Whitby 668-5871 CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "'Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. WANTED: Cars and trucks for wrecking. No charge for ee: Best prices paid. GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED RR No. 3 Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid. TERMS. Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 '65 CHEV IMPALA two-door hardtop, fully equipped, very good bg a real sharp. Best offer. Telephone 723-0516. 1 CHEVROLET Be Ae aa Bank $115. TWO BEDROOMS, kitchen, living room, 4-piece bath, stove, frig, modern, on quiet street, parking, pogsession June 1, Telephone 728-1903 after 6. Two BEDROOMS, ale room, Diba bathroom, kitchen and cupboard: children under 12. Apply 411 King 'S. bs THREE ROOMS, downtown location. Immediate occupancy. Couple preferred. Reasonable rent. Telephone 725-3501. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, near South GM. Available now. Apply 383 Phillip Murray Avenue. $115 MONTHLY for five-room, two-bed- room apartment in apartment building, fares "Phone after 5 o'clock. 728-4983, 5 RAMBLER hardtop, no down pay- ment, $18 per week. V-8 automatic and radio, Like new. Lic. K8284, Wellman's, 728-7351. 1966 BEAUMONT, sports deluxe, 2-door, hardtop, V-8, power - steering, power brakes, bucket seats, console, radio after 7 p.m. Telephone 668-4844, 1960 PONTIAC Tacrentian: Telephone anytime. Nichols. WANTED -- '61 to '62 Corvair, condi- tion of mofor unimportant. Telephone 263-2508, 34--Automobile Repair FRED STONE Brooklin -- 655-3653 REBUILT ENGINES 6 CYL, Exchange Price as low as $165.00 8 CYL. Exchange Price : as low as $200.00 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 Transmissions are Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adijust- ments, Exchanges. All Work BORCHUK -- Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bor. chuk wish to announce the arrival of their son, Christopher Allan, 7 Ibs. 10 ezs., on Friday, May 12, 1967 at the Osh- oy. Hospital. A brother for Kim GRAHAM -- Jason Arti Saturday, May by pe! pounds, Hospital. mour. First grandchild for Mr. pd Lutton Raed Mr. and hes wit Nias P, raham. Thanks to Dra , SPragge, pone and fourth floor born GUMMOW -- Jim and Anne (nee Ris- tich) are pleased to announce the arrival of a daughter, Nancy Elizabeth, 7 Ibs, 8 ozs., on Friday, May 12, 1967, Oshawa General Hospital. Many thanks to Dr, Beckett and the fourth floor staff, HRONCICH -- Joseph and Mariori are pleased to announce the Siva % ee pop Mente weighing 4 Ibs. 2 on May 1967, at 4:28 ae General Hospital, any Hanke Mani to Dr. A. ly thanks + King and fourth floor staff, SMITH -- Tom and irene (nee Wys: ski) are happy to announce the birth a their first-born, a son, Graham Chris- topher, 7 Ibs. 3 ozs., on Sunday, May 14, 1967, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Peter- borough. STUART -- Andrew and Sally wish te announce the arrival of Susan Eleanor, Pounds, seven ounces, on Wednesday, May 10, 1967, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A sister for Jane and Mar- garet. Many thanks fo Dr.. Stocks and nurses of 4th floor. A third granddaugh- fer for Mr. and Mrs. §. J. Stuart, wane and Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Gray, BRETT, Walter Of Madoc, Ontario, passed away at the Belleville General Hospital on Sunday, ey 14, 1967, Walter'Brett beloved huse band of Eva Goodsell, dear father o? Mrs. E. (Margaret) Dewart, Peter. borough; Gordon, Oshawa; Walter, Mi dle River, Cape Breton; Harold ¥ Grant of Madoc. Dear brother of Mrs W. G. (Helen) Lloyd, Toronto; aged ue years. Mr. Brett is resting at the Mac- Kenzie Funeral Home, Madoc. Funertl on Wednesday, May 17 to St. Peter's Presbyterian Church for service at 3 p.m. Rev. V. Tozer officiating. interment Carrying Place Cemetery. Donations to Knox College in lieu of flowers requested, Contributions may be sent to Rev. Ont, Marian Eliza 725-9411. Guaranteed. 1959 PONTIAC, two-door, six cylinder, standard transmission, paint job, new 35--Lost and Found Tozer, Madoc, exhaust system, good tires. A-1 through- LOST -- In vicinity of chassis depart-|, COTT AM, out. Algo 1957 Buick hardtop V-8. Best In Mercy Hospital, Port Huron, Michie and refrigerator, laundry available. One child welcome. " Tele. phone 728-3546. 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | 'jautomatic, FM-AM radio. A-1 cond! 1959 SraVROLIT Station wagon, V-8, stick shift, Excellent mechanically. Very weed tires, body rusted. $150, Telephone CHEVELLE '66. Four-door cylinder, Standard. Radio, Warranty, $1,950 cash, 723-2715. 1948 PONTIAC, good condition, two-door coupe, floor shift. Some customizing done. Best offer. Telephone 576-3398. 1964 PONTIAC, two - door hardtop, pully, n sedan. Six- whitewalls. $1,795 or best offer. 728-1773. MUST SELL -- Best offer. '65 Chevro- let Impala, convertible, 283 engine, auto- COMFORTABLE ROOMS WEEKLY RATES MAID SERVICE A La Carte Restaurant on Premises. Mrs. James Maher WHITBY HOTEL 668-2337 SINGLE WORKING GIRL to share semi-furnished apartment with same, in coniyal Whitby, beginning of June. Close to downtown area and bus. 509 Dundag St. W., after 6 p. Monday to Friday. BED-SITTING Fr room, ground floor, pri- vate home, close to bus line and General]; Motors. preferred. No meals. apart- 723-7293 evenings. HRI ment; also two - room apartment, 'main flocr. Apply 218 Celina Street, back door, before 7 p.m. ROOM FOR RENT in bachelor's home, cocking Ld gl parking. Telephone 723-2024 after 5 p.m. matic tr power steering and brakes. AM-FM radio, _ reverberator, Positraction rear end. 723-7829. "67 CHEVROLET Impala, two-door hard- top, vinyl roof, 327, power accessories. Sell or trade on late model. 728-9737, 6-9. SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used cars, '55's and up. Trades accepted. Terms arranged. R. B. Motor Sales, 509 Bloor East 1959 OLDSMOBILE, runs well, good body and tires, very clean. Lady driven. Ask- ing $350. Will take older car as part payment. 668-5071. 1961 WOLESLEY, 699 series, automatic. $400 or nearest offer. Reconditioned motor. In excellent condition. Telephone 668-4685. 63 RAMBLER, no down payment, $10 ber week, radio, one owner, meinen) 528- 7351. 1966 MUSTANG Automatic six Sonata 10,000 in excellent cylinder, radio, 668-4003. LAKE VISTA -- furnished apartment, suitable for two reed ladies or woe nessmen or mother with brit two children, rnd care included. i TWO - ROOM apartment, separate en- trance, or two child ROOMS FOR RENT, $10 and $12 weekly. Maid service, restaurant on premises, Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe. St. N. miles. T 1965 WHITE MUSTANG three-speed stick shift, priesd, "T 576-3236 anytime. FURNISHED bed-sitting room for one, Bed quiet private home. Apply 350 Arthur treet. heat and hydro included. Reasonable rent. 723-1927. SINGLE room, furnished. Close to buses. Centrally aa Parking conveniences. TWO - BEDROOM re eas with pri- vate ple se Adults ferred. $125 58-0997, SOURS ROOM spartan near south GM. Avaliable June 1. -Telephone after four, 668-48 COMPLETELY -- Htting room, sink and re reeesidentlal pgs Close to buses. 728-1914. FURNISHED bachelor | basement apart- ment, large room wit '61 OLDSMOBILE Starfire convertible, Power steering, brakes, seat, windows, Wunderbar radio and rear speaker, new body and paint job. Complete new. ex- haust system. Rain tires. Car in A-1_con- dition, Blue interior and exterior. Tele- phone 728-6760 or 723-6785 or apply 295 Sharbot Street after 5. 1957 DODGE, V-8, automatic, ly, radio, needs minor repair. Apply 115 Annis Street. excellent $125. ATTRACTIVE one - in clean, modern bone a huina. room, Pebde dhe ale hall Stove, drapes, bal- Cony, shawa Shopping Centre. Avaliable dune 1, 723-2570. ed 'space. apartment, private bath. Parking . Adults only. Telephone 725-0492. NE 'DROOM §=apartment, modern ihren, refrigerator, stove, large living rocm, main floor, includes basement, |7: pare, garage, heat, hydro, $25 weekly. Gliddon-Tyler Crescent. 723-1795. MODERN. two - bedroom stove, refrigerator, drapes. deposit. One child welcome. possession. , or 170 South. apartment, No damage Immediate Park Road bd SUBLET, on the Ist of July, 2-bed- ming pool, opposite south G.M, Children welcome. Two baths in all. two and three bedroom suites. 885 OXFORD STREET 7 42 to help you NEED LIVING QUARTERS? Read I Estate For Sale. " FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- ments. Controlled entrance, Twin elevators, swimming pool, fenced playground, -2347 'com apt. Further lease avaliable If re- auired Children welcome. No deposit Rental $130 per month. For fur- ther information call 728-2306 or 728- and two-bedroom apartments, elec- trea heated, refrigerator, stave, drapes, centrally located. Baby welcome. Apply 25 | 25 Mill St. Apt. 4, or 723-3295. ONE-BEDROOM apariments, 'Modern building, Available now. 728-5282. i nt closets, automatic washer, dryer, hospi- FURNISHED three - room self-contain-| warm, dry, private airancs: two clothes tal area. _Immediate possession. 576-0832. ROOM 4 AND BOARD for Semana jome ed meals, large room, very cara location, Telephone 725-2938. 147 Brock Street East. 1961 RAMBLER Classic, standard sedan, radio, good shape. Will accept trade. Telephone 725-8602. . 1988 CHEVROLET six, automatic, un- usually good condition. Must seen! $295. Telephone 728-4257. 'VR Impala, convertible, ih. Call 1963 CHEVROLET | THREE furnished rooms, with bath-|in excellent condition. $1,500 cas room. Private entrance, laundry facil-|Whitby 668-8224. ities, dryer free. Suitable for three. Lo- 28-005" betore "3:30. or 'anytime. week. 28 fo or a Ln SELL ! CLEAN, comfortable room, for one or xf more, pleasant district, kitchen priv- Heges available. Near north General SELL ! Motors, _ hospital, town. 58 Aberdeen 3 Street, 728-8928. cory ' FOR RESULTS That's The Job Times Of Times Action Classified Want Ads Ads ; 723-3492 723-3492 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY GREAT LAKES REGION New Station Building Oshawa, Ontario Tenders are invited for the necessary construction of a new Station Building for Oshawa, Ontario. Sealed Tenders marked on the out- side 'Confidential"--"Tend- er--New Station Building for Oshawa, Ontario' and ad- dressed to Mr. R. L. Gray, Regional Engineer, Canadian National Railways, Room 257, Union Station, Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario, will be received up to 12 'noon (Eastern Daylight Time), June 1, 1967 Instructions for Tendering may be seen and Plans, Specifications and Form of Contract may be cbtained ot the Office of the Regional Engineer, Room 237, Union Station, Toronto, Ontario, on depositing a certified cheque, made payable to the Treas- urer, Canadian National Rail- way Company, for an amount of $50.00, which will be re- funded on return of Plans and Specifications to the Railway in good condition within 30 days after award of Contract. stove, refrigerator included, | baby wel-| offer. 723-2713. fing arge sum Or rena a: S2C-loan, on Friday, Mey 1b Ian" Mente Se panes Pepe: 728-lr69 CHEVROLET sedan, automatic, $600, |check personal papers. Reward.|Fllza_ Cottingham, in her 7ist Lee cenTeé aro In 980d condition. Telephone 985-7732, |728- 1949. Coltianen: stone te Wii ehab test NTRAL PARK and Olive, large one-|Port Perry. LOST. Collie, sable and white, female, |of J. f raster 5 » a vale, H, Cotti tl of 1. Bearoen) sarroveat A Oe ae ae, 1959 V-8 Edsel_motor with transmission. |named Susie, 14 years old. Missing since| Steet Easrt, Oshawa, Piiecsl tron Te 304, 4 be offer. Telephone Bay Ridges 839-|Aprit 21. Anyone with information call altos "Anderson Funeral Home on May 15, at 9:30 a.m. Interment THREE-ROOM self-contained apartment ae BEAUMONT Custom sedan, eight 36--Legal Emily "cemetery, Omemee, at 1) a.m. with sunporch, wes rer ansicn ee cylinder, automatic, power steering, Kenneth Urquhart of Omemee laundry facilities. elephone 728-3344 radloy 'only 10,000 miles, Call evenings officiating clergyman, LOVELY FOUR-ROOM apartment, 'stove 723-3: CZOCHRA, Jonn At the Ajax-Pickering ity Hospital, on Sunday, May 14, 1967, John Crochras aged 64 years, beloved husband of Mar- cella Gdiadoska, 32 Birch Cres., Ajax; dear father of Mrs. Yadwiga Borkoskt of Pickering, Marion Czochra, dear brother of Mrs. Janina Poland. Resting at the Wm. E. Sherrin Funeral Home, No. 2 Highway, Picker- ing Township (just east of Harw Ave. N., Ajax). Funeral Wednesday' at 9:15 a.m. to St. Hedwig's R.C. Church, 411 Olive Ave., Oshawa, for Requiem Mass at 10 a.m. The rosary will be ree bible) # ued rere home, Tuesday eve- 19 o'clock. Interment Resurrect! Cemetery, Whitby. ieee, F-ck Aa ig ih r a short illness at his residence, 110 Brock Street South, Whitby, on Friday, ay 12, 1967, Charles C. Davis beloved husband of Marjorie L. Jones, dear father of Mrs. J. Glover (Doris), Mrs. R, Bs ollct (Eaith) of Oshawa, Lynne at aries N. of Toronto in hig gh y ir, Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel on Monday, May 15, at 10:30 a.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Osh- awa. Minister the Rev. J. Smith, Visitors commencing 2 p.m., Sunday. Members of Composite Lodge No. 30 AF (old AM will held a service Sunday at 9 p. HALUK, Peliahia Entered into rest in ihe Oshawa General Hospital, Saturday, May 13, 1967, Peliahia Haluk, beloved wile of Danylo Haluk, mother of Mrs. Joseph S$. Zezuryk (Stephanie), Toronto, and Walodymyr, Oshawa, in her 80th year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with Requiem High Mass in St. Georges Ukrainian Greek -- Catholi¢ hurch, Wednesday, May 17, at 10 a. ververs will be held * the funeral home, Tuesday at 8 p.m MICHALSKI, George Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, May 13, 1967, eee Michalski, beloved husband. of ja Krocz, father of Barbara, Oshawa, fin of Lidia Byczkowski, Poland and Anthony Byczkowski, St. Catharines, son year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with Requiem High Mass in St. Hedwig's Church, ueedey, May 16, at 11 a.m. interme: Revurrection Cemetery. Prayérs will be gg at the Funeral Home, Monday, 8 p.m. ROBINSON, William Burton TENDERS WILL NOT' BE ACCEPTED UNLESS SUB- MITTED ON FORMS SUP- PLIED BY THE RAILWAY AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR TENDERING. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. D. V. Gonder, Vice-President. DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS An average 300 million pee of 'yo daily newspapers are sold throughout the world on any given weekday. That's why ra smear! business oie in The Times' Classified Section . is so 1 gered t's the one place ple a pl Men's ad. To get your wor 23,000 subscriber-readers tow Pog 'st dial 723-3492, at do at Hastings on Saturday, May Burton Robinson, in his "ay beloved husband of Gwendolyn Hircock, dear brother 'ot Mrs. Ken An- idrews (Gladys), Kingsten, Mrs. Brevin (Laura), Toronto, Mrs. A. Ferris (Pearl), Oshawa, Mrs. Grace Truelove of \vest- port, Mrs. Stella Hickey of Godfrey, Arthur Robinson of Actinolite, Osborne of England and Allan of Oshawa. Resting at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 iting St. W., for service in the chapel on Wed- nesday, May 17, at 2 p.m. Interment Meunt Lawn Cemetery. ee Harry ntered into rest in the, Oshawa General Hospital on. 'Saturday, May ae 1967, Harry Zacerkowny, beloved husband of Anne Proskin, father cf Mrs, Ted Mee ately aE ie Marie) of Oshawa, rother oo! rs. ndrew -- Stefanysh Nog of Detroit, ie his 67th year. Mest. t the Armstrong Funeral Home, ee with Requiem High Mass In St. Gregory's Church, Tuesday, Nay 16, at 10 a.m. Interment Resurrection Cem- Parents are Marjorie and Gile of Joseph Michalski, Poland, in his 54th | Dear Mother, you are n Though on earth you are Still in memory you are As you always were be Sadly missed by daught lyn, Dannelle and son Sh COURTNEY -- In loving + sister ant lonely year Since our great scrrow The shock that we rece No one can ever tell. God gave us strength tc And courage to face the But what it meant to No one will ever know. --Ever remembered by A Bill, Betty and Ron, niec NOSAL -- In loving men daughter and sister, Dien away May 15, 1966. Dear daughter, you are Though on earth you are Still in memory you are As you always were be --Always remembered by sisters Bonnie and Jackie In loving men who passed 1966. Mote and more each day Friends may think the w But they little know th Lies within our hearts ¢ --Always remembered by brother-in-law Ron, nieces, SHERIDAN -- In lovir my dear son, Gordon Sher 1965. ' You hold a spot deep in There the sun will alwa For there will never be Like that wonderful sor --Loving Mother. A LASTING TRI For Permanence an we suggest ; MOUNT LAV ' MEMORIAL P/ i BRONZE MEMO! For courteous advit visit the Park Offic 723-2633 'CARD OF TE KIRKHAM -- | would Ii OBITUAR eee eee aman MRS. WASYL H. Following a length the death occurred, ! " the Oshawa General | Mrs. Wasyl Haluk, Malaga Road. The former Peliat the deceased was bor ; 1896, in the Ukraine. to Canada 18 years lived in Winnipeg befe to Oshawa three year was a member of St Ukrainian Greek C Church. The deceased is si her husband, a daug Joseph Zezuryk (Ste Toronto; a son, Wol Oshawa and two gral fj The deceased is at i strong Funeral H' : Requiem High Ma George's Ukrainian G olic Church at 10 a.m Rev. J. C. Pereyma w mass. Prayers will be rec funeral home at 8f day. GEORGE MICHA In poor health fo year, George Mich Douglas Street, died ! the Oshawa General | A son of Joseph Mic the late Nancy Hedw' ceased was born, Feb at Grzybowice, Poland to Oshawa from Polan ago and was married 3, 1963. An employee of Ho dustries Limited for Mr. Michalski was ¢ of St. Hedwig's Catho! and of Local 222, U/ His survived by his former Maria Krocz; | a daughter, Barbara; Lidia Byczkowski of F a brother, Anthony, of rines, Ont. >The deceased is at strong Funeral H Requiem High Mass ii wig's Church at 11 a.m Rey. A. Bagsik will mass. Interment wi Resurrection Cemeter Prayers will be reci funeral home at 8 p.m HARRY ZACERK( Harry Zacerkowny, Sat., May 13 at Oshaw Hospital after a lengt Mr. Zacerkowny, of Street, was the son o Mr. and Mrs. Dani kowny. A Fittings Ltd. em] 16 years, Mr. Zacerko to Winnipeg from Pol: 40 years ago and was 1 1937 to the former Ann He lived in Oshawa before his death. Mr. Zacerkowny is by one daughter, ! Jesionowski (Olive | Qahawa and by one si

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