Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 May 1967, p. 21

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Ads' cles for Sale ENS) $0. Ne WOT Gem ERS, $49. No y down, Adders, cashiers, tiles, news als, service, trades. Bill agian. - Y WALLPAPER Spri 2 SELLING furniture or ap- I! Elmer, 263-2294, 262695, = -- three rooms of new fur- only $15 monthly, "Barons? shings, 424 Simcoe S. 4 -- Complete fine of fish- nt, rods, reels, lines, lures. Road East, between 69 ACE for your boat this sum- ina on beautiful Lake Che- minutes away from Peter- eas oo and electricity, Per cent worn, Telephone KE SHOP Sales. Service, Centre, 214 Bond Street PMENT -- New and used, rade-Ins accepted. nm erbird Golf Pro Shop; esse ~ bedroom suite, chrome Birs, desk, end tables, night scletings size 4fo 6. Tele- = standard, $40; electric, 100; portable typewriter; ne, $20; two-total cash reg- AAA, . s & Poultry SY FRESH" DAILY -- r Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. elivered at store or nome: for sale -- order now PL aiyaid 70-4219 or 1020 ners' Column RIPPLED farm stock pick- tly. Margwill Fur Farm, hone Shsal Hampton 263- 101 -C-6 i eT $3.05. 6 Buy ¢ the d-tablet bottle of Nixen's serv treatment for eight ¢ Pharmacy, Brooklin, 655- and Livestock ING. Superior work af Call and compare. 728- iL DOG nate Sr - reeds, oe sh Samearys "pear ving. rman Pinchers shepherd porpien for sale, es --s IDGIES, ready faking strain, Apply T. jin East. Bacher register. Telephone 29. Ea eect ae NED dogs and puppies, "gl breeds, $25. up, de three years 723-6498 any- H, Reg'd. German Shep- now mare In foal fo quar- y. Pinto. Western saddles, thing. Ashburn, 655-4662. Four black and tan ane fhree males, one 'months old. 'Wetophane 19 after 6. Y, two years old, 18 ipe, also halter broke, no vice, 942-5924 after 6 nds and saddle, & a Call Highway 2 west, Bow- 93, les Wanted ta MR Cale sin RE SP ANER vi Portable tele ondition. Telephone 725- PIETERSEN 'URNITURE wanted, ete. Call anytime. MacNeil's (81, 668-65; 526. ised 1954 Sia HP J John- motor, for parts. Tele for Rent NTALS LL KINDS | EQUIPMENT -- belts, rowing ma- 2s exercises--each nth. 5 TOOLS -- Pipe rods, pipe vise @ wrenches, pipe ye threading dies, EQUIPMENT -- ladder jacks, ding, compressors, wallpaper steam- ins, blow torches, ches. EQUIPMENT -- nixers, -- finishing eel barrows, elec- +, air compressor, rs, hand trowels, s, portable heat- affolding, electric amset power rol- ; hommers, mas- building jacks, rs, mortar boxes, miter saw, elec- tarpaulins, sand wer post hole llating sanders, , acetylene weld- 200 amp electric AN'S & ied Ltd. it. W., 723- ria s, Linens, Dish- Glasses, Coffee | Bowls, Bridal Formals, White 1k Stoles. 'S RENTALS d. S, 725-3338 Sr ind hospital Lan walk-- hines, sick room sup- 105 Beatrice, 7 725-1844. Fifty to one hundred fennis Club for ban- ddings. Bar, kitchen, R SALE or 1 or rent by 0-Pound capacity, fif- ie's Van and Storage Opportunities NELDING INESS /HITBY 14--Business Opportunities 18--Male Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale '20--Real Estate for Sale \ 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale COMMERCIAL LOT, 160 x 180'. Ideal location for drive-in, car wash or jug milk store. Very central. Port Hope area, $10,000, terms, A 623-3393. w. Frank Real Estate Li BUTCHER SHOP -- < ean business in Petia Fieri doing better than $130,000, fully equipped with four refriger- con: display cases (40 feet), scales on pil one, two dairy counters (refriger- fed), two walk-in coolers and one Bits in freezer. Rent is only $165 per month with eight years left on lease. Owner has bought another business in Owen Sound. $8,000 with $5,000 down. A real oppor- funity. to expand existing a Into European Delicatessen. Ca Rod Lt saa 623-3393, W. Frank aoa Estate GROCERY AND VARIETY store in Oshawa. Best location, low rent, doing $1,200. weekly business, could be better. For more information, call 576-3075 from 1 - 4 p.m. WELL EQUIPPED and established salon in very busy suburban Hye cffers excellent opportunity. dryers, airs, smartly comfort- able, Please call Ernest Mueller at 728- 0208 or 723-5281. Guide Realty Ltd. COUNTRY grocery store, well-equipped ing concern. Available with soot UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Large Conadion and US. Company in the agricultural field has @ wonderful oppor- tunity for a man with recent farming background in this area, Applicant must have a mini- mum of Grade 8 education, age 23 to 50, and be well known in the area. Good earnings with excellent opportunity for advancement. Write telling us about your- self, Reply in confidence to Na-Churs International, Box 84, London, Ontario. go! Station and three-bedroom home, 'two-year lease and option to buy. Don't miss this ean to start your fam- iy in this future builder. Call Steve Englert, 723-5281. Guide Realty Ltd. 15--Employment Wanted TODDLERS PARADISE FROBEL -- MONTESSORI Day Nursery School Let your child enioy the won- derful method of teaching. Register now. For appoint- ment call 723-0734. BARGAIN -- careful mover, insured, also truck with driver, lawn mainte- nance, odd jobs of all kinds. 728-2882. HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY! | need a full or part time man to help meet the demand for a much needed service for motorists. Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No exper- ience necessary but a car is. For full information contoct OAA Supervisor, Phone 723- 2566. SPRING CLEANING -- walls and floors, stores, offices, homes. Free estimates. Telephone 725-1885. FOR FREE ESTIMATES of hedge trim- ming, tree removal and demolishing old bulldings. call 723-5498 or 942-5646. YOUNG LADY In wheel chair would like Ironing to do at home. Will pick up deliver. Reasonable. Telephone 576- 17--Female Help Wanted COOK with kitchen experience apply GENOSHA HOTEL 723-4641 GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 GRIERSON STREET 1 @ This immaculate 2 bedroom bungalow just South of Rossland is an ideal started home for young couple. So conveniently located near transportation and schools and recently refurnished and decorated. Listed at $14,- 900. e INCOME POSSIBILITY Il] @ Large 2 storey brick home a short walk from General Hos- pite!, Features --- wall-to-wall broadloom, modern bathroom, 3 bedrooms and gorage. Please phone for all further details. e BEAU VALLEY lll @ Immaculate ranch style bungalow with attached garage. 3 colored bathrooms. 3 lovely bedrooms, Beautifully finished recreation room 34' x 11'6" as well as a cozy den. All this for a most reasonable $26,500. We'll be glad to show you this dis- tinguished home any time by appointment. ROOFING BUSINESS IV @ Well established operation ¢ | with property, tools, PART TIME SECRETARIAL HELP The Oshawa Board of Educa- Sheet Metal Workers Sub - contract or hourly -- ' steady -- knowledge of cop- ing, cont etc ~ » Best wages. J. Booth 783-1138 Toronto tion requires part time secre- tarial help in the Principal's offices of the Oshawa Public schools. Applicants may ob- tain application forms from the superintendent of Public Schools, 555 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa. 728-1644 J. R, BACKUS, NIGHTMAN for service station, should be approximately 40. Apply Manager, Spur Service Station, King East and Townline, after 5. FULL TIME DRIVERS wanted, mini- mum age 2 Apply United Taxi, 143 King Street E WAITER WANTED for men's beverage room. Apply in person to Genosha Hotel. WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- Class A mechanic, preferably with experience in new car and fruck pre-service. Excel- lent working conditions, and reves pald benefits. 725-6561, 8 a.m. -.6 p.m. _ EXPERIENCED WAITER wanted. 'Ap- Ply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe North. 19--Male and Female orders and stock, together with good income producing Duplex. Asking $40,000. Willing to look at all reasonable offers. Busy farming community. HIGHWAY LOCATION V @ On Highway No. 2 just west of Thickson's Road, an ex- cellent piece of land 150' x 192'. This property has 2 houses one a very well built 3 bedroom bungalow with basement garage, the other house is a frame 4 room with-separate garage. This property must be sold as one parcel, but is very reasonabley priced. Please phone tonight for fullest information. e MONEY GOES FARTHER VI @ Economical family home, 4 Business Administrator, Help Wanted Oshawa Board of Education AVON CALLING If you need extra money don't delay -- become an AVON representative. Territories available immediately in Osh- awa, Whitby and Darlington Twp. Mrs, J. Hill, 140 Non- quon Rd., Oshawa 725-9696. HOSTESS Required for open house. Must have pleasant manner and like meeting the public. Working hours, Sunday 2-6 p.m. Write Box 66504, Osh- awa Times. MATURE WOMAN, live in, look after three children, two school age, Tele- phone 942-6923. WANTED -- A hairdresser with clien- tel. The wages will be paid well. Phone soon at 576-0770. 369 King West, Osh- awa. EXPERIENCED PRESSER and silk fin- Isher want ly Scugog Cleaners, 524 Cromwell Ave., or telephone 723-1159 tative 5 p.m.; after 5 p.m., 723-7388. FULL TIME NIGHT CASHIER, 11 p.m. i. Le Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha ote! ed age BN Neat V1 pm. + 7 a.m, am. - 4 pply Mr. Camp- bell, oseaha Hotel. Ne phone calls. PART-TIME switchboard operat quired for evenings. Will trein.. "write Box 66602, Oshawa Times. RELIABLE WOMAN to care for.3 school- age children in their home, Ritson Rd. South area. 728-1890, WOMAN Se dt cleaning doctor's office. Nights, p.m. Must have pce tl lon. 'elephone 728-4500 be- :30_p.m. TOWNSHIP. OF WHITBY RECREATION COMMITTEE SWIMMING INSTRUCTORS The Recreation Committee proposes to undertake a swimming instruction program and applications will be re- ceived in writing by the un- dersigned not later than May 30th, 1967 at 4:30 p.m. for two (2) qualified swimming instructors, Applicants must state swim- ming qualifications and per- sonal data and be in receipt of a red cross swimming in- struction certificate or similar qualification. The instructors will be em- ployed for a period of six weeks commencing July 4th. The normal work day shall be Tuesday to Friday inclusive for a period of approximately 4 hours each day. Further de- tails and information respect- ing the swimming program, etc. may be obtained on re- quest, Salary will be determined after interview and shall be commensuréte with ability COUNTER WOMAN required Ay Fie eleaning plant. Tonite a 18--Male Help Wanted Summer Jobs MALE COLLEGE STUDENTS Full time work from now to Sept. in educational field. All training at our expense. $110 Per Week Salary Must be above average in ambition and _ intelligence. Also top students will win one all expense paid trip to Ha- waii for one week this foll, and two $1,000. cash schol- arships to attend college of their choice, Phone for interview and ap- pointment. 725-2541 9 to 12 Noon REAL ESTATE CAREER Wanted, a full time real estate Agent for Oshawa. 'Selling experience preferred. Join one of Canada's largest realtors. Experienced Manag- er to help you. Strong promo- tional assistance. Contact Lloyd G. Lee, F.R.I., Vive President, H. Keith Ltd., 181 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto 12, 487-3333. and qualifications. Wm. H. Wallace, Secretary, Township of Whitby Recreation Committee, Municipal Offices, Box 160, Brooklin, Ontario. SECRETARY WANTED A mature, responsible person with business experience is required to participate in the administrative functions of a new community college. Minimum education Grade 13 or Certificate from post- secondary Business Secretar- ial Course with special skills in typing, shorthand, dictating and office equipment, filing and bookkeeping systems. Applications should include a resume of education and ex- perience and be mailed to: The President, Ontario-Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology, 304 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, OPPORTUNITY Local firm has opening for a bright young man, age 22- 40, 'no previous experience DO YOU WANT to make money, part or full time? Sell "Capri-50 the all- purpose hand cleaner that removes paint, tar, grease, carbon, etc,, with- out water. Write Lemill Inc., 80 Win- gold, Toronto 19, Ont. MR. MERCHANT This Space Is Available For Your Message PHONE 723-3492 bedrooms, bright, spacious kit- chen, playroom, large fenced yard, swings included. Schools and buses are close. Mortgage is 614%. Price reduced to $14,- 500. for immediate sale. $3,- 000. down or best offer. TRIPLEX Vil @ We would like to show you this excellent Apartment Building to-night. All units! have modern stoves and fridges. Two of them also have balcon- ies and one wall-to-wall broad- loom. 4 piece bathrooms throughout. Forced air oil heat. Paved parking. Small units are seldom vacant. BUILDING LOT $500. DOWN VIII @ If you like country liv- ing, this is the ideal pudchase for the man who plans for the future, Lot size 100' x 280', located at No. 35 Highway and 6th Concession. MITCHELL AVENUE IX @ 1% storey brick house with garage located in the south- east area. Kept in very good condition, Poured concrete base- ment. Oil heating.: Asking price only $13,500. HOME ON 10 ACRES LAND X @ Very picturesque location. Paved road. 20 minutes from Oshawa. Apple trees and cedars. Home recently redecorated. Gar- age and chicken house included. Only $7,500. ATHABASKA AT LABRADOR DRIVE XI @ $6,500. down to one 6%4% mortgage will set you into this lovely 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage and 'electric heat. Large kitchen' with built-in breakfast bar make this a real Mother's helper for, small children. Don't miss. seeing this one. Phone now for appoint ment to inspect. BE WISE XII @ You'll have lots of spend- ing money when you live in this economical 2 storey 3 bedroom home with electric heat. Avail- able immediately for $15,500. PARK LANE XII @ We invite your inspec- tion of a most attractive home in the lovely Parklane district of Oshawa, 3 bedrooms, fireplace, comfortable broadloom in living GORDON Osborne Real Estate Ltd. 218 DUNDAS ST. E WHITBY No. 2 Highway Dial 668-8826 WHITBY LYNDVIEW 1S DELIGHTFUL -- $25,000. A better Whitby street is the setting for this 6 room brick bunaglow nestled on a high elevation on a wide frontage lot. Landscaping complete with lush green grass, high hedge and flowering shrubs. Better known Whitby builder built this home about 8 years ago with core with 3 bed- rooms, separate dining room, recreation room, cozy open fireplace and other extras. 5 SUITE APT. BLOCK Stoves ond fridges included. Income $560.00 per month. Priced to sell at $48,500. 25 ACRES of valauble land in the Town of Whitby con be yours if you oct fast. 5 BEDROOMS with living room, 'separate dining room and kitchen on No, 12 highway are yours for $14,500. SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTOR LIMITED Serving Oshawa & District for over 31 years 723-2265 44 GRETA ST. Let us show you this excel- lent older home near Dr. S. J. Phillips School and O'Neill Collegiate. Has 3 bedrooms. Real good value at $14,500. Call now for on appointment to inspect. $3,500. DOWN Fine older home on Oshawa Bivd. N. -- listed at $14,900 and 'carries for only $90.00 per month including both pri- ncipaf and interest, Lot size 35' x 160'. 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Call us now and Jet us show it to you. $2,500. DOWN This fine older home on Athol St. East has 3 bedrooms and a dining room - large lot - pienty of trees and shrubs -- good residential area. Call now and arrange an inspec- tion. PINEWOOD TERRACE Built by KASSINGER Bungalows & 2 Storeys Priced from $19,675. Immediate Possession. Call for particulars 723-2265 OPEN HOUSE Whitby 905 Byron ST. NORTH An expertly built home with divided basement, three bed- room, large kitchen and liv- ing room. Situated on a 140' lot. Only $18,650. Com- pletely decorated. SALESMEN ON DUTY 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. $9,800. is the full price for this two bedroom home in Whitby. Easy terms available. SMALL STORE on Whitby main street. Next door to Bell Telephone. Be independent and operate your own business. Make an offer. LUPIN DRIVE A twin home with three bed- rooms and enough extra space for two more. Close to schools and shopping. Make an offer. 5 ROOM BRICK This lovely eight year old home is a buy with broadioom included and a_ recreation room. Priced to sell at $15,- 700. TRI-PLEX -- $23,500. On Brick St. S., Whitby older but good deturn on in- vestment plus spec. possibili- ties. BRUNSWICK IN OSHAWA -- $21,900. 11 year-old bungalow with extra city lot has many ad- vantages with wide sweeping lawn, shade trees for summer cooling, planned patio and at- tached garage. Why settle for less when you can have 13% baths, natural stone fireplace, heavy broadloom in dining and living room, silent light switches, and all round plea- sont living in a three bed- room on .a quiet street. WHITBY HOME WITH APARTMENT -- $15,300. Centrally located older style e with income apartment has large rooms, two kitchens, clean sharp decoration, Taxes are lower on an older home but living is good. Why not save on gas too with this con- venient location to all ser- vices. $14,400. -- WALTON BLVD. A five room brick bungalow with partially finished rec room plus an extra bedroom in basement. A 6% mort- gage that carries for only $103. N. Vanden Broek 668-2675 Clare Shank 723-5145 George Abramoff 723-4871 Gordon White 668-6337 Barbare Reynolds 723-1887 George Sullivan 668-6226 Marlow Hancock 723-0288 CHECK THIS ONE If you are looking for a 3 bedroom bungalow, near schools and shopping, well landscaped lot, in excellent condition, with a_ partially finished Rec Room, have a look at this 9 year old bunga- low on Stevenson Rd. North. Call Now. HIGHLAND AVE. 2 Bedroom bungalow with broadloom in living and din- ing room - well landscaped with fenced rear lot and patio, Has a fine finished recreation room. Don't miss this one, call now. For full particulars call 723-2265 Mel Dale 623-5638 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 George Twaites 723-2008 Irene Brown 725-3867 Marg Hall 723-1358 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Members of the O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST & SELL M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West, Oshawa, PAUL RISTOW LIMITED "Your Realtor' 187 King St. E. 728-9474 LOOK AT THIS! Only two years old and the prettiest home on the street. Five room "Kassinger Built' bungalow displaying many extra features including walk-out basement with pic- ture window. Realistically priced at $18,900 with 6%4% financing. EXCELLENT AREA This oll electric four bed- room home is only two years old. The large bright rooms provide excellent living for the growing family in a prestige area within walking distance of all needs. Priced, ot $27,900 with terms. NORTH-EAST Two bedroom brick bungalow with enclosed carport on a 70 foot lot overlooking a wooded ravine. A One-Of-A-Kind custom built contains 1335 square feet with many extras. Vicinity Vincent Massey and Eastdale Collegiate. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING Income property with 4 self- contained. apartments, paved parking, in King St. area. Large 6 room ground floor unit with sun room at rear is ideal for owner occupancy. Available with $8,000 down to one open mortgage at only 7% interest. STORE AND APARTMENTS This centrally located build- ing contains a lunch counter and 5 apartments that are fully occupied. Priced at $55,000 includes consider- able lunch room equipment. With a reasonable down pay- ment the. vendor will hold a mortgage for the balance. An enquiry will be worth your while. PAUL RISTOW LTD. "Your Realtor" 728-9474 After hours call Vern Morton 723-8327 Tom Huzor 728-5422 Bill Knight 725-3606 Jack RICARD Ltd., Realtor 623-2503 570-1050 FACTORY | 2,500 sq. ft factory building or workshop zoned C-2 with excellent office space, good central location. Asking $20,- 000. Flexible Terms. $1,200. DOWN, | Compact two bedroom home on deep 283' lot. Large mod- ern kitchen with gleaming tile floors throughout. Terrific bar- gain at only $12,900 RENT FREE Two four room apartments rented at $195. monthly, For only $3,000. down you could move in to the ground floor | and let your upstairs tenant carry the house for you. Does $14,000. on the north end of Hortop St. sound expensive to you? NEARLY NEW Easily the nicest house on the street. Three bedroom bung- alow with stone front, attach- ed garage, rec. room, electric heat and a fortune in pro- fessional landscaping. Listed at only $20,900. FARMS -- LOTS. Good choice of farms starting at $18,000. Excellent build- ing lots in Bowmanville for $3,900. lakefront lote near Minden, and several choice cottages in' good locations. Dorothy Vivian 263-2138 Milford McDonald 623-3911 Bob Johnston 725-9365 Garnet Ricard 986-4252 Wilfe Hawke 983-5274 GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTO. | 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 NORTH-WEST $14,900 -- 11 year old, 3 bedroom bungalow with pri- vate drive. Perfect location for schools and bus sesrvice. See today and try an offer. To in- spect without obligation call Dolores Ross. COMMERCIAL CORNER 105'6" x 135', Suitable for offices in fast growing area. Near shopping centre. For fur- ther details call Pauline Beal. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 19 Simcoe St. N. REAL ESTATE DEPT. RALPH | Manager and dining room. Breakfast nook. Partly finished recreation room. Asking $20,500. To- night's a good night to call for all information. e Coll 723-5281. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. e GUIDE REALTY LIMITED You Are One of the Thousands Who Read TIMES ACTION ADS EVERY DAY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LOT Fully serviced, north west Oshawa, 50' x 113', one of the few remaining good lo- cations in north end. Asking $6,500 or make your offer. SCARCE One acre building site on Highway 12, with good well. Because of existing by-laws, lots of this size are scarce. Asking $4,500. Try your of- fer. NO. 1 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY King Street West, Oshawa. Asking $28,900 -- Ideally situated for office, store or beauty parlor. Basement apartment and upper apart- ment presently rented with main floor free for business. Call af once for further, de- tails. EMERALD STREET -- SOUTH OSHAWA Very clean, neat 3 bedroom brick bungalow in excellent condition -- large living room with broadloom. Remodelled kitchen -- close to separate. school, bus and shopping. Priced to sell quickly, so act at once. NORTH-EAST OSHAWA $18,900.00 -- very lovely 3 bedroom brick bungalow with nicely finished recreation room and large spacious rooms throughout. Located in de- sirable residential area, close to school and bus. OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 -- 9:00 to 5:30 NO TOLL CHARGE FOR FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshowa and District Real Estate Board OSHAWA AREA 1,400 sq. ft. bungalow, at- tached. garage. Two fireplaces; sunken living room, large bed- rooms. Spacious landscaped lot. Priced at $26,500. OSHAWA -- ROXBOROUGH AVE. Only minutes from G.M. north office. 3 bedroom mod- ern home, 4 pce. bath, also stool in basement. Stone fire- place. T.V. tower, storms etc. Mony extras. Asking $17,- 500 with terms. Corries for $127.00 per month. Owner leaving for job in U.S.A, NEAR NEWCASTLE 30 scenic acres with 2 streams. Ideal pond sites. Good cedar bush. $11,000 -- $3,500 down. Building lots near Newcastle, 100' x 150', in built up area. Good view. $2,350. Building lot at Orono on Main Street. 11912' x 230' with creek. Town water passes property. $2,500. Call- 623-3393, 728-7518 or Toronto 923-9174 After 9 p.m. Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Clare McCullough 723-7843 Bob Johnston 725-6788 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Roy Foster, Orono 983-5801 Weston Banister Garden Hill 102512 Howard Forder : Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 FULL PRICE $9,800. Dutch clean, 3 bedroom, frame bungalow. A must to see. North West area. Call Ethel Tranter now. LOVERLY Is what you too will say when you see this recreation room with bar in this three bedroom bungalow. Central location. Full price $16,200. Don't delay call Helen Bryant. Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, Member of O.D.R.E.B. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, May 15, 1967 9] 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION We'll Custom Build Your Home Anywhere .. . FEATURING: ® Experience in Building, planning, financing. @ Always on time--follow schedule closely. @ Strict inspection and control. @ Use your plan or ours, Hundreds of award winning designs. @ Very competitive pricing. @ We can arrange complete financing. N.H.A. or conventional Mortgages available. @ All building performance completely guaranteed, Phone Today 728-7583 KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION H. KEITH PHOTO MLS REALTOR 3 ACRES -- MYRTLE © Spacious, older country home fronting on main highway, plus side road, Small, beauti- ful, pany barn included with this one. Excellent location for kennels. Owner must sell immediately. Call Gord Charls ton, 728-8569, ENGLISH TUDOR 2% ACRES 11 room state house, two bathrooms, centennial fire- place. Two car garage, beau= tiful grounds. Situated in low' tax area of Columbus. Priced right for immediate sale. Call Doug Carmichael 723-7463. YOUR GO TRANSIENT REALTOR W. L. Dougan Realtor 725-1109 GRANDVIEW SOUTH Exceptional 3 bedroom split entrance brick bungalow with DIRECT FROM BUILDER!!! PRESTIGE HOMES (2) Harmony Village Walnut Court off Florell Drive. Harmony Road South, east of Doneyan Collegiate. "LUXURY LIVING" ut b nt, Owner leaving for Europe on August 1, You could buy this smart home fully furnished. See through it to-night, it won't last long. INVESTMENT Two storey brick building on Stevenson's Road North con- sisting of three stores and three apartments above with a total income of $9600 an- noully. Owner has other in- terests. We have many others. Let us know what you wont. Call anytime, Features Include @ Large ravine lots with year round stream @ 2,300 sq. ft. @ 400 sq. ft. recreation room with natural field stone fireplace @ separate dining room with balcony @ built in dishwasher @ radio inter- com system @ wall to wall broadioom in living room, dining room, hall and all bedrooms @ two car attached » garage @ quiet paved court @ plus 33 other special fea- tures, Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m: NO CASH NEEDED BUY NOW SAVE $3,000 K. R. BELL 723-6541 hee YOUR HOME | Margaret Lee 723-2894 Ethel Tranter 728-5917 Terry Skelcher 942-2578 Helen Bryant 723-5369 Dolores Ross 728-1964 Pauline Beal 725-0239 DOUGLAS J. M. REALTOR 333 King Street, West 728-1168 "PORT PERRY" Large ranch bungalow on well landscaped Y% acre lot on quiet street. In Village of Port Perry. Many extras in- cluding . rec. room, fruit trees, and vegetable garden. Phone for details. "WHITBY" Attractive three bedroom bungalow with attached gar- age and just 3 years old. An existing C.M.H.C. Mortgage at 6%% makes financing simple. Phone today. "NORTH-WEST" Compact clean 2 bedroom bungalow situated on a beau- tifully landscaped lot com- plete with vegetable garden area, This home has many extras, some of which are a SIBB'YS Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 DIVISION ST. $2,500. down will buy this completely renovated 1% storey 6 room home. New kitchen cupboards, new oak floors, now. KEEWATIN ST. S. One year old side split with 4 bedrooms, built-in stove and Oven and loaded with extras. Owner leaving the city, must sell. Call now to inspect. GRAVEL PIT RD. N. $1,000. down and move into this 4 room home with new furnace and new 3 pc. bath, Lot size 90 x 225'. HAMPTON Only $4,500. for this vacant lot, 330 x 330 in excellent location, Right in town. See this lovely home Inspect these properties now by calling Charlie Rankine at 728-7576. R. MARTIN | REAL ESTATE 100 King St. East Retiring. Here it is @ very good 5 room bungalow lécat- ed close to bus and shopping featuring a garage. and @ lovely large lot. And look, its only $12,500 can be pure chased with a low down pay- ment. 2 bedroom brick bungalow, just a short ways from King street. On bus line, Handy to shopping home in excellent condition. Carries for $102, monthly, COUNTRY LIVING With city conveniences, feas turing a ranch style bunga- low with double garage and closed in breezeway, partly surrounded with _ stately maples, large well landscaped lot, reasonable down. pay- ment, shown by appointment only. Don't be sorry you were late. CALL R. MARTIN REAL ESTATE 576-1200 evenings 728-5836 MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS Offer You : THE BEST BUY IN TOWN. Come and see the superb different models, Electric -or ofl heat. You can choose two locations. Harmony Rd. S. or Cedar Ridge subdivision, Taunton Road and Simcoe N, For information or oppoint- ment call 723-0575 LAWYER Relocating in Oshawa, des- ires large, older, estate-type of home in north end. Two or three bathrooms, at least four bedrooms, and library. room. $45,000, -- $65,000. price range. For confidential interview call Mr. tata 723-7463. H. KEITH CO. LTD., REALTOR natural fireplace, aluminum awnings, and large garage. Priced to sell quickly. "BRENTWOOD" This spacious 4 bedroom home is ideal for a growing family. The kitchen is nicely appointed with a_ built-in GLENWOOD CRESCENT Spacious bungalow in an area of fine homes, prestige loca- tion, marble fireplace, broad- loom, rec room, double gar- age. Wooded _ picturesque landscape. $39,500. DON STRADESKI stove and oven, 18 SUITE APARTMENT FULLY LEASED Pre - cast construction. Bal- conies, broadioom in living rooms and hallways. Will con- sider trade on good home, in good location. 642% first mortgage. Shows excellent in- come. HOMES FULL PRICE $8,790.00 (In Florida) $300 down, $61.50 monthly covers principal, interest, tax- es and insurance. Brand new ranch homes with cabinet kitchen, tile bath, screened porch, landscaping, city water and sewage. Located in modern, carefully planned community with out- standing facilities including shopping, churches, recrea- tional centre with full time director. Inspection trip for qualified buyer provided by owner, You must be retired or due NORTH WEST NEAR SEPARATE, PUBLIC SCHOOLS Modern, three bedroom, brick bungalow. Large kitchen, basement completed, apart- ment possibilities. Aluminum storms, paved drive. Extra deep lot. Excellent condition, DOWN PAYMENT $3,000. 725-9801 CABOT STREET $14,900. Vacant three bedroom 6 room brick bunalow, modern, eight years old. Finished recreation room and extra stool, well ated at Shopping Centre. rage. Easy terms, with $2,000 down. Call Jack Ap- pleby evenings 723-3398. pore Bros. Ltd. 728- 5123. PRIVATE SALE ding business or necessary. Starting salary $350. to $500. monthly, with 16 Simcoe Street South TO PLACE AN AD THESE PHONES AFTER HOURS Call BILL MILLAR to- retire to qualify, No others 4 bedroom family bungalow, 6462 future increase starting in TELEPHONE PLEASE CALL REALTOR 725-1186, 725-2557 need apply. attached garage, broadloom a six months. Write in own PRIVATE SALE Tom Houston 668-4416 Call 725-1186 or in living, dining, hall. Fire- rent all ; di 4 : : : ae tei, toe ee | A Courteous | cltris aie train, | 723-3492 | Montrammen Zapaere | 63 King SW. WT LAMSON as ects. Ce . room, x ' . ° "eae oa cael Voices Math Ad-Writer | ond pctio. North oreo. $17, 8:30 AM, TO 8:30 Pm, © | "2D. Samed: 7ab nner 723-4651 REAL ESTATE LTD. W.T.L AMSON pag ce Mg | rniture. Earn up tt i 900 : i ainyetment $08 ett BRT GAS ly) Bigeal Will Help 728-4003 SATURDAY FULL-TIME SALESMAN. Classified Ads EVENINGS 67. King St. E., Oshawa oe sho" the city. Price ed . LJ a jace an > iI ¥ =, ' od sserisen eel ne, T294 2 an Bie You. (Ne Aawis Places) UNTIL 12:00 NOON sail te yoo @round the elock. Dial % Jeannette Nugent 725-5639 Linge quay Be bagel arent Real Estate Ltd. 728-6537 t 3

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