Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 May 1967, p. 5

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IEPORT matic : Eyes anada NICHOLSON nada has sunk ambitious post- "a leader of the Powers," under of that career ed into politics, earson. eral of the for- - of West Ger- Adenauer, at Co- h, found Canada the diplomatic position among dwiched humbly ongo and Mo- two weeks after 4 another inter- atic snub, at the rking the 50th the Canadian battle of Vimy t occasion, the ernment had WHITBY DAY BY DAY New Officers Installed By Brock Association WHITBY (Staff) -- Officers|the Whitby Police Detachment, of the Brock Street South Home| who gave an interesting and ed- and School Association were in-|ucational talk on 'Child's Mol- stalled recently by Mrs. Frankjestation". He warned children Dietrick. Mrs. Charles Bottom-jnot to accept gifts, candies, ley conducted the meeting. The|money, rides or anything from new officers are: strangers, to avoid in the com- President, Mrs. Frank Deit-|munity the tragedies which re- rick, vice-president, Mrs. Jo-|cently occurred. The speaker seph Northam; secretary, Mrs,/read 10 rules which will be dis- Alfred Reed; treasurer, Mrs.jtributed to students to be taken William Hartford. home for parents to read. Executive members are: Mrs.| During the business meeting Gerald Keddy, W. Jeffreys,|it was announced that the pro- Mrs. G. Carrigan, principal. and|posed bus trip to Pioneer Vill- teachers to be appointed age, as a centennial project had Social convenors are: Mrs.|to be changed as bookings were Albert Mondria and Mrs. Den-|unobtainable. The children will nis Rossiter, council represent-| still have a bus trip but other atives Scott Maxwell, junior|arrangements had to be made. room mother, Mrs, William) The 'Field Day' will be held Bonk; senior room, Mrs. Scott|in June. Maxwell, Tea hostesses were Mrs. Principal Douglas Hogg intro-|Frank Formosa and Mrs. Jac duced Sergeant Fred Baker, of! Knegje. Philippine Missionary Explains Work Pentecostal Church Women's|and Mrs. Paul Dale at: the Missionary Society 'Open organ. Mrs. Harvey Gabona led WHITBY -- AJAX Father Keeler CWL Speaker AJAX (Staff)--Father Keeler af the Scarborough Mission was the speaker at the meeting of the St. Bernadette Catholic Women's League. Mrs. Joseph Berney presided. The meaning of a "Day of Recollection" was the theme of the address in which the speak- er asked the members to take themselves back through the time tunnel and collect their Life Membership BROOKLIN (TC) -- Mrs. Harold Jones was presented with a life membership at the meeting of the Reliable Unit at the home of Mrs. Arthur Par- rinder. Mrs. R. Saunders took the worship service. Indian Work BROOKLIN (TC) -- Mrs. Wil- liam Young showed pictures of the Ste. Marie Mission to the Huron Indians at the meeting of the Sunshine Unit. Mrs. W. Fishley, Mrs. W. Campbell and Miss E. Hamill led the worship service. thoughts of the many people of the Scriptures. He urged them to follow the ways of God and Christ in their everyday lives. Mrs. Vincent Hickey proposed the vote of thanks. Twenty members volunteered to assist the Ajax-Pickering- Whitby Retarded Children's As- sociation in its canvassing campaign of May 16 and 17. Arrangements were also made to assist at the Ajax Centennial teas of May 20 and 22, Twelve CWL members will serve at the tea in centennial costumes. It was announced that a homebake sale will be held June 17 following each mass. Mrs, Alfred Roy is general con- vener for this project. Mrs. Vincent Shannon will visit patients at the Ajax-Pick- ering General Hospital each week, Mrs. Vincent Hickey re- Ported on the successful com- munion breakfast recently held. An auction sale closed the meeting with Mrs. D. I. Fox and Mrs. John Fleury acting) as auctioneers. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Henry Kassen and Mrs. W. J. Gray. The next: meeting will be held June 14. College Thanks THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, May 13, 1967 5 management board 'earlier this, month, MP for Leeds and an executive on the college board, released) a copy of the letter Friday. It sald the college wanted to} express a "profound sense of obligation" to the late governor- general, Mme. Vanier and the Vanier family "for so gra- ciously and steadfastly exem- plifying the Christian ideals of; love and service." EAR REACHES FAR The human ear can detect sound at frequencies between about 30 and about 20,000 cycles a second. ALWAYS THIRSTY Canadians spent $1,124,603,000 John R. Matheson, Liberaljon alcoholic drinks in 1965. |B Fast Dependable Radice Dispatched " b Service, Si FREE Estimates, Reasonable Retes, Repair Speciclist. lumbing SERVICE MADE US. Call 723-1191 SAVE $ $ ON AUTO_INSURANCE See... | If hy are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. JOHN RIEGER Madame Vanier INSURANCE LIMITED rtesy of advising Rally" was attended by 150\in hymn singing. The Faith Fishin Tr | PRESIDENT CLARE A. SHANK (egret athe women. Of these were 102/Young Ladies Trio, including g p OTTAWA (CP)--Queen's Uni- : 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL le 728-7567 BROOKLIN (TC) -- A large) versity Theological College has number of the members of the|sent a letter to Mme. Georges Tyro Group enjoyed a fishing|/Vanier thanking her and her| trip to Lake Scugog. Lunch was/late husband for devotion to the served at the church. jideals of love and service. | | A resolution to send a letter) }to the widow of the late gover- Thanks Expresed \nor-general was adopted at the BROOKLIN (TC) -- A voteljannual meeting of the college's visitors from other churches.|Mrs, Harvey Gabona, Mrs. Cyril The WMS president, Mrs. Ron|Gardiner and Miss Jane Dale, Morris, gave the welcome. rendered vocal selections and > i : The speaker was Miss Hazel|Mrs. William Wilde a solo. te we Page who served in the Philip-| Taking part in the program : | pines with the Overseas Mis-|were: Mrs. Garfield Munson, I I | sionary Fellowships and is home|Mrs. Archie Campbell in charge AJAX HOSPITAL AUXILIARY HONORS BOOTIE KNI ER on furlough till October. Miss|of scripture reading, Mrs. Bar- France. So Gen, nistered a shat- Ottawa and all it occasion. iuer had played 'inging his coun- tern alliance of the architect of wig For the past 10 years the now residing in Oshawa, who Ajax, bootie convener, in ap- mn of our war- fo the ranks of account of that eeping achieve- honored at his attendance of ite or the head ment of many f Germany's 14 ept Canada des- ts head of state ernment to pay funeral. D BY PMs represented by U.S. by Presi- ritain by Prime | Wilson. Those nked in that or- focol roll. Then Holland, Lux- ark, Iceland, and Norway-- Canada--repre- rime ministers, order of prece- Congolese Re» ustria and Swe- esented by its Sixteenth came sented by the e; then Bolivia its vice-presi- epresented by a itenstein repre: her of the ruling can represented 'dinal; Vietnam 1 general; Ivory d: by its foreign REBUFFED in this interna- came Greece, minister at the iced prime min- ulos, just de- er by the army as 24th, repre: reign minister; resented by Ben 0 (braazaville), i by the minis- Then in 27th slot Affairs Minister puted by Prime n to represent d by, in order, Marino, Spain, Tunisia, Cyprus > Minister Pear- aul' Martin to la at that im- ional occasion? represent Can- Or ask Gov- oland Michener presentative of 'anada? In the belittled Ger- rmany had no yngrade Canada th place among it Johnson was ) Atlantic to at- our prime min- for newspaper laying ball with n on his 70th eceived its sec- ck eye within e month: first, Adenauer fu- LE vent with them. as now not far the centurion im, saying unto le not thyself: orthy that. thou inder my roof." s to have the nence in our ; in our hearts, ther and I will ke our abode." cdaeidaiaeniamaaainenianaad & SELLS & CO. milton igary ncouver srect Britain Id, 728.7527 --eesieat f Page asked the ladies to pray for someone to help her with the tribal work among the Philip- pinos. Interesting slides of her work were shown. Mrs. Ron Morris thanked -the speaker. Music was played by Mrs. William Dzikewick at the piano Couples Club Plans 10th Anniversary The first of a series of com- mittee meetings was held by members of St. Mark's United Church 4 W's Couples Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Irwin to make plans to celebrate the club's 10th anni- versary. Tentative arrangements were made to have a reunion of all former members since its foun- dation 10 years ago. Letters will be sent to all former mem- clay Bateman and the offering prayer by Mrs. Ron Jolley, Mrs. Carl Jolley and Mrs. Louis Philip. Mrs. Ron Williams took the offering. Mrs. DeLoss Scott closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served. some now residing as far as Africa, others in the United States, Quebec and _ various other places. The date has been set for Sept, 30. From now on several meet- ings will be held and various sub-committees are already working on this reunion proj- ect. Present plans include a banquet and dance. At the close of the meeting the hostess served refresh- Ajax - Pickering Hospital has offered booties as a gift to new mothers at the hospital, At left is Mrs. Hugh Morrow, formerly of Ajax, for the past seven years has knitted 900 pairs of booties and is presented with a wo- men's auxiliary centennial pin by Mrs. A. G. Temple, preciation of her devoted ef- of thanks was extended by the Home and School. Association, to Mrs. Kight and Mrs. Foster, to pass on to the school staff, for their contribution to the suc- cessful concerts, forts. The women's auxiliary supplies the wool and volun- teer knitters turn out attrac- tive and colorful booties. --Oshawa Times Photo COUNTY LINES Mission Gifts Presented At Church In Brooklin BROOKLIN (TC) -- The|Wonnop; first vice - president, Dedication of Mission Night ogee age Prog bee highlighted the youth work be- tary-treasurer, 'ite R. Waiten: ing carried on at the United) Conveners are: historical re- Church. Mrs. G. Mundy chaired|search, Mrs. G. Gray; home economics and health, Mrs. G. Unit System Mission Work BROOKLIN (TC) -- The unit) BROOKLIN (TC) -- Mrs. C. system will be explained by the -- -- -- na oay ay sionary study and spoke of the huh eidae a \ ne Rope ane work of the Lutheran Church, School Association May 16/caivation Army and YMCA at meeting in Meadowcrestithe meeting of the Friendship School. The new system will be| Unit. introduced this fall, -- | . i Pictures Shown Ait Caos to | BROOKLIN (TC) -- Mrs, G. Hunter showed pictures of the church's work in other coun- tries at the meeting of the Requirements a community of quiet elegance leeated in oshawa's northern residentiel Gres. TOWN OF, WHITBY Holiday Garbage Collection ----AND-- Spring Clean-Up Week MAY 23-26 (uarbage Collection and Dumping) THERE WILL BE NO GARBAGE COLLECTION ON MONDAY, MAY 22nd. Garbage normally collected on thet dey will be picked up eon Tuesday, May 23rd. bers, more than 40 couples,| ments. Unit Members Tour County Building Members of St. Mark's United|Price chaired the meeting and Church, Unit § and invited|amnounced that she had ar- ranged a speaker for the June Suests, toured the Ontarlo Court United Church Women meeting House. William G. Manning,|for which Unit 5 is responsible. County of Ontario clerk-treas-| Members were asked to brin urer, conducted the tour. needed articles to be dona' Mr. Manning answered many|to the Sheltered Work Shop to questions as the group proceed-| this meeting. eg through each room. Of great interest to all was the extensive|and 27 hospital law library. Miss Mildred Price| made. thanked Mr. Manning. Unit members and guests|Florence It was reported that six home visits were Lunch was served by Miss Heard, Miss Jean the event. Mrs. R. McCoy conducted the graduation service for the Mes- sengers with Marilyn Hamer reciting the Explorers purpose. Gordon Hodson welcomed five boys into the Tyro Group. John Medland received the mission givings from the senior CGIT, presented by Nancy Thompson, the junior CGIT pre- sented by Carol Crawford, the Tyro Group presented by Gor- don Hodson, the Explorers pre- sented by Marilyn Hamer and Perry; agriculture and Cana-|Faithful Workers Unit. Plants dian industries, Mrs. R. Miller;|and other articles were sold. citizenship and education, Mrs. M. Ellicott; resolutions, Mrs. M. Annis; district director, Talk On Food LTD. Mrs. G. Gray, alternate, Mrs.| BROUGHAM (TC) -- The W. Perry; public relations, Mrs.|centennial luncheon, sponsored MONUMENTS W. Trolley; social committee,|hy the Women's Institute, was 668-3552 Mrs. Annis, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs.'_ fine success with visitors Shirk, Mrs. Spears and Mrs.|from many area centres, Miss Henry. Stewart gave a talk World of Food in Canada". 318 DUNDAS EAST STAFFORD BROS. | Simcoe and Teunton If you are looking for ¢ lot te buy .. . visit cedar ridge -- |} use-a builder of your choice || for informetion. phone 723-1194 OSHAWA Inclusive. EXTRA trucks end men have been assigned throughout the week to handle the extra load thet results from Spring Clean- Up. Your co-operation is requested in having all garbage out EARLY on your reguler collection doy. Please place ell materials beside your regular garbage. DISPOSAL AREA, Hopkins Street will be open on Saturdays frem 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., from May 6th te October 14th COUNCILLOR £. MOORE, CHAIRMAN Antiques Shown BROOKLIN (TC) -- The base- the Messengers presented by Sandra Gilbert. The gifts from the various groups were re- ment of the church was filled with antiques and old pictures Show Winner BROUGHAM (TC) -- Miss Anne Gibson placed fourth in BROCK Evening Programs At 6:55 & 8:30 WHITBY Saturday Matinee At 1:30 SANITATION COMMITTEE. ssciadeepridi itera , WE pe AM - AONE WASSERMAN PRODUCTION ceived by Rev. C. Catto, and clippings were displayed in the jumper class: at the horse journeyed to St. Mark's Church|Heard, Miss Elma Rowe and parlor where Miss Mildred'Miss Mamie Rowe. WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS The Whitby Royal Canadian| The Unity Club, Past Noble Legion Ladies Auxiliary was|Grand (Rebekah), met at the well represented at the Oshawa/IOOF hall. The meeting was Branch rally with 25 members/|conducted by Mrs. Russell Saun- including four past - pr ts:|ders. Arr ts were made Mrs. Christine Brown, Mabel James, Mrs. Eileen Hum-|IOOF hall with the social con- phreys and Mrs. Dorothy Moore.|vener, Mrs. Lottie Plaskitt, in Zone Commander Mrs. Gertrude} charge of the lunch. Card games Williams chaired the rally. The|were played. Prize winners speaker was Mrs. L. Reeve,|were: Mrs. Russell Saunders, vice-president of the Provincial|Mrs, Myrtle Holliday and Mrs, Legion Auxiliary Command,|Sheila McLean. Lunch was ser- Windsor. Eleven Auxiliaries}ved by Mrs. Edith Hoar and were represented and a total of/Mrs. Gladys McConnell. 238 members were present. Gardenview United Church Trophies were presented to|Women are meeting Monday at the winners of the bowling tour-|the home of Mrs. Roy Ilott, nament, Oshawa No, 1 bowling|Maria Street. team. The dart winners were the Oshawa No. 2 team. Mrs.| Annual reports will be given) Edna Elliott, of Oshawa, is zone|and officers installed for the en- sports officer. Prize winners|suing year at the May 15 Girl from Whitby were: Mrs. Chris-|Guide of Canada Whitby District tine Brown, Mrs. Mabel Lindley,| Association meeting at the home Mrs.|for a card party June 2 at the Trolley; president, Hampton. A missionary display of the work done by each group was held in the Christian edu- cation building. WI Officers BROUGHAM (TC) The newly elected officers of the Women's Institute are: imme- diate past president, Mrs. W. Mrs. Cliff shop project. All attending will view the work done by the pupils of the school and the work accomplished at the shel- tered workshop. Come and see what your previous contributions | have done. Mr. and Mrs, Rodd Appleby } spent a 10-day vacation motor. | ing to Myrtle Beach and South Carolina. Ajax Kinettes will hold its election of officers at its May 16 meeting at Carousel Inn. Kin- ette Marnie Richards will pre- side. Mrs. Beatrice Dalby, Mrs. Fay|of Mrs. A. Lintner, Craswell, Mrs. Lillian Kirk and Mrs. Dorothy Ormiston. The} Ajax Branch will host the rally in 1968. Mrs. J, K. Bowes, Fairview Drive, is opening her home Monday to members of St. Mark's United Church Women FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Locel -- Service Contractors the Christian education centre show in London, Ont. during the Homecoming Week- end. Miss Audrey Kent, Port LEWIS SANDRA DEE: GEO IRGE HAMILTON Township of Whitby Perry, spun wool on an old OPTICAL Established for over 30 years 10% King Street West 725-0444 spinning wheel and Mrs. Arthur Boyes gave a demonstration of weaving on a loom. Many of those who attended were in period costume. G ONE COAT OF cy IMPERV-ALL ALSO 2ND FEATURE ATTRACTION "THE MAN CALLED FLINSTONE" Storring--Fred Flintstone 8:30 only--All Color Program DOES IT BETTER One Paint for ALL Surfaces Acorn's IMPERV-ALL Is a miracle coating, providing maximum beauty, coverage and protection on FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK STREET NORTH REV. DELOSS M. SCOTT, Minister Masonry walls, metal or wood. Inside or outside, painted or unpainted. No need for 4. or 5 different paints -- IMPERV-ALL... is one for all. Guerenteed for 5 years! Oshawa's Exclusive Dealer Guest Speoker: Pastor Jack Shakotko MOTHER'S DAY SERVICES | 9:15 AM.--"FAITH TIDINGS" Radio Broadcast | C.K.L.B, -- 1350 On Your Dial | 9:45 A.M.--WELCOME TO OUR BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--Worship and Praise Service Swimming tificate or similor qualification. RECREATION COMMITTEE The Recreation Committee proposes to under- take a swimming instruction program and appli- cations will be received in writing by the under- signed not later than May 30th, 1967 at 4:30 p.m. for two (2) qualified swimming instructors. Applicants must stete swimming qualifications and personal data and be in receipt of « red cross swimming instruction ¢er- The instructors will be employed for @ period of six weeks eommencing July 4th, The normal work day shall be Tuesday | to Friday inclusive for @ period of opproximately 4 hours each day. Further details and information respecting the swim- - ming program, etc. may be obtained on request. Salary will be determined after interview and sholl be com> mensurate with ability end qualifications, Wm. H. Wallace. Secretary, Township of Whitby Recreation Committee, Instructors On the occasion of their 40th) Unit 8. wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs.- James Wilde, 1103 Henry Street, with Mr. and Mrs. Del- bert Johnston, 813 Centre Street North, dined at The Chalet and|Norman Gibson for its regular . ¢) meeting. afterwards went to the home o' ' their daughter and son-in-law, | prise party. was held by the|Ghurch May 15 and 18. , its election night at its dinner) married to Ronald Whitbread, Almonds United Church Wo- men Evening Group will meet Monday at the home of Mrs, The film "Where Mrs. Whal- SAWDON'S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL Starr and MARINA Conducted by: Sports 7:00 P.M.--Evening Gospel Hour "FAITH BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE!' WEDNESDAY EVENING 8:00 P.M. PRAYER, PRAISE AND BIBLE STUDY Municipel Offices, Box 160, Breoklin, Ont, Don and Doreen Deeks, 1007 Mc-|tey Lives' will be shown to the Cullough Drive, where @ SUT-liadies of St. Mark's United 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 723-0211 "There's Always A Welcome ot Faith' TOWN and TOWNSHIP OF King St. E. at Townline family and friends. They were presented with many gifts and) Mrs. James Anstey and her cards. It was also a_ sur-|mother, Mrs. Herbert Fisher, rise birthday party for Mr.jare attending the trousseau tea ilde and Mr. Johnston whol|today at the home of Mr. and were 68, May 10. pre Joyn a Willow- : A dale, for their daughter, Miss The Whitby Kinette Club held/peverley Lonsdale, who will be meeting at Kinsmen Club-/Ochawa, May 20 at Newton: house. Elected were: President,|}ro9k United Church, Willow- Mrs. James Broughton; vice-|qaje, % " president, Mrs, Clarence Hew- son; secretary, Mrs. Richard) A Mother's Day tea will be Sandford; treasurer, Mrs./held Sunday at Aldon School, James Gartshore; registrar,|Burcher Road, Ajax, to launch Mrs, James McTeague; direc-|the campaign for the Ajax, tor, Mrs. Glen Campbelford. Pickering, Whitby Association for Retarded Children's Work- It was decided to prepare a\- REGAL ROOM Christmas: parcel during the summer months for adopted children in Africa. Arrange- ments were made for the Kin- ' -- of the -- ettes' birthday party June 7. be Eight Whitby Kinettes will at-\| Whithy Centennial tend the Inter-Club meeting, " May 30, in Minden. Building Now Available for Banquets, EXPO Weddings, Dances 15° Trailer FOR RENT, 8 Miles CONTACT: fre om itover sleeps 6. $100. R. Hewkins, 668-3659 wi . --_--or-- 728-8253 F. N. MeEwen 668-5803 ' DURA STEP ONE PIECE CONCRETE @ FOR YOUR NEW HOME @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS @ NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS AND PLATFORM IVERY PHONE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. 655-3311 ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH | Centre & Colborne Sts. Rev. J. M, Smith, B.A, B.D. Miss lla Newton, Deaconess Mr. Gorden Harle, 8.A., Organist 11:00 A.M. A NATION UNDER GOD 9:30 P.M, Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors. 11:00 A.M. Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary Junier Congregation, In- ff) font Care, | WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister; Rev. John MeLeod Organist Mra, W, E, Summers, A,T.C.M. ee 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. EVENING SERVICE Prayet Wed. at 7:30 P.M. WHITBY RATEPAYERS AMALGAMATION PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE THAT The following public meetings of town and township ratepayers has been arranged for the purpose of providing information on various aspects of amalgamation: | | INFANT BAPTISM | | ll } i ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Cerner Byron et St. John Whitby Rev. W. J. $. McClure, B.A, }} Mr, B. @. Devereux, Organist FAMILY SUNDAY Nursery, Kindergarten and Junior Congregetion during Divine Worship EVERYBODY WELCOME EMMANUEL REFORMED | 403 Rossland Read West Rev. Horeld Hesselink 10:30 A.M, English Service and Sunday Schoo! 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICF EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED 1, THURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1967 et 8 p.m. in the council chambers of the TOWN OF WHITBY municipal building, 405 Dundas St. W. 2. FRIDAY, May 26th, 1967 et 8 p.m. in the township hall at BROOKLIN. J. R. FROST, Town Clerk--Administration WM. H. WALLACE, A.M.C.T, Township Clerk 4 r¥ Sevve@wrsrcaw

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