Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 May 1967, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 13, 1967 20--Real Estate for Sale PER CENT NHA resale cer les for 42 monthly, 10-year-old prick, three- low, family si 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apertments fer Rent '26--Apartments for Rent '27----Rooms for Rent 30--Automobiles For Scale 31--Compeet Cars for Sale $ SAVE ! living can be seen ot The best value in apartment CAVALIER TWO - BEDROOM upstairs apartment. Refrigerator, stove; parking. Front and back yard. Separate entrance. $110 total expense. One child welcome. Whitby, (668-5958. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private af home. The Rambler Kings Bowmanville & Peterborough MAY SALE 7---Auction Sal Notice of By Auc ize kitchen, 17" x 104', broadioom in living room| SCUGOG LAKE NEWCASTLE -- Two - bedroom apari-| Call between 5 and 7 p.m. Yo lapel property. call: Shirtey. Moakel, : THIS YEAR & REGENCY aaa = hoass ota Tele ' ssinll 82 PARK RD. N. Lower than Toronto Prices. Take notice that 723-4134, Griffin Real Estate Lid. At the now famous Ball Point. APARTMENTS mat Wi eoeaen as ding. Reigerair, Bank Rate Financing. signed Public Au RETIREMENT or family home, $10,900,| This three bedroom cottage By TOWERS @ stove and heal, Also. 'wining pool in 728-867 | : 60 Day 3,000 Mile Warranty, sell by Public Auc down. One mile Port Perry, paved| ig complete with fireplace summer. 668 MOTORS LTD. Up To: 60 Months To Pay. lowing properties rnd 2% acres overlooking lake. Two- . HD Hy- . 314). COMFORTABLE ROOMS storey, re ihe six-room house, oil fur- two piece both, and 'gee Moving To | Two renege reer ge WEEKLY TES OVER 40 SELECT CARS nace, septic tank, follet, all new. Taxes) dro, Open beam construction | 349 MARLAND AVENUE One and two bedrooms ee pene canreee, SCD BN RA AJAX TO CHOOSE FROM. MONDAY, the 2: Heo coud divide lot. Less for cash. a " cious | ; 2 "4 MAID SERVICE MAY, 1967, at 985-28; gives a feeling of spo j K Modern and Convenient Sitebe for working couple. Apply 723- ness. Completely lined and | PHONE 725-2227 ete: TY ee eet o LEASE OR RENT TRENT hereunder set for Et By 65 ; e Public poe FULL PRICE for this beautitu GRENFELL reception ann FLOOR Sm, one bedroom air AUTO SALES the Township Sct clean, brick bungalow on Highland Ave-| ready for seasonal comfort ot nue, large modern recreation 'room, patio) its finest. Lot 90' x 130' with AND conditioned apa: » refrigerator and Mrs. James Maher peed Pelvacy pls, hedged Ward Joh gradual slope in water. Ask- I unr and Black and sieve, epndey, tacit as, South Oshawa. WHITBY HOTEL OK LTD: Sadingter: ston, 728-1066. ahr ing Rh Ae terms to S Q U A R E PREMIER ite MODERN apartment, a Becreams, 668-2337 King St. E., Bowmanville 4 pace' Line Sc ple : 5 jr a 'g ad pgp Ear ial sa dtanecag oc essa ® e ; : __ room, 'Close "to shopping, north eng, /SINGLE WORKING GIRL to share USED CARS 623-3305 (Lot 31, Concess tals $155 monthly. Asking $11,000 with Call JACK SMITH ONE and TWO Equipped with stove, fri Telephone 728-1953. Semi-furnished apartment with same, in 6.m. need Central. Cait grand Sandy, 725- BEDROOMS a , 9, SMALL. hearin: fable ter central Whitby, beginning of June. Close} , VOLV 9010, .W. ©. Martin Realtor. : 321 MARLAND AVENUE drapes and F.M. very central. Telephone 728-4646 betwen We" ater rb pms Monde BY ied Ce ee, % VOLVO and PEUGOT 2. Providence S $1580 FULL asking "price. Modern, BOWES & PHONE 728-6722 9 and 5. pares alert catie oe: agi hardtop automatic, lye MERCEDES BENZ 4; Concession 2) bungalow, t " | . ler -8, power. 4 pe Geant le rac. ogg gi note | OSHAWA'S LARGEST Close to shopping cantie Neg cantay ry acne oe working gentleman. Frig, hot plate,| Lic. J78823. ...... $2695 General Repair and \ Old Sc he « TD ---- @ MODERN 1 ond 2 dl ehek phone 725-4667 atter_ 4. p.m. Hii week. Abstainer please. apey é PuloGiscte SUvick Bla ag tow with good sized iitchen ond. living CO KS L BEDROOM SUITES Oe etee ee FIVE-ROOM apartment, $125 "monihy We-|El0In_East, oes Leagan LAURENTIAN Jake and Bill's Garage Sav tis ' cluding hydro and heat. lable A\ T -- Larose sinale room, jt ic. ; ten oe Bi ge" peep age a LINDSAY 324-6145 R No bi . eae ont ne 1, Telephone 723-2024 ater 'S bom Li Boag i Kitch. retigersion| Lic. B6v12H .. $1995 449 Ritson, Rd. South 4. Long Soult t $10,700. Cali' Irwin Cruikshanks | ine f T easonabie H i TWO-BEDROOM apartments, May and| Parking, sun porch. Ladies or gentlemen. Oshawa 728-0921 : j Stata Ems] Sect nn fom Tee Application $ FABRIC DRAPES for information [iin induaes Grane epee, BH: /ROOM FOR RENT, 'urisiea or un| "65 CHEVROLET a, Recension 8) OO Ne ONTARIO iach ONTARIO, sacrifice, two FOR SALE Refused @ LAUNDRY FACILITIES ie Rag fpr shopping. Free. ser- mea central. Apply 31 Charles . ay ty te aig rr ZOLTAN and NICK'S & Union. Schoo yearcld threededroom rick bungalow. Three bedroom. cottoge on @ FREE HYDRO CALL oa i erm FURNISHED room, 368 Pine Avenue and| LoUS BR $ Your Authorized Datsun Concession 9), 1 2" ve. antenna, rug in livin Z i -|Grenfell. Ci te hoppli % ' i Fast we Fe Lohner Api i FREE 3 EROADLOOM in HALLS rOUAcOn mca BP wll msif™™ "|S CHEVROLET Ingle SS. | hd Fit ese 6 Eide 728-3433. way 28. Mahogany panelling, © LOCKERS Ha , oe DEDSITTING i aaa an oe ic, radio, power. Specia izing in Volkswagen Concession 8), 2 PRIVATE. Brick bungalow, three be. tiled -- and patie Two @ CONTROLLED an after 3 p.m. 725-8365. vate home, close to bus line and General| Lic. 391580. Rey sina $2195 Repair and Service : room apart) on main | piece bathroom, large living cs - Motors. f preferred. No meals. 4 . Bradleys Sche Seah, oT CS ReSke| room, kitchen with snk unt, | © CeO n yee Lay entrance ae Ag ec (64 CHEVROLET Stationwagen re Concession 6 3 773-0502 after 5. pressure system, hot and cold e or see us at trance. Parking. Close fo Oshawa Shop-|ROOM FOR RENT in bachelor's home, ley KI2347, 0... $14 \ - ; ping Centre. Available May 15. Working |cocking privileges, parking. Telephone Mie i ie He cease, pei Ferrinetaton ane ahi ROOM . ee couple piping 725-1959 aher 5 ead br 723-2024 after 5 p.m. g '64 ENVOY EPIC LOVELY 1962 Karman Ghia, finished . eaves: ae completely, decorated. Immediale pos | 195" e366" deep "Ganseat @ SWIMMING POOL 340 Marlena A TWO-BEDROOM "apartment, broadioom | ROOMS FOR RENT, $10 and $12 weekly,| Lic. 281119 ........ $650' 10 cee seer ee, ineticulous. ances! ' session. Call Shirley Moskal, 723-4134, s in' season) CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE arian ve. roughout, stove and frig. Adults. Apply Service, restaurent on premises. i ba a All the above ject Es call faamMeane ree tg poco ag mg APPLY TELEPHONE THE . TWO SU OROOM niente Includes rundisue boring a a na Fehrs ey c 'say MOB saris eer In_excellent con- situate in pola a land. or a r, V-8, automatic. dition. 01 2 4 Ai th yee age 8 ---- | {S min.) $5,500. Cosh. 723- | @ French Provincial Kitchens ABOVE NUMBERS Apt. 111 cranes: spptiances. "Balcony. | Laundey.iin quiet private home, Apply 258 Arita) 7 io J7BB18, .2.... $1395 [eh or Gmare Sal" Pelece Street co" les | 9050. ofter 7 p.m. @ Indoor Parking cent "a Free services. Child wel| SINGLE rox Feom. furnished. 'Close 40 bUseS.| +463 CHEVROLET a enayy ai Seale = 10% lB entrally located. Parking conveniences.) * , six cy ir, standard, -- ' pied ga Hs -Anseh AL ad fable) e Free Hydro : NOW RENTING Fol furnished apartment, $100| Telephone 723-9589. 'f Stationwagon, automatic. oe ll (275 or best offer." Telephone price in cash or July 14. Ajax 942-0963, @ Fabric Droperies La Contessa : monthly, Telephone 723-0275 after 7 P.m.|COMPLETELY furnished bed - sitfing] Lic. X12259....... $1359 nag cheque on comp! WANTED TO RENT three-bed: @ Balconies More and more of Oshawa's THREE two-bedrocm aparfments, avail-|room sink and 'rig. Residential area. 1962 ENVOY, new brakes, new shocks, " cottage, all conveniences, reiast two ; A artments"' nicest people ore enjoying | 8vle June 1. $110. Two children welcome. |Close_to_buses. 728-1914. '63 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR Fae running condition, best offer. tion, the balance weeks July. Lindsay-Peterborough area.| @ Broadloom Corridors Pp FeneGeebib TeKiG ot ihe Near south plant. 219 Cordova Ré., Apt. FURNISHED bachelor basemeniapari-| V-B, all power. Tehepheos 72-103, in 30 days. Any near golf course. Write B. Kearney, 33] @ Walking Distance of aly Mote! be »_nights 723-5482. ment, large room with kitchenette,| | 249420 1395 64 SUNBEAM Imp, 13,000 original miles. tions to be anno Church St. N., a Oshawa Shopping Centre A Distinguished Address THREE: ce 'partment in apartment cst ory, private entrance, two clothes AC. ait Adel ed $ a second car. Private. Telephone sale. All propert AISA! COTTAGES it, uliding. ee ing Street area. Tele-|cicsets, automatic washer, dryer, hospi- ip 4 anne oe Ml" facilities REL any @ Children's Playground Choice luxury suites, electric- R A A Phone 725-3: tai_area. Immediate possession. 576-0832. '62 CHEVROLET : 1966 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, 12,000 rpg ng Pa HOMES and skiing, fishing. 725-2909 or 723-8487. © Glink $5 Public cod ally heated, and tastefully de- oO R Pp pee Ne on 'room furnished apari-|ROOM AND | BOARD for "gentiemen,| 4 door Bel-Air, automatic, |miles, guarantee, fully equipped, extras, Pe aa COTTAGES LTD HOUSEKEEPING cortabes on Stur- Separate Schools corated throughout. S M A pa pel eb dda lg lk : working {Renn cena oman Felgen foom. very radio. Lic. J78820. $1195 rate offer. 728-7250. 185 Oshawa Blvd. or <a id no kA geon Lake, two and three bedrooms. ? rs ae . monthly. Tele- del gp aotlggl aby accepted. ° Mode Tele- i i i: phone 726-8040. Abia PR iS WR cc '62 BUICK 1961 SUNBEAM, good condifl COBOURG, ONT. Lrwcely rire @ Elevator Sf pnb aor S S R GENTLEMAN to share fully furnished |THREE furnished rooms, with bath-| Convertible, all ee with black top. 'Two tops. Telebhene Clifford Pethick, SPECIALISTS in PRIVATE three-bedroom cotta: FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS aatsal scmtreshiae 3 house with three other young men. Pre-|room. Private entrance, laundry facil-| Tie yang' power, $195 725-7829, Enniskillen, Ont north of Peterborough on Lake Papin- : ae L aE Soraay. oprice swarker, Teleehens, 7ts-s04e.|[tes, diver Wie. SULSEM for, thie. Le) IS Be cet "62 VOLKSWAGEN, one owner. No down 263-2131. eau. swimming an ing, ee on your own television apartment, complete with * f ' ayment, per week. Wellman's, 728- Es VACATION PROPERTIES, Good swimming and fishing, two iY tel FURNISHED a ee on, Telephone payment, $9 RETIREMENT HOMES miles from highway, accessible all FURNISHED or screen who is ringing your Y M linen, in private home, King Street East. | ends, before 5.30 or anytime week 63 CHEVROLET COACH 7351. and COTTAGES ae noon calepe ior ales ak UNFURNISHED doorbell, before you give mae atm aeas| OO 1940 'SIMCA, clean, "economical "trans Seturday, \ miles north of Minden on Highway 35. them entry. N E LARGE three - bedroom apartments, janes peep ese akin ory '62 CORVAIR Kasking $160. ii Re i WE can serve you best be- /$4,000. Telephone 723-6286. RENTAL INFORMATION N N nee cog Motors, hospital, town. 58 Aberdeen| 4 door, black. Lic. K3790. --|1956 VOLKSWAGEN. Best offer. Tele. Auction eee 6 on ee es ee Ge ae ails arenes for gee T | MODERN tive = room enarimentyv-|------------ '61 OLDSMOBILE ie ee ee reds of vacation properties on ' a q ly. = Foom Fiment, un- *" Bias d SERPS MOOS a AS CS Ontario's best lakes and riv- ee an ee ssacicinl todas 723-51 1] pe ; a S er hai craterene SANG ed 28--Room and Board 2 door hardtop, automatic, ur HILLMAN | Super Minx deluxe, " ers. This makes it possible to - ' leal for a quiet and com- Maple Grove, off No. 2 Hwy. Bowman: power, radio. rt 1.500, excellent condition. Call seli on the lowest terms in |dierich ew, modern, with all eonvent.| AFTER HOURS 576-2826 | . fortable living. ville, 623-2215. ate SINGLE ROOMS Lic. SV96997-. a csc $95: [RRA OBR Aree 2 an 6 Sch ces, boat included, sandy beach. $60. . A SPECIAL bachel rt ts | rt. i Grote a ea ences, eee dlcohone' WhieY conser. 380 GIBB STREET Rental office on the premises. PHONE 728-9724 mer AL Bachelor aparimenis in, apart and BOARD '61 OLDSMOBILE 32--Trucks for Sale en the propertie for retirement homes and are |WOODLAND cottages, Rosedale, Bal- 140 Nonquon Road, Oshawa Ped 95, unfurnished Hs. Parking. 728: 4 door, automatic, radio, [1957 CHEVROLET panel truck. Needs # 10:00 a,m.--Pi . sam Lake, deluxe housekeeping cot- . x 9672 f 0. A " power.. Lic. J79700. Repo. [little body work. Good moter and good ers' desks, 6 served by bus and train -- |tages. Available May 24 weekend, re- il 1481 Now Rentin pply: rubber. Will accept as trade Volkswagen d have good roads accessible |duced rent for June. 7232707 evening# or FUR S Call 725-148 g THREE Ra, See S| OS Divici S Makeon offer: rubber, Will lie eoneiny yeor round. All ae on NI HED or PRIVATE Millie Dive We dor. ivision dt. '61 OLDSMOBILE 88 FOUR | van rueks _sutteble "for carne. equipment, The Government Approved Regis |21--Farms for Sale WINKLER-ZENKOVICH MODERN TWO, THREE, or fiveroom apart AVAILABLE, for lady or gentleman,| Automatic, power, radio, ers, 720-523. saci Emily. Township F 114 ACRES, Gay loom, bulla. Real Estate Ltd. ments. Heal, hydro, water supplied. [home privileges. 922 King street "south,| Lic. J79699......... $995 _|i964 GMC pickup, Fleetside, A-1 condl- Board. These sc -- ing, creek. Asking $20,000 'with terms. TORONTO TWO BEDROOM _ [prone "Szs'r000 "days: 126-268 evenings, | Whitby. tion. $1,100. Telephone 726-8841. 104 Atha- 5 phone jays, ag H3.4 . ed in the | Near Lindsay. Call John Sandy, 725-8010. nm | ROOM POLICE CRUISERS basca Street. uat $50 DOWN ee ee FROM 363-2631 APARTMENT _[oitsine "S808, a mn mi: Talenee aa | y. vas peymour wUny, (Gee ee ce all ee wane eo AGRE FARM for sale, South Lind- TON ; ; ; r. Telephone Provi $40 to $60 MONTHLY my, Hwy. 35. New Sbedroom bungalow, WA! 'All conventances included. RAR aR taut Mea acorns pa willing to share, five- or seven.| automatic, V-8. 1959 ONE TON Dodge, f ing go se Here is @ property that hos |4 Undeay, J $ ~ 00 peleeg cae main floor. Garage, eeu Telictony dence packed, laundry done. WE: S7ESB7e S eSess $1695 Hormel meas condition 7 lephone 72% obi ag ey. : . H ji for couple, one child. ace' i! pr AP aS lt cS a RAE PLS Be ETN everything including room to 2 i Sai ENT: UE For further information ee oe ce, APY Y coehGRHe EASTON nese es| 0, 146 PLYMOUTH FURY, _|1958" CHEVROLET -- panei truck Beat @ for perman roam, end roam, and roam. Lots for le $100 PER MONTH. One-bedroom -apart-|0ard, gentleman to share, close to north tt ic, V-8 * -- loffer. Apply 420 Woodcrest Avenue. or summer home . NHA APPROVED building lot In. north SEE Call 668-4321 ment. Sult business couple. Lights, |@M._TV privileges, parking. fie s76s86 oad : to No. 7 Hwy. t Be A Country Squire [ena of city. All services prepaid. Terms ' ' water, heat, ample parking spece. 668: /ROOM AND BOARD for. enilemen, : Saat $1695 |33--Automobiles Wanted ety, ena Pomite r 723-1191. cation between Oshawa and nenes. Pec elep 725-9843, J At RICE LAKE FIVE SERVICED lols, NHA approved, Weekly or Monthly TOWER on Whitby. TWO. AND THREE - BEDROOM apari-|ROOM AND BOARD for one gentleman TRUCKS ARE YOUR MONTHLY , ty no Reserve. jut ments, now at lowest rent. | willi to share r iT CAR PAYMENTS $50 DOWN inderground wiring. Name your own ing 'com. Close fo down- ' terms, Telephone 723-1191. -- RATES -- Heated, immediate possession, $75-885|town, King and Park Road area. Tele-| '64 Crevrolet, V2 ton pick-up. TOO HIGH? For further Inf $50 MONTHLY ae ESR GALE in Donavon Pane GOVERNOR ll Raul ld lit acd poli n BW nore re oe Lic. 15725B. Conesrante your bills. inspecti Enjoy Y All' Seasbn ot oe SALE - Epes oo e 2675. ROOM AND BOARD, or room only, fer 'e trade up or down. pection appoi our Te] al ces prepal underground. ; THREE-ROOM unfurnished _apariment,| gentleman, rth GM f Py tact Carl Hicks Cottage Telephone 728-0194. New Furniture MANSIONS self-contained, duit home ey Pgh et sos vinci a sil pg HARWOOD at STATION RD. BILL WHITTICK mar. Reabors. | paved ve Tra Velephece 795.1778 ng Overlooking the park located oe ce eal 3 dn Meg jeer jcorivate 725-7755. Ajax 942-6300 MOTORS LTD. i ' SOUR BUILDER? New Buildi on Mary St. North. ADULT PRESTIGE fentvanes). | Central. Aguirs only 8°lRGoM AND BOARD, pre-| J : 1250 Dundas E.,. Whitby 208-924-3912; \\/ | [Four suicpeRs' tors trom which ULIGINg lab ferred. Five or seven days, private! '@ CHEVROLET 668-5871 jo choose. Telephone 725-2 Le Swimming pool, sauna both, RESIDENCE BACHELOR apartment. Centrally lo-|room. Telephone 728-2742. sedan, sutemetic. 8 $400. i cated. Private entrance. Laundry, park- ing, frig, stove, four-piece bath, $80. monthly. Telephone 668-3207. SELF-CONTAINED apartment, for retired or working lady, stove, re-| Bot Perry. 1959 V-8 Edsel motor with oe CARS WANTED Auctior by offer. Telephone Bay Ridges #839- Buying A New Cor? IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 'SN ToT i tar sale, ar 29--Wanted to Rent WHITBY AREA, three-bedroom single dwelling, June occupancy. Write Box gym room and rec room. Our model suite is furnished Now available two 2-bedroom suites. For appointment to view these outstanding suites ond [Rt 7S 723-5111 suitable The undersigne weekends at your own cot- 3--R 'Ss FURN tage on your own property. 2 eal Estate Wanted After Hours 576-2826 . 4 py ey intr please call frigerator, laundry facilities. Telephone |M7602, Oshawa Times. 1966 BEAUMONT Custom sedan, eight Sell your used car to Ted", rt ! Kiso practical location for re- seis . 72-3344. FURNISHED ROOM required by gentle |cY!inder: power steering} Talk "Cash" to the New will sell by pub tirement, soy WenseSering Hee ee on, FREE 793.1712 0 ADELAIDE WEST -- TTye-bedroom man for use two or three. times "each radi nly 10,000 miles. Call evenings} Cor Dealer and 'Save'. Seturday, Mey +Summer and the yeors , Farms, Homes in Osh- N ARKIN: tn Oday broad Nahaple form sane: cerca, Ing 0 per | io CHEVROLET GIG Wik UL. TED: CAMPIN MOTORS estate of Arthu gome at "Country" Squire | awa ond District. We have | Enjoy the Modern Trend | To'SuR Geet es TeriaNes or Sone" one smal! eid weiame," Tee Oshawa Times" '® 8° 9151. Sin Gacaten machoncdy" Very| 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 the village © Heights" Rice Lake. This is the Buyers if you want to sell. 728-2911 phone 725-6851. TWO. OR THREE - BEDROOM house |90°% 'Mees body rusted. $150. Telephone|SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars F the best year round vacation DON STRADESKI Realtor To Luxury Living OPEN DAILY i TWO-ROOM apartments; one furnished, |wanted by couple with one small child 728-5668, bought,' parts for sale. iron and metals Township of Ec summer-winter wonderland in 63 King St. West, FROM 1 P.M. - 9 P.M rn unfurnished. Central. T 723- June 1. 728-3024, CHEVELLE ". ee a Sedan. Six.|bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. miles north of phoni = : RESPONS WANTED: Ontario. Limited number, ra . ' or by appointment. pin ene Bae WHITBY. Bachelor apartment unfur- hg IBLE PARTY. wih one scoot | Warren. $1950 _covh, 72-2715. No charge for towing. Bet prices pad Beery -ond YOU con "Be a Country | _____Oshowa, Ont. P A BEDROOM APARTMENTS = |nished bedsitting room, kitchen, bath-|home, north area preferred. Possession| 1948 PONTIAC, good gonaition, Fwodoor| Telephone T2450 anytime, perty consisting Chive' for $5,495 cash or |HAVECCLIENT with oi coon wing rincess nne 576-2280 or 725-9750 Siova Gnd: raffinaratek room. Telephone 668-3577. July 1. Telephone 728-6301. coupe, floor shift. q : more or less wi home : DREW STREET 74, three or two rooms done." Best offer. 'Telephone 576-2398 waNTeD = '61 to "62 Corvair, condi- frame house wit and stool, 3-pce 17" TV, frid kitchen cabinet, bis ce ee ye 30--Automobiles For Sale receive possession now! Hydro included. Telephone New building on Gibb St. adults, or working or three individuals. No children. couple Abstainers. Available now. 1964 PONTIAC, two - door hardtop, fully jautomatic, FM-AM radio. A-1 condition. |s1, 795 or best offer.. 728-1773, MUST SELL -- Best offer. "65 Chevro- jaide, Simcoe and]: Wilson Road area. Please call 728-5103, furnished, central, Ww. ©. Martin Realtor. coe bungalow or two-store King and Adel: tlon oid motor unimportant. W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. Apartments ART ROBINSON 34--Automobile Repair AK LARGE or double house in country A . x : Telephone 576- TWO 'furnished rooms, kitchen, bedroom, A YOU RECEIVE between of We sising orm - will enjoy nd Ave 21 King St. W., Bowmanville lephone 576-0360 central, parking. Suitable tor working let Impala, convertible, 283 engine, auto. be ghd Findle i i r , Sauna room, large le ! couple or two girls. Telephone 723-5408. matic transmission, ize; Qu oie ces ae SRIVnve = wanted "dooiern ar bom coe spacious wall ate LUSANNE VIL A TWO - ROOM furnished apartment, CARS WANTED brakes. "AMM radios reverberator, FRED STONE Seer inn % , Spa " heated, frig and stove. Private. Couple] Best cash prices in town, [Positraction rear end. 723-7829. Brooklin -- 655-3653 cloverleef tabi PRIVATE -- wanted, duplex or 'sy low with basement apartment, in good " area. Reasonable down payment. Please right [Cail 's76-1904. @ Big cottage family size 3 bedrooms (erected) with boathouse 1960 METEOR six-cylinder, aut 'automatic, four-door sedan. 'ondition, 375, Telephone s763646 or 725-8540, drawers, two be preferred: $80 monthly. Telephone 725- Scrap or wrecking purposes end tables, two 'a rt 330 GIBB STREET bs, he wt ; : All hours. ( ) | } | ( ) Exciting prestige building. |§115. Bp eh lel a Mier hone | 72503176 REBUILT ENGINES 6 CYL. Exchange Price parking, mail delivery, per- sonalized service, PLUS the location on waterfront. Ee hea Pa ian @ Big tract of land acres |CASH_FOR YOUR WOME. Yes, I have) moderate monthly rental at Centrally located, electrically |Toom. place, bal, stove, Tig. ome 52 Wayne St. is7 CHEVROLET Impala, twoxoor hard: as low as $165.00 spool ear cor ond acres of woods -- Legit ggictelp negrsacccngtce BI ies yi PREST| GE heated. Roomy breakfast nook |1. Telephcne 728-1903 after 6 M Sell or. trade on latecmegel rar 6 8 CYL. Exchange Price pve sie lh flots -- hills. listed call Willard Johnston, 7281066.! PRINCESS ANNE and kitchen. Tennis court |THREE LARGE room furnished apart- ORE CASH SAVE DOLLARSI Several good as low os $200.00 sey ve NOTE: You receive personal Schotield-Aker Ltd. ond barbeque. ment, avalieals Ney 15, near North GM.! Paid for Good Clean Cars, |cars, "35's and WP. Tided actephed. AUTOMATIC eg gat ownership of the 90' x 250' |24--Stores, Offices, Storage) APARTMENTS antk eons cs Soiled BONUS TWO BEDROOMS, living room, private Trade up or down. Liens paid. |Bicor' caste ote Slew TRANSMISSION tools, Many « es ie ee 1 and 2 bedroom, large apart- |enllgren' under Tz. Apply ait King st. :| DODD MOTOR SALES [778 CLOSMOBILE, runs well, good body CENTRE [erua on pre 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. and tires, very clean. Lady driven. ped $350. (It's Worth the Extra) ing 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 ee geal aaa OFFICES ments, fully equipped. THREE ROOMS, downtown location.| 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH | ing. $350. Will take 'older car as peri mec cosh, Sale at | NOTE: You receive joint own. Our model suite is furnished A few 1 ond 2 Bedroom WE PAY MOVING EXPENSES | Rotvonabl ont Telephone 7250501. 723-9421 Tal WOLESLEY, OF 699 series, automatic. haat soo! gy ed Pethick, auctio RGRY of She ia aroeh oF lend FOR RENT by WILSON'S FURNITURE ond Pune wrotiene Sem: 6100: 190 Nonquon Road TWO-BEDROOM apartment, near South $400 or nearest offer. Reconditioned lusiness --- Repairs, Adjust- _-- -- membership is restricted : y e a sak 728-9726 GM. Available now. Apply 383 Phillip RAMBLER motor. In excellent condition. Telephone| M™ments, Exchanges. All Work Auctio! to cottage owners as equal EO pig earn eo broadloom by ANGUS GRAYDON r appointment Murray Avenve. SALES -- SERVICE = ee - i Guaranteed. ui owners. There are excellent " web . a $115 MONTHLY for five-room, two-bed- is nO nN payment, $10 hills on this property for to- - 728-8441 open dolly 2 pn HLS in: 723-1712 e Ne RENT 2 room serine agailicent, pulcing: eee Te ar We radio, one owner. Wellman's, |36--Legal MON,., A i -- skii d |GARAGE FOR RENT, 45° x 26, sult pt. Houses, Rooms, Roo Le ired. Tel 728- ' srow-mables, Alo c bec. [nar gemma tye gun satord Sum VV ema 7m) CFORGIAN -- | ged. Board Office" Hours Ra aee| NICOLS MMOTORS'LITD. [tisiisete ies == mm] = Land Titles People Pais fal woods -- thousonds of |[#rse Perking space. 720-8817. 387 Bloor Mon. to Fri, 8:30 a.m, to 6 |UNFURNISHED, one - bedroom apart| NICOLS MOTORS LTD. |mites. Telephone 668-4003. meen Ea _ i . Say ment in private home. Private three- WHITBY -- 668-. 1965 WHITE MUSTANG three-soced stick Act Road and Mari trees there is a large rec- a 'a eae Gi aaak ae PHONE p.m, Sot. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. plece bath. 'One 'child Avail 668-3331 WHITE MUSTANG three-speed stick tieneer Cliff P. reation building and a good [ottice, 3 t, 365 Simcoe Strack ' I d 1 my me wae ce oe ce, 250 square feet. 205 simcee Street] Foe o934 76 3864 LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION immediately. 723-64 OSHAWA TRANSMISSION |priced. Telephone 576-3236 anytime. IN THE MATTER OF Ports 38--Cominc hinting right on this' proper- BASEMENT FOR RENT, approximate- 23 Athol West 728-1070 did dels A Enon in ee ond SERVICE her See MEI Sh ate, of Lots C-8, C-9 and C-10, 5 ty. y ick square feet, Ideal for plumb- Don't Wait ADULT apartment residence REGENT ARMS peewee entrance, business couple. Specializing in rebuilt auto- |Wunderbar radio and rear speaker, new| Sheet 30, on Plan 335 for WOOD 0 aga dpsermh ag se plot ee, evenings. 720-2893. . Investi oie ye new GRENFELL STREET anaes Room self-contained apartment nave and standard transmis- hast System, al tras, Car tn me con. Mey : yi gel gees COMMUNIT ieee 1, bd ' yi fri " ion. ue int '. le- Z & . ing. Good roads to every lot. leveatak. Hemoel Beate "heat, ROYALE One and g wo bedroom apart- Wwundey feclities. Telephone 726-334 ies GUARANTEED WORK phone 728-6760 oF 723-6785 or apply °95| in the Office of Land Titles at RICE SAKE is 25 miles long, Telephone 267-0141, Toronto. MONA LISA Ail ote ; os gg algal FURNISHED two-room apartment sult 576-2610 iw pobee: ae S 'i "ies Whitby; ( i . 'arting a able ry working coup! or gentiemen, ye! i" |, automatic, excellen part of the Kawartha - Trent /25_--Houses for Rent APARTMENTS APARTMENTS | $109" monthly. "Adults only. |Simeae. South Saree." Private" parking ieee NOT aT beveoe. * A Hew THREE MEDBOOM belek honoalan | . e Heche sahcabta Neon va [ej ° muskie, pickerel, boss ond /NEW,TuREEseDRogM ric: bureHoy| -- 191 Nonquon Road Sitios, Ri agg ond 9:30 p mm,__|ROVELY.FOUR:ROGM a WANTED 1958 BUICK, hardtop, auiomatic, good] MENTS LIMITED, has made EVERY. NV Family. eceahe tks ness Ny. Avaliable May 2) where your rental dollar goes wre SELF-CONTAINED furnished be araiiebee Ore chi reali We Good clean local cars for |Best otter. Alex saaaaa," "| an application to the Local Admission tic! ; a : i , ' Sees em further. Featuring, swimming 1 and 2 Bedroom ment for fwo men. entra" Abey [ada cash, i961 RAMBLER Classic, standard sedan, mare ie -- = ithuseed free chance o' TUS ig a once-in-o-lifetime --|vile. two baltrosms, $1g8 menthiy. Cali! pool, sauna room and gym Suites 2P*Ci west Telephone Rae coaritane Corlvaie oath Perso MORLEY. STALKER Ca ee | teas land of which they cialis TWO JACKPOT opportunity. It is brought to |Walter, Frank Real Estate, Realtor.) playground, 5 # rahe THREE - ROOM furnished apartment, ' = ' : Rh, 23-3393, ground, 5 acres of par TARTING AT pa s}space. Adults only. Telephone 725-0492. MOTORS 1958 CHEVROLET six, automaiic, to be the owner in fee simple eed 6 std a if tal Seacicue = fwobedroon "heom ena]: ON suites with col- J Litnce Coattaliy. | omeke' Parkon| ONS': BRORGOI SharaTONt, <inedern 137 King West Usually. good condition," Must. be 'seen!| free from all encumbrances, f IN 52 NOS ' 1 4 garage on one-acré lot, north Oshawa,| ored stoves and fri , ample facilities. $85 monthly. Available June 1./kitchen, refrigerator, cage large tiving Fd ~ 23 $ Mort s at present ie eottage vocation land special: close 1 Seon and on bus route. Tele- rkii . 2d pay oe bea $120 t ent 725-7279. ia rocm, main floor, incl ae hth Fon MOTOR, aa ea cubic Inches), saint bays phen ists. Phone 723-2977, ee PLU oth r y Ps THREE - ROOM" 'aperiment, ni 7.|yard, garage, heat, hydro 3. weekly. rebuilt, ont 3,000 miles ago. Reason- registered on title; ' THIS 8h Gemearene a egy oe gee oe ery, IS many other extras. This outstanding all electric | SIEE! ean refrgea ao and stove,|Sliddon-Tyler Crescent, 723 GUS BROWN able; evenings. Ask for Jim. ; In ennoun property may be seen [frien ces form nauaes, centrally MAiotal clita' dead. wall building is located near [private akan 1963 CHEVROLET Impala, convertisie,| Wherefore any other person at $50 Consol ony day by special appoint- in exchange for or boarding elderly, genth gente histo ¥ schools, shopping and |Working couple ieteryou. Abstainers. stove, refrigerator, drapes. No damage MOTORS LIMITED in excellent condition. $1,500 cash. Cali] having or claiming to have bie verte i hes ogee ba cottages jman in good hea 1 PLM, till 8 P.M. churches. Bus service at door. 725-1754, deposit. One eis wcome. parediate RR No. 3 Oshawa Whitby 668-8224. any, ite to or insane i : $150 JA and meet EIGHT-ROOM Toul i THREE - ROOM apartment In | U ecg 4 th rt that hove Ney seis Spe Children. welcome. . Telephone a MONA LISA Loads of closet space. residence, separate entrance, garden, [SoU!- TRADE UP OR DOWN, Top we ars ean, *sa00 or Son oe: is pony Beg 8 a ty "the = SOR FO J FIVE-ROOM hi wad 7 $110. monthly. y. Telephone 725-3450 aoe . TO SUBLET, on the Ist of July, 2-bed-| Price paid for Good Clean -8, automatic, radio, match: $ yi rocm apt. Further lease available if re- in interior. 34,000 miles. 668-3951. 4 cong ta eine dea om ho. ra. Ci APARTMENTS 119 Nonquon Rd. -- . |7Wo-BEDROOM unfurnished apa cine]: ugier "lense avaliable Wf te| Cars, 'liens poid. FERMS, ng Padi Mine BL $200 in 52. ing : in -- Vsning, int- --|schools. $75 monthly. Immediate posses APT. 105 Simcoe North, containing os abba bine money. Rental .$130 ct aad For tor. Ph 728- 'oo ecnggiec tied 88, four lle a. statement of his: cicim 5 SPECIAL GA ing and roaming on their own sion. Telephone-728-0079' after 5. p.m Ph 723-6022 and stove. Adults only. $103 monthly. |rorey ere eral 728-2308 or 728. one 7375 or 728-7376 _|herdtop, Mlcence 523-144, No} in my office at the Town of $45 in 171 estate: Real Country Squires. | $105. 5 TWO = BEDROOM brick houte, jone -60. aeons La ndnsaad 2614. wg CHEV IMPALA. wodeor hardtop down § payment a 2m monthly. Stake Whitby, and to serve a copy 5 SPECIAL GA SELECT YOUR COTTAGE rectly i lehane' VENT en : 728-5282 WHITBY. central, two, - bedroom apart: |ONE and two-bedroom apariments, elec: [fully equipped, very good condition, real] = are me] ON the Applicant. : $45 in 17} MALA GLEN COURT |iment, furnished if desired. in apartment tricaiiy heated, refrigerator, stove,|sharp. Best offer. Telephone 723.0516, _|/61 MORRIS Oxford station wagon, Il 20 CAME! and LOT NOW ee iat ceeds phi: bot omer Jenty of parking. Telephere|arapes,, centrally located. Baby welcome.|61 CHEVROLET Bel Air, automatic, |ce pene X7116. Good tion. Full) The address of the Applicant . ri : CENTLERAN wold Ties tare Tie CHILDREN WELCOME pest Parking. 'Telephone |Appiy 25 Mill St. ABI. & of 7203295. "regio "Excellent conaition SH Bag ce sas -or Payment of #20. Stalker! for service is: Repular games 'Phone Day or Night or' fwo "bachelors. 'iaeu| 2 0nd 3 bedroom suites. 4 SHELDIAN THREE - ROOM Turnished basement Ki, Fhe tnt "eto ARLY BAD Sater Brive masa piece bath off master bed- MANSIONS apartment, private entrance. Centrally 1 5 RAMBLER hardtop, no down pay- rg i-eeeltes BOYCHYN & ] 12-372-9494 THREE-BEDROOM bungalow. Close t>| 00m plus powder room. New : located. Available June 3. p SELL : ment, $18 per week. V-8 automatic and ty HILLMAN, 100 Do Sut Gare Hides ete WN Taeteens| building = Reasonoble rates i? a 2. peeaen suites, . | 7221006. SELL ! radio, Like new. Lic. K824. Wellman's,| FC)R Barristers & Solicitors, A Ea » -- juced it ts. Jueee . Be Ogg aaa paras f & . WRITE or PHONE [er PHONE 725-0657 ovale co Bd ene AD gage Plone oo cae : i94s BEAUMONT, sporis deiuxe, Boor! RESUIL s SP Sevag Street font RED. & «For FREE LITERATURE pool, opposite south _ |floor. Apely ad Celina Street, back door, SELL ! hardtop, V-8, power steering, power N 6 wa, Ontario, } 5 0 r NEED A FURNISHED and GNA: Children weloome. Two [eee : 7" pum, Telephone aia" '0 Sr ~ | DATED ot 8th" | Children ce Pp | T T S JOB ? 1 Pie ole inp aa rota in bal bic ond three Lake, vir ee ladies or busi: That's The Job T94e PONTIAC Laurentian, Telephone TIMES : day of Moy, 9 Mt : ' bedroom yz room sul nessmen or work! ther with . yi } : Mee stabi ments. Controlled entrance, 885 OXFORD STREET or wo children, dey care Included. 723- Of Times 19a PONTIAC Caurenlan, wl ACTION CLASSIFIED iam Hi Moorhouse) A Sea ES Ai AB aad Read Help Wanted Twin -- elevators, ere ' sal Want Ads matic, Immaculate, Licence _ADS DEPUTY, , PSE Want-Ac Ads Daily In pool, fenced playa ha gi Bee ig ds il i vid MASTER OF TIT ee Th \ " T, 7 " # SELL _nwanted article. Phone 72330i|peved parking. 108 Rossland Exst, $ ; i . _ oiour oe a ARIO he Times 723 O47 Na pos parking. 108, Rom » $75. 723-3492 99) METEOR, 'our -- door, tandard |) | feed Times Adilon 4 f tty 4 4 f ae is e % + hes. < ws Pee saieatasiestet, car enna tamnemmeeti tn in ce mi anceps nated 2 "a ine ate AEN te te Coney OGL " -

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