Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 May 1967, p. 5

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S PARK x Rebate 'lish blem ON O'HEARN 0 -- The govern. i ticklish problem to he question of local | to elderly property h limited incomes. ts ago, the City of eceived authority in ill to give tax reducs ) to $150 a year to ers. vas followed by other rnments who put milar bills at this ion. rnment, through Affairs Minister Wil- er, made it clear it e with the practice, e, its position was deductions were un- other taxpayers as it hem, through their to directly subsidize E ADVICE in each case the f the private bills which has the im- , Over-rode the min- ce and approved the g with this, as the municipalities pro- vate grew, there was mand on the govern- ing in general legis- ipower all municipal- wished to do it to ; tax relief. 'blem facing Mr. 1 his colleagues was uldn't bringin legis-. n would' require, or L, one section of the to subsidize another py didn't respond to i they would face rom the obviously er of people who feld income elderly de- 2 relief, BILL acted. They have ht in a bill which any municipality to "credit" to those qualify. ne important differ- approach they have ver, with that Ham. ne other municipal- llowed. at their credit will aight gift. It will be hen the property is , either by sale or death of the owners, it municipalities will rived of the credit ey will give them loans to the money it. cipalities giving uctions now may be this (Their private > illed by the gov- islation). practicalities of the e€ government. ap- d seem to be a rea- | ideal solution. El- - probably shouldn't what is really an ax. But pending a vision of our method education, it seems any possible. RS AGO EARS AGO, ay 9, 1947 sized Bible nearly i was found at an in a discarded heap F. N. Harvey, Sim- was printed in 165% Id of London. zht destroyed the ame warehouse of Parts, Alexander ing damage esti- er $50,000. EARS AGD, ay 9, 1932 John Lyons, MA, of Ontario will con- 'irmation service to . George's Anglican ya Yacht Club has orated as a com- April 7, 1932. Ma MMP OTS @ WHITBY DAY BY DAY Gala Reception Planned For Canadian Warship WHITBY (Staff) -- A gala program of activities is being arranged for the visit to, Whitby | Harbor, July 25 to 27, of HMCS Nipigon, a destroyer of the Royal Canadian Navy. The ship carries 235 officers and men. The ship will be open for pub- lic inspection from 1.30 to 4 p.m. and from 6.30 to 8 p.m., July 26; while senior citizens of the town will tour the ship the previous day. The seamen will be entertain- $500 Fee Imposed On Carnivals Whitby Town Council Monday night, moved to control ferris wheels and merry - go - rounds operating in the town by. im- posing a licence fee of $500. In the case of such equipment being sponsored by local ser- vice clubs to raise money for their charitable work, council may waive the fee. "Some of us are not happy with what has been happening in the past. One man lost $40 in a game of chance recently and while I am not saying the game was fixed some of us are getting fed up. Some games of chance are going a little too far. It is time we clamped down Committee Meetings Remain Closed | Another effort by Councillor T. Edwards and Reeve George Brooks to throw committee of the whole meetings open to the press and the public was de- feated Monday night by coun- cil, Councillor Edwards said the presence of the public and the press at committee meetings would act as a safeguard and in a measure add decorum to council meetings. He felt the Open Anderson CVI Anderson Collegiate and Vo- cational Institute, Whitby will take another step forward this Friday night when the new ad- dition will be informally open- ed, The occasion is of double im- portance as, following the open- ing ceremony scheduled for 7.30 p.m., an open house will be Student Nurses Work With VON Ten students from the On- tario Hospitals spent one day each with the Whitby Branch of the Victorian Order of nur- ses during April. It was reported at the branch meeting that 101 visits were made during the month. Of these 82 provided nursing care WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS Ladies attending the annual mass and communion breakfast of the Women's Auxiliary to Catholic Church Extension at St. Joseph's College, Wellesley Street, Toronto, were: Mrs. Spellen, Mrs. A. Vallee, Miss G. Vallee, Mrs. D, O'Hagan and Mrs. A. C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs, James Byers, 323 Kent Street, entertained at a buffet supper on the occasion of the birthday of Mrs. Byers' mother, Mrs. Robert Jenkins, Ajax. Relatives and friends at- tended and congratulated the celebrant. i Several members of Almond | United Church Women will at- tend a centennial tea, Wednes- day, sponsored by Columbus United Church Women. | ed at the Royal Canadian Le- gion Hall during the visit; while another reception is planned for the officers. Civic digni- taries will be received on the ship on another occasion, Ball games and other activities are planned. Councillor Vernon MaeCarl, chairman of the Centennial Cel- ebration Committee, said it is hoped to hold a dedication cere- mony at the old lighthouse on the west pier during the de- stroyer's visit to the harbor. on clip joints', said Reeve George Brooks. "IT had a complaint only last week, that some equipment was being held up by a two by four and the police can do noth- ing about it. I have had com- plaints of rubbish and debris lying around after these oper- ators move 'out. In the past we could not stop these men com ing in. This bylaw is designed to protect the public who pat- Acting on a motion by Coun cillor Hugh O'Connell and Dep- uty Reeve R. Attersley, Whitby Town Council Monday night de- cided to expropriate the preme ises known as 300 High Street, Whitby. The building, now used as an apartment house, was at, one time the Ontario County Home for the Aged. Mr. Attersley said it is his hope that council can sit down with a developer so an apart- ment building, to blend in with the surrounding area, can be built. While there were only five building lots in the property, the town would be getting rid of a fire and health hazard. He was of the opinion the town could recover much of the money it would require to se- cure the property. Mr. O'Connell said that every member of council was fearful of the loss of life that would ensue if there were a fire in the building. He said it would be next year before all the legal matters connected with expro- priation could be completed. He asked that all possible speed be made to secure the property. Councillor T, Edwards and Reeve George Brooks both commended Councillor O'Con- EXPROPRIATE 300 HIGH STREET HUGH O'CONNELL man ROBERT ATTERSLEY nell on his motion, saying the action was long overdue. Coun- cillor Edwards said the town could have purchased the prop- erty in 1954 for $50,000. The price was now $82,000, he said. Any citizen who had any doubts about the council action should drive ground and look at the property. Council indicated it would place the matter in the hands of its solicitor immediately for action, F. |lie Giles, ronize them," said Councillor Tom Edwards. At the suggestion of Deputy} Reeve R. Attersley, Whitby ser-| emanate mut vice clubs will receive copies) of the bylaw. public should know what coun- cil is doing in. the conduct of} the town's business. | It was moved, as an amend-| ment, that committee of the whole council meetings should be considered as council meet- ings. Councillor Edwards object- ed on the grounds that such action would impose too much work on the clerical staff. Both the amendment and the motion were lost when put to a vote, WHITBY (Staff) - Members, of the Ontario - Durham Corps} of St. John Ambulance, under| the command of Corps Super- intendent R. Hawkins, held its} annual inspection Sunday after-| noon at the Whitby Community) Arena. All Oshawa and Whitby am- bulance and nursing divisions including the Ajax section, were Wing Friday Night hand for the march past the| re Brnscacwns Boag iy oct reviewing stand with Edgar Stone, president of the Ontario Council and Brigadier Eric Snow, provincial commissioner, taking the salute. © The inspection party included Mr. Stone, Brig. Snow, Lt. Col. S. F. Wotten, Mayor Desmond held when the pupils will dis- play their work and give dem- onstrations of arts and crafts as well as physical education. Mayor Desmond Newman, members of the Whitby District High School Board and other civic dignitaries' and the Hon. Dr. M. B. Dymond, Ontario minister of health, will also at- tend. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mac- Carl, 508 Colborne Street West, have returned from a_three- week vacation. In Victoria, B.C., they visited Mrs. Sidney LeVacq and in Vancouver, B.C. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sears. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Moly- neaux attended the funeral of the late Mac Hall of 'Tillson- burg, brother-in-law of Mrs. Molyneaux. St. Timothy's -Presbyterian Church Women's Guild, Ajax, is meeting this evening at the home of Mrs. Jean Foster, 137 for adults, one nursing care for a child: 16 supervision of the new-born and one post natal su- pervision. Thirteen new visits were made which included 10 for adult nur- sing care, one for child nurs- ing care, one post natar super- vision and one newborn super- vision. Ne need gene | St. | John Ambulance Members Get Awards Newman and Whitby Township Reeve Heber Down. DEMONSTRATIONS Following the inspection the ambulance and nursing divis- ions gave a number of first aid demonstrations, with sim- ulated casualties. These were viewed with much interest by the audience and given the ap- proval of Brig. Snow. The following special awards superintendent's awards to Staff Officer Peter Beeching and Nur- sing Supt. Mildred Koss; ser- vice bar to Dr. Ralph Kimmer- ly, conps surgeon; Stafford Cup to Cadet Superintendents Alex Scott and Robert Keene; a mer- it award to Mrs. Jacqueline Pet- tes, Whitby, for saving a life and a 10-year first aid certifi- cate to Irene Richard of the 274 Nursing Division, Oshawa. Mrs. Clements, Oshawa, pre- sented a training doll to Supt. Mildred Doss. MEMBERS PRAISED After the presentation of awards, Mr. Stone was intro- duced by Whitby Branch Chair. man Harry Inkpen. He gave brief address in which he con- gratulated all members of the corps on the high quality of their demonstrations and their smart appearance. He referred particularly to the dedication of Tulloch Drive, Ajax. their work in St. John as shown Donovan Crescent. Present were their godparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hedge, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Frankum, Whitby, also Mr. and Mrs, Les- Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walmsley and daughter Kelly, Oshawa; Frank Simpson, Mrs. Doris Rennick, Larry, Donald and Linda Frankum and James Simpson, Whitby. TUESDAY FREE Estimates, Reasonable Retes, Repair Speciclist. COMMUNITY ARENA WHITBY ROLLER SKATING EVENING TO LIVE ORGAN MUSIC 8:00 P.M. TO 10:30 P.M. ADMISSION 75¢ | | | ! | | | | Fast Dependable gr rod Dispatched ice. | ait vg by the almost unbelievable hours of voluntary public service, and in this connection made special mention of the hours of service given by the General Motors Division, Oshawa. Also of the exceedingly high stand- ards maintained by the Osh- awa and Whitby Divisions. Brig. Snow also congratulated the Corps members and refer- red to the high standards shown at the inspection and in their work throughout the year. Supt. Hawkins thanked Corps members for the co-operaton given him and gave special thanks to the members of the Whitby Brass Band, whose par- Te Cone RT f Municipal Board | To Review Decision PICKERING - Relative to an application by Pickering Town- ship, the Ontario Municipal Board has decided it should review its decisions on the town- ship's requests for an order en- larging a water area and ap- proval of the construction of watermains to service the en- larged area. The board will hold its re- view hearing, June 7, in the township council chambers. The original hearing was held last \Feb. 8. ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE 20 ticipaton added a great deal to the occasion. At the conclusion of the in- spection,.refreshments were ser- ved to members and guests by the Oshawa Auxiliary. WHITBY Now Playing One Compleve Program Each Evening At 7:30 SEVEN ARTS BAY STARK Asn ws PARAMOUNT PICTURES ret TONY CURTIS ROSANNA SCHIAFFINO. Ke aK & \\ ARRIVEDERCI, BAB Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Begins 9:10 ALSO--2nd Feature Attraction Begins 7:30 REVENGE OF THE GLADIATORS With Reger Brown -- Scilla Gabel {secure a copy of the bill for Press Release Irks Council WHITBY (Staff) - A press re- lease from Queen's Park, set- ting forth some of the provis- ions of the Municipal and Scho- ol Tax Credit Assistance Act whereby senior citizens may se- cure relief from school taxes, aroused the ire of council at its Monday meeting. Councillor Tom Edwards took great exception to one sentence in the release which said: ;,This bill, when enacted and adopted by the municipalities, will as- sist many of our older péople to remain in and maintain their own homes without. being sub- sidized by or a burden to other taxpayers."" MUST REPAY He said for the Hon. J. W. Spooner, minister of the depart- ment of municipal affairs, to tion was not true as the heirs of those who took advantage of the legislation would have. to repay the total amount of tax benefits allowed. It was moved by Deputy Reeve R. Attersley and Reeve George Brooks that a motion of censure be passed. Later, however, it was decided t table the communication and study, Mayor Newman, while admit- ting the statement in the re- lease was unfortunate, voiced the belief that no minister who had been in public life as long as Mr. Spooner would have made such a remark. MEANING SET FORTH Councillor O'Connell said he did not think a misstatement had been made; but rather that the release only set forth the Suggest there was no subsidiza- & THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, May 9, 1967 5 DANCERS GO WEST MILAN (AP) -- Three young as insensed as I am", said Coun- Hungarian ballerinas who were illor Edwards jsent to demonstrate the French ci Ss. can-can and Hungarian folk Reeve Brooks said the legis- dances in the West are being meaning of the legislation. "Some of my Tory friends are lation was not the type of thing|considered for political asylum the town was looking for. "Iflin he did not say it he would offer|Piec and Eliana Korbowska his apologies to all Ontario mu-|were sent to a temporary ree nicipalities", he said. Italy. Sofia Katz, Halina fugee camp. t EUVET i ® / 'One of the finest Canadian whiskies this country has ever tasted'-by ciseys ONTARIO Township of Whitby Ratepayers BROOKLIN The Coucil propose to establish the former Township Hall in Brooklin as a Community Centre to be administered and operated by a Board of Management comprised of five (5) Township Ratepayers and two totives, A meeting is to be held in the Community Hall on May 16th, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. to determine if there is sufficient interest for the appointment of such a Board. It would be the responsibility of the Board of Management, once formed, to establish regulations concerning the use of the building, including the rental of the facilities. The payment of hydro, heating and operating expenditures would also be considered the responsibility of the Boord. All Tewnship Ratepayers are invited to attend. WM. H. WALLACE (2) elected Council Represen- interested TOWNSHIP CLERK, TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY. Money: Look for t *910°2,500 Switch to : Matinée for the money Stay for the mildness SMOKERS CAN WIN he certificate in every pack of Matinée, TALKS CARS King Size or regular, If it's a lucky number, and you | 24 How Mr. and Mrs. Fred Archibald, |} Service Marblehead, 'Mass., disited ye we SCUGOG CLEANERS and Mrs 3 'Archial 3 Senvice maps Us. [| INTERMEDIATE GIRLS entre Street South, Call 723-1191 Visitors at the home of Mrs. _ SOFTBALL PRACTICE | ae meee, ~ re -- e outn, were ra Mrs. B. E. Downey of Bolton. SUITS | WED. MAY 10th 6.30 P.M. Barbara Eleanor and Roberta Tailored To Measure | sneer ike) 6 FREEMANS || CENTENNIAL PARK poem in Weis, rece Deda" icc All intermediate girls interested in playing tion followed at their home, 929 USS | pHairsle this year in Whitby and district § should contact... | ! |g FREE 24-HouR EEVE'S FRANK HENDERSON at 723-3828 or | By Our Local MEN"S SHOP HAROLD GODFREY at 668-3181 or ae 129 Brock St. S. Come to Park Wednesday Evening. SAWDON'S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 SPECIAL SAVINGS 412% Interest is calculated on the minimum monthly balance and compounded half-yearly. Withdrawals Anytime. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST WHITBY, ONT. -- 668-5897 Whitby 668-2091 ONE PI e@ FOR e@ REPL STEPS @ NON IMMEDIAT BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD DURA STEP TREADS ECE CONCRETE YOUR NEW HOMI ACEMENT FOR OLD sLIP SURFACE ON AND PLATFORM DELIVERY Vv Al PHONE 655°3311 See... and Test Drive These RECOMMENDED - QUALITY USED CARS Thoroughly reconditioned, with written guarantee for your complete driving enjoyment. 1963 PONTIAC 'PARISIENNE 4 DOOR HARD TOP Snappy 8 cylinder engine, tan in color, i 7 power steering, custom radio, 1962 FORD FALCON COACH Econmy "6" cylinder engine, attractively finished in two tone blue, custom radio. Lic. No. J 73564. CASH! TRADE! CONVENIENT LOW-COST TERMS ARRANGED transmission, lic, no. K 12559, BRAND NEW 1967 CHRYSLER, DODGE, CORONET, DART BIG SELECTION! READY TO DRIVE AWAY! High Trade-in Value -- Bank Rate Terms Enjoy '67 Better ! NORTHSIDE GHRYSLER DODRE Thousands who'v RECENT MATINEE € qualify, you can win $5, $25, $250, even $2,500! Mildness: Matinée is the mildest cigarette in Canada. this. Matinée has the exclusive Excello filter to make sure that your smoke is really mild, really relaxing. EVERY HOUR, EVERY DAY, MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE WINNING MORE AND MORE MATINEE CASH PRIZES! HERE ARE RECENT WINNERS IN THIS AREA: E. Tollestrup, Hamilton W, P. Kirkwood, Tillsonburg Mrs. M. B, Greer, London Mrs. Margaret MacDonald, Ottawa 1 Mr. Richard Keyes, Toronto Mr. S. Lyle Hess, Ottawa 5 Mrs. June Turnbull, Peterborough Mrs, B, R. MacNaughton, King more money, more mildness -- Matinée gives you more e switched have already discovered WINNERS -- LOTS MORE TO COME Mrs. A. Shaland, Toronto 18 Lionel C. Clark, London Mr. William Dufraimont, Simcoe Jeanine M. Crea, Brockville Joanne M. Boyum, Timagami Mrs, Dennis Anderson, Rexdale Mrs. Alice Przybilla, Toronto 8 Mrs, J. Cleaver, Simcoe

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