Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 May 1967, p. 19

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-Apartments for Rent. *: E-ROOM self-contained apartment ! entrance, $65 monthly including ind hydro. Available immediately. Nantais Bar-B-Q, Park Rd. South, KCELLENT location, two-bedroom lent and one-bedroom apartment. one 623-2609 or apply 76 Liberty wmanville, EDROOM unfurnished apartment coe N. containing Bells, ben and Adults only. $103 month! Credit Union building, two-bedrs couple refrigeratcr, seve os 'monthly, 330 Beuna Vista, ft. 1. EDROOM apartment, stove, re- lor, washer, dryer, dea " id €. Available June j. Adults. 725-1310, a8 5034. T 'One-bedroom apartment, building, sauna bath, swimming sii club, etc. Days 723-0591 and S 728-8362. unfure OOM apartment, $125 month in- hydro and heat, Available. April. phone 723-2024 after 5 p.m. _ MENTS for rent. Private bath, vater, stove and refrigerator. 68 725-3938. EDROOM apariments, May and includes drapes, appliances, oal- aundry, storage every floor. Bus , adjacent shopping. Free ser-.. . ve welcome. 723-5035, 725-9872, ae for five-room two- partment in apartment bonding, refrigerator inciuded, baby wel- Lease required. Telephone 7 100M apartment, private en. and bath, garage, close hospital vntown. 'Available now. Telephone P.M, 725-8365. 'BEDROOM upstairs apartment, nd back entrance, private bath, welcome. Close to bus and North Oshawa area. Telephone HED three-room apariment in lome, self - contained. Central. e June |. $75 monthly, Telephone BEDROOM ground floor "apart. ewly decorated, private en Parking. Close to Oshawa Shop- ntre. Available May 15, Working weferred. 725-1959 after 5 _P.m. '. S-room apartment, main | floor; backyard and garage, stove and vate $125 nent heat, hydro, in- Rosehill Blvd. 723-3211 725- DROOM apartment, bath, bal efrigerator and stove, hydroy. in a One child weicome, ithly, bedroom apartment in: small ' 'pullding, quiet, central and transportation. All facilities, wD. Adults only. Possession for 2 months, : 2-bedroom apts Noor, near South Plant. - Swim- ol, $120 month. No damage de- lone 728-1296. DROOM apariment, $125 _monthe | 291 Mariand, Apt. 107. 88 6134, DROOM apariment, | broadioom Jt, Stove and Hay Adults. Apply 4 side West. Apt. BEDROOM upstairs apartment, oe Newly decorated. Tele- IROOM apartments, 1 appliances, balcony. Laundry, very floor. Bus at door, adja- ping. Free services. Child wel- 5035, 725-9872. OM furnished "2 apartment, $100 Telephone 723-0275 fer 7 p.m. fer: 2 P months or lease, spacious includes irtment, frige Hillties. paid $145 Children Call. 728-7796, Ava' e July a two-bedrocm apariments, avails. 1, $110. Two children welcome... lh plant. 219 Cordova Rd., Apt, dase nights 723-5482. jo share her | furnished j with one other girl, 718 Dune t Bho loulfe Whitby, 668-8016 se " Pes iment in apartment ee bl "Street area, Tele« i os furnished apart. vate bathroom. Suit working --. $85 monthly, - more lor. Tele. <n bedroom apartment, aay decorated, ey wlth + appliances. $80 monthi ered. 'Available May "Is 668--~ Ae e a WAN to share. fully furnished" h three other young men. Pree - fice_ worker. r. Telephone 723-1840, ED apartment, Complete with. » private home, King Street ea efter § p.m. for appointments. it = 'cont : coscomtained kite living Newly dece nh small spariment building. sidential area. i ER laune ties. Adults only. 723. -- Small welt coniaiead na ond floor, steam heat, eg she IY, Posaetsion dune 1. > hree - bedroom aparimenise e jae eonian ee ie = room ariment,~ une private home, country area, ts preferred. $80 monthly. "4 off. No. 2° Hwy, Bowman- IDROOM apartment in "duplex, refrigerator, stove. Front yard. Separate entrance, $125 @. One child welcome. 723- "unfurnished, four - troome ed apartment, near hospital y. pee as 527: Mary elephone 7; anime in new irmony - Wilson South area, welcome, Jarge yard. imme- esgion. 723-1334, OR -- Lovely one-bedroom hes basement, washer, dry- yard, $85 monthly, plus "eliddon + Ritson area. 723- [DROOM apariment in small 'ing + Wilson area. Laundry nd parking, newly decorated, lune ist. _Aduits only. 725-4183, om 'apartment, private en- een, g0Fa0m monthly, a a private bath, *d unfurnished, second ftoor, Immediate possession, $85- ydro included. 589 Albert St. achelor apartments in apart nar bedsitting room, kitchen Ideal for couple, Furs i $85, Parking. 728- OM _unh th. furnished apartment, Apply at 216 Division M apartment at 191 Oshawa . Washer, dryer, cable tele- 30. Apply Apartment 4, 723- AINED one-bedroom base- ment, vdettak Fgh refrigerator otal expen $85 monthly, 'Available June 1. d lai 28-2. Mat caatmanr abstainers. | and ve supplied. 68 Mc- e, side door TMENTS 7 RENT -- $80 tIf-contained In large apart- ng within walking" distance mn. Frigidaires stoves ilable May 1. Ed. Disney, E-, or five-room + hydro, water nce, schools close. Tele» a 188 days, 728-7288 evenings, ete hah arin lash clean three room apartment, and stove, self contained, 1e, temnonabie rent. u South ee icaiahed ap apart. d floor, centrally located, all paid. Telephone 728-7283 or wo - bedroom unfurnished stove and refrigerator, cen- i. Tg adults. Telephone don ar Furnished two- rand Private entrance and bath, at, aie, Ss aa School- elcome. Avenue. broad- and stove, heat, Two _ children 1. Telephone included. ailable July . apartment, p private ed, stove and refrigerator, able, Telephone 723-7041 oF ary Street after 4. COVERAGE at iow cost is t with Classified Ads. Phone an ad-writer, Rooms for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale 34--Automobile Repoir. 38--Coming Events MUST SELL -- Best offer. '65 Chevro let Impala, convertible, 283 engine. aute- ATTRACTIVELY 00: atic t ission, power steering and FURNISHED R iM Brakes. REM ~~ radio, adel gilable i private home. [Positraction rear end. 723-7829. "67 CHEV CHEVROLE goa a hard- top, vinyl roof, 327, Sell or trade on late mode. TMI 6 Ii between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. used FRED STONE Brooklin --- 655-3653 REBUILT ENGINES 6 CYL. Exchange Price as low as $165.00 BINGO 728-867 | SAVE DOLLARS! Several good 8 CYL. Exchange Price BMFORTABLE ROOMS [cist azarem flr sun oT aa WEEKLY RATES 1959 OLDSMOBILE, runs well, good body TRANSMISSION ° MAID SERVICE and tires, very clean. Lady driven. Ask- CENTRE ing $350, Will take older car as part payment, 668-5071. 1960 OLDS convertible, out, power brakes and sfééring, Telephone 655-3461. | La Carte Restaurant on Premises. «Mrs, James Maher WHITBY HOTEL A-1_ Inside and $550. 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 Transmissions ore Our Only Business -- Repai ie jee Share Wealth er $20 Consolation attendance, FREE ADMISSION All. regulor games $10 the Jackpot $150 in 54 Nos, Good service for greater | IN MEMORIAM | FOR | SMITH -- in eb Sed memory of @ dear | father, Norman aati, who passed DNIPRO HALL at 'mar fee, seeribartul tether EVERY TUESDAY | [eee ee en ees, 7:30 P.M. We always Fane 'Ten ton, $o every day our hearts go out, To the dearest and best of fathers, Who never had time to think of himself But always thought of others. ~-Always remembered by daughter Jes- sie, son-in-law rho and granddaugh- ters Penny and Wend: SMITH -- In loving memory of Themas | Norman, @ dear father and grandfather, | who passed away May 9, 1964. Your gentle face and patient smile '46 MERCURY coupe, 341 cu. inch buick| ments, Exchanges, All Work DNIPRO HALL With sadness we recall, Also Ran In Order: Missy's Gem, Sure| Also Ran In Order; The Knack 2nd, 668-2337 motor and accessorley. Fifteen coats of] Guaranteed, Corner Bloor and Edith Sts. | You had. kindly word for each, to Please, Maebest, Burnt Offering, And A-Runways nae ame tell the. sad story. PLaTELY furnished bed - sitting|ted lacquer. Good Fo ne ee bagel py sila the heart [shadow Chaser and September Sails = A -- Dane Hill Acres ent Suddenly the British have 'and i, > Residen ti 987-4660. 35--Lost and Found Thet 'ad us 'eel Gad trues | {ee Baily Double, Full Force (5) and The Exactor, Amber Tea 'and Vere Of awakened to an appalling prob- "buses 9 CHEVROLET wagon, excellent Body EORT_ Diomons-eranoemnt ng" VE SHRINE CIRCUS | ansiter was the trial hy part en eee Met ne lem in their midst--teen-age| NISHED me 5 "eaany located. Suan ss pee 'week. Wellman's, 728-|Ity Oshawa Shopping Center or Civic From one $9 good @ |. THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,200, maiden. SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2, ra 4!- narcotics addiction mh: ely, Call bolere 7 pm, 6 Tt : Auatoriom, Friday. Reward. Telephone FRI. & SAT. You are not forgotten, ioved one, |, gAIRD RACE -- Purs lowances, three yoar old fillies, 6 Furs) yy ad s i 70-011 Nor will you ever be, |S-Great Cohoes, Bowcut 3.80 3,00 2.50 7-Flamatory, K 17.70 '30 5.00 Prime Minister Wilson's gov SHED ROOMS for girls, with ki-| 1961 WOLESLEY, 499 May 12, 13 As long as life and memory last | 2.Son Of Bruce. Dittfach 4.30 3.60 4Askew, Hin 4.20 2.70, ernment, concern ver ISHE! 9 or nearest ae Reconditioned 3 I We will remember thee. |7-Amanotis, Hinojosa 3.80 2-Right Page, Fitzsimmons 4.40 is Oe Over: SORE, motor, In 6--Lege Tickets available at: Horry's Wa miss you now, our hearts are sore, |Time s4 3-5 Time 113 35. ing drug addiction figures, is -- Barber Shop, 23 Bond St. E., Your: levitw ariles Your ents face, 2 Fin od gy Mad tied gal en eeu Royal), Alse Ran In Order: Guidecca, | Miss drafting amendments to exist- herd T Sports aeivne, eer Uni Royal Centre, 17 Park | No one can fill your vacant place, Late 'scratch: 8: Good Jimm Trip, pio Alas 'ory ing laws, , furnished or un-|inder automatic, clean, excellent condi : cael, reme by daughters | y In Britain f, ily doct Apply 31 Charles tion. Telephone after 5.30, 725-6372, Rd. S. Guide Realty Ltd, |Gisays,, oyce, sons. John and. Fred, | FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,200, claim-| EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 haan te binceeite teen ne seem cmmnwscrmme| CREDITORS | 26,0 faa Chess [Sizaaee moterittn ante np rs od 2D denn ve MY alowed prserb . steering, power " rine 'y rT . od 1 1-16 miles 3-Take The Pot, Fitz'ns 0.00 4,70 3.10 fully equipped, new paint, new motor i 3Red Purse, McComb 12.70 5.40 4.50 4-Golden Lamp, Grubb 4:00 2.80 Telephone ery AND OTHERS N. Performances, Fri. 4 p.m. A LASTING TRIBUTE -- ieee: ace. ae teehee wate' ieee ve An independent committee on ini PONTIAC Gallen We ae -- 8 p.m. Sat. de ace 8 For Permonence and dignity | Zpiedei, ARMSTRONG V9, Time 113 45 drug - taking 'eh the main y ' ; : .m. Down i Time 147 Also Ran In Order: Al kes, Misty'source of illicit drugs is a few bedrooms, kitchen, bath-|@vtomatic, excellent condition, Tele-| Creditors and others having p.m. town an: PPINg we suggest 5 R d al Ce eae 4 phone 726-3361 or 723-2625. Centre. Special buses, Fri, MOUNT LAWN oe Gin Gai erty Tay, Pilot Rays! (Bair Was. Bonty.: 2 2 ES57,9¢1, doctors who prescribe exces- close to downtown, working girls OF boys. '6s CHEV. Super Sport, V8, automatic, Power equipped, bucket seats. Telephone 723 0656 after six. '6 RAMBLER Ciassix. Save $1,000, six cylinder, Fa Hab dig ona Bank fi- nancing. 728. @ ) PONTIAC Sa aa automatic, 'adio, $50 down, $43 per month. Well- man's 728-735), 43 RAMBLER, no down payment, $10 per week, radio, one owner. Wellman's, 728-7351, ble for ble, immediate possession. 4 Oshawa Bivd. South. SS INISHED housekeeping rooms. Apply King Street West, furnished rooms, a 1d ot couple or Lie person. Tele- aha bedroom in private home. to bus. Gentleman preferred. Tele- 72-8 NISHED BEDROOM, semi-privat ance. Centrally located, bus stop at 't. door. nm only, $8 weekly. ie, ti eping room, pri- he we Mn Nocaog near Wilson - Olive $11 weekly. Telephone 4439. payment, $9 per week. Wellman's 728- 7351. 195 CHEVROLET station wagon, V-8, stick shift. Excellent very good hg body rusted. $150. Phone 728-5668. 1956 LINCOLN four-deor, good running Condition. Cheap transportation. Appl 201 Nassau Street or telephone 728-9607 after 4 p.m. IRNISHED bedroom, central, shift er welcome. Adult ome ie Glad- Avenue. Telephone 7; IO furnished rooms, row sa and é included, for clean couple, on Rit Road near big i NE store. 214 Arthui leet. Telephone 7: wrentian, V-8 automatic, is, seat belts. Good 668-8126. '41 CHEVROLET impala, two-door hard- top, six cylinder, automatic, radio. Tele- phone 723-0264. 162 VOLKSWAGEN, one owner. No down mechanically. Tele- | claims against the estate of CHARLES LYNCH, who died et the City of Toronto, Jon- uery 22nd, 1967, are re- quested to send porticulors of such claims to the under- signed, solicitors for the Ad- ministratrix, on or before the 3rd of June, 1967, after which date the. Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims that have been re- ceived, MARKS and McNEELY, Solicitors, 17 King St. East, OSHAWA, Ontario. 4 i |, DAVID L. FLOWERS of 345 Oshawa 1, JOHN W, Signed, David L. Flowers FOSTER of 26 Le Salle be Sat. 3:30, 4:00 ond 7:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS Auction Sale SATURDAY, MAY St. Andrews United Church Parking Lot Rain or Shine Auctioneer CLIFF PETHICK Sponsored By Bivd. South, wil not be responsible 4 ST. ANDREWS any debts contract in my name anyone on or after this back May 6, 1967, COUPLES CLUB oni Lwithout my: writien cones RUMMAGE SALE, Vincent May. 11 at 10:30 a. Home. and School, ae Hall, Thursday, | For courteous advice please visit the Park Office, 723-2633 13 Tributes | To Departed Mothers and Grandmothers | ar will' be 'published in iThe Oshawa Times| Court, Oshawa, will not for any debts contracted in my anyone on or after this date, May % ans) ner of Albert-Jackson, Wednesde SOCIAL BINGO, 7 George's Hall, cor- iy, May body and paint job. Complete new ex- haust system, Rain tires. Car in A-1 con- dition, Blue interior and exterior. Tele- phone 728-6760 or 723-6785 or apply 285 Sharbot Street after 5. "63 MERCURY, 4-door matic, gual steering, brakes, rear win- wner, mileage, _ trade, Apply: 25 Division St. etn BOARD for gentlemen. Home » Parking, UL Hddggeelt ear - or seven-day week. dow, one low rere Road be fen Me terms, Best offer. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, PLBORNE EAS nd | 1985-7160, ard, gentleman to lola los 0 north j |. TV privileges, parkin: 966 DOM AND BOARD for aes good sale. Parking. Close to bus. Also house- ping room available. 7284845, OM (board optional) for working girl 5 rc packed. Close to BAUMONT, sports deluxe, banal power steering, pow bucket seats, console, radio ater Telephone 668-4844. 1989 PONTIAC, two-door, six dal standard transmission, paint lob, exhaust system, good fires, A+! throu ion. nly Also Mag Buick hardtop V-8 Best for AND BOARD hes packed, nd 725-9843. i948 Pontiac frodoer sg ca automatic, ri Or lwo lone eige Bi ayayeetive or seven|liaht yellow. $1,200, 7285758 after 5. 'COMMODATI irders, willing % share. week, u 1 ag Teonery je. Telephone 725-6 AND san "> gentlemen, 1957 PONTIAC four - door sedan. Good Hla uation. Almost new tires. $200 or best offer, 668-8382. 723-2481 cooked meals, large room, STATION WAGON, Beaumont 1966. ral location. Telephone Teme. Four-door, custom, automatic, radio, St, E. warrenty. Srivere, Cash only.. Phone eae a, ly, aut ome 'a CHIVESLET ea Air, Jeutomatic, " You 1% ir, @ ic, : radio," Excellent itfon. close. to Telephone 6:15. ROOM AND pene, lunches 'elephone 725-6070. ea renal Ba fone ae ve ith black l- loor yellow wi act baa Hea oral Sr he: vinyl top. $1,600 cash. 623-2061 after 5 Possess! ee poe ad Tele- | P.™. 72-4161. ir 'a seen 31--Compact Cers for Sale ANTED {head + bedroo! house by couple with three school age children, for ay zt In south west area. Telephone te VOLVO and PEUGOT % MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South . Phone after 5 o'clock. y-4963. 'es ia RAMBLER hardtop, no down" pay- rent, $18 per week. V-8 automatic and Like new. Lic. K8284, Wellman's, two BOARD~ for bus. packed, one* or near factory installed four- , TRANSFERRED from Sie ae couple, ed children bes ged two thi 'com home June 1. May bent Interested in buying. Write Box 67165, Oshawa Times. 30---Automobiles For dale The Rambler Kings Bowmanville & Peterborough MAY SALE Lower than Toronto Prices. Bonk Rate Financing. 60 Day 3,000 Mile Warronty. Up To 60 Months To Pay. OVER 40 SELECT CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. 728-0051 TRENT ie Bickel seule radio Taulomnetle Splendid condition, 725-2804. sedan, V-8, auto- $1,450 IN PRIZES Oshawa Lions Club 2 JACKPOTS Nos. 52 and 58 One Must Go $300 in 52 Nos. or Less $200 in announced Nos, $25. Consolation Prize PLUS $10 per line both gomes Early Bird Game 7:45 Sharp Guaranteed Minimum $5 Per Line $25 Full Card $150 Jackpot Game 20 Regular Games at $20 Double in 15 Nos. or less Last 5 Games $30 per game ADMISSION 50c Bus service leaves King and Simcoe Streets at 7:00 and 7:15 p.m, The biggest prize money in the orea for a 50c admission charge. EVERY WEDNESDAY All Proceeds to Charity Jubilee Pavilion 1966 MUSTANG ji ellent condition. IEAN furnished room in private home wd six. cylinder, radio. 10,000] Without my written consent LB Bad inti sis based SAT., MAY 13th Signed, John W. Foster Ul a respectable lady. 55 Bruce lephone 668-4003. d 39--Notices : bs May hoa an! Bn ing Whitby. 38--Coming Events WATCH our new station grow. Clements'! To ensure publication in this Room and Board Telephone 668-8775. ; Superisst, corner of Simcoe and. Wil- '5 1965 WHITE MUSTANG three-speed stick liam. Streets. Open for bosiness during ; iti SINGLE ROOMS shift, rebuilding. Telephone 720-8473 Special Edition priced. Telephone 576-3236 anytime. 4) OLDSMOBILE Starfire convertible, and BOARD power steering; brakes, seat, windows, Wunderbar radio and rear speaker, new Telephone BIRTHS 723-3492 GEISBERGER -- Arnold and Doris (nee Park) are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Lise Marie, on Monday, May 1, 1967, at Oshawa General Hospital. A little sister of Lynda, Pavi The Oshawa Times T ERIE RACE RESULTS THE OSHAWA TI. MES, Tuesday, May 9, 1967 19 r IONDAY, MAY 8 jLate Scratch: Arab Pring FIRST mace -- Purse $2,200, claim- The Exactor, Red Purse and Champin- i. maiden 3 and 4 year olds, foaled in' nat, Paid $86.10 & , 1 mile and 70 yards isu Force, Barreby 44 3.80 2.70 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400, seg Dreamy Jo, Grubb 6.10. 3.50 ing four year olds and up 6'2 ry [spare Honey, Brownell 3.50 1-Canadian Statute, Bell 6.20 Time 148 3-5, Cloudy and Muddy 3-Bonnie Zenith, Turcotte 0 ty | Also Ran In Order: Deal Around, Mel- |7-Tickled Silly, Dittfach 2.90 jville, Brief Lad, Weight Watcher, Dark Time 119 lAssault and Edashara Also Ran In Order: Alberta Sunshine, Quick Response and Willow Twig SECOND RACE -- Purse Cda, 1 mile and 70 yards ing maiden 3 and 4 year ol 'da, 1 mile and 70 yards }1-Set The Course, Hin'sa 11, }7-Miss Haysin, Dittfach |éItalian thse Ferraro |Time 147 2-5 Maple and Gun Artist FORT ERIE ENTRIES } MONDAY, MAY 9 | FIRST RACE -- Mile Pace. Condition- 5-Northwood Be $2,200, claim- ids, foaled in 4 ances, three year olds, 6/2 Fu td 6.40 4.60 3-Amber Tea, Barroby 3.50 30 2.10 scene of dope pushers--19-year. 5.70 4.00 1A-MoreOf Mort, Gordo 3.50 ed ie elon, Ps nhl ta old girl dies after drugs party. Time 11 London newspaper headlines Attendance, 4,672, Total Ha Late Scratch 7-Roving Gypsy, Ppurly gerk 50 $.1 Tell Sad Story On Britain's Young Addicts LONDON (AP) -- Schoolgirls S06 Bk to ae turn to vice to get narcotics--|children who become addicted "The tragic situation is that fashionable London church is|to purple hearts are unable to -|find the money to purchase more supplies except by acting as agents themselves," he said. Dr. John Owens, consultant jPsychiatrist at a Birmingham jhospital, observes: "The teen- age culture today is not against drug taking." Authorities at Cambridge Uni- versity areinvestigating charges that the hallucinatory jdrug LSD is being produced by | Science students on the campus, claim- allowed to prescribe heroin and PROUD OF ATTITUDE sively for addicts. Under proposed legislation, Until recently the British were jproud of their permissive atti- tude toward addicts. Authorities believed they were striking the right balance with humane jtreatment of addicts as sick people needing medical atten- laddicts will be able to obtain|tion. supplies only at special drug centres in hospitals. o 350, There are 1,000 narcotics ad- In 1960 a government commit- tee reported that the scale of drug addiction was so small and mill 7,40 $1 (diets recorded through the sys-|so well controlled that '"'we see registration|no grounds for suggesting fur- The/ther statutory control over ha- Now it is generally admitted that the system has failed, It works only if doctors do not joverprescribe and if addicts do |not sell their surplus to people jnot yet addicted. Both practices have become common. The number of heroin addicts has risen from 62 officially re- corded in 1958 to 670 last Sep- tember. And they grow steadily younger: none under 20 in 1959, 145 in 1965. The use of marijuana has also [shown a marked increase since 1960, For Alberta ed. Purse $1,000. 3-Dell_ Humes, gan 1-Rough Sketch, W'ster 3.80 2.70 2.20' Also Started: Claybrook Star, Corporal tem of voluntary 8-Replica Herbert, Herbert 3.80 2.80/Adios, Frisco Killean, trish Flight and) and prescription records. 2-Leta Herbert, Wapl 2,30 D Van. , Ale: Stated: Seles faa Phil unofficial figure is put at 2,000/bit-forming drugs." Mary, Carol Knight, Jimmie Atom. and SIXTH RACE -- Mile Trot, Claiming. to 3,000. Babe Adios. Purge $1,2 \ao eet ; | SMr. Scolt Key, F aan oa $10 3.30 This compares with 532 in | SECOND RACE -- Mile Pace, Cond. 3-Josedale Roya! Pal, W' 3.20 2.40 1962, The Vera Institute of Jus- | Purse $1,000. 2-Leo Ibaf, Bolly 3.10 ~ j ' |S-Autumn Frost, Filey 4.70 3.20 3,00 Also Started: Sy idY's | J.G.r Jimmie tice ah New York, making a |}-Colone! | Cole, Curran 6.20 3.20 Mac, Wee Crusad on i Van 5 Pride c. joint study with the British, 8-Harry Dillon, Arthur 5.00 XAC 5 AN % iD says ritai ry Also Started: Adios Ollie, Brambles, 1000 Britain will have at least Laura Way Sultan, Keystone Parma and, SEVENTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Claim-| 10,000 addicts in the 20-year-age allant Armbro ing. Purse $1,400 range within five years. |DAILY DOUBLE, 1 AND 5, PAID $13.80. 7-Noral Gale. C bell 12.90 6.40 4.50 he gitention park is worry 8-Johnnie Hy, Dav 5.40 3.80 nt i . prHiro RACE -- Mile Trot. Claiming Santa Raider. \ PR the British. Ben Parkin, a 'urse $800. iso Starte ob, Jennifer/y . 'i ~ Speedy Song, Rogers 16.40 6.39 5.40 Byrd, Marabelle y Brooks and| Labor member, told the Com- |5-Janet'9 Son, Moreau 3.30/Senator Mir. mons he knew of cases where |3- Edson, Boily 4.70 aes dr , ry Also Started: Dictator Pick, Marianne. EIGHTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Cond schoolchildren were peddling Riddell, 'Todd | Raymond. Flemington's Purse. $1,501 ae aa Pee "gg rent purple hearts-- an and Danny K. Peters (DQ). ionna's Champ 6.40 4 in the classrooms an s, DQ--Danny K. Peters finished second, 1-Greentree > 3.40 2.60) 0 d f thei h - play was placed eighth for interference. |5-Merrywor n 3.50 Srounds 0} eir schools. Also Started c d Wick, Henrietta FOURTH RACE -- Mile Pace, Condi-/ Sue, Mr. Chief C., and Wainut Herbert, tioned. Purse $800. | é-Lori Lyn Hal, L'gille 46.60 19.60 6,90, NINTH RACE -- Mile Trot. Cond.| 1-Dwain Grattan, Feagen 7.60 4.60| Purse $1,400. 4Tom's Lady, Holmes 3.00'3-Honey Dares, Kopas 23.50 8.50 4.50 Also Started: Victory Dale, Sing Out,/5-Lega! Sal, Walke 5.00 3.40 Invader Lobell, Armbro Hamlet and 1-Happy MacDuff, Pacey |Armbro Frolic. Also Started: Bucky Song, Loftus Lee, . a Kelly Tod, Harwood Bc oy, 'ahd Mr, Galo-| FIFTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Claiming. phone 'Attendance, 6,286, Handle, $307,591, Purse $800, GREENWOOD RACEWAY GREGG, Bilia West, Pickering. Funeral in the chai 2 p.m. . Interment Claremont emetery. HEADLAND, Emily Lovise Entered into rest at Fairview Whitby, on ¥, May 7, 'sal Louise roagiend), beloved wife jate Clifford Headiand, fermerly o Eachnie Funeral Home, Ki Road West, arene. in the 10 a.m, Cemeter Funeral iorment St. '2 PARISH, Kenneth reg Children, Toronto, on any pe 1967, Kenneth Parish, al Mrs. Kenne' Sehaval in his eighth year. For particulare telephone the Funeral Home, 728-5173, POWLENZUK, David AUTO 8ALES 66 HILLMAN Tine one owner, auto- LTD. " $ E.; Bowmanville matic, radio. No down permienty $15 per King St. a Wellman's 728-7: 965 MGB sporis car. In excellent con- 623-3305 bitten" One owner car, Telephone 668- 5691 or 668-4374. 321 Palace Street, Whitby. "ART ROBINSON CARS WANTED Best cash prices in town. Scrap or oe purposes. All. ho 725-3176 52 Woyne St. MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH 1960. VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, good con- dition, radio, well feet, one owner car. For information call. 728-2924, 1962 ENVOY, new brakes, new shocks, excellent eo condition, best offer. '64 SUNBEAM Imp, 13,000 original miles. Perfect second car. Private. Telephone 723-2135. 32--Trucks for Sale FOUR van trucks. sultable for ca me erg. All car parts, Courtice Auto Wreck- ers, 723-5238, 1956 Ve-TON Chevrolet pick-up truck. jody needs repairs.. Motor good, Tele- phone 668-6234, 723-9421 on. $110. Telephone "28-8041, 104 Atha- basca Street. RAMBLER camper, Telephone 725 me suitable for SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT 33--Automobiles Wanted AJAX LADIES' PIPE BAND CENTENNIAL BALL Sat., May 13 KINSMEN: HALL OSHAWA Tickets $3 per couple Dancing 8 p.m, - 12 p.m, Featuring the Glengarry Orchestra also entertainment by the Ajax Ladies' Pipe Band and their guests the Ontario Regiment Pipes and Drums For tickets call Mrs. M, Little 723-6487 and fe Skinulis (Darlene), Mrs, key (Marie), Gerald and Dennis Oshawa in his 30th year. Resting at 2 Pom. Union Cemetery. ROBERTS, Jemima 8, Roberts mother of Mrs. Ruth. Home, Charles and Restin, strong Funeral ihawa, May 11, at 2 p.m, Interment Lawn Cemetery. Gree Into rest Bt cate eee McD ld. the 4 d ¥, on Monday, May 8, , Ella}McDonald, the deceased was a Blange, beloved 'ite othe tate Thom. daughter of the late Mr. and tovi aunt ot William and Biabop Mrs. John McDonald. Born at indsor, Gordon, Jean andiGolspie, Scotland, she was Isabel Gregg. Mrs. Gregg is resti: at ore 4 ; ' no married Dec. 24, 1918, in McEachnie rierat Home, 28 Kingston Reed pel on Wednesday, May 10 at Union ering. Mrs. Hoadlans Is resting at Mc: on We inesday, 'May 10 at som' Norway Entered into rest in The Hospital for Tuesday, beloved th Parish, Armstrong Entered into rest in Notre Dame de la Merci Hospital, Montreal, on Friday, M Butler. minister of May 5 as @ result of @ car accident near . L i Quebec, on February 2, Cedardale United Church, will David Powlenzuk beloved son of Helen conduct the service, the late Matthew Powlenzuk, brother of Mrs. John DeHart (Sylvia), Mrs. Rob- Dennis Mac- Armstrong. Funeral Home, Oshawa, with owe service in the chapel Tuesday, Interment Oshawa Entered into rest in the Oshawa General ost Neal (Babs), Oshawa, grandmother of Susan, Patricia, Catherine, John, James, at the Arm- funeral service in the chapel Thursday, General Hospital. The former Jemima Grant service |, 4orento. A resident of Canada since} 1910, Mrs. Roberts lived for a number of years in Toronto and for the past 33 years in eat Oshawa. She was a member oti |of Cedardale United Church. Predeceased by her husband, Edward Joseph Roberts, Oct. 31, 1965, Mrs, Roberts is sur- vived by a daughter, Mrs. Arthur Neal (Babs) of Oshawa and -seven_ grandchildren, Susan, Patricia, Catherine, John, James,.Charles and Ruth Neal. The memorial service will be held at 2 p.m., May il, at the Armstrong Funeral Home. Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. ingston service further FUNERAL OF MRS. LOTTIE ADAMS The memorial service for Mrs. Lottie Adams, who died at all of at the within reach of all GERROW New and Used Cars Easy to Finance ot -NICOLS MOTORS LTD. WHITBY -- 668-3331 OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE Specializing in rebuilt auto-' matic and standard transmis- sions. GUARANTEED WORK 576-2610 WANTED Good clean local cars for " tosh. MORLEY STALKER MOTORS ig West 723-6322 ARE YOUR MONTHLY CAR PAYMENTS (00 HIGH? Consolidate your bills. We trade up or down. BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 1250 Dundas E., Whitby 668-5871 CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer ond "Save"'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 © piel AUTO KING CO. Cars w fi pares for sale. tron and metals Bloor Street East. 725-2311. 137 Ki 723-8311 ROWE TOURS Western Tour July 22 - Aug. 12, 22 days. Price $350. Places of interest: Yellowstone Park, Salt Lake City, Reno, San Francisco, Seattle, Van- couver, Victoria, Banff many others, Newfoundland & East Coast Tour, Sept. 2-18. 17 days. Price $285. Places of interest: Quebec City, Expo, Gospe, Pierce, P.E.I., Newfoundland. . Travel Air Conditioned, washroom . motor coach. For information phone or write ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY PORT HOPE 885-2527 WANTED: Cars and trucks for wrecking. charge for towing. Best prices paid. Meeshore 728-4549 Robert Nichols. d WANTED -- '6] to '62 Corvair, condi- tion of motor unimportant. Telephone 263-2508. 4 anytime, 'GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED RR No, 3 Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid. TERMS. _ Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 1962 gesagt 6 cylinder, auto matic. Good buy fer person mechanically minded, $475, Telephone 723-3517, TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS SELL... and SELL... ond SELL... 50c KINSMEN BINGO ' Kindness beyond Price, yet FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 Highest Ruler, No Irish Jive, Inouye 112 Little: Odds, No Boy 8-115 Khaki John, Gomez 120 Centre Island, Bell X110 Also Eligible: Stanhope Gate, Ferraro 120 Brookhurst, Hinojoga A-120 A--Golden Stable entry Claiming (3000). foaled in Canada. 61 Dollar, Scholar, Dittfach 116 Top Cadet, No Boy A-116 Queencrest, Thomas B-XXX West Term, No Boy A-116 Alert Alec, Nedeav 116 Muskoka, No Boy B-111 Dixie Pet, No Boy 114 Tempered Sea, No Boy 111 Strong Willed, Aye Boy 116 Canisteo, Elliot 116 Furs Royal Embassy, Also Eligible: Harvonian, McComb C-116 Navy Grand, Le XXXK106 Alter C-116 jing (12,000). | Furs. Des Erables, Brockton Bo Sirius 2nd, No Arctic Canuck, Vintage Port Mornins' Mo Royal Harbin) President Jim, B--Meadow Acres and Dane Hill Acres|Am Battle, No Bc A---Garden City St able and Pine Tree Four-year-olds and up,|Try Brandy, Freedoms Hope, |Viva La Bell, 96 Thomas Hinole entry | Stable entry THIRD RACE -- Maid. en three-year-ol files "ioivn so Ist), 6 SEVENTH RACE -- Purse Furs added "inferno Stakes.' Two-year~ Pretty Fussy, Ferraro 118 |4% Furs Panorama, Grubb X113 [Here's Stampede, Gomer. 110 Butternut Bay, No Boy 113 {Big Blunder, Berry i] Miss Waldemar, Gordon 113 Disney Fiyer, No Boy Ns Musical Quill, Grubb X113 Vics Turn, No Boy 105 Road Beyond, Gubbins 113 Ovation, Dittfach 117 Bernbertl, Hinojosa 118 |Dance Me Loose, Hinolova 107 Forest Nymph, Elliott 113 Young Gerry, Afmstrong 113 EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,200. Glitter Mountain, Dittfach 113 Claiming (3000). Four-year-olds and up. 1 1-16 Miles FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000.;Gum Swamp, Walsh 113 A-XXX1i2 Thomas A-KXX112 14 Arab Prince, No Boy B- 113 101 |Comedy, No Valey Town, |A--Falcon Stable and Tara Hills Farm entry \B-- wv AA Latimer and WG Gallagher ho Ibs AAC Danish Dancer, |Count O'War, No Boy No Boy 113 n3 Boy B-114 Platts XXX104 |cextcTor WAGERING) X--5 Ibs AAC; XX--7 Ibs AAC; XXX-- POST TIME 2 PM i Boston Hillsdale Manor, May 5, in her L Pet. GBL| 86th year, was held at the Arm-|cincinnati Tw sory eg strong Funeral Home at 2 p.m.,/pittsburgh 12 7 .632 2 |cleveland May 8. St. Louis 13. 9 .591 2%) Kansas Cit 'eaward| The service was conducted|,tianta 122 9 S71 3 é Arthur|by Rev. Dr. H. A. Mellow, of Philadelphia 10 10 .500 414) Northminster United Church. Chicago 10 10 .500 4% ' Interment was in Riverside|can Fran 10 12 455. ig) NOW York withiCemetery, Lindsay. New York 8 13 .381 7 Mount} The pallbearers were Rich- Los Angeles 8 13 .381 7 ard Adams, Robert Adams, |rHouston 7 16° 304 9 Robert Day, Gordon Day, Jr., Monday's. Results moston Rociias ; Adams and George seh Phen ede Chicago ' posi ake ' go 2 Brees mga' Atlanta at Philadelphia ppd, | Dobson 0- Houston Sells Dick Farrell LOCKE'S FLORISTS HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)--Hous- 2--$2,00.--Nos, 52 and 50 $25. Consolation TUESDAY See Saturday's Ad ADMISSION .50c *|}LOSE SOMETHING? Place a fost ad |i Classified to reach the finder. Dial 723- 3492 for an ad-writer today, « rain St. Louis 6 Pittsburgh Los Angeles 4 Houston 2 Only games scheduled Probable Pitchers Today Cincinnati (Nolan cd at New York (Fisher 1-2) N St. Louis (Carlton 1-1) at Pitts-| f Washington NI 1-1) 10 10 10 y BASEBALL SCOREBOARD By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS)New York 900 500 429 429 421 -400 10 9 .12 9 12 8 11 8 12 Monday's Results Washington 7 Minnesota 4 2 California 3 (Santiago 1-1 Kansas City and Odom 0-2 or at 0-4 Probable Pitchers Today New York (Stottlemyre 2-2) at California (Brunet 1-4) N and Lon- 1) TN (Coleman Minnesota (Grant Detroit (McLain 2-3) at Cleve- land (McDowell 2-0) N Chicago (Peters 2-1 or Howard 1-2) at Baltimore (Phoebus 2-1) 1-3) N Wednesday's Games EDMONTON (CP)--Neil Rei- the 45-year-old leader of/again, just 90 votes behind Lib- jmer, the Alberta. New Democratic |Party, has been cast by Pre- and: Ronnie, ifi WEDNESDAY, MAY 19 |Royal Doctor, Steve a Y by Classified Dept. CLOUDY AND SLOW The Strangler, Elliot |mier Manning as the villain of ~~ FIRST RACE --Purse $2,200. Majden'Kerry's |mp | I vinci 'nuk Ged fer Ger bone antl ae three-year.ol flies, & Furs Aen Gav. Chant: No. Boy..13 me May 23 provincial general baby' daughter, Lisa Louise, on Mon. Before Eriline, Simone XXX103 [Black Kitten, Boy 111 election. day, May & 1967, at Oshawa General Cloudy Mist, Grubb X108 jA~Mrs P Oroyin ahd C Bordonare The premier has said several jal. A sister for Andy and Brad. Pinch ©' Fancy, Buttigies XXX103 entr Pi ig al te Br. Anderson Pett NOON Maple Beauty, McLeod XXX103 |B- "Tartield Stable and Tara Hills Farm | times the election will be @ con- Be An Angel, No Boy 113 | en chu head bibl THURS MAY 11th Tudor Town, Hinojosa aig C--L i " Hueipel and J Weber entry bees ne a pena ar bo fg Strateo, Kornblum XX106 | . Fok - Nie and en Ann (hee Added Luxury, walt Re eiety RACE -- rue ot: allow: the bogey-men. re are hay , Gri ances, Four - year - olds and up, foaled| ',, * Dia tee the Po TA ty Atisk: Perréeo 118 in Genadar One vid 70 yards | "If that's the way he wants 7, 1967 at Oshawa General Hospital Speedy Lament, oby 115 jit, we won't back down," says Special thanks to Dr. Ros# and fourth SECOND RACE--Purse $2,100. Claim- Koura, Inouye A Mr. Reimer floor steff, ing (7500). Maiden two-year-olds, 42 Hola' No ¥ oa ete . ; , Halt Home, Alter 117 [Native ie Fer wie Me Buoyed by the byelection vic- MRS. JEMIMA ROBERTS {23) rom' steve 112 Bye and. Near, Mecom 120 jtory last fall of Garth Turcott Seriously sick since the be-|Pieasant Miss, Hinojosa A-117 A--D Bank? ent jin the southwestern riding of DEATHS ginning of. the year, Mrs. Jemi-|Pagan Prince, "Barroby" 20 (EXACTOR WAGERING) Pincher Creek-Crowsnest, Mr. ma Roberts, 790 Gordon Gtreet,|Grey Road, Grubb X110 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,600. Claim-|Reimer says there is a ground- died' May 8 at the Oshawa |Tompionette, Fitesmmons, " Fouryearoids and up. 6\ swell of support for his party. |He hopes to ride the swell to a |position as opposition leader. n By Manning of Edson he finished second eral Bill Switzer. He'll run in Edson again this time. The long-time union official accepted the NDP leadership in January, 1963, on the under- Standing the party would make an all-out drive to become a power in Alberta politics. The party ran 57 candidates--six short of a full slate--but failed to win a seat and polled only 914 per cent of the popular vote. This time, the NDP will run a full slate of candidates--65 with redistribution. The 'party will use a personal approach, with candidates talk. ing to as many constituents as possible. This worked for Mr. Turcott in his victory. Mr. Reimer was born in the | First, however, he must get/ykraine and came to Canada jelected himself, a little trick he| with his parents who homes |has yet to master, a well-beaten second behind So- lcial Crediter Dr. Lou Heard in $10,000; Edmonton lds. byelection in the western riding Steaded in Saskatchewan. He In 1963, Mr. Reimer finished|entered the University of Sas- katchewan as an agriculture student and after graduation Northwest. In a 1965/took a job.in a co-operative oil refinery in Regina. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS at LACE FLOWERS By ALICE BROOKS Everybody loves the luxury of lace. Crochet set suitable for. | 6 Funeral arrangements and, |ton Astros sold veteran pitcher} } burgh (Fryman 0-0) N |Boston at California N chair, buffet or dresser. floral arrangements for all |Dick Farrell to' Philadelphia Atlanta (Johnson 2-2) at Phila-| washington at Kansas City N Bring Spring indoors with A FAVORITE occasions. Phillies Monday. delphia (Short 2-2) N _ New York at Minnesota N |roses, tulips, daisies in filet " OSHAWA SHOPPING Pe Serine also Sold catcher/san Francisco (McCormick 1-1/Baltimore at Cleveland N _|crochet. Pattern 7145: direc- By ANNE ADAMS CENTRE Toledo mi 4 gi ane or Bolin 2-3) at Chicago (Cul i jtions, charts for back; arm} Two two-part dress is mar- a a agli Angst. Suton o2) at | Moncton Driver' | tuinA? "S24 Gays mits gre erent new I es (Sutton 0- : s i 7 STAFFORD Falta Sgr gid yl pte (Dierker 2-2) N i . [(coins) for each Ceiame tak ties tank ein eal BROTHERS LTD. ningest pitcher with 53 victories Wednesday's Games Scores Third Win stamps, please) to Alicejtweedy cottons to shantung to 'Authodsed Desi and 64 losses in five years. He| atlanta at Philadelphia 2 TN Brooks, care of The Oshawa|clingy crepe. ROCK OF AGES had a 10 record so far this!cincinnati at New York N TORONTO (CP)--Al Rogers,|Times, Needlecraft Dept., 60/ Printed Pattern 4588: Misses* FAMILY MONUMENTS ae eath oe haa it in 11 St, Louis at Pittsburgh N a 59-year-old harness horse vet-|Front Street West, Toronto 1,/Sizes 10, 12,-14, 16, 18. Size 14 eeu mses A ea : aa - one hi A "a San Francisco at Chicago eran from Moncton, N.B., regis-/Ontario. Ontario residents add/takes 24% yds. 45-in. Waits: Ont 1 vr at th sf ona e Jt*iLos Angeles at Houston N tered the third win of the meet-|2c sales tax. Print plainly PAT-| SIXTY-FIVE CENTS (56c) in he 301 in 23 times at bat last sea- Tieslges Caacue ing for his seven-horse outfit/TERN NUMBER, NAME, AD-|coins (no stamps,. please) for oe Bet GBL|Monday night as Speedy Song|DRESS. each pattern. Ontario residents Detroit 13 7 650 _ jtook the third at Greenwood; 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL/add 3c sales tax. Print plainly a : |BASEBALL STARS |chicazo 12-7 632 | Raceway. NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS \in|SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, IN MEMORIAM Washeeton 12 10 "45 2|_ Winning by half a tength,|new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! [STYLE NUMBER, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Callforsia 12 12 500 3 |Speedy Song Pieri bag +8 : are free al neo crochet] . Send ke yee ADAMS. oa i : | gh Sketch, driv y ions, everything. 25c. sare 0 e Oshawa Times, Boece pie heli Georce" os sar Boveng deve te fnnied a : [arian : gh See "ot Brantford,| * Sensational pe Value! Book Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street passed away May 9, 1 . with a double and two singles) STATE TAKES SLICE won the first and combined with|of.Prize AFGHANS has 12 com-|West, Toronto 1, Ontario. g We ofien think ink of Bygone devs as the Dodgers downed Houston} TAIPEI (AP) -- Formasan| Autumn Frost in' the second for/plete patterns. Beginner - easy! Spring's Fashions are a JOY Tie tan cei Bokeh how Astros 4-2. girls working in girlie restau-|a $13.70 daily double. |knit, crochet. 60c. FOR ALL SIZES! See 115 But memories live forever Pitching -- Juan Marichal,|rants, coffee bars, wine shops} Ron Feagan's 48th winner of} Museum Quilt Book 2 -- com-|styles, two free hat. patterns, Nertal we hawt" San Francisco, pitched a four-|and bazaars have to pay a new|the season, Mr. Scott Key. in|plete patterns for 12 superb/fabrics, accessories in new Just entered God's eternal home, hitter for his fourth straight|three-per-cent income surtax,|the sixth, combined with Jose-|heirloom quilts. 60c. Spring - Summer Pattern Cata- A ye Bo yd os Red by wife Sophie victory in the Giants' 9 - 2\together. with taxi dancers,|/dale Royal Pal for a $31.10} Bargain!: Quilt Book 1 -- 16|log. Gift Coupon for free pat: 'and family. triumph over Chicago Cubs, singers and entertainers. exactor, |complete patterns. 60c. tern in Catalog. Send 50c.

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