Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 May 1967, p. 2

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2. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Mey 8, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Urgent Need, Burt For Car-Price Exa BRANTFORD (CP)--George Burt of Windsor, Canadian di- rector of the United Auto Work- ers, says there is an "urgent feed for an examination of why cars cost so much more in Can- ada than in the U.S. despite the free car trade pact between the | two countries." "How much longer are Cana- dians going to be fooled" Mr. Burt said at the opening of a new UAW local headquarters Saturday night. Pat Greathouse of Detroit, in- ternational vice-president of the Union, said there is no reason why Canadian industrial work- s should be paid less than eir U.S. counterparts for the Same work. Mr. Greathouse said the issue of uniformity of wages within |dore Hekt, 61, a motion picture}, Declares, mination Actor Charged HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Theo- actor during the 1940s, was jailed on suspicion of murder following the death of his wife Jean, 45, in hospital Sunday. Police said friends of the couple found Mrs. Hekt suffer- ing from multiple bruises and possible contusions. A few hours later, she died. French Color ORLEANS, Frante (AP) -- The French nationalized televi- sion company Sunday made its first color television broadcast, an experimental 30-minute 'live show featuring Joan of Arc in her campaign of 1429 when her are ee, ore frees Telook Orleans from the slates 'with no adverse ef- feo Regular broadcasts will fects." | egin next 'fall. GEORGE BURT Burke Signs . . . Canadians fooled } Holt Concemed ON . |CANBERRA (AP) -- Prime TORONTO (cP) -- stanley|Sheikh's Son Slain Minister Harold Holt told the Burke, CBC national television) i House of Representatives today news announcer, said Sunday; ADFN (Reuters) -- An un- Britain's entry into the Com- he will sign a new contract/known gunman Monday shot/mon Market could have serious | with the CBC to replace one jand killed Haidera Saleh Mo-|repercussions for Australia on| which expired Saturday. There|hammed Yafai, a son of the were reports last week that he|ruler of the South Arabian sul-| jtwo major economic fronts. | It could seriously reduce ex- might leave the publicly-owned corporation. He has expressed dissatisfaction with a union rul- ing which prevents him from preparing his own broadcasts. Hospital Refund TORONTO (CP) -- A resolu- tion passed Saturday at the an- nual conference of the Ontario Federation of Printing Trade Unions urged persons paying in- surance companies for semi- private hospital accommodation should get a refund from the company if they are placed in a public ward. The resolution said the refund should be the difference in cost between a semi-private room and public ward. Chess Champ MONTREAL (CP) -- Paul Keres, Estonian chess grand- master, played 33 simultaneous games against Montreal enthu- siasts Saturday night, winning 21, drawing six and losing six. He was here with the Estonian delegation at ceremonies honor- ing their country's national day at Expo. tanate of Upper Yafai, in the|port markets for a big group! Sheikh Othman suburb here.|/of Australia's main commodity | Upper Yafai, which borders Ye-jexports. It could result in ac-| men, is not a member of the| ceptance by Britain of new cap-| Arabia, due to get independence reduce both investment of pri from Britain by next year. Sun- vate British capital in Australia | day, 18 Arabs and Indian Mos-/and curtail the availability of | lems were hurt when a grenade/British money for Australian! |exploded near a taxi stand in|public loanh. Crate» towr, | Four In Hospital NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP) Four 18-year-old freshman stu- dents at Niagara University were in hospital today after they tumbled in the dark and fell about 150 feet into the lower Niagara River gorge after they had been chased by a gang of unknown youths. Two of the boys, James Ryan, of Buffalo, and Robert Gerard, of Titusville, Pa. are in serious condition at Memorial Hospital after being rescued from the gorge by helicopter this morn- ing. Team At Alert OTTAWA (CP)--A_ five-man Canadian-U.S. scientific team, poised at Alert on the northeast coast of Ellesmere Island for a 420-mile flight to the North DWIGHT EISENHOWER . . in hospital Vice - President ' NEW DELHI (Reuters) --, Mysore state Governor V. V. Giri, 72, was elected vice-presi- dent of India Saturday. The former labor union leader and candidate of the ruling Con- gress party, drew 483 parlia- mentary votes against 193 for his opponent, opposition can didate Mohamed Habib, He suc- ceeds Zakir Husain. Macabre Outing MANCHESTER, England (Reuters)--Six hundred persons lined up in the rain here Sun- day for a new - style family outing--a guided tour round a crematorium. The sightseers were shown a bone crusher, fur- haces, and chapels of rest, 'Climbers Die LUCCA, Italy (AP) -- Three mountain climbers fell 4,600 feet to their deaths Sunday when rocks broke loose under them. Giorgio Fantaccini, 40, his son, Daniele, 20, and Paolo Grandini, 30, all of Florence, were on a day's outing to scale the Pizzo delle Saette wall in the moun- tains between Lucca and Massa- Carrara provinces. HERE AND THERE UXBRIDGE HOSPITAL The Hon. M. B. Dymond, On- tario minister of health, will cut the ribbon to open.the new wings of the Uxbridge Cottage Hospital this Thursday after- Pole, is ready to leave as soon IKE IN HOSPITAL as the weather improves, ' | "'Lhey've been having winds WASHINGTON (AP) -- For-\about 75 miles per hour for the mer president Dwight D. Eisen-|}ist couple days," a Dominion hower, 76, was admitted to Wal-|Observatory spokesman said ter Reed Army Hospital herejWednesday night after radio about midnight Saturday night|contact with the party headed after suffering an attack of|by Dr. J. R. Webber of the acute gastro-enteritis at his|Dominion Observatory. home in Gettysburg, Pa. : A hospital spokesman Eisenhower's condition was sat-| isfactory Sunday. Acute gastro-enteritis: is in- Mammen tnd ineaina® In Que. Hydro ms MONTREAL (CP) -- About 106th Birthday 3,000 employees of Hydro-Que- bec in the St. La i CALGARY (CP)--Mrs.. Wil-lonich on pdrraalidipits se liam Galbraith, in good health which covers Montreal Island in went on strike today to back except for a leg injury that has|contract demands but power kept her in bed three years, celebrated her 106th birthday in said | 17 - state Federation of South ital policies which might sharply | i. 3,000 On Strike °" centre, their blows fell in services were maintained. D d A spokesman for Hydro-Que- hospital Saturday. A native of Cardigan, P.E.I., she has a rel- ative in Prince Edward Island approaching her 109th birthday. Indonesia Debt JAKARTA (Reuters)--Foreign Minister Adam Malik said Mon- day that Indonesia cannot af- ford to repay $25,000,000 it owes the Shell Oil Co. on this year's instalment on Indonesia's $110,- 000,000 purchase of the com- pany's oilfields in Borneo. Ma- lik said he wants the repay- ments agreement rescheduled. Film Shelved LONDON (AP)--The BBC has shelved a film about the early life of the French novelist Col- ette but denies that it did so be- noon. SCOTT SCHOOL | Construction of a new 14-| room school in Scott Township has commenced. The school will cause its shows two girls em- bracing inbed. "'Our decision bec said there was no danger | "HAPPY BIRTHDAY !' | Twenty - three - month- old Teresa Kay Hansen doesn't seem very happy that her great - great grand- mother will be 107 - years- old. Mrs. Marie Hansen, who is 107 today, holds little Teresa at a pre - birthday party for Mrs. Hansen Sun- aay in Albert Lea, Minn Three of Mrs. Hansen's ten children are still living. She has a total of 53 grand- WEATHER REPORT TORONTO (CP) -- Official forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. today. Synopsis: Rain ending this morning. Clearing briefly across southern Ontario, then cloud Clouds Across South Ont. Accompanied By Showers Muskoka sssoooese 35 42 North Bay ....+.. 35 40 Sudbury .... Earlton ..... Sault Ste. Marie ... 32 40 Kapuskasing .. 3 escoe 39 40 White River 28 38 Moosonee . 35 38 Timmins ....+.... 35 38 Sudbury, North Bay, northern Georgian Bay, Timagami, Coch- rane, western James Bay re- gions: Mainly sunny and mild becoming cloudy this afternoon. Scattered showers later today changing to scattered snowflur- ied by scattered show- ers, The northern regions have clear skies this morning but extensive cloud over northwest- ern Ontario will spread across the north during the day. Arctic air will bring snowflurries to the area tonight. London, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, southern Lake Huron regions: Cloudy, scat- tered showers and warmer to- day. Tuesday variable cloudi- ness and cool. Winds southerly 15 shifting to westerly 15 to 25 by noon. Toronto, Hamilton, northern Lake Huron, Niagara, western Lake Ontario, southern Georg- ian Bay regions: Sunny inter- vals this morning, cloudy with showers this afternoon and even- ing. Warmer today. Variable cloudiness and cool Tuesday. Winds light becoming southerly 15 this morning and shifting to westerly 15 to 25 this afternoon. Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali- ries. overnight. Tuesday mainly cloudy and cold with a few light snowflurries likely. Winds light today northerly 15 Tuesday. White River, Algoma regions: Cloudy and cooler today with scattered showers becoming mixed with a few snowflurries later today and tonight. Tuesday mainly cloudy and cold. Winds light becoming northwesterly 15 this afternoon. Montreal and Ottawa: Cloudy with rain or wet snow ending by afternoon followed by a few showers late in the day. Tues- day mainly cloudy with a few showers. Coo!. Winds easterly 15 gusting to 25 today becoming light overnight. Forecast Temperature Low overnight, high Tuesday NE cos sesnsk 98 52 London .... Kitchener ....,... 32 50 Mount Forest Wingham .... PLANNING A.+,. © BANQUET © CONVENTION © MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR FUNCTION NOW! 723-4641 children, an estimated 70 (burton -- Rain ending this ge poe steceeeee 38 50 morning temperatures un-|St. Catharines ..... 38 50 ~~ het 30 changed. Scattered showers|Toronto ..... seoee 38 50 great - great- grandchildren, |jater today tonight and early|Peterborough .... 38 45 and 3 great - great - great- |Tuesday. Mainly cloudy and|Kingston . 40 45 great grandchildren. cool on Tuesday. Winds light|Trenton .. es ea? | (AP WIREPHOTO) |becoming southerly 15 near noon|Killaloe ...... 40 45 By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER WASHINGTON (AP) -- For more than four months, from mid - December to late April, President Johnson held U.S. bombers away from the North Vietnamese capital. of Ha- noi in an effort to find out whether President Ho Chi Minh would agree to secret peace talks or take steps to scale down the war. North Vietnam was informed of what Johnson was doing and was invited to respond. The story of what happened, beginning last November with a Polish manoeuvre, now can be told. Through Polish and other dip- lomatic channels word was sent to Hanoi last December that if Hanoi would take some parallel step to de-escalate the fighting, the United States would be pre- pared to make other moves. Hanoi, campaigning to halt all bombing of North Vietnam, never accepted the offer. The move thus failed and two weeks ago U.S. bombers struck again inside the previously for- bidden Hanoi circle--10 nauti- cal miles from the centre of the city. The last previous time the bombs exploded so close to Ha- Diefenbaker Still In Fight? VANCOUVER (CP) -- Mae Ross, a housewife who gathered signatures on a petition sup- porting John Diefenbaker in his Conservative leadership battle, said Sunday Mr. Diefenbaker LBJ Held Back U.S. Bombers To Gain Secret Peace Talks initiated by Poland. Polish dip- lomats claimed that bombing, Dec. 13-14, wrecked one of the most hopeful approaches to peace in the recent history of the war. U.S. officials deny the claim, but can't be sure. Out of that failure, however, arose the four - month Hanoi bomb limitation. Events began with Janue Le- wandowski, Polish member of The International Control Com- mission in Vietnam, Canada and India also are on the commis- sion. Late last November, Lewan- dowski went to Hanoi and spent 10 days talking with diplomats and North Vietnamese officials. When he returned to Saigon about Dec. 1, he met secretly with U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge. Lewandowski told Lodge he believed North Vietnam was prepared to open secret explora- tory discussions with the United States. He did not interpose the condition that the U.S. would have to call off unconditionally the bombing of the North. the midst of a peace move late today. son had two obvious interests as far as further attacks on Hanoi were concerned. Assuming he still hoped the Polish plan might work he needed to get it active again if possible. He also needed As far as can be determined|t® avoid fuelling further world- for responsible informants,| Wide indignation. ' President Johnson sometime| The U.S. sent word to Rapacki earlier approved air' strikes|through Gronouski, diplomatic sources said, that it would not bomb inside the circle of 10 close in to Hanoi with rail and truck centres as targets. | Before any North Vietnamese|"@utical miles around the city|| | representative showed up for the|°f Hanoi and that this should meeting, U.S. planes hatvind out|8et the Polish plan back on the the Dec. 13-14 raids on the out-|'Tack. These sources said Ra- skirts of Hanoi. Some explosives|P@cki went back to Hanoi, but fell in the city proper. Hanoi said me. North Vietnam raised a pro- Johnson decided to make the test -- which stirred up angry|@noi no-bomb ring something demonstrations in many coun-|™0re than simply an effort to tries -- that the U.S. had de-|evive the Polish plan. He sent liberately bombed the civilian|W°'d to North Vietnam through population of Hanoi, U.S. de-|V@rious channels that the U.S. nials did little to quiet the|"0t only was interested in open- worldwide uproar, ing peace talks but also was te laters bachine knaen ig interested in practical steps to Washington that one of two seals cow eves planes had _ jettisoned their bombs over the city when they | were attacked but officials in- ©xpo67 Four Seasons Travel sisted that no civilian bombing ever was deliberate. ' erp -- gp Dec. it Gin, nieve "foarte fee Ae ncident, Rapacki was reporte: , to have told the US. that North (250 verde. Yee | Vietnam had made clear it no 70-2) Pe corm Saved oF Also. inquire about eur Bus Tours, | talk b of the The Polish dip! t gave Lodge a 10-point statement of topics and principles for the proposed talks. Lewandowski said the North Vietnamese also were willing to talk about these points. The 10 points covered such topics as halting hostilities, in- dependence of South Vietnam, the principle of U.S. willingness| to withdraw forces when that independence was assured and the role of elections in organiz- ing the government in the South. Presid Tah Aina that with some clarification the 10-point statement could serve as a basis for talk and was in- told her he has no intention of of a power cut-off and that un- ion officials promised to provide emergency services throughout the strike. The . walkout covering the Montreal Island area was the first in what union officials said will be a series of "rotating" strikes, The strike was expected to last 24 hours in the region cov- ering Montreal Island and will then be called in another of the eight regions in the province. The publicly-owned utility em- ploys about 9,000 workers in the eight regions. The strike in- stepping down. "T talked to Mr. Diefenbaker on the telephone," she said in an interview, '"'and I asked him about Mr. Fulton's statement." Davie Fulton, Conservative MP for Kamloops and aspirant to the leadership of the party, said last week in Vancouver that Mr. Diefenbaker probably would step down but was. de- laying such an announcement to maintain a strong front for the new session of Parliament, which opens today. "He (Mr. Diefenbaker) told me over the phone from Sas- terested in clarification. In Warsaw, U.S. Ambassador John A. Gronouski met with Po- lish Foreign Minister Adam Ra- longer was interested in the bombing of Hanoi. Phone 576-3131 At that point President John- S$S$S$SS$SSSS83 55 $ BE WISE -. . ECONOMIZE! SAVE DOLLARS ! ¢ Save on Premium Quality s FUEL OIL : DX FUEL OIL PH. 668-3341 ae" ae" ee" ae and shifting to westerly 15 to 25\° SERVING OSHAWA -- WHITB $$$ $$$ YY -- AJAX and DISTRICT $$$ packi and found Rapacki ob- jected to any clarification on any of the 10 points because it could wreck the whole action. URGENTLY BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEONS 95e -- 1,35 DINNER 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Good Food R Prices volves ofifce workers and tech- nicians and was called by the workers to demonstrate their displ e with company con- tract offers. STATUE STANDS TALL The largest single item at katchewan that he is definitely not quitting and that Davie Ful- ton knows it," Mrs. Ross said. The housewife who lives in neighboring Richmond is pres- ident of both the federal and provincial Conservative asso- ciation in the municipality. not to show the film has nothing to do with the scenes of Les- bianism," a BBC spokesman| Expo .67, besides the buildings, is Alexander Calder's 46 - ton Stainless steel sculpture, Man. The Conservatives plan to hold a leadershtp convention in Toronto in September. " ; |said. "We are merely exercis-| ed = $380,000 including | i,, our proper editorial con-| egiipment. trol."' Producer-director Robert} ART GALLERY Kitts, 32, who made the film, said the BBC told him it was Oshawa' Art Gallery will pre- sent its first art exhibit of local artists during the first three weeks of June. The gallery offi- cially opens June 2 and artists are asked to submit their best original work to the gallery May 15 or 16. There will be someone to receive their work from 10}; a.m. to 10 p.m., both days. The gallery is located at 74% Simcoe St. S. "utterly bad and appalling." Colette died in 1954 at the age of ALBERT LEA, Minn, (AP)-- Mrs. Victor Hansen observed her 107th birthday Monday at a nursing home. Commented BALANCE YOUR BUDGET AND PAY ALL YOUR BILLS WITH A SUPERIOR LOAN | Mrs. Hansen: 'I don't know |why I've lived to be this old. LETTERS PATENT But I'm certainly thankful I 2». and reduce your The current issue of The stil have my rig. Ontario Gazette carries the information that letters pa- tent of incorporation have been granted to Newplate Limited, a private company, with its head office in Ajax; and the Oshawa Junior "B" Hockey) Club, of Oshawa. MINOR FIRES | Oshawa fire department re- ports one minor fire over the weekend with several grass fires and ambulance calls, There were seven grass fires and eight routine ambu- lance calls reported by the HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 /EARS fire department. fe monthly payments | by as much as half $50 to $5000 SUPERIOR FINANCE the fastest arowing all-Canadian loan company Don Rees, Menager | 3% Simeve St. South, 725-6541 | 'Daily to 5:30 p.m; Friday to 8.00 p.ms | | | } | | | || | Other evenings by appointment. 31 SUPERIOR offices to serve you Parking Rear of Hotel HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST. W. PRESCRIPTIONS Subscribers To... @ BLUE CROSS . @ GREEN SHIELD NEED NOT PAY CASH! You Give Us The Doctors Prescription We do the rest, FREE City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 Toronto. H. KEITH LTD. ONE OF TORONTO'S In Oshawa-Whitby Area You will see our sold sign on 9 properties in Oshawa-Whitby area, Sold to out of town buyers due to tremendous housing crisis For quick eveluation of your home call an. . . 725-4841 WANTED in Metro Representative LARGEST REALTORS Is the time te switch... It's TIME TO SWITCH 6%% on 1 to interest is paid on savings accounts... THE PERFECT 42% on SAVINGS 4% on CHEQUING thet time of the year when UP... 10 yeer G.I.C.'s 7% % yield per annum on 10 year e@ 9 A.M, to 8 P.M. Fri. SWITCH ACCUMULATING G.I.C.'s Longer CONVENIENT HOURS © 9. A.M. to 5:30 P.M, Mon. to Thurs, Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation Head Office: 19 Simcoe St. N. OSHAWA, 723-5221 23 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-2527, @ 9 AM, to 4 P.M. Set, HOTEL r What does a great taste look like? It looks like this... YOUR KAISER ALUMINUM DEALER IS... a good man oO have on your Because he sells Kaiser Aluminum quality house siding, and knows how to install it. End maintenance worries, save on fuel, and make your home sparkling new... 10 modern colours to choose from... 20 year transferable guarantee. When it comes to Aluminum Siding, Aluminum doors or' windows, you get the quality You expect from Kaiser Aluminum and Kaiser Aluminum dealers. Consult your yellow pages or contact: KAISER ALUMINUM 191 Ashtonbee Road, Scarborough, Ontario. UP... 725-4632 LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE STREET or after hours 723-2707 (OSHAWA LIMITED) OWNER 1700 SIMCOE ST. N. SUPREME WINDOW & DOOR PRODUCTS OPERATOR--OTTO FLEISCHMANN 723-9843 AFTER 7 P.M. -- 725-2084 seeeentil C ovds continue into Expo 67 at a confounds officials' predictions. People 90,001 At US By CY FO) MONTREAL (CP) responsible for the U1 pavilion at Expo 6 about 50,000 visitors a through. their dome showhouse every day New Opt At Tariff GENEVA (AP) -- mism appeared tod negotiators in the Round talks, nearing almost five years of cut tariffs and scale | trade barriers. The top negotiator to complete their wor day night in order Rey of the European Community--the Con ket -- can present | ments to an EEC meeting in Brussel: day. The EEC approva in by June 30 when Johnson's Por gotiate tariff cuts U.S. Trade Expansio In the current tal Roth, Johnson's spe sentative for trade n is duelling with th Market's Rey. Other are Sir Richard Pow ain and Ambassador of Japan. In all, 53 cluding Canada are | the talks. ACTREs Actress Judith Ex of cancer Sunday | velt Hospital in N City. She was 54. } Rangers Gr By 200 Sup TORONTO (CP) - Rangers were gree flag-waving fans at as they arrived here a soccer clash Wedr Sparta of Prague, bu gram left little roon life. : Sparta will arrive Tuesday will join tl at a luncheon given of Toronto,

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