Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 May 1967, p. 23

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STORAGE SHED Vill solve your problems. No ance. green and white. in. Reg. 99.50. . . arry .. 89.00 | PEG BOARD sheathing SELECT x 48" PENITE ets. Reg. 2.99 4 AND CARRY SMMC ter Board Le H AND CARRY a TY BOARD heets i H AND CARRY SS JERLAY splar Plywood Reg. 1.19 H AND CARRY INKS 1 single 18" x 20". cece 10,95 oN Fe: 29,95 f/ER STALL 72" DEN TIME jood supply of CIL | Steele Breggs Garden MPENSAT| BUREAU (WORKMEN'S 1ON: FELL TWENTY FEET OFF A SCAFFOLD! ] gee of: SIGNED FIVE Gar ROUNDS. .1004 THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST DELICIOUS CHINESE DINNERS I'VE EVER EATEN, MITZI. AND TO THINK YOU COOKED IT/ QUICKLY FIRES FIVE | TH' NEW ME ISTHE BIGGEST-HEARTED BILLIONAIRE THAT EVER LIVED/! ALLTH!' NEW ME WANTS OUTA LIFE ISTO BRI HAPPINESS TO ALL HOOMANITY! BEEN COOKING 4] INTHE KITCHEN ALL DAY, THAT SHE COOKED THE DINNER... TRYING TO (PRESS HIM. uct RESTAURANT, ALL COOKED AND READY TO EAT, POOR MAN... IF ONLY HE KNEW HOW LATY SHE IS, TRYING TO IMPRESS (75 HIS PARTNER AT MY EXPENSE... NOW I'LL KEEP His HEAD DOWN WITH 4A FYSTOLA weerNHILE-T JAC CATRIDGES INTO THE RIFLE/ OME The Trading Post Offers Soon... Another Brand New Car!! , The Great Compact Built For Ruggedness and Value! THE SWINGING Where Your Mills Are Men of Action! Now TARNATION! HOW DIO YOU GET IN HERE? Men VIVA « 1967 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 'The "cRow'S WEST... OF THE FABULOUS CRINGEL FAMILY. ph a FATHER F PEOPLE HOUSE, Nor WRERCHED Wie PEOPLE, THEY ARE WORKING 'JOURNALISTS. AT ANY RATE, 3 ow 'ccnekt ORAL OF STOCK, NOT THAT £ TO OUR $0- (MUCH HEED a PUBLIC NEW KMWUAZ ~ a" HE'S WEARING HIS CHERS HAT/ bh DOESN pel MAN! HE REALLY HUGS THE GROUND, LOW-SLUNG METABOLIC! a Channe Channe) 'Channet Channei 'Channel Channel MONDAY 5:00 3---Tralimas' Pi 7--News 13--Comba? H-Plerre B 3-6-9--New: ' N-Daktarl 346-12----The le &--Captain o--Ceount 'oad Big Val 7--Peyton -t Channel 3--Barrie 4 bY T--Buttalo BR %~Toronto Channel 11--Hamiiton Channel 12--Peterborough 12---Three Stooges 11--Family Theatre men 7--HI ny atrol 30 P.M, 12---Gilligan's Island 6--McHale's Ic 'Lends and Seas 6:08 P.M, 8--How's Business %--Movie e-eitigen'e Island 412---Weather, rts Petticoat Junction 6:98 P.M. 4---Midweste 3-Rat Patrol 3-News, Weather, 7:30 PLM. $~Luciile Ball Taine Horse 4----Gilligan's Island 9:90 A.M, 3-6-12---! Messer i 9--Bewltehed &--! Dream of Jeannie 4--Mr. Terrific 4:30 P.M. Ve Oceaslonal Wife t--Andy Griffith 7--Rat Patrol smvuetlle Bal 9:00 P.M, Vi Petticoat geen jm usle "West jw of the Week 130 P.M, NeMerv Griffin 4--Billy Daniels 0:00 P. 7--Big Valley 262 KING ST. WEST 723-4634 METHOD ACTING ASIDE, I THINK BURKE AND I WOULD PLAY THIS THE SAME WAY... ° Pw 3 eae L Buttale VISIO 4--To Tell The Truth 34-12--Front Page Canenge 2-8--Pursult of Pleasure 10:30 P.M. 12--THE Cat 9--Cheaters 6--Dragnet 4--Password 3--Probe-Profile 11:00 F. ¥1-9-8-4-2--News Weather snd Sports 11,20 P.M, Viewpoint 1:25 PM, Ni--Plerre Berton 6--News, Weather, Buffalo Yoronte EVENING MM. r 4-Sreateat Head! reates' eadiines wad 1a PAM, le 7--Mov 4--Las Vegas kchtaas k 11.35 P.M, 3--Alfred Hitchcock ~Girl from U.N.C.L.E, ¥ AM, NeMystery Theatre TUBSDAY 6:00 AM, 9--University of the Air 4--Captain Kangaroo i I 'TnAlbert Steed 9--Remper Room 8:55 AM. 7---Dialing For Dollars, Virginia Graham rn Hayride" 9:00 A.M, ll--Little People 12-3----8d Allen 4--Fores} Rangers 9--Uncle Bobby 8&--Crossfire 2--Topper jerton 12--8d Allen Time 11--White Hunter PM, &--Gloria 4--Love of Life 9--Ontario Schools 3--Mademoiselle De Paris Saint tJack LeLanne 10: MM. V--Ed Allen Time 9--Certoon Playhouse paar pie Judgment 4----Candid Camera %6-12--Canadian School: is 10:30 A.M, IiMorning Time 9---Fractured Phrases 2---Cencentration 7: Dateline: Hollyweod 4--Beverly Hillbillies 11:08 AM. ? o like oa SM, and Mra, &--Pat Boone JSupermarket Sweep 4--And' Nice le Ploce LOG Eerste a Millen jollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke Show é--Luncneon Date 4--News, Weather, s 3--Popeye and Pais 12.10 P.M. 9 Guess arch tor Tomorrow ae Weather, f Griffin ¢4-oulding Light uldin 1108 Pk HUBERT SOMETIMES \ YOUR MOTHER ~~ PUSHES ME TOO FAR! | You NEVER | LEARN, PO YOU? i cat Syndicate, tne. 1067. Wad digits saneronl 11----Theatre 9--Movie Dialing for Dollars Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive 1:30 PLM, $4--As The World Turns 28----Let's Make @ Deal 2--Matehes and Mates 1:00 PM, 7--Newlywed Game 4-6-12----Password 28--Days of Our Lives 2.90 P.M, '2---Calendar 9----People in Conflict 7--Dream Girl 6--Coronation Street 4-~-House Party 2-8--Doctors 3:00 PLM. 1i--Vise AT MOTHER, SHE GOES OUT ANP? BUYS A NEW HAT TO FEEL BETTER? 9--Words and Music 8-2--Another World 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth +6-12--Take 30 3:25 P.M, 4:00 P.M, Vs iper © ics Sl Love Lucy &-Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6-1 men Bike Pouglas ly Griffith 130 A. 9--Maglstrate's Court 4--Movie 3-6-12--Mad Movies 1. Win 5. Musical CROSSWORD ACROSS 4, Compass point 5. Goddess of seasofis 22, Matter: 6. Afresh 7. Persian coin 8. Puzzles 9. French coin 11, Girl's 25. Bulky tim- 17. Telegraph 21. Traveler's aid x B08 GOoanHo "Saturday's is ial 36. Skin disorder 39. Another French coin 40, 2,000 Ibs. 42, Sinistral: abbr. 8 YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: Since 1960, I have had surgery five times for cysts in the breast. It has been labeled chronic cystic mas- titis. Ten cysts of all sizes have been removed. Now I 'have an- other. Since this continued surgery is draining me in many ways, I am seriously considering going to a specialist in a larger city who checks and drains them every three months. I feel this is safe because all the previous ones have been benign. I am 49 and feel good except for this.-- Mrs. R. I, Cyst formation is the com- fonest disorder of the breast. t occurs in about one woman in 20, The term mastitis is com- monly used but for the most part it is not truly accurate, Since usually there is no inflam- mation. Cystic disease of the breast would be a more precise description. But let's not argue over it. The breast is an organ which secretes. Any such structure is prone to cyst formation. That is, the individual -glands, in this case the milk glands, can be- come closed, or encysted. DISCOVERS LUMP These lumps -- these swollen glands -- usually produce no symptoms. The woman sud- denly discovers a lump in the breast and, knowing that an un- explained lump~is a_ possible sign of cancer, if she is wise she goes to the doctor to have it checked. Mammography (a form of x- ray of the breast) can be help- ful in diagnosis, but 'the final proof is removal of the mass for microscopic examination. This is the wisest and safest thing to do. It may, in some cases, also provide comfort. Since the Lump Discovered After Cyst Disorder By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD breasts undergo cyclic changes in response to the ebb and flow of the female hormone level, there may be pain and tender- ness in the region of a cyst at, times, Or there may not. It is also true that some (not all) women have a tendency to! form cysts easily and repeat- edly. When one is removed, an- other may form near the same place. Because of scarring and the inconveniences of repeated sur- gery, there is considerable rea- son behind the idea of not trying to remove them all. If they be- come painful, aspiration, or drainage, may relieve the pres- sure as well as give an oppor- tunity for testing to guard against any possibility of ma- lignancy. 'There is this, also, to look forward to: The problem of cysts usually is at its height in the age bracket of the 30's and 40's, and subsides after meno- pause. It is possible to have only a single cyst, but sometimes there may be several (although in 86 per cent of the cases, they will be limited to one breast.) But there is, obviously, no point in trying to remove them all if others recur, Every lump in the breast should be investi- gated, but not every one neces- sarily needs to be removed. I'll discuss this further Tues- day. Dear Dr. Molner: In an oper- ation what does "'D, and C." stand for? In what other ail- ments is this used besides re- moval of a tumor of the uterus? --Mrs. F. M. It stands for "dilation and curettage," or dilation and scraping. It is often used as an investigative or dianostic meas- ure, can be necessary after an THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, May 8, 1967 23 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) FAMOUS HANDS West dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH 4 AKQ10983 $1082 $3103 &KQ96 Jean Besse, one of Europe's top players, tells this amusing story. It seems {here was a pair championship being played in Paris, East-West were a couple of up - and - coming youngsters fighting hard to make their mark in the tournament. They had played so slowly during the preceding round, that when they arrived at the next table to play against the North-South pair, there wasn't even time for them to ask each other what systems they were playing. (In tournaments, the players are required to inform their op- ponents of all methods and con- ventions they use, such as weak notrumps, Stayman, Texas, pre- emptive jump overcalls, etc.) The following bidding se- quence now took place on the hand shown in the diagram. South Pass Pass Pass North East Pass 29 Pass 59¢ Pass 6@ Dble Northled the ace of dia- monds, South signaling for a continuation with the nine. North stewed a while and then led the ace of clubs. Again South signaled with the nine. North now had to decide whether to lead a diamond or a club, He finally led a diamond, taken by South with the queen. It was now South's turn to cogitate, and although West was already down 500, South gave the matter considerable thought. North had led the seven of diamonds at trick three, obviously his highest one, thus marking declarer with at least one more diamond. But South was still not sure. He had a strong feeling that he should try to cash the club first. Still uncertain, he finally turn- ed towards East and said: Please. What system are you two playing?" But North, his partner, promptly interrupted and said: "Why do you ask? Don't tell me you want to learn this sys- tem!" West went down 1,100. Police Force Due For Sizeable Cut OWEN SOUND (CP) -- The Wiarton ice force will lose half its staff May 14 when Cone stable Graeme Stethan quits. 2 Mr. Stethan submitted his rese ignation Friday morning. - Chief Roderick Junkin said he didn't blame the man for re- signing. He said the possibility of provincial police taking over law enforcement duties in small towns has resulted in lit- tle job security. Wiarton council has been in- qerias about the possibility of the provincial police keeping law in the town of 2,000 for some time. Mayor C. A. Taylor and Reeve Robert Craig are ex- pected to meet with the provin- cial police commission in Tor onto Wednesday to discuss the situation. Census-By-Mail Plan To Be Tried OTTAWA (CP)--A trial cen- sus by mail will be conducted in London, Ont., on Sept. 12 which, if successful, may be« come a pattern for large urban centres in,the next fall census of Canada in 1971, the Domin- ion Bureau of Statistics said Friday. Some 60,000 households will be included in the mail poll of population, occupations, indus- trial activity, home - owner- ship and other basic facts. SALLY'S SALLIES "If you can get a little more bounce in Beethoven, you might have more rhythm at the bat." incomplete abortion, can some- times put an end to unexplained bleeding if there is some ab- normality of the inner surface of the uterus. It's a useful pro- cedure for many purposes, Note to Mrs. H. E.: Addison's disease is insufficient function- ing of the adrenal glands. Yes, it is dangerous, but it is not infectious.

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