Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 May 1967, p. 14

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come but intermittently --no-jstars promise stimulating expe- tably in early December, next/riences along social and roman. February and March---atid then|tic lines between how and Sept. tive oper-|15; also, between Nov. 18 and = anda Jan. 1, next April and by Bx. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR FRIDAY l6th Company Guides Receive Dear Ann Landers: I am,up I just lay there and wallowed pretty w#pset about something Ijin self pity. saw this afteradon _ I didn't] After I read yélit essay I de- know whether I had a right t0|cided it was up to me to fight speak up: Please tell me. back. I did afd it paid éff. In I Was Walking by a i6t wherejeasé you fiavén't alféady| ql somé mén wéré téafing down|guéssed, thé pfoblém Was an old heuse. One of the menjbooze: Thanks for your help. was wiping a piece of. window/It's amazing how one line pane with what appeared to be|Ann Landers eoluthn chai a stfiped rag. When I got closer I a life--Better Days I discovered it was the Amer- jean flag. I couldn't believe my| Dear Better: I'm proud of éyes, I walked up to the man/you, The battle of the Bottle is and asked him how come helone of the toughest of all. But was tising the American flag for/hold thé phone, friénd, it's a @ @leaning rag. He said it wasiiitte too early té count your an old worl out flag so it didn't] victory as permatient. Live oné maké any difference. day at a time and congratulate 1 think i makes a lot of dif-|yourself for that day's victory. trefoil and Cathy Sereda pro-|Beamish of TV's Mr. Terrific,|SM0uld net some small gains EXPERT RE-FINISHING ceedéd around the inside of-the|taught acting for two years ai/{uting the first two weeks off os so. ot eumitute French trefoll while Paria Kuch read the Hagen-Betghot Studio. . and _ Toke ond Polishing © Restoration of Antiques quides. ek ty korean wan j and mid-November but, after' Oshawa Upholstering Co. called tipon to tie the coveted that, your chances of lacraating 725.0311 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Moy 4, 1967 Gold And All-Round Cords An excellent planetary day! cépt for short trips, the balance a é highlight of the meeting|Mrs. Gordon sys a] Constructive steps taken in the| Late September will al80)(¢°i997 aous not indivate much iti. 6 An Old F lag Deserves wg St. Matthew's Church was the|Swimtners ba recently ear. ties fo advance on the job front, g : Y . celdinln of bead coed Ulmee Ware pon oly Y Of" should prove unusually profita-|s5q further upward strides are pete + Toor ourere «4 Honorable Retirement " Daniel, id alto a atrong possibility that|next January and February, q pr * Deniity Division Commisslonétlyou will receive an assist trom|Professionals in the artistic and|De endowed With a fine imetlect 88 Shirley Temper-jlated all who had been enrol d the company formed aled, received badges and cords, (With Your welfare, 'dune to the above list Of prO-lative lines, BIRTHDAY ductive months and, for them, as A ladder was formed within|Daniel gave an the horseshoe with girls holding|O" Holland. Many articles from| your horoscope indicates thar, {Should be outstanding. Ad aid|while the next 12 months should| Domestic interests will be Daniél proceeded up the ladder bbs enjoyed a sample taser of the yourccaiperialiy as ah account of het" guiding ; cial score, it would be advisable |?" most Ot tik ya avold trite BEAUTY SALON L. N, Daniel was called upon to|closed an enjoyable evening. {ulation throughout the year--but . ' tie the all-round cord on her we: lespecially during the first two|December "and next April--and The Company then formed a| Stephen Strimpell, Stanley December. You 26% OFF All Céld Waves Mey 15th 78 CRLINA ST, OSHAWA ANN LANDERS f the 16th Guide Company atidress, Minstrel piFseuit of worthwhile aims|>tiNg some excellent opportuni-!i, ihe way of travel, but early Cathy jé atid an'all-tound| Mrs. W: , Gardner, Oshawal%l@ in the long fin, and there|indicated in early. December.) ", ohiid born of wil - me Seslcomed Ue the some te tne oe Bae sn enrol. |someone genuinely concerned | intellectual fields can add this|ert inal Yaka loki ee horseshoe by eanledght. [Feitowing the presentations LanlPOR ite BIRTHDAY |, glall of Septomber and December oe blue and white streamers, Lyn/Holland were displayed | and while the nes! 18 months ahould| verhed 'by Beneficent aspects was féad by Cathy Sereda. Mrs.| Campfire and refreshments|to avoid extravagance and spec- tion i close elteles in mild: 10th Anniversary daughter's arm. USED TO TEACH hier out mber and the During month of ApriUntit 725.9572 gold on her daughter's the ai of your 'bankroll wi arm, F camel anager theone thing - Wire PReseRveR|) people don f save ey 4 jation of their continual ¢ Use marshmallows a$ candle- ' he! ip and encouragement. fs. L. A. Dalton presented Cathy Sereda with a gift from the Parent Committee. The captain énrolled Wendy Bowerman, Susan Jackson, Marie Whyte, Judy Harper, Cindy Mer- pb gf there Nod law = this? - Se thy t] ind your answer, 'There is +0/ Oday S Bathrooms miuéh ighdrafice around these days it is hard to believe.=D. J. Lack In Comfort Dear D. 3.: You are right; this is a shocking example of By ELEANOR ROSS disrespect for the flag. t! Interior decorator and hygi- usé of national flags, our OWNlenists have been hamtering afi those of other countries, is away at the typical American a fhatter of law in some cir- Cuifistances and a matter of #604 taste at all titmes. You can obtain a list of regulations and customs concerning use of the flag at any public library. Dear Ann Landers: I am a 15- yéarOld boy who would like to ay tribute to all.the mothers the world, Last week our mother had t0/_ boon for a bathroom redecor- go to the hospital for an oper- ation. Before she left she baked|nathroom is a busy place--and our favorite things, cooked a lot and cleaned up the house 80/ advantage of drying in a matter it was spotless. We told mom not to worry, that we would keep everything nice until she got home. After three days my dad and I realized how much we had taken mom for granted. We try to keep things in place but any- one who walks into the house can sée that it's not like when mom is here. Please print my letter to show my mom and all other moms that we really do appre- ciate them a lot. It's funny we bathroom as lacking in appear- ance and comfort. So many a Woman has beén looking at her bathroom with a critical eye and has decided it could be more convenient and attractive. Start off with a good paint job if you feel that your bath- room could do with a lift. The new watér-thinned énamels are ating project. As you know, the water-thinned enaméls have the of hours. Hands and _pairt brushes can be washed off with soap and water. Keep away from yellow-green tones--they give the skin a 'sea-sick"' look--something the "old boy" wants to avoid during his morning shave. Choose CATHY SEREDA AND LYN DANIEL ft McCabe and ritt, by the li holders and melted wax won't cessories. dry hampers can ainted in minutes, Select stencils. many stencil patterns which to make a choice. and apply the color with stencil brush. PRE-PAINT PREPARATION Beforé any paintin scrub down all su tones such as peach, pink, rosé, gold, or pure green. ILLUMINATING SUBJECT hting should be chosen also for its flattering effect. Standard, cool fluorescent lights are out~they tend to give a hew or improved bathroom ac- Wooden towel racks and laun- be spray- Pi toné that will blend in with the walls, or add a bright accent |® with a contrasing color. Pleas- ing effects on cabinet doors can be achieved with ingénuity and If you are artistic, make your own. If not, a paint or art supply house will have from Secure stencils firmly to the dry surface with masking tape is begun, 'aces thor- oughly with a household deter- gent. Caked on soap or grease will prevent énamel from adher- a ing properly. ill any cracks and holes with patching compound, and, when the compound is dry, sand it smooth. If the surface is glossy, roughen it with a light sanding. Apply the enamel with a gen- erously filled brush, using long, smooth strokes. Before refill- BRUNO'S alm HAIR STYLING Reittytos and shaping is our 212 King St W., Oshewe 576-2010 ing thé brush, "cross-stroke," and then go over the area again with an almost dry brush and more long, smooth strokes. These steps asstire a smooth, uniform finish. ALL-OVER IMPROVEMENT With water-thinned enamels you can beautify your bath- room from top to bottom with a small outlay of time and énergy. Then, perhaps, splurge on a new towel color scheme to round out the beauti- fication project. Simple, hugh? | you can VAVHSO 'MS coDuNS Zz *s SOS ys yo doy 3y3 IY "ajouley aqouorysos ay 104 SazAys Pas, Ajjuadg pun man run on the birthday cake. Australian Peaches FRESH-PICKED ~~ aoe Wh ro) id for a rainy day anymore is a raincoat Since "raincoats" are getting more and more use, they should never look like something that didn't know when to come in out of the rain. That's why we run uality control checks of our own on all the new raincoat models (and there are plenty). We would hate to have customer relations spring a leak, Sizes 34 to 46 19-95 (Including Tall) up-top flavour from Down Under! didn't know how much she did . for us until we had to do things pale. poorer Rage aol = for ourselves.--J. L. 8. fluorescent lights in @ warm Dear J. L. 8.; Here's your/white, or better still, a soft letter and I hope by the time/pink, will give a glowing reflec- it appears in the paper youjtion in the mirror--a pleasant haven't started to take her for|way to begin the day. granted again. While the redecorating is be- ing planned, give a thought to Dear Am Land I have sancti been pon kt be ond Christmas ' my wal ever essay around in my wallet EDGAR'S CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Open Thurs. and Fri. since I read it. You said, among other things, that it was nol] DEGOR CENTRE Phone 725-2686 5 The 34 KING ST. W. --_ FS -- ------ start collecting cheeks... Weve cone a lat of looking and theyre the look That one line hit me right be- See Us For Point & Wellpeper '4 ° thats in! For all your drapery needs see USE YOUR CREDIT 36.KING ST.EAST Open Fridey INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 King Street East OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE meant it just for me. I have had some tough breaks in my life (a few I brought on myself) tween the eyes. I decided you and instead of picking myself press 7o5ree? Now losing excess weight is as easy as popping Pastils/808 in your mouth That's right, The unique new Pastils/808 Reducing Pie, proven festive by Cuando women i toda § near-effortless way to lose weight, All you do is take Pastils/808, It's as simple as that! are no calories to count... no special foods to buy... and you can still eat three good meals a day, 80\go ahead! new Pastils/808 today, veiatst te, Sak Ask for Pastils/808 like them... Plan by available in Canada name... now t drug and department stores, sal International Hair Stylist Platform Artist LONDON PARIS VIENNA Now at... The Mayfair Salon 27 Celina Street 728-0662 BIG SAVINGS Australia grows wonderful peaches. Their golden-yellow colour tells you you're in for 8 tasty treat. You get only the very best fancy-grede. (We wouldn't dare send you anything but the finest peaches because we want you to come back and buy more!) Please try them the next time you go shop- ping: They make a peach of a treat. ling off, ok ee ee eee Oe he ee ee Pastils/808 Pastils/808 NOW! Build A Reputation On Peach Pie! You can be the envy of your friends when you make a tasty peach pie from Australian Peaches. They're the most serumptious-tasting peaches in the whole world, even though they had to come a long way to meet you, (It'll be a lasting friendship!) > ty of | sunnipst, tn ee OP ee Cash in on checks . . . the contemporary pattern that's giving the suit world a spin, Big checks, small checks . . . in suits cut with custom care, Triggered to make you come on strong . . « but watch out . . . they might shake your world a bit. FREE TOP COAT OR $20.00 FREE MERCHANDISE WITH THE PURCHASE OF EACH SUIT. 9.50 U By N' is Shopping @ USE YOUR CREDIT © ow hLEOTROHOME COLOR TV CANADA'S BE $1 BUY IN COLOR TV 725-1160] TRADE IN... TRADE UP IE BUDGET TERMS QUICKLY, EASILY ARRANGED ln glove. | herney's ---- SUITS FROM 'SEapsanees oa PASTILS -- 808 -- AVAILABLE AT Jamieson Drugs 241 KING ST. E, -- OSHAWA = <0 Abie es apis ale mp oat pi abc cae 36 KING ST, EAST Open Friday Until 9 P.M. Centre Open Thursday and Friday Until 9 P.M, AUSTRAL es SERGEANT I Pickering Town - having stopped » girls for riding their bicycles avenue, Bay Ri OSHAWA -- BOWMANVILLE -- WHITBY 80 KING ST, EAST, AT YOUR-LOCAL FOOD STORE e f

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