Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 May 1967, p. 21

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ffiiction--the neurotie reign debt," Mr. Mc- said such fears stem view that what is usu- | "our massive foreign , on some dread day nt, have to be paid. ICING At The olonial St. East at Townline & SATURDAY NITES sureable relaxed evening crime! ICHAEL AINE -- " Y TODAY AT: 8:31 JARTERS ts te Build It spair it Himself ' ERLAY 4 Popler ply- 19 NKS x 20 stainless 2.60 A i | x 31 stainless "5 29,95 nperfections anf 'ooved ELING x 4x7 ier Elm 9g. 7.75 56.75 and 'Bais x4x8 ier Elm 3. 8.90 57,65 ind Cerry =] Oy fa 5 z 4 HENRY GRANDMA MICKEY MOUSE JULIET JONES' ** MUGGS AND SKEETER ra 7 King Features i BASWOOD, I'M LEAVING TO) | GO SHOPPING NOw 0 atte ni Q eameh WAS YOUR MARRIAGE SUCCESSFUL, Buze BUZ SAWYER PERFECT! CHRISTY WAS AN ANGEL, ALWAYS CHEERFUL, ALWAYS DOING LITTLE THINGS TO MAKE ME HAPPY, © King Fantoren Syudicata, Inn, 1967. World sights BOY, 1S HE RIPE 10 BE CAUGHT ON THE REBOUND! IF L PLAY IT SMART, HE'S GOOD AS. WRAPPED AND DELIVERED, JANE ARDEN Z UP HIGH.....CAN'T GET HIM 22 HEA EN tgeCONT 2 SAVE ON 3 OF PONTIACS MOST POPULAR MODELS NOW ! ! TRADING POST SALE!! © PARISIENNE © LAURENTIAN © STRATO CHIEF Where Your Mills Men Are Men of Action! Now READY TOGO. \ 4 BOWLING ? CAIN'T DO A DECENT ??-HE'S OUT MATTRESS-TESTIN'! COLD!! THIS 1S MY CHANCE 70 JOB WIF A AMACHOOR LYIN' ON IT? p--a GET BABYFACE!! SECRET AGENT X9 PAST ENO egy! gl 4 i} MIGHT COULD BE CATCH HIM ON AN ANGLE IEE E, ye 7 | af Mov, UGH cre kD > m_, vc Seta . > oo ~ THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 7 wit you cagey NJ MY BALL FOR MB? BOWLING BALLS ARE $0 HEAVY! LE WITH MUSCLE. "L SKUNKS LIKE GRINNELL ONLY Rm KNOW ONE TELEV Channe! 2--Buttale Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buttale Channel 6--Toronte Channel 7--Buftaic Channel 6--Rochester Channel 9%--Toronto Channel 1i--Hamiltes Channel 12--Peterborough TUESDayY SVE. 5.00 P.M. 12--Cartoons li--Family Theatre juperman 7--Highway Patrol 6--Passport 3--Littlest_ Hobo 5:38 P.M. 2--Of Lands and Seas P.M. e:08 FM. @--How's Business 7--Movie 4--Reach for the Top 412--News, Sports, Weather . o:98 P.M. 12--Girl from UNCLE 1--Pierre Berton 3-6-9--News; Weather; Sports $-2--Huntley, Brinkley 4--News 7:08 P.M. ut tain Nice 9--F-Tri @--Americe 6--TBA Sreeemennes | 3 Isla 2--News; Weather; Sports 7.20 P.M. 7--News, suisatner, Sports 12--Honky-Tonkin'™ 9--Star Trek 7--Combat 6--Dangerman 4--Daktari 3--Candid Camera 24-11--Girl from UNCLE 8:00 P.M. 3-6-12--NHL Hockey 6:30 Pm. 11--Laredo d--Avengers 7--Invaders 4--Red Skelton 24--Occasional Wife 9.00 P.M. 24--Movie 9:38 P.M. Vi--Merv Griffin t--Love on a Rooftop 4--Petticoat Junction 7--Peyton Place * 10:00 P.M, 7--Fugitive 9--l Spy 4--Science Test 10.90 P.M. 3-6-12--Public Eye 11:00 P.M. 12-7-4-2-8-3-6-11-9--- News Weather and Sports 11:20 PLM. 6--Viewpoint TI25P.M, 1)--Plerre Berton é--News, Weather, Sports 4--Movie 138 PM, 7--Movie 4--Las Vegas 2-8--Tonight 1.35 3--Avengers 12:00 A.M. 1l--Mystery Theatre WEDNESDAY 8: 9--University of the Alr 4--Captain Kangaroo 0 A.M. 6.30 AM, 11--Albert J. Steed %--Romper Room 6:55 A.M. 7--Dialing for Dollars, Virginia Graham :00 A.M, 300 A. 1--Little People fer 4--Bonnie Prudden 3--Topper 9:30 A.M. 12--Ed Allen Time 1--White Hunter 4--Love of Life 8--Gloria 9--Ontario Schools 3--Mademoiselle de Paris 2--Jack La Lanne H A.M. 1--Ed Allen Time 9--Cartoon Playhouse 8-2--Snap Judgment 6--Meta (--Candid Camera 3-12--Canadian Schools 10:30 A.M, Morning Time 9--Fractured Phrases 8-2--Concentration 7--Dateline: Hollyw ¢--Beverly Hillbillies 34-12 --Friendly Giant 00 A.M. Me 12--Romper Room 11--Mike_ Douglas 2-8--Pat Boone 7--Supermarket Sweep 4--Andy Griffith 3-6--Mr. Dressup i--Matches ana Mates ISION LOG 25 A.M, 3-6--Bonnie Prudden 11:30 A.M. 9--Magistrate's Court 7--One in a Million | 4--Dick Van Dyke | 2-8--Hollywood Squares | 12:00 NOON | 7--Movie 9--Toronto Today ; 6--Luncheon Date | 4--News, Weather, Sports | 3--Popeye and Pals 2-8--Jeopardy | 12,10 P.M. | 12--News, Weather 12:38 P.M, 12--Movie 1l--it's @ Match 3--News; Weather) Sports 8--Eye Guess 6-4--Search for Tomorrow Merv. Griffin 1:4 PLM, ¢4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. N--Theatre 9--Movie @--Dialing for Dollars, Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive 4--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers Movie 1:30 P.M. 64--As The World Turns 2-6--Let's Make A Deal 2--Matches a Mates 2:00 7--Newlywed Game 4-6-12--Password 8-2--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M 1a--Calendar %--People in Confited &4--The Doctors 7~--A Dream Girl é--Coronation Street 4--House Pa 3:00 P.M. 9--Words and Musi¢ 8-2--Another Worid 7---General Hospital 4--To Tell the Truth 3-4-12--Take 30 3.25P.M. +News 3:0 P.M, 11--Marriage Confidential $--It's Your Move 2-8--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 4:00 P.M, Wi--Super Comics 9--1 Love Lucy &--The Match Game 3-6-12--Communicate 4--Secret Storm 2--Mike Douglas 4:30 P. B .M. 11-8--Woody Woodpecker 9--Movie Movie 3-6-12--Long John Silver CROSSWORD | [70 CARRY OUT MUD TRACKED IN BY THE KIDS / q n= 0 King Fastaion Syuieate Yan) 1967, Woetd rchts fejettiay © SPORTS COUPES e 4-DOOR SEDANS IT'S TIME , FOR A BUSINESS BEEN AWAY FROMMY [4 LOVELY PARTNER ff 262 KING ST. WEST 723-4634 4} (; BESIDES, IENJOY ){ THE TRIP UPRIVER... SO GREEN. ..SO PEACEFUL... JUNGLE, NEVER TO RETURN. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 2, 1967 2] Hoare of dicated less tricks, a method of denying strength still in popular use to- BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER South dealer. (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) Both sides vulnerable. NORTH 4972 @53 7642 HO854 WEST EAST $2103 @KI854 @AKII092 9 Q8764 O95 73 $63 as SOUTH Ab @AKQI10 &@AKQ1072 The bidding: South West North Fast 2m Pass 2NT Pass 3¢@ 3@ Pass Pass 49 Pass 5@ Pass 7¢ Opening lead - king of hearts, I am indebted to Mr. B. T. W. principle Johannesburg, _ S. Africa, for sending me this hand played in a tournament some 30 years ago. The deal high- 'lights the |choosing a trump suit it is not always best for a side to choose |the suit in which it has the \greatest combined length. that in The hands where this princi- |ple applies are relatively rare, jbut when the occa ljarise, the reward is usually worthwhile, as it was in this jcase. sion does Mr. Hoare (South) and his partner were playing the Cul- bertson (1934) system, as were most of the other players in the event. The two club opening was forcing to game and showed at least 5% honor tricks. The two notrump response in- than 1% honor ay. The cuebid of four hearts by South showed first control of the suit and requested North to choose between clubs and dia- monds as trump, bearing in mind that South had more clubs than diamonds, since he had bid them first. North diagnosed the situation very accurately when he decid- ed to bid five diamonds even though he knew the combined club holding was longer than the combined diamond holding. He thought that South probably had 2-0-5-6 distribution, in which case diamonds was likely to be the better trump suit as the clubs could then' be used for the purpose of discarding spades from dummy and thus avoiding a spade loser, And that was exactly how it worked out after South boldly contracted for a grand slam in diamonds. Declarer ruffed the heart lead, drew two rounds of trumps, cashed six clubs on which he discarded two spades from dummy, and then ruffed a spade to produce 13 tricks. This -was one trick more than he could have made with clubs as trumps. YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: My prob- throat and chin line. My mother (71) has the same condition but naturally worse. She says it always made her self-conscious and unhappy and she hates to see it develop in me. It is more disfiguring be- cause it is not softened by plumpness. I can only ask you to take my word for it that it is very ugly. My mother encourages me to investigate plastic surgery be- fore it is too late, as she be- lives it to be in her case, al- though she has otherwise a comparatively youthful face and figure. We can afford it, but I am filled with doubts and fears, not the least of which is fear that a surgeon would secretly think me a vain and silly fool. Would you advise me to go ahead or forget it?--Mrs. F. V. On the contrary, your prob- lem is one which makes plenty of sense. The patients that plas- tic surgeons dread are the ones who think that if they only had their noses changed, they'd look like some movie star. They are bound to be disappointed. Sur- geons can't provide a new face; they can only modify a feature here and there. It is entirely logical to correct ears that stick out, to bob a nose or build one up, to correct a very badly shaped-jaw, and so on. ACROSS 2, Rings 21, Small Gann 1, Piece of 3. Troubles fish eee Bere furniture 4, Anger 22, Nick- Pine Mal sleltitlelal 6. Poke 5. Primary names SS ane i 1 ; D weed ih eka 25.Made TOI AMSTELL France. ready a ts 11, Garden 7. Not soft tool" com- metal 12. Chilled mon 25, Key- = 13. Blund 8. Gumbo stone Mle LtsMlelele| 14, Tears 9. Writing State: Yesterday's Answer 15. Talk table abbr. 16, Maritime 12, Sail 28.Musicnote 34.Muddy abbrevia- 15. Twisted 31. Pros- 35, Culture tion pector's medium 17, Soft stake 37. Mortar palates 32, King killed beater 19. Pronoun bySamuel 38. Ostrich- 20. Fabric 33, Cabbage like bird 24. Calyx leaf 26. Golf club a 7 7 7 19 27. Typist's errors V//AM 29. Continent: abbr. Gy) 30, ---- off, asa golfer | Y 31. Food fish ALLL b> 32, Bitter ZA |! Y 35. Dancing (a girl: 1 Egypt. 36, Blunder: Y slang 37, Acquire 26 "Y once more 39, Arabic e G a letter 40. With GZ y force 41, Solidifies, . Y as jelly 42,U Thant's Y WY country . DOWN ie Ya Y 1, Hermitage 2 I have also discussed this with plastic surgeons who feel that those who have seemed 'to age faster than they should. For ex- ample, a business woman who had her face "'lifted" because A Real 'Lift' Given By Plastic Surgeon By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD The surgeon didn't try to lem, at age 47, is a very flabby|make a young girl of her. He just made her look her true age. Her self - confidence and her business both pepped up. Some- times correction of abnormal bags under the eyes can have equally striking results. In your case, Mrs. V., your wrinkled neck does not match the rest of you. By all means consult a plastic surgeon who probably can give you a very good idea in advance of what can be done. treatments?--C. J. her seeming age was so much greater than her real age. + . I am not saying, "Go ahead and have the operation." At this distance I can't judge that--and not being a plastic surgeon, I wouldn't be competent anyway. What I am saying is to go ahead and find out from such a surgeon what you can expect. Then make up your mind. i Dear Dr. Molner: A corn on my little toe recently turned black. All pain is gone. Could this be cancer? What type of doctor should I see, a chiropod- ist or a medical doctor?--F.J.A. It doesn't resemble cancer. There can be a little gelatinous material under a corn. The blackness suggests bleeding into this area, either from increased pressure or injury, and the re- lief from pain probably is only temporary. Go to either a chiro- podist (podiatrist) or M.D. .... Dear Dr. Molner: | have venereal disease, and have/start treatment the better. The had it for two-months. Is it too/disease would not cause the late for me to be cured? I also|symptoms some of their most satisfyingihad bad headaches; am losing|nerves might. You need not go (and satisfied) patients are|weight and having trouble with|to a hospital for this. my eyes. Would it have anything] Note to Mrs. G. T.: Since the to do with those conditions? Will|dust has been identified as the I have to go to a hospital for/cause of your husband's trouble, a.m, and CNR Reveals New Service A new train service for Osh- awa - Ottawa travellers is an- nounced effective April 30 with Canadian National's over to the spring timetable. The new train will leave the city at 5:42 p.m. arriving in Ottawa at 10:20 p.m, Past serv- ice to Ottawa will be maintain- ed with a train leaving Oshawa at 12:25 a.m. and arriving Ot- tawa at 6:20 a.m. Passengers bound for Canada's capital can _|also board the Lakeshore leav- - ling the city at 10:29 a.m. and arrive at 3:20 p.m. change- The morning train leaving leaves available Montreal at 9:10 a.m. will stop in Oshawa daily at 2:20 p.m. and arrive in Toronto at 3:09 p.m. The first train from To- ronto and stopping in the city leaves Union Station at 9:45 Oshawa at 10:29 a.m. arriving Montreal at 3:44 p.m. An additional train leaves Oshawa at 4:17 p.m. ar- riving Montreal at 9:20 p.m. CN says it is expecting a rec- ord year of travel in 1967 and to this end have pressed into serv- ice all equipment to meet the demand. CN passenger people have re- ported "'sold-out" heavily travelled months and recommend early plans for po- tential travellers. passenger conditions in SALLY'S SALLIES "He asked for my account number and I gave him my telephone number by mistake." I think I you mention, but I certainly would explore use af No, it is certainly not too late/some sort of a mask first before to be cured, but the sooner youlquittinig his job, .

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