Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 May 1967, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 2, 1967 '20--Real Estate For Sale |25--Houses for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apa'tments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent 30--Automobiles For Sole L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. Realtor 43 Park Rd. S. CENTRAL 3 PLEX 5 lovely rooms for owner and two self contained apartments in 10 yeor old split level home, apartments steadily rented and fully furnished in- cluded in purchase price, double garage, beautiful lond- scaped lot, $6,000 down and one open mortgage for the balance, 723-9810. ATHOL ST. E. Exceptionally clean ond well eared for 8 room brick home, 2 kitchens, broadloom, fire- place, extra toilet in base- ment, privote drive and gar- age, $4,000 down and one open mortgage, 723-9810. $16,700 FULL PRICE Very comfortable family home of 6 rooms, just a few yeors old, clean and modern, well worthwhile inspecting, 723- 9810. PONTY POOL 2 large houses, one of 11 rooms other 8 rooms, would renovate for 4 families, ex- cellent. water supply into all buildings, large lot well treed, nice location, full list price $10,500. Only $2,000 down, 723-9810. List Exclusive or M.L.S, CALL L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. 723-9810 D. W. McQuay REALTOR 519 Brock St. South Whitby 668-5868 20 LOTS Ranging in size from acres to 5 acres, some wood- ed, some clear. Priced from $1,200 to $6,900. Only $500 down and 10 years to pay the balonce, interest ot 7%. On good road only 20 minutes from Oshawa, Call Ivan Kellestine. SOMETHING UNUSUAL- In a semi-detached, on Lupin Drive in Whitby. 'Nicely de- corated, recreation room near- ly finished including an imi- tation fireplace. Included in sale is a refrigerator, new T.V. tower, and drapes. $3, 000 down, and corries for only $124 monthly. To in- spect call 'Ivan Kellestine. 668-5868 1% OWNER WOULD LIKE to share three- pebliceang pee ¢ SAVE SIMCOB STREET NORTH -- two-bed- frame bungalow (now rented), lot 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale |:°°" aad avastineell. Tolahene| Pigg sh ¥ 1284 Valley: | Drive, 728-777; TWO-STOREY, brick house. REAL ESTATE LTD, 728-7576 RITSON RD. S. Full price only $14,500 for Jack Ricard Ltd.. 576-1050 or 623-2503. 725-3557, J. B. McMullan Real Estate. int Excel ! district. Lovely lot with nent bacaeiat |! 723-6388 i ft $2,500 DOW com brick bon- galow, presveeay, attached garage. Rec room with bar. Call Bob Johnston, $135. TWO ) YEARS ¢ OLD, two - storey, 'oom brick, extra washroom. refrigerator, BEAUTIFUL five-room new brick bun- getew, also two - bedroom apartments, By dogs and children allowed here. 728-8569. H. Kelth Ltd., Call HARCOURT DRIVE -- Six-room brick bungalow with attached garage, four bedrooms, two bathrooms. Asking only $2,500 down for: this one-year-old home. Telephone Dick Barriage at 725-6243 or E, 164 Albert Street, renee occupancy. this 6 room 1% storey brick treed lot, Good value. N.H.A. RESALE tower, large lot, 66 x 136. J. B. Mullen and Co, Realtor, 668-6201. old home ona lot 125 x 162, |NHA Kassing luxury home? This one is a must on your list. garage. Will show these hom Inspect these properties now Johnston,. 728-1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd. by calling Nick Siblock at een Oe. Guy LEBLANC REALTOR 623-746] 62 ACRE RANCH 35 acres seeded down 3 years ago, good size pond. Asking only $7,900 terms. $950 DOWN Country living in this 2 bed- room bungalow with garage, large lot asking only $4,500. COUNTRY LIVING Estate 725-3557 or after hours call 728- $513. Telephone 723-9625. LAKE SCUGOG area, Oshawa 20 miles, 25-acre lots, wide river, $5,900 full price. | Box M64714, Oshawa Times. bedrooms, living room, dining room, 145', plenty of shade trees. List price $13,400, J. B. McMullan and Co. Realtor, 668-6201. JUST STARTING OUT or just retiring? This is the house for you, quiet residen- tial section, close to hospital, two-bed- room bungalow. Carries for |ust $80. $1,900 down. Call 728-391 $iX-ROOM brick home v garage, cinity of GM_ north plant, i300 with | : IMor, 728-9474 or 723-8327. tached garage, good size lot, | L!9._Realtor, 728- eine' low taxes, asking only $15, 900 terms. After Hours Please Call buildings, small pear orchard, close to Ideal location. 983-5129. McLAUGHLIN BLVD. -- Lovely three- SPEC REIS | FOR SALE or rent. Seven-room brick, " A REAL DANDY two kitchens, paved drive, garage. Ap-| | health forces this sale of |piy 259 Farewell, No agents pleas: on exceptional spotless 2 |six:ROOM, two-storey semi-detached, | year old split level brick and jcentral. Owner will hold mortgage stone bungalow with attach- {$10/900. Don Stradeski Realtor, 723- +4651 -- _ . |BEAUTIFUL WHITE BIRCH trees in ed vgbiland vine out base backyard, three bedrooms with large | ment and walk-out sliding living room and fireplace, ful! size din- doors to balcony at rear, very |ing room with sliding glass doors ety | large landscaped lot -- house |ina pate. Large kitchen with plenty electrically heated. 3 bright Oven. Party size recreation room. For | cheery bedrooms with living | |more information call Carl O. Olsen room and dining room com- | Real Estate, 723-1133 or 725-9442, i EAST OF < OSHAWA: Suburban _1'4- ore i Eee alsaly large storey, four-bedros home on a %4-acre ER piece lot, just 2 mile 'south of No. 2 Hwy. bath with vanity and 3 piece [Asking $2, 1600 ow, balance ane open i i mortgage. Ca' 2 lor 5 ig a lig oe mation. Sibby's Real Estate Ltd. od and located Ml apie 20a--Summer Properties Ivd. North at Rossland Roa F ; : or Sale or Rent Asking $24,900 with terms. Call Jack Appleby, Evenings 723-3398. Boldhood Bros. Modern TENT and TRAILER JACK RICARD LTD., REALTOR 623-2503 576-1050 $2,000 DOWN Three bedroom with attached rage, rec room with bar. Ey possession. ROOMING HOUSE Eight room brick home in central location, Good money moker listed ot $15,900. 124 ACRES Excellent brick house, 85 x AS barn, stream. Ten minutes from. Oshowa. Ideal for 10 acre lots. COUNTRY LOTS 100 x 150 lots for $2,000 also 10 and 16 acre parcels with streams. Garnet Ricard 623-7397 Harold Peck 986-4252 Wilf Hawke 983-5274 Dorothy Vivian 263-2138 Milford McDonald 623-3911 H. KEITH PHOTO Le REALTOR NINE ROOMS Excellent better built brick, located close to Oshawa hos- pital. BLOOR ST. EAST $1,500 down for this excel- lent bungalow, solid poured basement, oil furnace. Only $12,500 full price. Over 500 ft. lot. Speculators dream. BASEMENT APARTMENT A sacrifice at only $17,900, large. three bedroom brick bungalow in residential area with walk-in basement apart- ment. Only small down pay- ment here. LAKEFIELD ST. $16,900, attached garage, outdoor patio, paved drive- way makes a wonderful buy on this large two level house. Doug Carmichael 725-4841 Gord Charlton 728-8569 Urgent Toronto doctor wishes to lo- cate in Simcoe St. N., Con- or close to Oshawa General room older home, $30,000 Carmichael at 723-7463. H. Keith Ltd. Realtor. galow, attached double garage, field-|Wilson Road area. Pi bald son Re fireplace, broadloom|W. O. Martin Realtor. roughout, wilt-in stove and oven, private bath off master bedroom, Ali|A, LARGE or double house in country between Oshawa drapes included. Close to schools and Shopping. Call Sharleen Tutak, 263-2275. Tecate tas Bek asst eth nication: Est ee roe rae compare, y. three-year-old brick bungalow, atrach.(Have several good buyers anxiously ed garage, paved drive, with three large|W@iting. Call ile Johnston, 728-1066, h M bedrooms and many extras. Carries for |Schofield-Aker Ltd naught or Masson Street areas {s127. PiT. To inspect call Helen Bryant, Griffin Real Estate Ltd., 723-8144 or |urbi tis | Ger hoore Sea. se urban properties. Without obligation call Hospital. Four or five bed- |seautiFuc L RANCH bungalow in ex.|fonto Real Estate Board. Telephone 576- clusive area, two peuome and gen 1200; evenings 725.9513, : attached garage, land- ™ -- $60,000 price range. All sabe substantial 'down payment re- 24--Stores, Offices, Storage : . quired. jown y only, cash immediately. Call Mr. {Cait 723-4651. Jeannette Nugent, _ Don Stradeski Realtor, evenings 725-5639. $1,000 DOWN will buy this seven-room Renta! $40 monthly. Simcoe South. Cali brick two-storey in good condition, mod- aie ern kitchen, garage. Call Sharleen|STORE FOR R Ltd. 728-5123. BEAUTY and CHARM BERNHARD CRES. You will enjoy every minute Loke. All conveniences, to rent by the doy -- week -- or seosonal. PARK 'on North shore Rice | | apply HOLIDAY PINES PARK i, with liv. $12,900 LIST PRICE, 1 11-year-old, three- ling room, dining room and garage, $120. home on a large lot. Well bedroom bungalow, three-piece _bath,/per month. Responsible adults with one carport, aluminum storms, screens, TV|child welcome, " SEVEW-ROOM house, central, ar ae S Q U A R E garage. No selection to two SSESSION for this six-| femal THIS YEAR Moving To GRENFELL $3,700, DOWN will buy beautiful new built home in north i re. Looking for a |Oshawa, with reasonable monthly pay-| rcteh palo sf ments, Can give you either three- or) four-bedroom home with or ines RENTAL DOLLAR by aj pointment only. So please call Witiard NEW THREE-BEDROOM | bungalow, close to downtown, 6% NHA mortgage. Large} kitchen, prepaid services, oi! heat. $2500 down payment if you qualify, Call Les Hall at J. B. McMullan and Co. Real CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT AMBASSADOR APARTMENTS ARLE CORN mace ean a es, Ss SONORAN Ee PRIVATE. SIX - room house and garage, | immediate possession. 206 Gibb Street.) CARRIES FOR $65 MONTH, Pi. aaa brick bungalow, south-west area, three | 'arge kitchen, well landscaped lot, 75' x| monthly, principal and interest with only | ter 5. and stove, broadloom in halls, i - terms. Call Vern Morton, Paul Ristow | = wecoorn Bunonioy wi of conies. One bedroom $95 and up. Two bedrooms $115 and up. Close to shopping cen- tre and all schools. SEVEN-ROOM house on six acres, ai schocls and towns. All conveniences. | FREE TAXI SERVICE BY Toward Wight $23-2524 |peen" completely" renovsted on Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 looks sharp. Extra large garage. Only $15,500. Call Willard Johnston, 728-1066, HERE IT IS Schofield-Aker Ltd. »| 340 Marland Ave. AMPLE. PARKING CLOSE TO SCHOOL AND CHURCHES CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE ABOVE NUMBERS R.R.3 Hastings, Ont. rice oF ani Bebe Beach, two miles ast in this better than new two storey brick home with gar- age. Large family room with glass sliding doors to patio, extra 2 pc, both. Three spaci- ous bedrooms with ample clo- sets. L-shaped living and din- ing room. The modern kit- ~ is a woman's dream. is delightful home can be ; * purchased for $25,500 with [COMMERCIAL LOT, 7x We clard terms. Let me tell you more, roads. Ideal for business, home or cot- call Irwin Cruikshanks at 728- |tage, adioining large park. Septic tank 5205, SCHOFIELD - AKER and weil with electric pump. Ideal swim- Sie ming and boating. Road open all year. Limited. Telephone Oshawa 728-8830. CHANDOS LAKE (Apsley), three-bed- | COTTAGE or room cottage for rent, $60. weekly, 15 HOUSE TRAILER | Baiilieboro. Four-bedroom fur- | bla cottage. Phone 725-7284. HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES on Sir geon Lake, two and three bedroom: Reasonable, Modern conveniences. Tele: | phone 623-2262. MAIJAC COTTAGES for rent, good ih 1 ' a skiing, fishing. 725-2909 or 723-8487. horsepower motor and 16-ft. boat, $10 extra, Telephone 655-3461. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE, on Lake Dai- WANTED rymple, Pai doodi opal Aa) room) screened-in porch, beat house furnish- AS DOWN PAYMENT ed, very nice grounds. Asking $6,000. On choice of 'three or four . |725-5838. bedroom homes. Four bed- Soma g room two storey brick, with 21--Forms for 'Sale garage, near King and Park |FoUR BUILDERS lots from which 10) Rd. Low price and low month- _| choose. Telephone 725-2159 ly payments. Practically new |i14 ACRES, good clay loam, good ie three bedroom ranch bunga- jing, creek. Asking $20,000 with terms. A i . Call John Sandy, 725-8010. low near Thickson Rd. be- Near Lindsay. Call John Sandy, W. O. Martin Realtor. tween No. 2 highway ond. |eouR BUILDERS' LOTS trom ~ which | 401. Immediate possession to choose, _Telephone 725-2159. on either home. SO ACRES on paved highway, north of | 723-6541 |Port Perry, with good seven-room brick | -|home, large barn. $22,500 full price.| Terms. Call J.- Wilkinson, R. Martin} Real Estate 576-1200; evenings 725-9513. | Modern Home OSHAWA'S BEST RENTAL VALUE TOWER on the GREEN Overlooking the park located gym room and rec room. Our model suite is furnished by WILSON'S FURNITURE, 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apt. UNDERGROUND PARKING TO THE FIRST 65 TENANTS or i. aonsinbreat, 576-2280 or 725-9750 REAL ESTATE LTD. 21 King St. W., Bowmanville 22--Lots for Sale $3,500 down, approximately $150 monthly, 4 bedroom, |NHA APPROVED building lot in north 2 bathrooms, built-in stove end of cily. All services trea Terms ond oven, recreation ri reasonable. _Telephone 723-1191, Distinctiveiy styled, landscap- [FIVE SERVICED lots, NHA gia terms. Telephone 723-1191. all services prepaid and underground. 723-6832 Telephone 728-0194. underground wiring. Name your own "90 Labrador Drive COT FOR SALE in Downsview Park, sake 150" X 200° PARTLY wooded lof on| paved road, Zion. Telephene 725-1778. BEAUTIFUL big level lot, 66 x zoned for duplex or semi- Mala Tele-| Phone 728-3192 or 728-7736. ASKING ONLY $4,200 for this 'large "Tot, | 132', x 121', Iscated just one block east of Oshawa city limits. Telephone Dick! Barriage at 725-6243 or 725-3557, J. 8. McMullan Real Estate. NORTHWEST -- NEAR SCHOOLS. Modern three bed- room bungalow, large kitchen, two piece and four piece washrooms, basement com- pletely finished, extra large lot, close to bus and shops, down yment $3,000. Pri- - vate 7o8-5R01 $ WACRE LOTS and 100° x 150° lols.| Ideal location. All conveniences. Tele- | NICE HOME in gocd location on Lau-|Phone 983-5129. | der Road, 1%2-storey brick home, nice living room, full size dining room. Two|2a----Real Estate Wanted large bedrooms, garage with paved driveway. Owner , will hold mortgage. For appointment to inspect call Carl B. Olsen Real Estate, 723-1133 or 725-9442. We have buyers for. reason- 31500 FULL PRICE ey ably pricéd properties, city U ICE for five-room punaaiawy, north-west section Oshawa. one suburban iy th ow down payment. Call R. Martin Real 'wo storeys, income homes, Investigate, the new MONA LISA APARTMENTS 191 Nonquon Road where your rental dollar goes sauna room and gym, playground, 5 acres of park- land, spacious suites with col- ored stoves and fridges, ample parking, individual mail deliv- ery, PLUS many other extras. Mode! suite open daily MONA LISA APARTMENTS Phone 723-6022 Estate, 576-1200 evenings. Call J. Wilkin-| apartments, farms. For free nee -- evaluation call Don Stradeski "a 'AME home, close to) Real Estate, 63 King Street hospital, clean as a pin. Imagine $10,500 : full price! Call" Ethel Tranter, Grivin| West, 723-4651. Teale Utter 7228144 Or after hours! nave CLIENT with all cash Wishing to purchase or two-storey home COUNTRY HOME -- Large ranch bun- Eehvesn King and Adelaide, Simcoe and call 728-5103, - Pickering. Must not location to: Box 62834, Osha =AUT | NEED YOUR HOME d CASH BUYERS for < Oshawa and Sub- R. Martin Real Estate, Members of To- COMMERCIAL BUILDING, 440 Square feet, suitable for' storage or repair shop. 728-5103 NEED LIVING QUARTERS? Read Real Estate For Sale, also suitable for Eula, 2602075". "8. McMullan Real attics, 35 aguare a es wie 1 PHONE 728-9724 NOW RENTING More and more of Oshawa's i People are enjoying reasonable rents at the ZZ<r-v"Non IMMEDIATE Imme- Spacious 6 room brick heme, room Bock Bie ah ae diate _Possession. 723-9128. ONE ond TWO % i only 2 -yediy old 0a vag ati on one 'oper mortgage. Call Steve! , five BEDROOMS pletely pasate ae ta |behan now at 726-7576, Sibby's Real Telephone "267-010 rt, elec spotless c ition, ose Estate Ltd. eg he U : Oshawa Shopping Area. Car- | WEAR NORTH GM PLANT. We h qf nee en pied kit elgacg ries for $110 interest, prin- We storey three ee bedroom fem. el to buy. Telephone 723-5873 after 3 p.m. E : in a desiral cipal ond tax. i 8 beautifully decorated and clean) SUBURBAN home with garage and paved rive: |26--Apartments for Rent No Ultra modern design 4 bed- § old, | Reasonable room home with finished rec for cre "'amily, rec. | Acolicati room and den with walk-out room, =, Down payment $8,000. pplication ie | $10,000. +5264, basement, Builder's 2 year Refused FREE @ HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA STEAM ROOM @ SWIMMING POOL (in season) Indoor Parking Free Hydro Fabric Draperies Balconies Broadloom Corridors Walking Distance of Children's Playground Close to Public and Separate Schools Elevator FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED RENTAL INFORMATION 723-5111 AFTER HOURS 576-2826 380 GIBB STREET FURNISHED APARTMENTS FROM fc Oo" Weekly or Monthly -- RATES -- New Furniture New Building 723-5111 After Hours 576-2826 French Provincial Kitchens The best ysalue in apartment living can/be seen at \ SUNNYSIDE APARTMENTS @ REGENCY TOWERS @ Wilson South. Children con- sidered. Close to schools and shopping. Includes stove and fridge, water, hydro and elec- tric heating, Some with bal- 349 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 725-2227 AND conies and broadloom. Ample parking. Two bedroom and bachelor's only $80. and up. To be seen by appointments only after 4 p.m. call; Super- intendent 723-5325. TWO-ROOM if-contained apartment, private entrance and bath, heat and hydro included, reasonable. Telephone 723-3217. APARTMENTS for rent. Private bath, heat, water, stove and refrigerator. 68 Wayne, 725-3938, TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $125_month- ly. Apply 291 Marland, Apt. 107. 723-6134. TWO-BEDROOM apartments, May and June 1, includes drapes, appliances, bal- cony, Laundry, storage every floor. Bus at door, adjacent shopping. Free ser- vices. me welcome. 723-5035, 725-9872, , [4 to 9 p.m. TWO-- two bedroom apartments, one av- ailable now, one available June Ist. $110. Two children welcome, Near south plant. 219 Cordova Rd. Apt. 2, Daytime 728- 1070, nights 723-5482. @ PREMIER @ Casa Manana 321 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 728-6722 MODERN 1 and 2 BEDROOM SUITES NEWLY DECORATED STOVE and FRIDGE BALCONIES FABRIC DRAPES LAUNDRY FACILITIES FREE HYDRO BROADLOOM in HALLS ELEVATOR LOCKERS CONTROLLED ENTRANCE AMPLE PARKING CLOSE to SCHOOL and CHURCHES CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE APPLY or TELEPHONE THE ABOVE NUMBERS One, two and three bedroom apartments. Centrally loca- ted, intercom, no children un- der 12. 230 Nipigon St. TELEPHONE FRED COOPER 725-0657 or 723-0873 FURNISHED, two-room apariment for quiet couple. Apply 1 195 Albert Street. SELF-CONTAINED furnished The Rambler Kings Bowmanville & Peterborough MAY SALE Lower than Toronto. Prices. Bank Rate Financing. 60 Day 3,000 Mile Warranty. Up To 60 Months To Pay. OVER 40 SELECT CARS TO CHOOSE FROM, TRENT AUTO SALES LTD. King St. E., Bowmanville 623-3305 apartment, for two men, Central." Ab- stainers. Apply between 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Telephone 728-8697. GROUND FLOOR apartment, three rooms and bath, North of hospital. Avail- able June 1. Suitable for yeh couple. Reasonable, Telephone 728. AVE, -- co ONE and TWO Also FURNISHED SUITE New building on Gibb St. Telephone 576-0360 BEDROOM APARTMENTS MODERN Withrow: bedroom apartment in apartment on first floor. adults only, in ais itainer Only st wy |monthly. 728-704: ART ROBINSON CARS WANTED Best cash prices in town, Scrap or wrecking purposes. All hours. 725-3176 52 Wayne St. Hh plex, drapes, stove and refrigerator. Laundry facilities, Electric heating. Call 725-6253. APARTMENT, fully furnished, includ- ing stove. and refrigerator, Ideal for newly married couple. No children, please, . For ppolntmnent call eee ONE and TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Stove and refrigerator. Hydro included. New building on Gibb $t. Telephone 576-0360 Oshawa Shopping Centre FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS Comfort PRESTIGE IN OSHAWA'S MOST OUTSTANDING APARTMENT. (It's Worth the Extra) A few 1 and 2 Bedroom Suites available from $150, for appointment 723-1712 GEORGIAN MANSIONS ADULT apartment residence MALA GLEN COURT CHILDREN WELCOME 2 and 3 bedroom suites, 4 piece bath off master bed- room plus powder room. New building -- Reasonable rates. PHONE 725-0657 Telephone 725-1754, IMMEDIATE "POSSESSION. two - | 723-6329. phone 728-5571. THREE-ROOM self-contained apartment,|ONE-BEDROOM apariment, main floor, private entrance, stove and refrigerator,|refrigerator and stove. Private beth business couple preferred. Abstainers.jand entrance. Basement, backyard, room apartment, completely renovated. BACHELOR NT, Stove and refrigerator. Private entrance. |furnished, in private home, King St. Must see to appreciate. $100 monthly. FIVE -ROOM apartment with garage, FURNISHED four-room apartment. Bus- 35 Gibb Street. Available May 1. Tele- $15. WEEKLY. apartment, Cruleay, gen ly lose to bus and Pos- MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD. SOUTH 3-9421 session. Telephone 7 725-2630. DOWNTOWN -- 30 Colborne Street East, one-bedroom Sear, refrigerator, stove, broadioom. Free laundry fa- cilities, $99, Possession June 1. Apply Apt. 1. TWO-ROOM -- furnished self-contained apartment, private bath 'nd entrance, |north-west area, cloge to hospital. Tele- phone 728-2244, RAMBLER SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT New and Used gong Easy to Finance a NICOLS MOTORS. LTD. WHITBY -- 668-3331 TWO-BEDROOM apartment in five-plex, refrigerator, stove. Laundry facilities, $105. monthly. Available June CHEERFUL ONE-BEDROOM apart- ment, in clean modern building, living room, dinette, refrigerator, stove, drapes, balcony, near Oshawa _ Shop- ping Centre. Available June 1, 723-2570. WANTED Good clean local cars for cash, MORLEY STALKER MOTORS 137"King West 723-8311 723-6322 rage included. Available now. 728-6798 after 5. pletely East, $85. Telephone 728-7643 after 5 for appointment. iness couple preferred. Close to bus. Telephone 723-4519. MAIN FLOOR, lovely one-bedroom apart- UPSTAIRS / APARTMENT, refrigerator ment, full basement, washer, dryer, gar-|and stove. Heat and hydro included in age and yard. $85 monthly plus electri- city only, couple preferred, Gliddon and/ 1907. Ritson area. Telephone 723-1795. TWO - BEDROOM u upstairs apartment. Private entrance. Rent includes fridge, Stove, heat, hydro, parking. One child| Phone 723-766 welcome, Available May 15. Whitby 668- 5958. ROYALE APARTMENTS Spacious land 2 Bedroom Suites STARTING AT $120 This outstanding all electric building is located near schools, shopping and churches. Bus service at door. Loads of closet space. 119 Nonquon Rd. APT, 105 728-5282 weekly, 668-8993. WHITBY -- Two - bedroom apartment. Furnished or unfurnished, as preferred. Upper duplex. $125 monthly. Available immediately. 668-8727 GIRL wishing to mare furnished apart- ment with same. Apply 718 Dundas Street West, Whitby, WILL LOWER RENT fo s sublet. One- bedroom apartment, was $122, now $110, stove, refrigerator, heat, hydro included. Noe parking space, swimming pool. Near south Biante Peter, 8 - 5, 942-4980; |6 = 10, 723-081 $105 SaRTNCY, two - bedroom apart- jand stove supplied. Centrally located. Available June 1. Telephone 725-8088. trance, $60 monthly, 1 or 2 children wel- come, Heat and hydro Included. Tele- phone 723-1927. KING EAST, unfurnished apartment, light housekeeping, private bath. Park- ing, central, adults. 728-7705. apartment in apartment building, _re- To Luxury Living Princess Anne Apartments you will enjoy our indoor pool, sauna room, large bal- conies, spacious suites, ample parking, mail delivery, per- sonalized service, PLUS the moderate monthly rental at PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. Our model suite is furnished PHONE 725-9934 -- 576-3864 "La Contessa | Apartments' | A Distinguished Address | Choice luxury suites, electric- ally heated, and tastefully de- corated throughout. Parking, swimming Sauna ond recreation Diag See on your own television | | screen who is ringing your doorbell, before you give | them entry. Suites. available for adults only. Ideal for a quiet and cam- fortable living. Rental office on the premises. 140 Nonquon Rood, Oshawa Call 725-1481 or WINKLER-ZENKOVICH Real Estate Ltd. TORONTO 363-2631 MaAZM=S wy oS Want-Ads Don"t Cost - They Pay! [gw Enjoy the Modern Trend GOVERNOR MANSIONS ADULT PRESTIGE RESIDENCE Now available two 2 bedroom suites. For appointment to view these outstanding suites please call 723-1712 or 728-2911 Phone 725-6851. CENTRAL - No children under 6. 723-3132, 725-3126. 725-835; WHITBY -- Furnished basement bache- lor apagtment. Suit single gir! or work- ing mother and one child (day care| %; available). Includes all facilities. $15|tgreq™ anecheent aaa in secon ment in modern bullding. Refrigerator TWO - ROOM apariment, separate en- two rooms with kitchenette, suitable for 309 ADELAIDE WEST -- Two - bedroom trigerator, Stove, broadioom. Available June. One small child welcome. Tele- Division Street, Unfurnish- ed, self-contained, _five-room, second floor apartment, $100 monthly, heated. TWO furnished "apartments, two and three rooms, one private entrance and bath, clone to bus, Parking. Telephone anvey -- Modern, two-bearoom apart- monthly, very central. 725-5223, ment in eight-plex building, refrigerator and stove, balcony, heat, hot-water, $125 FIVE-ROOM apartment, $125 month In- cluding hydro and hea 1, Telephone 723-20: THREE-ROOM apart heat supplied. Telephone 725-9843 TWO-ROOM apartment, . furnished, with- in walking distance of hospital and north GM, parking, suitable for two girls or by WILSON'S FURNITURE ond | broadioom by ANGUS GRAYDON) open daily 2 p.m. till 9 p.m. | Sat. and Sun. 11 a.m. till 7 p.m. SHELDIAN MANSIONS 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites. Sublet --- reduced rent apts. available without lease. Swim- ming pool, opposite south GM. Children welcome. Two baths in all two and three bedroom suites. 885 OXFORD STREET 728-7942 married couple. Telephone 723-3807. cozy, | fully furnished ftour-room apart- ment, very central, $100 monthly. Ideal for business couple. Phone after 6.30, 723-0275 TWO - BEDROOM + apartment in duplex, broadioom, fridge and stove, front and side yard. Private parking. Separate en- trance. $125 total expense. 723- 8904. THREE - ROOM apartment on main floor, north General Motors area, im- light and water included. Telephone 725- 0303. THREE - ROOM, unfurnished apart- ment, central location, quiet home. Suit couple, Apply 175 Athol East after S p.m. @ FOR RENT e@ Apts. Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Mon, to Fri. 10:30. a.m. to 7 p.m. Closed all day Sat. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Sruce St. 728-1070 LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige building. Centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook ond kitchen, Tennis court _and barbeque. REGENT ARMS _ GRENFELL' STREET One and Two bedroom apart- ments. Free hydro, water, heat and parking. $109. monthly. Adults only. 723-6944 or 723-6455 Starting at between 6 and 9:30 p.m. BONUS 1 and 2 bedroom, large apart- ments, fully equipped. We Pay Moving Expenses 190 Nonquon Road 728-9726 THREE - ROOM furnished apartment, suitable for working couple, heat and hydro included. No children. Telephone 728-5264 between 6 - 8 p.m. THREE - ROOM apartment and new bath, newly painted, private entrance, Parking. $75 monthly and hydro, sep- arate meter. Telephone 576-0867. FOUR - ROOM second floor apariment. Private bath and entrance. Immediate age child welcome, 495 Simcoe North} after 4, ONE- OR TWO - ROOM furnished apart- ment with stove and refrigerator. Couple or two girls preferred. Ample Parking. 43 Nassau | Street, 725-5617. FURNISHED two - room apartment with private parking, $20 weekly, near Duplate. Men preferred. Telephone 723- 23. TWO - BEDROOM, modern, Wentworth ----}|Manor, $130, no lease required, no guar- antee required, possession May 1, Chil- dren welcome, ground floor. Phone 725- 32. NEAR CREDIT UNION building, unfur- nished two-bedroom. apartment, couple only, refrigerator, stove, $110 monthlyg Apply 330 Buena Vista, Apt. ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment, Stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer and Paved parking. 108 Rossland €, $75 monthly. Adults. 725-1310, 725-5424. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, ail Conveniences, bath. Suit one or two per- sons. Apply 343 Ritson Road North, 723- 4817. ONE - BEDROOM apartment, _ self-con- tained. Private entrance. Telephone 16. s ; STREET §. -- two-bedroom apartment, heated, on bus route. Tele- Phone 623-2368. TWO. M apartments, Includes ~~ FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED 1, 2 and 3 bedroom aport- ments. Controlled entrance, Twin elevators, pool, fenced playground. swimming 723-2347 AJAX Large modern APARTMENTS in apartment building. Near schools and shopping. Telephone 942-0130 able now. 728-5282. FOUR" * ROOM furnished cabartment, ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, on new motor. rel eate rivate entrance. 'ouple = pr |. Telephone 725-9843. ferred. $80 monthly, 725-2539. tale ities oa drapes, appliances, balcony. Laundry, Storage every floor. Bus at door, adja- cent shopping. Free services. Child wel- come, 723-5035, 725-9872. 5 MONTHS LEASE -- One-bedroom apartment, stove, frig, balcony, con- trolled entrance, newly decorated, close Available April 5 p.m. Suitable for young couple or two girls, pose. and) diat thly, t, | mediate 'possession. $85 monthly, hea! 'jlaundry facilities. Parking space. Apply|top, vie roof, 327, power accessories, |574 Crerar Street. Si Possession, Laundry facilities. One school |Sonable rent. 942-2178. FURNISHED bedroom, central, gentle-|(" Whitby, 668-333) man shift worker welcome. Adult home. ing people Preferred. Telephone 723-9895. 576-2917. ROO! rent. Private entrance. Telephone 725- vate entrance, private bath, Immediate [vate en -ROOM upstairs apartment, pri- possession, ve only, $55. monthly. FURNISHED hrecroant apartment in quiet home, self-contained, _ central, Available June 1, $75. monthly. Tele phone 723-9640. tained, apart He phrayd LIMITED . 3 Oshawa heaps: v4 OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid, TERMS, _Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE Specializing in rebuilt auto- matic and standard transmis. sions, GUARANTEED WORK 576-2610 ly, $70. monthly. Telephone 668-4560. UNFURNISHED, one-bedroom ment in private home. Privat piece bath. One child welcome. able immediately. 723-6483. Telephone 723-7275 after 3.30 p.m. FOUR ROOM heated country home, garden. $i Telephone Blackstock 986-4856, artment in monthly, | ful' | Telephone after 7 p. ne_725: 725-3441, ONE - BEDROOM, « MUST SELL -- Best offer, LANSDOWNE DRIVE -- One and a half|let Impala, convertible, 21 bedroom basement apartment in triplex|matic transmission, power steering and includes refrigerator, stove, washing,|brakes, AM-FM radio, i ceretor, drying, paved parking. One ehiid wel Positraction | rear end. 723-7829. come. Telephone 723-4670, '65 RAMBLER Classic, two-door, one AVF gr hg mileage, radio, Lic. jake o} yin Se fo fin -|Nicols In Whitby, 668-3: i meedial tech luda APO da tat "3 /STRATO-CHIEF coac Co THREE-ROOM apartment, all convenl-|tic, under 19,000 actual milea; ences, separate entrance, $75 monthly. An exceptional one owner c: '65 Chevro engine, auto- 283 PONTIAC Laurentian, six cylinder, lo, automatic. Also '59 Oldsmobile, PUR tated equipped, radio. After 6 p.m. SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- Newly|1963 P PONTIAC. P intgekt) convertible, decorated one - bedroom apartment,|V-8 automatic, power bra! gt [bus stop at door. No children please.|steering. Radio, bucket seats, Wil trade, best offer. Lic. E7033. _725- 7887. Pow: I take If = contained, kit-|$295 FULL PRICE buys 'sa Ford twe- re ald 40 tides room. Ayana dec- on hardtop. Lic. H7111. Make offer. ora nosma apartment uilding, re 4g finance at Ni Central residential area. Parking, laun-|668-3: on evens 27--Rooms for Rent FURNISHED ROOM Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | ary facilities, Adults preferred. 723-2088. 1963 MERCURY four-door -- hardtop, ag miles. Telephone after 6 Pm., 728- a CHEVY i, Nic, K5009, 6, automatic, ATTRACTIVELY radio. Smart. Two tone. Make offer. LID, to finance at Nicols at Whitby, Fe Available in private home. |1958 CHEVROLET sedan, Siandard, $198. Good transportation, 232 Burk Street. Se ee eee ee See, 1957 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, automatic. 125 or best offer. 1957 Oldsmobile con- vertible, $300. Telephone 728-9569. ST nace dni 1961 PONTIAC station pla excellent COMFORTABLE ROOMS Condition. Telephone 723-262! WEEKLY RATES A La Carte Restaurant en |' Mrs. James Maher WHITBY HOTEL 668-2337 "ci ins "PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, two-door, automatic, , radio, low mileage, good MAID SERVICE condition. Phone 728-0304." © PONTIAC Laurentian, two - door Premises. coach, V-8 automatic, power steering; radio, tinted windshield, whitewallge padded dash, undercoating, 19,000 miles. $2,300 or best offer. Telephone 576-2614, Suit one girl or couple. Telephone 723- FURNISHED | housekeeping room for i gentleman, Close » bus. Telephone 723- 6363 after 5.30 p.m. Close to buses. 728-1914, os all TWO furnished rooms, on Ritson Road. Jott like new. Make Semi-private entrance. Must be clean.|nance at Nicols in Whitby." 6 668-33; MUST SELLI 1966 ¢ Chevrolet Impala, 396 motor, four-speed transmission, under COMPLETELY { furnished bed - sitting|warranty, bottle green, radio, tach- room, sink and frig. Residential area. Pell Clock, seat belts. Call anytime eel leh A anc $ CHEVROLET , reals. me 588374, a owner, Easy he fl- RK: ban RAMsLaR six cylinder, sina 'adio. Best cash offer. Telephone 1380 after 5 p.m, ae 5591 STORE FOR RENT in Bowmanville. /19 165 nC ORVAIR Monza, four-speed, ex- pene July 15 or sooner. 318. very 623-2 Fechane 725-0724 between 5-8 p. ba LARGE 7 furnished bedroom, kitchen, |'67 ONE room, furnished. Apply 202 Albert Street. TWO ROOMS with stove and refrigera- ie, phone 728-2272, week. 725- 1497, ROOM TO RENT, in § Alax, | Bloor ir ELGIN STREET EAST, large furnished| Wreckers, 723-5738, room with refrigerator. Second floor.|SAVE DORUARS! Several. good used Gentleman preferred. Parking. $12 per|cars, '55's an up. Terms arranged. R. B. Motor $ CHEVROLET Impala, two-door" --" or trade on late model. 728-9737, 6-9. FULL PRICE buys '61 Comet sta- t} 'lon wagon, ready for vacationing. Lic, 51X. Make offer. Easy to finance at tor. Private bath. Immediate possession,|Nicols_In Whitby, 668-3331, Adults only. Apply 52 Drew Street. Tele- GRILLS, radiators, all car parts. Late ent? Courtice Auto Trades accepted. new home, use of kitchen, TV, young |'64 oeLs - BEDROOMS in clean, ee gee ion. FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman, H MGB convertible, Just Le pea brand lady preferred, non-smoker, quiet. Rea-|new, @ very scarce model. Make offer. ied to finance at Nios 1966 BEL AIR Chava Teur doar ppely. MG Gladstone Avenue or telephone| automatic, Tropic Turquoise, radine 23-91 wheel discs and whitewall tires, 16,000 » quiet re still under warranty. Phone 723- home, close to North General Motors |7757- and downtown, Rents reasonable. Work-|'64 'METEOR? Lic Lic. J79522, Four - ¢ door sedan, powerful V-8 standard transmis- Make offer. Easy to finance at cooking facilities, share refrigerator. Nicols_in Whitby, 668-3331. Near shopping, downtown and orth | 1959 OLDSMOBILE runs well General Motors. $10 weekly. 'eleptane ied tires, very clean, Lady Pc boty ing $350, Will ee older car as part S FOR RENT, $12 weekly, maid|Payment. 668-50 service, restaurant on premises. Queen's|'61 Hotel, 67 Simcoe North, Oshawa. u 28--Room and Board CHEVROLET Impala, convertible, ic, €23395. V-8 with all power. A real beauty. Make offer. Easy to finance at Nicols in. Whitby, 668-3331. 61 SINGLE ROOMS FORD, six cylinder, automatic, radio, original owner, good running con. dition. Come Lt see at 775 Ascot Avenue or telephone 576-2387. and BOARD 25 Division St. |s#s ROOM AND BOARD for one gentleman, willing to share room, se to down- town, King - Park Road area, 728-5455, |143 pi ROOM AND BOARD for Gentlemen. |dard Parking facilities, clese to south Sf Salad Motors. Apply 863 Ritson Road Sout! 63 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, Bio Bece israbeed 8 00 good tires, 409 q four-s| |. Immaculate conditi Apply: throughout. 728-56 eration FULL Hes '60 Falcon, two-door ener te ah real Rh rly Make offer. asy to finance 4 cols in Whitby 668-3331. 's PLYMOUTH, Lic. 474782. V8 stan- shift, rides like @ limousine at small car price. Make offer. Easy te finance at Nicol's in Whitby, 668-3331. COLBORNE EAST, $7 -- Room "ana |66 BEAUMONT hardtop, V-8 automatic, board, gentleman to share, close to north|fully GM. TV privileges, parking. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, good aL BL 8 LR a meals. Parking. Close to bus. Also house-|62 BUICK Le Sabre, power steering, keeping room available. 728-4845, ras Powered, radio and rear seat speaker, dual ar stationwagon wheels, After 6, 728-280; es, automatic, $1,195. or best offer, 4 ROOM (board optional) for working girl to shopping centre. Call after 5:30 p.m./or gentleman. Lunches packed. Close to|1960 SESE. bus stop. Telephone 725-2305. out, Call 786-2404 Newtonvil OLDS convertible, A-1 inside and eer eee and steering, $550, ONE-, AND TWO-BEDROOM apariments,/RoOM AND BOARD in new home. $105 and $110. Modern building. Avail-|Gentieman preferred. Private _room.| 1964 Five or day. Ti 728-2742. |300 55-346 | PONTIAC Cusiom § Sport Convertible HP. PoweF steering, power brakes, fully m.-3_ p.m. paint, 45,000 miles Sv pcsealg between 10 PLEASANT two - bedroom apartment, 29--Wanted to Rent '1 MONARCH Richeleau, two-door hard- top, all expenses included in re: May 1, Reagonable. 725-3497. Adults. Heat and water supplied, Millan Drive, side door, before 7 p.m. THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, pri- May 15. Telephone 728-7871, r steering and <esenteaee: Powe: BUSINESS MANAGER requires unfur-|brakes, dial en Say lt ae car. Lic. __________|nishéed two-bedroom bungalow, no chil-|314820. THREE .- ROOM apartment, abstainers. laren, occupancy by au: uy rote to buy Mc-\considered. Telephone onl only $36 take 'Satter Motors, '7 "King Street URGENTLY TEEDEDS = + bedroom | 1963 house or apartment, reagonable rent, by|with Telephone. 723-6507. FORD, two-door, automatic, black, radio. $1,000 or it offer. Can es! THAT VACANCY through Rent|vate bath, stove," refrigerator. Available] May 15 with fenced yard for two children. li financed. | Seen trylime 110 Welling. 497, Ads -- Cali 723-3492 today for action! lon Street, Whitby. De ee See PONTIAC Strato ye (lady) _Griver. : ly $41 monthly. ing Street W. 63 VOLKSWAGEN pof, radio, whitew rice $750. Telephon MERCURY Mont dan, V-8, automa! eering, fully equip e new, no money private. Bili 5-7160. Best offer ti AMBASSADOR lack with red inter D steering and br ZOLTAN ar Your Authoriz ond Fiat Specializing in Repair and 160 Simco 728-0 VOLVO anc MERCEDES General Rey Auto-Electric Jake and Bil 449 Ritson | Oshawa ee RMANN GHIA 195: Bdy in ore conditior outh. ¢ ae running. $250. Ti DATSUN Deluxe die, showroom i jo. down payment, $4: ofors, 137 King Stree 5 MORRIS. 850 Stati COMET Caliente, 8 automatic, 289 en 1200. Telephone 942-4¢ FORD Econoline Dndition. Telephone a.m 5 p.m. only 75 BUYS '49 half-te ith re-built engine. L fer. , fo finance ¢ 668- aa at 40. body, needs moto 249, 61 CORVAIR panei tr mper. Telephone 725-5 48 CHEVROLET Dum ileage. Good condition 036. § MERCURY ¥4-to janadian Tire Store, 311 hitby. ston DODGE truck. Te 3-- Automobile: ARE YOUR M¢ CAR PAYM TOO HIG Consolidate yo We trade up o BILL WHIT MOTORS L £1250 Dundos E., 668-587 CARS WA Buying A Ne & Sell your used car Talk "Cash". to Car Dealer and " TED CAMPIN } 723-4494 Res. HAW AUTO WRECK ought, parts for sale. | ight. 89 Bloor Street E WANTED: Cars and truc No charge for towing. B 7 728-159 an 34--Automobile FRED ST Brooklin -- 65 REBUILT EN 6 CYL. Exchange as low a: 8 CYL. Exchange as low a: ~~ AUTOMA' TRANSMIS: -CENTRI 1038 Simcoe St. N. . Transmissions are Business -- Repair ments, Exchanges. Guaranteed. 36--Legal _ NOTICE CREDITC AND OTt Creditors and othe cloims against the CHARLES LYNCH, at the City of Torc uary 22nd, 1967, quested to send fj of such claims to t signed, solicitors fo * ministratrix, on or t 3rd of June, 1% which date the Esta distributed having re to claims that have ceived. MARKS and / Solicitors, 17 King St. E OSHAWA, Ont TENDER will be received by t + signed until May 5, the cutting of gras new M, J. Hobbs § School on Tauton R mediately to the Hampton. For further partict garding what the | the T.S.A. of Darlir quires consult Mr, H \ 263-8404. Mr. H. R.R.' 1 Hampton. FRESH FRI and VEGETAB READ AND US! MARKE BASKE

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