OFTEN - B) A ir TORONTO (CP) | bitter chapter in th The plan was put forward by Lord Melchett, the industry's chairman, who said it would Workers To Join help to achieve the aim of a U.K. Steel Board high - vity, high - eern- LONDON (Reuters) -- Steel ' workers will be made members |'"2 modern industry. hea of the board of Britain's Na-| The corporation has invited tional Steel Corp. which takes|the 'Trades Union Congress to full control of the industry for|nominate workers to serve as the government July 28. members. WEATHER FORECAST Thunderstorms Expected Clouds, Cooler Tuesday TORONTO (CP) -- Officialjtoday. Some chance of showers a.m.|tonight. Tuesday cloudy becom- ing sunny by afternoon. Cooler }- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 1, 1967 ICLANCY DECENT SORT REALLY A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE 'BUT WILL BATTLE ANY BLOKE Mao Appears Unexpectedly serra. cores: mo once was his tive, Before May Day Crowds | Clancy at Expo 67's Australian |Clancy's five, turned up at the | pavilion and he can beat any|pen with the second batch of man in the house. long-tailed hoppers to arrive at i Clancy's already lowered the|Expo from a zoo in Sydney,|forecast issued at 5:30 {boom on one upstart who tried | Australia. EDT. tars) Chait . |to horn in on his harem. Right]! The moment he was in the} Synopsis: An intense storm|Tuesday. Winds light. 1 nadian unionis {PEKING ge mel Pe Say Profits Down \now there's no more competition |pen, the upstart placed himself|over south Dakota, which has = > 'i | hat great aa with ethan unexpected public appearance DETROIT (AP)--Ford Motor in sight. : firmly in front of Clancy, in aljcaused a variety of weather in te eran hi Mich Tuead the impending me in. Peking today before wildly Co. reported Sunday as Gen-| At heart, though, Clancy's a|posture of challenge toward the|states west of the Great Lakes| 1ow overnight, high Tuesday V. (@) taste long - time - ri excited May Day crowds. eral Motors and rine a es nc ce atggoet ge dip en paca ering , ee ead 4 the a ranges! ita Windsor ....++++00++ 45 60 . . * td Steelworkers of Am ; earlier, that its profits dropped|days, wi one ¢ nger) One pavilion official Sunday |to move slowly towards north-| St. Thomas .. 60 : a I i ite tthe ne lop sei in the first quarter of 1967. safely put down, he contents|night told of the epic confronta-| western Ontario today. Freezing 60 Light, smooth, Mine Mill wg » The not + so - bright financial/himself with hopping happily |tion. rain along with thunderstorms ers (ind.). ing a blue high-necked tunic cap, drove through _ parks! packed with hundreds of thou-| | sands of cheering Chinese who 'apa | Wt a i ; A 60 statements of the automotive|around the pavilion's big out- Clancy just stood there, andjare just part of the weather ' ' » big three reflected a slump in| door pen. - sie © hooked this bloke square in the)moving with 'this storm, ex-|Mount Forest ...... 45 58 and labeled to sales in the opening three! Clancy, Otherwise known as eye. pected to affect North Ontario|Wingham .......... 45 58 . 2. te : "The other bloke soon realized|today. In the south, warm tem- . like this... Executives of th branches of the | which for 18 years | informal May| @ months of this year. |Big Red, has established him- D 62 mga het lg Lae American Motors is to re-|Self to the point where his pa-|what he was up against and he|peratures and scattered showers et Catharine 62 for pcs a = towed " lease its financial statement at|Vilion overseers have no readily |quietly backed down. There's|/and thunderstorms are forecast|>* ©@tharines . try's thousands of Mao has not rag sae ah a board of directors meeting|available name for the "roo'|been no trouble since." lfor today with cloudy cooler|Toronto ..... Ain 8 8 metal workers, Or tas tose "oabraied ny today. AMC is expected to show) weather expected Tuesday. |Peterborough ....... 50 62 oe oni Niggtieg 4 formally here since Moscow- Sged - hee mp a age por | sag St. Clair, Lake Erie,|Kingston .... 5062 dace July 1. tyle grand parades ceased in tte eas chal lod paises jLake Huron, Niagara, western|Trenton . 50 62 1950, ¢ g year. orna oes mas owns [Lake Ontario, southern Geor-|Killaloe ..... 5065 ae maptodl adds Thousands of uniformed sol- < K gian Bay es. Windsor, Lon-|Muskoka .... = 4 i oo aaa i : that don, Toronto, Hamilton: Cloudy|North Bay .. 4 on - eat ates tor Immigrants ey with a few sunny periods, windy| Sudbury ... cere 45 wrt So" they real- sGrged forward when they and warm with scattered show-|Farlton ........+.0+ 35 45 In Minnesota: Death Toll 12 TORONTO (CP)--A subst i oming. Other an- bagel a r cal convoy tial, continuing flow of immi- ers and risk of a thunderstorm |Sault Ste. Marie ... 35 45 Speakers at the behind Mao. gration is the key to Canada's) WASECA, Minn. (AP) -- The, 'It was horrible' said Mrs.|today. Mainly cloudy, windy|Kapuskasing ....... 32 38 mony at which the survival during the next pd bg death toll stood at 12)Archie Draheim of Waseca. and cooler Tuesday. Winds|White River ....... 40 ied 'orsateagupe'd Fe . . : years, Health Minister Allan|today, with more than 100 in-| "We were sitting at the dinner|southerly 20 today and westerly|Moosonee ... 35 ' . j wh e history of diff Air Pollution MacEachen said Saturday. jured, as rescue workers shifted|table eating when the picture|20 Tuesday. [Timmins .......... 35 40 Is the time to switch . . . It's thet time of the year FECT tween the unions, interest is paid on sevings accounts... THE PER tives from both grou "Only in this way can we through the splintered rubble of| window hit me and my husband! Haliburton, Killaloe, eastern strengthen our position of inde-/ homes smashed by tornadoes at)right in the face. There was no|Lake Ontario regions: Cloudy | FIRST BECAME KNOWN ... pendence and sustain the high|Waseca and Albert Lea, two of/ warning. There was this terrible|with a few sunny periods and| yer Alpert and the Tijuans, rate of economic growth and|the hardest hit communities injrain falling and all of a sudden|warm today. Scattered showersip,acs first became known when|~ cultural development which are|Sunday night's rash of twist-\I was diving along the floor|and risk of a thunderstorm late they appeared in 1965 on the necessary to offset the eco-|€rs. with glass all around me." |today and tonight. Mainly|nanny Kaye television show. nomic and cultural pulls of our] Possibly a half - dozen tor-| She and her husband were|cloudy, windy and cooler Tues- U.S. neighbor." nadoes smashed across a 50-|treated for cuts at hospital and|day. Winds light increasing to Canada is still a young coun-|mile-wide area of southern Min-|Teleased. eee wee today becoming try, he told: the Slovak Busi-/esota around the dinner hour|cawe ay DUSK westerly Tuesday. , iat Sunday night, causing propert smite northern Georgian Bay, Al- |nessmen s Association. darian mg the Sines ot Asi. Countless others were simi-/goma regions, North Bay, Sud- that the new, enla would provide unifie tation for its memb SEES TREND Harvey Murphy, | Canadian vice - pre gested the amalgam: set a trend. "If we can unite, : body else can," he TIME TO SWITCH UP... 4%% on SAVINGS 4% on CHEQUING 6%% on 1 te 10 yeer G.I.C.'s 74% yield per annum on 10 yeer ACCUMULATING G.I.C.'s DEARBORN, Mich. (AP) -- Ford Motor Co. and Mobil Oil Corp. announced plans Satur- day_for a joint research project aimed at cutting down the air pollution caused by autos. The project will run an esti- mated three years. The firms expect to spend about $7,000,000. The two companies said they hope the study will lead to de- ARCHBISHOP CLARK . ++. No plan yet Church Union r Money To velopment of a fuel-engine sys-| WINNIPEG (CP) -- Arch- i larly taken by surprise, even|bury, Sault Ste. Marie: Overcast ] t Sieele's internatio tem that will virtually eliminate |bishop H. H. Clark of Winnipeg, 6 000 P ot t lars to eight communities and though a tornado' watch had with, InfBPRMIRART rain hd cate nves ! Longer CONVENIENT HOURS atte See a automotive emissions, with min-|primate of the Anglican Church ' rotes numerous farms. been issued by the weather|tered thunderstorms toda . o 9 AM, te 5:30 P.M. Mon. te Thurs. heya imum cost to the consumer and/of Canada, said Saturday there) LONDON (Reuters) -- Some bureau for the area. The tor-|Cloudy with scattered showers earn © 9 AM, te 8 P.M. Fri, © 9 AM, te 4 P.M. Set, Urn ancient a pod sop possible effect on car|is ge "ig boas i er bb ag 6,000 persons walked through i t nadoes roared peo ---- in the/tonight and Tuesday. Turning a unions now become | performance. the Unite urch of Canada./London streets Sunday to a Don ld Kn midst of heavy rains and near-|little warmer today and cooler ; ' But, he told a special session|mass rally in Trafalgar Square a g ing dusk, which apparently pre-|again Tuesday. Winds east to 1 to a patie eaeaa Canoe Trials of the synod of the Anglican|where speakers denounced Brit- vented them from watching|southeast near 20 today and 4 eee fe ' : diocese of Rupert's Land, hejain's support of United States To Turn Pro the skies closely. Witnesses said|southwest to westerly 20 Tues- : he amalgamation BRANTFORD (CP)-- Twenty|hopes meetings will soon be|policy in Vietnam. the Waseca warning siren began| day. Central Ontario Trust _-- on youths and men from Kitchener,/held among Anglicans to dis-| Several speakers at the rally blaring a couple of minutes} Cochrane, Timagami, White per annum isda thet they ' ranging in age from 17 to 62,\cuss the desirability of union. paddled more than 100 miles down the Grand River to Lake Erie during the weekend in a bi Some 200 delegates approved a resolution which gives Arch- ishop Clark permission to centennial re - enactment of a spend two years out of his dio- voyageur trip. . They left Kitchener Saturday morning in 10 canoes, camped overnight at Brantford, then continued Sunday to the mouth of the river at Port Maitland. 246 - Foot Leap SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A @1-year-old man leaped 246 feet from the Golden Gate Bridge Sunday and survived. tterman General Hospital cese to attend to primatial du- ties at Anglican church head- quarters in Toronto. The 63-year-old archbishop of Rupert's Land will move to Toronto in October. Writing Honor DETROIT (AP) -- Howard Benedict, senior aerospace writer for The Associated Press, has been named 1967 winner of organized by the militant Pa- cifist Committee of 100, gave bitterly satirical impersonations of Prime Minister Wilson and Foreign Secretary George Brown. Kathleen Farr, a 57-year-old grandmother, dropped a plan to impersonate the Queen at the rally. Miss Argentina LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP)-- A dark - haired model from Buenos Aires was chosen Miss International Beauty Saturday night. DUNDAS, Ont. (CP)--Donald Knight, 19 - year - old Canadian and North American figure-skat ing champion, is ready to ac- cept a three-year professional His departure from amateur ranks is a severe setback for petition next year at the world and Olympic championships. Knight leaves today for Los join an international show that appears in nine Cana- contract with the Ice Capades,|WoWdn't be surprised found More Pe 60 persons were : A treated for injuries the 1968 Canadian team in com- from minor to critical. Forty- two were in hospital after the tornado had passed. Waseca had five deaths con- rmed Sunday night, and Sher- if\. Donald Eustice said: "I if we several more bodies." ranging River regions: Intermittent freezing rain changing to rain today. Occasional rain or drizzle tonight and Tuesday. A little milder late today and Tuesday. for five years by investing in Guaranteed Investment Certificates which ere Gueranteed--as to Principal and & Savings Corporation Heed Office: 19 OSHAWA, 723-5221 23 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-2527 Simcoe St. N. Winds easterly 15 to 20 today southwesterly near 20 Tuesday. Montreal and Ottawa region: Variable from cloudy to sunny Interest. lateral for loans, the event of death, Auth 4. About 20 Waseca homes were 0 destroyed and another 50 dam- Angeles to sign his agreement/aged as the twister cut a path with the Ice Capades. He will|two blocks wide and eight touring|blocks long--touching down in the southeast part of hed town, fi si ei then skipping over a lake only dian cities each winter -- Vic-\to begin smashing homes again toria, Vancouver, Calgary, Ed-jon the other side. OIL HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S 313 ALBERT ST. vestments, 19 Simeos St. N., Oshewe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmenville 623-2527 Flexible--may be used es Col- Redeemable--by Executors in Trustee Act In- CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION also July 1, and a nc agreement between dian branches, pron February. The amalgamatior ready been formally by Steel at a recent and Mine-Mill officia! urday there was ni would be accepted at ler union's June 23 in Winnipeg. WILL BE REFERE! A referendum on tl mation issue will be Mine-Mill locals, Mine - Mill office: come _ representative Aj the Robert S. Ball Memorial] Msis Argentina, Mirta Teres- spokesmen identified the man as 'Award for dating : , t Regi: wi i Albert Lea had a wider area ' guished andlita Massa, 19, was selected for/monton, Regina, nnipeg, A 24-HOUR . SERVICE Steelworkers' union, They 'sald he. was conscious| Meritorious aerospace writing. the $10,000 first-place prize over|Kitchener, London and Halifax.|of destruction, but the known FRIDAY "aL eer ae They said he was conscious when admitted and had no ob- vious broken bones. Three other persons have leaped from the bridge and sur- vived--one of them a stunt man who used a parachute. A fifth The church is sending a Hol- stein bull and four heifers to Uganda as a gift from the parish. The award, sponsored by Chrys- ler Corp., honors the late Rob- ert S. Ball, a long - time staff member. of the Detroit News. Big Telescope A 200-inch telescope at Mount Palomar, Calif., is the largest in the world. A 154-inch tele- scope is being built at Penticton, 82 contestants from around the world. The Canadian entry, Marjorie Schofield, 19, was not among the 15 international finalists. She is a model from Ancaster, 0. WASHING TON (AP) -- A United States crime commission task force study on police, made public Saturday, reports wide- Knight has represented Can- jada at five world champion- h ships, championships and at the 1964 Olympics. MAKES COMEBACK Ten persons were taken to jospital at Albert Lea while two North American| another 20 were treated ' and released. The tornado hit Albert Lea's west side, then slid around the 'Exaggerated' OSHAWA end DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD and List Photo 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 /EARS NIGHTS a SATURDAYS If @ child begins to drink great quantities of liquids but is continuously thirsty; if he eats more food than before, but loses weight steadily; if he begins to wet PLUS GALA STUDENT PARTY the toughest wars in labor history, an often-violent feud wl serious inroads into | relatively small trea: Mine-Mill was thro HAWK NET person survived only 10 days.! GanpmRRa (Reuters)-- Aus-|\ oo" __ | He placed third in the world|north edge of the city of 19,000. --_ the old Canadian C . . tralia and Britain have agreed| The five-foot-seven Argentine|finals at Colorado Springs, Colo sep INTRODUCTORY SPRING --_ Labor in 1949 on the Holstein Gift to build one of the largest opti-|Winmer weighs 120 pounds and|in 1965, slipped to seventh in Fast Action 1 oe - grounds that its off TORONTO (CP) -- The cen-|C2l, telescopes in the ig in a measurements are 3514-24 fri das poe pg Me aagas } a TS . : -- D ANCE COURSE ie ies ot oi tennial project of St. Matthew's ptr yges De tls ti bh HOUSE SALES! FIVE DIABETIC -- (FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY) a eviction of Mine-Mil Anglican Church will be shipped |cinday. The 150-inch telescope Police Probed . Py : a = body from Cong! off to Africa May 5. is estimated to cost $13,000,000. Brain Drain Cell « Momber of the WARNINGS TO CHILDREN 6 PRIVATE LESSONS dustrial @rganization ey Pe Rie The cattle were formally pre- sented by Lt.-Gov. Earl Rowe Sunday to Rev. John Munio- kano, a former Uganda herds- man studying theology at Wy- cliffe College. J . Rapido Service TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian National Railways' Toronto- Montreal morning Rapido will leave both cities at 9 a.m. local times instead of 8 a.m. effec- tive April 30, the company said Saturday. The afternoon Rapido will begin operations on a daily basis, leaving Toronto at 4:40 p.m. and arriving a tMontreal at 9:39 p,m, A new Ottawa service was also announced, leaving Toronto at 5 p.m. and reaching the capital at 10:20 p.m. Degrees Given LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Honor- ary doctor of divinity degrees were conferred on two promi- nent area clergymen at the Huron College spring convoca- tion Saturday. One of the Angli- can college's degrees went to a Roman Catholic, the Most Rev. B.C, HERE AND THERE BEARD CONTEST David Villeneuve, an em- ployee of the Kingsway Publish- ing A jation was pr ted with an electric shaver last week for winning a beard- growing contest. The contest was promoted by a centennial challenge by P. G. Biy, general manager of the firm, who also donated the prize. Runner-up in the employee contest was Hugh Mash, with third prize going to Royce Whitticker and fourth prize to Jack Chamber- lain. HILLSDALE MANOR A series of choir selections, square dances and a solo sing- er were on the entertainment agenda for the residents of Hillsdale Manor, as one of the semi monthly programs organ- ized for the residents by the Kinsmen Club of Oshawa. The variety program was staged by the students and the staff of the T. R, McEwen Senior school. Also on the program were vari- ous dance routines and differ- spread evidence of race pre- judice and criminal and unethi- cal conduct among some individ- ual policemen even though most officers are devoted to their. duty. The 239-page report suggsets many of U.S. police problems could be solved by attracting better - educated, more intel- ligent men to police work. It says this cannot be done until police salaries are increased greatly. Tory Elite Seen KINGSTON, Ont. (CP)--Can- ada is dominated by an elite Conservative in-group today just as it was 50 years ago, Donald NEW YORK (AP)--The John- son administration has reached the conclusion that the "brain drain'? has been exaggerated by other countries and that no Mia S| MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 'the bed after heving previously stopped doing so; if he suddenly seems less peppy; and if he suffers from severe constipation -- take him te the doctor as soon as possible. These five symtoms present et one time are indi- of thie fl A quick detection in steps should be taken to curb the migration of scientists and A story from Washington of skilled personnel away from tions. s s gneincers Jo the waved Siates. Private Park s as hata report acknowiedees|Ppular With developed and developing na- Campers betes, a chroni e children can be life soving. When treated early, dia- Lavallee Tent and Trailer €XP067 Four Seasons Travel MacDonald, Ontario New Demo- cratic Party leader, said Sun- day. Mr, MacDonald said the Con-| servatives' preoccupations with their own narrow interests has helped to foster regional differ- ences, retard social progress, in- hibit equality of opportunity and to restrict development of the individual. Mr. MacDonald: was addres- sing 140 delegates to the annual convention of District 4 of the Are exclusive agents for CANA- dation--Annex to EXPO grounds. (250 $003", 25 ait cowed! tessa on Phone 576-3131 DIANA Villoge. ONLY accommo- § party of 4. j Also Inquire about our Bus Tours. | Park offers many 'extras' in camping facilities which are || rarely found in private or gov- ernment camping areas -- yet this deluxe camping costs no more. Proof of its popularity was evident last year when on a holiday weekend 3,000 people took advantage of the camp's many feotures. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need @ medicine. Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with their prescriptions. May we compound and dispense yours? EASTVIEW PHARMACY 573 King Street East Oshawa PHONE 725-3594 Fast -- Free -- Motorized Delivery P. B. Francis, Phm.B. -- J. R. Steffen, B.Sc. Phm. Located on beautiful Lavallee Lake, the area spread over 5, | 000 acres and includes several smaller lakes. Here one can en- joy relaxed, informal camp life at its best with picnic tables, free fire wood, a safe sand beach, good fishing, with bait and boats available, clean flush Only 18:00 compete 11% Simcoe St. S$. 728-1681 ALUMINUM OSHAWA PARENT with Children Under Eight Years of Age Application Now Being Accepted For Enrollment in the BY FISHER] NAPLES, Italy (A isn't every day a f catches a bird in hi: The bird was a f with a 4%4-foot wing Michele Esposito, the hawk pounced Saturday. After tryin the bird off with an posito cast his ne* int and entangled the h The captured bird shot through one v wore a metal leg be ing the name of the Finland, Zoological I VACATIC BERMUL At: GREENLAWN GUES1 In: PAGET, BERMUDA For Inormation phone | neve PRESCRIPTIONS R s s PRESCRIPTI rRosHAWA Centennial Scholarship Philip Francis Pocock, Titular/ent instrumental scores. The|International Chemical Workers Ne = toilets, water and electrical con- | Archbishop of Isauropoli and|residents joined in-a sing song.!Union. sl ba! nections for trailers. : 2 Coadjutor Archbishop of Tor- | | Aluminum Foundation Plan 5 onto. The other went to the Ven. Most camp areas have all Awnings STORM-SCREEN Alford Abraham, Archdeacon of of this, but few can boast of seaieiiesalciiaiiaiiiiibuaes 'Alri Combineti Lambton and Rector of St] SPRING physicion, 2. complete cutora, |f Combinetion tag ala ga (A NON PROFIT GOVERNMENT ' i utoma- George's Church, Sarnia. tic laundry, an excellent 9 hole Storm/Screen D Oo @) ke S ng Tuesday a Lg por 3 golf course . . . in fact Windews-Doors CHARTERED FOUNDATION) something for everyone, young and old, with regular. movies and Saturday night dancing in the new, modern recreation hall ond picturesque nature trails through the woods. The conveni- Prince Tossed LONDON (Reuters -- Prince Charles fell off his polo pony Sunday as the Queen and others of the Royal Family looked on. MINCED BEEF For Comfort and Beauty The scholarship plan is programmed to provide approximately $1,500.00 to $2,000.00 each of the second, third, and Prime Windows Subscribers To one C.M.H.A. Accepted @ BLUE CROSS @ P.S.I ardeninc CENTRE Sliding Gloss Playing on a team captained by - ent store is well - stocked with Patio Doo: ------ his father, the prince tumbled Take A Drive @ GREEN SHIELD groceries and sundries -- elim- wild . fourth years of University education. TASTY SKINLE! when he stretched trying to inating troublesome trips to Models i : i ' save a shot at the goal. He was To NEED NOT town, Sholon i Sponsor of each child provides first year e --Bus Stops : ' unhurt and later scored a goal. Vv 'AN BELLE PAY CASH! 'This: yaor further: improves |. cBarea Tots to through guaranteed savings account, which | ' ments have been mote. There a Pump is always under sponsor's control and ma FREE Estimates, Reesonable You Give Us is a diving tower, convenient Islands Choose my P y Repair Specialist. GARDENS The Doctors | boat Peet gg ied , be withdrawn at any time. | even auna steam s a | . i For The... Prescription | hot showers, For "trailer tra- bhalbesoacs from Deposits as low as $6.00 per month. CLUB DO-IT-YOURSELF veller" there is now a free: 7 ~~ )) eld 'bike . \ @ FERTILIZER © SPREADERS We do the rest, vel eee dpe aoe: 5 eee ee and "comfort fg Lavallee Park is 68 miles them I shows . STEAI @ TOOLS = @ 'TOPSOILS FREE from Belleville en the Lower | Reglazing reom NOW! Registrar's Office Send Full Information to: grasa ® SEEDS, ETC. @ Advice on your Garden Problems City-Wide Deli Faraday Road ond is only 117 Rescreening of City-Wide Delivery J) vies from Boncroft st is new Inverts im = am _ Centennial Scholarship BONELESS BOIL listed on all mew road maps). Apgar SHOWROOM AND FACTORY ie Van Belle Gardens Bf] MITCHELL'S | i222 eee: | ae | Bate : p leeint Bek ooo ny Nowe 'Your Friendly Gorden Centra' DRUGS | ee or me a brohag reserve 95 ATHOL ST. E. OSHAWA .§ 133 Dundes Street East ot Service Made Us. jinutes East of Oshowe | tion -- by writing rion DEUON PRON Nc ieee eee epinek e e e e, seeeees teeeee . ps : ; Fg % : Scott, Faraday Post Office, Finishes Opti PHONE 728-1633 Belleville, Ontarie : Call 723-"191 On Highway No. 2 623-5757 l 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 ag ty | , ¢, : ' ) é