false. The fire es- modern, interior Jong which 300 pa- evacuated during ING PROMOTER \L (CP)-- Funeral e held in Montreal Jack (Goldberg) ormer boxing pro- restaurant operator hone 3-2245 WIDE-DELIVERY a) .5-6501 TODAY'S STOCKS | pusiness sporiicHT TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Distributed by CP Toronto Stock Exchange--May 1 Quotations in cents unless marked $. xd--Ex-dividend, rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is, 'from previous board-lot closing sal MINES 2--Odd lot, Stock Cc Dyno Cdn Niste + Candore Cantre Captain Cassiar Chestvi Chimo Coch will Dun East Suil Fwest T F Orenada Frobex Gnt Masct Giant Yk Glenn Exp Goldrim Gradore Grandroy Granduc Granisle Green Pnt Gulch Gunnar Irish Cop lron Bay T Iso Jonsmith Joutel Jowsey Kerr Add K_ Anacon Kid Coper Lab Min Dufauit Lakehead Leitch LL Lae Lorado Louvicrt Man Bar Marchant Steep R Teck Corp Tex-Sol Tombill Tribag Trin Chib U Asb Un Cmstk Utd Pore West Mine White Star Zenmac Alminex Cdn Tricnt Cent Del French Pt Gr Plains Gt COilsds Int Helium jay PO ih EP eae sw A a at TG MY PRE eA ee RP RR RE ha Wa lk la lt Sales 2000 1000 1000 7200 500 1150 3600 2200 2109 1200 28500 2153 900 500 200 3500 000 225 3 2400 200 100 1420 34100 2000 1500 1000 200 1025 500 5500 680 1300 1000 200 $24%4 24% 24% 2500 1252 6345 1120 350 600 1000 100 200 1500 7100 1000 1000 100 11120 1000 1000 11000. Sei 1850 500 400 600 2500 1000 500 2000 23 235 9 25 1208 7300 2500 600 1000 896 100 100 2215 7000 900 600 500 2000 600 4000 12525 4000 2150 200 3500 4000 2200 900 5000 1000 OILS, GA 500 150 150 See list below. 6 63 63 0 SB 57 57 $31% 31% 31% + % xr--Ex- 10:40 Net High Low a.m, Ch'ge 44 Ma sat' 10% 10% 10% 25 300 42 55 = -? --" 15 15 5 103° (101101 85 «685 85 182 18% 18% 635 625 625 --10 0 37 40 --2 5 15 ib} 1799 «179 «179 1 30 <0 585 585 «585 26 2% 26 See list below. $16 16 ib i 64. 64 170 5O. 65050 See list below. 6 8 47 46 265 «265 330 «330 580 575 3 150 See list balow. es cry 22 21 22 40 o 4 435 435 435 595 595 SHS 2% 0 26 % 35 (3% 45 (144 (145 148 146 «(146 "a 7 7% $65V2 65 5 +10 pay | 0 10 70 $12% 12% 12% + We) 101 100 100 --1 See list below. $29% 292 $12% 124 12%+ 23 2 2% --I"% SE gd -" $13% 13% 13% -- | 9% 9h W-- $91 91 91 122 122: «#122: «+2 See list below. 1% 12% 124+ 6 6 6 See list below. SiS 510 510 $104 10% 10%+ 235 (2. 230 --1 n o@ # --2 9 , 9 --" 95 900 #0 --10 See ist below. 84 84% 8% $50% 507% 50% $35%e 35 25% 48 48 48 $18% 18% 184+ Ve 12 10 12 -1 --0 + +3 7 7 355° 355 mw 9 9 24 «(24 $103 103 «103 $18% 184 B%+ PRS Biely | 3° «413 3 +2 400 400 400 320 310 320 +8 2 2 12 See list below. 100 100 5 10% 410 4 M2 WA+ Va a AT 192 192 100 100 3. 2 430 430 8 13 26 223 355 $12 270 140 104 355 435 11% $15 330 4s 103 280 "4 (4 2 WA 243 24) 241 410 410 410 i a a | Be ipei 10:40 3 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Cam Mine 9700 33 322433 +'% Cdn Nisto 2375 (17a 17% 17% 2000 (17 7 7 +' 5000 214 21% 21% 7000 23¥2 22¥4 22%a--1 5500 25 19 24a-- 25500 153 149 151 +5 | Glenn Exp 2300 2» 20 Irish Cop Jonsmith Kid Coper Min-Ore Norlex North Exp Pce Exp Silvmq 600 27 67 INDUSTRIA* 1300 $10% 10% 10% + % 1 1 16 7 87 | | cee 8800 8000 1000 21500 Abitibi Acklands 725 $8% 8% Alta Gas T 1260 $37% 37 37% 38 8 200 8 569 $25% 25a 25% -- %|port. : : rsh ms | That's the wordage delivered |with politicians. "\last week at the annual confer-| Others said the report would ertson. A, 34a + Val 20 «20 524 52a "Yes, But Predominates 4.00 In Carter Report Study By KEN SMITH a '|/Canadian Press Business Editor litically feasible and what long-/at the conference. 7 If you want to find out alliterm effect it would have on! «The government's timetable about the Carter commission on|Canada's economy, | taxation, you can count on add-| Many speakers praised the mer for a lot of people who want 8% -- ve|ing 300,000 words to read to the novelty and high principle of the|to get their views across on thelity that this will happen." 800,000-plus of the original re-jreport, then argued there is/report, but at least we will know| M said| possibility in a speech at Expo} lega Exp pavi jareas--whether the report is po-janother frequently voiced point|tapy |tary jlittle chance of it winning favor|so9n where we stand," |foundation Director Ronald aaa FY s \day. 100 $24% 24% 24%--Ylence of the Canadian Tax Foun-|have such far-reaching effects) | M Anthes C p 113 $93 3 Argus 140 $164 164 165 Argus C pr 200 $11% 11% Atl Sugar 150 $10% 10% 10% } Bank Mtl 340 $682 68% 68\2 i Bank NS 1045 $76% Bell Phne 2749 $50 50% + Brazilian 100 $12% 4 12% BA Oil 1137 $36 3 BC Forest 225 $224 BC Frest p 150 $522 BC Sugar 200 $32% Br Int] Fin 7250 250 275 $18% 'an Cem Can Can Iron 2 "a Can ciL ve C Marconl 200 CPR 1565 $734 CPR pr C Petrofin Cdn Tire A CWN Gas Cc Westing Chemcell Clairton Clairton w 200 850 850 Columb! p 2100 $19% 19% Cominco 980 $31% 31% C Savings 124 $82 8 Con Bidg 100° 130 Con Bldg w 342 21 Con Paper 205 $43 Con Papr p 350 $25% Cons Gas 3205 $16% 20$102 1 17043 46044 225 $19 150 $184 100 $214 180 $12% 12% " 275 $\4%e 14% Dist! Seag 635 25% 11% + Ve|\study of the 2,600-page report. Most of the 1,700 delegates) 76% -- v«|were described as belonging to/result of the three-day session "*\the "yes, but'? school. They fa-was Finance Minister Sharp's production plans at a $30,000,-\an outright gambler would bet! %ivored many of the report's far--announcement that the govern-/000 mining development in Brit-)against his pulling off his latest y, reaching recommendations, but! ment will publish a white paperjish Columbia and causing it to\idea. % held some reservations. Although there was consider-jon the report. jable discussion of technical legal) y,|and accounting points, the main /the uncertainty that would result l . objections boiled down to two'in the business world had been| j1, mendations to lift depletion|Vittually a kingd z , seat, ae ea ae : allowances and the three-year WON AGAINST ODDS cen 3 af "N B A Si | E qq veut' perin ter nee. wunes se ts belie Tee 67 to Mont-| The $650,000,000 world's fai "4 v ank | e pg ' g. E -| 550,000, yorld's fair Vel ew ct igna S nh sgh coe wees Seanemicanyiteel and pulled off the '"'impos-|is being paid for by the govern- r = | sible' task of creating a 1,000-|ments of Canada, Quebec prov- acre site for Expo from 137-\ince and the City of Montreal .._ |acre St. Helen's Island and ajin the proportions of 50 per cent, Lascloagee few mudflats in the middle of!3744 per cent and 12% per cent. 2° & 2: To Follow -Leader Banking "is v= By DENNIS ORCHARD 13% + %|their accounts. Dosco 8 8 --% Dom Store 525 18% jomtar 935 16% D Textile 225 23%--% Dupont x 38 Emco Fairbnk M Falcon Fed Grain Fleet Mfg Fleetw'd FPE Pion Fraser Frelman 460 GMC $934 Globe Env 500 $9 Goodyear 10 $215 Greb ind 100 $10%e GL Paper Va 29a 29Va GL_ Power 23% 23%a-- Ve The banks have been able to /imposed. |promise upward adjustments on| Ker aisng tien tote eumelanin eke nae Act allows m : pe ha -- borg ago pane als but not chequing privileges compared with four per cent a ceiling goes to 7% per cent from|are allowed. six per cent immediately, and) These will pay from four to it will vanish entirely next Jan.|414 per cent interest, some on New powers to finance by de- balances. The Canadian Impe- 25 215 benture and to enter mortgage rial Bank of Commerce and the 10% 104+ %/lending will wider and heavier lending ac-|also eventually ldation in the first major public|that it could completely upset|/PUTS OFF DEVELOPMENTS jtopped, bespectacled, |the economy. | Meanwhile, the implications|tive The most important practical lof the report were blamed by | fall this fall outlining its intentions|reconsider another $60,000,-) A 000 development. poss Fears of a lengthy delay, 4 ritt said the commission's rec- unattractive at foreseeable cop- tion in the development MONTREAL (CP) Expo, said in an interview: {clean up his city By DAVE MacDONALD --The top|River. 1 adviser to Expo 67 said lions after the fair closes jit and general counsel for|years. | r. Drapeau referred to the/and units" of "Expo. official inauguration Thurs-| He continued: ontreal's mayor is a_ bald- diminu-| y+ dynamo who stands 10 feet dae } Noranda Mines Ltd. deferring)real's 2,500,000 inhabitants. Only|ancure that these islands which ible, battled huge |tions. In his speech at Expo's Place|'ties and industrial participants "There definitely is a way in\des Nations Thursday Mr. Dra- OWnIng pavilions, and the City} jis going to mean a busy sum-|which Montreal could take over of Montreal. 1 | jpeau said he hoped it would be the site. It is a distinct possibil-|possible after the fair's end to preserve the "great structures tectural Institute of Canada an- "On behalf of my colleagues} of the Montreal municipal coun- lcil, let me assure you that, for we will discuss with). r the owners of all those pavilions | among metropolitan Mont-|the steps that can be taken to|out Italy's Sandro Lopolo in the! +second round here Sunday night Montrealers have built at their own expense fulfil their destiny eee a ' as an international city, where specialist in doing the im-|pilgrims from all parts of the he led a sometimes) world will be able to come at Noranda President R. V. Por-/0"e-"™an fight in the 1950s to/any time, to meet and see for that then was|themselves what is being done om of crime.'tg improve today's civilization to the benefit of future genera- THE OSi!AWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 1, 1967 13 Expo Site, SaysLegalExpert | jthe mile - wode St. Lawrence} A spokesman for Mr .Drapeau nition," an institute spokesman jsaid Friday special negotiations |said. And he rammed through|"ow are under way toward this Friday a scheme of Montreal/plans and construction for a nd. Mayor Jean Drapeau for the/$930,000,000, 16-mile subway, the : City of Montreal to take over | Metro, that now criss - crosses COUld become a reality if there o's 1,000-acre site and 73) the Island of Montreal and links|WaS agreement among the goy- with Expo and the south|¢rnment of Canada, represented Oct. 27 is technically possible.|shore--a project that had been|by the Canadian Corporation | Jean-Claude Delorme, secre-|talked about in Montreal for 50 for the 1967 World Exhibition-- Mr. Drapeau's suggestion Expo 67--the participating coun- In Ottawa, the Royal. Archi-| nounced that Mayor Drapeau will be honored next month with WINS BOXING TITLE TOKYO (Reuters) -- Hawai- ian-born Takeshi Fuji knocked) to win the world junior welte weight boxing title. Fuji knocked down the Italian twice in the second round before leav-) ing him tangled in the ropes after a stunning right. LEWIS OPTICAL Established for over 30 years 10% King Street West 725-0444 la special gold medal for his en- Montreal Could Take Over | couragement to architecture in Montreal and at Expo. Mr. Drapeau will be the first person to receive the new award which will be presented 'from time to time win there is a person deserving special recogn- GARY NESBITT Representative SUN LIFE. Assurance Company of Canada Oshawa Shopping Centre Phone 725-4563 ae {Brenda Mines, a low - grade| jtivity by the banks, with one|molybdenum - copper deposit vying against another for clients|which would be made uneco-, ['™ OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's neW| who rarely have turned to the|nomic by implementation of the Bank Act takes effect Monday /hanking community before for/Carter report, ad to -be contin-| and it may signal the end oftheir borrowing. 2 follow-the-leader banking in the rh country. The eight operating banks are/term loans with mortgages as|scene, the Maclean-Hunter Re-| |already jockeying for a first ad-| socyrity, vantage under the flexibility | ¢ promised by the legislation. For the first time in years.|of service charges have pushed|Ward trend developed in 1966. savers will have a significant|the real rate as high as 11 per| 'The underlying trend sug-| Y choice of interest rates from on€|cent. This will come into the|gests an upswing in buying} 0 Sere ei, deve |bank to another on balances in/gpen when the complex disclo-/mood," the survey says. gent on the government's ac-| Among these clients may be tions. small businessmen, looking for) Elsewhere on the business | jsearch Bureau reported signs Although the official ceiling|that consumers are regaining |has been six per cent, a variety Confidence after a distinct down- |sure and calculation rules are) House - buying plans continue} |to fall, it found. Only 2.9 per All eight banks introduce the|/c¢"t of the people questioned were planning to buy a house | during the next six months, Monday, under which withdraw- jyear ago. A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 144% King St. East 723-2721 {monthly and some on quarterly | mean|Toronto - Dominion Bank have improved the standard GNGas A Pp 23% 23 Greyhnd 5 Guer Tret 10% Hi 38 ardee Hard Carp % Hard Crp A Home A 688 $: 19% Home B Horne Pit H Bay Co HB Oil Gas Husky Ol! Husky D w Imp Oil imp Tob R ind Accept 5 S' Ind Adhes 7 Ind Wire Inglis Inland Gas " $31% 31% 31% 157 $106% 106 106% + 275 $40 «392 40 + Intpr Steel 600 490 485 45 --S5 Inv Grp A 270 $11% 11% 11% ITL Ind $28 2734 27% -- Ve Jefferson 390 $3534 35% 35% + Jeffersn w $27% 275% 27% -- Ve 385 385 385 + S $15 14% 14% $25%4 25% 25% ve 220 $12% 12% 12% 475 475 475 $18% 18 18% $20% 202 20% $8 8 8 12 SR <3 2 +M% 14a 14a 14% 0 50 $s: $ $5 50 { $304 30% 304 -- Va) $19% 19% 19% | 0 $27. 27 = «(27 | $20% 20% 20% ML Mills p _10$100 100 100 +3% Mass-Fer 763 $23% 23%a 234-- Va Molson A 145 $242 24a 24a + Ve) Molson B 15 $24% 2434 24% Mon Food $9 9% Montex 200 205 205 205 +85 Montex w 3). 95 95. 98 Mont Trst 280 $15% 15% 155% -- %) Moore 195 $108% 108 108% + %)| Murphy 400 S75e 7% 7% Nt Contain 103 5) Nat Drug p 3 Nat Groc p 26 Nat Trust 19% 100 Pembina 500 Pow Corp Pow Crp pr Prem tron Price Com QN Gas Rank Org Reichhold Revelstk Revenue w Ronald Fd Rothman 'oyal Bnk tL Cem A Salada Selkirk A Shell inv p Shell Inv w Sheil Can $) 100 391 Silverwd A Silverwd B Southam ST Radio Steel Can Steinbg A Stuart Oil Texaco Thd CGinv 5% 5%+%| Thom N P TT Tailors Tor Dm Bk Tor Iron W Towers Traders A Transair Tr Can PL Tr Can Pl p Trans Mt Un Gas UGas B pr Union Oil Un Wburn Versafd Versatile Vic G Tr 150 Vulcan Walk GW Wat Equip 1000 Weldwod Westc'st 225 Westfair 125 West Ind 100 Westeel 100 300 2370 2275 6% Weston A 225 51% 4 Weston B 220 124 White Pas 845 $21% 21% Pac Pete 795 $14 14 Woodwd A York Lam B 100 45 5 $12% 12% 12% | three-per-cent interest on chequ- $11% 11% 11% ing accounts to 3% per cent. $343 43 M45 145145 812% 12% '2% $10% 10% 107% + Ve $54 SV 5M $31% 3) $92 9% 500 500 500 S11%e 11% 11% $284 284 28¥2 + V4 | S822 82% 822 $27% 27% 27% -- % $10% 10/2 10% + ve $11% 11% 1% $9 Ow $10 995 995 $27 26% 27 -- 24 124 12% | 0. 380 380 +10 16 | pte 7 +5) Oy 31% + Me) % Quick to Start... Quiet on the go! " $16 $16 16% 16% | $424 42" 424 + Va $295 29% 2% -- $25¥e 24% 25 -- Ve $2 $5454 | $29 2 $1144 11% $252 252 25¥a + We! $20 20 20 $72. 72. 72 | $324 324 32% 23 23 23 $8% 82 84 -- S$6%e 5% bet $3142 314 31% $492 49a 49Va + $17% 17% 17% + $12% 12% 12% + 3. 53 83 + $36 «35% 35% + 425 425. 425 $54 Sie SM+ $38% 38% 3%+ UM $14% 14% 14% 330 330 330 +20 | $35% 35% 35% -- Va | 450 430 450. +80 | \ $102 10% 10% | $27%e 272 27% $342 Mia 34 s2i4 214 2 AND MARINA King St. E. at Townline -- 723-0211 ss se el Operate it with your finger-tips: Finger-tip Starting, Finger- tip Handling, Finger-tip Bag Attachment, Fingert-tip Height Adjustment. Fe $214 21% $28% 28% 28%-- Ve 225 225 25 +8 "Bargain" Fares now ; all the way to CN now stretches your dollars all the way to Chicago with low Red, White & accommodation . . . low fares for children... big bargains for groups of Wespac W Decaita 300 Wilshire 300 600 575 575 Primary Distribution Distribution of Treasury Shares The Toronto Stock Exchange has been advised that the following companies have entered into underwriting and op: tion agreements which may result in treasury shares of these companies be- Ing under distribution currently through the facilities of the Exchange: DEALING YOUR CAR ? The Man To See Is JACK Blue Fares ... and with attractive CN savings like complimentary meals when you travel by parlor or sleeping car... extra savings when you share sleeping ten or more adults. Go CN to Chicago-- for comfort and bargains! For reserva- tions call your Authorized CN Travel Agent or CN Passenger Sales Office, Oshawa to Chicago $14.80 One way coach travel, Red "Bargain" Days, FOR RESERVATIONS AND TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 102 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY, PHONE 668-8867 OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN HUGHES ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. Pps CALL FOR COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE [25 KING St. OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001 Move it over! Coe oe act Get up to10 Bonu OT I ioc catcastan Days on your 44% savings at Toronto-Dominion Get your savings on the move to Toronto- Dominion. All deposits made on or before the 10th of May earn interest from the first of the month. That's up to 10 days free interest! A real bonus, because Premium Savings Accounts now pay a whopping 44%24%--50% more interest than before. With a safe, secure Premium Savings Account your money earns more money right away. Your savings grow faster to help you get ahead--to achieve whatever savings goal you may have. "Of course, you can make cash with- drawals from your Premium Savings Account anytime, thou gh you can't issue cheques on it. For chequing we have the low-cost Personal Chequing Account that gives you fully personalized cheques, a free cheque wallet in your choice of two colours and other extra benefits. Use the Personal Chequing Account and a Premium Savings Account in our Twin Ac- count Plan for easy money management. Yes, a 442% Premium Savings Account has a lot going for it. But the first move is up to you. Move your savings over to Toronto-Dominion now, and take advan- tage of up to 10 days free interest. Another great Go-Ahead idea from TORONTO-DOMINION The Bank where people make the difference. is" E.D H. J G. I B. Miles, Manger, 4 King Street W. & Simcoe St., Oshawa, Ontarla. R. Singleton, Manager, 566 King St. E.. at Wilson Rd., Oshawa, Ontario. rwin, Manager, 455 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Ontario. . Hayden, Manager, King Park Plaza, 243 King St. W. & Park Rd. S., Oshawa, Onteria, » Eaton, Manager, Northway Plaza, 1128 Simcoe St. N,. & Byng Ave., Oshawa Ontario