'pullt, Mrs. Cauley sald. The]was patently false. The fire es- ----.-. | SNIP HERE, A SNIP THERE Shulman Charges Labelled irs txsitrms/ci7 c's ws wm tients were evacuated during More Consultation HERE A SNIP, THERE A SNIP... Half-Truths, Irresponsible ae en eae ira AP)--There was avante garde event Saturda in their design of the centre. gc ats it alle r Both the architects and the} WAS BOXING PROMOTER » Carol Mann, 19, brunette, night called The 14 - Hour : Ss n outes hatred inne tavender suit, Dream, featuring 30 pop mu-| NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP)jate the fiction" and "headline-[into Gualtieri's death against|puilders, Anglin Norcross Ltd.,| MONTREAL (CP)-- Funeral . perched centre stave on x sic groups, psychedelic light- | 4 member of the Ontario Work-| grabbing statements." the specific instructions of Dr.|were experienced, reputable|seryices were held in Montreal ing effects and underground H. B. Cotnam, Ontario Chief|firms and the construction|Friday for Jack (Goldberg) KITCHENER (CP) -- Dr.| Another speaker, John Liv-| white stepladder while volun- movies b Uni men's Compensation Board] Mr. Cauley said the charges TORONTO 10:40 (CP) > y a United States 5 " lans had been approved by boxing pro- Frank Cook, a biologist at the/ingston, vice-president of the] teers waited for a turn with artist, Andy Warhol. Saturday hit back at charges peste go Pega coroner. 7 Poh the consulting ears and ae yoni apsckies vi tee is ged = gers pntario. federation, said the naturalists'| the scissors. Miss Ono is perhaps best |by Dr. Morton Shulman, former] tie h eine that a na) At the same time Dr. Shul-ithe fire and building depart-|who died Thursday. Quetations In cent vaheial . nes Aaiuittenae biggest problem will be the neg or hour later, there bag Lam a_recent parce Metropolitan Toronto chief cor-| plication." ' pees a. Geeta ments of North York Township. rights, xw--Ex-warrs ; j was Carol. with British censors over her : é : ur Wishar' it appeare "from 'previous boarc should consult with other pro- eae -- : Stark naked, surrounded by movie of 365 bare bottoms |er, in connection with the| 17, prow wiNDOWS from Dr. Cotnam's order that on Nie sebaittnaat inaporien vincial departments, including} Mr. Livingston, execu-| sninnets of the latest mod rai- walking away from the cam- |March 31 fire in the board's)" phe early-morning fire in the|the government intended to FOR ALL YOUR DRUG STORE '+ MIN lands and forests, in making|tive producer of Canadian A P ' | early-morning fire in the)". the centre at least 15 times : sdet ; ; ment, while 5,000 persons ap- era. Toronto hospital in which one|rehabilitation centre's three-| Whitewash and suppress facts leted in 1958, ' Plans for road routes. Broadcasting Corp. science pro-| pjayded Members of the audience : ; 3 suteGnndiie the fire since it was completed in NEEDS Stock Sales Hi Speaking at the 35th annuallgrams, said park areas have| P * : ae patient died. storey, 300-bed dormitory sec- 8 ate the last time one week before 'Acad Uran 2000 ; { What had happened in the were invited on stage one at a | without mentioning Dr. Shul-|tion killed Francesco Gualtieri,) A royal commission opensithe fire. Accra peo i intained in the past be- i " iti ; : ; : r meeting of the Federation of|been maintained in the past be-| jeantime was 'a composition time to create the ultimate in | man by name in a speech to|30, of Toronto. Thirty-six other|hearings today into the charges| charge that the hospital did|ix Phone i i A use of low population pres-| ; 7 Pie" techs ra ; aa y : ; , : b ign Deal covceiomnel raat pop Pp in music of the mind," said mini - fashions by snipping |the Bricklayers' International|patients had to be treated for|of interference by Ontario gov-\not have fire escape facilities err ine Sa i i dhould ensure that new high-| Other speakers wer Dr.| YEO Ono, lady artist - com- away pleces of Carol's suit, |Union, Jack F. Cauley, vice-|smoke inhalation and injuries|ernment officials. 723- i: ae ae ways do not go through wilder-|Hugh McCrimmon of the Uni-| P0S¢r from Japan whose idea bra, ine gg oon er Im |chairman of the compensation|suffered when some of them| Dr. Shulman told reporters 'Argosy 3600 10 ness, park or conservation|versity of Guelph, and C. R. the happening was. that 'order, - nothing Was /board, said: "We deeply resent|jumped from upper-floor win-|following his dismissal that the EXPO ain VER pe rep lands. Tilt, secretary of the parks in- It was just one phase of an left but Carol. the irresponsible charges made/dows. One is still in an-|hospital was "'shoddily built," FREE-CIT¥-WIDE-DELIVERY Bethim 1200 63 »He also urged the federal|tegration board at Rich t us.' other hospital with severe|poorly inspected by fire-preven- | 15' Trailer FOR RENT, 8 5 Suk ax eee government to take action to/Hill near Toronto, and Profes-| EYES ARE EVERYWHERE BRUSH UP SINGING His speech, the first formal] burns. tion officials and that the build- Pre Pod gr Wl 2 td Cree. D LOVELL Brain. oe a national parks in On-|sor Norman Pearson of the| There are 11,200,000 regis-| Lutheran churches are hold-janswer to Dr. Shulman's; Dr. Shulman was fired aling's ceiling tiles "burned like skly. JURY AN Brovl Reet 1500 3 University of Waterloo. tered bird watchers in the Uni-jing nine summer schools this|charges by a member of the|week after the fire because he|paper." 728-8253 pf bag ted States. year in church music. board, would serve to "'repudi-'ordered an immediate inquest! The hospital was not shoddily Sar tune a i amfio [ BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE ie . aad 500 ic) Cantre See $500 Fine Levied On Charge Eine Cassiar 225 $1 . Se ae Of S 7 Li 6 i Mi Con will 500 V7 upp. ying quor 0 nor Coniagas 733 Conigo e C Callinan 2000 1: PICKERING -- "This type of| The charge arose out of a ¢ Halll 2400 if offence is the most offensive to|head-on accident last December © Ment ra ag the courts,' Magistrate H. M.jnear the Rouge River Bridge. € Merisn 1420 58¢ Jermyn said as he imposed ajAs a result of the accident a Mr. : Neo 34100 2 fine of $500 and costs or three |Shaw, the driver of the other © Red Pop bas * months in jail on Arthur Veira,|vehicle, died in January. Klott Coprcore 2000 6 28, of Nardac Avenue, Fairport|received a broken jaw, broken Cstland 5003 Beach, on a charge of supply-|ribs and head lacerations. i ragon 240014 i i " Sy D'Eldona See ing liquor to a minor. Fines of $100 and costs or 20 , fanicn ae? tal Discovry 760 125 Court was told the accused|/days on a charge of resisting drove two teenage girls from alarrest and $100 or 20 days, con- ple <n Dunraine 1100 dance at Grand Valley Park to| secutive, on a charge of consum- East Sull 200 $5: his home where he served them Jing liquor while under the legal Fwest T 9500 1 F Orenada. 1250 2: drinks. Pickering police were|/age were imposed on Douglas called to the home of one of the !Blackburn 18. girls when she became sick. A sentence of 14 days in jail ' ! jai Convicted on a dangerous|o, a charge of assaulting a Goan ie 3 driving charge, Eric Klott, Con-|nolice officer and $100 or 20 Gradore 200023 cession 4, Pickering Township, days on a charge of resisting Grandroy 1000 4¢ was fined $200 and costs or 30), ++est were imposed on Alex: Grane 1025 Ft days in jail. His driver's licence | anger Kermack, 22. Green Pnt 500 26 was suspended for six months. | The charges' against Black- ee 80 14 burn and Kermack arose out of fae i incidents following a dance at - Nurses Request the Pickering District High H let ie ame cge re School. One of the teachers in- ip eat 3800" 30 6,000 Mi i formed Constable L. Watson Sips 100.138 ie Immum they were not members of the y)) -- Jonsmith See student body and they were re- Mi Seuney 2500 9 TORONTO (CP) -- Members| moved from the buildin . , Bg. of ~ ogre eer Peed A 14-day jail sentence and a socia - of On saad calle af two-year licence suspension fol- urday for a minimum annual|iqwed the conviction of Gordon ' Kerr Add 1252 $12 By K Anacon 6345 101 Kid Coper See Lab Min 2120 $29 L Dufauit 350 $12 Lakehead 500 25 salary of $6,000 and a starting /Nonald McBride, 23, of West 'i salary of $7,680 for those with! Hill, on a charge of driving i ida fy university training. while intoxicated. Lorade 500 9% The average minimum sal-| The accused was seen driving el ion a on Man ber 32015 ary for registered nurses nOW|in an erratic manner, at a speed me en ie 8 is $4,800. in excess of the speed limit, : S atign : F uper Sport Hardtop Cou Matigmi 600 $13 Delegates approved the sal-Ithrough Pickering Village, Power glide transmission, wheel discs, whitewalls, radio, de- eens A seistg Mev intyre '100 $91 Set ws Oe ee March 4 _-- he failed to stop ee : f iy : Black vinyl top, special suspension, positraction, power brakes, 396 On ee ended: They also called for an. uxe seat belts, etc. Finished in Granada Gold with Fawn all engine, dual exhaust, power steering, whitewalls, front fender lights, Nat Exo) 1500 "2 our WwW Ss . : . . * ° . . * . . 2% working tink: WEED FUEL OIL 2 vinyl interior. Serial 133571100375. List price $3,321. special instrumentation, radio, rear electric antenna, 4 speed trans- New Col 100 Convention delegates ap- mission. List price $4743. Serial No. 1688771115099. high capacity heater, heavy duty battery and antifreeze. List roof rack plus 'many other safety ond luxury features. Lic, No. X12621. price $2,401. LIST PRICE ... $4864 Q Mattgm! 3000 93 Que Sturg 1200 24 proved a suggestion that mem- "i bership in the association be PERRY re a inylame 100 i compulsory in the hope that membership fees, raised to $35 723-3443 BONANZA BONANZA A aon aioe. as pe 7 this year, might be DAY OR NIGHT Norlex sis, tet SALE PRICE... SALE PRICE... oe 200 120 EDUCTI j a = = wet BEDEETION 1 OPTcay gry A Et 1000 Brand New Envoy Special Sedans eet 3 SEAT STATION WAGON Pier - eye x i : Mist blue metalic shade light W/S, automatic level control, power brakes and steer- | ; Prest 575 $18 Including heavy duty air cleaner, laminated windshield glass, ina, 327 wadins, peverelite, dehin Whtdl, /diecs, While Welk, tent Rening. lights, Probe" me? 12 radio AM/FM, rear speaker, clock, kleenex dispenser, floor mats, rear air deflector, 3 Pyramid 200 355 SAVE 1064 Roni 2 t N NZ LRA ae | Rewan Cn Zz 4 | Sarimco 2500 13 | Sherritt 600 400 | Silvrfids 1000 320 SALE PRICE DEMONSTRATOR | inte oi e t living, jee | cenit ! Sil Stand 100.100 | iscoe 2215 510 \ Stanrck 7000 360 Steep R 900 585 } Teck Corp 600 490 | Tex-Sol 500 21 \ Tombill 2000 111 \ Tribag 1600 121 Trin Chib 4000 11 U Asb Un Cmstk 4000 10" Utd Pore 2150 = 9 West Mine 200 410 White Star 3500 30 1967 Camaro Coupe | CAPI CREAM, white walls, wheel discs, black vinyl top, 275 H.P. 327 engine, powerglide, custom interior, radio, console, special chrome interior trim, special chrome exterior trim, power steering, shade lights, vik G « Se ie COMPLETE WITH FRAMES AND BIFOCAL LENSES | Sieh cae ik OILS, ¢ @© SG (G) | oe ae ter | SA a | a, ame te KRYPTOK FLAT-TOP od €or on a 400 200 Cdn Sup O 200 $34 Cdn Tricnt 220 800 Cent Del 700 $12 Charter O 200 270 C West P 265 140 Dynamic 400 104 $19.50 $19.50 $19.50 ALL GLASSES ONE LOW PRICE Fargo French Pt 550 435 Gr Plains 375 $117 Gt COilsds 1335 $15 AND aL Ps Uf Int Helium 1500 330 a / Midcon 740 45 gyi --= ee oe a THIS WEEK ONLY 12! Seals : a Me THE MOST OUTSTANDING OFFER IN IN OPTICAL HISTORY To everyone and anyone who needs or rs Bifocal Glesses: here is Place G Prairie Ol 100 410 Provo Gas 2552 595 the most sensational offer of all gomtgg For' THIS WEEK ONLY 7 eon buy the finest National Branded quality Bifocal lenses me 1 61 with the frame of your choice at the ONE LOW PRICE of '$19. U Cane i200 284 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM WDecaita. "300 249" W Decaita 300 249 Wilshire 300 600 Choose the bifocals that you want and only you need for YOUR specie! requirements. Select from @ wide assortment of frames, the one des especially for your teste, personality end faciel eontour, King o' the Lowest Prices and the Highest Quolity ot one low price. Won't you compare... comporison proves. SALE POSITIVELY ENDS SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1967 GLAS aa te Primary Dist Distribution of Tre The Toronto Stock Ex advised that the folio' have entered into unde: tion agreements which treasury shares of thes Ing under distribution ¢ a : Visit OMS Tonight and Corral Yourself A New Chevrolet we alienate KiInG . DEALING ONTARIO MOTOR SALES st The Man To JAC! HUGH OPTICIANS - 17 Bond Street, HOURS: 4 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Daily East Closed All Day Wednesday 2nd Floor PHONE: 728-1261 WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS 140 BOND STREET WEST TELEPHONE 725-6501 ONTARIO M fr LTD. Branches in Many Principal Cities of Canada and US nded 1904