0 uss. 1.59 3 uss. 39° ive 63° 3 ite 58 [APTHA GAS ond or round, Week till 10 P.M. YD'S \L. STORE . Trull's Rd. t of Townline NORMAN MRS, BAKER Church property is exempt 'from _ municipal taxation. : Should it continue to be exempt? Six people were ask- - ed this question during a * man - on - the - street survey. ' They said: Mrs. Paul Cadi- , dieux, 296 Grenfell: "No, I don't think they should be ' taxed. I feel that the church 'and the priests work very . hard to build what What they have. they have is ' usually spent on other peo- ' ple too and they do a great deal of good things with all of the money they get. It isn't as if they are selfish with what they earn." Bar- bara Curran, 287 Cabot St.: ie Sg BARBARA CURRAN BIGNELL MRS. CADIEUX Gordon Tax Church Property? GORDON FOUND NAPLES, Fla. (AP) second-degree murder by an all-| male jury teday in the drug- murder. "of his wife Carmela and was sentenced to life in| prison. After the jury foreman, 48- year-old Harry Miller of Naples, delivered the verdict and it was read by the court clerk, Circuit Judge Lynn Silvertooth sent the Nig ince spectators out of the small, hot the sentence of life imprison- ment, Carl Coppolino was convicted of{be wasted." courtroom. Then he delivered | "No, not really. It's supposed to be the house of the Lord and if we start taxing the church, I think that we will have gone too far. The church spends a lot of money on good things. It's not as if they get it and hoard it. They usually give it away as fast as they get it." Mrs. Hazel Baker, 120 Guelph St.: "No, not at all. The church isn't like the type of business that is continually investing .to gain more capital. It has to invest to a degree to ensure that it will have enough for its operations but it gives away most of what it is given or earns, to various mission- Britain T OnNewsToCommonwealth LONDON (CP) -- Britain's decision to triple its charges for sending news to the Common- wealth is described by one Brit- ish newspaper as doing more damage to the Commonwealth idea than any other event since the Second World War. "This is about as retrograde a step in the process of build- ing international understanding as one could imagine," The Guardian comments. ary societies." Found, Pickering: 'I think the church should be taxed. Everything they receive is given to them or they have invested it in some type of business. They have to be making money' or_ they wouldn't be able to survive for as long as they have. Congregations have fallen off all over, they're getting it somewhere." Bev Seed, 477 Rossland Rd. W.: "Yes, I think the church should be exempt from tax. It is hav- ing enough problems as it it, trying to survive. I don't think we should kill the last suv dunn noes nv tree stoner te Institution in our society that stands for something that is good, Young people -- a lot of them -- find a great deal in the church. We shouldn't take that away." Norman Bignell, 2 Harwood Ave.: "I think they should be taxed, The church is one of the largest and most fruitful corpora- tions in the world today. They have invested in busi- ness and even run many of their own businesses. They are not going to receive enough money to keep oper- ating from a Sunday collec- tion." (Oshawa Times Photos) MT The 34-year-old doctor, nat- tily dressed in a black suit and white shirt, was marched under guard out a side door of the courtroom to a jail cell on the same floor. The defeat was a stunning one for Bailey, the dynamic, 33- year-old Boston defender who sprang into national prominence when he gained a new trial that freed Dr. Sam Sheppard. taken into custody immediately and delivered to the state peni- tentiary at Raiford. Bailey oan tested the verdict as invalid and illegal and moved that Coppo- lino be discharged. "This is obviously the sort of Leaders Of Teachers Urge jand principals, The judge ordered Capetino| charge where the verdict must be maximum or nothing," said o Triple Charges Another national newspaper,|other Commonwealth countries the Daily Telegraph, also takes}soon would also increase their the government to task for|penny rate. The British penny- abolishing the old penny-a-word|a-word rate goes up to three- cable rate, saying it hie ra pence. the few remaining links bin ing | the old family of nations. SHOCKS PRESS CORP : Most other national dailies| The British decision, effective merely published today the an-|next Sept. 1, was announced nouncement without comment,|Thursday, immediately _bring- adding their view that while the|in& expressions of shock and Briti,h decision affects only/ismay from Commonwealth press reports sent from Britain, correspondents and the Com-) Return To Municipalities monwealth Press Union. They called on overseas Boveri to press Britain to halt the -- boost. While Commonwealth sain * Sand cae A also increase their) Talked Of Tax Paid On Gas tsisé2 "emcees TORONTO (CP) -- The On- tario government is taking a good look. at a suggestion which would give back municipalities the taxes they pay on gasoline 'or transportation systems, Transport Minister Irwin Has- kett said in the legislature Thursday. Bernard Newman (L--Wind- sor-Walkerville) suggested such a rebate would enable the mu- nicipalities to improve the serv- ice they provide. This would result in an increase in pas- sengers and a decrease in the number of motorists congesting municipal streets. The transport minister said his department has given no consideration to joining federal and municipal governments in providing fast transit free to city dwellers -- a suggestion made by Mr. Newman. He said the department had put reflector-type licence plates low on the list of safety priori- ties but in view of the interest Two Couples Jailed As Spies PARIS (AP) --Two couples were given prison terms Thurs- day for spying on the North At- lantic Treaty Organization for. East Germany. The court on the security of the state gave a 20-year term to ' Peter Kranick, who was found guilty of being an East German spy since 1955. His wife, Renee Levin, a secretary at NATO, was given 14 years. Hans Bammler, found guilty ' of transmitting Kranick's re- ports, was given 18 years and his wife, Marianne Meuhl, 14 years. 'and the use of pesticides. Bailey. 'There is no in be- tween. From the allegation of poisoning the second - degree conviction cannot stand." The penalty for second-degree |' murder is 20 years to life in prison. The judge denied Bailey's mo- tion to continue Coppolino's $15,- 000 bail pending an appeal which must be filed within 15 days. "This is a sick man," Bailey. FLAG UNFURLED 'IN DISTRESS' MONTREAL (CP)--A dis- tress signal went out Thurs- day at the official opening ceremonies of Expo 67. All seemed progressing smoothly as Pierre Dupuy, fair commissioner general, called the roll 'of partici- pating countries and the corresponding flag was un- furled. Sixty - one flags waved proudly, an explosion of color against a fierce blue said "You have a_ highly expog7 | Four Seasons Travel sky. Then, out rang the name Are exclusive agents for CANA- "Britain" and the Union DIANA Village. ONLY accommo- dation--Annex to EXPO grounds. (250 yards). $6.25 per person | paca en Jack was unfurled--upside down, the signal of a ship in trouble. In a flurry, attendants hoisted it again right side up. pe e a Also inquire about our Bus Tours, | Phone 576-3131 Coppolino Convicted Second-Degree Murder WAS SHOCKED Leh ecg recess in guarded Coppolino, looking gaunt and| shocked, conferred briefly withthe panel of 12 men from the! Bailey and then shook his head|jury room at 10:20 p.m. Thurs- when asked if he had anything) \day night and asked if they, to. say before sentence was |were close enough to a verdict passed. ito continue deliberations. H Reject Final Salary Offer, TORONTO (CP)--Leaders of;had not been negotiations at all Toronto's 3,300 elementary|because the moves were called school teachers, vice- principals yy the Metropolitan Toronto charging that the Toronto board of education |5chool Board. has not negotiated in good faith, | said Thursday they will call for| a rejection of the board's final) Invest! \salary offer. earn Spokesmen from the Toronto| Elementary Teachers' Mutual) Problems Committee and Tor-| onto Public School Masters'| Association, which represents; the city's 900 male public school! teachers, were speaking at a news conference. The board's proposed mini- mum starting salary is $4,600. The current minimum starting) salary is $4,100. | The membership may re-| quest that negotiations be put) in the hands of provincial ex-| ecutives of the public school teachers' federations. The leaders charged that ne-| 614% per annum for five years by investing in Guaranteed Investment Certificates which are Gueranteed--as to Principal and Interest. Flexible--may be used as Col- lateral for loans. Redeemable--by Executors. in the event of death, gotiations with the city board | | Authorized--as Trustee Act In- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUS} & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simeoe St. N., Oshawa 723-5221 FREE Estimates, Reasonable Rates, Repair Specialist. 23 King St. W., Bowmenville OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS SATURDAYS onl Installed Whitby's Oldest and Only Radio dispatched Plumber. Service Made Us. Call 723-7191 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 28, 1967 3 Mine Tragedy 'Hearing Ends CARDIFF, Wales (AP) -- tribunal investigating the Aber-) --Dr. doubtful case. Incarceration will] The jury went back to its fan mine tragedy ended today |deliberations at 9:08 a.m. after |atter 76 days in which 2,500,000 {words of evidence were rec- Silvertooth had summoned oraen. | The tribunal's report will be submitted fore the end of July. The inquiry was set up by the Labor government to look into the disaster in which 116 chil- dren were killed by a coal slag The heap that crashed down on the |Aberfan village school last Oct. to Parliament and probably will be published be- TORONTO by Bus! Low Fares -- Good Any Day One Way $1.25 Return $2.25 TIME TABLE CHANGE Effective April 30th, 1967 BUSES WILL RUN ON DAYLIGHT TIME NEW EXPRESS TRIP ADDED OSHAWA --- TORONTO 6:45 a.m. Daily -- exe. Sat., Sun. and Hol. NEW SERVICE BETWEEN AJAX AND WHITBY VIA BASE LINE FOR COMPLETE SERVICE BETWEEN OSHAWA - WHITBY - AJAX - TORONTO Ask for Time Table No. 7 Tickets and Information et: WHITBY-- Harry Donald Ltd., 300 Dundas Street East, Telephone 668-3675 OSHAWA-- Tedel Ltd., Bus Terminal, 18 Prince Street, Telephone 723-2241 may take a long, cool look at| shown by certain members the|'he idea and probably retain the matter would be reconsidered. |°d rate. In other business in the legis-| 'We're certainly not going to mrnee etaiis "Maae do anything immediately and I . e Ontario Water Re- i sources Commission reported saldohend santos He: we sins that nine pulp and paper mills|imcrease it, said D. F. Bowie, had installed satisfactory waste|President of the Crown-owned treatment or control and 23 oth- Canadian Overseas ers had submitted pr in- ion Corp. volving an estimated cost of| Bowie, along with other Cana- $20,000,000 in combating 'water| dian experts, is attending an in- pollution. augural meeting of the Com- 2. Health Minister Matthew|monwealth Tel ications .|Ramparts ih ed have fired Edward M. Keating Directors Fire Ramparts Chief SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- magazine directors as publisher and president. Keating, Menlo Park lawyer, was founder of the five-year-old journal which disclosed the Cen- tario wide controls over air pol-| wealth consultations on telecom- lution after objections were| munications. raised. Dr. Dymond said he] Bowie said in an would withdraw the bill for two|that he had been informed in the problems could be resolved. 3. The legislature's health|economics," he: said. controls over waste disposalling at our own rates and the Mr. Haskett said during the|discussed at our next board night sitting he was in favor of|meeting." Dymond agreed to withdraw|Council. This eventually will be fi ji f the National Stu- proposed legislation giving On-|the main channel of Common- Genie Anncolstion. hee . .__ |editor, took over Keating's func- interview |tions as publisher. weeks to see whether some of|advance of the British decision.|nesday ni ght, "It was a matter of straight}manded immediate payment of "Britain| $215,000 he contended the maga- committee gave clause - by-|/has been talking for many years|zine owes him. He estimated his clause approval to two govern-|of the need of increasing the|total investment in Ramparts at ment bills providing provincial|rate. We, in Canada, are look-| $860,000. British decision likely will boomers rsh glhgs 6 tre ask a reversal of the board' laction. tral Intelli Agency's secret Warren Hinckle, 28, executive After the board's action Wed- Keating de- Keating also called a share- a suggestion by a ber of members that cars be equipped with green running lights} red brake lights and orange direc- tional lights. However, he said, such changes cannot be made uni- laterally without unanimous agreement. A car thus equipped ! would be illegal in other parts of Canada. | The house approved the! transport department's spend- ing estimates of $11,147,000 for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1968, after two days of de- bate. On Display an EXPO 15' Trailer FOR RENT, 8 Miles From Expo. Electricity, Propane Frig., and Stove. Sleeps 6. $100. Weekly. 728-8253 Orders Also Taken 'a 725-0522 Centennial Oshawa Lions Club Oshawa Sportsman Show Thurs., Fri. and Sat., April 27, 28, 29 Day or Night At: Night 725-4555 d Available at OPEN THIS SUNDAY 4:30 TO 8:00 P.M. With bar facilities. Make your reservations NOW. Phone 723-4641. achievement yet: at Expo67. And here's how we're celebrating through 6 exciting months! Showing Canada to the world at international exhibitions and trade fairs is our special pride. We started doing it at Chicago in 1893, and we've done it eight times since on this continent I and abroad. Now we're doing it at home, with our biggest, most exciting Canadian Pacific-Cominco Pavilion Some moments you'll never forget: -- ~ See the sensational multi-screen film--""We Are Young"--by Academy Award winners Francis Thompson and Alexander Hammid-- a saga of youth against a breath taking Cana- dian background. Showing every half-hour in our ultra-modern 600 seat theatre. Explore the world of "Man and his Senses". You" il find this unique "5 +- 1" exhibit one of oor unusual experiences of your Expo sil Come and gl sl healt For free advance reservation: Canadian Pecifie-Cominee 326 Windsor Station, Montreal -s Que. | Canadian Pacific Serving you in so many ways "1867 U 1967