Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Apr 1967, p. 17

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to adjust and loo® m again. se same friends tell nderful I look. They ad the will power to cause of my new, ood habits, I have 'ight at 152 pounds. feet five inches tall mid-50s. Sette et thee ae EG FF, ik, HS, Eee ER Re THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, April 28, 1967 ]7 5 ZR ERE R ESR eK ARR SEAR ee if = Fi : 5 Prices Firm, | DIVIDENDS | F By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Geb Industries Ltd., common! Teck Corp. Ltd., common 7% Alcan Aluminum, common 2512 cents, June 15, record May|cents, June 1, record May 9. s . Trading Light |cents, June 5, record May 9; /31 Tone-Craft Ltd., common -§ | TORONTO (CP)---Prices con- |tinued to firm at the close of 414-per-cent pref. 42 cents, July! /15, record June 30. Alminex Ltd, common 5) Harding Carpets Ltd., com- mon 12 cents; class A 12 cents, cents, May 15, record May 2, Traders Group Ltd., 414-per- I , , i July 1, record June 12. cent pref, $1.12; 5-per-cent pref. business every day I ODA Y S S I OCKS light trading Thursday on the'cents, June 28, record June 2./ Quebec Natural Gas, 5.40-per-|50 cents; 5-per-cent pref. series own housework. I BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT -- nie ged u Atlantic Sugar Ltd., class A|cent pref. $1.35; 5%4-per-cent/A 3714 cents; class A and B and I'm s0 much nOROtO Gee A nterprovincial Pipe Line.|3o cents; common 12% cents,|pref. $1.37 1, June 30, record 15 cents, July 1, record June 9. th myself at this feheeeaty ce | sek pales sigh Ua nie eva _ gained 5 to ata June 3 record June 12; 5-per-| June 15. Union Carbide of Canada, d to THY 8 complete Toronto Stock Exchange--April 2 | Dynamic "N00 10S too, Waa es e ay, slipped 3% to ie %. | _ {cent pref. $1.25, June 15, record) Revelstoke Building Material, common-15 cents, June 1, record be and what fun I se eaations Ia coats unless marked $.| Fargo 300 360 360 360 --S Cominco dipped % to 31%%|May 25. 30 cents, pref., June 1, record May 10. 1» xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| Gr Plains 200 $12 12 12 : after reporting lower earnings «| : - ----_--___-------- t. I know I will live rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net chan: Gt COilsds 380 $14 13% 14 +% . . : Barber Oil Corp. Polk ans \May 17. ---------- from 'previous board-lot closing sale. | Int Heli $0800 3530 for the first quarter of 1967./cent stock dividend, July 1, rec-| Sherritt Gordon M I better for eating Mill 'City MD Yaa. 1k 108 Macl Hunt ined 2 to 50 er xordon Mines Ltd., MN ee 7 een : SCOan-HUner Sane 0 "lord May 15. jinterim dividend, June 15, rec- LEWIS MINES | Numac Too 335 335 335 --§ apecsipe on Se ee Camflo Mines, initial 10 cents,/ord May 26. P A 10:40 Net | Numac wt 1400 67 64 67 e | increas rst-quarter profits. | June 30, record June 16, | oO TIC L stn Sy Mgnt it in, BEY Qa ak dP cient 86 ndusral."CArtindutries Li, 14 cents gS0utame Brews 0 cents, June [| OPTICAL Prov G 12663 600 590. 600 +10 ' F Baine oa igh : Sa Mrandi, VY Ki An Moly. son ist beieee Ranger | 100 230, 230, 290 --$ | MONTREAL (CP)--wWith little|now in its $4th week of construc-|coolant in a case where the fuel|o¢ 99 and Anthes A 1 to YA pcey tg extra, July 31, rec-|" Standard Brands, common 35 101% King Street West irr pea , * : * : . : , x q Ang -Ruyn 2000 132 on 380 -- 1 SAY On, gas Sam 8) fuss and less publicity, Quebec's|tion, currently is running about is unenriched uranium, Beaver Lumper fell 1 to 37. Canadian General Securities |°C™'S:, increase of 214 cents, 725-0444 Argosy 300 105 105 105 +2] UY Canso 1800 268 263 268 + 3 |first nuclear power plant slowly|two weeks ahead of schedule) Many United States plants use| jy western oils, Hudson's Bay|req. 15 cents, decrease of me 15, record May 15. mot 'Armore 20 0 +1) W"iecaita 'Is0 us 2s 267 "lis taking shape at Gentilly, ajand AECL officials are reason-|ordinary water in plants fuelled / rel) 54 to 358%, Husky 14 to 1454, is, on class A and 3, 0 = --venee Arcadia m0 18 Boe Primary Distribution village on the south shore of the/ably optimistic that the 1971)by enriched uranium, but the Imperial Oil % to 59% and ag sacar May 26 : UNRESERVED RETIREMENT Bankfield 4500 12, 10-12. +1" Distribution of Treasury Shares | ct Lawrence River about 80/deadline for full power produc-|Canadian plants already built] yy £ to 20. T ined Oral uk a eo ihe Toronto Stock Exchange has been |S): ° rathenst of Montreal, |tien 'will be met have relied on heavy water for greg! | % Ui Sea Canada Malting Ltd., 25 cents, AUCTION Bral 0 17 ) ey advised that the following companies/ mi epg ard Ae ' ; % (0 20% an nion O1 36. y Foul Ret 7300 130 "ohn 30 1| 'NAVE srlered ino ungerwrting and op-| "The plant, being built jointly| 'They say it is too eatly ito|their slightly more complicated)" Uraniums moved ahead gee pac Pig Ne i. t Brunswk 300 $90. 590 590 Shares of these companiey be.|by Atomic Energy of Canada|set a-definite date for comple-|system using unenriched fuel. i , %, Ri | Debhold Canada Ltd., class WELL MAINTAINED y 3 a i treasury shares of these companies be-/by Atomic Energy A Denison up 5% to 65%, Rio Al- CARGbIR. ee oe ee oe {ng under distribution currently through| Ltd. and Hydro - Quebec, willltion, however. The Egil S| WATER FROM N.S yon th Oe acd Roman Pref. 121 58% June 1, record Cam Mine See list below. facilities of the Exchange: | ilo-/being rigidly controlled under Tt conti \C 5g % eee CONSTRUCTION E UIPMENT. Camtio 00-390 385 390 S Ree eee lott or ae ectiae pad ree und adoption of the| Heavy water will continue to| Corp. % to 17%. : | Eagle Star Insurance Ltd., 2 . Camp RL 200 $20 20 20 -- 7%) Ans. Sn SL ee Aah 'i "critical path and program eval-|be used as a moderator in the} On index, industrials rose .39) BN "i074 d May 18 of a a | C Lencourt 8000 17" 16 iéla--1,\into operation early in 1971. ae a ae ; hniques|PTrocess, however, The Deuter-|to 167.99, golds .78 to 152.15 ait | CHUNORE) SAY) 4) SeCRT A AAAY 3%: RT taep ee A " + F i iew tec' ; gee A id set x ae 1 'oodstock, Ont. aa, store ieee! | cole wo 6 oY _| Construction work on the pretty dad be jium of Canada heavy water|base metals .59 to 93,87. West-| Emco Ltd, common 12 Upon instructions from Mr. A. F. Homilton, President, who fs retiring Sontre ee tan Vit below. |; Con-Key 5500 12 12 12 41 (plant was halted Thursday} SY Lee |plant in Nova Scotia is expected|ern oils fell 1.61 to 156.22. Vol-\cents, July 31, record June citer 35 years from the construction business to accommodate expan= Captain 4200 Tea ela eh -- Ye! C Red Pop zw 23 23 23 -- Ysiwhen about ri ; og ng STARTED IN OCTOBER |to be the. supplier. jume at the -- was Steen General Dynamics: Corp., 25] LOADERS: '62 Cot 922 (Diescl)--Cat 955 12A w/7 Tooth Cat Ripper-- assiar fa ova love i id kers walked off their Jobs.| First gtaff ived on the 600-| Partly because it is a pioneer|shares compared with cents, June 9, record May 10. Hough Payloader Mod. HO 134 Yd.--'64 Case G310F (Crawler)--Cet Chestrvile 500-22, 22, 22 -- vl Daering 1500 11% 11% 11% wor! i irst staff arrived on bptaleh eo oe : ; : 933 T t : : fhe oe ne | D'Elda_ 15000 147 145 145. -- 1 | Nature of the grievance was not! sore site Sept, 13 last year and|project and partly because it is| Wednesday. ~~ BACKHOES: Koehring Mod. 205 (V4 yd.) p/w 1LH.C. UD9, 2/n €39814 Coch Will 100 170 170170 Glenn Exp 7000 19% 19' 1912--~ Ya!immediately known. t headquarters|a relatively small plant, the| ~~~ ------ | AC ae ers Koel oP b 10% tbat Gore baccian ala Coniagas 1000, 50.5050 Jelex 7100 20 20 2 | jset up temporary q ely small plant, country stations fibre cases|f| @lso $0" Crane Boom for Koering--'s8 Insley V2 yd. p/w Perkins Diesel Conigo See list below. Ce ee | Work started on the $106,000-/in an abandoned farmhouse.|Gentilly installation's operating], PRODUCE lmueen by the Toronto Board of | Tpbreute Bacon, sire Locuen te toa "ee yarcane Sn ae ee Norlex" "9000 19% ve ine 4/000 plant last fall. The project,|Ground was broken late in Octo-|costs are expected to ryn about Trade from wholesale egg deal-|f Outriggers. : Snel: Oe eo. 20: Boo: + 8 eee OT LY dra 4] | ber. 25 to 30 per cent higher than' TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale ers: Extra large 37-38; large aperons: 6506)" Wn. TDIGA-T79G--ING. TDD ew. Gucyrue ene ihe ae aie a OA ima es 28 $3 Hays Dna 225 sie 11% 1% | ~By this week the concrete/AECL's stations at Pickering tg retail carton eggs average |34-35; medium 30-31; small 23- | Hydraulic Blade--Late Model Case 1000 & Case 600, both w/Hy- © Rambler 800 130 125 130° | CS Rete 1000 198 197 197 --1 Home A 78 sn 2M Dt base slab of the reactor building and Dundas in Ontario. lweighted prices quoted by the 24: B 31; C 28. De ee a aaa ey ayo dakade GEES i | | | | 7 . a . oy ee id : oters ros. ringtie nee X niversea iw, i, Pi ag Fg it oq | , | Horne Pit $00 310 310 310 jhad been poured. The walls he | But D. J. Wallace, project|department of agriculture as of| Butter prices: Canadian 24" Pioneer Roll Crusher, 2 Deck Dillon Vibrating Screen 4' x 8' p/w Cstland 2180 28/2 282 284 | INDUSTRIALS [Ne Se. ete ee ae (BO ee ee ne 1N-| manager, says. the electricity|Thursday: A large 44.8; A me-|/Dairy Commission tenderable Gat Diesel Mod D8800 ¢/w Feeder Conveyor Hopper Feed & Return Bsering soon tt ylit below, | AbIn 105 S10%4 10M 10M | Musky Oil 380 814% late ase «+ {WOU OUTING SeseiOn ate in)sroduced will be competitive|dium 40.0: A small 31.1. jcarlots: Buying 39 score 62; 3 FLOATS: King 23 Ton--Mortin 15 Ton--Troilmobile. D'Eldona See list below. | peralegge bt Peitrs ou ae by We tien 70 $170 170 170 jOctober. ; with conventional power| Eggs: ®Wholesale price to!buying 40 score 63; selling 63. 2 TRACTORS: '54 White Single Axle Mod. 462PLTS--'S53 1.H.C. R-190. Denison 1625 $68 6768 427 Alcan 965 $32 Wie UMA Imp Oil 575 359% S94 son + | The Gentilly plant. is a -- eoutcen Ta MAdiOA the wita Oe ure as eee ee ee hee OR Tomy Oe icknsn 500 360 360 360 +10 | Alcan pr 25 $422 424 42% Imp Tob 100 $1434 1484" 1434 ltype for which basic research|;; 4 | ev (OR Feree, o Bonaida 4200 16 1 16 +4] Ang CT 315 2S $822 2%, Sis Ind Accept 100 $25%4 25% ait " darted in AECL's Chalk River, her callus uct oa ii a Ok od ALLIS CHALMERS, sphere titi a ae * PY al p p P Ly es 'g ~ | ies i aie ry " . " , Frober 1150 "ang | AIBC Pr 2s Sit II 1M | ind Mineri 350 si2 12 12, |Ont., laboratories in 1959. | |dro-Quebec decide to expand its L TO CALL COMPRESSOR CAT D337 POWER UNIT --e 2° ALLIS CHALMERS | "4 p : a Va + Ms A j eb Giant Yk 302 805 805 805 --15 | Ashdwn B 100 $6% 6% 6% ra wie Sy 7 7 ** 4) It is the first plant ever built) uctear facilities, costs prob-| UO CONE CRUSHERS 6" CAP. HOBART PORTABLE WELDER (GAS) 250 ph agent DO | Atl Sugar 1100 $104 10 10 -- Ys) pis 750 $12 12 «12 to use boiling cher water-| shiy would be reduced. | Take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- AMP @ MOTOROLA 2 WAY MOBILE RADIO @ 10 TON FLOOR uto ec z. 4 SM SY I 25 $11 VW Vv i water--as ice: H i --$$$< $<, --__-- ---------- -- Gradore 1400 2121 Bank MN 215 sous gata caves | (end, Gas Tas St tt, tom [instead of heavy | The plant is not expected to th vice; and radio dispatched trucks TIME PLACE 1! PREVIEW Sie Po Th a ay] a ee ee ee Te saa se pro wn su De Rurchased outright by Hydro. "Fuel Ol Budget lon Avcilbl om, || Tae 8 Wed "4 ae t icke! 138 cf j " i i Woodstock, e | A . uit 1000 "6% 612 64--%4| Bell Phne 1505 $5014 50% 50% int UM 530 $3114 aime A | eee loo stl tt itt ify Quebec until several years after Fuel Oil Budget Plan Available Thurs, May, 11th Woodstock, Ont. | ues. & Wed Hasaga 2500 72 72 7%4--1j{ Brazilian 127 $1258 1256 125% | Int Util pr "50 $32' 32% 324--Ysl thom NP 25 $25% 25% 25%--% completion. Until then, AECL OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! [fF Sas BICTORIAL BROC Heath 500 72 74 Ta | BA Constr 100 $64 6% 6%4+%) Intpr Pipe 617$1072107 1074+ 3s| TT Tailors 235 $20 20 20 |will pay the provincially-owned| | ETORIAL ERGCHURE High-BI 100 $18% 18% 18% +892) BA Oil 275 $355 351 35% Int Pipe w 700 $40¥2 40 40 -- Va) Tone Craft 100 $5¥e Sve S¥a--%) | PHONE (416) 363-8779 Hollinger 100. $247 24% 247% + Ya| BC Forest $00 $22 21% 213%4-- | Intpr Steel 300 495 495 495 Tor Dm Bk & $71% 71% 71% utility to operate the plant and) z Huds Bay 140 $66% 6614 6614+ 4| BC Sugar 711 $3114 31% 3114 Inv Grp A 2430 $1134 11% 11%-- 4! Traders A 150 $8% 8% 8% charge for the electricity pro-| Ee Hu-Pam 1000 92 9% 94 | BC Phone 100 $69 692 692 ITL Ind 1940 $2734 27 7 Transair 700 $6 5% 6 d d | TIONEERS Hydra Ex 1000 20 | Br Intl Fin 100 245 245 245 --8§ 1] ITL Ind pr 225 $21% 21% 21% Tr Can PL 1200 $31% 31 31% luced, | MAYNARD'S Jaye Exp 1500 17 17 17 + ¥e| Burns Fds 600 Side 14% lath Jefferson 840 $36% 36 36 --el Tr Can Pl p 175 $492 49% 4914 The eventual sale price prob-| COAL & 110 ab 'Bobo 1104 Predeaal Beta elex See list below, | CAE Ind 500 $9 9G Jeffersn w 2025 $284 28 28+ Ye! Tr Can P w 235 975 975 ably will be based on the cost! 7 ] ba bt (og Keg & Youge Streets Jonsmith See list below. | Calgary P 275 $244 2414 2h Jockey C 350 385 380 --5| Trans Mt 300 $17% 17% 17% -- ve ably ,pas SUPPLIES King St. W. oo =: or Jowsey 1000 63 6363 | Calgy 540 p- 30 $107%2 107' 10714 + 4| 1 pant 454 $257 25% 25% UnAce 2 100 375 375 375 --5 |of a conventional plant of sim- Hl @ 30-07 Kerr Add 1100 $12% 12% 12%+ Vel Can Cem 60 $4334 43% 43% + Va! Lefarge 500 $14 14 14 Un Carbid 105 $238% 23% 23% --%! ilar capacity I K Anacon 200 103 103 103 +1 Can Perm 2115 $12%@ 12% 12% | LOnt Cem 1900 $5% Sie SUu--% Un Gas 3480 $122 12¥2 122 if a Kid. Coper See list below. Cdn Brew 1810 $678 6% 67+ Ve! Life Invest 330 $5'4 5'2 Sia--% Unien Oil 300 36% Kirk Min 1212 12 +) C Brew Ap 210 $38% 38% 38% Lob CoA 600 $8 8 U Corp B 1180 $12% 12% 'opan 7 7 7 --%l € Curtiss 500 6) 61 61 Lob CoB 275 $8% 8% 8%+Ve| U Sections 100 $5 5 L Dufauit 125 $12% 1234 124+.%| C Found 225 $6 6h bh Lob Co pr 125 $43% 43% 434-- ul Versatd $54 5h L Shore 300 180 180 18 --10 | CGE pr 25 $44 Loeb M 1525 $13% 13% 13% + Ve! Versatile 35 $38 La Luz 235 $15Ve 15 C Goldaie 1000 440 440 440 +10 | Maciarn A 100 $24% 24% 24% -- Vo fainoco 20 9 9 Langis 7600 35 34 34 C Hydro m5 $21 21) 21 Maclarn B 220 $26¥2 26¥2 26V2 Walk GW 105 $355 35% Leitch 100 690 690 690 +15 | C Imp Bnk- 240 $72%4 72/4 72%2--\%4| Maclean H 176 $50 50 50 Weldwod 200 $10% 10% Louvicrt 1500 20 20 2 C Ind Gas 219 $12%4 12% 12'4-- Ve 1480 $30% 30% 30%--%!| Westc'st 285 $275 272 Macdon 2000 2 2 2 ci 100 $2134 2134 21% + Ye] Magna El 630 $19 «18% +18% + Ye] Westeel 745 $21% 21% Man Bar Z10 158 15¥e 15% CPR «1650 $717 71% 7134-- Yel Maher 300 $12 12 12 +l W Pacifie 150 $6% 6% Mattgmi 150 $134 13% 13% + Ve] C_ Petrofin 205 $13% 13% 13% + Ye! Manoir in 100 230 230 230 --5| Weston A 442 $2096 20% Maybrun 1500 10 9% 94-- a} Cdn Tire A 300 $19 19 19 --%!l M Lf Mills 100 $20 20 20 Weston B 200 $212 21¥% Mc intyre 100 $90 C Westing 600 $214 21% 21% Mass-Fer 980 $24 24 24 + 200 $29 28% Metal Min 546 115 115 11541 Caribben 200 210 210 210 --15 | MEPC 800 320 320 320 -- Midrim 4500 42 41 41 --2) Chat-Gai 250 $10Ye 10% 10%%--%! Molson A 150 $2434 2434 24% Seles to 11 @.m.: 910,000. Multi-Mi 1100 129 126 126 --4 | Chemcell 300 $1234 12% 12% Mon Food 1600 $92 94 94+ sedis iaeiasteninis N Goldvue 350 5 5 § Clairton 100 $14% 14% 1438+ 14! Montex 1100 200 190 200 +15 FOREIGN TRADING N Hosco 3000 245 242 242 --3 | Codville A 300 400 a Montex_w 1206 90 9 90 Place G 500 260 260 260 N Imperal 5000 330 325 325 --§ | Cominco 1070 $32 31% 31% Mont Trst 450 $16 16 16 Bralorne 200 205 205 205 +8 N Mylamea 2000 17% 174 17% Computr 100 $10 «10 Moore 25$107 107 107 +2%! Giant Yel 200 825 825 825 --35 N Que Rag! 2100 410 410 410 +10 | Con Bidgw 501 31 31 31 Morse A 220 $23 2323 K Anacon 100 120 120 120 --S N Sen 44400 44 41% 43%0+3 | Con Paper 105 $43 42% 43 + %! Morse B 740 $20 20 20 Leitch G 300 690 690 690 --35 New Taku 500 30 --3 | Con Pap w 200 945 945 945 --5 | Murphy 100 $734 7% 7%+W| Sisco 00 500 500 500 --I5 Norbaska 2200 60 60 & Con Papr p 125 $26 5% Nat Trust 100 $19% 19% 19%+%| Un Kene 1000 455 455 455 --S Norbeau 6500 39 «(39039 Cons Gas 850 $16% 16% 16%1-- Ye! Neon 100 $6% 65% 6%--%| Willroy 1000 120 120 120 Norlex See list below. Con Gas r 3431 4948 NB Tel 280 $15%4 15% 15% Normetal 190 415 ag as oy : 7 S Noranda 220 $52 51% 51% -- Va lorpax ee lis' low. bg N Ms a-- ¥ RE RK Northcal 3434 34 -- 1 | Cosmos 25 $104 104 10% Nor al ny P os Su a hae % MO wo aN CANADA Mocau™ St 2 51 | Slow Ret Us Se Ae at | Ror Secchi ie a aw] The unemployment rate in lorthga' 0 io 51 North can 1100 115 112 112 a| Crush In 125 $id ld Ida -- Wo ae me a Canada has been less than that Gpermske 00 $10% 1014 10% + M6) Cronus A 100 380, 380. 700s ag] Osnewa A 460 $344 3408 34h of the United States since the irchan 30 0 230 --S§ Osisko 5500 69 68 69 Distl Seag 2116 $3914 39 39% eas Pes w ar SO rid wi ty summer of 1968. Fecar 3300 185 184 185 +g | Dome Pele 160 $53% 53% 53% + % ina 250 $1144 1134 119% Pating | 220, N10 905 910 -- 5 ben cua ae ee an | Phin ce 8 58 ce Expl See Ilst below. Pic fame atu Pw tvs ul Somme' ots fet We He | bronchi ge iw ate * "Hl DEALING YOUR ine Point 110 $51% 51% 51% + % 16a -- % ne Placer 100 $35 35 35 --a%| D Textile 200 $24% 24% 24% + Ve anon 'No Hos 1098 1098 = Ye CAR ? Preston 4035 $18% 18 18%4+ v4] Econ Inv 375 $l 11 11 -- 4! Rank Org 415 $50 5 Sled Z Que Chib 2000 12% 12% 124+ %4| Econ Inv p 220 $434 43% 43% Rapid Gr A 1050 $7%4 7% 734 -- Vs Que Man 3000 2% 2 24 +1 Emco 225 $16%% 16%a 16Va R Nodwell 900 345 340 45 + 5 The Men Te See Is Quemont 700 825 820 825 +10| Fairbnk M 225 $74 74 74 Rolland 225 $12% 12% 12% Quonto Ne ie Bs | Falcon 255 $87 86% 87 Royal Bnk 47 $82 82 82 Rio Algom 1448 $3114 30% 314+1 | Fed Grain 1200 $6% 6% 6%--%| Salada skkkm)10'4 10% 104+ Ve Rio 5.80 Pr 10 $103% 103% 103% -- %4| Fleetw'd 100 $23 23 23 Scot York 225 $12 12. 12 Rio Alg cw 2800 $16 1512 16 + %| Ford Cnda -- 10$136¥4 13614 1364 --1 | Seaway H 200 $5¥4 S\e SUh-k We Roman 9534 $1834 1734 18% + %| EPE Plon 2125 $24%4 24% 24% Selkirk A 350 $114 11% 11%4-- Va ie Satellite 500 234 232 22+ v| Fraser mo 6 OM Shell Inv p 100 $29 29 H Sherritt 5450 400 390 400 Eceinen 100 475 475 475 +18 | Shell Inv W 1850 975 965 975 +10 Silvrfids 500 315 315 315 --85 cuenaet 225 $174 17% 17'4 Can --'120 $265 264 26%8-- Ve Sil Miller 1000 12. 12 12 | SMe m0 $92. 91 92 Simpsons 25 $272 274 27 | at Silva 7008 lst below, . Se ee py Jun gis --2| Slater Stl 600 $10% 10% 10% -- Ww! iscoe 495 490 0 a --- Stanrck 1000 286 286 286 +1 GL Power 2000 $232 2314 2314 Nhung ee en ee ee ONTARIO MOTOR Sud Cont 1000 21 21 «21 ~--%4| Greyhnd 210 $25% 25% 25% ST Radio 25 $29% 2% 29% SALES Texmont 500 68 68 68 --1} | Hard Carp 270 $15 15 15 Steel Can 2452 $25% 25 25% + % Ti Tombill pl 106 106 106 --1 Hier a 2 Mie 13% 13% + Ve! Stuart Ol $0 $52 82 52 EYP. 'ormont 7--"% 95 395 -- in wows 4 Hea cle 5 Suptest od 100 $24% 24% 24% + % Upp Can 200 140 140 140 --6 | White Star 2000 2 2 29 --'% : Wilco 2200 41 404 41 +114| E Windfall 1000 (17 WV Vea Wr Harg 2100 78 78 78 Yk Bear 1000 186 185 18 +1 Yukon C 4800 101 101 101 Zenmac m5 21 21 2 Zulapa 1000 16% 16 16 Alminex 300 430 430 430 { Am Leduc 2500 152 15'a 154 | Asamera 100 425 425 425 + § @ HAVE JUNIOR MATRICULATION OR HIGH SCHOOL LEAVING Bantf 1240 $13Ve 12% 13Ve CS Pete See list below. CERTIFICATE C Ex Gas 500 360 360 360 Can Sup O 139 S344 34% 3444 + Ye Se ctene Baez Ops 090 @ WANT A CAREER FEATURING CHALLENGE -- ADVENTURE -- s what tilizer. rantees it, u'll get i. | gardens. owing urn ass e Doctor R. EN tS CENTRE HWAY NO. 2 -3396 ock'"' ae aaaciaeeecaaall ITRE 725-6551 aa en ces In Oshawe TER ALTA ME I E LTD. TRE 805 r 1300 $11% 11% 11% + % Chieftan D 800 625 620 620 ROBERT JOHNSON BUY & SELL with confidence CALL Robert Johnson Keith Peters Realty Ltd. (Realtor) PERSONAL SATISFACTION -- CAREER DEVELOPMENT -- GOOD PAY AND BENEFITS CONSIDER JOINING THE CANADIAN COAST GUARD AS A NAVIGATION OR MARINE ENGINEERING CADET, To meet the expanding role and importance to Canada of the Coast Guard, young men are being selected now for training to start in September, 1967. While training at the new bilingual Canadian Coast Guard College at Sydney, N.S., FREE BOARD AND LODGING, UNIFORMS, TEXT BOOKS, YEARLY VACATION AND A MONTHLY ALLOWANCE ARE PROVIDED. INTERESTED ? Then fill out the form below and mail it before MAY 5, 1967 to the Director, Personnel Services, Department of Transport, Ottawa, Ontario and further details will be provided to you. THE NUMBER OF CADETS TO BE SELECTED !S LIMITED DON'T WAIT Director, Personnel Services, Department of Transport, Room 980, Hunter Building, Ottewe, Ontario. Dear Sir, Please forward complete information regarding officer training in the Canadién Coast Guard. NAME reer rere rr rere reer rrr eer erey 103 King St.E. | BO av iis A Siges canes 728-7328 | CITY/TOWN ....255 ENG SC AER bse A, eas Ss p F the Commerce At the Commerce we provide banking service where it is required seein your own home town or wherever you go in Canada. That is why we have made sure there is an operating Commerce branch at Expo '67... open seven days a week at convenient hours. If yow are planning a visit to Expo, see your local Commerce branch first. There you can obtain Expo Passports at a lower cost than if purchased at the gate; Bonus Books which will enable you to purchase refreshments, transportation and amusement tickets at a discount, and Travellers Cheques which are convenient, quickly replaceable and readily cashable. And remember wherever you go in Canada, the Commerce is ready to serve you. CANADIAN IMPERIAL 1967-Our Hundredth Year of Banking Service. BANK OF COMMERCE

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